PrIBSDAY, SEPT. 1Oth, 1959THCAAINSTSM , O AVLE NAUOPG - ------4 WILLIA MS- n A 1flG &'W edical Mirror SAFE ECLIPSE VIE WINÈ Q. 1s it harmlui to 1h w al. n e .-pse llh*'uugh ei,,'d ".eY .A. , 'es. Tinted glass. gia.- cor' xl i hsoot. and photographie filmi. ~cOtrary to popular opinion, dio Imtafford adequate protection for eClipse view~ers. Searing rayN 9U~ through such devices and nav burn the inner eye. 'The safesi WaY to observe an celipse is to allow sunlight ta pass through a Pinhole in a piece of cardboard, j0ouing the image on another ipiece of back cardboard. A somewhat clearer image of the On ta produced by using ont arM of a. pair of binoculars in Place of the pinhole aardboard. An celipse can be observed with- ouit harin and much more clearly ini this indirect way than by di- rec viewing througb smoked gWasses. ?rescrptuoma caled fo r oxnptly Md dclvend quiclly. euem- P0nt 3 , v eu MARJ JEWELL a3 King W. Standards of pink and WhsteU -gladioli formed a lovely back- ground in Trinity Un it ed' Church on Saturday. Augustý 22, at 2:30 o'clock when Shir-l ley An n Bathgate, daughter ofi Mr'. an-d Mca. Peter Bathgate,I *became thse bride of Mr'. Ron-J ald Jackie Williams. The gro-! om is the son of Mr. and Mrs.i Janies Edward Williams. Rev. -W. K. Housiander was thp of- ficiating clergyman. The wedding iu.sic was playeci by organistM'.A.rthssr {Sollison, w ho aiso accompanied ML,_-sCarolvn Jones. soloist. XVer-"g afil] length g" o......... .. t< ~crfieta. tLe liricte Xv,s tgi-eii inn niaIa, ig7- ihar fiL !et. T'ers oi net audI Lak- e ac-entuated thse back aof tL.e gown. The long sleeves oý! tue lace bodice viere fashioned1 svitlî noDints over bride's bands1 Lici ftise scal!oped neckline was outiueci. vcith se,4uiis a,:i cI pc-ans. Rer fingextip v eil s -caughtl to a sequin arnd risine- stone studded tiana, and sise carried a cascade of pink roses and white shasta 'mum. Misýs Barbara Bathsgate wvas maid of honoun for her sisten! and the bridesaids were tise go 'ssister, Mrs. Jean Van-I stnand Mrs. Beveniy West,I Orono. Tise attendants wore blue taffeta street-length dres- ses with overskints of embos-. sed velvet on blue organza. Tise dresses were desîgned with fittedt bodices and feature bows and sashes falling from tise waisýtlines. Their white sca- lloped pictutre -hats Arere trim-' med witis blue veivet and they carried nosegays of pink carna- tions and white 'munis. Mn. Ronald West, Orono, was best mans and the ushers werè fthse groomn's brother, Billy Wil- liams, a-nd brotlser-in-law, Mr, Vincent Vanstone. Receiving at tise receptionf - held in Trindty United Churcis Sunday Scisool Auditorium tise bride's mother wore a street- length sheatis of royal blue nylon jersey witis matcising accessories' and corsage of Pink roses. To assist, Mrs. Williams .was in a street-length dress of îdusty rose lace over taffeta, navy and rose accessorieg and jyellow rose corsage. For travelling to New York fthse bride changed to a navyl sheath witis matching navy and whsite chseck coat, white and niavy accessorles and, corsage of Pinik carnations. On their re- turis Mr. and Mrs. Williiams *will. reside in Orono. Ont Prior fa her marriage the bride was guest of hoasour at nsany prenuptial parties. On August i2ti thse girls of the commercial staff of thse Bell et Telephone Company, Oshsawa, wisere tise bride la employed, held a miscellaneous shower followed by a Chinese dinner. On thse same evening Mrs. Ronald West, Orono, was hos- tess for a similar shower held ~9 at the home of Mrs. Roy For- rester. On August l7th another nsiscellaneous shower