PAG!TWETY TE CNADI1~ TATEMAN BOWANVLLE.ONTRTI .Some of the Entries in -the Legion Kiddies'Pard Danny Sturrock, Hians Reitmiller. Jifl Nichols, Donna and Brenda Virtue were prize wînriers in the Western category at the Legion Carnival parade oni Friday evening. Bobb- iobert Cordon Davies with Lhe biçg hat toolz first prize in the bicycle- tricycle class, xitli Heather "Moore and George i\loore corning secand and tihird. Georg&es shirt is a bit spotted because he wvas cati lt in the rain storm. YELVERTi While huddled together under the Lions CentreI O G A L The Ray Robînsons, Judy and canopy waiting for the rain to stop, the Legion Pipe Barid Mr. and Mis. John MthU Darreli. are entai ng a miotor broke the tension w~ith a roîîsing nîumber. Little SaPOOU. seuta e dy trip to Renfu civ andi other points Van I h r. iiX~F at thi w~kec1Connellv. 3 monflis. was f ascinated by Jack Knight who ue , r.anci 1r.9 re Part s- Mrs.~una~ aIk.r anne was plaving the big bass drum instead of bis usua eeie MsNl' sbunCn T rouîc. and Hleather o[ Liind: as crurn major. nÏi-itoin and Mr. and Mrs. Loi-ne sa:Mr'. n r. Wii - - Osbouriie, Brecin. on Sund a. Wright and girls at the Wv. H. -irs. L. Peniwvarccn Is visiting Stino. on Ms. Fraser. Orono, for a few Wea Suacnday.enjoyed a!D urham Breeaers lake dy.M.adMr.Er el brief respite froni daily routinei adn n aiyvstd-,vr Satuircli.v unti] Mlonc1ay. as w.e *p~ and Mi.s. Flet cher on Friday miotored via Oila rcb ig f..~ exening.i (sv' a ieniing aid Santa "\PJJr i ~ iii e i ~ i î Il and Mrs. Rotit. Canieroni ClaiU) -11 Hntsvillc., Algeniqu iiiN and farnily weï-e Suiîdax- scp- -s'-- ,called an the Rov Werry of i rer fuîests of Mr. and Mrs. Mur- FlQue.. and srik a AT(J ffUf1(%lrav Tabb, Bw:nil.Thev home aIl poopeu- out. . Gc IIEVEE V ~ ~ ~eîe Saturday evening vstr felwis entit]ed ta a couffeof, o Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Penwar- days off every, five vears0a e al Xhîisa eirfmocî e Mr. and Mrs. L. Aciyiqs, iv. and Mrs. George Lan O Fair Sat nidix, v.ere lie-; G. B. Rickard j Eo\vtrnaliville, were Tucs-day cx'- and boys of Kenora are v' by nnortharlis, Ail-i no eiai nmînîenvisior thte Carneroni ftioning v.',ith bis parents, d Becfo d cal lIe. Offu-IG. B. Rîiçard hme and Mrs. Eriiie Lane.)c. a tii niigli the en'ýrv Gaîîaaîo f~1Mir.arc? Mrs. 3' ~cn. Briian I'tr Deug Cocir of Toi P on tÇVaI>iii si tin ahbicicI, the 'BRik anci Jaickie, Ajax, were Sat ui t ~ Wl nlit- ofî1.-, c -sho 1 dav visitors of Mrs. A. àMcLag,- Auint Ern Heniders. the best to e le anite.,sud n rgiex-dgaind familv. Delores Mar- Mir. andi Mrs. Eanl Gr, 'db idl Satonbllcle f r chant spent the weekceid withA al ' dud f xî-alter Sept. 1, 1958 - 1 Baker Jnt son Bill of Toronîto, w i IlIlle Ti i e oî arrnof E F. ROsboruî t esedGa. ?Coinni' e- W arcieaGarinet 1'.Bl -ans .Y.R sôie Mr. ai-d Mms. H. De Mille and1 M~over CO.s allte îiî P~d CiSW ~ti i~fii1d î~ Cham~pion Steci- - BaK-r' familî. Bowmnanx-ilIe, w(r un ,ç-ey naias e.M keni Balle lhtinis.I day suoper guests of Mir. and>. p]:ofs ln v.c t, iLack .Ati<,us cfi',e doinatI--d Reserve Cliairpon Steem-E. Mu-.W. -lney i iis OnTu~c yc'.