I ~ ff' - -. -- T - - ~ - T ~'~" T 'T - - - ---w--. lm ODA«Y SWT lythl uU '~'M C¶AAflTN TMW. WA14IULU. CMIM AU OUKYE5~4 - Fair Farmerettes Part of Record Crowd at Orono Black and White Show Attracts Wide Attention at Orono Fair i i The Qi-onu Fair attracted these f air damhsels f ion-i Left to righit: ýýýeNewtonville area on Saturday. They are adiniri.ng Betty Savery, one of the rnany pri.zes won on the extensive niidway. I son, 15. Orono Band Provides Fine Musi JbýF A Gloria Quantrili, 15; Marilyn Falls, 15; One of the leading dairy counties ini the province, iBlack and White Show at Orono FaIl Fair. This view 16; Donna Souch, 16, and Suzanne Thick- Durham, lived up tb ail expectations when many of the shows some of the fine showmen as they paraded their leading breeders of HoIstéins placed entries ini the annual1 cattie. ýic Fi ne Saddle Horses on Show Fine Horse 'Show Features Orono Faii 00 ad ,hout the evening performance on Friday and again. on Saturday after- 'R~ eber Down, well knc the am rs Band. one of the best in the district, played much-appreciated matched heavy draft Clydes, d nsercyyDon .Hamntm This fine group of musicians bas an enviable hi5tory h'is turnout following thé jui fvk Hedoits community and the entire district. Operating without too mucli that ho wefnýnancia1 support it continues over the years to be an outstanding credit ..*produce - W. Farrow, D. Sta- sunmber to r se unflagging îrîterest keeps it strong and virile.bb ples.t zetsptve. One bail mixed hay-Carlos pf erspeie Tainblyn, Mirs. F. Jose. jtf yer ts R~~<&ay, second cutting-J D. ais#Oe fth Affin, Mis. F. Jase. was the fine display put on by the horses and their Best collection, 6 varieties-- drivers or riders. Here is Pat Ireland, who placed third y,. Squai-r, D. Staples, L. A. ,f"0 r no Faî r Prze Li st i te adlèhorse class, riding Irish Colleen. Squair. Eandcrats-oys1'~ ar hiirens ~ ar G own-Oshawa Tirmes Photos Duo.hess, one 6-qt basket-L tý __________________________ A. Squnir. Byssleeveless pulo er -ý M-uts, fancy knit -Mrs. Pî lwcsscu okM Gravenstein, one 6-cjt. basket Cotes Mr- LSo.cksi ry n, fac*rs . Mooe.r S . PMooe, c ss, . t oated or - Bushel early white oats - -M'rs. Guy, M-is. Vanhorne. _J. H. Joe. îtt Cotes, Mrsy L'IF Ms.E. lo anetat M-r'- G. t W. Boyd and Son. Asters (purple, lour bloomn) Melba, 5 apples--D. Staples, g Boy's overalis - r.Coates, Satin edgin Y. 5 12 Stocks Dent Corn-R. G. -Mis. Guy. . Squair, R. Osborne. lji-s. G. Brawn. ta 10n or ski cap - Mrs. na- M-off at and Stan Allin. Petunias (single, plain, eight Alexander, à apples-L. A. Boy's shirt, 6 t10years -Coates. Mms. Moore. Pillow cases, crocheted tr.m, sprays)--Mi-s. J. Reid, M-ru. A. Squaim. lj-s one, i. .R.Ptnm Cardigan - Nti-s. Contes. Mrs. white---Mi-s. L. E. Bryant and Flumls L. Hooey. St. Lawrence, 5 apples-D. Bo'scadga, ni.