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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Sep 1959, p. 15

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NX ?~I~IESt~AY, SEPT rVUi. io~I - ?EKfANAD!ANKTAT(AN. EOWMANVILLK. 0NTAD.~ ~' * 99d~~~ q4W u. R ussian Pro gress is Tremendous Ne'wscaster TelIls Con adicîn CIùb <eAttended by Over 300Mebr Russi., la on th. move, Larry liendersomi, one of Canada's best intormed speakers on in- ternational affaire, tbld the memn rsof tiie West Durhami Canadien Club on lbursday ev- cminge September îoth. lu'bis lnlerestlng and stini- ulatlng addrest on "Tii. New Ruais" Uic paplar CBC tel.- vision ncwacaster spxe of the aniazlngly rapid developmenbs iii the USSE durlng 1h. lai :Ove years. - He also, discusci teriaion - packed international blemas,anid possible tolu- "'b UX e »iomat the Lion& to capacitylor Uic tiret meeting etf the newly arganized Cant- dian Club of West Durhiam., Mmrs. Knneth Werry, Uic pies. Ment, and Mis. Lawrence C. Masos, the let vice-president, greetei thec members as they crved. Mms E. G. (AI) With- erspoon, the hcnourmry preeu- dent, wbo la thc convenor ini charge cf arrangements for saes,ise asssted. Mcm- be a he bcclub now totais aoi* than 800, but member- éilps are still available. Rfa. Wilbert- Teeple, the. bon- ourary treasurer, and Mis. W. EI. Reynolds, assistant corres. pod!gsecrelar3'. lssued mcm- Denp carda priori ote enietlrig. Copies cf Uic organ- t.allons constitution were dis. trlbuted by Mis. Claie AllUn. a member of thc executive and Mms.Loin. Allin, licnourary cm fesponding secîetary. Addreus of Wlcome la a short addrcss of> wel. corne th. president, Mrs. Werry etated liatItI was thrilling to, bave such a large numhber of aebers present at th.eclub&s tiraI meeting. She paid tributé to Uiceother members cf th. executive for their liard work durlng th. hot aumaner that muade tbis successful meeting Possile. Th. club wus hlgl hocoredte have Larry IMen- d.rton as Its fiaet speaker, Mrs. 'Wcrry sid. His many achieve- mnmt. werc well known te the audience, the addcd. Extraedinsay..D.velepm autsa Tii.w news cannot keep up to te» extraordinary deve leo p. ment. that bave bec» happen- ing recently in Russa.,Mr. Hemderson -asserted. "This yeai 5,000,000 acres have been plow- ed for th. tiret time, alsc in emtite Kazlahtan a Central Asim iRepubliecof lthe USSE, there la a whole new Induit- ris! complex," the speaker ta- f' td New ciles arc flourishing in fthls part of Soviet Asla, and IL population of between 7,000, 000 and 8,000,000 people are worin g liere, allliough %hat tliey are produding la sbroud- ed in sccrecy." MWr. iendersomi explai n e d that ho wenîte oRussia tlis oummrer to, re-assesa develop- menti there, and to put them in- perspective. For a nmxber of ycars b. bas visitei satl»- itec countnies annually and has also been ta the USSR several limes prcviously. Their Own Interpreters His visit to Russla this suzn- me, on thc eve *of the,. Xrîaa- chev-Eisenhower meeting wan panticularly timely, h. poinbcd out. Mr. Henderson teck a graup cf 20 Canadian mcen and women on bis tour of lic US- SR. Arnong themn were doctora, a dentist, farmera, business men. and two Russian spcaking Canadians. The latter were hm- portant because with thcm the grcup b.d its * own two inter. pretors iaddition to lb. of- ficial Russian ones. Mode Contact wlth People UWe mode contact wlihlbh Ruisian people, althcough the. goverrnent of tbe USSR tried to, erect barriers. W.e were able te talk te, people en stielt cor- ners and ii arka. Il was Pas- sible to et a political dis- cussion and gel away wl'li It," M&. Henderscai staled, rcmnark- ing that on his previous Rus- sien visita Ibis was not pomsb. le. Ail serve th.e5Sta. Th. speaker saitd that he founi that bis Ideas regmrdang lhe USSR were lu need o er. tain re-adJustnienta. lMe point. cd out thal il la hrue thc Rus- alan people art living under a great tyranny. AiU serve thc Mate. The. .tate directs Ibeir lives, ticir carnings, whcrc tbey live, whiere