TUE CANADIAIi STATESMAN, BOWMANVflLE, ONTARIO THURSDA'Y, SEP'T'. IOth. 195 A MacDuff Ottawa Report Votes or Principles (Contlnued from page four) Mr. Argue said that larger and larger sections of the Canadian economy were continuing ta fail under the control of monopolies. Wbat this country needed was a planned ecanomy, he asserted. "I arn absolutely convinced that the capitalist systern as now operated on the North American Continent will before many years be overtaken by the planned economny of the USSR", be asserted. "I don't think many people wiil be satisfied ta take second place while others are reap- mng the benefit of a planned economy." Despite Mr. Argue's protestations, there seerns every likelihood that the new political body will move closer ta the centre of the political stage. Even the CCF party in recent years bas been play- ing down its nominal socialist principles, which it has learned through bitter ex- perience frighten away many would-be COF supporters. The new party's dilemma is this. If it is to attract the support of ans- substantial section of the CLC membersh-ip, it seems probable that it xili have to take a position fornallv that is less extreme than that of the CCF. But, if nationalization is writ- ten off the books, as the joint committee recomniends, the anly difference in principle between the left-wing party and the oId line parties will have been remav- ed. What xiii romain is oniy a difforonce of degree, and both aid parties bave shown they can move aver a degree or two if it suits thoir purposes. * Capital Hlli Capsules A widospread belief that organized labor was iosing its enthusiasm for the now political party bas grown up as a resuit of some reports on the Winnipog meeting whicb qi4oted Claude Jodoin., CLO presidont, as saying that the central labor organization would not b. a inem- ROYAL THURS. TO SAT., SEPT. 10 - 12 Matinee Saturday ai 2 pa. "Rock Pretty Baby" SAL MINEO, JOHN SAXON, LUANA PATTEN with LOUIS PRIMA AND KEELY SMITHI - Two Complete Shows - at 7 and 9:10 p.m. MON. TO THURS., SEPT. 14 - 17 PMAU Aduit Entertairnmont Two Compiete Shows - at 7 and Aduits, 75e Students, 50c ber of the new organization. The reports were misleading, since it was neyer ini- tended that the CLC as such shouldi become affiliated with party, but 'onlyl member unions which chose to join. Ini the United Kingdom. the powerful Trade Union Council is nlot a member of the British *Labor party, but unions repre-1 senting five-eight.hs of the total T.U.C. rnembership do endorse the party and con- tribute dues. There are undoubtedly a number of Canadian unions belonging to the CLO who are nlot interested in the new party, but there is every indication that many of the strongest unions in thel primary industries will joiri up. Liberal Leader Pearson, whose party has nlot a single member in the provinces west of the Lakehead, is going to concen-1 trate on an effort to mend fences there this fail. He will head out to British Columbia soon after bis return fromi Britain and the Continent and work his way back through the prairie provincest trying to put the Liberal party back oni thýe western political map. The West isý by far the weakest area for Liberals andi the onlv area where the Gallup poil shows1 no marked improvement in Liberal strength since the last election. The latest Chinese adventure in Asia, the apparent invasion of a small Hima- layan state and skirmlshes on the Indian border, appears to make it certain that the Communist state once again will be refused membership in the United Na- tions. Opposition to the U.N. recognition of the Red government bas been diminish- ing in recent years