PAGE SIXTEDI TEE CANADIAN STATESMANI BOWMAZIV1IL~ OUTAIXO THURSDAY, SEPT. 101h, lOIS M£cKNIGHT-Dick and Marion are happy lu announce the an- rival o! a son, Allyn Richard, on Monday, Sept. 7 aI Memorial Hospital, Bowmanviiie. A broth- er for Dalene and Diane. Moth- or and baby fine. Thanks bu Dr. H. Rundie. 37-1 LANE, Gary and Mary (nec Luxton) are happy 10 aninounce the arrivai o! their son, Septeni- ber 51h, 1959, aI Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmianvilie. A brother for Johnny. 37-1* METCALF-Muniel and Alvin announce the birth of their son, on Wednesday, September 2, 1959. A brother for Hazel, Ronald, Laurel, Marilyn and Norma. 37-1* TENNANT-Morley and Muriel (nee Burgess) are happy ta an- nounce the arrival of a son Terry Austin on August 27, aI Memoriai Hospital, Bowman- vile, a brother for Valerie, Junior, Patsy, Kevin. 37-1* WITHERLY-Bruce and Irene (nee Emerson) are happy to an- nounce the birth of a son Steph- en Bruce, on September th, 1959, at Oshawa General Hos- pital 37-1 Engagements Mn. and Mrs. Fred Pantner announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Helen Louise, ta Mr. Gabriel Stephen Kovacs, son of Mis. G. Ko- vacs and the late Mr. Kayacs, ail of Tynone. Mamiage to take place in Tyrone United Church, October 101h, at 4 p.m. 37-1 Mr. and Mis. Melville Wery wish lu announce the engage- ment of their daughten Georgina May, lu Mir. Robert Thomas Parker, son of Mr. and Mis. Thomas Pamker, Oshawa. The manrage wiil take placýe on Saturday, Oclober 10th at 3 o'ciock ini Blackstock 1United Church. 37-1* The engagement o! Betty Joan Masters, daughler o! the laIe Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Mast- ers is announced, lu Alvin Ern- est Stacey Jr., son o! Mr. and Mis. Alvin A. Stacey Sr. The wedding will take place in Cliff- cresl United Church, Toronto, on Salurday, Septemnber 26, 1959, aI 5 p.371 The engagement is announced o! Shirley Ann Hardy, daught- er o! Mi. and Mis. H. W. Hardy of Orono lu Mr. Donald Bruce McArthur, son o! Mrs. C. Silver and the late Mi. Douglas Me- Arthur of Oshawa. Marriage lu take place aI St. George's Ang- lican Church, Oshawa, aI 11:00 a.m., Saturday, October l7th, 1959. 37-1* Mr. and Mis. Clarence P. liockin wish bu announce the engagement o! thoin daughler, Dorothy Grace, lu Mr. Kenneth Robent Kelly, son o! Mi. and Mrs. Hugh R. Kelly, Bowman- ville. The mariage wll takeI place on Saturday, Octobor 10, 1959, at 3:30 o'clock in Trinity United Church, Bowmanviile. 37-1* Mi. and Mis. Gordon R. Lak- Ing wish lu announce the en- gagement o! their daughter Marlono Ellen, lu Murray Wil- liam Sheehan, son o! Mis. Stan- boy Burgess o! Whitby, and Mr. Joseph P. Sheehan of Bowman- ville. The mariage lu take place in Newcastle United Church on Saturday, September 26th aI 3 p.m. 37-1 Deaths COX-At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanviiie, on Wodnesday, September 2nd, 1959, Beatrice Berry Cox, in hem 501h year, beloved wife o! Wilfred Cox, R.R. 3, Newcastle, dean mother of Clive, Nowtonville; Ronald, Pickering; Melville, North Bay, and Nora (Mis. James Curson), Newtonvillo. