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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Sep 1959, p. 18

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- *- - - - - - - - - - -- imadmoPâ PAGE moru mw-a v ~ A n ft' A PIfWÀS.C A M? tr(%isAWVrrrI i.1r flWrAM THUPMSAY, SIWT. lOUi, 1959 lin Magistrates Court Places First Hampton Calil very own a box crayons. spelling neatly packed in a Ibag, also a shindlng no syrup or lunch days, they are quite An impaired Driving Case: be protected and as far as this from lest Tuesday after the re-1 court is concerned, they will ....... o quest of counsel for a proce-, be. Provided you conduct your- ieàr dlurai delay was disposed of self properly. you have nothing thi today. The man wasfnd to worry about. You may gode $50.00 and $3.00 cosi.s. H1 - now. You are remanded out of i e cense was suspended for 3' custody. If you stay out of trl months. trouble, you have nothing the A local man charged with worry about. If you corne be- we assauliing a Peace Officer, fore me again for any reason likeba pleaded giilty to this charge YOU may be sentenced for this Sy and a charge of intoxication, charge." o a He was fined $20.00 and costs A 17 year old boy told theCo of $7.80 on the Intoxicationý magistrate that lie wanted +0 Rt charge. He was remanded a see what drinking was like. n week on the Assault charge Thi.s was bis firsi. time and hw for a pre-sentence report. Evi- when he becarne drunk, he nu dence was that the man had picked up a cernent block and' hr been found behind an apari.- si.arted to wreck a 1958 Bu'ik,4 their ment house in Newcastle, dlo- Damage was $48.00 before lie vs thed only in a pair if socka., He was restrained. 'He w-as re- j 1 foi was intoxicated and started manded for 1 week for sen- wsS to twist the officer's arn in tence to make restitution. The mn the Town of Bowmanville owner of the car is in hospital when he was being brought to with a heart attack. os the celîs. This caused the cru- The Magistrate's onlY coin- Ch iser to run into the curb. A ment was- "What are you-do- every fight ensued and the man was ing drinking in the firsi. place,l I subdued. only 17 years of age?"th c Counsel for the =nn stated A lengi.hy hearing of an as-, MH tha li clen di no reei- sault charge occupied the af- ~ ber what he had done the ternoon sitting. A Toronto hs nighi. before. He was nude ini youth was convicied of as- hs the backyard because he thou- another Toýronto youth.prt ght he mas going to bed. He;at Nesi.lei.oî, because lie said' ta didn'i. know whiere he was or the youth that vias assaulted offr. that lie was in the custody of had been spreading stories vc the police. Trouble with Mal-! about a 16 year old girl which '27th. aria. which lie coni.acted in the' were untrue. îervice, was blamed by the A "16 inch" long lead pip~e counsel for lis covered with rubber electri-, drunken condition. The lawyer cian's tape was offered as an 8 suggested Probation. exhibit. ut was alleged thai. the For "Having" a bottie of beer! youth had' been threatened . on a parking lot in Caesarea, with this pipe and the pipe the Penalty was $23.00. For had been rolled around his Consuming a boi.ile of beer at: face and dropped near his a pîcnic with his girl friend1 head. cost another man $23.00 An The Magistrate asked Jhe overload of 20,000 lbs. cosi. a accused why lie carried the trucker $52.00. No driver's li- pipe. He was tld idt was for. cense cost another $17.00. protection as hehad read about Two young men who have the Marion McDowell case andý been on foot for the summer he feu. that if Marion's boy-e monthls for fighting ai.thefn had had a weapon, Mar- Memorial Park, had their dri- ion mighi. be home i.oday. ver's licejises returned te them. Upon. registering a convic- They were remanded oui. of ion on a charge of Common ___ _ custody.until called when the Assault, thé magistrate denou- Chief Constable, stated that nced the boy scathingly. "You Darlington's Reeve Roy W. Nichols had the honor of placing the firsi. cali they lad not caused eny trou- corne downliere fromn Toronto fromr the new COlfax Exchange ai. Hamnpton on August 29th. He called Màayor ble during the surnxer months. and think we are a buncli of JLyman A. Gifford of Oshawa who con gratulated Darlingi.on on ts great progress Nine Bowmanville youtlis oafs. You give me the impres-, had their licenses returned to sion fhat you are. the leader land wished the township's citizens and the new Bell Telephone exchange much thern today, September 8i.h. of a gang and you are used to success. Manager John W. Lowry of Oshiawa is shown with Mvr. Nichols. They had been convicted on your hendlimen <Srrying oui. -Photo by Ireland Studio, Oshawa June 9th for the thefi. of gas- your orders. I think you have___________________________________________ oline and oil 10 operate