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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Sep 1959, p. 9

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THURSDAY, SEPT. 3rd, 1959 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE NU~ Orono Fores fry Station Grows 10 Million Trees In Every Year's Production By Frank Pickford ORONO-More than 40 years ago, George Meredith Linton, an Orono boy who iked to wander through the woods,l made up bis mind that some- day lie would grow trees, lots of trees. Today he does just that. He grows millions of them. As superintEgndent of the Orono forest station he is re- sponsible for producing an av- erage of ten million trees a year. It takes more than a packet of seed and a garden hoe to do that. It takes land, a thousand acres of sandy loam, men, ma- chines and know-how. Mr. Lin- ton (he's just "Med" to the folks around O5rono) bas ail these and something more - an enthusiasm for bis job that cornes from a life dedicated to a single purpose. Love of Forestry Med is a big, quietly confi- dent man, modest and friendly. Ask hlm why he became ln- FOR SATISFACTION IN HOME HEATING Just any furnace is flot the answer. For the ultimate in design and efficiency instail a FAIRBANKS-MORSE HEATING UNIT Cail Colleet CG0U LD HEATING Nawcastle 4331 terested in forestry and he'l tell you he doesn't know. "I was always interested in nature, and I neyer wanted tc be anytbing other than a for- ester," is the way he explainft it. Med went to public achooL in Orono and Bowmanvile, la- ter graduating from Parkdale Collegiate, Toronto. Even al that time he knew what bE wanted to be and nothing swerved him from his purpose, He enrolled in forestry at the University of Toronto, gradua- ting in 1919 with bis B.Sc.F., which entitled him to write the letters RPF after bis name sig- nifying that be is a registered professional forester. In those days forestry and conservation were in their in- fancy and frowned upon by many as a waste of the taxpay- ers' money. The field for pro- fessional foresters was limited. Med's first job was with the Dominion government wbo put bimn in charge of the Pasquia and Porcupine forest reserves in Saskatchewan. Two years later the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests assigned hlm the job of locating a suit- able site for the establishment of a forest station and nursery i Durham County. Knew The Land Mcd, a young man, of 27, knew the land around bis borne town could meet all the re- quirements: a light, sandy soil. available casual labor and a plentiful water supply. Surveys and soil tests convinced bini there was no better place for a tree nursery. That was in 191. On behal of*the department, he acquired 350 acres of farm land. Today, the nursery covers more than 1000 acres, emphoys 22 fuh-time mechanies, irrigation experts, reforestation aids and belpers. During the spring rush of shio- ping and transphanting, a hun- NOTICE Fait Term Classes will commence on Tues., Sept. 8 at the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE Last year 135 young people registered and were able to secure positions in Local Business Offices. Demand for Business College Graduates increases each year. REGISTER NOW! Enrolment is Limited. FREE BULLETIN Available. CLIP AND MAIL COUPON Please sepid FREE BULLETIN and ail particulars regardir.g Business Training to: Name Address Telephone Grade Attained in 111gb Sehool_________ EXTRA ENERGY e e Our vitamin-rich milk and cream are your youngsters' most complete foodi Cali us today for home delivery. GLEI 48 KING ST. W. M RAE D4 PHONE MA 3-544 single sbipment aver shipped from Orono numberad 625,000 pine sud spnuce liound for Gog- anis last yean. An average cf tan million young frees anc shipped annually te all parts cf iOufario. Only God can make a free, but He gefs a lot of help from Med Linton and his staff at Orono.