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, un Saturday, Sep- lember 5th, at 2 o'clock. Inter- mont Salon CemteryPicker- ing. den OUDEN-Sudd1enly, aI R.R. 1, Hamipton, un Tuosday, Sep- lember 8th, 1959, Anna don Ouden, in hem 381h year, belov- cd wife o! Bart- don Oudon, and dean mothen o! Stephen, Joan and Theo. Rosting aI the Mur- ris Puneral Chapel, Bowman- ville. Puneral Mass in SI. Joseph's R. C. Church on Fri- day aI 10 a.m. Internent Bow- manville Cemetery. OKE,-Suddenly, aI Enniskillen, on Sunday, Sepbember 6th, 1959, Margarel Jane Perguson, aged 74 years, beloved wife of Albert Oke, and dear noîher uf Cami- eron, Oshawa, and Merle (Mis. C. Avery), Burketon. Service was held in the Morris Fumerai Chapel, Bowmanville, un Tues- day, September 8th, aI 2 o'ciock. Interment Hampton Cemetery. RICHARDS - At Strathaven ResI oe Bowmanville, on1 Pniday, September 4th, 1059, Zilla Maude Richards, aged 84 y ears, beloved wife o! Alfred hichards, R.R. 1, Bwavle and dean mother o! Gamnel, Leonard, Lloyd, George, Ross and Hilda (Mrs. Kenneth Rundle). Service was held i th Morris Puneral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Sunday, Sep. tember 6th, aI 3 o'clock. Inter- aientBowmanvlfl. Cemeleyt Cards of Thanks Dear Little Friends and Neighbours in Bowmanvilie: I wish to express Iris' and my own thanks b ail of you for the nice ging-away party you gave her and the lovely gifts received. You are indeed loyal littie friends and I know fris wiil miss you very much. As you ail know fris and I have been living apart for over a year. We are now very happy to be together once again. Most especially I want to thank ail of the Mari errison famiy who su wiilingly came tu my aid in my lime of need. Thanks to Art, Vi, Gerald and Bob, who have ail been so won- derful and for giving Iris a real home with theni. Money or thanks can neyer repay you for what you have done, but I shall always remember and be grateful. Yours sincerely, Edna Campbeil, Reg. N. 37-1 Coming Events Dancing evemy Saturday night i Pontypool to the music of the Northern Ramblers, coni- mencing Sept. 5. 35-3 Bake Sale in St. John's Parish Hall, Friday, Sept. 1 lth, from1 2 to 5. Sponsored by the moth- ers of The Little Helpers. 37=1* Dramna Festival, Orono'Town Hall, September il and 12,1 8:30 p.m. Seven one-act las Sponsored by Durham Central1 Agricultural Society. Admission 75c and 50c. 36-2 Banquet, Installation an d Dance aI Lions Centre, Satur- day, Sept. 19, by Canadian Ord- en of Forestens, Ladies and Men's Courts. Tickets available from officers of -both Courts. 37-1 * Woodview Communlty Centre -Monster Bingo. Twenty games -twenty ,dollars; five games- thirly dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots aI $250. Door prizes. NexI Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf Turkey Supper aI Maple G r o v e Church, Wednesday, Sept. 30. Aduits, $1.50; child- ren 12 and under, 75c. Supper served from 4:30. Tickets rnay be had froni Mis. Harvey Brooks or is. Howard Brad- ley. 37-1* Anyone wishing 10 play in the Hospital Marathon Bridge, who did nul play in il last year, is asked lu telephone in-anediate- ly to Mis. George Young, MA 3-5532, Mis. E. V. Hoar, MArket 3-5716, or Mms. Aubrey Smith, MA 3-5726, as lists are now be- ing made Up. 37-1 Dance ai Solina Hall Saturday, Sept. 19 JIM FISHER'S ORCHESTRA Admission $1.00 per person 37-1 Bethesda Cemetery DECORATION DAY wiil be he!d on SUNDAY, SEPT. 13th AT 3 O'CLOCK 37-1 COME AND SEE ! ""The Hanging Tree" wilh a real oid-fashioned Iynching aI the ROYAL THEATRE