their read too many detective thril-oar lexie.Apesn motor vehicles. Magistrat e lers or have seen i.oo manv CIL. w hae tahtxcii.ed.At preseo Baxter requested lhe licenses television plays. We are not C elebu tes 90t[1 at hetogiof ong a when they were convicted. unduly ipesd wihyuIschool and to have for their Hie ommni.d: "rivng ven i oudore frth om or ln not a riglit. It is a privilege onto. We kiow how to deal granted by the law and you with you. This ls not a ser-______________ are only entitled to do it if lous case of assauli.. I want to you conform b li te rifles and stop this sort of thing as it regulations. You must conduci. could have serious consequen- yourself properly or the au- ces. You will be remanded for thorities have no alternative one week for sentence. but to take your license and This boy and another had your vehicle awav from, you been ciarged witb being a mi-NE your cars, you shouldn't have j and two others are also char- Ihein. Peope have a right to ged with Breaking, entering 1nr r i*brf £1 id~Ainti mUAAAri& JUST AIRIVED! QUALITY HOLLAND BULBS from Our Grass Seed Evergreens own grower m Roses - Shrubs .0Shade Trees - Fertilizer - FREE ADVICE FROM Van Belle Gardens R.R. 3, Bowmanville on No. 2 Highway Phone MA 3-5757 Clearance Sale of U sed Ca rs 1949 FORD 2-DR. Runs Well - 1947 BUICK SEDAN Radioi, and runs good -_____ 1951 PONTIAC SEDAN ______ 1950 DODGE 1950 FORD 4-D. SEDAN Good mechanically 1952 DODGE COACH Good dlean car $ 75 $ 95 $ 75 $150 $225 $425 1951 CHEV. SEDAN $395 1950 CREV. %-ton TRUCK As is -for __- 1952 STUDEI3AKER %-Ton TRUCK $200 $400 Graharn's Garage STUDEAKERSAE AND SERVICE HAYDON Dial COlfax 3-2061 (2 miles east of Euniskillen) ne Theaove photo, taken re-1 ken. She lias tien grandchild- cently, is of Mrs. A. Jackson' ren and four greai-grandchild- 1(rigt) who celebrai.ed her 90i.hj ren. birthday on Augusi. 28th, and For thie past 17 years she Mrs. Chas. Reid, Toronto, foirn- bas made lier home with lier erly of Ncwtonville. Mrs. Reid daugliter Margaret ai. Milliken, was Mrs. Jackson's bridesrnaid returndng each summer for a!i 67 years ago. M%&s. Jackson re- short perilod o!fliolidays. As! turned to lier home ai. Kendi the years go iby she spends less to celebratle her 90lth birtliday time ai. the aid home. This1 on Augusi. 28th. year shc returned to celebrate Itwas 1cr requesi. to returnlier birthday. ta lier old homn-e where she liad Mrs". Jackson enjoys good spent mosi o!flier married le health and lias had a very full .and have a quiet birthday party and active life. She has al-i- ler dhildren, grandchild- ways been a stauncli member of' ren and gi'eal-grandchildren. I. îlhe United Church. Her home was a very hiappy occasion. was always a welcome si.opping Mry Jackson, the former place for the nisters of lier MayEllen Vannatto, was mar- church. ried on January 6t1, 1892, to j She still takes a keen in- tle late Abrahiam Jackson. She r eresl in the activities of tle came as a bride ta live in the old communitiy. Mrs. Jackson fraime house, souxth o! KCendal., hlas ibeen a subscriber of The Her liusband operai.ed a grisi. Statesman for a goodly number? and saw miii for many years. o! years and through ts col- He passed away on April 2thi, umlns is abe b keep in .toucli 1932. with the old neighborliood. n Te Jacksons had four child- Relatives from Kapuskasing, i-en:, William, who lives ai. Toronuto, Miliken, Garden Hilli i Kenidal with lis family; Harvey,j Elizabethville and Kendal were: wxho was killed in Worid War with lier ta celebrate the oc-, I; Vera <Mrýs. Vernon Peacock) carion and to wisl lier con- of Elizabethviile; and Margaret tiniued goox1 health and happi- (Ma-s. William Honey) of Mili- ness. and theft o! the Williams Po- intReresmet oot adiMORRISH Rerstnd.Bootidnd refeshentstad. vidnce Regular Sunday Sdhool was was started oa lliîs case and'held ai. il a.m. on Seplernber adjourned ai. 5:00 P .M. Bail 1 6th with an attendanice of 36. was continued, Being $2,000.001 ut was conduci.ed by Mirs. Fred cash. !MeConneli, assistant superin- Charges of Beingr in Pas-1 tendent, pianisi. for thse morning session o! Stolen Goods were xvas Diana McCon.nell. On the ithdraurn by the Chie! Con- firsi. Sunday of ech rnonth stable agairist thrce men. Two. assistant Teachers' Sunday, we of these men were i-e- give one of our young people leased fi-ou the penitentiaryj in turii the pleasure of using 'and were picked - up by Bow- the piano and t is. surpeising manville Police and chargedj how well they respond. We ap- when theyi were !ound to be in preciate this and are proud of possession of a Cheque Writer oui-young musicians. and Typewriter. The Court Sioldy r ir gî was tlid that these men lad afier along acation and what been turned over to the Tor- atraln aainadwa been turned over to the Lind-' a ýtlrill for many of our public say