- -isPutnam. M-is - M. Coates. Ten Burbank-J. H. Jose. Petunias (single, fancy, eight Staples, C. Tantblyn, L. A. PunaMr. ote.ored-M-s. G. Brown and Mrs. Ten prune pluma-J. H. Jase Moore. Gr-avenstein, 5a Rugs 1 Baby doi pyjainas - N1rs.' L. E. Bryant. and Carlos Tnmblyn. .euna (obe igl.qarA.Ps fHearthi- ug, xvool. hooked -Coates. Mis. Bryant. ilî~ ae.c-a tthFoe ln eue duî, qam .Ps j£rs. Bryant. Mrs. Putnam. uearess. Bown, Mrs. t ixembu oidered - M-is. S. Moore Snapiagns - Ms.A. L. Jose, D. Staples, J. W. Boyd 'j Nearth rug, i-az. hooked ver undrs, cBtown, G. P.PuatCantosMrs orK Hooey, Mrs. Gartshore. Sn Mu-s. Contes. M-rs. Bry'.ant. Pam. i cas'~~ es. knttd lace Squnir and W. Farrow. Phlox - M-n. Farrow, Mms. Snow, 5 apples-Boyd & Son, Hearth rug., wool, braided - Dress smocked. two to six tii-Mrs. S. Mor and M rs. Tea roses---Mrs. Moore. Coates. D. Staples, C. Tamblyn. Putnam. Mrs. Bryant. vears - Mu-s. Brown, Mrs. Put- M. Coates. Floribundas - Mrs. Moore. Dahlias - Mis. Vanhorne. -McIntosh, 5 apples - L. A. r-learth rug. croclicted -Mms. nam. 1Set. embroidered or cross MsMoeanK.Sai. Dahlias <best single bloomt) Squair, Boyd & Son, C. Tain- ùjt'ant. Dres-. sniocked. six ta eight stitc-h top sheet and matchi-ng -Miniature bouquets - Mms. -Mrs. Vanhorne, Mrs. Reid. blyn. .1peil-Mms. Brown, Mrs.: yezirs - r.BynMs iwcss- Dr.G Bonahlia Cactus - Mms Van- Scarlet Pippin, 5 apples--R. bu~~.Brw. anMs.BdatMs pilio G.cases M. GRrw1Guy, Mu-s. Reid an.d Mis. S. AI- horne.OsonD tpe JJs. nightoow flannel- lin.e . tpes . ae Bazaai' fo vne' IfnMrngtgwSet.u okto he n Dahlia (decorative) -Mrs. Baxter, 5 apples-C. Tain- for -1 women s nfan's -u work topes sheet and - ne - Mrs. Guy and ôup i ubn cut-3 Brw.M-i hig ils.cae - Boutos. llni. Guy, Mu-s. Vanthorne. blyn, Robt. Hendry & Son. mqý it' Dulacks-ounc- etfny --.Cae, mithnilwcse r.Mm ln Dahlia (porn-pom) -Mrs. Wolf River, 5 apples--L. A. westnmant !lcsok.3Bon L. E. Brvant and Mis. M. Nosegay - Mis. Allin. Cour Vetuae. kindia Or Inans.jce Bron bonnePt, Coates. - Di.sh garden - Mis. Coates Guy. Squai-, D. Staples. >der cf Foi-ester's. Bowman.nville;ki r.Bon r.Pt Guest towels, one pir, Dahlia (miniature) -.-Mmi. Blenheim Pîppin, 5 apples- 4 Bowmaflville W.!.. 5 Shirley nam. matched-Mrs. S. Moore and and Mrs. Moore. Vanhorne, Mirs. M-oi-e.D.tpls w.i.In~nt'sja<ket nd onnt, M-i-rs. G. Brown. i ahreadMr. Best arranged low basket- Crab Apples, 12, aiyv. it LaIr~Va rocheed Mrs. Puinam, Mrs.; Tea, towels embrodered onde Mrs. Guy, Mrs. Vanhorne, Mms. -Boyd & Son, A. Pas. Stle nite r ~ohte CiBrown. sufed-Nis pair-Mis. M. Contes and M-is. Moore. ecmtos ad rmAlhin. Spy, 5 apples-J. A. Squair, Mr.Putnain and Mrs. Coates. Putnam. NLrs. Brown. S1 Mooae.ý pac mats-Mrs i gladiolus tips - M-is. Vanhorne. Fowr ndfutai-ng-KSuarC.Tmy. Mr. . ~ .. nivdulplc ment for hall table - Mms. Van- Delicious, 5 apple,-D. Sta- Housedress, one pievce --- -irs - Novice iigtbedcr-psKSqa.C.T bln Vutarn M--s.G. 3ron.Fancy Womk Stutt and Mi-s. L. E. Bi-yant. . îîg al homne, is .Suim .Tml Kitchen api-on. with bib - Cushion. silk - MNI-. Brown. Mats for bot dishes, crochet- Fron-Mi-s arangmn n u Display cf cushion "Muns"- Lasalle, 5 apples-C. Tarn- oates. -dMs G. Mrown and Putnm G. and. saucer - Mrs. S. Guy, Mis. M-oore, M-is. Guy. blyn, Boyd & Son. Ki Chenanîii cMtt. S. More. Cshi131 * il - iic 11~ Cetntre, pîc c al io -sAlnadMis -o-. junior Section Special (boys Golden Russet, 5 apples-J3. M 1sîtchen a .