THURSDAY. AUG. 20th. 1959 PAETWOTI CAKADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMAANVL. &ONTAIUO Bowmanville Orators Take Part 1 o opAp- À & Mr à 1 UUu ueueg Ontario Legic Approxinaately 1500 Bra.ncb Delegates attendcd tbe 211t Bi- ennial Convention o!fOntarlo Command Canadian Legion' held in Kitchener Aug. 2 ta fibb. Almost every Legion Branch in the Province was represent- cd including delegabes from Branch 178, Bowmanvillc, namely, Mr-. and Mrs. E. J. Run- die, Mr. and Mrs. Ron E. Rich- ards, Frank Burns and S. J. Adams. Ail accommodation available in the City o! Kitchener, Wa- terloo, Preston and surround- mng district was completely fil- ed 10 capacily. The opening day, Sunday, saw the Registration o! Dele- gales at Branch No. 50, Kit- chener. At 2:00 a buge parade o! Legionnaires including six bande and Masscd Color Par- lies paraded i Watcrloo. Des- tination was Seagramn Stadium the Officiai Drumnhead Ser",ice took place On tue re- tura route of flic parade.,flie Governor-General of Ontario i and the Dominion and Provin- cial Presidents laid. wreatsa the Waterloo War Memnora. At 8:00 tiie Officiai Opening o! the Convention took place in the Kitchener Memorial Atm- diterium with the Hon. J. Keil-J er Mackay. L;Ieut.-Governor o f Ontario. officiating. His Hon-ý our delivcred a very înspiringý address le fixe hugje crtlwdt jpresent.. Prior to ibis. the SSer- vice of Reîenbrance wu$ lhid and in fthe opinion of thtts-e present. tiisc wns çprrhafas tut Most imprc5s1i% eacîbtn. Service thiev hlie! verwtîc- cd. The ligihts werr diruîîîd in lbe huge Arciax. solga*werc !ocussed lowardizcone ceni on ia buge replica of theLaclonioaa, England, War NMeiiorial whiale a Silver Cross Mother pi.aeed a wreatb ut the foot o!f lic colun whilc pipere pinyced tih e nieit and Buglers played the Last Post and Reveille. The Kitchener Musical Socie- ly Band rendered- niany mal1- lary numbers to tbc delight of thc crowd. J Monday. Tuesday and Wed- ncsday, Aug. 3. 4 and 5tli were dcvoled ta the Sessions at thîe Memorial Auditotium wcre the great manv reports-, recom- niendations anîd reý %vere heard alnd prescnfed to tlic flaor for approval. Address- es were given during the Ses- sions by Hon. A. J. Brooks- Minister, Department o! Veter- ans Affairs; Mlr. T. D. Ander- son-Chairman. Canadian Pen- Sion Commission;:VM-. G. Par- liamient-Director General. Vets Welfare Services: Com. Dave Burgess - Dominion Presidcrnt, Legion. Ottawa: Mrs. M. Rich- ardson - President. Ladies, Need up to 125OO? i Here are 4 reasons zwhy you're wise ta see HFC 1. SurprfrgIy low nerest rat es. Forr bans over $1500. HFC,* charges are equivalent to slightly lm t han 8% discount on 30 or 36 month repayment plans. 2. Smaller monlhiy payments. Compare the mmn of y-u HFC paynicnts on bigger loans with wbat you would pay elsewherit HFCs lower montbly payments fit yowi budget bette. 3. B&mkable security not requlred. 4. prompt service. HFC prides itsieff on gvig the faste«t ban selce in Canada. Stop in or phone I*FC today for thie mû c «àiuxoen sreamnu inony service. 64 King Shoot Eau:sst ga e a a s Toeophone RA 54526 Oshawa Shopping Centm . . . ;46 aq. phone RA 5-1 139 OSHIAWA Replace that cg WORN-OUT FUI Sp ecify atural E for economy d( NOTHING DOWN, EASY PAYMENTS OVER 5 YIARS ON MONTHLY GAS BULS Seo thoe NATURAL GAS, AUITOMATIC CLEAN DEPENOABLE ECONOMICAL MODERN CONVENIENT BES? SUITED TO AUTOMATIC CONTI FREE BURNER SERt q.u u Ge II.ti Ipp.nt lm nate bey, moa t. sin Y., Gaz company doo« not ompl@y door-to-dlo., sale convasses. For information about dealers icenied1 Bourid te sou i "id ai s aturai ques qulpmant cal DPmpdm»oneft7 PAGE TWO - I ecoe efectve.Long Distance Charges Free calling DtITIU1MVI.............Hampton's new numbers i n c lude btenHmtnadBwini - ..~ m. nd rs Frd HthaayI COlfax 3" ani four figure. remains in effet. ~~' V Port Huron, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- i liamn Bailey, Ingersoll are guests Ibis week with 1%&. and TUE BELL TELEPHONI COMPANY 0F CAN4ADA Mrs. James MeKinnon. 