PAGE FOURTEENTHE CAA IA 14A STATESMAN, EOWMANvULE, ONTAIU wrD nA New Treachers Join Staff Congratulations Froni 0f Orono's Two Schools On Tu= dy uestudents of cipal h. wlU teach Phiucal Ed- both publicaiiHigh School will ucatien, Geography and Science. enter the doors of learning te be- Mr. S. B. Rutherford will a- M gin another terni of studies, gain return ta the teaching staff which will not conclude untill and wiil teaoh this year, History* June of 1960. Both the Public Science and Maths. Mr. Jbhn and 111gh School will sec a alun- Ford, B.A., returna te teacih La. ber o! chaniges this year wilii the tin, Music and Engllsh. Miss...... High Sehool in perticuier show- Wanda Hobbs, B.A., willagarn ing a substantiel increase in condiact the commercial course st- Jýent enrolment. o! which Qhere la to be this year In the Orono High Sehool the 20 periods a week. ernrolment was expected ta juinp A new member to thie staff of to 135 compared to stiuderit bady Orono 111gh Sehool this yea.r of 115 lest September. The schol is Miss Jill Barber, B.A., whe wiil have two g rade flânes tisisa rdteothTrnoU...... yea whcirhasnecesstýaed n, versity end Noho speclalized ln extra teacher briagîng the tea- History. Miss Bariber a.iso grad- ening staff to five end a haîf. uated this year from the Ontario Thi isthelereatteehin ~ Coliege cf Education. She will tl-at bas ever been et the Orono teach Engllsh, History and Girls' Mr. Echo. WtcsonB ~ Physical Education. Mr. E Witerspon BA., is Miss Pauline Seguin, B.A.,a thL, new Principal of thie sehool native o! Piantagenet. Ontario. replaclng Mr. W. Watt who has and a gredriate cf the Ottawa . ............ accepted the prîncipaiship o! the ivriy saoaneiem Bancrft Hgh Scool.Mr. it ber of ithe Orono staff. Miss Se- erspoon lsaa r 'e quin was a top student bath In la College University o! Toron-' University and ln HigAi School. te and holds hs prinCipals cer'- She speaks bath English and «4 tif icate. 1He bas specializcd in Frenc~h an wi, tacFrench, ....... Physicel Education and for the Maths and some business poeuc- past four yeers was head of the tioe to grade nine. Geography Department et the Typing bas ibeen added ta thie P~wva~ileHieh So-4hoo1. %l business course ln grade nine aise, three years ago, helped te and muaic will aise b. tauglit Eliner Lmrc ots itri-erodWy se pthe L ý- a - LunerscanConteon wunnert11-year-old Way In grade thi!teen îý;t 1YcD as gaene Pt ton an ecxtra-YW as he was presented with his cross-Canada Canadian Pa of Eduationast thcurriocular subjeet as- lest year. Reynolds, Commissioner of Highway Safety, Ontario school besides bis duties Home prnomcs ed Srp mother, who accompanied him on the trip, beains hera alec b. available as an option fortune. this yeer and wl be taken et The 10-day prize trip, donated by Raleigh Cyciq the Bowmanwvlle School. Most began from Toronto aithough Wayne and his mother1 o! thie Physical Edtucation wIfl h taken at thie Orono Municipal 11-year-old wanted to see the Queen City. Building as la former years. Ffrst stop for the mother and son was Lake Loi The Orono Public Sehool ex- scenic dome Canadian for a two-day stop at the Chate, pects a similer enroinient ta thet Then on to the West Coast for a two-day look at the o! lest year but a flfth teacher sronigae aigterhm aea h mr haes been added la order thet~ sronigae aigterhm aeat theEmr larger grades may be aplit ix,,o Then back to the mainland by coastal steamer two grades. There will b. two couver, where Wayne lived until h. was three years ol grade two and twc grade *TAiee. and visit places he couldn't quit. remem ber. Two new teachers have been Hglgto h ore o an a h eu edded to ¶the staff Jh's HihghofteounyorW newsteeu Mra. SteneyBel d r tF ! Airlines' jet-powered Britannia. Wayne wants to b. I Lycett. Mr. H. Lowes wilagi His father was and their chief hobby is building modE hold thie principeiship cf the The Ontario Safety League, who originated the school end Mra. R. Carleton and really earned the prize with bis winning six-verse. linr Miss Berthe Cain will also r.