-Oshawa Times. rrlY c)T1 vLT Hydros New Program For Future Homemaikers Onfario's home economics will lie made cf alecfric bot students wfi b ave an oppon- water heaters. tunify te learn liow te lie fia-st- The plan i- made possiblIe rate future homemakens wlf h tbrough the co-epenafion cf ap- top-cf-flic-lina electnical Sp- pliauce manufacturers and phisuces. An important new municipal electrical utilifies. program supplies such appli- Sdbool boards, wonkiug with ances free of chare f fhe home .at.,.ir nénli,.ilit. mm have il dred or more casual laborers -1.YI ulqj econonies classroorns of schools the eciuipment installed wiLh- are emphoyed, at least hafo throughout the province. out charge. *tbem women, many of them re- Congratulations to Mr. and1 The program carnies the« Through a two-year replace- *turning year after year to work Mrs. W. G. Henderson nee theme, "'learning today to live ment sciieme, new models, asi -for Mcd. Mary Roy wbo were married better electrically tomorrow." developed, wîfl be immediate- S The vast nursery produces on Saturday at the home of her Backed by a three-way ly availaijie to the schools. many varieties of trees for parents Mr. and Mrs. Rob Roy. agreement between Ontario Hy- .planting on Crown lands, for Guests who attended the wed-idro, the municipal utilities and The home economics teacher, farmers and others interestedi ding were, Mr. and Mrs. Johni manufacturers, and endorsed under the plan. will choose the ein reforestry projects. Varieties Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. John by the Association of Munici- fiake, style an-d color of the ýinclude' white, red, Jack and Bates, Mr. and Mrs. John Cud- pal Electrical Utilities, the new appliances to be installed i the e Scotch pine; three varieties of dahee, Mr. Robert Henderson,j program means that home sch ool. ;spruce; black spruce, white Miss Doreen Richards, Bow- econornics students -will have It is feit that this publie- 9spruce and Norway spruce;I manvihle; -Miss Elsie Harper, the advantage of learning bow service plan will not only assist ewhite cedar, tamarack, Euroo- Seagrave; Mr. and Mrs. Harry to be good homemakers through schools to obtain the most up- ean larch, and hardwoods such Grace, Burketon: Mr. and Mrs. practical use of the very latest to-date and efficient electrical as ash, bard maple and elm. Dj. Higgons, Oshawa; Mrii. and and best in electnical ranges. appliances. but will give the Mrs. John Shaw, Markham;t refrigerators, dishwashers and, students a much better under- eCones By Bushel D n rs .EhngaIauoai ashers and dryers. standing of how to get the most Tens of millions of seeds are Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. H. In sorne schools, installations. from their future homes. used every year. The depart- Mann, Cobourg, Mr. and Mrs. ment buys cones by the bushel R. Kent, Newcastle and Rev. u on contract from ahi over On- l and Mrs. F. J. Jackson.C scaa tario. Tbe cones are shipped toi Ann Hamilton accompaniedC i c i n cnc c y a seed extraction plant at An- Jher grandmother, Mrs. R. B13 > -gus, near Camp Borden. ThefJHamilton, Bowmanville anâ d -province is divided into zones holidaycd with her granclno..Hr ea d CN E M ati nee Show andthecons ae hbeled o herMrs K.J. ergson ~ The Cisco Kid and Pancho show them a good time, and 1.adntf them witarhlbe the one i Kawa . Fruo, t ll ride a Canadian range, offers a package that is a mix- b irmwihte ae Robert Hamnilton and John w,,hen Duncan Renailo and Leo turc of breathtaking thrihls arnd The seeds are extracted by a Hoar returned home on Satur- Carillo headline the, Matinee good honest fun. 