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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Aug 1959, p. 7

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THURSDAY, AUG. 2Oth, 1D59 THt ~ANAhTAN ~'l'A9~MAiT~ ~IWMAMV1T.T.I! IWPA DTIi u~ A ~ ISocial î4 Phone Mr. andi Mis. Bil Mairs m toreti ta Lake Placiti antiLa] Champlain last weekenti. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Marjerx son spent a week visiting nel tives in Coinwall anti distri Mr. andi Mis. R. Hawthoîr Barney anti Daviti Kerr, we camping at Presqu'ile Point la weekend. MId. anti Mis. James Murdoc Alan and Mark have returi from a matitrip taiNe Brunswick. Miss Carol Maguire spent t] weekcnti with iüss Ruth G heen at the Goheen cotta, Fenelon Fallh. Mr. anti Mis. Everett Osbori returneti last week after a phe sant vacation at thein cottag Lakefield, ont. Bob Marjerrison antiBc Fairey have left to spenti week visiting relatives in Di trait anti Clevelandi. Mi. and Mis. A. W. Smit Liberty St. North, enjoyeti matai trip to the St. Lawren( Seaway last weekend. Mr. anti Mis. W. R. Wrigl andi family, Cariying Plac spent Sunday with bis mothe Mis. Wright, Church St. Mis. A. W. Hammond, T( ronto, was a week-end guest Mr. anti Mis. Haroldi Hammon anti family, Bowmanville. Mi. anti Mis. A. Samell Obiisty anti wee Davidi sper an enjoyable holiday at Bs3 view Lotige, Spaiiow Lake. Mi. anti Mis. Alec Lyle an fanuily. Flett St., bave netuine tram a mast enjoyable vacatio at Fiesta Villa, Bobcaygeon. Mis. Edna Campbell antiM: Foibes Wilson of Montre, were dinner guests with M: and Mis. Arthur Marjerrison. Mr. anti Mis. O. J. Pressor Davidi anti Suzanne bave rE turneti fmom a camping anti m toi trip ta the coast of Maini U.S.A. Guests over the weeken witb M. anti Mis. Fred Kno: and Dorothy were MissY Stantifielti anti Miss Josephin Taylor. Mr. anti Mus. E. V. Hoar spen the wcekenti with their son, Mi and Mrs. Charles Hoar ari farnily, at thei cottage, Lak Muskaka. Mr. anti Mis. G. R. Weegai David anti Janet of Port Cîcdi were recent visitais with ti former's sister, Mis. E. A. Sun mers, Centre St. Mr. and Mis. Michael Pul anti faxnily, Mi. andi Mis. Har old Haminonti anti family, spen a wcek's vacation at Cuitl Point, Rice Lake. Mr. anti Mis. W. A. DavL und family, tawa, aer trned home tafte spvendin six. wceks with Grandmî Wright, Obuich St. Mr. andi Mis. H. Daieb, Long Island, N.Y., are guests thi. week of Mr. anti Mis. AbbiE Darch, Simipson Avenue, nie newlng oId acquaintances. Mr. anti Mis. John Leishmar .nid Mrs. Wallace Holmes at. St. PauI's United Church Minister Bev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Organist Mis. Reta Dudiley, JA.T.C.M., L.C.C.M. 1100 *.. - TRINITYmand ST. PAUL'S CONGREGATIONS T rinity Uni Muuùster-Rev. Wm. K- manville, for a few wees. il i 40 years sinoe Mr. Staples 2s i1) 1 his native ony Darla, Michael, rnead Pamela have returned from MA 3-3303 Little Lake Park, Mdland, where they spent seven weeks jin the comfort of their trailer so- endd th reeptin fr ~ visiting Balin Beach, Wasaga noke andeMrsthearencei MortoMratBeach and Collingwood. ewcaMs L natunc rtonght Recent visitors with Mr. and Newcstleon Sturdy niht.Mis. Arthur Marjerrison, Flett ri. Mr. and Mis. T. Couch and St., were lier brother, Mr. and fla- son Barrie of Horne Payne. Mis. Hubert Doran and son ict. Ont., and Miss Hazel Barrie of Jinmme from Haileybury, Mr. re, Oshawa, visited with Mr. and and Mrs. Bob Briggs of Elhiott er Mis. Wallace Holmes on Sun- Lake andi Mr. and Mrs. George last day. Eheler of South Porcupine. Mr. Lloyd Ayre has returned Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mundy, ých, fiom Charlottetown, Prince Ed- M.r. andi