-n otyn - M r,S Best i .11s1V dol], kt- d n- !M s li an Mr . o re M~çe4ss s. G. Br-own. Mrs. Coate5. Mrs. Bhlown. ced-Ms..Moread-s..Planters, suitable for shut- o il ne 6-Gi fn .JsR sonC an ap12n -h t d - M s Sn - -is Moatre M-i-s G uy. M arie H ooey. blyn. noe M-i-s. one 1 cnes iin height -- D. Powell, iGarthshore. n-r.CaeMsGu.VgtbwSak,5plsC Tmy, t-;e r.Cae.Grhhr. Centre piece. tatted - Mrs. Floral arrangement, suitable Vegtale Stmk Son.e-. abln Lysblue alrd)Is r.1Stu tt. for child in hospital-Mrs. Guy, Beets-E. Hancock, W. Far-Byd&Sn -Lt. >ates, Mrs. Putnam. Nedepit acpee- Centre piece, tatted - M-is j Mis. Coates, M-is. Allin. row. Bqaldi, 5 apples &- So. N Mother and daughtem apronis Mrs. Coates, M-is. Moore. L.B-atPt African Violet - Mis. Reid,., CarraIs - W. Farrow.ScurRHedv& on ~ Mco-e.Mi. Cats. Petite point. one piece-Mrs., La. EBratand Mi-s. G. Pu i.tut Ms ots )Cbae(in)W a- Greenings, 5 apples - K. Lady's sundress. maitching >Coates, Mrs. Moore. Fan cy handkemchiefs, ttiree Gei-anium in pot. one bloom row. Stiafr, . Hnm oD jacket - M-is. Coates. r Enbi-oidered picture. franied designs, hand Made-Mis - G. -M-is. Farrow. Mis. Allin. Cabbage (red)-W. Farrow. StaleanS. et ppe Pyjam-as, dainty -Mis. Brown, Pot holdei-s, three vaurm n -m.G Bo M-is. Contes. Sugar mangels - A. Pas. Tiiln .Sals .Hn M-ms oraît ne of each-Mrs Gai-îbshore. i Qullts and Bedspreads Cosmos - M-is. Moore. Mms. Mangels <five cf any var- dry & Son. Housecoat, duster type--VMrs. and M-is. Coates. Quilt. oppliqued and embroi- Coates. îety)-Carlas Tamblyn, W. Far- omrilFaueApe rwn, Mis. 'Coates i Best m-rapped shawer gift' dered-M-Irs. L. E. Bryant and VMebeba - M-ms bake Evs J.w A.Ha. Cobbler snok-r.Browni parcel -- Mis. Coates. Mris., M-is S. Moore. M-is W. Frrw Melbas Sy w -t bake -ar J.sH. ?&s. putnam. '!Moor-e Quilt appliqued - Mrs. L. E. M-arigold (African) - M-is. row, Stan Allin, Ms-s. W. B. Scarlet Pippin - D. Staples Gloves, knitted-Mrs. Bryant.! Auticle, made of plyafoam-; Bryant and M-is, S. M-ocre. Guy, Mrs. Moore. Hoar. and J. H. Jase. Mjrs. Coates Mms. Putnam, M-is. Bryant. Quilt, cotton. pieced - Mms. Mnmigold (Fr-ench») - Mms. Pnrsnips (five>--W. Farrow. Clapps--J. H. Jose and Robt. Cardigan, wool kii - M-ms. iLeather glaves. hand made- Moore and Mis. M. Contes. Vanhorne. M-is. CoaIes. Purnpkin. (field>-J. D. Allin, Hendry & Son. Putnstra, Mis. Coates. iMis. Putnam, M-is. Brown. Quilt. fnncy quilting - Mms. Calendulas - Mms. Coates, W. Farrow. Bartlett--Robert Hendry & Pullover sweater knit, wool 1Special, Wood carving-Mrs. Bryant and Mis. G. Putnam. Mis. Moore. Pumpkin (pie)-L. E. Bry- Son- and