and last year a rube of die-hard opponents - Canada forione- seemed to be wavering. The new aggres- sien, combined with earlier incidents in Tibet, is bound to renew opposition te Peking's admission. Lake Shore, Clarke Mn. and Mrs. Bill Lakte, an thie occasion ai their 25th wed- ding anniversary an August 22, were at home ta thein many fniends and neighbours wha, were present from the surraun- ding -districts ai-d frai Tor- anrita, Bawmaiivifle, Oshawa, Peterborough andi Orona. Pour- ing tea were Mrs. Mark Mat- thews ai Toronto antiMs Harald Skinner, Tyrane., i Ithe aitennoan and in the evening Mrs. Everett Brown, Orona andi Mrs. W. Holmes. Baomanville. The happv couple werLe ne- sented witb many lovely gifts.1 Mnr. Arthur Clemence andi Patrick, St. Catherines, spenat' the weekend wit -Mx.in. d, Mr. Jack lHolmes. Mr. and Mns. Norman Avery aind famnily, Salern ;Mir. and Mms William Mornisaon and family, Orana, and Miss Blan- ce Wotten, Oshawa, werei Sunday visitons with Mr. andi Mss. C. Avery. cMr. Jack Holmnes, Don and, Bob, spent the. weekend fishingj at Margaret Lakte. Miss Kay AllUn, Edmanton. 1 Alberta, spent several days vis- iting Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Ahi- dred. MisBetty Jean Holmes spent several dsys, with ber grandparents, l'fr. and Mrs. W. Hjolmes. Bowmanville.t Mns. Robin Aildred ha just retunned from a pleasant trip ta Winnipeg. Mnr. Edwin Staub andi son are home again after spending some time at D-yden ini North- western Ontario. BETHANY The four teachers fram here, Mrs. Mary Wright, Msýs. Lor- aine Sm .ith. Mss. Catiierinel Wri ght and Mrs. Ruth Sinclair, who took the. summer sehool course in Primary Methods at jPeterborough, have ail receiv- ed word that they were suc- cessful in passing the Depart- jment examinations. Msrs. J. Dougail, Regina, i Sask., is visiting with her sis-, ter and brothen-in-law, Mr. andi Mrs. Harold Sanderson. Mrs. Clanence Rowan left anj IThursday for Finnie, Sask., where shie will spend a month Iwith her daughter and son-in- law, Ms. and Mrs, Harv'ey Sla-' ter. Friends will be pleased ta know that Mrs. Walter Row- land, who is a patient i Civie Hospital, Peterborough, is naw reported as impnoving. Guests during the past weeki f wlth Mr. and Mrs. Mansell11 1Wright were Ms. and Mrs. Ken- neth MjcClelland and their daughers, Catherine and Eliza- beth, ai Owen Sound. fMiss Amy Aiken, Peterbor- o ugh, spent the weekend withf Mn. andi Mrs. Ross Cary. Mr.Milton Wright la visil- ing for three weeks with Mn. and Mss. Fred Cramer at Li- bertyville,Illi. SMss. (Dr.) Stewart Speller an-d children returned an Mon- day frain two months' vacation at their summer cotage, Fene- Ion Falls. Harry Johnston. employed it North Bay, was home for the holiday weekend. Thomas Currie, North Bay, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Or- loe Wright on Saturday. Ladies Guild The Ladies Guild ai St. I Pauls Anglican Church heldi their opening meeting of the fall and winter season at thej home af Mss. Robert Sisson, with Mss. Morgan Bigelow pre- siding. Mss. G. E. Meades led the devotians, also reporting for, the sunshine commilttee. Secretary Mmu Glen Went. iWorth read the mtinutes andi correspondance. Treasurer Mm. j Jaok Palmsm 8"41 a4 w>. 