~AGU~ moiti ~EU OANADIAN E'1AUBMAW.. EnWMAWVIXLU. 6UTAIIO TW!m8~AT. SE~'T. md. Un elumber periods, the talce theT If\ anldrwen itothe ae inlshetell Mhe steward what thy wouid liké will see they are returned safe- iy to your car. Luter il viil <H1 possible to leave the infant lnn charge of an older child while er* Children shouid be encourag- ed to nap ti the afternoon and ia naturai companion of child-Sev ren on any journey, is fatiguing BFrankPlckford UV @U ItIV INURand cari affect tempera. Little ones should not be Orono - A two-mile ]ong A visil lu grandznu la a for phone 1»1« Io réekon ho* fast allowed to run the aigles. This canai, dug nearly a hundred sway place is joyously anilc- the train lu travelling. The la harasslng bath for parents years ago and rurlnlng through pated by the children, but las aier i ots could count ted and other passengers. They what Is now the Deparîment of often a paralysing thought ta cowo ln the pauturès beîtde should, however, if they ate aid Lands and Fores ttee nursery, th1e mother of t.he brood. Il thetucks. Put on a lim-elilmit enough, be shown where the shouldn't be uo, for train ri ovei for gamés oft iià klnd und have dressing rooms are and how ta o cusnljeotwa e nùwadays la especlly pIanned a uinal i ze for thé wlnnet. use the equipmnent.coluin tentwa e for entre famillies by the rail- Chîiden ih910111d ot h. îl- Travelling ivith cide have but what we are brings visys. Yet the journey ia only îaWed tO emt canatflntlY be- need flot h. a frightening chore. us spiritual blessings. The. ser- as successful as the thought îween mnal«. This iny keep It cen be more pleasurable fo vice conclud.d with hymn and that goea mbIlt befor, 't be- theni quiet f1« a whie, but it lhe whole family, if the chIld- Benediction. girf. ipak1. hn buildi uD trouble for th. fu- ren's thinking la conditioned Sunidayv Sehool wsa held at iio ll ak théasy a keepture. Constant Imotion and ahead of lime to the tact that il &.m. wIIIisuperinlendent that wlmk tes oke swéeté cari epoil a Journey for train travel will h. more con- Mr. George Harness conduct- 111e ohildren occupied. Ohoose the uhol. fsinily when nfot fi.nir>g, but more fun than play- ing. The attendance vise down a smail kit bag tiai one of the wlAly oMnbined. ing in Iheïr awn backyard. a littie in number# vacation children cari eagily tote and ~ifn hr sa ayi i fm ________ ime laStij1 with us. il place "surprises-. Wrap t n I ten laîay, y inthe ar isMnneBcet eve i brown paperadmarkc theni iyev IWog ig:Ldngca isherin ers, tn. ayvisi- "Wrs M~~,an "ru A-seat. This can be hung on the i Troto an Mrsshar i- -b&ck oft h. sectiôn Seat and o n i. . an oot n &.Ca terno on for «e ftilg- Winl lift the tûtt b window 1le OUeII.Id les Truscotte, Caledon, for a vd soUogne nui d t ia-d hreare amail oldlng toile f few *weeks. ImL aginiorn oe Ituargametseats which cari be purchase r f r 2 '0 0Miss Elalne Anderson was colorlng carda, puzzles, etc., for very little and pack flat ges of Mrs. M .B.MHl whieh the chidren have flot taking up very littho room . L *lsIweek. A smaI2i party was seen before, from the five and These are a great heip In main- ivembl e rshiD given lier during the week dime stores. taining daily health habits of when guesteS were Misses Joan When th.ebchlîdren become th youngsters. A membership objective of and Ruth Marvin and Miss bored with fils type of pilay', Clôt-hing la the next molt 20,000 was accepted by the On- Susanna Egas. encourage hem la take part in ImPorttnt thing la consîder. tario Young Liberal Association. Miss Inez Symons ta spend- compétitive games. Choose the Passenger traina are kept at a recently. The pledge was made ing her vacation motoring with onet that. take some mental comfortable température both by more than 150 delegates £rom friends ta Port Arthur. agility such ons "numbens" or a sufliIméer und winter. Dark, ail parts of the province at the The heavy rein on Wednes- spelling bee. There la another loose-fitting slacks and jersies Association's annual meeting at day freshened up the tomato favorite game aider chifdren niake ideai travel costumes for Milford Manor ln Muskoka. fie lds and picklng la ln ful enJoy, that ie counting the taie- both boys and girls. DIll hem The 20,000 larget was set by swing. Very llttlé damage was up for grandmia, if you wigh, James Scot. executive director done by lightning In. thls part. just before the train arrives, of the Ontario Liberal Associe- Telephone ani hydro *ulnes but both mother and eilîdren tion, who said that if Liberal- were <irupted for a while and will enjoy thie trip to the Itill- ism is to play its essential part a lnee was struck South of Mr. f i i ' est if th.