Thursday tb Saturday Sept. 24 - 26 37-1 ___Notices NOTICE TO ALL DOG OWNERS Bowmanville and Darlington Dog Control By-Law IS NOW BEING ENFORCED. Detalled by-law willI be published mcxl week. Anyone deslring lnformation Cal Cali MArket 3-5461 37-i Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS Crediturs and others having dlaims against the Estate of Catherine Houston (otherwise1 known as Catherine Duffy), late of the Town of Bowmanviile, in the County of Durham, are required ta send fuil particulars of such dlaims lu the under- signed, solicitors for the Execu- tor on or before the 181h day o! September, 1959, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only lu dlaims that have thon boom received. JONES & GREER, 130 Ring SI. E., Oshawa, Ontario. 36-3 Wanted DEAD and crippled fammtock. picked up promplly. Telephone COifax 3-2721, Margwill Fur parmb Tyran.. 87-tfl Articles for Sale CLEAN seed rye. Phone Orono 30 r 5. 36-2* MAN'S racing bicycle. Phone MA 3-3906. 37-l* PIANO. Telephone evenings, MA 3-2480. 37-1* SILO, 12 x 24. Harold Salter. Phone COlfax 3-2270. 37-1 USED garden riding tractor, 6 h.p. Phone MA 3-5390. 37-14 CONTINENTAL bed, 39" spring mfattress. Phone MA 3-3990. 37-1* USED Woods' home freezer, 15 cu. ft. Phone MA 3-3050 even- ings. 37-1* COAL furnace with draught controls, good condition. Phone MA 3-3179. 37-1 ONE 28" C.C.M. bicycle. One real good Beatty washer. Apply 35 Prospect St. 37-1 HOT water tank, complete with electric heater and thermostat. Phone MA 3-3863. 37-1 ALSCO aluminum doors, from $39.95 up. Lorne Allun, 1 Prince St. Phone MA 3-3871. 37-1* CORN silage. Delivered to farm. Apply Donald Boyington at Stokely-VanCanip, Whitby. 33-5* ONE Acme two-burner rangette stove in excellent condition. Cail MA 3-7184 after 6 p.m. 37-1 PIANO, electric rangette and other articles too numerous to mention. Phone MA 3-5250. 37-1 SAVE on luxnber. direct from miii lu you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinniaunt, Ontario. Phone 17 r Il. 131f KEYS cul automalIcally, while 1you wail, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St ., Bowman- ville. 46-tf WATER, hard and soft, deliver- ed. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phono MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 31-tf GIRL'S nylon snow suit, size 12 and girl's fail coal, size 10. Ex- cellent condition. Phone MA 3-3406. 37-if ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service lu electricai appliances, large and smail. Lander Hard- ware. -Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf INSULATION, blowing xnethod, with rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. F r ee eslimates. Harry L. Wade. Phono Clarke 2420. 39-tf ONE 1959 Cedeta Scooter (in A-i condition), semi-automatic, dual exhaust and ail other ac- cessories. Low mileage. Reas- onabie pnice. MA 3-5718. 37=1* DO your own fluors and rugs- Rent a sander, fluor polisher or rug cleaner (shampoo method) from Lander Hardware, 7 King St., E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 20-tf HEARING aid service. Tesling service and compiete stock of batteries and cords aI Higgon Eiectric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-3305. 7-If TENT, 10' x 12', $25.00: cabin Irailen, 16' by 8', $250.00 white formai, size 12, $10.00; one space healer, $35.00; 2-burner range, $15.00. Telephone Bowmanville MArket 3-7048 anytime. 