~ tu tlrs.Thii Herefo -d F~. . R. Osborne. ~t - i.and Mr.Da isey, aI BriAd É uInrlh '.-. COF -'.i-b .. s32 cinîî.c I Three ainiai-. gt r Tyron.e, were Saturdav eveingm e0ta1,uîî~ tîy înîgdoe b--. Tl is Aclon Bî : cc-I G. B. Rct c.2 G. isitors of Mr. a-nd' Mrs.H proud '.5inneisÏ)'. a 1-10 score. ih( .- 'A 0i he iitaJeîdx- t o the Rickard, 3 E. F. IR. Osboie. p'. Sheilih and Glenn On liîrsay veîuig 'viî uibîoî-.Bieeders% Herd -1 G. B. Rick.- Murphy. Tyro>îe, are holiday- l1cacis h'gas 1ev. as 'bni A are1t1îon c ro,v'd ard, 2 E. F. R. Osborne, 3 G. B. ing wi-h 'Trex-or. Margo is on Deolcv. lest hy a scor'e of 17-2 vzici the cattle j wdithw-I Rickard.-Tinîes. - lolidnvys tvith Donna McLaugl- as the i-estilt ni pour batt ilg andbh i netwbilc beief cat- i lin, Black-tork. Mr. anîd eks v.urefi-Ii'i.Nexl v.jIte il.-Itý e ait-r Ker-r of Asîî- Il. filiivwere Sund, vui-uer ton. C.O.F. ancd Petoc-horoliI11;CIil-c c Chamrplil îBuIll was owi- '.\r. 'and Mrs. Ray Buadibuint C () F. Nestilon lia wn- iî- tb'. aret Rickarc as dici the BAag. 21. 1959.v isftos 1 o.to1 Ls cittdcZi Altu eda Joncs :M ill anet tsteilwt e- - ae a-TeEdtr f Mr. and i-s. B;11 Johnsonî. v, -as a first vrer TI 0t a (J olld drew applau-,e as thev - one gaa inetiscecl it -erG -aiiinn eivy ale. Bý,a- heEi tor. wr Sna'-x-,te- 1'15 euiun tb a nig ganie or gan îîcsQ teobonb n heEd ao's1 '4a.l ue ndMrs.ncl M. ar ~ rz - mode] -Ild c" ul-t cte on-Irl ilthe Le M and ad riiggaieorgmevt >eke amîs docato-d h' auada Saî.- nMm ndMr.W.Cai ad sîhdobn vata ii & ginparade. playecdoui Suiîday atPte-.Grn Champion -usecd hoi-oîs.ý Bovmanville, Ont. Prenda visiled Mr. and Mu,.s boroîîgh. 'lie iooewnig tle complete Dear Sir. Elgin Cowling, Peterborouîgh. 01 on lllel>t omus - ______ ____________ - - .tesdaînes Dalton and ~'-g--e1îýt Cer -c:hrA- --------i- Hc-reicord aî oîîiîca Manyî'.-anký,fer yeur article i Surialy. Brwu e MFletv. o jca e, on ci- - (l*cabot"io1Cî>eex eie--. îd s. G. 1Bro\,m. Lan-d a "get-togieth -r vcion"ai !h jtoîBro n i clý-oc al-s on tuzai Care Trust F-.HoIW- box-s. Bowtananti l'e. w'c c iinie ef lier-o n-o- Màrs. W. Il. Siinnon Fu'bbu". itortiiortîs e-ii asvr isap~îeîend xisil.ers oftAir. ac2c Xrs. W. Mnl. anid N-.TelIf ~n\: Eli 1 al. -d'rrte ihla ou didn'î ine-uti u -c-Bo-.Mis. Rcîberisoîî.lî ailui-111 Communf~- Piuite c. B. Rckai-d. 2W.. naines of thiosie*mwho have lots, Mr. and Al-s. Rye Gibson and uit Si.. Lîîkessle~i.tla:îî vno n eent 4 il Ylero comin-iiitv enio\-erl Cbalinxaý)i. u u eueev Teew - andra and ',3 other meniîhers is licrc ofi a iw >. ,-' oua A n o ii!ln r 'theiu. cinnuuît pic-ic eas -el-î- E111 l. vterl iuvor bet,,we'u n-entiolied at the end ef ef the fandly of Mrs. Daisy trip. Pi vted guest s ai Cartv.-nglîc 3-liii. . t19571au-t AOZust :31, appeai letter. 'Po-i-ýib)lv - uRoLrtsoin. Houîston, Texas, ga1ve t', i I.i i st tn- Ille oui- -Municipal Park near Caesiranî 19àt3----1 tE. F. iR. Osbonrne. 