THT7RSA~Y. SPT 17th, 1959 TME CANADIAN STATESMAxI, BOWMANVILE, ONTARIO Council Takes No Action On High School Corresponoence NEWCASTLE - Two letters Board stating thcy were taking meeting cf municipal caunicils chairman of thc communlty! Scnerning the High School no further action regarding the in thc area ta be hcld i Bow.. hall board, a motion was pass- question werc received by the building of ncw hig*h schools la mhanville Town Hall on Septemn- Newcostle village counicil on thc orea and the other tram the ber 24th ta find a solution ta cd autiiorig repairs ta the P4onday cvcning, anc from the Bowmanvillc Town Council the probleni, The letters were two furnocco in Uic north end Durham District High School' uging the council ta attend a rcceivcd and filed. of thc haflet a cost cf approx- Councillor Rickard objectcd Itnately $500. Mn. Rickard said _______________________________________ to the statement mode by thc the, caretaker had statcd he building committee chairman woudd not light Uic furnaces Clore Allia as reported in last agaz'in untiil repairs were mode. week's Statesman, "Dorlington Heè sald the board might be ia br'ok School and the construc- Sevea applications were re- ton cf a 700 pupil school Ia ceivcd and reod fa-theUi adver- cVca rIJ'esnlDarhington», hcoui ndlithe tresed psonof ami Ta S oci l and (./De-r ofi l miute ofthels uc id, andt- tireAsepsiond ai Cer, Teas- 1ing backed him up, that the tor for the village with salaries andMrs Glnni C.Kirk 1Walton vstdwt r n oni prvdtepa srnigbr 300t ~. nd n, Glnni C vilte wth n. ndpresented by the Durham Dis- There was considerable discus- (Ibrmerly Barbara Bonathan) Mrs. H. C. Ponathan and* fam- triet HIgh School Board and sian with regard ta these ap- rcturmcd from Tripoli, Africa' ily at their cottage in Coboconlc other counicillors agrced there plications but as the houn was last week and are visiting witIr on Sunday. I had been no amcnarment to this gnowing late (12.30) members her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. 1 Members of the Mferry Mar- approval as reported. decided ta let the mottter re- Bonithan at their cottage at' ried Couples' Club of the Un- On request of John Rickard,. main until the October meeting. Coboconk. ited Church met at Pedwell's _____________________________ -Mrs. T. G. Sowden and her pond on Wednpe<Thv evninr,, daughter, Mrs. Lienel Huhs September lst, for a corn roast.j Of Port Hope, left Sunday by An enjoyable time was had byj air for a 10-day visit with Mrs. the members who later gather- Sowdens son, Dr. Fred Sowden ed around the bonfire for a in Zurich, Switzerland. Dr. short business meeting and so- Sowden is in Switzerland doing cial tîme. Laboratory Research for the Mr and Mrs. Carl Gould and Canadian Government. faMily spent the weekend In F'riends of Mr. Alex Prout Newmarket vlsiting with Mr. Will be sorry ta learn that he and Mrs. Don Mitchell. In a patient in the Meniorialj Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Hoag- Hospital, Bawmanvile. kamp spent Friday in Toronto Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rickard where they visited the Cana. and tamily and Mrs. George dian National Exhibition. SLOOK AND LEARN NOW YOU CAN CET SO NUCH NORE Foi nuCH auLESS IN ... OU PICSON NEW LARI( $1558 MODELS START AS LOW AS.. EXTRA ENERGY 0 0 a FOR SCHOOL O'îr vitainin-rich milk and cream are your youxigsters' meut complete food! Caîl us today for home delivery. GLEI M8 ING ST. W. W.M.S. Studies Africa During Sep-t. Meeting NEWCASTLE - The Sep- vided by Sahara Desert. it 'i tember meeting cf Uic Wom- the area south af the Sahara an's Missionary Society of the that is Uic subject cf thc book Aifrica Disturbcd. United Church was beld la the Mrs. W. F. Rickand continu- Sunday Sehool hall on Tucsday ed with much information as ta September 8th. The meeting why Africa is disturbed. Wes- was opened with proyer by thc tern Cultures disturb - it president after which she con- brought education, christlanity, ducted Uic Devotional service race prejudice, communications, with Uic theme "Pdllow-work- speed and diversity, new econ- crs with God". omny with western methods. 