37-1* ONE 71/2 h.p. Scott-Atwater outboard motor, new. One 15' Peterborough cedar boat, jusl refinished-, A-i condition. Bar- gain. Phono 2131 Newcastle. Jack Holmes. 34-If TWO combination doors, com- plele, one 2' 9" x 6' 8";- one 2' 93/" x 6' 73/", four stanm windows, une 2' 71/4" x 4' 2%/", 2' 7%" x 4' 21/", and two 2' 71/" x 4' 2%". 21 Church St. Tele- phono MA 3-3553. 37-1 ANTENNAE Installed - Repaired Moved Sale - Towers - Sale 1 31 40' structure lnstalled with Crown roter and all-channel head. Reg. $150. Sale price $115 LEN & LOU'S TV 1Waverley Road MA 3-3941 33- 12 -If Aricles for Sale BALED straw. Phone 34 R 5, Orono. 37-1* FALL wheat for seed. Phone COlfax 3-2675. 37-1* WATER for sale. Delivered. Phone Cliff Pethick, COlfax 3-2131. 36-tf TWO-furrow plough, spring- tooth cultivator, large Gurney wood $tove, ail in good con- dition. Also quantity of cut wood. Phone COifax 3-2269. 37-1 SPECIALS: Chesterfield and daveno suites from $159. Space- savers from $45. Kitchen suites from $49. 3-piece bedroom suites from $99. Trade-in al- lowance. Murphy Furniture, King St. W., Bowmanville. MA 3-3781. 37-1* ATTENTION FARMERS! USED EQUIPMENT INTERNATIONAL FARMALL CUB TRACTOR with Mower and Plough FARMALL SUPER "«C" TRACTOR with 2-row Cultivator MASSEY-HARRIS "122"1 TRACTOR MASSEY-HARRIS "«30"1 TRACTOR ALLIS-CHALMERS "C"' TRACTOR JOHN DEERE 3-Furrow PLOW on Rubber JOHN DEERE SUB-SOILER 2-Furrow FLEURY PLOW 2-Furrow CASE PLOW 3-Point Hitch TRAIL CULTIVATOR SPECIAL FINANCE TERMS Cowan Equipment Co. 134 King St. E. MA 3-5689 37-1 Cars for Sale $75 CASH buys a '47 Pontiac coach. Phone COlfax 3-2357. 37-1 '55 CHEV. sedan, in good con- dition. Reasonable. Telephone MLA 3-3787. 37-1* 1948 CHEV., with radio, heater, block heater, $125. Telephone COlfax 3-2520. 37-1* BUICK car in good condition. Don Welsh, 34 Prospect Street, Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5639. 37-1* '52 FARGO 2-ton stake body truck in good condition. Cal Fred Hryniuka, at Clarke 43r24. 37-1 1950 DODGE sedan. Body re- finished, motor good. J. Pat- terson, 42 Welington St., MA 3-3081. 37-1 '53 ONE-ton Chev. truck; '54 one-ton, '51 Mercury sedan, '56 Dodge sedan. E. D. K.napp. Phone MA 3-5756. 37-1 1956 VOLKSWAGEN, Ai con- dition, custom radio. Owner leaving country. Telephone MA 3-5043 after 6 p;m. 37-1* ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months to pay. For personal service at your home call Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf 1957 FORD Ranch Wagon, V8, automatic, radio, real dlean car. Licence 13352X. Full price $1,795.00. John Stutt, Seaway Motors Ltd., Whitby. MOhawk 8-3331. 37-1 BUYING OR SELLING SEE Ted Campin Motors RA 3-4494 - les. RA 5-5574 607 King St. East (Just East of Wilson Bd.) OSHAWA 10-tf CARS FOR SALE 1955 DODGE 2-Dr., $400 dowu 1950 FORD 2-Dr., $100 down 1949 STUDEBAKER 2-Dr. with overdrive. $100 down 1958 INTERNATIONAL %~-TON TRUCK $300.00 Down Cowan Equipment Co. 134 Ring St. E. Bowmauvle Phone MA 3-5689 37-1 Livestock for Sale 200 DeKALB puilets, just start- ing lu lay; also 35 year-old White Leghorn hens. New- castle 3856. 