PAGE TMN Town's Chief Constable Fascinating H1tr An enlightening history Of act also gives municipal] the development Of Police for- icemen the Power to Act ces. and a description of the Police Constables any Place Bowmanville Police Depart- Ontario, providing they are ment was given by the town'sI pointed and sworn in -accc Chief Constable, Bernard R. ance with the Act, and the Kitney in his classification talk gulations made thereunder. to, the Bowrnianville Rotarians The Power of the Peopi on Friday. Chief Kitney spoke The terni Police is relativ at the luncheon meeting held e.Iwacondrud by the club at the Fly new fwscondaon lngyear 600. It was taken fromn Dutchman Motor Hotel. French word Policer, wh In introducing the speaker, means "The Power of theP Reeve W. David Higgon stated pie". Police means "The ni that Police Chef Kitney was of the governed to do wh born in Niagara Falls, Ont., ever they think best for th the eldest of seven chldren. general weifare." It is kno Me was educated at St. Paf- in kaw as Police Power.1 rick's Separate School and the actual force by which the gg -C-llgiteInstitute there. In erned compel observance bis youth Chief Kitney was their edicts or laws La kno, employed as a tinie-keeper 'n as the police function. construction work, and served The first period of the Pol as ist mate on a Lake Ontario function began in the year1 dredge. and extended to 1066. This pq During the World War il iod wouidn't be important E he served as a Pilot Officer, cept for the strong belief wireless air-gunner in t he the Anglo Saxons in the pi RCAF and attainedt the rank of icy of "Local Self Govez Flying Officer, Reeve Higgon ment." This belief has an i statcd. Aiter the war he took pact on policing to titis dî a cost accounting course at Another charactenistie of t business college. He said that early Englanders was theirc the Chief started his po'ce erpowering desire for peac( career in Cornwall on March They were uninteresfed in N~ 1 15h 939, and came te Bow- tional Affaù-s or in thea n n'lle as an Ontario Provin- plication cf lkw generallY. c] Police officer in Novem- Trial by Ordeal b 1946. He resigned from thehaitefflinheppi 1( ai police in March 1950 to as teffl nteap t e up a position with the tair oPunishment hendd ar ecvc gga omanytha er2 as bad, trial by ordeal a: eeveHigon sid hat er-branding. In trial by ordeal ard Kitney accepted the ap- accusd miglit be required of BwavlefnDcme er, he might be required I1 7, walk hoganpefi.1 Chief Kitney's Cmlt eachcaetegi oinoe Address ce would be established sole! Mvcasfcto sMnc-by the injuries he neceived. pal Service with the sub-title However, fnomn these peop' Public Safcfy. A literai defin- we have inherited our mo,. Ition of f h i s classification cheished possession, the loi means that I amn empioyed by of self goverment. Their di. the Governament of the Town approvai of capital punishmer of Bowmanville as the Chief bas made itself in flie applic. of Police. tion of Ciminal Law toda, The sysfem ai the graduate The Oafh of Office fine and their desire for civ In Ontario the Statute auf b- restitution lias worked its wa cprýzing Municipalities, in fact into the law and is a conside: ordering them ta provide Pol- atien of the courts today. ice Service is cailed the Police Creates Domesday Book ,.Act. Section 4 of this Acf de- 0 j fines the duty of a policeman In 1066 came William tih as follows: "Preserving peace, Conqueror and bis conquest o prevcnting obrean other England la the most importai crimes and offences." Sec. 53 single year in the historyo of the saine act prescnibes the policing. He esfabiished a Na oath of office. namcly, "I, Ber- tional Governmenf and he in nardR. itny, d swar hatstituted taxes. He insured th, na l . w ell dolyswe-ve Ourcollection of these taxes b. I wil wlland r - ere urcrcating teDomesday Boolc Sovereign Lady the Qucen i hs snwknw sch e [I the Office of Chief Constable Tsus e known ashe