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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Aug 1959, p. 8

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PAGE EIGRT TED CANADIAlI STATESMAN. DOWMA1IVfl.LE~ OUTAmO LAUG. 2Oth, 1950 Dreamlly watching the slip by while the train sr Its way across the prairie cently, I found myseif recý wîth a grin my first encol with a roomette, nlot so inoans aga. On that occasion, wlg bought my sleeping accor dation for an overnight, ta Ottawa, I thought ' ette" sounded like the an ta a feminine need for pri What more could any w( want than a pawder roan bedroom combined? 1 wal the night conductor quick off the stub aof my ticket mnarched toward "car 3002, 16"I. "Step right this way n' said the porter, relieving ir my train case and givingi welcoming grin. There it was, a designeri spiration, niy own raam foi night! The porter shawed the handle that released bcd, then the claset, was facilities and other convei ces and then left me wit] admonition, "Don't strainy self lady, if the bed she( corne down easy, yau ring ie."e I was absolutely fascIn by the- fact I badn't neccg shoe horn ta get me set but the heavy steel door its patent lock gave meE niisgiving. They might neE van opener ta pry me out. I soon discovered there routine that must be obse: in maklng preparatians far tiring in a roomette. Fir iocked the door, then four Going Tuesday, August 25th to Saturday September l2th, jrg Return limit-September 16th. For fares and train service contact yoýur local agent. ]FRII AT-9 tional 110 acres, about 80 miles from Card.iff. They are just six mies from the sea, and a love jfo the sait water lu natural. <1) -Besides ber parents, this out- stadin Welsh girl, said Au Revoir on June 15 ta two mar- ~%' ~ ried sisters and an aider broth- If f er. With the other three Jr. V Farmers on the exchafg trip theIvernia ai the Cunard lUne, and plans ta return on thc same 8V DOROTHY BANKRQsbip on August 28. Chief recreation of Young We]sh folki her area, la per- miles was trapped between thie door haps the Young farmers' club ,nakedland the bcd I had let down meetings which are hcld week- les re- balf way. Up she went again liy from October first ta March alling and I opened the daor and thirty-first. Lectures form a ounter again released the bcd. I had !part of these meetings along rnany it ail iocely settled with the, with a variety of fun features. safety loch in place, when IlMs Davies is employed asl ,en I discovered my train case was. an assistant Scientific Tcchni. mmo- and works at a Welsh 1 jaunt I feit like a fool, I can tel plant breeding station on new from- you, as I peeked out of mYj strains, the S-strains ai grass- ýnswer door ta sec if anyone were ini es, grains and clovers. Accord- ivacy. the aisie, then crawled under ing ta the Young men on fanms 'oman the bcd ta retrieve the bag. hereabouts, "Elizabeth surely n and once more aboard the mattress, knows her stuff." tched I prepared ta disrobe. Heavens! Quoting dlrectly, Miss Davies y rip The cubby-hole where the wash remarked, "I just love Canada, i ýt and basin had a home was haîf way it is sa vast. I'm coming back, , No. under the bed-frame and the for sure." The fast pace af liv. John had disappearcd cntirely. ing here has made a definite i'arn,p" Out I crawled again into the impression - "We walk se me ai arisle and gave the bed a hugemuh oratoebtery me a heave. What a sigh ai relief Il anc has been Sa wonderfui ta let out, how proud I was oi my m ne here." The railway cross. 