- Safety Elephant's six safety miles. Wayne's li.merick You can't ffI tM. Lot r>gthe staff. of the contest-rhythni, rhyme and cont ext. Knm y took an ntneit ain Special congratulations fromn Eliner. TeKnm re Course at London while Miss The Canadian Statesman were the local sponsors of t] a. cain attended a Prinmary Meth- Wing sod ods Course et Peterborough. I If yn ae te deendnt n a Miss Cain will teech grade onei If ou rethedefndnt ~ andI a grade two; Mira. Ball a Iiability case, you're onl a SPOt grade twc and a grade three; .T hOo nI from a financial standpoint, Mr. Crltoa grade tbree Md ycu can't win. Even when the agaefu;Ms yetga h r n decision gocs your way, there agaefu;Ms yetga ame the lawyes féec a1wd h des five and six and Mr. Lowes costs to take care cf. grades seven and eight. Mrs. James . Richards, The new basement classroomn Our Comprehensive Persoual on thie noebh aide o! the school Liability Pelicy protects you hez already been cornpleted and 1 aganst personal iniury and will be ln use on the openîng Mirs. Win. Cobblediek le!t the long weekend et a cottage iproperty damege lasses resuit- day of school. It 's quite similer Wednesdey te visit her brother a t View Lake. ungMý fromiasl. SeC Mus510W. te the soutih basemenît rmm witi W. G. Powers in Vancouver, IMiss Alice Van der Meulen, a fire exit ta the north and with B.C. JWhitby, was an overnight a tule floor acoustic ceillng and JMir. and Mrs. Marshall Chat- guest o! Miss Joyce Joncs lest adequate eidueust system. tertan visited Dr. and Mirs. week. -Times Keith Taylor, Brampton. Mira. Raymond Arn-istronig, Mr. and Mrs. Aiex Stepies, Mirrisburg, visited Mr. and STIJAIRT R. JAMES Vtmin D lathe rerest among Brandon, Mon., Mr. anid Mirs. Mis. E. Den t ever the week- Bowmanary foLort unti:W192. Sals omraild.Mesa1z:eo (NSUANC REL ESATE Tenis ws preî an matur ted Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Millier DiURNE EL SAT enisws uel n mterHooer. are on a trip ta the West Coast. ns t* I li~~ard wood makes better coals iss Marjorie Hoidge, Tor- Mr.EaHne Toto Oesficece for e c mp ire than soft wood. o t ;M .a d r.C a .J h s cf a ndbo rougu Wv ate r Mii. and J eta i. ndMi.1ha. JhnM. and Mr. WJatckQWish, Sthey're worthless. Mr. a.nd Mre. E. Rainey spent Rochester, N.Y., visîted bas Mn. and Mira. Wm. Mitchell and thein weekend guests Mir. and Mira. Burns Kittmer a! St. eaw ~ fMarys- attended the Jordan- uuu NLYgggqq,,a.Merchant wcdding in Centre ~aw 4 a..Street United Church, Oshawa, g,. on Saturday. MT. Mitchell was the soloist. Congratulations ta Miss V. Gilfîllan on ber 86th birthday, . ... ... ..AT M 5C 'P igat ByoKrby, ettended the 25th wedding anniverseny Mr. and Mira. Jack Daynian lu Port Hope on Tuesdey evening. Min., and Mira. David Phasey and childiren, Mir. andMire. MUwn RNNIVLKIAKT FEMMES - INSTANT PUDDINGS TOILET TISSUE A PICKLES e J SAIL umw e mGEN CHERRY PIE nosg. apkgs ST-AVu lb cellat Coleured p. pke 270-&AVR 46 mer Sweet Woe a Jr Me0-BAVE se Mokea Dléke.Sparkte Iteg. in 44-AVE 4a JAR* Parkar e ~Pite me-4*AVUb ,&«12mis23c 22-ez fin 45 c /1151 FRIT £ VEGETAILE SPECLS *oldon Ripe, No. 1 Oracle, Sugar Vina Ripened, NO. 1 Greadeb .lumbo Packe CANTALOUPES Ountario Orown, Ne. 1 Grade, YeIIew COOKING ONIONS up e r.ets, Ui 21"29c e15S -ib*cafib,1 7cI Aillooria..1This Ad auarant..d Through S.tsrday, Sept. 12th. iii.. ELIZABETH VILLE Mr. and Mis. V. Peacock at- tended the 90th birthday celc- brations o! ber mother, Mira. Jackson, whlch was held et the Jackson homestead et Kendal. Church Services and Sunday School were held as usuel. Not as large an ettendance as usuel. Traifie bas been great tAre- ugh the village over the. long weekend. Most people returu- ing hoen. rom aummner cot- tages for achool on Tuesday. No W.A. la being hcld until next week. Thie WLI. was with- dnawn until the next montAi. Mir. and Mire. O. Mercer vis- ited et Mi. and Mirs. Scttering- ton's, Centreton, recently. Ron- ald Setteringten la returning te, Uuiversity o!f.