'There could sheat proccss, dricd out to a de- day from Quin-Mo-Lac Camp-joCircus at the C.N.E. in their be no better star for snch a sfinite humidity. and scaled in at Madoc. ýfamouQs television roies. production thian Duncan Ren-ý tfive-gahion glass jars. They arcl Mr. and Mrs. Herb Atkins Tedshn abieo andldo. who. as the Cisco K'd, the pacd n sorgeuneran-d chilciren, Oshawa, wcre b is rollicking sidc-kick will insists on excitement wi.thout tcontrolled temperature and bu-J Sunday visitors of Mr. and . gallop into town on borror, and lauglis without yul- midity. 'Mns. A. Hamilton. '26th to thrili fhousands of en- garity. Leo Canillo. as the year.T. a iitdwthtuiatcfas s a sure-fire bct to kcep the yeý.Department bcadquarters friends at King Citv. The Matinee Cïrcus i- gear- codginni i sa receive estimates from their, codginni i sa forestry officers forecasfing thl Mr. Luthcr Stainton and ed for children who want to role as Cisco's foil. numben of young frees that can' grandcbildren. Douglas, Lynne. take their parents out and. High. Up ln the ist of *xaf be planted ln their areas durinc Bruce, Ken and Donald return - in-thc-mouth thrills is th.e Wal- the following four to five cears'edhmeo S1ay ate, Hedurtr orino t thé"!pleaanholiday at their cot- lnd air thut enixt f t snU e Heaquater Potio ou tuetage on Rice L.ake. WRAT OTHERS SAY lnd air ily. Sbit ftin h srequired production amongte1 ndeacormnsasaf 1forest stations, setting each a! Alec, Jeannette and Suzanne LOOImundaAD ty nesaccioumentsa sl 1target. From Angaus the num- Mackie, Ebenezer, are holiday- LOIGFRAD eyntti ru efrn ber of goods (calcuhated by'ing this week tvith Robert Ir- TO THE FUTURE incredible feats of secminghy f weight) required to prodtice 1win. John and Margaret Ham- arfom wsnrfrt eckhlcs courae dsse tbe target number of frees arel.iltoii. Pr rorwshmgfo ae heprsntlhendas stemea senteutto lic tatons th' lvr. nd rs. on ealandgood oid days. when every thing omaon ueof urea seetdsutdente sacodn to bosMr.nbar n Rseantdthewudif ferent' from whrat it ts aerialists. which dates bauk *ed dniid codý os zones. weeken an nmost imoderns are urgent- one bundred and fifty.years to Wbon tesearrees.v e W.H. Taylor. ad Ms ylooking forward tothe near the day the first high-sfepping at e Ornthey edare own i te JHnTyorn ckJr1s is'future. Especialythe house- Wallenda strung a tight-nope fall by zones, for it is important, Iiting bis grandmother M- .K. plintes, w he dcomm foneo- tenfecurh teps because of cimate conditions, Thornbeck, Agincount. 1Mr5. plaintsfro thes days of e that trees lie shipped back to jMr. and Mrs. Lloyd Yeo andromcvels to thellse das ofS LE the zones from where the sceds1 family spent the weekend with J "I'm tired trying f0 keep this came. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Welsh, Ban- bouse clean" ?v&is. Jas. F'erier of Perth, Seed beds are staked out, croft, Eddy returned home af- Rlxldetebubta pn h ekwt e u ea ided m55 euning,44 uhes tr seng seea.weswas invented by soi-ne prehis- ther Mrs. N. C. Marlow since * wde y 55 fet on. Te twit bi aut.toric husband, harassed to make lier return fromei Port PcrrY earth is raked to garden tiltb. Mn. and Mrs. V. Davenport life casier for bis mate, can be Hospital. Enconds hope Mrs. A sndig mchie sninhesa nd oys Rilîmnd ihi vs- discarded af last. In its place Marlow continues to enjoy 14-iuch layer of sand, the seed ited at Mr. and Mrs. Hcnryil inflic bouse cf tomorrow will good health. Mrs. Ferrier re- is sown by hand, rolled, and Stainton's. beacnrivcu lann undbrewthJimwho another layer of saud laid on Ka tby Hoar liolidayed wirh syemcnrlvcu laigtre oewt top. A mulch of rye straw cov- Mr. ndMs.C W unBe- room with cutiets in every came for the weekend. ai ande bedC. as protection Joomand with a hose attach- Mn. and Mrs. Herman Rod- er aautwen fro srtecio leville. 