toffceno for the Town of Bowmaniville sus. MRe ced thih eaoffice without favour or affection; Shie Rawe whichment Oth malice or il-will: and that to he a nocmn u the best af my power, I wiîî cer of flic County. This wa: cause the peace to be kept and shorfened te Sherrif. He creat. preservedi, and prevent ail of- e the Office of Constable. fences against the persons and Pfhishment by State properties of Mer Majesty's The most important thing o: subjects and that while I con- this ena was the interpretatior * tir'ue to hold the said office, of law violations. This wasz 1I wil to te best cf my skil revolutionary proccss, to havi and knowicdge, discharge allich man punished by the statE cluties faithfully' according tei for lis crime rather than by flhe law. So hclp me God." This the people lie had wronged Congratulations a 0 0 PADDY'S MARKET Grand Opening Of 7lew &4howroom It was aur pivilege and pleasure te supply the cernent blocks for this fine, modern structure. Newcastle Block NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO Business Phone 3706 Rasidance Phone 3701 Congratulations.. "o PADDY'S MARKET ona Ç-rancl (9emnq NEW SHOWROOM We were privileged to have done the niasonry cork on this new showroom. LEN TRAVISS MASONRY CONTRACTOR COlfax 3-2141 R.R. 1, Enniskilfen a Ontario pol- tas ap- ord- re- vely the the àich hat- ,wn The r0v- of )wn lice 600 >er- of ol- lay. he e.- Trial by ordeal was abolishE and the Grand Jury waa sui stituted. The idea of the ir quest came from this body an thec word verdict was coinedi being the report ai the Cran Jury and meant 1'truth s Magna Charta Signed The abuses of this era cai ta a head the fi time of Kir, John. The Magna Charta wý signed and sfipulatcd fIat "J'ý man shall be deprived of lh ap- Lve 'ly in Police Chief Bernard R. Kltne: te a- flice, libert y or property ex. fa cept by due process of law.' In Secondiy if restored flic nigli fi- of local self government fa th< iy chies, fown and villages. ThE sysfem aioflie travelling judge )le was sfartcd ln fIls penioti. We )s sf111 have them in flic spring ve and flu at the county seats. is Tliey are called assîzes. The nt fwo branches aoflhe law, Cri- a-. minai and Civil anci Bail were Ly. introduced during fIe Norman ed pericd. il Keeping Out Strangers y Passage aiflice Stafute af r-Westminster established many offices in flic Police fieldi, among fîem Justice aiflice ie Peace andi Ballifi. TIc early of bailifi was a law enforeement nt afficer. Me thc firsf iden- of tificaftion officer. He was ne- a. quired ta have a good mein- 1. ory. Today flic baihifi is an of- e ficer of fthc court. One of flic )y bailiff's jobs was every 15 Ic tinys ha lad te go around flic i-Town and clieck ail strangers. )f Because of fthc cunfcw fIel in Le effecf, lie hadti o close flic gaf- i-es of flie fown af iv. prescribed Is fine. Great crowds would fia- ck to te gafes to sec flic stran- gens scrufinized. To kcep ouf fIe strangers, fthe baiiffs hireti sergeants, whicli meant great )fscnufineers, flic fonerunners cf n thc sergeants in our police a fonce of today. e ýe Tio Great est Guarantees yT Arfenial higliways wcnc est a- iblislied by this stafute and con- -trai oufside ai the municipal- ities was vested in flice state. In side fIe municipalities was the responsibilty of the city or town. This started flic Munic- ipal By-Laws. This was the perieti ai the Divine Rigli f a Kings and led te abuses. TIce Court aiflthe Star Chaînher' starfed fl-e 3rd degree. Defen- dants were rcgularly flogged and torturcd in open court. Whcn this practice became ne- volt ing te flic judges if was droppeti. However, ouf of f lis court caine two of flic greatest guarantees thaf we enjoy ta- day, flic guarantee againsf self. recrîmination, in Canaýda sixp- plicd by flic Canada Evidence Acf, andtheficguarantee of freatiom, ai speech. The Mau on the Beat Prom 1500 te 1800 was flic colonizafion aifIe Amenicas.. Amenica was a gooti