1Mrs. M. C. Fisher intnoduced Mnr. Fisher and Rickand Uic study bock "Ainica Distunb- created a most xntercsting and cd". She described Africa as a enlightcning start for Uie study continent four limes as large as on Africa which ail Protestant thec United States whcrein live churches are adopting for their 198 million People Of whoni 5 1959-60 meetings. million arc Eunopean whites. It Atter Uic busiess meetingi is thc second largest continent thc group were dismlssed with in the world and is sharply di- prayer by Mr&. W. P. Rodgcrs. Jrs. to Meet Merrit ton Here Saturday af 3 p.m. ýBeaf Ganano que 20-O NEWCASTLE - Newcastle thec mound for th. locale throw- MJeýrohants Junior B base- ing a anc bitter with Davc Mc- bail club advanced into Uic Cullough receiving. Gary Mc- semi-final series of the O.B.A. Cullough was Uic big bitter for playd.ows on Satunday atten- Uic locals w1th four hits while' noon in Belleville when they brother Dave and pitcher Bob defeated Gananoque 20 tao0 ni Osborne bcd Ilirce bingles each. the final gaine of their 3 gaine The locals pilcd up a total of 16 series. hits mn Uthepaire comparcd ta The Newcastle teain took the anc for theïr epponents. tirst gaine at home 13 to 2 and The locals go inta Uic semi- lest 4 ta 3 la il innings ln Gan- final series with Merritton now anoque and in Uic third game with Uic first gaine scbeduled Gananoque coaceded atteir 8 for the local park on Saturdayj innings when the score was 20 at 3 pan. A good apportunity te 0. for local fans to sec a topnotcli In Saturday's game Bob (Lef- basebail playotf gaine in the1 ty) Osborne wnt i route on Junior B ategory. Find Good Water Source Adequate for Village .NEWCASTLE - A suitable supply of cool clear wotcr hos been obtained la the municipal well drilled on Uice Boll pro- perty on Wilmot street being purohased by the village, and the Ontario Water Resoucs Corm-mson bas rua a test on the well ta find the output Of water. k It is rcported approximateîy 100,000 gallons of watcr waa puinped from the well la a 24 hour pcriad without any appre- ciable drcp in the well. A re- presentative of thc Waten Re-1 sources Comisusion statcd thel wefl as been proved satisfac-I tory ta supply thc municipality land the drillera are continuing1 to dcvelop Uic weil. At the meeting et Uic village council n Monday evening it was dccided ta send a letter to Uie Water Resourccs Commis- sica asking theni to make oan appointinent for a publie heer- ing before thc Ontario Munici- pal Board at their carliest pos- sible convenience ta, give Uic people of Uic village an oppor- tunity ta express their feelings, for or thec pnoject, be- fore Uic Board, se that italla- tion af the MunicipalWae Works system mmay lie startcd as soon as Passible, if thc Board so decides. St. George'1s Evening W.A. i F jrst Meeting NEWCASTLE-The first faU meeting of the Evening Branch of St. George's Womnan's Aux- iliary was held in the basement of thc Parish 1-all on Wedne.s- day evening September 9th. i The meefing opened with-the' Lard s Prayer and the W.A. Prayer. The secretary read the minutes of the last meeting