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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Sep 1959, p. 13

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p * Tm CAAAaSTATEMAUN, OWXANVYLLE, Oft W__________________Pi_____ New Records Set « 4-H Achievemn Days HeId at. Orono FaIt on fIday and saurday, sep.l tember lit and 12th thec Dur- ham 4-H Grain, Poultry auid Datry Cal! Clubs heMd their Adidqvent DaYs under the sponsorahip of the Agrfieultural SocletY and the Ontaro Depsrt- ment of Agriculture New records were set bythe PoultrY and Dai afCubs, in that they both hed 100 % Coenpetltion. In tle Diry Caif Club, tlore were 37 members GRAND TOL' OPRY pacents WILMA LEE STONEY COOPER GRANDPA JONES MAC WISEMAN BIG SLIM CLINCH MOUNTAIN CLAN PLUS RITA RANDALL THE TORNADOS "0O BIG SHfOWS 7:30 - 10 p.m. WED.I SEPT. 23 Red Bar n Osarwa rffl M A .31 while in fthc Poultry, Club thcre were 14 and ail the girls anid boys were on hand wi'th f.hefr rexhibif. on Saturday. The eGrain Club show was held ont LFriday afternoon and of the 28 Who entered 25 members coS-ý pleted thc project. In thc Durham 4-H Poultry 1Club, the top birds were shown brKen Knox o! Hampton, wlfh ohn Allin, Bowrnanvlle, Mer-, vin Srn.ith, Bowmanv à md Tom Hoar of Bowmanlle a4U roeiving a tic for second oni their birds. In the final stand- .ing of thc club, out of a total of 1,000, which i. base« on Judging, questions, supervisors' report, monthly reports, attend,- mcc and fthc exhibit, John AI- lini had a score of 882, whilc second went to Lorne Tink, with 861, Jerry Hosiuk, 834; Mivin Smith, 822; Tom Hoar, 812; Kenncth Knox, 810; Willy Hasiuk, 796;- Ronald Broome, 792; Bernard McLeax 774; Charles Murphy, 762; Bily Olan, 760, Blaine Flint, 757;1 Abrah-am Hofstede, 7J49; Benny Koropatwa, 708. In the 4-H Dairy Club, thé competition was very keen with, the top score &! the day on c exibtgoing to Doug Joe Newcastle on his senior heiferi calf. Bill Tarnblyn was second,,j Ken Sta-inton-was third and Bruce Hendry,. foui-ti on Uic 'i calves in thelcsenior class. In thc junior calves, Harold Yel- lowlees *wâ& fi-at, Brian Bradley secornd, Loi-ne Tink, third . and Paul Tamblyn, fourth. Jin Cry- derman was the exhibitor of the ënly Jersey in the Club and David Crydcrm-an was first in: thie Ayrshires and Carlos Cry.' dlerman, second. The top showrnîkn In the club, was William Tamblyn, Orono,' while Doug Jose, Newcastle was runnier up. The final standing in the. club bascd on care and management, questions, judg- Mig, forward month.1 reports, at- tenance, Uiowmmcaàhlp qpid b. award cW th&'c4lf wms !irst, ,William Tam~bly -978; Doug- lae -Jo.e-90, Donald Wesh- 965, -RarO&d YeUoqwke- 962:, Bruce Bowman - 956; Pauli Tarnblyn--955-,Loi-e Tink - 952; Patricka. ?nox.-947; Lmary Welsh-945; Grant Glapcll- 944; Bruce Stainton-93 . Join Aln-ý936; ,'Shu-on Tamlyn- 936: RaIWd Wel*hý-045, Brima Bradley.-938; Rôger Etekers.- 930; BillItnilaoni-glô; Don. a[&U FoIeY-912; Kan Kziox-907; lGary Jefery .