>' are not constanti>' in our demnocratie process, young E. Symons, during the height ai worried about soiiing a "beat" Lîberals must stand up and b. storm. Tobacco growers north AVAILABLE Fou outfil. counted." of this community have our Prters and dlhing car watt- He said, '<W. need flot oniy sincere sympathy in the losa af era are niost coopérative in the qualit>' but quantity. No one their crop by thuasStorm. m 0 l IrG À E s matter of warming baby's for- need b. ashamed lu recruit mula and the steward vil be acquaintances to 1he Liberal RAL E I ES giad la make suggestions for tanks. * liS 3 Mte children's ineals. Plan tO John Wintermeyer, Provincial lake the. older child-en int the Leader o!fih Liberai Party in Darriuter and Sollior dlner when the. baby la asleep. Ontarlo, stressed in his address dSlmooe St. S. Oshawia Thé porter wiii keep an eYé On. the importance of union te- RA 5-3525 te infant and cal l te mother sponsibility and the responsi- BE if neeeaeary. If Ihis routine bilit>' of the individuel vonker. do.. not lit ti wlth the baby's H. aaid: "Unions which are B given powers by governments should h. open to ail on equal ternis. The industriai worker, *to, has a responsibility ta par- WUticipate in the. affairs of his union. The union exista for hie .s benefit. If lier. is anything »... . wnong with it, if 1h. vonker BEST QALITY * e edoes nol approve otftthe officens, or if he does not 1ke 1he union s policies, lien lb lu up to fie F V L g I Lindividuai worker and hie tel- FUEL OILlow workers ta do something about if. The workers must . have thein own democralic STOV OIL cleasingprocess. AT M ST EASNABL prczsed that it is the. responsibilîty AT M T EM IABE PRCESof bath management and labour ta bargain in good faiti while For Deliveryilisf e responsibility of gov- ernnient to rerruit and traina sufficlént number ot skilled *~~~~ PHON GSIWA A 5.109labour concilialors." The following officera were 718 BOND ST. W. OSHRAWA elected: Président, David Green- " span, Toronto; Vice-Presidents, ___________________________________________Peter Bell, Toronto; Peter ~ ~ - Roney, Simca.; Ernie Savard, Sudbury: Secretary, Canal Ma- ~' iood, Peterboraugh-, Treasurer. Peton Cadeau, Hamilton. Canadian National iNETVLE " EXHIBI IONIMir. and Mrs. Harry Lane EXH IBI IO N 1of Owen Sound are spendinga -- C I Lrew days with Mr. and Mr:. vent an appendix operation " ah Memorlal Hospital, Bow- ianville, on Friday. Miss Evelyn Little of Part Gartn Coch Lnes Hope spent Sunday with Mr. Gartn Co ch Lnes and Mrs. Harry Worrail. I ,mited Miss Jeannette Tozer of Port ~. , - Miss Dorella Lancaster. MIts. Wilfred Cox is still Holpe spent Sunclay witli Miss ~ . ,~~ Joan Walkey. sfr King oxze '.OV Leaving Arrive Mrs. Clînton Farrow, Mrs. Read Down Read up Rîtn. Pred Renderson, Mrs. Wilfred wuoiid lovesM u A.x AL Fa» Wood and Mrs. Jack EllioIt at- A..A.. lae tended a trousseau hea for Miss ait-- 7:0 aetII.1:2@ 4.40 June Wd held at Bowman-1 Mrs TilieBarton of Agin- 7:30 Telvontsa 1:10 4.25 court sTspnding a few days I Uf ~ 7:40 N lh 1:05 4.00 Witi Mxs. Cecil Burley. INS 7:50 Eakc 12:55 3.75 MORRISH 3:00 Burkelsa 12:45 3.58 Regalar Church Servce a 8:1 E a ail 2 35 held af 10 a.m.aon Sunday, average ,ongregatior4 the Rev. Get 1tflw.1 âft_ 8:2 1amtm12:25 3.25 A.W. Harding officiating. To "sta in and brigilen the ser- *,5 OWNANYILL 12:15 3.4@ vice lier. was a ladies quar- 1.11, Mrs. Harry Beckett, Joan Arrive 10:15 a.m. at Toronto Exibtion and Ruth Marvin, Elamne An- CET CARTONS 0F derson and Mary Beckett who Holm, arganist, did duty at or- Sat., sept. 5th enly-Ssela Extra Bus viii leave gan and Piano. Thé selection C.,N (GImWs fr lwmanviJje only nt IL30 :ma. givén, "Swéét Hour of Prayer", was much esijoyed and apprec- c m l s 1 Childrom *Hall Fa. iated. Fer his sermon Rev. A. W. Fror information Phone: Bovimauville MAthet 3-3811 Harding touched briefly upon Ouwa RAmdeIph 3-7171 thfe meaning of te i.Béatitudes given by Christ In The Sermon ui oat emobuzing imý EALLY, REFRESHEDI1 IRE SISTERS PAUSE FOR KING SIZE COCA-COLA ers pause for real refreshment at the studio during a reCording session for a nfew jingle :a-Cola. Only Coca-Cola gives you that cold, crisp taste, that welcome lift the whole b;g King Size gives you oem uh moie Coke to enjoy! So stock Up onl plenty of h oday! em em«44>6 IZE COKE HAS MORE FOR YOUI "--oef- e8mnt oW F ISC SIZE TODAY! Beverages (Oshawa) Ltd, Oshawa, Ontario After you pour, Oiewes su bb.ime t I TM CARAMRM *TATISMM. BOW WAIfVUI..