on JulY 8th and reports were given by thec Treasurer and the Flowcr Secretary. Mrs. Dewd- ney announccd that the D)ean- ery Meeting is being held in Grafton on Septeniber 24th a.nd &ayone interested in attending aiiould contact her. The members discusscd plans for a bazaar ta be hcld later in, Uic fallinii co-operation with 1 thc Afternoon Branch. There! was also some discussion as to places ta send the baby clothes and good used clathing colleet- cd by the Branch durlng thc coming year. The meeting was brought ta a conclusion w.1th the serving cf refreshnients and the next meeting was anncunced for Wedneuday. September 23. Fi eme 3Di CourserstA Couse NEWCASTLE - Members of the St. John's Ambulance High- way Patrol conducted a first aid course for -local firemen at the Newcastle Fire Hall for threc evenîngs J.ast week. The three day course covered aU as- pects cf first aid including ar- tificial respiration. Five members cf the local fire department, Chief Frank Miller, Lawrence Gaines, AI- bert Naylor, Calvin Murray, and Ron Tonikins and two mern- bers of the staff cf Carveth Motors, Ron Hockin and D.*E.* Bernard ail complcted the course and passed the tests. Badminton Club Srts NEWASLEor Terowm be CAfteLe - te ofcmh NerstlBaitoenxCutu aii inecleubad(mn'tonClubmt i thlbroof hesam e- n f ty hall onTuesixy ee- ingefrsa resek th sixnfomct- bers presdmntota plasn forich coing btadmFiton Seon hic wl tarhrdy etme lSt. sdcie h h so pla fowassdedthe hours of play for0 ti10.season woud b fthe 7.30 tad10.00 p.m0 urig the. wee Fiandom7.0tra il p.m.a o Fidytaen d atuday It bas flothyetclben depided whtenight thefolubheilcopras hsBee lightngedfor th cour basbee 310-arrangfrthisspedr ed from the ceiling. A new cupboard has been con- ,structcd for the convenienýce of members who wish to leave their shoes. Spaces wil be rented in the cupboard. The ex- ecutive plans more Round Rob- ins and Social evenings this season plus one regul-ar tourna- ment. It was decided there would be no change in the fees for this season, $5.00 for aduits1 swings, teeter-totters and harse for teenagers. shoc courts, Rhng -Rot Infection 15 Kept to Minimum .Inspection of ail fields af commercial potatoca in Ontario is now underway across the Pro- vince, in a concerted effort ta control the sprcad af Bacterial Ring Rot Disease. This compar-' atively new discase is prevalent in practically ail potato-produ- cing armas af the North Ameri- can Continent, and it is consid- ercd a major problem in mianv areas. It is descnibcd by plant pathologists as "the most infect- icus andc destructive seed-borne disease to be found anywhere". By educational, oad enforcement measures lasses froni this disease ini Ontario have ibeen kept at ai minimum. Fortunately, the dis- case <lacs not remain in the soil and infectcd tubers mnay be used! Iwith safety anid confidence for New Swim Pool At Waltona NEWCASTLE - Despite the s u d dc change in the weather a number of people took ad- vantage of the water in the new swimmning pool in Waltona Park on Sunday aftcrnoon. AM- ter several delays la the con- struction cf the pool which was schcduled ta open several wceks ago the filters wene completcd and the Pool filled with cool clear water on Saturday even- ing. Althougli there is still con- sidenable work ta be donc be- fore the Pool is can-pleted, it was thnown open for public swimming on Sunday aftcrnnon.j Aprons of the pool, fences and dressing rooms stiil have ta be built so thc officiai opcning of thc pool bas been postpencd until tic spring of 1960. Next year it is expected that Waltona Park will be even more popular than in past sea- Sons