's in- muscles. But where was mly ings here seem particularly I )r the train case? Why, folded up in1 dangerous. Elizabeth likes the d me the, bed ai course. By this time brightly colaured apparel the 1the the bed and I were on wrest-j boys here wear, but adds, "It ishing ling ternis, but it kncw I hdwould be no use ta take those nien- ail its littie tricks figured out. colourful shirts home, they'd h the I took my balancing stance neyer wcar them."l She prefers yaur- again with my posterior cov- t he white coffee served at dan't ered by the zipped-up curtains, home, made with hot milk, and ýg for pulled down the bcd, grabbed aisa, the smafler meals, eaten ntdup again and there I was right with Canadian bail games. ntdin the middle ai the nicest Led a little powder room yau ever Elizabeth has previously vis- ttled, saw. lted Oxford Welland and Northx with Simcoe counties, and says sonu: When 1 haît removed My "Everyone is so friendly, and *ed makeup, washed my sticky 1 have been give such a warm h. ands and put my shoes in the ecm in ahcotyl is a locker for a neat shine by thewcom hechcuy" erved porter, I flexed iny muscles With the other three visitars r re- again and down came the bedta, Canada, Elizabeth was flown rstI as co-aperatîve as a foldîng sur: fram Malton ta Tinimins where .nd I cot. Beside me in a neat little'a first hand view of a lumber -portion of the daytime seat, camp was had. The one seen which the bcd did flot hog,~ was 38 miles out in the bush wcre my slippers and dressing country. The Abitibi paper mËii gown. I wouid be properly was toured and a descent ai costumed for the morning stint 5,540 feet inta the Hollinger of opening the doar, raising thc gold mine was made. Niagara bcd and preparing to dress for Falls was viewcd but did not î a graceful exit from car 3002. ibiig forth the enthusiasm Roomettes oi course, have that the Crippled Children at been whizzing for years now, Welland elicited. "'Thcy are so ovrteCNR tracks that cross ful ai courage, and sa happy, over cotent hleI'd e such an inspiration." This was jockeying a typewriter chair tCamp it for heCnipple C he befare my vagabonding began, Capnsor CyRry edChlub, s the railroad had been right in pncebyRtrClad step with this modern age, but was apparently decply irn- it bas taken me a littie while pressed with our pretty Welsh% ta catch up with it. Now that visitor, who couidn't say enough I have the technique dawn pat.i good about It. my repeated dates with a room- Befare their return these ette are the happy expeniences Brish delegates wii visit 181 they were planned ta be by counties i ah. And Miss Da- ' railroad engineens. vies is assuncd of a very warm I recail now how picasant it weicome, when or if she makesE my eyes and sec the sun re- After two holiday Sundays, flected in the windows of the services wili be resumed at Ke- factary close ta the tracks in dron on August 16 at thec regu- il T Perth. I knew I had pienty of lar hours-10 a.m., and il a.m.,c time ta lie there lazily and for Sunday Schoal. - contemplate my sojourn in Ot- Misses Margaret Plaskett and: tawa. It wasn't so long mgo, that Verna Lehrnan, ofi Guelph, t' a wonian had ta be up at the were ovcr-night guests aof x Scrack af dawn when travelling, and Mrs. Murton Walters a if she wanted ta wash her teeth their returix fram a Maritime before the train pulled into ator Sr5 station, or not have ta struggle tou. apMs are mce l ike a contortianist ta get into Mr .and Mrs. Harveyon te, her gird&.anies the brin thatWalters t be invntdlre t lete i taand Darothy, were Sundmy din- j _________________s ner gucats ai Mr. and Mrs.p Percy Pmscoe, Whitby.b Mr. and Mrs. Harold Werry f; ]KEDRONwith Mn. and Mrs. Bert Luke KEDRONont, s Uic heweekend1 I (Intended for last week) at Mountain Lake, Halibunton. Pantdrain Farm, Pnhno DrthY attendedteTn e P Village, Aberystwyth (postal union pienie on Saturday. town) Crdganshinc, Wales, M. and Mss. Rodger Bishap has been guest aiOtai Jr. and daughters enjoyed a to S Farmers at Kedron during th week camping trip un Vermont, ncl. week past. Miss Davies wms U.S.A. and surnounding coun- 1. house guest at the W. L.ty Mountjay home, anid Saturday Mr. and Mrs. M. Walter and, evening gucat of Jeanine Wer Dorothy enjayed a moto trip! rywhe th laterentrtan-ta Northern Ontaria, and were' cd several Yaung people at ber gucats of Mn. and Mrs. Do>ug- home. On Sunday Miss Davies las Stonie, Lake Cauchiching. 