they are te go, and al heur activitlea. How. ever, th. people look at lif. differemilly, and the tyranny to theni doms ot seem as, b.d as It dcci to an outsider, Mi. Men- dersomi ated. $60 a MeDIa fiWagcs hIRussia amcont quarter of th. average Cana- dian -wage. Calculated on a fixed ruble rate a Russian wcrker would receive $60 a naonth as compared te, a $60 weekly wage in Canada. _We found goode dean aid food wa élso expensive," thie speaker staled snd reniarked Ibat Ibese facta are indications of the lowei standard .t living pio.. vailing tiiere. Wa»t Ides Exchage *'We found liaI poor as they are Uiey were tirm hin th. con- viction that liey were better off than people hai ever been mn Russian history. If they are preying for liberation, I do not think they are praying for armiea front tie West. Peihaps Iiey seek ideas. Thcy desire to break lic barriera, learn about us, our lite, and tell un of theis. They want an exchsnge of Ideas." 40 % la Off Linite Mi. Henderson said tiere la anew enne of a limitci frea. dom li west Russia, although 40 per cent of lthe USSZ la off limits te toreigners. The. peo- y!. were cager te apeak wilh the Canadian group and talked without hesilation on many subjects. Only once did the pol- ice interfère witi lieue gath- erings, he niJd, and thc one lime this bappenci wua in Georgia. The. Hidden Mcrophoe#c The. difficulties Mr. Bender- BLACKSTOCK ,=p= let turay fo Vancouver, B.C, where Bruce 'Ph. September meeting of will b. attendlnig a fou 4a the W.M.S. of the United Canadlian Good Roads ovn Churcli wu held lni the. dade tion. They plan to return hy et thie beautiful maple tree on United States. the lawn of Mr. and Mu. Carl DorlSa and DernmiIs "ton ama Wright, Wednesday aftelrnooIi. spending *dos weekend wih Even thqopgh the thèrmornet- Mr. and Mrs. Berwln Adoams er registered 90* ln the shade, and famnily Oshiawa. th twelve ladies present de-*J Mr. Merlin Bailey, Montres! clard it a pleasant and wel spent a few days at homre. On. worthwhile afternion. Sunâday Mis mother, Mra. Vel. - Preident opened th eet- va Belley and sster Catharine Ing by reading a..poemi, "Deai reurned wlth hirn, Mrs. Ba&ey God;o;rbid" and after the for a visit and Catharine to umging of a hymin, offered attend McGill University. wrayer.Miss Joyce Hooey ham gS» Ther rollcan w« manwered to TbmrAno to take a courue i by Somnetdiing I learned from Homne !Eonaznlcs at Rymn the last studY' bok- Con. Insitute. cernu of a Continent. After the business period Mr&. Lloyd Kenneth Hudson Is r.turning Wriht conducted the worsh.ip toDntothTcnia *si reading a splendid paper on'itt ocniuehseetoi 'La.bor Day is every Day" and course. èffered prayer. Mrs. Fred Day- Mrs. Leith Byers spentt a lew cs group leader presided for days last week with her sis- thie programime. It'e new, su ter MS. H. Hawkin Port Perry. dy bok #A-1c fltub was Ir and Mrs. Glenn Lar- ltoduce byMo. John Cain-, mer and Douglas spent a cou- aghan in sudi an'interesting ipie Of days last week with her and cliallenging manner that mother Mrs. MacDougald, St. ecdi lady shouldb. axusly Mary'. waitlng her t=rnte read thc yr* and !vrs. Richard Nl. book. mars Fenelon Fallu, were week. Thisu ws *flowcd by a vuwy aend gucats of Mr. an& bMis. Ixwtretng and heIpful talk by Mervyn Gram and Scale n Vmrn Stuart Doris» oen Some other relatives. of the Hlgbllghts of the Sebool Mns. bK wâoim ad frinds jor Leaders at Whltt>y. Tiabricge called on Mr. nid Meetirglosed wltii *a Miz- 1fr.. NemiBalley.s unday. r beneàe 'eater whlch a bf. nMd Mrs. Winl bidet aihntyl= was nrved by vIsltcd et Uthetuner..!pariots *0 h'.up. Orono, wliere the late Mm. 0.1.0.MeeingRonsberry, Newcastle, wu.. O.N.. Metingting. 'Mie O.NiO. Club met at the Mr. andMn. Harold Wright, home of Dorothy Manlow Thu- Osawas, visted 1Mr. ari Un. rsday niglit.. Minutes of lagt Harod McLaughlin and àamlly meeting were read and adop- Sunday atternoon. ted Discundon te- Uthe-New zMr .