J. H. Jase. * -Mrs. Moore. Mrs,ý. Brv-ant. Retnstria. .Quilt, blocks, thi-ce different Scabiosa -M-is Allin, M-is. ant, G. R. Putnain, Mis. L. Peurs Me' erSpeciai, Table Cloth -Mu-s. pattei-ns - Mms. G. Putnam and Moore. Hooey. Best Collection-L. A. Squair. shirt, coear atahdReinstra M--.L .Byn.Zinnia -Mms. Allin, M-is. Squash (sumn-rer)-W. Far- FveBrltR. edy Sports hit olratce Needleeraft, Household Linen Bedspread, crocheted - Mmi. Contes, Mms. M-oore. row, M-is. L. Hooey. Son, J. H. Jose, K. SqUair. -M"r. Coates. Mis. Putnam. Luncheon set, cutwork. 54 by G. Putnam and Mi-s. M. Cot. Zinnia (large flowered)-Mrs. Sqiuash <winter)-W. Fai-iow, FveSed-L A.Sui. Wor soks had nitM-.-s 54orove-,ta- se-vetts--M-s. Crib quilts - Mms. M. Contes Coales, Mis. Budd. Mis. Gai-t- Sta Aflin, J. D. Alimi r'ive F'lemnish Beauty, - C. punan M-is. Brown. L. E. Ervant. and Mms. S. M-oore. shore. Tamatoes - Mms. R. Van- TrbyK qar .Ps Fbisocshani kitMrs Luchon etcrss tith- Afghan, crocheted - Mus. L.' Zinnia (any other variety)- horne. rive Buerme Base-K.. Squair, esMs .NMoorcs. M-Ns.T. Coa*es. 'Mrs. Putnam. E. Brvant and M-rs. G. Putnam. 1M-I. Coates, Mis. Moore, Mms. Turnips (Swede) - R. Os L. A. Squair. 'Cckls, diamaond 'zrit - Ms-s. Buffet set. cmocheted. three Afghan knitted - M-rs. s.UJ Reid, borne. rive Clappe Favorite - R.' Cogte, ?é-s. Bi-owýn. 1pieces - MiLs. G. Br-own. Mrs. M-oore and Mis. G. Putnan. Asters (three bloonms each Table turnups-R. Osborne, Hendry & Son, J. H. Jose. yjamas, Cotton or flanriel- IL, E. Br-ant. i GanndSescolared)-Mi-s. Guy. W. Farrow. tte.-Mr. -Coates, Mi s. Bryant. Buffet set, tatted. three pie- 1ri ud ed Asters (white) - M-%. Guy. Watermelons--Mrs. S. Ali DomIeste Soience Sweater, jumbo wool - M-m cMrs . G.o case herntichd Bushel o alwet- Jon Atrs (hl pink tou Musk melons-G. R. Putnam. Onie loaf, white bread-MrS. elt>am, Ms-s. Bryant. Plo cae entchd Ci-uickshanks and A. I_ Blan-, bloom'>-Mis. Guy. M-is. Van-. Potatoes (balf bushel, earlY) R. Sutton, Mms. Steeves. teIitts. wool. hand kn1t. pat- MNrs. G. Putnarn. MusL. E. chard. horne. I-E. Hancock, W. Farrow. Onie boat, whole wheat bmead ,naîid-Mrs. Brv-ant. Mris. Put- B-art. Bushel of bailev-J. Cruick-î Asters (rose, four'. om- Potatoes (late)-W. Farrow, -Mms. J. Moe, Mi-s. Sutton.' tam. B~ridge set. enbroidered - sb'anks and Gu-e B. Rikid -' arr-e.M-.G" .Hnok Fruit loal, yeast-Mre. Sut-, Sleeveless sweater. rsand knit -s. L. E. Bryant. M- Coates. Bushel o! 1.ae, white oats- Asters (mcd, four b1oom>- f Potatoeb (collection) E tOit. -M uran r.MLu rbodrý pillow cases, J. Cruickshanks, Bruce Tinç M'is. Guy. iancock, W. Farrow. Pta of bun&-Mrs. Steeves,l ~ Putnan. Mrs.qMLau- 1. X. Bryant, and J. W. Boyd and Son. Asters (mauve, fou- bloom) HDisplay oi gardui aad àboe Mm's Sutn. >wn Brooklin fariner, took first prize with his pair of sdales at Oro no Fair, Saturday. H-e is shown here witla .dging._________ __ Pan Chelsea buns-Mrs. Sut- Evans. ton, MiUs. Steeves. Pickles, bread