37-1 WELSH pony stallion, 2 years oid, $150; 3/ Arab filly, vory quiet, $250. Phono Welcome 2336. Mm. R. T. Curroily, R.R. 3, Port Hope. 37-1 Tenders Wcmted Clarke Township School Area Board requires competent care- taker for new lwo-roumed school aI former S.S. No. 9; duties lu commence on or about October lst. Lowest on any tender nul necessarily accepted, but must be in by Sept. 15th. Apply to Mrs. V. M. Gilmor, Sec'y-Treas., Newlunville, Ont. 37-1 Personal CHESTERFIELDS and odd chairs re-upholstered lu look botter than new. Go where you gel the best for boss. For free estimates, froc pick-up and de- livery, cali Modemn Uphoîster- $a&, RA 8-.51, omhawa. 33-16 Work Wcmted HOUSEKEEPING from 9 lu 4. Phone MA 3-3491 anylinie. Ale Hopson. 137-2 STUDENTS interested in piano and piano accordion lessons, contact MA 3-5718 for booking. 37-1 PLUMBING, heatlng eaves- troughîng, free estimates. Har- vey Partner, Tyrone. COlfax 3-2281 or Orono 1782. 37-tf PLUMBING, heatlng, eaves- troughing; free estimatus. Harvey Partner, Tyrone. MA 3-9~240 or Orono 1782. 6-tf FOR chimney work, new or repair or any brick, block or concrete work. P.O. Box 1083. Cail L. Turner, Phone MA 3-5820 or 3-5605. 30-tf WHITEWASHING and disin- fecting stables, etc. Free estim- ates, ail work guaranteed. Tele- phone Clarke 4721. Bert Tomp- kins, Newtonviile. 36-tf Anger Construciion Co. LTD. Chlmneys Rebuit and Repaired Brick - Concrete - Carpentry Phone Roy Anger MA 3-2273 33-tf Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 54 King St. E. MA 3-5030 16-tf Save Money ai Dave's Shoe Repair FAST, PROMPT SERVICE 26 Ontario St., Bowmanviile CORNER KING and ONTARIO 24-tf PLUMBING - HEATING EAVESTROUGHING TONY BAARS Mor-Sun, Powermatlc, Morrison Webster-Atlas Dealer - Gas - Oil 66 King St. W. MA 3-7127 BOWMANVILLE 20-tf OSHÂWA TV TELE VISION AERIAL SALES INSTALLATION and REPAIES Phone Bowmanville MA 3-552Z BILL AND BOB1 Oshawa RA 8-818 LEASK 37-If Seed for Sale SEED WHEAT Eegistered No. i and Commercial No. i Genesee Fail Wheat Treated and Bagged Ready té Sow Excellent sample GARNET RICKARD Phone MA 3-7150 37-2 Wanted to Buy RED CLO VER, Iimolhy. Sub- mil saple. Slewarl's Seeds, Bowmavil.37-tf ALL kinds of live pouitry wanled. Highesl prices pgaid. M. Platt, Bethany ".. 1. Pone 7 r 13 coilect 9-tf HIGHEST prices paid for used furniture, appliances, television, sewing machines, etc. Also soU and exchange. 59 King St. W. Phone MA 3-7231. 42-tf HIGHEST prices pald for live poultry, goose featheMs feather ticks, scrap iron, rags, metals and raw furs. Phono RA 3-2043 Oshawa, coilecI. 48-tf Étepairs RADIO and lelevision repairs. Prompt service. Pick-up and delivery. George's, 85 King SI. E. Phono MA 3-5713. 29-tf GUARANTEED telovision and radio service, to ail makes. Sanie day service. Television Service Co. Phone MA 3-3883. 49-tf REPAIRS and rewinding, arm- atures lurned, lu ail makes of electric molors. Higgun Elec- teec, 38 King East, Phone MA 3-3305. 7-If REPAIRS toalal makes of sew-r ing machines. Froc pickup and delivery. Laverty' s Bargain Centre, 59 King W. Phono MA 3-7231. 44-If REPAIES to ail makes of re- frigerators, domneslic and com- mercial; millking coolers. Hig- § on Electrie Limited, 38 King t. . Phone MA 3-3305. 7-If Pets for Sale FMV Colle pups, maie and fernale. Phonie COlfax 3-2307. 37-i TWO pups, part Colle and Ayrdale. Make good watch and caIlle dogs. Phone 4132 Clarke. 37-1* MINIATURE Pinscher puppies, registered. Top qualily. Ex- cllent blood line; nmme weers oud lA 8_8038..1 Help Wanted APPLE pickers L. Vandorp, Canadian Fruit Farrn, New- castle. Phone 2357. 