was gi- yen al tise home of Mis. Harry OS Akey with Mnr. Vi Marjerri- R son assistxng. On Augvust 20tis a large1 number of tthe bnlde's friends .ERY gathered at the home of Mrs. C. Harris, with Mns. Jean Van-e MA 3-5463 atone hostess, when thse bride was presented with a loveiy bridge set. Setting Was Trinity United On SCHOL - WOOI> r 5h,"Beils are Ri_________ a t 3 p.rn. in Trinity Urne AF i Chur ch, Bowmanville, June,~f V ff t m iu 0;' 11 ~ ~ Doreen Wood. daughter of Mr' lie and Mrs. Lewis J. Wood, R.R.1 4x "-, Bowmianvllle, became the, "BeUs Are Ringmng", Music be one of the sharpest comics '1-' bride of Mrt. Gordon Donald, Fair's miost popular production yet to appear at Music Far SNichol. The groom is the so>n of the season enters it's se- Rennie Riano, as proprietor of x ._ of 1\r. and Mrs. Ewart Nichol, cond week Monday, Septenk Susanswerphone, and MLargo- . . . .. .317 Golf St.. Oshawa. ber 7 at the Dixie Plaza Tent l ee as the waltzing bookie 49' Standards of white and ma - heatre-in-the-Round. The hil- who seeks her love, are a com- W '~~ ~ ~ - ~ve gladioli made a lovely st arious comedy stars Rae Allen, edy pair of exceptional impact. .~~ ~d ~~' '~~' ~~ . ting for the ceremony perfoirm- 1Ifim star of "Damn Yankees IAdditra a poie e.~~ ed by the officiating clergy- and David Daniels. Broadway in the performances of Ian! man, Rev. W. K. Housiander.; award winner. Bruce as the beatnick who as- UW Mr. Arthur Collison. was or- The supporting cast of the pires to drama. and of Dan ganist and the soloist was Mr. popular show includes Renie Merriman and 'Murray Gitlin, j" ~~Ross Metcalf. RnoRySttad K.M the sensation-seeking peace of- 54Wearing a flli lengtli gown Margolese. Stuart, as the song- ficers. -aS of white eînbroidered nylon' writmng dentist has proved to Making outstanding contri-! ______ the bride was given ini mar- butions to titis production are riage by her father. The front:I of the very bouffant skirt was Ont., was the best man and the Director, Richard Casey. Chor -______________ designed with gathered full.! ushers were Mr. Phil Diamond, eographer Zachary Solov, and. neE an tirs f ebrodeed' Oshawa; Mr. Glenn Nichai, a Conductor John Fenwick, Mu- mbroad ider f fmbodre oarsidabote cntiues nighly .Atr8:4 p. aîjiÉÈ IcE scallops created back interest. 1 brother of the groom and Mr. ï»ars B i re~ce. E dlscalops .September l2thwt thse hentline of the gown. The the bride. truhwt snort-sleeved bodice was fa- mhe reception was held an familv matinee Saturday at JA33 OMN shioned with a scalloped U the Lions Community Centre2:0pm neckline. A tiara, studded wih followed by a dance. To re- brilliants, held her finger-tip-1 ceive thse bride's mother chose ped veil and se carried a cas-! a ro.sewood sheath dress of Pis- cade of mauve gladioli with a; santi silk with chantilly lace ..7~ .' _ ~. touch of white gladioli. bodice and back panel înterest, The bride's sister, Mrs. Sethi with matching hat and gloves Hsad-lolga aa Hunt, was matron of honior and black accessories. gbod"Inthetlad affand two sisters-in-law, Mrs. gbo *L»tsetl n Everett ýWood 'and Mrs. Ho-w- Her corsake wvas pale pink and statey" ard Wood, were bnîdesmaids.: white carnations. Assistin-g, thse Tisematon ~ hnorw a ï~groomns mother wore a pale Wife-"No, darllng! Just long r-ueand ti e bidesal h-i griEeii peau dle soie silk sheathadIaîywihltofmn' pale aqua. Their' identi c a 1 with featnieî'ed hat, forclte. street-lesigth chiffon dresses brown accessories and corsage 11r. and Mrs. Ronald Jack te Willisars, Bowrnanville. iad bl*hudsit ore fylo n rne'us Say . . aybe