't M.1rs. Thomas Jackson ilaiiiu , Whitby for Ibis wcek attendingr advantetSghS for Leaders at the t. a v na e aieCollege. -'inc5a" va. ~ SILENTmount, spent lhe past week COMFAct with ber mother, M=s. Richard' 'ROLS FA f gahrig Itie A FEW HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS homne o! Mrs. Ernest Beer and (ICE Mr. and Mrs. Allan Beer lasl' Look up the number in your new Hampton ~t., f Ia t ..,~Sunday included Bruce Beer 4 supplementary directory before dialing. adfamily o! Brampton, Mr.1 «Mon nor hobophone and Mrs. Fred Barnard andi * Dial the five figures only on local cail. in by the Ontario Fuel Miss Faye Barnard, Mrs. N. D. Hampton. 9 orwrie te siesBuchanan, Allan Patton, ail o! ~ o wit lb Sle IPeterborough,; Mr. and Mrs. * On calis tb Bowunanville and Oshawa and Arthur Stewart and famuly, on ail Long Distance calls, use the full IIda; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh David- ubr 2ltesad5fge. ~ ~jas c~~~~on and famuly o! Oakwood; ubr... etr nd5fgrs lj wMr. and Mrs. Edgar Beer and -lot down the new numbersî in ýyour Blile !am.lly, Mr. and Mrs. Aibani~-Nîl.s and, Mr. Basil Wo. 101,adTîpio comaof I.akefipid, vixited wjth Mr. and Mas Thomas Jennings Ibis week and led the study ~ ~ % < cultural and Colonization De. for several days this week. period, reviewing in brie! the Co)~ln G. Ljrofl partent of the Canadian Na- Çarelyn Sznith is a patient iu lessons through the year on the tio aialways. When with the Sick Children's Hospital, To- Continent of North America. t~ ~C.N.R. lie organized and took ronto,, undergoing surgery on "Religious liberty cannot tbrive Dies inflToronto overseas a party of 70 Cana- her right armn. Her mother, Mrs. on indifference" said Mrs. Beer. dian farmers for a study of Carl Smith, la staying with her *'Our missionaries work for re- Colin G. Groîf, Known fromn marketing in Britaira and Den- a te s t e n d i Toron~to for a few days. ligious freedom and that we coast to ooast for his life-time1 mark. He spent several years Andrew Watson, Peterbor- may have life abundantly. The! of newspaper and agricultural with the Nova Scotia Depart- ough, spent several days dur- cail of secularism is one great work, died suddenly at his ment of Agriculture as an In- ing the week with Mr. and Mrs. difficulty in the prors fhm,14Boda v. o omto fie )n o n e n io WllamPhilis.Chisiait."ronto, August 10, 1959. He joined the Canadian War- Clarence Buller, Brantford, Mr. inifedSpencerpre-. He is survived by hiswife, time Prices and Trade Board a stogduinth rsweek. rm-sided for the meeting with the 1 Katherine, and two daughters, n14 salasnofcri il u'ca ry. consolation to ail losers. Il Îs sr n rs. Orh e W rîgîî members singing the theme iMrs. Herbert Gunn and Mrs. charge o! agricultura] informa- Ms ro rgtsn.rpaigteWlcvr rheDnls oho o ion between the Board and The lPraovinmcial Public Speak-I hoped that in the coming years and family are at their summer sang eaUt sing theWatvbon.rdAche o, ndsby otsin olito CndanBodasgCr jg Fina ls ' e held ai the tis Public Speaking Contest cottage near Burnt River pidci owrsi nUlSn onoadb n o olin tioCnadin Broaing Cor- kE.astwood Collegiate,Kitchener. will go on to bigger and better ti The scripture lesson wvas read Wilson Groff of Edmonton. One prto.Te ejie b thas ~bv Mrs. Walter Rowland andso abeintewrTe Canadian Federation o! Agri- A iackedhal of pprximae]yt.higs.Perry Bothwell, Peterbor- Iis ereWad e n' late Mr. Groff is survived also cluea ertr n14 n aUi> LeGionnaires and their Waterloo branch won the ough spent the past wek ith ereWdel e utr sScrt n14 n %ives aiteanded and listenied to great honor of being namned, I&a John White. prayers. by two ssters in Western Can- condued pub 955liceaoswfurl wnetloratory on the part "rnho h er hy isLuaHutchnonvisit MrsThomaJackson will ai- ada, Mrs.Robert Kerr, Mrs. J. as ewîî in 1955he C.FA.edutl fied te corne to Kitchener by en Trophy. The Trentonian; at their cottage at Saa 0w Whitby Ladies' College next 13 grandchildren. thewrkotefdea wanrnniiig their individual Zone newspaper of Trenton, Ontario, ake last week. wcek and was instructed to