371 FULL time day wailress want-i ed. Apply Flying Scoîsman Resturant, Newcastle. 37-1 WOMAN lu care for 4-year-old boy while mother works. Tele- phone MA 3-3870 anytime. 37-1 TRUCK driver wanted for a 3- ton stake. Some experience necessary. Phone MArket 3-5923. 37-1* Recrl Estate for Sale TWO-acre lot near golf course. Phone COlfax 3-2047. 37-1* 100 acre fanm with good house with bath, modemn kitchen and new, modern barn. Annan & Cook REALTORS Phone Bjackstock 44 R il MARVIN NESBIT 37-1* Leask Real Estate LICENSED mechanio. Apply in 6 room deluxe ranch bunga- persnsu lu ir. Fred Owen, Roy low on Frederick SI. Brick with W. Nichols Garage, Courtice, stone trini, twindows, broad- un Phono MA 3-3922. 37-2 1o0m onliving and diming-1 m oims, tiled 4-piece bath with HIRED girl té help in fan vanity, aluminuni stornis and house. Good wages and lime screens, paved double dniveway off. Phono Welcome 2336, Mrs. lu roomy attached garage, large R. T. Currelly, R.R. 3, Fort 'landscaped lot. Terns. Hope. 3i7-1 6 oomn brick bungalow on HOUSEKEEPER lu take re Jane St., 4-piece bath, new gas of moern arnho charge fumnace, finished mec. room in childmen. Apply Campbell'Hani-J ae nt drlid os, or, R.R. 1, Hampton. Phoune new noomy garage. Landscap- ICOlfax 3-2408. 37=1* ed. Terms. _________- Choice large building lot un RAWLEIGH'S specials, samples, corne r near Oshawa Shopping sales aids, quality lino of 170 centre. Excellent view, just home and farm needs may off No. 2. Full price $1,800.00. answer your desîre for larger Lots aI Squires Beach. Good income. Pull lime on spare lune bathing. boating and fishing, plans. Write today for book- $1,200.00. let "Your Way To A Botter Liv- 75arsbdeigoN.2 ing. RwleghDep 37I140F H -ighway at Nonth and 401j 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 3-1 South. Paved road. LI Clarke. A NEARBY Familex dealer- Some woods, pasture and wonk- ship can be yours if you are an able land. Make an offer. ambitious man. A fine oppor- M. E. LEASE luniby tlu stop mbt a profitable Real Estate Broker business o! your own with our 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville, 250 products including cosmet- MArkeî 3-5919 ics, culinary extracts, vitamîns, 3- tonics, spices, farm necessities. 37-11______________ High commission and bonus.1 Pamulex, DepI. B. 1600 DelorH e-7sL D f5 imier, Montreai, Que. 37-1De ith R[eal Lslale RURAL WOMEN 90 Acre farm, 85 acres work- What township do you live In? able, pond, 5 acres wood, bank qExcellent earning opportunity bain, garage, etc.: 8 roomed for rural women te sell Avon brick hume, heavy wired. Pnîce bo Iheir nelghbours. Choose $11,000. Easy ternis. your own seliing lime no Ihat 100 Acre farim, 75 acres work- Il won't Interfere with other able, 2 bank barns, iniplemont duties, No obligation to in- shed, etc.; 8 Roomned home with quire. Write today te Miss K. 4-pioce bath, running hot and MacKean, 528 Gilmour Street, cold water. ,Asking $15,000 Peterborough, Ont. 37-i withi $5,000 down. - 100 Acre farm, 90 acres work- FEM4ALE HELP ab,10 iacreswood, creek,I.L_ etc.; 7 roomed home, heavy WANTEDwired. Asking $15,500 with APPLY $5,500 down. 100, Acre farin, near Kirby, SPECALT PA ER wth trernclose lu highway, 10'x35' bank barn, double hoen