Mis. Bun Welsh, Paul jed ward Island, where be wasiand Patricia, Mrs. Sid Tomlin- ýew jutige of the sheep classes at son, Bowmanville, Mrs. Cy Ash- their annual Livestock Exhibi- ton, Buiketoni, and AU. Harry the tion. Lennox and friend, Toronto, 7,- Mr. andi Mis. George P. Moi. have been ecent visitoîs with tge, ris and Karen vacationed last Mi. and Mrs. John Welsh, week with M.r. and Mrs. Doug Tweed. m~e Anger andi faniily at the Anger Mrs. Cecil Alldîead, Mr. and ea- ston. Mr. and Mis. Gordon Leslie, g, Mrs. R. Jarvie visited with Mrs. Chaîlie Shaw, anti Mr' Mrs. O. Meredith at Limestone Ralph Sbaw, ail of Oshawa,j iob Lake and also just returneti weîe Sunday guests of Mr. and a from a trip to Vancouver with Mis. Russell Hayward and fam- b)- er son, Mfr. andi Ms. George ily, Oshawa, who are holiday- Jarvie andtsons. ng at Little Lake. ýt, Recent visitors witb Mr. anid MC . nd Ms. Russell Gay, a Mrs. J.LiigwrMran orie MisBrc Gy ce Mis. Charles Edgerton, Detroit, Toronto, and Miss Edna Johns, Mr. andi Mis, C. A. MacLeod, Oshawa, visited Mi. ani Ms.J ht ort Ba, M. ati rs.MiRoy Jackson and Brenda Jean, ceBiaTrno Marmora, recently. Misses, ~r, is. arr HosackneeFlorence andi Leta Jackson re- Leila Galeand twin augh- eturneti home with them. having o- tes issesGale atwnd an, ofspent three weeks in Marmora. ~fLivona, Mich., are visiting the WAN G to lcl er rid former's aunt, Mis. T. S. Hol- chants. Accortiing to informa- gate, Division St. tion receiveti shoplifters are ac- Js, Mi niMs li osntive along King Street Already nt . h avedretrtiAhome afteîaone merchant to oui knowl- IY two-week vacation at their cot- 1 ege as been a victin.tAi tage, Scugog Island. Their so' merch at shulyif bevon th ndt Arnold and Mr. Ross Williams aeit, pare tihistifreveraln ýd also are home after a two-week piesondre the store a ht-n on holiday in Florida. tian tite tffidsot Mr. John Welsh and Jimmry, Sunday dinner guests with [r. Tweed, Mr. Bun Welsh anti Mi. andi Mis, C. H. Nesbitt andi ai Paul, Mr. Sid Tomlinson, Bow-Rs e MsMolHai, [r. manville, Mi. Cy Ashton, Bur'- Mrssil wereo Miss aroil, i. eto, ejoyd aweeendfis- 1Fursman, Miss Lorraine Lebert )n, ing trip at Deer Lake, Ontario.adM.Gr ebtl o re- Mr. anti Mrs. J. Hold atiMi ar Nsbt, ilo o- ati issCaro Plmme av Scarborough. Sunday visitors 1 io-andMis Caol lumer avewith the Nesbitts were Mr. e, returneti afteî a two-week trip;Keith Wood, Town, andi Mr. anti to Halifax where they visited , Mis. H. B. Morrison andi Hea- ndi LSEA3 O. Holdstock and Mi., ther, Leaside. E. anily. .Dwdl ndfm Miss Ruby Aldwoîth, Toron- ie i.anMi.GBagrhv to, spent Tuesday of last week netur.nd aftrs.G aeendvi n ~Bowmanviile. Miss Aldworth wiureath l aweeed dvsti was a dinner guest of Mr. J.i t ihreatives and riends in, Bird, George St., and supper I. Woodstock anti London, Ont.;geto r n r.Evn ri Daviti Badgeî îeturned home gustr onceMi.nMS. EMise ke aftei spendîng six weeks with AFdost, Coessin St. aMi bis giandparents. IMis. San McAllister ant iMiss *, Mi. and Mis. Gainet McCov Leta Jackson as well as îenew- 1 it anti Mi. anti Mis. Kaîl Hall, ing many former acquaintances. he have returneti from a visit with n. the foîmer's son and the latter's Genial "Muîph" of Murphy daughter, O.S.A.R. Jack and Company bas just retuineti kMis. McCoy anti family, Dart- from a trip to Chicago. There mkiouth, Nova Scotia. be visiteti The American Fui-1 r i.Ja eit aeS. niture Maît. This building was enteMrtani er homJae rcet-, built in 1924 and is the largest1 lis enetie iSe oe ee nthe world dtevoteti to a sin-i ly. Plans were stanted for gle industry. It bas five milesi lsCourt Venture L1892, Canadian of corridors and about 690 ex-1 e. Ortier