Police for fraud and then r sdil lpuPils it wiiI be-a brand they would be turned over to1 new sclool, a -bus to ride ini, the Toronto Tirp. Police for; new leadhers and shiniing up- prosecution on the charge, Bre- to-date accessories ail so very aking and Entering and thef t different from thee beloved o! the Clieque writer and tv-; uttle Red School House, now1 pewriter from thee Toronto standing vacant iy the side o!f Concrete p3roducts. The !ourth thie road-a landrnark soon ta man involved bioke o ut of the be in the discard. Bowmanviile Lock-up and is There will be several be- stili ai. large. l ginners froi tis conimunity in 80 per cent of th Many of these are f Cocktails had iheir Cauncil - Ohio Issue: 2 Cocktails - 4 Cocktails - 6 Cocktails - ooknis, aloeApoe boeks sdlopeApols$010 ln ch kt eL o Sho lunch kite- palths e tu e date.hoo outtad ecn radnsfxitndate.i woldr.e c1 )w a i.hought for mothers rly awaiting the return. o! dear one a ;onesomne n-ondering how lie or she tting along and will the 1of coing to sehool con- ý?There vill lie limes ahome will corne firs. and a little girl %ve know. may "Mummie. may I stay home >king diay?" rigratulatione, to Joan and LMarvin iwho tvou 1sai-d place in Besi. Cal! and 'mianship in the Aberdeen s class. The Beckett. bro- did flot do so well with showving o! Holstein cal- but as members o!fi.he new- ormed Cal! Club the lime short for feeding and show- ship. Better luck nexi. tixnc ioi praclice is heing lield ,y Tiiesday eveningai.t p.m. i. the church. under direction of Mrs. Helen llm. organIs.. As there is -gular choir Mrs. McHolm organized and. is training ewho are willing to lake in preparation for the an- Anniversary ai-id Thank- Ïng Sunday mornin, ser- at Il onl September were given by Hope Township siderable repair ini tme neaàr Council last Friday to a de- future.AIso none of th h - benture By-Law to finance a four-room Public School in the 100in s<iools mru1nlng nt& North Hope area. and installing it ei the IR The amount of tdie debentures buildings would be unecS=oi2'1 was set at $8O0OO0, but there ical, thse board polnted out. Is som-e possibility thse amount rnay ibe reduced before the by- More than 100 peorple at the. law is finally passed. The in- Campbellcroft meeting voted ini terest rate will pro.bably -be f avor of thse central four-rOOM six and a quarter per cent. school. Later, a petition.bear- The council acted in accord- ance with a request by thieI ing 100 naines wes sutbmltted North Hope School Board, to the township council asking wrhich plans to close the exizt- for a vote en the niatter. Hope ing one-room schools ai. Wood- Township Municipal Council vale. Beech Hill, Osaca, Perry- gave tentative aipproval to thie tow%ýn and Pine Grove North. expenciure severel montis ago. a. The plans were discussed at __________ apublic etighld nCamp- bellcroft last spriîg. ne TurarOl then expressed the opnoFht uaOdP raitire~ the saving in one teacher's salary would pay the transpor- lo Cash e tation costs atitendant on cen- tralization. It mwas said that a with four-room school could easilyI accommodate the total nuber STATESMAN of pupils" attending the five C LAS SI FIF.DS one-rooni schools. Phone MArket 3-3303 It ivas also explained that the ______________ FOR THE ROAD'li Of the Ontario Government states that alcohol is involved he traffic accidents investigated by the Provincial Poli ce. ial accidents - many need neyer have happened!l pari ta play ini these tragedies - says the National Saiety - Accident liability increases 3 limes - Accident liability increases 7 limes - Accident liahility increases 55 limes OTHER AUTHOITIES SAY: "'The greatesi number of killers ai the wheel were the so-called mod- rate drink-ers." -Dr. Samuel R. Gerber, Couniy Coroner, Cleveland,' Ohio "One oui of five fatal traffic accidents involves a driver or pedestrian who as ben dinkig."-National Safety Council "Alcohol has the same effeci on vision as driving with Sun glasses in twilight or darkness." -Dr. Leonard Goldberg, Sweden's Caroline Institute What has ail this beld here on Sep to do with the liquor vote to be itember 30? In view of such strong statements made by noied scientists, and the position taken by health authorities, social workers, and religions leaders, it is the belief ai aur committee, and there is plenty ai evidence t aàckil, that more drinking places mean more drinking, more accidents, more fataliies. When these drinking places are Motels and Hiotels which cater to the driving public until 1 a.m. the point of "no return" rises sharply. Let NO us put an end to such on, Septem ber 30. atrend Bowman ville Citizens Commit tee ALEX McGREGOR PRESIDENT m by voting " Vote No " MRS. M. E. LEASK SEC'Y-TREAS. 't M 1 THE CANADIA14 STATrýbIdA.N, ISUWDIPUNVMAýý W. " -7- '^y ' a

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