8 ment whicb will suck dust into Man. Little Bnitain, and Mr. Seding is d foinNeemer Mr. and Mrs. F. Wilson. Hec- 1 a tank i the basement or ga- Norman Lyons of Uxbrîdge Seein i dneinNéemerton and Ross, Oshawa, visltedî rage. speut the weekend with Mn. te, avoid germination beforeMran r.Jh Wisn mn teitm omk adMs Ccl isn ad spning. The seeds remain ithe M.adMr.Jh ilo. iAon te iest ak . CciWlo n lieds from one fo two years, de-j Miss Anne White spent the home less strenuous on moth-Gen pending on vaniety, then x'.om- weekend with ber gnandpar- ers, is a type of paper that is Mn. and Mis. Francisi Gist en are emphoyed todo the trans- ents Mr. and Mrs. George Ro- moist resistant. Th is caribe aud Audrew of ta'i ng visited planting with self-propelled jbluson and ber aunt and unche Made intocliOdwign's clothes, the Gists and Davisons on Sun- machines. Eiglit macliines are Mr. and Mrs. A. Langley, New- tablech-oths, and floor runners. day, used at Orono, two women te castle.J It can be uscd. to make papen Mr. aud Mrs. George Bowens a machine, eacb machinecp Mrs. K. J. Ferguson. Ottawa, i cups to hold bot beverages, drove Ralph and frieuds f0 able cf transplanfing 60,000 is visiting hec daughter, Mrs.J cutting down on the nccessity Madoc tamatd irhe Uaie young trees lu an eigbt-hour M. Hamiltfon aud Mn. Hamil- cf dishwashing aud the care ofChrh am atMiaLk day ilis ot nuualte ran- tn.female bauds. Built-in bath- for this week. plant quarter of a million plants Mr. aud Mrs. Lloyd Hoar room scales will enable the cal- CrrareiGaitind Lynda her during one day's operation. and family, Montreal; Ma-s. H. orie couniters th keeîp track oflmraevstig wt hlr Lack cf ram docs not inter- Cbesney, King City, speut the awork. Asnodg na n om utalack of grandpats ielad The lan- fera witb fthe growth of flic weekend with Mrs. S. T. Hoar. cot Anld. an adjustk adible fvs t ichl ad iso- young trees. Iu dry weather an Mr. an-d Mns. W. Jewell aud cotrhld y aookfadoort!brg extensive irrigation system is boys visited Mi. and Mrxs. Erie net onhy induce sheep, but wil Miss Chrystai Fallsc ot use. Pent cfwatn i avil-Mooe, unhngtn; onaidraise the sîceper te a sitting Hope Hospital is visitiug Mr. abe. lentom nearb treisas udMoorereturlned hRonal stomenwben it is time f0 get and Mis. Donald Thompson. abe rm erPositiondMornetrndhoe wihMiss Dorothy Harris, Toron- two pumping stations pump the them for a holiday. UP. to, spent the weckend with water through a network of un- Mi. and Mrs. R. Wright vis- ber parents. derground pipes. At intervals ited with Mi. and Mrs. Ira Mr. and Mrs. Bruce F'ree- there are surface ouflets te Reesor, Orihlia. BETHANY love cf Peterborough, were which above-ground pipes eau John Virtue and Ralph Shaw visitons on Sunday with han be aftacbed whene nequired. spent a week motoring East.R .R.I.BnteMs These pipes, fifted with sprink- and U.S.A. .R . Bonsteel, an.dftheir cide 7r Avnhur {lbe,r ler hcads. run the length of the Joy Chamberlaina, OshawaBntelad thi bide i. Al in mahrow rNtC- beds watcning tbe thirsty young is speuding a wcek with Bon' Beth, Ricky aud Jane werc isteM bs ohelMs.N.C trees. nie MeQuinn.- uests with Mis. John White Marlodw. l ehpn r When the trees are two to AnnMi lcNiven visited her uring the weekend Lorendo.s Wr!i ho iug Mo n four years ohd, again according grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Mn. and Mis. Thomas J'en- ing fine and the other village to vaniety, they are "lifted" by D. McNiveu, Oshawa. nings left on Sunday f0 visit folk who have been Ili mucli machines, tied by belpers lu Ms .Sinrsetafw with relatives af Brandon, better too. bunches cf 25 and trucked te days witb Mr. and Mns. W . JMan. ~Mi. and Mis. Ernest Henron, fthc packing bouse for shipment. Lake, Newcast le.1 Mrs. Marie Youchus. Kîtch- Roger and Kevin, speufthe,ý Young trees for