whcn the swirnmiag pool is in operation in. addition' ta the picnic tables, bail diamond, StokelY Fancy - Save 22e 9 Tn Tomato Juice 9 1 00 IGA or Bright's Cloice oz Peaches FHalves $ Ol Tins $,0 'York - Save 23c Fa ncy Peas Campbell's - Save 22e o Tomato Soup 9Y in106 human consumption. In addition to a staff of eigh- teen part-Urne Inspectors em- ployed at this season cf the year all regular members of the Seed Potato Certification Service, of the Canada Depaitment of Ag- riculture, and the Field Crops Brw-ich, of the Ontario Deport- ment of Agriculture, have the power to enter any premises be- tween sunrise and sunset ta make an inspection. This ser- vice to growers and dealers is provided without charge, and in BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas at Vigor 011 SERVICE STATION, Under New Management - Don Juard, Prop. Assisted by "Chick" Richards of Bowmanville "We Specialize in Personal Service" CORNER 0F MAN VERS ROAU AND i'IFTII CONCESSION Phone MA 3-2919 Double Slamp Day Every Tussday - Corne Out and Seo Out Dlsplay of Giftu Complet. Lubrication at a Reasonable Prie ASK ABOUT OUR PECIAL PRICE ON TRES STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTIT! AT THE STATION OPEN EVENINGS M DSUNDAYS SAVE 50c ON COFFEE AT 1 IGA WJTH THÉS COUPOIM ISave 50e on your coffec purchases (any j *brand) when you buy Pillsbury Pancake f *Mixes! Pillsbury of Canada Llmlted ivilil ref und 50c on your purchase ef 1 poundî 1 coffee or jar of Instant Coffee (excepting *2-oz. size) the brand cf your choice, when You buy one 2-1b. package or two 14-oz. Packages f Pillsbury Pancake Mixes la Iany of these flavours. Buttermllk - floney Buckwheat Blueberry Si r*ply mail the front panel or inner seal *frein a Pound or Jar of Coffee, plus the box op s) rom yeur chelce of Plllsbury PaI k Mie along with this coupon1 jfor your 50e coffee refund, to Plllsbury é Canada Limlted, Midland, Ontario. or* ICalgary, Alberta. Naine Addresa _______________ 1 Offer expires December 3lst, 1959 SHOP AND SAVE AT e e eMLL Bowmanvjlle IGA Market OTM lroS' G arkt acas£,,ouTARI Toms' IGA Market uEwcAsn~, ONTAIIO JE an effort to mnaintaàn and lIn- prove the quelity o« "xi impori., tant b"ei food conodity. Requests for field Inspection should be made at once to an3t Agricultural ReprMentatIve in every County or District, or dl' rect to the Field Crops Branci Ontario Department of Agricul- ture, Parlirnent Buildings Tor- onto. Cet Your Price For Tour Liveslock through PhoT A kE 3333N Froe ke,-30 There la nothing 11k. a big cold glass of Fresh Orange Juice Sunkisf $ Ie Size Oranges 3D18's U.S. No. 1 Grade - Every Bite a Delight Jumbo Size 45's Cantaloupes each 19c N I r I.. jBright'a Choice - Save 16e - 48 oz. tins APPLE JUICE 4 For$10 IGA Fancy - Save 8c - 15 oz. tins APPLE JUICE 8 For $1,00 Aylmecr - Save 17e - il-oz. bottles TIAT Cave SUeP- eFor $1,00 INA - Ave2cLc.8otFesr + dep. GINGERAL $1000Sve10 SICAyCora - S Av.e lOc $.0 MGA -Sv8cOFFEE2 f b. s. 10 FIA - Save8c- 4 ro $1.a FIL W-Rav 8cF-rlon.00 IGAX - aE S -10,t WGAXE AE -4Sve15e- 0$100in ChiGA - Save1c oz. Tins.0 rouas IGA - SAVE 6ce 0W SOUTH FROZEN Margarine 4 Pk-g'$1s.001 Orange Juice 5 is $1.00 Il DOLLAR DAY COMBINATION OFFER Table Rite Sliced Side Bacon 1/2 IT<Pkg Table Rite Wieners 10 oz. pkg. Table Rite Sliced Cooked Ham 6 oz. pkg. Save 33c ALL $1000 FOR Young - Tender - Fresh SPRING LAMB ! Leg O' Lamb Lb. 63C Loin O' Lamb' Lb. 45c Lamb in Baskel Lb. 35c M RAE DAIRY PHONE MA 3-5444 BOWMANVILLE A 4 .. y... v 'r*'~.4 %4~.'w~.4'.* 4~ .~. t .-.- HEIRLTHV CHI-LOREn DRINK,.LýOTS OF à 1 Il 1- 1 m LX PAGE ILEM Pass Starts 0 0 0 Firemen IClub