house, drive shed, etc.; 8 roo- PRODUCTS ed brick home with funace, a1l buildings iri excellent repair.1 63 Temperance St., Bowmanville Asking $22,000. Ternis. for 50 Acre farmi near Green- LIGHT FACTORT WORR bOiik, creek, bank barn with munig water, silo, drive shed; Permanent Employment 9 roomned brick homoe withi 37-1 furnace, running water. Ask- ig$13,000. Ternis. CLERK MESSENGER 1100 Acre fam, near Mil. brook, 65 acres wonkable, 101 with acres hardwood bush, springs, L-shapcd bank barn, drive-shed, TT-L ~1i 1'1i* garage 7 roomed frame home nligu SciolOOi LucaIiofl with 3-pieco bath, runningwt or. Asking $12,500. Ternis an- Apply in perso5 Raoled unfinished bunga- low aI Hampton, close lu school, te good size lot. Asking $5,600 with $500 down. Personnel Manager 6 Roomed home with running waten, 3-pieco bath, heavy wir- ing. Fric. $6,000 with $2,000 The Goodyear Tire dowýn. 12 Roomod sulid brick hume D Lin, Newcastie which cudb and Ruber Co. converted iib oapanments. Good water supply. Extra lot. ]Jown, of Canada Limiied 3l 0.Rie bungalw wth al B ow anvile ached garage. Localed on No. 37-1 Ternis. manville with attached garage, $14,500buninloainYEAR $14,50 in YEAR patio, ail modern conveniences, MAN next lu school in Bowmanville. for the RIGHTMA Askig pnice $10,000. 5 Roomed home wilh ail furn- We don'l want te mlslead you ace, kitchen cupboards, running ile thinklng thal maklng water, garage, etc. Down, $20,000.00 lu a year la as easy as $ 1,000.Price jrranged. falling off a log.. . But we doCotc pay our men trom $14,500.00 te otc $50,000.00 in a year and we want Jh Eowmanville area. Realtor and General Insurance Rere are env requiremenîs . .. Newcastle Phone 2341 age 45 te 60 ... willing te accepl Salesmen responslbility ... able ta make DoIdnal en:Bommfl auto trips te surroundlng terri- on& MAunJ3-3950 aavll tory te cail eo ecustomers. c £ ous Ma 3-3950Belm We don't expeel you te gel n DaviPhone 21 thar the first day, but we will make Poo2 Il worth your whllo rlghltframt 37-1 the starI! This la a tull-time job . . . il pays mlghty weII. It la stimulaling and fUîled wlîh ig Pedwell Real Estate rewarda for honeat effort. Sound' worthwhile? . . The 200 acres, close lu Lindsay, tell us about youmself, yoir sales 13 ce okbe odpo background and your earuîng ductive soul, level, no alune, in- recuirementa. Lot me hear tram1 sui-brîck house, 6 roomas bank Nursing Home The South Hayon Rost Home -Licensed accommodation avail- able for up or bcd patients. Phone Newcastle 4441. 29-tf Personal WHY feel old? Ostrex Tonic Tablets help thousands of mon, women past 40 feei younger. Only 69c. At ail druggists. 37-1 RYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goods> maied postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price lisI. Six saniples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order De p t T-28, Nov.-Rubber Co, Box 91, Ham- àlta., Ont. 1-52 Supertest gas staion and snack ber on 35 hRaway. Smal down payent as terms. Gas station and snack bar, Sheil service and car sales on 35B Highway close lu Lindsay, lasI year's gailonage 70,000. This is a rare opporlunity, reasonable terma. 9 noom house i Orono, à- pieco bath, ail furnace, cook1 stuye, hardwood and ti1e ors This must be aoid lu close an estate, $9,000. TernizS cn b. arranged. 