marketfofa English woollen gceds. To sup- ply them, flic iandowners of Englanti converteci their iarms ta, sheep raising. This priactice, was kncwn as flic' enclosure movement andi if oustcef( i pon people froni their lat anti imposeti greaf hartiships on theni. Great hordes of un- emPioyed raamcd flie country- side and flocked ta fIe over- crowded cities. Crime increaseti sharpi 'y and brouglit on flic conrunercial police. They, were actuaily watchmen, but li their pafrol methods,, tliey set flic pattern of flic man on thc beat today. .J = MiltaryPolce In 1655 Oliver Cromwellin troduced the Military Police. Me divided England into 12 Police Districts with 6,000 men and instituted the first Mount- ed Police. 5,800 of these men' were mounted. Their orders- are somewhat sinîllar to orders issued to report Policemen to- day "Watch Persons who live beyond their means as well as t.hose Of low morals'. Special Police courts were establishied and the Habeas Corpus act and ifrst Bill of Rights. acts guaranteed the right of the prisoner to know why he is being held and that exces- sive bail should flot be requir- ed. Each of these acts had a tremendous impact on the en- tire field of law enforcement. No Police in England No one called the Police of' the l8th century wonderful in England. What astonished vis- itors in the countrv was the' fact that Engiand had no pol- ice force. London was the grea-' test Town in the World -It, was also the most lawless. The people preferred robbers to gendarmes and when they Io- oked abroad, they found goodi reason for their belief that freedom would be curtailed if they had a Police force. a Police force would cost mon- ey and would be a charge on their taxes. Every Citizen a Policeman The mo(derm writer of Who-' dlunits" la the mystery books,L I Uj il THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, ONTARJO of Police Rotary Cli Developen ul You Are'~ GR p A SATURE cd and television plays, in which cauglit. The lessons learned (6 ib- the privaf e detective solves the from this period "with a strong marn n- mystery brilliantly whule the police, the punlaliment could ( nd police pied aiong behind, is not be moderate' secondly, "An train as untrue ta life, if is simply out adequate Police Force controis the rid of date. The 18th century wai thc incidence of crime." They (8 ty- the tume for Private cycs. The knew this in thli 18tli century that English always loved freedoni, but tliey nefused to take thec also thcy had the English clan- sfeps ta forni an effective pol- a fl nenel, wliereas al of continental ice force because the price was (9. neEurope had land frontiers, and foo higli, Freedoni was flie cry shou ng necded standing armies te de- .- and flot so loudly, Economy. casil, ,fend thcm. In Urnes ai peace, PeeRt oiepeop ,othese standing anmies were Pe RtPoie(i( lsemploycd as police te enforce They honcsfly bclicved that poini the domestic laws. Se the fis private enferpniÏse. properly sis Frnci olcean~vrc gesstimulafed by incentive and 1j > d' armes, men of arma. Crom- deterrents, could suppress cri- essai well established flchiefaymie better than a police force. bufio olioe. f had e be a aoedTihis prcvailed as late as 182i, ( The no police habit had b lenaLodn aisrteo-men formed and the basic Britishi sei've< "Nofhing is well done then I prncile ws.-and f11 ,,that it nof paid for specifical-br evry citzenwas aol,,A policem&n wsmr 1- bThr If w ctien asalicemand.rb 1 cly catch ciiooks if he was soun( bcd you were aa atedanro paid piece rates, than a regu- optet prosecuted alone1 ndlar salary. In 1829 durrng de- partn bateon ir Rber Pe Bill adopi If you required epyo cal- to cstablish the English'Met- New led on ahl otler cifizens ta lielp ropolif an police, an opponent shed you by raising a hue and cry. stated "Private enterpnise care- flie This was cheap. If did flot cost fully and skillfully, adjusted Thi the sfate anything. If wasn't ta the ends of