1,f joined other Kedron Junior Kedron frlends are giad ta WFarmers for the County Tour, know that Mns. F. Rahme has! G UARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES " issued in amounts from $100 upwards for 1-3 years. " earn 5Y2% interest, payable half- yearly by cheque. " authorized investment for al Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. YOUR MONEY DOUB LES ITSELF IN 13 VEARSI Mrs. Gertrude M. MeTaggart died at Oshawa General H7ospi- tal, early Frid.ay, August 14. She had becn in paon hcalth for a few days. Borni niNewcastle, Ont., she Swas the daughter af the late Luther and Ettie Argall. Mr. Argali was fanmerly paymaster at General Motors ai Canada Ltd. Mss. McTaggart came ta Osh- awa with 'her faniuly at an carly age, mnd was educated at Osh- awa and at Peterborough Nor- mal Schaol. Following graduation, she taught for 11 years in Slmcoe street and Mary street public schools. She was for cight years man- agress ai the Oshawa Commer- ialm Hotel, mand for Uic last 20 years was managresai the Qucen's Hatel an Slmcoe street north. During her ycars In the hatel business, Mss. McTaggart wms a prominent figure un the Osh- awa Hatel Association. She was a lifelong member ai Simcae Street United' Church. Mms. McTaggart, the hast ai ber fanuiiy lime, is survived by her munt, Miss Elizabeth Argali, ai Oshawa. She is aiso survived by nine cousins. Tte funeral service wus con- ducted in the Mcîntosh Fumierai Home an Momdmy, August 17, by 'Rev. J. K. Mafiat ai Sinxeae Street United Church. Intenment was ini the iamiiy plot at Bowmanville Cemetery.i Bank of Commerce Letter7 Productivity per Man Hour Has Increased by 39% Between 1946 and 1957 Between 1946 and 1957, ro- ductivity per man-hour inCan- ada incrcascd by 39 per cent, according ta the August issue, entitied "Productivity, Pnogress and Prasperity," ai the Com- mercial Letter publishcd by the Canadian Bank ai Commerce. Even when the neduction ai working hours is taken into consideration, the risc un pro- ductivity per workcr over this periad was 32 per cent. An increase in productivity, the Letter says, is the physical basis for an increase ini the standard ai living. Continued productivity growth, canstantiy rising reai incame, and a steady inipravement in the nation's standard ai living have been forecmst as the patternx of the future. Thus, the nealization ai higher living standards in the future will depcnd upon the achievement af apprapniatie in- creases in praductivity, the Letter says._ The total of goads and ser- involved, the Letter points out.ý vices pnaduced in Canada (ex- Howeven, thc steady improve- cludlng the government secton) ment hn statisticai material un rose by 58 per cent in ternis recent yemrs now enabies econ- ai constant (1946) dollars be- oniists ta measune these chan- tween 1946 and 1957. This in- ges with considerable accuracy. creàse nesuited from bath the While, fan practical purposes, increase in productivity per' praductivity gains arc usually worker (despite thc shorter measured in ternis of labor, the working week) and the shift ai Letten says that the largest workers frani industries where single cause of increasing pro- the value af the product per ductivity is generally agreed ta man-ycar is lower ta industries be impravement in thc national wherc it is highcn. Thus, ai-' stock ai capital. Othen factors though the increase hn produc- are more efficient management, tivity per man-houn in agricul- and increasing skilmand experi- turc was 48 per cent