Bon in Manitoba, Mr. Grof f tien in Ottawa until 1958 when -and District Finals. was awarded the trophy fori Miss Leone Smidth wvas hion-I purchase a new Study Book for was educated in Ontario. He he moved to Toronto. Since 'l' Bowrnanvillc delegation giving the finest news cover-, ored with a iscellanieous the next year. devoted many years to d.aily then bis services had been en- certiiiiulv were proud because age 10 Legion affairs during the shower given by lier frieaîds in tth loo0 temetn newspaper work in Western gaged on a part-time basis bv7 ttwo filialist-s. namiely Miss Peg- year. Bethan: on Nlonda eveningA t a so clorsejohemet itg Canada, before entering the the Ontario Federation of Agri- j ~ iio.of Erniskillen and Timmins will be the site of.ascl orw ejydwt field of agricultural. publicity. culture. Bernard Battuis of the Ontario the 1961 Convention. Comnrade Jprir Ther marria elHrrd h isen evig rfr -He became public relations di- Training School, were compet- H. Eaton of Newmarket was tae he enal as hicld an ments. rector for the Government of -inig. elected as incoming president. prettily decorated with baskets Diamond lVedding Alberta, then joinied the Agri- FINE QUALI'T Alt.hough both these contest- Spe-cial arrangements were! o! flowers, Pink and white Sn-y uut1t a MONUMENTS AND) ais were unfortunate in net made t e enertairi the ladies streamners and confetti ballons.! very happy day for Mr. and, Jr., who now iarrics on in the MRES winniing their particular Class, who accompanied their dele- Miss Dianne Bigelow read thel Mrs. Fred W. Reynolds as thev, business establisnied by hic thev certainlv gave a fine ac- gate husbands Wo the conven- addtess of congratulations, W'ith celebrated their Dijamond Wed- grandfather: two granddaugh- I.5lbd~ colint of themselves. The con- tion. They were taken on con-, Miss Leone Jordan, Miss Judy dj ing Annivcrsary. Marly con- trMs onCalc Pg (U~\dm. gratulations of the Town and ducted tours, including the DeGeer, Miss Donna Dur-han ratuaov esge.foers, ) !Mbro Cand Mrs g hTAFOF jBranch 178. Canadian Legion,lGuelph Agricultura] Collegeiand Mrs. Gordon Smith. .pre-ad lts ry ebreeived fwrm Thofas Balok <atane'j o!STAFR D shoîîld go te both thp.sp young-1 and saw Otheflo being present-; senting the giit. h'rrids. Pontvoool: &- foair grand- sters for- tle finle effort' mau,- cd at ilbe S ,,L-.ýs»earean Festi.. M*îws Judy DeGuer ci recl-n JleAneCalie- in Kitchener. vai a, Stra:fo'9d as wcll as a the program. w uith. Dianne ana ýThe vecfrLaîg cel-enony of 60 i"i"ev.Jlen Challice. oi alk Ontario Comnmand presentedi fashion show. On bthe1fial asy Bigelow siniginig two yeais &go took place at tiiei aodnev Callicae. m alk large cups to the inners of evening, thev were guests at a duels. aceompan ied by Mrs. homie Of thie bricle's uncle and -n--ada-- Bd-- eaclî class and a $10 bill as a dinner -and dance in Kitchener. RgEdus.Sao Jon ant raciMs. James Arin- - -ston gave tw-o tap dancing nuni-, stlrOlig. Ja".etville. with Rev. L. Air. Rail or Steamshiv Stafford Dros. ber.-. Miss Marie Carr condtct-" Aclan of the Mýetlodist Churcia T 1 C K E T S t ~ ~ cd a cois whlichilvas woa ofticiatinga. Mrs. Revnolds. who TO EVERYWHERE N nnellWTC Reigo for o a by Mrs. Harr 'v Rylev. MNrs. Pre-,- w-Is the former MagrtHa-iConsuli Jackson sang two dues. Wýilliam Heaslip, had as her ý ( RV & L 0O V E I L Ph8oundsS.e .. Witb Miss Sniith t.hanked every. bridcsmaid. Miss Vina MeGill. i Là KiuR St. W. 01A 3-5778hooWtb T he Power of ' one !or the gifts and especip]- George Adam iasbthe groomns- , owmanville Mohawk 1-3552 arrangements. Lunch was serv- ai the early hour of seven _________ PersoniIIy ed by the ladies of bhe coin- o'cock in the mornino for they munity'. eh d te drive wibl-, horse and vr's eut A Weckly Talk Mr. and Mr.s. Gordon Smth! buggy to Lindsay in order toeo el eut entertaincd with a dinner par- catch the old Grand TukTI03 By Rev. R. IL Nicholson ty on Staurday evening in hon- train for Lakefield. and from NA E or o! ber parents, Mr. and MRs.2 ire on by boat te spend their Auto rn a t i cE