Justice, could today veny successful againsf murder nef fail te acf witî i te same Nain and neft. cerfainty as fthc force cf grav- and. Few Powers - No Pay ity." However Sir Robent Peel Opi Tien came fthc appointmcnt sfaked lis polifical future oni work of certain individuals enfnust- the formation of a police force, five ed with flic dufy of preserving because flic sysfems that wenc Detec the peace. Tliey were given in vogue wene useless. They Sci few powers and ne pay. They had the Infonmers, the Thief siens- became part of flic Brifish wav Takers and the Bow Street cafior cf life. The public folerated RZunnens, the Commercial Pol- Maini and celieished tliem, as long as ice and the Waf ch. If is frue ges. y' they had little authority andi thaf these s.ysfems cost flic fax- Adi :no pay. Justices of flic peace payer nofhing andi even brou- isions Iandi Magistrates liad police as glif in revenue. Budg( ,t weli as bencli duties. Tliese of- NO Reward - No Enforcement nel - efices were volunfary and un- No law was enfored if there igenc( e paid. To make if more attract- was no fine or a'eward. nglanid Tli eive, they were allowed ta had even fnieti slavery.EIf you echarge fees for aln-osf every had commntted an offence anti 9officiai acftltey penfermed. couldn't pay the fine, you wae ;The Police Constables were un- branded on the cliesf with a eder flic autlinty aif the J.P.'s V andi given te flie prosecutor anti Magistrates. Constables as a servant for f wo years wifli- dufies were not Velunfary, andi ouf pay1. If you informcd on so they diç nef have f0, be at- two or more ai your acconi- tacteti. plices, you were given a par- Nighf Wafching "Charlies"' don. One mani wle advcnfiscd as thc Thief Taker Gencral of fReputable cifizens lad f0 Great Brifain and Irelanti, was hold office in turn, according convicted of rcceiving a rcward fa a rester, just as people are of 10 guineas for the refurn of >calleti for jury dufy today. The 50 yards of stolen lace. Me was ~ rterm of duty was fer oe year. hanged. Me offered in bis de- ' tAs these men also liad ta eann fence a lisf ai 67 pensons whom - their living during their tour lie hati prosecufed for capital ai duty, this service was lïm- offences anti wlo had been I Y possible and fhey were allowed hangeti. He learneti about flic I te appoint depufies te serve underwonld and set up districts for them and tliey had te, pay fa operafe in. He framed 120 i flim ouf ai their own pockets. victims. He collected rbt This systern failcd, and because from fli crciminaîs dthenibute ofteices nburglanies fi adbe hepra of~~wh flicinceaseliwronged anti and robbenies, a niglit waf ch fhe rcward.*M was started. These men were els1Picps called Chanlies. They wene paid 0e11 Pinipeso se liffle, lcss than shilling a Publie safefv was watched doul day, the only men willing tr over by watchmen. Tliey were furr f ake the job were fthc olti and corrupf. Nobody's lufe or pro- tlic infinni. These figures of perfy was safe, excepf for a ot fun werc Brifain's firsf officiai price. Sir Robent Peel, thon equi professiontal policemen. Th e 1 Home Secretary was disguisfed. B feeling aoflihe day was- "Thc He brauglif in .fheliclland sta- B people stole, because fl-at was ted Pcel's Pninciple's, 12 of ... an casier way to gef moncyj them: surel flan werking for if." Juvenile (1.) The Police must ho sta- CaA i Delinquency also seemeti to be l bi, efficient, and inilitariiy or- a problcm then, if was caused1 ganized under government con- by "People using had language. trol. and thc failure of flic people (2) The absence oi Crime fa attend Churcli" wil l est prove the efficiency Death Penalty lExpands of the police. As the municipalifies grewv, (3.) Crime ncws must beST Crime sfeadily nc r ea se di widely distributed.I Punishment was made mare (4.) Territorial distribution. INSUR, severe te combat if. The scope (5.