6 roon wintez'ized bouse qtI Newcastle Beach, hot and cold waem, garage, large lot, $8,000, wilh $1 ,000 down for quick sale. Mone oy l an. IL C. PÉ» WELL4 DOKE Real Estate for Sale James Nixon REAL ESTATE BRORER 15 acres on hard top road with 7-room brick house, barn, good stable, garage, good weil, garden soil, pasture. This farmi is close to Bowmanville, school and so many possibilities go wilh this place. Ail for $15,000, half cash. Christmas tree farms, pasture farms, houses, etc.riX À 47 Queen St. ), Dowmanvilie MA .d 37-1* MlcQuay and Kidd REALTORS Members of Oshawa and ti1striet Real Estate Boardt $2,000 down buys brick home on lot 140' x 120'. Full price oniy $6.900. Modern bungalow, garage. $10,500 full price. 15 acres level garden land, near Hampton. Asking $4,500 wîth excellent ternis. 100 acre farmi near Orono. Buildings in good condition, large gravel deposit. Asking $21,000. Terms. Many more exclusive listings to choose from. WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3393 Bowmanvili. 37-1 Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER 90 acres - 7 room brick house, barn 40 x 85, good producing farm; excellent location. Price $32,000.00. Terms. 90 acres - 8 room frame house, large barn, good stock farm, nice creek. Price $22,000.00. Easy lerms. 44 acres, facing two highways good pasture farm, plenty oï water. Price $100.00 per acre. Several building lots priced very reasonable. 7 acres at Maple Grave. Price $300.00 per acre. Don'l miss on this one. Two homes on Highway 2. Priced as low as $6,500.00 and $1,000.00 dowrn. List with us for quick r.- sults. 189 Seugog st. Bowmauvlle Phone MA 3-3644 Saiesman: G. Blylevin Phone MA 3-5300 3- Peter Kowal REAL ESTATE BROXER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 Ring St. E. Bowmanvflis Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 Salesman - J. A. Bartom MA 3-3098 Hurry For This One! Beautiful 5-room bungalow of modemn design located on a good road. Approximnately 13/4 acres 'of choice garden land. Taxes $87.00. Priced to seil with low down payment. 7 room brick home located close to hospital. This is an older type home in very good condition. Oul furnace. Priced to seil at only $11,000.00. Ternis Iavailable. N.H.A. bungalows. Built to your specifications, in a nice location. Enquire at office. $1,000.00 down wîll buy love- ly cottage at Cedar Crest Beach. Completely furnished. Only $4,000.00 full price. Buy now aI faîl price. 37-1 CLAJUJMSSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVFATOCEL FOR SALE rSE am '. IEW 1WAIITZ CAMS FCR SALEC mm ' . OUX» 810 comeb Re. 40 aor e wiltba M1.imum o SOc flust b. pald by date of lusertm U chu= cm anaddltional 25e wilb. addedL Aoh= " o2S-'IlUb.made im WR llsltd to thila offime OTICES . commaOEVEMT AND CAE» 0F THANES te a word wlth a m'inimum- 81.00 sor 25 words or look. MAIRIGU - DEATES 81.00part Inemton 01.00 phm 10e a ulm Stveue Ou f o» nh Addtioalimetios t the ame rates. £8An alfied Adet b. la this office flot later tbon là o'clock socs, Wednesday. Bend cash, stamps or mon.y oeder and gave mouey. Mb 9" ia asfor handy rerolem effiCs HOUES Ucudctytrew~h Fridcr 8:30 a.m. to, 5 pi. Saturdary 8:30 a.m. ta 12 Nome 1NUi CanadisaStateamaa 1 iWl MArket 3.33W3 let Ca.iied Ad Service rq MOTOR1 OL - GA S N PAGE SEKTEM TM C-AIqAl)L4JR -TMMSDAT, SICPT. lOt24 1M r. BOWMANVndý& CRTAM - . %M "W