end butter- Six tea bi:sç-uits - MIrs. Sut- Mrs. S. Mo ore. Mrs. Don Budd. ton, Mrs. Gladys Moffat, Mrs. Collection canned fruit-Mru. Ehallice .Sutton. Six date muffins-Mrs. Hoar, Jam, 2 varieties--Mrs. Hoar, Mrs. G. Brown, Mrs. Challice. Mrs. Br-owni. Six scones-MINrs, G. Moffat, Dozen brown eggs--Mrs. D. Mrs. K. Gray.' Powell, Mirs. W. Budd. Banana layer cake, iced- Speciais Mrs. Gray, Mmi-. Brown. TV Supper trav - M-r. G. Jelly roll, jani filled-Mrs. Brown, Murs. Don'Budd. Sutton, Mrs. Brown. Angel cake, flot iced-Mrs. New Exhibitoru Gray, Mrs. Brown, Mi-s. Cake, iced,, any kind-Mra. Steeves. F. Jose, Mrs. Don Budd. Layer cake, dark, lced-Mrs. Decorated birthday cake - Gray, Mifs. R. Hancock. Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. K. Gray, Layer- cake, light, iced.-Mrs. Mrs. J. Jose. Gray, Mrs. Brown. Grand Champion pie - Mr& Date loaf-Mrs. Moffat, Mrs. Gladys Mioffat. W. Budd, M.rs. Brown. . Grand Champion cake-Mrs. Sponge cake, icecd=-Mrs. Mof- K. Gray. -fat, Mrs. Brown. Domestic Shortening Six cup cakes, iced - Mrs. o etin Brown, Mrs. S.' Moore.Copttn Spice cake, caramel iced- Apple pie-Mrs. Gladys Mof- Mrs. Gray. Mrs. Brown. fat, Mis. Isabelle Challme, Mr&-. Fruit cake, uniced - Mrs. R. Sutton. Sutton, Mrs. C. McLaughiin. White cake-Mrs. S. Moore, Apple pie, unspiced - Mrs.,Mis. G. Brown, Mrs. Don Moffat, Mis. Sutton, Mis. Gray. Budd. Puinpkin. pie---Mrs. J. Reid, Matie Baking Powder Mis. Gi-ay, Mrs. Moffat. Compttltion Raisin pie-Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Wielysck i.S Gray. Mrs. Sutton. Moore, Mr.. Don Budd. Lemon pie-Mrs. Gi-ay. Mrs. Frigid Locker Specia~ for Sutton.I most entries ini Domestic Sci- A.ssorted sqiuares Mirs. ence-Mrs. G. Brown, Mis. R Brown, Mrs. Sutton. Sutton. Tarts, 3 varieties Mrs. Simpson-Sears Special for Browii, Mrs. 1. Challice. the lady winning most points Cookie.s, 3 varieties - Mr,. in Needlecraft and Domiestie Steeves, Mrs. Sutton. Mirs. Science-Mrs. M. Contes. Bown.W Lake of the Woods Millint Jellied fruit s;alad---Mr,. W Budd. Mrs. C. Downey. pca Potato salad, garnishned Best loaf white bread-Mrs Mrs. Budd, Mrs. Bra)wn. G. Brown, Mirs. Steeves. Chocolýate fudge - Mrs. C. Best layer sake - MErs. 9. Downey, Mi-s. Don Budd. Moore, Mrs. Brown. Salad dressing, 2 varieties- Best pie-Mrs. K. Gray, M-rm Mris. R. Sutton, Mrs. Downey. R. Sutton. 4 ways of serving eggs-Mrs. (Continued next week) W. Buýdd, Mris. W. B. Hoar. 4 ways of serving toniatoes-- Mrs. Downey, Mis. Don Budd. What we anticipate seldomw SChili sauce - Mrs. R. Han- occurs; what we Ieast expected oock, Mrs. Hoar, Mrs. Stutt. generally happens. -- Benjamin Pickles, sweet, mixed-Mïrq. Disr-aei. Sutton, Mrs. Brownl. The only time you mnust neot Relish for cold meat-Mrs. fail is the last time you try.- Gray, Mirs. Sutton, Mis. Don Chai-les Kettering. M VIGOR OIL CO, LTD. BEST QTJALITY FUEL @IL STOVE OIL AT MOST REASONABLE PUICES For DeivM7 PHONE OSHAWA RA 5-1109 78 BOND ST. W. OSIRAWA "g A' --'j