9:30 p.m. Children, 25c Ra Fee Relief DENTAL CREAM jPyribensamine --65c, 2.30 FREE PENCIL BOX ~SHAVE CREAM Dristan Spray 1.25 Privine Spray --95e Co-Pyronil Capsules - 2.25 Raid Bug Killer 1.69 Fly-Tox Bomb aft - 1.39 Safe-lex Insect Kilier 1.69 FREE 43e CREAM OIL 98e BRISK TOOTH PASTE FREE FLASHLIGHT SPECIALS 39e TEK TOOTH BRUSHES 2 for 59e 66c HINDS CREAM 2 for 98e 1.50 ise RELE'NE CURTIS SPRAT NET - Now 98e 63e size COLGATE TOOTH PASTE S for 99c VACUUM BOTTLES - 79e Health Salts 1 59C Salt 79e - 1.19 83C 3se Ipana 2 for 99e NEW FASHION QUICK Tonette for Children - 1.75 HOME PERMANENT New Tout ___-_ 2.00 Gentie - Regular - Super Prom - Regular and Cresmy - - 2.00 $2.50Crest Home Permanent 9ge New Hazel Bishop làpstick -_____ 79C COWLI NG'S PHONN KA 84MU DRUG STORE WRP rfI TIUUS stantial balance on hand. Therel Iformation availaW>e on sites, asscosiIrale isussonasbuildings, transportation facili. to ways and means af raising L ~ i ie i J~Iwr lougdt otnet money which wilI b. continued ILOA ricor pprove I te, reisght rteonabouerte, at the next meeting ta b. held -, j and atner date a oxurities Charles Smith. t was dcddf~~t'r C f ~ l services of the L.O.D.A. of- te give a donation ta thd soedrSn- J jum ti S pJ tse h o wfice in preparing tiheir case for day Schoal funds.: new industry. The Area was Following the closing devo- Directors of the Lake Ontario Budge, Port Hope; 3. A. reland, tra'velling facilities for tourist. toured during the surnmer by tions, lunch was served by th. e.lomet ssciation gave Belleville; W. G. Powell, Peter- It would aise create much need- four industrial prospects lookir.g hostesa assisted by Miss Fia. finl appmeni frt he ten broth for sites and buildings available, Sm-ith and Mrs. Jack Palmner. finalepovafo the atten- u5.on tilie ed employment. as well as by representatives of Woma'a ssoiatin rs'dane a the gnizto n'se It was alsa aninouncedi thatth It was reparted that over 600 th~e Province af Ontario frorn Womn' Asocaton j rsetaivs a thre Sorsmni Department of Economrics of the jetr adt hdbe rte their New York office and from Following two months hall- Shows early next spring Te Province of Ontario had begun ltest aehdbe rte thememersof he a-Association is set Up te pramote tacmiedt1ora cnmcita Toronto and United States in- herLondon, England, office. mans Asoiatonaf heUnithe eca'nomY of tihe Lake Ontar- survey ai the Lake Ontario Re- dustries, encouragîng their inter- Tvl hel nex Drctabr Meet in jted Church were entertaîned 1 einthrough the expansion gian. It is expected. barring any e nteLk nai eîo h saito' fie athe home of Mrs. Earl Wea- of exîsfing idsrotiigufrenicdns ia if expansion was being contem- th-______n' ofie therjît for their meeting on new industry and pro>moting the survey will Ïbe ready for circula- plated. This Direct Mail Cam -___________ Tuflesday. Mx's. Wnnifred pen-I tourist busii.ess tiirough the1 tion in fram six ta eight months. paign is beinig continued and cer presided for the business 1 Sports Shows. ;T'ne survey will cover ail econ- when finished will caver some FOR SATISFACTION session and reported an aif The meeting which was atteîî- omic aspects of Lake Ontar- 4,000 industries in Canada and' cleaning bee held Ln the Sun- ded by Directors from all over, io Re-lion and assis:ance in dis-1 the United States, An Increase IN HOME HEATING day School room earlier In the the eight caunties represented bY tribution will be given byteo1neetl xaso iids sumxner and the work done in the Lake Ontairia Regian, decid- Association. 1 tries has ibeen noticed in the past Just any furnace la not cleaning, papering and paint-1 ed ta support the Tourist Coin- The Directors suppoarted and three or four months and it is the answer. ing at- the Parsonage, express- mittee's recomendation ta Pur- endorsed a Resolutian passed at expected fliat 1960 and 1961 will Frteutnt ndsg ing thanks ta the Yelverton chase booth space in the Cleve- the Zone Three meetings of the i ee many new industries moving Frtentut Ddsg W.A. for their donation oi a land, Ohio. Spartsmen's Show;' Association held ini