& ONTAMO TIKU WDAT, sm>r. W& leu "M - enhhuslasm. What ls nov th. partment ovins thé canflarian torest station was ail farm land thé mill pond. at hattim. Bease he arr- lhecanai as it is o ay m- le L n g Cn a lerg nceded the mill, they gat bolizee the changes tlia have scrapers and for a year worked was a boy. Eiectric power has without pay to dig the canal. laken the place cf water paver 10 0 Yu rs ld b was a conmunity effort, with ini the community o! Orono as The biçr creek ran lie mille Orono, Tyrona, iHampton a«d o! Enniskillen and Hlampton te Enniskillén aMre io motn. The D ro n F o r st ryNewcastle. The canal tapa in a tew mills fiat havaeflot beeh *1111 serves a useful purpose, 01<1 Deel the present forest station, runs jual feed milla. thougi a different one from "ule ul e TM south for nearly a mile, then Thé miller, too, have chang. 'I'ucerbulta ew mIl as itothe Orono cek te.HryIkowe vas oncea fief intended b>' thé builders. lover dovn thé slream,' con- replenished e reoucekmlr.Nwat7,h'ahus Where once Its waters pro- tinued Mr. Rowe. "Thal was kept I the lpodriled acdek, iler Nw, t74 e' al ohut vided the ppond fliledeandheuinlde54.with séIeralshowhi, mie ie pavn e y ich fe in 1854. ed . l so yuthe miii in operation. crédit lin thé neighborhood. miler noud té frmea' hé eedInL 1921, the Departn-ient ot "About the on>' thing leftf vieat, taday it heips ta valer Hé gaI up and brougit Ouf Lande and Forrsts took over fhe aid days la fiat canal," ho acres of young trees on thé fie old deed, a square of linen many of the farrns ta establisi says with a far ava>' look li» Orona torest station. clofi, hand writtén,,dated 1851 a tree nurs~ery. Today the hua eyés. "Things sure have Il la not a canai as ane thinks and slgned by fie 'marks" of' torest station takes in more changcd around herea".-Oshawa o! fhe Welland or fie Suez. In thé tco-signera, tien a thousand acres. The de-- Times. tact ib is littie biggen tien a "mhe nevi mill hardly gaI dîfch; but ta the men via dug stanted bef are if vas bunned the viiele tva miles of il, four dova," vent on Mr. Rowe. "Thé feet wide and as many deep, storeiiouee and ail, vith 20,000 -. if was a major engineering pro- uéaovhh.'h.mivs Ject. rebuilî vithin a year or tva. aottBoughf MIRi When Tucker dled in 1881, is Send them HryRowe, now 74, cen tell son, Dr. Tueker, sold lb la abu tbecausé lb powered tue Canvefh. I vonked for CanvefhOf to ch l gnisf mill vieré h. worked as in that mill for il yeara béforeO f o S h l a young mari and laten ovned. I bought ili 1911. I sold thé Today, Mr. Rove is building a milliii 1940 and not long after LDi houe n hesie wer te ha I; ws or dwn 1Lookîng Tmrir Desi! grist mill used lu hé, but the bougit back the land and nov canai le stili doing its job or I'm building a house on 11." carnyîng vater ta vheré lb le Net Enough Water ~ Give your yeungster an easy lesson la mosf needed. The canal was dug In 1863, 22 ' hack-to-school good grooming by lettlng "I boughit the miii tram Mr. years before Mr. Rowe was us dry dlean their clothes. Wé returu Carveth in 1911," said Mm- born. u sayot eke Rowe. "I anttefrtml any of thé men wio buif.t hcm sparkling .. fresh ýas new. built In Orono. Thé fîrst one a ul eas i rn was built by Solomon Hooper creek as unning ds te r nd in 1832, 127 years ago. If stood thre vas nficnt dryatnd fie Oronoes crek ilg int r e up If fié m iicint glater t C liffcrest C leaners the r té vsfceek r u mb lythé miii pond.C i tram wiere my miii vas. Solo- ta opérate.hefié nl, fie fermers 71 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE mon bult another miii in 1837. olntg herw a rud He vas killed vien hie cîotîing un't ge. th oei theat rouen gof caugit in the ahnr it vas suggested biat fie miii PHONE NA 3-~7061;- Mr. Rowe vasont tl hwb opérated by steam, but thé brpy ewént uialn ; mb our . wTo saveth oblem ELfVfor owned b J. L. Tucker, andsmon wiha nvedéo hov, shortly afterwards thé miiiegneiglugdbidn canal tram. viiet was known asPIKU AND» E IV R ceased ta be a flour mill and lh ié rek thé building vas used as a big créék.IEPro Ylaning miii and furnituré Communlty Effort 1 ac tr>'. Thé idea vas received with