I Joseph McCullough o! R. .2 hon eymoon at the Reynolds *A BLIND WIFE ..4' A -uo a i Personai s the greatest which as peculiar to you and'Pontypool. on theocain f alyotge"akRc"on-U M power that God has given te distinguislies you fromn every their 481h wedding anniver- Stoney Lake. ~n eig D.Lya Abtbjother individual iu the world. sary. CARRynld bs ee i sas1 Thr s oe1i a Your personality la what makes The family prescnted tbem business an Bethany formaY The car wasb that givgye says: "here i power n law you you, and mny personality is with a piatform rocker and er.Asno11.adM . enforced by police. There isa!wliat nakes me nie. "Person soeinepersonal gifis ,-as wYlt. C arle RenolsMr., aid Mrs. atge i g xeish. greater power in truth wwlh1hals eyols'r, ieha ta wx ins hcnaiyis a mans deepest and Those present were Mr. and been the local underbaker and URCTO fils the door o! the niind as the; fullest self, the founitain froan Mrs. Clarence MeCullougli of hardware merchant. He tias BRCTO kcy fits the lock, and gains whicb bas life flows, the force, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Jamnes figured prominently in the af- )IL CHANGE entrance to the faat bocked b hich bis work is done." McCullough and their daugb- fairs of the village as a mern- CRYA serl Thiexae, whsich s e ter o Personality can b. cultivated ters Jean and Linda, Mr. an~d ber of the Bethany Band, the FIK VflIE erines peby action. Butthe and enricbed. lb la nîoulded by, Mrs. Murray McCuliough and Athietie Association and Loy- u gxrelsl e r o aciln.iBu theo your environiienî, the book~s daughter Evelyn, Mr. and Orange Ledge No. 1022. He adTERE p eer slo sbclocret orn communion with God. Fer- ren Lynne, Sandra, Brian and just a boy o! 15 and in 1908 was nevr islb. natueeret!ilor sonality is always growing and'Maxine, all of Toronto; Gordon County Master. For many years explainedthnaueo sOP developing. Il is always be- J McCuIllough, Montreal. Que., lhe was a comnulasioner o! the eration. No educabion eau lm- par il Itla olinbritd; lscommng. Rev. Dr. H. E. Fosdick!land Harold McCullough. Pon- Manvers, Municipal Telephone posssso canolbequall ilto ays that "the mosb serviceabletyol Ssea an s.cer !th bisss childreu. Il aThomast gift. which any man can give, lb was a verv happy occasion School Board o! Trustees. the world is a radiant and in-;for Mr.aReynoldscCullouh f D'a Arnold a great beacher. Robert wardily victorious personality." as tb. gatbering wvas a complete Mastive words bas ben a f Sf k% I STATIO N E. Lee a great general, Abra- surprise for them, and the first vcryacieokrinheWm ham Lincoln a great leader, Harold Begbie and John Mor- àlm i h aiyhv ene' ntlt n u1.Wm PhiUlips Brooks a great prea: ley were one day aiter lunch, bogme llher fr sveraavears.n ens stuilando!nt.e aul'c cher Ilis ot onsîouly ut enage inp.r!oud cnvesa- Mis. Edgar Beer entertained Church, o! which both she and a w forth; it insensibly emanales." t ion over a CUP, o! coffee. They the members of the Wme's er husband have been faith- Persnaliy l tha unin o were discussing personality and Msinr oib !teu erbr.W V R W 9 Persnalty s tat nio ofthe rarity o! really great per- isonr oceyofteun- fl ebes ý .ies of hearl and mind sonalities, and the subtIe spel ie Church for their meeting They have one eon. Charles____________________________ bbey exercise. "Mr. Gladstone are sitting ber. at our ease, nlot ~ ~ ~ ~ wasting lime, but spending ilA in discussing high themes; but o stly if the door opened and Mr. Gladstone came Iuto the room, w. should turu frons our coffee and sit uprIghti n our chairs 10 talk te him. Why we should do RNACE 1 acicsso w nvlntrl moalilty o! emt ersonalityen evangelist, on one occasion paid a splendid tribute tW the per- somne narrow-zninded person J son ýis iii heUl", the good man rcplled:- "Well, if he is, h. will cerbainly have made a great a s chani th,bellope:Eer- Henry M. Stanley, the Aier- ica juralstwho found Da- vid Livlingstone in the heart of Africa, was a bard, practical ependabili ty mani of the world. He livel with fouringslunehfor opicsandil