of Foresters, annua2l ba- hbtosfo atre n3 g9za ob helti this Fail. states. He alsoý visiteti several1 la Little Miss Debbie Staintoni, other huge furniture markets;1 PrneStreet, was a recent seeing in person the very new-1 kg guest with -lier grandparents, est in furniture tiesigns. Stretd Mrs. V. Jeffeiy, Duke Srewhile ber parents, Mi. Mis. Melissa Archer of Wind- ie andi Mis. Ray Stainton, vaca- sor oldest native of Bowman- tioneti in the Atiuîondacks. ville, celebrateti ber 102nti Mr.andAlr. HrryTayorbirthday on August l3th. For Mi a Ms Harry T ae a lorn, a long life she ativises "Just1 Sask., are visiting the former's fsta.Misa rc adherewos aofe mother, Mis. Joe Taylor, On- u" r.Acewoi gl tario Street. Mr. Taylor is local anti mentally spry, collects chii-t manager of the Dominion Store na pitchers. She owns approxi-( mamuoh spemaîetin e-mately 2,000 in vaiious siztesc mammth uperarkt inRe-anti shapes, the smallest about gina. the size of a large pea anti: Mi. andi Mis. Ralph Carru- largest ones being too huge ta theis, New York City, spent a be any place but on the floor. few tiays last week visiting bis Mis. Archer bas liveti in Wind- parents, Mi. and Mis. W. H. son for 76 years. Hen husband, Carruthers anti also members David, tieti in 1946. of the family. They were guests of bis sister, Mi. anti Mis. Roy It was with great interest we Lunney, Scugog St. reati a review mn the August c Mis.J. H Swidefl basre- 3th issue of The Daily Progress, Mrs.J. . Sindels.hasre-Charlottesville, Virgina, of a turneti afteî a month's visit play "Nude with Violin" pie- with lier son, Mi. anti Mis. Roy senteti by the Virginia Players a Swindefls, Edmonton, Alta. On at the University's Minor Halla the îeturn trip Mis. Swindells Theatre. Mis. Kenneth Bley stoppeti at Winnipeg for a two- (nee Ruth Hutchinson, daughtei week visit with hier sîster, Mi. of Mis. M. J. Hutchinson, town, t anti Mis, W. E. Collicutt. was a member of the cast. Mis. C Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bacli, L.R.S.M. 11:00 ans. - MORNING WORSIIP "We Know Before We Ask" St.. Paul's and Trinity Congregations worship ln Trinity A FRIENDLY WELCOME TO ALL REHOBQTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog S&tret Bowinanville MORYING SERVICE - 10:00 a-ML - Englisi. EVENIG SERVICE - 7:30 p.m. - Duteb StINDAX SCHOOL AFTER MORNING SERVICE ""Back To God Hour" BroadcaulI CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.m. every Suaday 8:30 a.m every Sunday, CFRB l fanti tit thorougbly enjoy it all. On leaving Toronto Ray recciv- acils S . sttig he GIaddbolus Soc.a Recital Concert in Washington,Sh w H r DCon Octaber 4 ho rer A unique meeting taok place eI when Mi. andi Mis. Wum. White- LVVt Weekend beati anti thein tiaughters, Su- The Gladiolus Society's Dis- san anti Linda, spent Thurstiay, trict Flowei Show helti at the August 13t, in Port Doyen, whcre they visiteti Mi. anti Legion Hall on Satuitiay Aug. Mis. F. Bowery anti family of 15th, was enjoyed. by many Brantfordi at their summer cot. people fnom Bowmanville and tage. Mirs. Bowery anti Mis. neighbauring communities. The Whitehead bave been pen-pals bautiful dispays of flowcrs in for 20 years anti this was the a number of categories wcnc first tinte they bati seen each much admired. other. Duiing 1937-40 Mis.I Entiies weie receiveti from Whitehead wonketi for John' many places in Durhami and, Dougail & Sons, Printeis anti Ontario Counties andi the prize- Publishers of The Northcîn winning flowers were particu- Messenger, a Sunday School larly nemankable ibis year paper. It containcti a pen-pal column anti when there was a shortage ofc edtrshe useti toBR W S lhel outthe dito bywiiting B