- 407; loren Pascoe - 901:,, Jlm Cryder- man-897; Grant Tsêmblyn - 890; Harley W.Coy---890; Rob. ei-t Hanlton-884; Grant Fila- 'tot!--877; David Crydernm- 876;, arki3 Cry4efiagi- 872; Jdli'bwBoughoMi --->g70- Tei-ty Tom866.on,-8m0; . de t»iat.- -000; Aifwea Ivan,, AVeine (W,H1ele2i 'Yor-868; j Egari Art-,M y..>- 4fI noto- Verry-857; Bruce Hendry - book. 57; - Don Boughen--416; Bon- MrM. R. -Virtue w.. hestos. Id Luke-591. for the eveningý meeting of the 1 1 the Dur'ham- 4-H Grain W.M.S. Thursday, Sepyt. loth. lub the top exhibi f Uich da-y Mrs L. A*iton, Pres., opened ras the sample of gar-y shiown the meeting -w;tfi a hymu and ,y James Rowan.. while the prayer. ýcond prize samnple In the show The theme of thc devoitional ras éhorwn biy Terrv Tomalin-, wau 'Fellow Workers with God' in. The :final -standing in the. given by Mms. R. McGill. This Wrm-Club based MaWild score, is Africa year in thc church kld notes," judging, - quiz, ý at- and M129'._O. C., Ashton gave mdaflc,ý and exhibit was first. us a good start by introducing ames Rowan - 977; Donald the new study "Africa Distur- reloh-963; ..1H*r1d .Ycllow- be4ý" a1so iefreshed oui- meni- ýs-RO2;, - lt.o TjQJ-9. ories with 'a Geography lesson eliam Toariblyjx,-~ 958; Paul on Africa. Mrs. W. Logan's LmbIYnk-9-ý5;. RonAljdý Welsh- collection o! figures carved 53; Marie Kent - 946; Brucei fromn woo4 rcprcsenting the tanton-933; Douglas Jase-, life and work of Africa people, t6 Helên XKnox- 025;, James added much tte c study. crd--1; Bill Tomlinson- iMi-.. R. J. 'Ormiston, supply i8 Pariqia Klix-06; Don- 1 scrry, gave a rcading on tickftirl-94 Kent, Kor KrMt O. C. Ashton cal- 891; 'Wllilam -Kect - 891;; led our attenion te an article tich Shackleton-;881; Kenneth wlh . xrecently appeared la thc iox-871, 'len-y Tomlnlson.- jTe1egr-a, with an urgent ap- 3; John- Boughen--86a; Davld peal for funds for C.A.R.E. 'rry-838; Fred Hoskin-739: I sIlter VerleysenmA-679; David The group leaders wiIl col- awford~-669.leet froni Uieir particular gro- -i ugn ups wlth a goal of $1 per mcmn- l'h jdgi.go! thie grain in, ber. Amy donations will be ap- iGrain Club WRs 40ne by1 prcciated. A social fime wu " 17"' is #m mthe lField. enjoyed wbill.grouç, 1 scrved ros Banéh in' Toronrto, whilc, luneh, eudging o! the poultry was Me l'y Mi-. McKlnniey froni Mr. m9dM Ms. M. J. Hobbs, çDekalb Com, pan~ md the wcre visiter. at Mr, and Mrg. dging & th c ft cÎub by Mr.G.Rdij',LnsY arold. ' îeaiapamea, a di- Mr. and IMmr. Çoo. Irwln etor of. tIi he stein 7rieuian were Suniday visita at the moçiation. *'$i.wmahip in homes o! Ernest lrwm's mnd ecal! cl;xb wie judged y Mr.I Tom &assith's, Bobcoygeon. A. aylrAeriutixraRe-j'Mr. and 1fr.Allau W"r- sentativýe for Prince Edwad were issi weekend vigtors at >urty,,The Çlub Leaders for: Dr. "md Mrs. Clark. Werry'a, e uba were-for tbe Poultry' Toronto. îb, Mi-, IRonB4i lj Bow- uivifle for Ujic Cpi!t ClUb, Mr. .Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, at- Oneis ose w-Asfle anid for terxied, Or-co Mir' on Satssrday. Gri Club, Mr-. $nt4c. Tay. Mim. Har'old Skinner, Ty- Ennisklle , gnd Mr-. Ger- rone; Mn,.. L. J. Goodman, l Brown, R)Wiaanvýillc. The BOW=invitie, were Sunclay tea bs O rga izýd, prd *su. guestsa Ô! Mr. and Mis. Bom Ë.un4 ù t e etion 'of harp. B, û Burnlde Asiiit Agri.j Dr. a id4 MM-. Clark Doriand, Dual Rexe~ttv n .Torontto, veewith hbis parcait Dairnipe. grtultra!Re-Mr-. oand Ms. Z. A. Werryg. ic t ti e o r D u r M r.C o -a nd* M "pi ._ A . H rri a d w7( Wl ýi! ici. G',' ENNISXILLEN ongratulaions te these win- Ters, at, Bl«ckstock fair froni Enmùûkllen Puiblic Sch-ool SS.1 16: SUsan Wearn>- 1sf in wri- fting; C. Ashton-. Znd scrap- book, and 3rd ln wrlting; Laura iGriffin.- lst in writlng; Wayne Beckett- 3rd li writing; Mar- ilyn Yellowlees -d 4r in wrl- 'tin; Marilyn - ellowl eés- 4th Ta kin g.VItamin? Take the kind ýthat -give you 9 výitamins, Iiver, an~d 1.2 mineras Rexali Super Plenamins can hclp yoQur wholo famfly inaintain,rcsistance ta infection during these cough, mmd cold day. Am. yon feeling a3 wefl as k' ~ leu think you should?lIf you tire easily . . . if you catchou colds too readily, you may mcd a vitamna supplemnent . A daily Super Plenamine tablet, with added B12 and qroii, is helping thousands of inen, womcen and children ta.... 1e.P up thcw r sisiaffl te Wo ailier VW5nlIb Praduci lnOWD gvea you more for 4 your moncy than Rexal Super Plenamnins. They're Canada's rnost papular vita. ~~ m in&. Guar nted t o satisfy .r ." .s.. Super Plenumine Regulai' Cost as little as 5112epar day. Faiiy.size botla of 72 tabes. Economy boule of 144 tablets. Five wecks supply of 36 atà.u.. For chldrn 6 to,12 Super Plenamine Junmloe 9 vitamiris, ealciun. phosph0orouà asàd frn 72 tablets. ......*.... .... .. 144 tablets.. . *,. .. -4 Phone, MA.3,5778 $495 :$7.95 Bowmanvilil g Imv±rj% ~WnLtby, were mUft- day vWator« of Mr-. Md Mrs. A. IL. W.arn. AU vIsltcd Mr. and Mi-.. A. M. Wearn, Claremont, son-y to hear bMra. A. M Wearn hias pneumonda. Mr. and NI"m. Alin Wer- attendcd a dlinerc- at Mr. and Un. Ross Le.'., Kedron, la honour of Mr-. Rau Werry and MisElsie Bail. M-. and Mrs. Fýred Toms, wcre Sunday dinner guests of Mrad Mrs. Lloyd SiezMnon Raydon, and Miss Doreen Tre- w]in accOrnpanied. her grand,- Parents Mr-. an-d bMrs. P. Toms to visit Mr. and Mn. CorTtmey i Gi-aham, Purple Hill. Miss Sandra Morchouse, To-- onto, spent a few days with Miss Lorna Wearn, Who iso* lier vacation.'0o Mr. ffld Mrs. Donald Wearn, Oshawa, were recent visitai-s at A. L. Weazan's. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stainten, Ham-pton, werc Sunday visit- ons with Mr-. and Mns. L. Stain- ton. Mn. and M»'. Emwin Fergu- son, Mount Foi-est; Mrs. John SznÙth,, Cana., Mr. Fred Geer, Mr. Addiison Gecr, Guelph, af- bcnded the funeral of Mrs. A. Oke. Mr-. and Mrs. Clarence Av- ery and tanm4ly,.Burketon; Mn. and Mrs. Camferon Oke, Osh- awa, with theïr father, Mi-. A. Oke. Little Miss Patti Geffins, Camaais vimlting lier grand- parents, Mn. mmd Mi-. p. Ellis. Miss Hildia Ray, Toi-onto, was a weekend guest o! Mr. and Mrs. Adamn Sharp, Mm. O. C. Ashton, Miss Lois Ashton, attcnded decomation services on Sunday'atBethes- da.