2 GJ. iî:ght do tIus in a Inter papýn. ilIon Wedicz.cta'. fteriioonî. Au,. B .X~ %Ve are pleasedj to aniiolince M 19. AIge vafrheatrîoî S i'hl - .t,111 , A nîaýtthns jW-s -y-li hingï or ogtiug thie or et'e c.I 1958 ani dr ie. ry ..4,---- the appnintinent of î b athuîug bi-rut les (cleîencLiug ouiDne.1 19173-- i Lance M .B lii~~ iîil ae our inclination)i l -li2E .. Osbou-uie. 1' Races foi' the chlhciren and a J-',l"(,I,1 bull c: .f. caïve'ci o n (- Editor*s, note:- Naines oi 7 -- ~~ ~~ tv\r iuck w adulis. scî'rîiiinetiîotis pOi'1ý . IR, h59 w ýso fatiiilic- v-liavte teLs.. M .Lloyd Preston Bet je LeBnsy lukpienit- suptier foliovwecl b'.y iara et ac ee.Bme- Iia ba--ebalgaiuc, Nondc1-eîiptý' Sc-lî:ol bull chiinucîl .Barret, Crossie: .Curir.CI«i- . 4 to ont- sales staff. -. 4o-hte neuî t h .Rlad amn, D',iiasen, Doble, Bd- jýraces. witlu Lloyd Wîhonai llouî JuI:eî' blc ýaîiîpien tvamdz, Fai-nov.. Forcvtlie Ber- rinmaîcr.we-easfolo" z: a M.c Bc i. - den. Haî-ness. Hancock, Ha- Ife is iveli known throughout 1ri -il irls, -8 : cxas: li ra-ami eabul-. .hirn. Irm-In. Irmami. Luxon., 1Io0yd I1rvc-tîor, Iis arca alid wievreslîîccl. i -Érila nW'ison. NraWie:Ru-lard. AMcCuiilougil, Otf;eld, Runnails. &-e 6-8 -,.cars. tîcelge -rc OWi- c' Dar>or tO sep-t. Rln u.SurdJa~'b anbl ,1 o~fmc tor few week. beore iiningthe ales id l'i o Pcyc .-îd Clar-ciRoblison- 1. t1956-1G. Pi. RIUekl'd.2 C c.i, Deanr, Fr , W'.g Mlr- Pres~ton Nwil le traitiug at oulr (?oLrtice Ijlbux s i'Dci gîrl < --, veuri.sin*, ~BFckard. 3 FE. F. R. Osbarin. 'iiBarbo:i-aii ou.Paniella Si i. Peina c - l. to'n.ori-bet'.xeenî statiai BovrnaivilIe j son. Ri -.girl, 9-12 ai-sept. t. 1956 auri .\'ugýiîs:1,ZO staff l Bownanvile. ýerite Vil-oil; thiiee-Ie:-.Lcd 195-I E. F. R. 0.-bei--u. 2 G. ZO -ii, i.9--, Lbia Ro'.x an .Rcli- 3 G. B. R;c-ka-rri. '.-aî m.PmyDvdo s d ~ and :. r,-uieritcIWils on: shoe Fu-maIe. tilveren coro be1'.'.e' "- h-d a lce holida 'ai, Manito- _______________ C ar______________________________ I ~î> -iigcurit- Wlso: ovs, 1n' . 1957 and6 Dec-mbeýt)-,- 3 - et rce cuî'.- i-a-u:i 97 - akcr Fi-m,. 2G - n t.g, 1anitoulinll sland. i. e~-dra'>-I) ii 'b --clii - Eu . F. R. . Uis.Clar-ke Moo-e ui a19i1S Chev. Bel Air Coaichl1957Foid toa o eV. Nh ISJ lOi l.ou iil; hall tili, et'.- F'l.cî' 'ou - - - l\elhi S aiu-tei's 5Sêitt idan% 6.~tI2t-epii el nbc' A R o . N i h i fB]-, 1 -î. I 1953 r-nmi Ali i. i-,îd ac-coi-îrpaiieci Mr. and Ms Kci9 Saut-- -Ifai'oOnt.t b îe pint, SCciai-n îx oîi 0l<sînnhjle anîd Chie"vri nidCars Mj )11 -e> 1d-> .-(l - 'fi Co;ok: spj.iL . '.o -Suu a a icleai. il Toî-radio. One ovt'iiCi'cart. .>>P ~-k ('hevrolet Trucks i 31 aeSisl:~>erc ve Sept. i. 197-8: Dc.buris coti.age, Lalze Simncoe. B<>IVMANVILLE ~1i1ý:--Keuîu oaI Mrgîc-i l- 31, h8- J'e: A r.2 Little Laurie Stai:iton enter- 13 ota ocihiO COURTICE sarn:i: meiiVs race-Harve'.- Mal- G. B. Rickard. 3 Johnt D. Alliî-u aired set-ciaI of her littUej Custom buit radio, bac-k sealt 1955 Nash Rai Phon MA3-3353Phon NI 3-922 colm (Oranî 'Moare vas bsc.tit: Juîuior hîifer caîf. cai'.'d on friencN at a birtbhcay party oui 1 Pli ne M A -3 53 ho e M 3 392 I vonen*s race - (CalîcU off on or aflr Ji. 1. 