aven this ence on the part ai workers. pcniod, total productivity over To achieve continued produc- the entire econamy wms aiso in- tivity gnowth and impravement creascd by movement ai wark- in living standards, capital ex- ens out ai agriculture, where penditures must be maîntained the value ai the product per at apprapriate levels, the Let- warker is iower, into other in- ter says. The gnowth ai nigid- dustries where the value ai the ities, whatever their nature, praduct per worker is higher. which hinden the mobiity of Measurement ai productivity labour or ai capital, eouid re- change presents probienis be- suit in serious restriction af the cause ai the complex factors growth process.1 Goo dyear Plans New Plant in Medicine Haf To Pro duce Car Tires Medicine Hat, Alberta - The Goodyear Tire & Rubbcr Comi- pany ai Canada Limited wiil ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Don Cochrane and family, Port Perry. were at L. Cochrane's. Mr. and Mss. Irwin Puckrin, Phyllis and Dennis, Whitby, were with Mr. and Mrs. H. Or- miston, Sunday. Mrs. R. Griffin Is visiting ýer daughter, Mrs. Ray Cowl- ing and Mr. Cowling, Whitby. Mr. R. Armstrong, Toronto, visited with the I. Ormiston's. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Oke and children have returnc-d fromn a two-week visit with Mrs. Oke's parents, Mr. and MsUs. E. Efowe's. Goderich. E. Lee, R. Cochrane and L. Sbiephenson, assisted by their sons, cxhibited horses at Peter- boro Exhibition laýst week. The littie threshing gang that has worked tagether in this community for a goodly num-ý ber of years deserves credit for the endurance they displayed through the intense beat of last week. With baid heads shining and grey hair bristiing withý chaff, they maintained a steady >ace from morning until night, and ate with excellent appetites the tasty and nourishing ýmeals their faded but spry wîves pre- pared. There was a noticeable lack af activity around the, farms on Sunday. buiid a $4,500,000 tise plant in Medicine Hat, it was announc- cd by Mayor Hamry Veiner and Gocodyear's President L. E. Spencer. Construction Is ta start Im- mcdiateiy onricheone-ýstoney self -contained factary wbich will produce passengen car, truck and farm tires for the Western Canada market. The 'building will be of masonry and steel construction and will contain 84,000 sq. ft. ai floon space. It will be bult so that it cmix be rcadily expanded. Mn. Spencer said tires wouid be rahhing off the assembly line by September, 1960. The plant will initially empioy some 135 pensons but, he said, he cx- pected Uic work force wouid be increascd ih a relativeiy short tume and thc annual payroll would exceed $1 million. The plant wiii be locmted in a 75-acre site north ai the South Saskatchewan River adjacent ta the main CPR rail lime muid anc-quarter mile eat of Uic Trans-C-anada bighway. The -building is oblong lIn shape-120 by 700 ft.-in or- der ta caniarm ta the shape ai the production flow. Raw mia- teniais will enter ane end ai the building, wiil pass through the variaus stages ai production alang the lcngth ai the building and thc finished product wiil be shipped out the opposite end. A 20-it. bay alang niast ai anc side will hanse offices, lab- oatary, lunch rooni, etc. Mi entrance wiil be a door th--u,.. the long side ai the building. In addition to variaus types of tires, the plant wili also pro- duce tread rubber for the ex- panding re-tread business The company bas also pur- chased minerai rights to a na- tural gas weil adjacent ta, the property which wili supply the plant with fuel. The plant will use 8.3 million cu. ft. of gas ecd month plus 1 million KWH of elcctricity and 43 million gal- ions of raw water. The Medicine Hat plant will be Goodyear's first manufactur- ing facility in Western Canada and its fifth Canadian plant. Get