-Toronto and Gary goes back to London Uni- versity lete la September. Miss Donna and Ruth Mer- cer have rented an apartment an Taronte and expeet te nieve into it next week. Aian, their brother, will be returning te Ryerson next week and will room wlth the girls. Mr. and Mra. C. Mereer mot- ored Misses Merle Mercer and Suzanine ThicksonuUp to Tor- onto, Sunday, where they stay- ed ever night wlth Suzanne's siater, Mir. and Mra. Sam Mc- ore. taking in the Ex for the holiday. They returned by bus Moudey evenîag. "&n.and Mira. H. Gordion, Port Hope, visited wlth Ms.. Waltei a nd Mur. SzmAti recent- 1 ElImer! ne McLean smiled bis thanks Lcific tickets by Col. W. B. C. Dept. of Transport. Wayne's approval, of ber son's good le Industries (Canada) Ltd., [ive ini Sudbury, because the mise, where the twa left the eau and tours of the Rockies. Sbeauties of Victoria. and -ss Hotel. for a two-day stay at Van- id, to renew oid acquaintances ir flight by Canadian Pacifie a pilot when he grows up. [l 'planes. econtest, agree that Wayne nerick based on Elmer the excelled in ail the conditions en Club of Bowmanville and Lie Elmer Limenick Contest. News Editor Plantagenet, and Miss .1111 Bar- ber, B.A. o! Toronto, the two new teachers et Orono High Schooi are etaying with Mira. C. S. McLaren. Mrn. and Mirs. E. A. Byworth, Toronto, visited Mire. John Morris. Out o! town visitors with Mrs. Miadison Hall were Mr. and Mrs. Aiex Bowen, Velen- cia; Miss Diana Wingate, Tor- onto; Mr. end Mra. Alfred El- liott, Willowdeie; Mr. Miadi- son Ardron, Welland, Min. E. Joli and Mr. Eric Wick, New- castle.1 Mra. Thornten Wilson la via- iting Mr. and Mire. Jini Lemb,! Scanborough. Mr. and Mi1re, Albert Mitchell; and children spent the long;ý weekend et their cottage. M.r. and Mira. David Gey and Chris visited bis father Mr. James M. Gay and family lest week. WESLEY VILLE Glad tai report that Mrs. Ken Dinnen was able ta returu frorn the hospitai on Tuesday lest. In spite o! the lest Sundey: of the holiday whcn se many were getting inu that lest visit, there were 60 et Sunday achool ini charge e! thie assistenrt su- penintendent, Truman Austin., A misaionary story o! a ncw; sebool la Triniýdad was told by Wanda Ford and Paul Austin with Clarence Nicholis expiain- [ng the location on thc map. Pictures were put on the flan- ruel greph by Cheryl Clarke, James Eyden and Larry Dia- ruer. Some of these bad been taken by Rev. Floyd Honey.1 rThe monniftg scripture wes reed by Glen Clarke. During! ;he regular morning service, [alhn, baby son of Mn. and Mvrs. John Groenveid, was bap-' ;ized. Summer hoidays are 0v-1 ~r end everyone was pleesed to have the choir bek. Mr. and Mr. Thorndyke and iamily visited with Mr. and Mrs. Grenville Flett, Fen- elon Pale, on Sunday. Mr. am Mrs. Peter Clarke, Phillip and Steven, and Dan and Jim Mackenzie cf Utter- son vlsited wath Mr. and Mirs. C. Belghton durmng the week- end. Mrs. Ida Plumn and Mies Mary Lyness of Toronto were at H. Barrowlough's. The Ca ble famlly from south. cf the bor- der visited wlth Mr. P. Snells. Bill Barrowclough attended the C.N.E. with the Port Hope band on Thursday. Congratu- lations te ail of thern on win- ning second prize. Meny from here atterided the Port Hope fair on Saturday, and ladies of the W.A. were pleased te see they won se- cond plfce ln their exhibit of needlework. After the extra long holidey achool opens on Tuesday sept. 8, with Mr. R. Deremo of Port Hope again in charge o! the school here. Robyn Clarke and Darlene Green are the begin- ners starting out in the first break frein home. KEDRON. With theme lu keeping with the Labour Day weekend, Rev. R. H. Love conducted the ser-1 vice et Kedron United Church on Sunday morning. A mixed quartette, Mi. and Mira. Mur- ray Mountjoy, Ron -and Jean- lac Werry, provided the spec- il music, singing unaccompan- led. Albert Wood was Sunday Sohool superintendent, Eleenor Mieuntjoy pianlst. Masters Job- nny Ogle and Harley Duqis received the S.S. offering. The wiener and corn roast held et Camp Pretoria on Sat- urday evening by thc Doubles Club was largely ettended. In addition ta, convenore, Mr. and Mmr. Ray Scott, Mis. D. Bar- nett led lu worship, Bill Werry lu singlag, and Mira. F. Han- cock lu gamnes. Mire. Douglas Love was