O N under Uic name Joyce Lamb. MisJncPamrCmp This was a combination of ber MisJnc PamrCmp second name anti hé1f of ber belicroft, anti Miss Sandia King, surameEva Joye Lmb-Ricbmondi HMl. visiteti for a aurne. Mrs. Bowery, then fwdy eetywt s known as Margaret Angus from Wendy Wilson. Brantford, wrote into tihe col- A family piecnsc was hcld at umn anti Mns. Whiteheadi an- the borne of Mr. anti Mrs. R. swercd bei letter. For 20 years j irpson on Suntiay anti arotuii they bave shareti eacb otheî'sI 50 attendeti. joys anti sorrows anti ncws ofj A speedy recovery is uished, cach of their families. Mrs. for Mr. Bob Stephenson wlic Whitehead bati met two of Mrs. ibas ibeen in Meunorial Hospital, Bowcry's brothers anti on Au- Bowmanville, since last Friday. gust 13th met one of ber sis- Mr. Ross Boyd anti'Mn. Eti. ters along with ber mother. \Ve Brandt, Toron to. spent a week can well imagine the "gab ses-j at their camp up north recently sion" whichi followeti the meet-. anti Mis. Ross Boyd and the ing. __________ boys stayeti with Mis. Brant jduning that time. Bay Mis. William Call hati her ay __ad _onGay___dain siserani onGay oldaim 4seivicewith er for lasi week. Service1 L 0 (Continucti from ipage one) graduateti from Mount Allison University, Sackville, N.B. withi a Bachelor of Arts degree with' Honours in English Language anti Literature. Fnom titis University he wentj on to McGill University, Mon- treal, wbere be took post-grad- uate work in Eniglisit Language, anti Literature anti receiveti bis Master of Arts degîce. He stu- dieti at the Uniteti Theological 1 College, Monta-cal, anti graduat- cd as golti medalist ai bis class with the Baclîclor of Divinity degîce anti tas awartied a Tra- velling Fcllowship ior study1 abroati. He attendeti Oxford Univer- sity in Englanti where he was awarded that Univeisity's de- gree af Diploma in Tbeologa In 1956 be was 'honaureti by(his Aima Mater, the United. Theol- ogical College in Montreal with the tiegice of Doctor af Divin- ity. Since bis ordination ta the, ministry of The United Chuîcb ai Canada in 1935, Dr. Berry hati a wide experience in thei nrin.istiy bath in Canada antid in Great Puitain. Previous to i bis ordination he senveti thiee years in Ncwfoundland as a fuli-time midssionary of The Unitedi Church on islantis off 1 Uic noith-east shore ai New- fountilanti.i He also serveti on five stu- dent mission fieldis in the Con- fenence of Saskatchewan. Since his ordination he seiveti bath tic congregational Union ai Englanti anti Wales anti the Methodist Chuîcb in Great Bi-' tain preaching in many of the Central Halls anti City Chur- ches in, Britain. In Canada, he bas been min- [ster of the histaric church aif St. An'diew's, Martintown, Glengarry, Ontario. Hc bas also been ministen of Grace Cbuîch, Lachine, Quebec, anti af King Miemonial Cburch, Winnipeg. F'rorn Uic latter Churcit be wasI called by tiecision ai the 19461 General Council of thc Unitedi 1 Church to bis present position 1 wiith the Board ai Evangelism and Social Service. He senveti as Associate Secretary of that Board in Western Canada frorn' .946-1951 whcn be was calleti to Toronto ta succeeti Dr. R. Cý Chalmers in the heati office of' the church. Dr. Berry's work in. social ervice covers the whoie f ield of practical social service withl orne responsibility for the adi-j ninistration of the social ser- vice homes, as well as the great social problems af gambling,! bevenage alcohol, vice andj rugs, anti the larger fieldi of! iternational anti national poli- tics. ýy ý u %liLautilb wilu in z angeism, l. flVfl t UU weie probably the first from pioncer work in aîganizing Canada to arrive in Hunza where schools of evangelism