% Mmm. N. Cailacutt, M&.C. Tabb, BowmanvlUe; Mm. and Mrs. Wallace Griffin mm an M- ilY a-ttended de0oe'afion services at Betbeub on- Sunday. Mrs. Collacutt and Mmv. Tabb were te e~wth thcGrlf!in's. On . y venlîng 15 baya fr-ar 'thc village leit for a weelcmid at',C«W Pretoria, w'herc they spent am esijoyable tw* d"y. The camp direct or 990, year wus Mr. Lionel Til- ley, ably assigted by 'Ted Yea, Joe aud GorUi McGill. ite Rev. W. A. LoBS wuS &IBO. t lthe canàP as Of ten as he eould g.: M-. . C. AdstonanmdMUn. H. Ashton wercfI charge of the cooklng and prepar.d e«- cellenf mcmls.'Thcbon wett for a swim, on bath saturday and Sunday affermoon sat Gqi- va Park. On Sunday evening RweiDer rosat was heid ar- Dund Uic Ownp tire et; wtich- 2ie boys entertalnd sd«_r ced Iticis'parents. Mcmii-.. e$e)Mmad Uoa- ird Stainton, Rusadil Griffin isd Master David Stainfon vre Sunday guests with M. ind Mrm. KennetI Miasan, Lit. Là Britain. 'r. N ON .WEDNESDAY, Bowman ville Citizens "Vote I.'o" Commiti"e TRVRSDAY. ~T >?@i, me IfliAN: 0 Now that we have. s old our business known '88 RITE SMOKE SHOP longag W. Bowmanvil.e we wish btli tank oui manm y friends and cusiomers for Jheir -loyal- support over the pas! years. W@ ask your confinued patronage of the new ownersi NI. AND Mas. PEARSON Grace and Frank Wrighti aipply to&zyl AvoUable SUiy e'yow tvxo Drusg 52w'e JURY &LOIVELLI g Eddieë Clapp Recerves 25,Year Service Pin Eddie. Clapi? wums ade the tinuous Goodyear service. He =eiletof a I=-eardlamond bas spent hs entire pqrIod in stu~d.pi byhare.Cattran, the 1IIBom He has workec rnaag~ e th Godyar Tire on the preparation proc=,mfl an&dml&WbberCoan=y here, re- niixing, calenders, and mix no cently. . Mr. Clapp was almo the old amblack mUL.ThEè presentad wlth- a $100 comay last coupleTo!years he has been chee by Ia foreman, AI 9Moi- working in- the liner room. fat The, ceremony was held While living in England Mfr. in thc conférence rooma. Clapp worked at bricklaying In thc apring of 1922, Mr. and construction work until Clap cme to Canada froin World War I broke out In 1914. Gul&ordSurrey, where he had He joined the British Army, and been bor anmd educated, to, live served ln France and Beliuni. ia Bowmanvifle. He first secur- After leavlng thec Army in 1919, ed a job on highway conatruc- lie returncd to construction worh tlan. In thc Autumn h. was until he m-igtated to Canada i hlred b$' Goodyear here. He 1922. worked -at Uic local plant until Mr. Clapp rcturned to Eng- the sprîng of 1923 when h. left land in 1931 for an cxtended to tmkeother work 4 visit. He le nmnied, bas one In Uarch, 1934. 1Mr. Cia daugliter, and three grandchild- stmrted Mas 25 year's of. con. ren. Frasnk Hooper Completes 30..Years ut Goodyear 1 11, A

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