Deseranto inta Easter'n Ontario. The coin- and efficiency Instail a new chrome kitchen suite for tihe Cincinnati, Ohio, Vacation last June. The resolution endor- munities were advised ta be pre- the parsanage. and Boat Show; and th~e North-1 sed the construction ai a cause- pared by having facts and in. FAIRBANKS-MORSE Mrs. Water Neals gave thej Eastern Sparts Sho>w at Syra- way with swing bridge ta con- IUI treasury repart, noting a sub-! cuse. Estimated total attendan-: nect Provincial Highway No. 41 ____________ HEATING UI stantial balance on hand. Ten- 1 oe of all shows would be Close at Greenpoint ta Higlhway No. 2I , n V a I tatie panswer mae t hae 1ta 400,000 people and the costteat Deseronito. The Zone Commit un OdF riueCl olc a ftve laspereimade ta have the Associatien is appTaxiniately tee feit that the construction otfnarnir ai ole wth eails leftov i nti h $2,500.00. Chairman ai the Tour- such:acause-,ay would assist mbi Cash ouLD next meeting. etr of thanks, ist Committee, Mr. JosephJoe the aiu industries mwho had i were read from Mrs. Fluena of Hastings, Onîtario. brought in commenced operation in that witb Davis, MIrs. Harry VanBeek the recomendation ai the Tour- area and would encourage new! and Mrs. Chiarles Reynolds for ist Committee regarding tihe! industry. The con stnîefýion of il, e S T A T E S M A N IlH E à T 1IfN G jgifts received during il1ire~szL. sports shows, and also had in- causewav would facilitate the C L A S S i F 1 E D S ecat 33 andf rm î~.andMs. Kn-proved the printing af tourist transpor'tation of labour and ma- Phone MArket 3-33013 neth Stt.wman, Seabrook. with folders ta promate the Region, teniais and greatly improve the _______________ ______________ appreciation for catering for for further distribution. their wedding- and supplying Last vear the Association had the floral dec>rations for the, booths -with a ighted area rnap, Mrs. J. C. Cummiskev ra'shows in Toronto, Cleveland, and 1i N - the seipture lesson and led ii Syracuse. prayers. Mrs. Clarence Rowan. It was agreed tmat other tour- leader of Group Two, had ist organtizatians in thie Area charge ai the program a.nd should be invited ta attend a îý gave a very informative talk meeting ta ca-ordinate their ef- on Penal1 Reforni and Rehabili- forts and ta work together tae tation, as carried out by the1 promote this Regian through à provincial government. and he tourist development, snd if pas- further need for change in re- sible, attend co-operatively the farm institutions. She discus- Toror'to Sportsmen's Show. sed Ontario reform plans as The Association's Directors tion and the newest reforma- s 1 tory opened at Millbrook in frte er 1957. It is a close custody inT.- ae1asio9aw0 stîtution and accomodates th-.-e Tourist Committee who have extrenie behaviourJ hairman- J. R. Jones, Has- problems. Attention was called tings* Members-- S. L. Shiprv n,3n te the '"After-Care Program" Peterborough; A. C. Platt, Wel- StOCk up for School Days 0t designed ta provide former in- lington; J. J. Behan, North Mon- stitution inmiates with direct- aghsn: G. Coling, Brighton. BEST BUY - Aylmer ion and practical assistance ta Finance CommltteeT ' Condensed aid iin their rehabilitation, also Chairman- W. G. Powell, Pe-1 orrato SO- - - -0ioz. tinc to the training schools for ju- terborough: Members- J. D. venule delinquents. Burnet, Cobourg, M. DeGroat, Mss. R. Jackson gave a brief1 Lindsay; J. A. Ireland, Belle- ET BUY - Clark's report ai the study on the ville; E. T. Banting, Bawman- amalgamation ai the Women's v'ille.I ~ I 20. oz. J fr7 Missionary Society and the Membership CommIttee Po k estin 2 f- 3 7 Wonein's Association ta be Chimn .W .ar,fl rknown as The Women's Feder- j T r n en Or . W. LaRsrY -2 f ak e ot atian, as reported by Mrs. La-Trno:Mme-H.WRoe BETBY -2OfPak- elote- ' vey's at the schoo] for leaders F rankford M. DeGroat, Lindsay; oz~ <. E in Whitby. E. T. Banting, Bownisnville; H To mato Catsu p - - Batiuler Following the closing devo- D. Swetitan4 Deseronto; R. f, 1 tions, the mem bers enjoyed -i social hour with lunch served N T E O BEST BUY - Nabiscor 4C C. Rawan, Mrs. J. C. Cummis- ir C ie v ne t - - Se O key, M=s. Arthur Wright zand Stewart Hedge is holidaying S r d e h u Sz f,3 Mrs. James Fraser. with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hedge, Miss Mary McKenzie expres- Streetsvile, and David witk 1 BEST BUY sed the thanks af the mnembers~ Mr. and Mirs. Rinehsrt of Wil-1 32 o.~5 r~ to thé hostem group and toi lowdale. 0UU ~ FEfU~VE - - - bti Mrs. Rowan È)r lher informa- 1 Mr. and Mxrs. Reg Suttan of JaveM Bl uchbo W Wor5 tive pragram. qOrano, were Sunday visitors i-____________________________________ 1 iIthr. and Mm ~George! uz'a'i'DITV - Ç!-nm- Man'm deeds attract more at- tention than his creeds. Good character is still the best coliateral for a loan. It's bad enough ta be a quit- ter. But it's worse ta finish samething yau neyer should have started. of esENERAL vooDs KITCHINS What's autumn without grapes? And what jelly cupboard is cam- plete without Grape Jellyl Why noL make your own, using this successful recipe? GRAPE JELLT 4 cups juice (about 3 quarts ripe Concord grapes) 7 cups (3 lbs.> sugar M½ bottLe Certo fruit pectin Firat, prepare the juice. Stemn about 3 quarts fully ripe grapes. Crush thoroughly. Add ½ý cup water; bring ta a bail. Simrmer. covered. 10 minutes. Place in jelly cloth or bag and squeeze oui juice. Measure 4 cups into a svervj *rtIe saucepan. Now make the jeliy. Acdd sugar fa juice in saucepan, and mix well. Place over high heat. Bring toaa bail, stirring constantly. Stir in Certo ot once. Then bing ta a fuil rolling baiL Bail hard 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remave frain heat, skirà off foamn with metal spoon. Pour qulckly Into glasses. Caver at once with l.r, Inch hot paraffin. Makes about 10 mediumi glasses. ______ What îs pectin?, it' the jelling1 substance )ound 15 aU fruits in varV:flg amounts. Certo la pectin extracted from fruits rich in tis natural substance, then relned, concentrated and performance. controlled. Your jam andi âell &et exactIV right when Vit use Certo andi falaw the tested Certo recipes. ______ Preerving Pointer. Neyer oper a jar after sealing. ta il the space which may appear at the top. If the. sealer la campletely air-tight and has been properly and suffici- ently processed, the food willl keep perfectly. Breaking the seal and adding more fruit may easilY cause spailage andi waste the whole jar!_____ Thi's 's im Last column for' the yuea. What fun st's beau vWsting with iou! I know 'that Yeu and uour lamilV i oUTtiulenjoV ali the gooti thlugs vou've been able to presetve 80 successfulIV bV follotring 1h ese teateti CartO Bowers. Mrs. Grant Thompson spent. the weekend In Pefferlaw and, fattended the opening ai the. new Georgina Township Ad- ministration Building. 1 Miss Dorothy Harris ai Ton- 1onto is with her parents Mr-. and Mrs. Jas. Harris for the holiday. M;r. and Mrs. J. T. Fisher ai Willams Point were callers at the Harris'. Glad ta repart Mr. Fisher is recovering from las recent fl'al. Mr. and, Mrs. Russel Nesbitt, Toronto, visited the Nesbitt family. as did siso Mr. and Mi1rs. Clarke Willianis of Port Hope. 1Miss Eleanor Rand returned via air ta ber home and teach-J ing appointment in Nova Sca- t tia after spending an extended vacation with Mn. and Mfrs.