for mnin- the sturdien citizens live 110 isters anti Schools for Elders ycaîs on more. The Hunza Riv- foi laymcn. He bas contiucted ci flows Uirough a 200 mile val- many evangelistic cam-paigns ini ley af the Karakoram foothilîs lange cities, towns anti villages in nortb-western Kashmir, 11P acîoss Canada. He has publish. near Uic China border. The cd articles, pamphlets ant i IHunzas have long been famous a contributon to religious jour- for gooti health anti the gicat nais in Canada anti the United age they reach before death. States Legenti bints Uiey may be de- scendants of Uic troops who fol- He is the author of This In- lowcti Alexantier of Macedon ciedible Thing - Evangelîsi into India. The two men tak- publisheti îccently by The By- i Sg titis trip weîc Mr. Tobe, erson Press. Toronto. Iwho is a seti merchant anti writci, anti Mn. Cecil Brunton, wois principal of the Parlia- ST RV TTt metOake SchooL. Mn. Brunton STARKVI.5JLJL was a member of the Bawman- ville Public Scbools teaching Mr. anti Mis. Llew Hallowefl staff several years ago. returneti last wcek from their holiday in Western Canada. Mi. anti Mis. Ray Dudley leit Mr. anti Mis. Albert Rogers Saturday for New York City, anti family, Oshawa, visiteti Mr. iwhcre Uicy wil spenti a fcw andi Mis. M. Shutka. tisys, then motor to Oxford, Last week Alvin Souch 'bad North Carolina, to visit bier pan- thc misfortune of an injury ents, Rev. J. D. anti Mis. Young. whiuic engaging in a bail game They will retuin in September andi was taken ta Memnonial ta their home 4416 DcckartiH Dr., Eastern Heights, Bloom- Hoptl ingtoný, Indiana, where Ray will The ladies oft Shioh W.A. resume teacbing bis master met at thc borne of Miss C. W. classes at Uic University of In- Stewait last wcek. Mrs. Harolti diana. Ray anti bis bride have Sauch andi Miss Stewart were enjoyeti the sum nme holidaying in charge with thc piesident with bis parents, also living in Mis. Jim. Stark directing Uic Toronto anti visiting frientis at bsness portion, Grand Benti, Lake Simcoe, Kit- Mi. and Mis. Brian Caswell chener, attendîng the Stiatford anti family, Mn. andi Mis. Llcw Music Festival, playing in Ot-j Hallowell anti sons anti Miss tawa anti visiting in Montreal CrGwen Stark wcic Sunday din- anti Qucbcc Cîty. Lest week ner guesta with Miss Norma was spent with bis parents at Hailowell. their cottage on Stoney Lake., _________ Ray was veiy anxious ta, show bis wife somne of the bcauty With what a heavy and re- spots of Ontario anti Quebec, tarding weight does expecta- which she hati not scen before tion loati the wing of time.- andi ahe was muoh surpriseti William- Mason._ 1: 'I 'I Porti Mope Approves 700 Pupil School Approval, of a new 700 pupil high school in Darlington was given by the Port Hope Coun- cil at a meeting helti on Mon- day evening. The council de- ferred approval of a proposeti new high school in Millbmook on the grounds that the neces- SWe Deliver sity of building tbis uchaol has! notben povn.Dog ities in the aTea assume- h r c share of building cost t Tru c paiti by Cavan anti Millbiook teldn isse Tis ou]ti icate At Pr, ould vtg o voting block which coulti ap- A dog sudi prove immediate constiuction the noat w, of a single sebool for Darling-. accident on ton. .at I1:40flocg'n Hose Routes Pesky Varmints Who LeA Mark Lest Monday evening Chonlie Betties, King Street Fast, got maie liban a mere "shot in the arm" as he was cutting his back lawri. Ini fact, he receiveti numerous «"sçhots,' un various parts of bis anatomy. Apparently sanie wingeti beasties bat matie their home in a sniug hole at the foot of a post. Chale knew they werc Ilicie anti very carefully avoitict getting too close as be