Cîowu lands Mis. E. A. Virtue, Mrs. Lloyd iener, spent the past week with weekend with Mr. and Mrs. are shipped in bulk. The biggcst Alldread and Maxine spent Mr. aud Mrs. Frank Maitich- Robent L. Ming and Paul of ___________________ iFriday with Mis. C. Shaw,j enko. Burlington aud visited friends Oshawa.f Lloyd Kennedy held an auc- in Han-fl ton. -Mr. Perry, stu- Mn. and Mrs. L. Skinner snd tion sale cf his biousehold furo- dent minister cf Port Perry, family visifed Sunday with iture on Wednesdav afternoon. Preýbyterian churchi supplied their cottage du Lake Sin-ao,liii health for sonie time, iN now Bob Prossers are busily an- lLee and Ted retnrned home 1 staying i a Nursing Home in ecfing a pre-fabricafed blouse with them, tbey also called ou'LUndsay. Mr. and Mns. Herb wbich is nearing completion. lEsJean Robertson of Udrqey. Neals bave* purchased his bouse nr. and Mis. T. Phihhips and and willice moving te the vil1- fail visited at Deen River. lage from thein farn home in .~fMr.yand Mrs. C. H. M Quinnu1bis B ow m anure John, N.B., is visiting lis dan- Jaw, Sask., visited with Mr.! 1:30 v . ghter aud sisten Mrs. John sud Mns. Herb. Neals during JThornlieck aud Mn. Thorubeck.J the past week. IMn. and Mis. W. E. Stevens,1 Lloyd Nesbift, Port Arthur, S iHampton, accompanied Mrs. * is spending vacation wifh lis iDon Real and Mrs. W. H. Tay-'sister, Mviss Wiunifred Ncsbiff.; l on and visited Mis. Gertrude; Douglas Driver, New Toron-j Stepheus, Wihlowdale, Mis. R.. f0, visited with frieuds in the OnSp.8bsswIn Burgess returning home. village on Waduesday. O et9bss wiin MJohn Jackson and Ronald wl Air, Rail or Staamshlp 'Jackson wenf f0 Toro ntoo A i K I ~ ~ ~~~ 1 C K E T S Tliursday, remainiug un il Snetesho soec TO EEYHR Sunday wifh Mr. sud Mrs. Ce- to operate a partial doui Conslt cl McGiII.J inconvenience but ean 44I U R Y &L O VEL L i Mrs. Glen Wantwonth and achool is completed hin BOIVMANVILLE t5 King St. W. MA 3-57781 son Ricky returined on Thurs- Bowmanvillie day from a weck's holiday at ncsay Brampton and Pari&, and nonchalanfly strofled j across if. Ever since then, tlie Wallandas bave neyer stoppcd improviug and addiug te thein nepenfoire. sud now their lier- editarv acf is classed as oeeof flic fincsf of ifs kinci in the world. Thein "human pyramid" and "feu on a bicycle" acfs- high above flic crowd-mskc even hardeued professionals blanche. The worhd famous W'hite Herse Troupe will be another star attraction cf the show. The gnoup is_ said te performn with ail flie precision and spectacu- Ian horsen-anship of flic RCMP Musical Ride-but in this case. fheres a difference. The White ý Horse Riders are ail beautiful' girls, and they ride without. saddles sud withouf bauds' mucl cf flic time. Thev also buru up the gronnd in danger-! eus Roman chariots. The Langs-a tcam of sensa- tiouaI acrobats. who were che- sen te lie part of Judy, Gar-1 land's famnous show at fthc Ps-j lace Theatre ira New York-- will impress flic youngstersý with flic flips. fosses and bal-ý aucing skills flicy have dernon-1 strated lu Hollywood films sudl flic TV shows of Benie, Gîca- son and Sullivan. Aldo Crisfiani-Wi.1 le at the CNE wifli his travelling coin- paniions, wvlo could double as liodyguards, since fhey are feu Doberman Pinschers. Whfle rnost of us have trouble teaci- iug Fido to sit up sud beg. Mr.! Cristiani puts these hdudsomne animaIs flirougli a trick per- formance xith ail the prcci-l sion of a crack infsntrv squad. Jungle Compound-is an an-. imal acf which falis into tlhc spine-tiugling departmcnt, with! ene girl confroîiug a fearsome array ef leopards, jaguars sud, police dogs, with a black pan- ther and a zebra along for good mes sure. Elsewhere lunfthe aenagerie department. the CNE Matine Circus will festure Jinx, the Super Chimp, Bnhby Nielson, sud