Cash To-day For OId Appliances through STATESMAN C LAS S 1F 1ED S Phone MArket 3-33031 ?RANS-PORTABLE RADIO-flHow you con have music wh.rover you go, eltiior ln your Olds or out of If. The trans- portable radio is juif one of the distinctive options available et extra cois with Oldsmobile. It operatos wlth push-button *as* whiteio n tih. car. Thion juif a fip of the lock in the g love box ... and presto ... your radio la a portable roaidy ta go with yov anywhore. NEW EOCKET INOIN iF VOUR NANKURINO FO SMOOTH POWE-CnA Ui. ikmy the uigine Coastts . . whsparing v.ry Mot ga&. sut wh.ny Io IDbve, hlntadd.fl Oflifç a loudi of yoeàr to. aon awayl Take a Racktdeo tg Urs an eehorollngo xperk lOtilRTIC AMPERS OR SSLK- "0ln en te olmoi E From the moment you slip behind the wheel and stai-t that smoothly-purring Rocket engine you know that no other car can measure up to Olds. And here's the most pleasant surprise of ail. Olds actually costs a great deal les han you may have imagined. Why flot visit your Oldsmobile quality dealer soon? KITTEN-SOFT STOPS WITH fuSE GREAT 810 s SO. IN. AIE-SCOOPR BEAKES-Wh.n you want tb stop ... you cou stop.-. Others are situated ln New Toronto and Bowmanville in Ontario and at Quebec City and St. Hyacinthe in Quebec. The campany decided to la- cate in the West when it found its main tire plant in New To- ronto was reaching the llnxlt of its capacity and that grawth in the Western Canada market made such a plant feasibie. About 4,400 ai Goodyear's ap- proxi.mately 15,000 tire dealers are situated between theLake- head and the West Coast. OBITUÂRY DAVID NEIL MOFFAT The funeral of David Neill Moffat, 33, af R. R. 1, Orono, was heid Tuesday, August 4, at Orono United Churcli. Mr. Moffat died August 1 in Princess Margaret Hospital, To- ronto, following an illness of eight months. He leaves his wife, the for- mer Doris Jopling of Lake- field, his son David, 18 months,, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam S. Moffat, and brothers, John and Aleck of Orono anal Grant af Oakville.1 Neil was educated at An-i tioch public schoal and Orono, continuation school. He took great interest in iivestock judging and Junior Farmer work. H-re graduated from the to year course at Kemptvilie Agri- cultural School with honours. Former classmates were flower bearers at the funeral. Palibearers were Norman Andrews, Donald Lang, Char- les Langmaid, Ewart Leaslc, Jack Ogden and John Webster. Arrangements were by Bar. Iow funeral home, Orono. The Rev. Basil Long con- ducted the service assisted by Kenneth Stewart of Lakefield. Burial was in Orono cemetery. - FOR SATISFACTION IN HOME HEATING Just any furnace ls mot the answer. For the ultimate in deuign and efficiency Instail a FAIRBANKS-MORSE HEATING UNIT Cal) Colleet GOU LDB 9HE ATI1N Newcastle 4331 Cliffcrest Cleaners 71 KING ST. EAST BOWMANIl£lz Dry Cleaning Storage mShirts - Repairs PHRONE NA 3-7061 ___________________ I. r Wil'sons? mur le li the tiany d -ba , DO WNA~< VI'. ' PICK-UP AND DELI VERT LORNE McQUARRIE, Prop. who"sfo boais O" F=COR AN Ne OTHFiE R AR ! 01dm has the ginft or making your every drlvlng wlsh corne hue.. ln ways more pleaslng than anything you've ever known. en Boy St., tore,"o 35 Dunop Se., you flOOS auid fosti And aven ropoat- lency. luit ad hord use wontov.rlieot id youe ý Oldsmobilles blg new Air- toda>... .j Scoop braktw. The>' scoop HEU I'S WNAI MAKES ROUGH ROADS A ln cooanug air J to totaiir PLEASURE--You ride seair. in the feel of the roud se, off idee stopping but you seem to ride bump-free. Take tho roughoit powU. rond you con id and you'N know why Olduinblos "Gilde" Ride b One ver>' boit fr you. § ROT W. NICHOLS Chevrolel Oluimoie Cars- Chevrolet Trucks PAGE EIGHT TM CAMADUS STATESM". DOWMANvniý& ONTAPJO qqitrtTnov% A 9

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