gave the lawn a brush cuit. As he was innocently en- grasseti in bis work, thcy at- tackcd, for sanie reason, known only to the wee stingcis. For a Vplit second Charlie was iTn- mobile as be was covereti fnom heati to toc with libese baîbcd torturers. When the waving af bis anms andi a fast jig proveti futile, he diashedti taa hose fortunately cannectedti t the outsitie. Luckily it wasn't their bath day andtihei treat- ment was a succcss. Seriously, thougb, Mr. Bet- tIcs was very fortunate intieti ta suffer no seîious aften- effects fioni Uic multiple stungs be receiveti. Chaîlie knows tbcy wemen't becs, but didn't taketh i me ta asceitain whethei tlhey wene wasps or bornets. Who bath not learcti that when alone he bas bis own thougbts to guaiti, anti when, stiugglinýg witb mankinti bis I tempen, anti in socicty bis I tongue?-Mary Baker Edidy. 1 whicb resulti being tiemol accident hal MINERAL OIL I.D.A. Brand - 16-oz., Your Local I.DA Drug Causes Crash 'estonvale ldenly running acnoss vas Uic cause of an iTuesday afternoon >k on No. 2 Highway Led in a frailer truck lisheti by fine. The NOTICE Faf! Term Classes wiil commience 0on Tues., Sept. 8 at the O)SHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE Last year 135 young people registered and were able ta secure positions in Local Business Offices. Demand for Business College Graduates increases each year. REGISTER NOW! Enrolment is Limited. FREE BULLETIN Available. CLIP AND MAIL COUPON Please send FREE BULLETIN and all particulars regarding Business Training ta: 43c, 87c 1.101 STOMACH POWDER 79c, 1.89 ID.A. Brand - 4-oz., 16 oz., reg. 95c, 2.45 Rfelene Curtiz Woodbury Spray NetSapo Super Sofiand Begaugmpo Regularly 79o Reg. 1.25 59C 79c NYLON COMBS Peg. 5 for mec 5 roir 49c COLGATE Pepsoden.t Florient Dental Cream Air Deodorani Plus lOc Off - eg. Boa Prl"iGN EM 79c 63c Odo-Ro-No Spray Deodorant 1.50 value 98C 63e SIZE Colgate Dental Cream plus 2 Cakes Palmolive Soap AUl for 63e + HAY FEVER REMEDIES + For welcome relief ta sufferers, we have an extensive selection of -reliable remedies. Here are a few of themn: Benzedrex Inhaler ______________85e Bronchida Cold Capsules 1.25 Chior-Tripolon - 18't _______.~~ 1.00 Coricidin 75c, 1.15, 4.15 Dristan- 1.25, 2.25, M.5 Idaphedrin Spray - 95e - Drops - f65c Privine 95c Pyribenzamine 65c, 2.30 Vicha Inhaler ________________490 Highway at Prestonvale. A Bennett Paving Company trailci truck driven by Donald Alan Gray, Celina Street, Osha- wa, was proceeding west tiown butl. The car in fiont of the truck sloweti town quickly to avoiti a tiog, anti the truck ini an attempt to prevent a collision went into the deep tiitcb on the north side of the bigbway. The trailen truck caught fiie. but the driver fortunately cscap- cd mnjury. The vebicle was completely demolisheti. Constable Leonanti James, O.P. Name Address Telephone Grade Attained ini High School________ q SPECIAL VALV ES AND REZiMMR FOR TM IS EE Rie KLEEN EX* DELSEY * *REG. TUADE MAM1 2 ROLS 35c HELPS REMOVE SMOKE AND SURFACE~j STAINS i '----~CHECKS SAD SICATO a FIGNIS 1001,1 DICAY I STRONSER TOO WN WET OR DRY BECAUSUÉ ors MELOBONDED! RigouLàAR MAN-SIZU Better Proteets Longer New FEMININE NAPKINS wlth the KImIon4 Centre Tour cholce or 3 absorbencles Super, Regular ancl Junior (for the Junior Misa> NEW KOTEX Wonderform* BE LT une& TM" »B., Drugs a S-ore-Phone MA 3-57921 a' I I IwÀtt 40-ai., reg. 55c, PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor, COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE IoDoAo DRUG STORES ,me MAT. AlUG. 20th, 1959 THE CANADIM STATESMM. B01711AMVnIY- ONTAWn - IDAr-ov Cý. 1 Store Phone MA

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