boa- tees for the September meet- ing o! Kedron Women's As- sociation on Wednesday even- lag. Mis. Stan,, Mira. W, L. Mountjoy and Mira. H. A. Wer- ry were thie programme coni- initee. President Mis. W. Woodward PrekId !r h. business. mm C. opknscalled the rolland read the minutes. Mme. H. Pas- coe read the ccrrespondence On motion, and vote, It was de- cided neot to have the usual fall turkey dinner. Worshlp was led by Mra. H. A. Werry with the theme «Truth and Freedom". Mrs. H. C. Bohaker and Mrs. J. Glover asslsted. Mirs. Starr was pian- 'st. The Missionary Study Book was introduced by the speaker, Mirs. Robert Werry. Following an interlude of music, Mrs. R. Werr concluded the programi perio with letters from field mioa-ries, Mr. and Mirs. AI- loway. Mrs. H. Pascoe, ?&s. H. Crousmen and Mirs. R. Lee as- sisted the hostess in serving refreshments. Rev. Donald Nash o! Anti-1 gonish, Nova Scotia, was a -re- cent guest of his aunt, Mrs. H. C. Bohaker, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hitchens, and Wendy enjoyed a camping holiday near Sauit Ste. Marie and in the Northern United States. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dyck and fanily were recent guests of Mr. and Mira. Larry May, Bel- leville. Mr. and Mirs. Miark Hancock and family spent a few days at a cottage on Lake Simcoe. Mir and Mrs. H. C. Bohaker and Rosemary ettended the graduation ceremonies et Camp Borden last Wednesday, when Gregory Bohaker was among the Royal Canadien Air Cadets who conipleted the Drilil I- structor's Course. The Drill Se- quence Competition without commands was won by the Central Canadian group over Eastern, Western ompetition. Ceremonies were shown on T.V. On Saturday evening, a- long with the Hewaiin group representing U.S. Greg was among -the cadets who put on a Drill Sequence- at the Cen- adian National Exhibition, Tor- onto. MI&s. H. Brown was aý guest of her niece, Mrs. M. Lucyk, Columnbus, when the latter en- tertained with a party and- shower honouring bride-to-be1 Donna Vice, whose wedding i ta Francis Johnson takes place on Sept. 19. Ronald and Jeanine WAerry were guestsaet the Saturday wedding o! Muriel Heagle and Oldamobils and Chevrolel Cars Dû WNAN VILLE Chevrolof Trucks COIJETICE Phono MA 3-3353 Phone NA 3.3922 Sidney MacDonald. Mr. Mac. Donald was formerly Associate Agr. Rep. for Ontario County, and is pow Agricultural Re. presentative of Hastings Coun- ty. Ron Werry was bet man at the nuptials hel iI-IHoard Sta- tion United Church. Former associates, friends and relatcr8 from near and far attended ts wedding. Mfr. and Mrs. Rodger Bisho Ruth and Ann, spent the holi. day weekend at a cottagg in Northern Ontario. Mrs. Ceci Tait, Port Perry. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brown. Mrs.' L. Honnor, Toronto, was a weekend guest of Mrs. P. Snowden. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brown were recent guests in Buffalo of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Bla- ekuiore. Miss Donna May, and Larry Gerrow of Bell eville, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mirs. J. Dyck. Miss Rica Pittens hasg~ turned home affter spenlemýg the summer months with re- latives et Brampton. ILECTRIC Lrm.'~ CONTRACTIM eItM I!~. REFRJGERAT[ON-ELECTRI MOTOR - SALES - SERVICE T.V- RADIO - APPLIANCES r, How could my family li've on the insurance I'ire provided? "Could they go nes flvla he., resent hom-or wouiLs havehm. v mmway «WouId my unamui daughte get the e&.eaih we ve planned h, tbem-ewould ihuy Le forced to quit part way ubrngl? «Would niy wifehave - hoom nlSeg me. ives-ot uiight iL. ou mm a.y lIOW M" a f w à ..mi...mer~, London Life' Insurauce Company Nemd fio-LedGuo*C Big Fali Savings on USED CARS 3 on COURTICE Lot J V SALESMEN HEEE TO SERVE YOU FRON 8:00 A.N. TO 9:30 P.N. DAILY Corne in ... Look Ihern over and test-drive the car af yaur choice ... Thon make as a roasanable aller! BUDGET TEINS ARRANGED TO SUIT TOUE INCONEO 1 1 ------ - --- offl M Io l* ý PAGZ rouRTEM ouvello'd" à UV à ýý . - - . _;___ . -'- ý ý.'- --- - --- r. SICPT. lom, igu ti ei ROY we NICHOLS 4*949c