the wsife was 'are shown signhîsg the regist 'r fo1ioo îng their marriage îine. tetprn ote et o h onyont a righit ANY gai looks better rinitv U on Saurday, They 'ore rnatching veils Placid, N.Y.. thse bride changed ifsrswl romd o' inTrintv nited Church Bow manville, o auracaught ta self materýal coro- to a ced jce rrs ifth' el roed o ~August 22nid, at 2:30 o'elocl. The bride' is the former nets and carried case-aie bou- black fox trim, white fhapper- want to spoil a good joke by Shirley Ann Bathgaf e. daughter of Mr, and Mis. Peterqetofwiegdii thbi haadblc aceor my commercial but AMY gai mauv.e 'munis, les. Mr. and Mris. Nicholl will would find hier appearance im- Bathgate. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James. The brides iixeces. Rachelle reside at 554 Elmdale Ave., proved by the crisp, new look Edward Williams. -Photo bv Rehder H-ant and J-anice Hunt, were London, Ontario. tstgo laigadpesn j-____ __-- -junior bridesmaids and tiower1 htgoclai ndpesg gir respectiveiy. The junior' The groom IJq studyýilg for1. t lte.Dr s h hîs Master's Degree in Business1 givestocoes Drtith Vows M ade in St. PauI's United tièred dress of white nylon ov-Adistaon tth ivrE eue er aqua taffeta with an aquasiyoWetrnajo - «~'jrosebud headband and carried Guests were present from Sflowers in a sm.aller version of Detroit, Oul City. Sarnia, Parry SUPPORT ROTARY CAR WASH those camied by -thse aclt at_ Sound a-nd Chatsworth. '~tendants. The we lwrgr Sa' amnty Isl SATURDATI SEPT. 121h was in white net over nylon i-iscellaneous shower for the Swith mauve rosebuds and h-ar bride at the home of Mrs. Sta- Sheadbalid w-as oi white rose- cey, R.R. 4. Bowmranville. Wal- I uds Her cascade was an ex- 1i ter Thornton's staff and tea- Sac t miniature of that carre ceshldapronal soe ,:%WM' -' ytise bride. at thse home of Mrs. Donald- ~ ~ 4 f/ A - ' Mr,. Dick Siater, Hespier, son, Toronto. Vows were exchanged by Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Peter Girardi, shown signing the register, in St. Paul's United. Church, Bowmanville, on Saturday, July 25th, at 4 o'clock. - Thle bride, former Ruth Marion Bragg, is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bragg. Mr-. Girardi i% the son of Mr., and Mrs. George Girardi, Welland,, Ont. i -Photo by R. Carruthersý GIRARDI - BRAGG WELCOME YOUR GUESTS wiUTH PEPDSI-COLA Trod. Morkthlgisime.d IlleLL! __ 10 iemn i OR TWC ion Smith Beverages Limited Bowmanville AUTHORIZED, DISTRIBUTOR TEETARE HERE! 1960 WALLPAPERS Oominadl uook over m Large Sample Seleti. PRE-PASTED AND REGULAR cAandsud A BERNETHY'S PAINT & WALLPAPER M King St. W. MA 3-543 BOWM«ANVL Wisen Ruths Marion Br-agg, daughsteri'of Mn. andl Mrs. Otto Bragg, and Mr. Daniel Peter Girardi, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Girardl, Welland, were united ins marriage by Rev. Hf. A. Turner, on Satua-day July 25th, 1959, at 4 o'clock, in St. Paul's United Cisurcis, Bow- manville, white 'munis, pinir carnations. white and pink, gladioli and fernis tormied ai beautiful settïnmg for thse wed-1 ding cenemnony. Th Tiseedding music was play- ed by thse bride's aunt, Miss' Leta Bragg, wiso also accam- Ipanied thse soioist, Mrs. Wilson jPring. The bride, given ins marriage by iser fatiser, wore a waltz- lenglis gown of white chsantilly lace over taffeta. The fuli dm-- cular skirt was topped by a sequin trirnsed emsbrodered lace top lasisioned with a sab- rina neckline. Her waist-len- gtis veil was caught to a small tuile and sequin coronet and she carrled a cascade of red roses and white 'mumm,. Miss Jean Bragg, North Bay, and