«) No qualify is more in- Sn of flic deatli penalty was ex- dispensable te an officer flanI fendeti to caver 166 crimes, a perfect command offntper; Ofc People sf111 commiffedJ crime a quiet dcfermined manner Ofc because ai their supreme con- bas mare effect than violent MA 3-5 viction thaf they would flot be action. Il FART R. JAMES ANCE SL I. 411 Invifed to Attend ~ND >AYSEPT. REAL ESTATE nowmnanvlie Residence MA 3-5493 Phono MA 3-5349 19'U'LL..1 04 . - A AAAA UA Isowmanvill. IL Congratulations PADDY'S on Grand Opening Of fl1ew cSY'owroom on 5th Concession, Darlington We are happy ta have had a part in the construction of this neW building, in doing a a 0 GEORGE PEEBLES. BUILDING CONTRACTOR OPENIN.G of M A,. KeE l9th 9a.m. -8:30 p.m. LARGE SELECTION 0F USED WASHERS AND STOVES ALL ARE RECONDITONED AND GUARANTEED Mr MM M Mi our Grand Opening have chance on Free Draw for NIEW CONNOR WASHER valued at $169 Every aduit attending will PHONE COlfax 3m2241 51h Con. m Taunton Rd. West of Haînpton it IBSOLUTELY FREE! g j shoMroom floor valued at $150 . . Anyone pur hasing one of these items will receive I r We hava f jvc items F Pr -40 I 44KingSt.W. MA 3-5901 bur theft insuramce may md rouching op, MOI is Year, the emphasis is more outdoor living. No jbt you have some Iawa miture .. . a barbecue fit .. . or other outdoos lipment. sure everything you owoâ inside iznd out ... is in. ed against ioss from £hecit 1us for detaila TRURSDAY. SEPT 17th. lq59 Tells « 'EnIra M. 429 Bowmanville AIl - 0 a b West of Hampton sole r«ponslbility of the Chief ment. 1 do feel that as long as Constable. Planning is the big- we do not lose sight of Pee&-'s gest part of the job. B ' the Principles. the prescrvation of the Ontario Police College. Six manvîilc. Thank vou. Là fi thave already graduated, one is Walter DeGeer. former dis- at school now, one will attend triet ,ovc,-nio.. moved the vote 6.) Good Iperne on n Noveiber and December. of thanks to Police Chief Kit- Lds aes pere 0I One man has graduated from, ney for !,is excellent addre's.-; repc.the identification course of the Classification talks by t 7.) Proper securing and RCM Police. We have started memibers *are highlîglhîs of t«-e hing of personnel lies Bt' a lab. We have lectures and we Rotarv vear, and Chief K't- root of police efficiency. i have started a library. nce % was particularly informa- 8.) Public safety requires 1I do not propose that we are tive, he said. The presiden t, evmer oieanb ie perfect or that we are approa- Genrgc X ice also thanked Chief umbr.ching the peak of perfection. Kitne.v for his fine speech. .) Police headquar t e r s I do suggest that we are ef-' Out of town gucsts present uld be centrally located and ficient and that we wiil be- %vcre Walter Elliett. Toronto, y accessible to aIl of the, come more so as we gain ex-, Rex Wyman, Bradford, and ple. perience, education and equip- Douglas Rodway, Toronto. 0) Policemen should be ap- 'ted on the probation ba - __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ il) Police records are nec- iy for the correct distri- bn of Police Strength. 12) The best way to select Co g a u tin 1 i "To size them. up and ifind out what their neigh- to rs think of theni." hee principles proved so~ 'd that tliey have been ad- u ~ u ¶d by almost aIl police De-. E 5 1 1 nents today. They were E PADD YS ted intact by the City of rYork when the., sabi 1a police department lin e Police department of MRE ry has three main functions, ely - Operations, Services.o Administration. perations is the d-ay to day kof the Policeman and lias divisions Patrol - Traffic-G r n p n g ices also as five divi- jo 3- records and communi- o )n - Laboratory - Jail - itnne- Laying of char- New Showroom Iministration bams six dlv- s- Planning - Inspection-, It was our privilege to do fthe electrical wvu îng et and Accounts Person. nti e hwom Public Relations -Intellii.ti ewsowom ce. Le administration is the COLLISS ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR I APPLIANCES )DY s tumci IFtIASHOI