1959-1 G. B. Th jisdav.- speaker. O ne ow ier car, acc-eunt cf lunch. Rickard. 2 Dat-id L. Beath. Mmr. and Mr-s. Jin-i Stain-tan 1I1956 Internat< SCHOOL Fal Term Be gins September ,81h 6 Io 8 months ai training wiII open the doar Io such positions as: TYPIST, CLERK-TYPIST, STENOGRAPHER, SECRETARY, RECEPTIONIST, BANK CLERK, DOOKKEEPER, ETC. Scores of our graduates, during our 17 years of operation, have secured respo'nsible highi paying positions. ENROLL NOW ... GUALITY - NOT QUANTITY IS OUR MGTTÎ Careful Individual Miention Guaranieed WRITE OR TELEPHONE FOR PARTICULARS .... WITHOUT DELAY TO: BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS SCHOOL 154 King Si. East Bowmnanville, Ont. Telephone MArket 3-5434 -attended the MlcDougall - Coo' rr wedding at No-th n se Unit-i -- ed Chuzch on Saturday. M.ýrs. Fi-ed Cameror., Mrs. Wes Caîneron. Mrs. Ray Cameron, îMms. Jin Stain-ton and Mrs.j -Russell Staintan attendeil a shawem on Friday ev.ening at Mrs. Reford Camcron's, Bow- maîîvilie, for Miss Janeen Cam- eu-en.f 111-. and MiL-s. New.ton Foivle:- arnd famili', Courtice. were S-an- day visitors at Russell Perkins'. Mrs. Charles Naylor was hostess for tihe commnunity shower for Miss Janeen Camier- on nd r.Do Prot o Mn a mau-unay lovely gîfts, for wich they ibath expressed their than-ks. The ladies served re- freshments and l al en-joyed the social time tûgether. Only tluat day dawrus to which we are awake.-Henry David Thoreau. A man's life may stagnate as literally as water may stagnate, and just as motion and direc- tion are the remed ' for aone,j Sa purpose and activ'ity are Zhe! remedY 'for the ohr tJh * Burrough& o 1er Il-h 1955 Chevrolet Coaches, V -8 and 6 1954 Pontiac 4-door Deluxe Sedan Custom buit radio. mo nwem- car. 1931 Morris Sedan Small, economy car. Dual ;.h ing pushcd by Janet, Da'.ies he u..2ntne Jporion w'as fil]ed ried colons and drexv rnany hav e a!il been twýct'hpr in -cilr. N1rs. Fb >1iwri son ai r s. E' e ( l arae i atrid iiav. nifot sc0i1 caehci) er in 12 ar .\Ll ny r< & os the frniiv can' i-o rn Branmpton., \Inmho ami 'b o. Y E S.. At R.v W. NichoNs ynn do gel more car î for vour m1o#ev%. l)c<'ai-tec eery car t lia! goes nil oui o lias been ecked thrntîgh ou r shop b elsire VOU Of maniv miles, nfsale ..- surme . . . t roîuble- (mec <dmviin'r. gains, i cli 1--ocI ccil ui a h Belvedere lotal 1-ton Truck -cils. sta'ke bud'.' 1 !) 5:1 Pontiac Deliverv Sîdewidos.former Bell rdlephotl(- veliicele. 1953 Buick Sedan Dvna-How .'transm issionu, -nstem radfio. Outstanding__Spe4qia! 1958 CHEV. DISCAYNE S AN 4-Dr., custom huit radio, back-up lights, winlshield washers- A one owner car. AiU Privately Owned Cars - MostI ROY W. NI1 Oldsmohile and Chevrolet DOWMANVJLLE Chevrolet Trucksi Phono MA 3-3353 Pl One Owner IOLS irs SCOM MTIE ne MA 3-3922 BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS 1 PAGE TWEN-1 Y THE CANADUN STATTMIAN, BOVMLarMMLF., ONTARIO PrYXTTDWr% A XP A lYrý qýè1. 1 n 1UN