Miss Joyce Bragg, Pemn- broke, twns sisters of tise bride, and Miss Bertha Colville, were thse bridaI attendants in appie green ballerina length pure silk gowass with back waist bows forming a fashion accent. Matching sequin frimmned ap- pie green bands held thir short nylon tulle veils and they oerried yeilow and white nase- gays. Tise groom's brother, Mr. Fred Girardi oh Welland, was begt man and tise usisers were Mr. Kennetis Bragg, the bridesa brothe, and Mr. Lloyd Hamil- ton. To recelve et thse reception held in St. Paul'a Sunday Sehool Room, tise bride's mo- tiser chose light blue embroid- ered organza over satin withJ white accemsries. To assist, tisei Igroomas naoter wor. a two- piece dress of navy blue siUc with wisite accessories. Both wore corsages ot red roses. As tise bride and groom ieft for a honeymoon trip to Mýicis- igan State and points West, thse bride was wearing blackr and wvhite polka dotted nylon fover taffeta wits goid sasis and i black jacket, black and wh.ite' accessories ard a yellow carns- ation corsage. On their return Mi'. and Mm-s. Girardi wvil] re- Ssie at 134 Elgin St., B3ow-mnan- Iville, TI.Pe bride is very îmterested' in churcs activities 'aeing lead- er of tise junior choir, a Sunday- School teaciser and a C.G.I.T. leader, Thse groom is well: known in hockey circles h-av- ing been a member of tise B. O.C.'s and town hockey teams. Prior f0 her - marriage the bride was the guest of honour at several sisowers -and present-. ations. Mrs. Neil Browneil, Mrs. Sam VanCamp and Mrs. Roy VanCamp were co-isostes- - ses for a miscellaneotîs sisower held et Mrs. Sam VanCamp's home, R.R. 2, Bowmanville. Shaw's Com.munit> held a sim- ilai' shower at the homce oh Mis. Lewis Wood. Mm-s. Bruce Lehman, Brookfin, was also hostess for a m.iscellaneous sisower. An eiectric fry pan was ore- gented f0 tthe bride bv tise C. G.I.T. girls at Mrs. Harold Turner'a home and thse Sunday Scisool niade thse presentation of a coffée table at the Sunday Scisool plenic. At St. Paul's Choir practice, thse members of the choir presented tise bride with a hynsnary and decora- tive pieces of Indian brasa. On thse evening of Tuesday, July 21sf., Mrs. Otto Bragg held a tea in honour ofh er daugister. Friends of the groom gatiser- ed at Memorial Park Club- house on July l7th when a pre- sentatioii was made to thse Ail Food Features Effective September «), 10, Il.sad 12 DOLE - FANCY - SAVE 8c jPineapple Juice FREE Bonus Gifts for IGA Tapes THIS IS ALL YOU NEED DO ... Be sure yon pick up an officiai savings folder at your IGA Food Market. Then each time YOD shop at your IGA store slip your register tape in it for safe keeping. Just keep saving those IGA tapes until you have enough te equal the value indicated for an>' item in the new IGA Catalogue now available at your IGA Store! DIVIDEND CREDITS ARE STILL VALUABL ... for claiming glfts from the new IGA Catalogue. A le Dlvidend credit le equal to $1.00 ln IGA Register Tapes. 48 oz. tin 29 C SAVE 24e t Lyons Tea Bags kK.o 49C FAMILY SIZE - SAVE 6c Shredded Wheut Pkg. of 18 Bis.2 5 25 Watt - 40 Watt - 60 Watt - SAVE 4le aI Electric Light BuIbs4 for ý5 9c L. SCALIFORNIA'S FINEST - FLAMING RED - U.S. No. 1 TOKAY GRAPES Iceberg Lettuce - Save 10e CHEEZ WHIZ 16 oz. jar M5 5c 3 bs. U.S. No. 1 29C 2 for 29Cj Minute Maid - Frozen ORANGE JUICE ITins 49C IfTABLERITE PURE PORK - SMALL LINK SA1USAGES lb.39c Fresm Pork ShoulIders hock less lb. 33 c SHOP AND SAVE AT a & ' Bowmanviflle IGA Market s""u"""" Toms' IGA Market wcni~omo - ,.-- -~,as- ~ i THE CANADIAS STATESMAN, BOWMANVn£e ONTARIO «Mo-monoue PACM r a