bis trsined pigs, five ele- pliants, a fcamn of performing bruins who caîl thernsclves fthc Paramount Bears, and flic Six Royal Inca Lîsmas. No oe knows if flic Ilamas are tra- velling alonie or wifh a group cf extiuct Incas. Riuguîasten will lie young Scampyr Dobritcb-an old band before lie bas aeached bis tecus, sud a veferan of fihe Bd. Sulli- van Show. What witb Rocket cars, Corn- ady cars, Beuny sud Betty Fox, flic serial dancers, AI- fredo Landon sud bis Midgcf s, flic Jordan Brothers sud thein trampoline, sud flie clownsý that are a pre-requisite cf any j circus, there will be fu n sdj thrills for everyone at this year's CNE Mafince Circus. Free! of GINERAL F@ODS MOURIS Plums are coming along now, and yeu can maka raally delicious jamn from flian, using the basic racipe below. PLUM JAM 41i, cps prepared fruit (about 2 qts. ripe pluma) 71,zc-ups (3V4 lbs.) sugar 11 bottie Certo fruit pectin Fîrst, you prapara the fruit. Pit (do not peel) about 2 quarts fnlly ripe pluans. Cuf i suali pieces and chop. Add ½y cup wafer;. bring te a boil and simmer, cover- ed, 5 minutes. Measure 4½, cups loto a vcry large saucepan. (Sour clingsfone plums give ftha lest celer and flavor. If sweef plums or freestone prune plums ara used. substifute ½,, cup lemon luice for k cup of flic prapared fruit.> Now, maka your Jam. Add sutgar te fruit iu saucepan. Mix well. Place over higli heaf, bning te a full rolliug bel. and beil lard 1 minute, stirring constant ly. Re- move fromn heaf; stir in Cerfo at once. Skim off foam with metal spoon. Then stir sud skim for 5 minutes f0 cool slightly, fa pre- veuf floafing fruit. Ladle loto glasses. Cover at once wîth Vs inch hot paraffin. Makes about il medium glasses. Ever inonder what pectin (s? le's the jelling substance found in alt fruits in varying amounts. Certo, is pectin extracted front fruits T:ch in ttis maturai substance, then refined, concentrated and performance-con trolled.Your jamn, jelly and marmalade set perfectIV when you use Certo and follets ihe tested Certo recipes. Praservlng Pointer: Wlian using a water bath for pnocessing, keep flic water at lest 1I nch over thie top of the jars. If tlie water boils dewn, add enough lioiling water te keep at required heiglit. If you've had any problems to do with making jam and jelly, I'd be glad te help in any way I cati. Just drop mne a Une. And watcht for my next columu which wili bce appearing soon Freel BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas at Vîgor 0O* SERVICE STATION Under New Management - Don Juard, Prop. Assisted by "Chick" Richards of Bowmanville "We Specialize in Personal Service" CORNER 0F MANVERS -ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone MA 3-2919 Double Siamp Bay Every Tuesday Corne Out and See Out Display of Gifts- Complete Lubrication at a Reasonable Prîce ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PRICE ON TIRES STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANX QUANTITY AT THE STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS i ville High School oI Opening day, Sept. 8 -Pupils ai Grades 11, 12, 13 will meet in the Auditorium. (The Book -Exchange for these grades oniy, will be open in the rnorning). -Pupils ai Grades 9, 10 will meet in the Audito;ium. (The Bock Exchange for these grades only will be open in the afternoon). nake two round trips. MiIk and sandwiches only Ibe served in the cafeteria. ýrowdad it is necessary to use a staggared noon hour ie shif t. It is realized that this will cause some it be avoided. A year from now, unless a new the nmeantime, a complet. double shift wilI be FOR SCHOOL HERLý« THY CH 1-LDýREII DRINK'LOTS.OF 1 THUfflDAY, SEPT. 3rd, 1959 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLY., ONTARIO PAffl Nffl

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