ý Harry lvMcLaughlin and Law- rence. M.rs. John Watson. Caesarea,ý fvisited her sister Mrs. Jas. Far- der. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Freelave, Peterborough, and Mn. and, Mrs. Perce Huibent. Toronto,: spent the holiday with their father Arthur Hulbert. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Herro>n, i Ronger and Kevin are spending fthe holiday weekend with j friends in Ottawa. jMr. and Mss. Normian Warin- îng-ton and Jili ai Scarborough,! s3pent Labour Day w-ith thej C;-ant Thiomoisons. Mrs. Jas. Thompsoîî returned ta Torantoi iwitlî îhem for an extended vis-j J r.T. G. Langfeld kisin jToronto with friends whîle __r Langafeld is conifined ta Suniiv- brook 'Hospital. Fniends trust he wili soon be home. The Ivan Rohrer fainhly f tent ta Mitchell for the week- fend ta bring their children. Canal, Gary an-d Lynda, homne from a holidiay with their grandparents Ms. and Mrs.! Orland Rahrer. Bon Voyage to Mr. and wrs. Wilford Jackson, Marilyn and Clifford who are matoning ta the west ta visit Mn. and Mrfs. Gerald Jackson and family. Mss. Darothy Lee has closed the Wiliams Point booth and Post office which she operated during the summer manths. Friends of Miss Florence Fair , now af Toronto, will b. jpeased ta learn that she has been enjaying a six week vaca-1 tion with her niece, Mary Fair, w ho is married and living ini Vancouver. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip were Mrs. Wilbert Culley and Miss Eve- lyn Cullev and Mr. and Mri. Percy MeMahon, al af Toron- ta. and Ms. and Mrs. Frank. Malcolm of Oshaswa. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Mairs were: Mr. amd Mm. Normnan Mmi, Allen, Diane and Rabbi., Part Perry;. Mr. and Mis. Thoznas Farrw, Mrs. Bruce Beech, GarY and Don. rie of Uxbridge: ?&. and Mii. Will Porter, Stoufiville. an-d 1,r. and Mni. George Windsor Md âWv. Bauauua& Poste Wax - - - 1 lb. tin75 BEST BUY - Red & White Fancy20oz Tomato Juice M M- - tin' c FEATURE Pure Cane - 50 lb. bag f»7l/7~ GRANULATED SUGAR $3.79 FEATURE York B.C. "New Pack" - 15 oz. tin Fresh, Lean. Boneless APRICOTS - - 25c Pork Bull ROASTS Li, 49C FEATURE - Plain or Cinnamoin Swift's - Sliced - Side Cherry Hill - 10 oz. tub 1 lb. sealed package HONEY BUTTER - 29C Eversweet BACON Lb,. 59C FEATURE AL Culverhouse - 20 oz. tin Swrjft's Prerniuni - Sliced CREAN CORK - 2 For 35c Vacuum Packaged FEATURE - 10e Off Pack Macaroni & Cheese pkg. Red Rose Orange Pekoe- 60 bags VaPr hce TEA BACS - - 63c VaokCikn ql FEATURE Dutch Loaf Spring - 36 pins ike&PmnoLa2 CLOTHES PINS - - Zlc Pcl iel ofL FEATURE Swift's Premiuni Appleford's - K.V.P. - 100 ft. roll By the piece WAX PAPER - 29c BOLOGNA Lb. 35Sc FEATURE Pet Instant- lb. pkg. SIKI MIMLK POWDER 87c FEATURE Value Plus - No. 1 Ontario - 50 lb. hags York Brand - 15 oz. titi B.C. RASPEERRIES 2 Fr59c P@TATOES MEATURE - Solo Brand MARGARINE tLb Pkt. 21or,49c FEATURE bag $1 04 9 Buy Gt. pkg. and get Lge. pkg. for le FAI DETERGENT Both 88c California FEATURE RED RAPE - -General Electric - 25 - 40 - 60 watt Lb 'oc LIGHT BULBS - 4 ior 89c Silver Skin - Quart box B rsE eF oe od PICKLING ONIONS - 19c BrsEeFoe od Fres andSold - uartboxSTRAWBERRIES, 15 oz. pkg.- 39c Fres an Sold -Quar9bo CHOPPED BROCCOLI, 10 oz. pkg. 25e BRUSSEL SPIGUTS 3c FILLETS 0F COD, 12 oz. pkg.. 27c THERE'S A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVILLE - Wm. H. Tate MAPIE GROVE - Maple Grove Groceteria KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET MIG ST. - EAST 0F TOWN UNE ORONO - Cornish Marketeria BLACKSTOC< -Blyths market - <.. . 4,.., TRU MAT, SEPT. 1M, 1959 TM r-4»ADIAS STATZS?£ffl, BOWMANVffld& ONTAMO il 1