£id Mrs.oyr Mcugb. Year'a Eve dance was beld. De- lin and farnilly attendcd decor- clded te charge 4.00 per couple ation service at Betiiesd Sun. end to se!! 100tickets iad- daYalt.nomandweres. ~ vance. Plans were niadie for per gueuts Of MMa Edith Mur- aterlng to a weddlng Oct. lti phy y rrS. Decided te have a Famuly Mr. and Mis. Harvey Th=>mp Dance Oct. 30th. son Liida and Terry were Roll caIl]- One of my faults, Sur*Y guestt of 1Mr. --d Mm 'd Uke to correct- waRs we» Lo ThoisponPSI angwered. 87D2athy Ib cxkmfl M. Vdoa oehy Kmml@or groPsordsm*of Mr. Bons on satuyday. wd ade~oussald ICp.4 A large nuniber froni ber. 1by cottée md COOkICs. attended both Port Perry and Mr cidMms Bruce Ashton, Orcno foinra st week and Sv. tals exhiblted at ecd place and won a fair ahane ofprlzes. Aiw E1W ttemddp Mu sJoyce Vennng,, TICKETS - penttie weekend at hoe ia yo UETRWHERU IIn Uic list printed lest week Consuit of those from thIs district tea- JURY *LOVBLL 1cinfg elsewbre, we regre te 5b t. S W. MA 383778 omission of Mis. Mildred Col- 3 ï-uilllcY Who 18 toe1dilg Bt Bakers __ &hOoL Dalingtec, son bcd wre with the. wvrn- ment concernlng hi& televlionf fim and com. lne had none with the people tlieinoielves.:t H. mentloned parts of th ap. paratus of dktatorshlp, and told of hbldden microphones whlch western newamen- and some diplomeàs had found conceaied in their quartem. Gret ladustrial P.woe De. spke eoftthe lever of con- struction. there la' these days. Th. buildngprogram la im- mens e. .USSR la cmerging as a great industrws power, although its Industrial reolu- lion was 20 years cgo, wille ours wus 120 years before, he stâteCd. !iw thie USSR rivala thc United StateshI steel pro- duction Net Mueh ?wivaer M. endesm MMiit h a t eacu. polling subdivisio n in, the Town, of -Bowmanville the Provincial Election held on the 1Ith day "of June, And particularfy time of voting, period of as two (2) months next preceding the 3Oth day of September, to residence. there la not mudi privacy for Russian workerà. Thcy live i large communal buildings* with ose roorn for a tamlly. Parents go te wark ecci day and leave the. chikkdren in the communal nuzlery. Imuiorlance et EdgUOBUOR H. stressed the Importance of education In the modern Russa. The eniphasis la on sci- ence in that idustria! and tccbnlcal society. lHe told af the great Moscow Unive r slt y where there are 23,000 students under ane roof. They are in- doctrinated by a course in Len- In-Marxism. Ten per cent of the time i universlties la de- voted te, political atudies, aid students must have an accept- able political attitude te grad- uate frm any univcrsity, he stated. Techulesi Aid Sebemes Mr. Henderson drew allen-1 ONTARIO THE OTERS' LESTS ACT (Referred' to in Section 74)- otc Rev compka of sing ittinýgs 0f ficer of TAKE NOTICE that Sittings of the Revising Officer for th'e purpose of hearing ~ints or appeals- with regard, to the Voters' Lists to be used at the voting on September 30, 195-9, uncler The Liquor Licence Act, in the Municipality of the- Town of Bowmanville, wilI be held at the times and places set forth in the schecfule hereinafter set out. reviseci are the Iists for as prepared and finally revised for 1959 1959, is qualified AND FtJRTHER TAKE NOTICE thai any voter who desires Io complain thai his name has been omiiied from, or incorrec!ly enternd ln, the :aid iit, May attend ai ihe lime and place hereinafier mentionqd, for the purpose of having his name corrocily enrolled upon th. Volers' Lisi. b lie used upon the said voie. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE ihai any person whose name ha: been entened on the lisi May file wilh 1he Clerk of ihe Revislng Officer nol lafer ihan the 121h day of Sepfember, 1959, a complaini Ihai there has been included in the liai ihe namo or namea of porions who should nol ho eniered fherein. AND FTJRTHER TAKE NOTICE fhai such complainis muai lie by notice in wriling ln ihe prescribed form signed by the com- Plainani in duplicale-aid given 1o the Clerk of the Revising Officer or lefi for hlm ai his office. AND FURTEER TAKE NOTICE fhal ai any lime prior lo the Siîlings of the Revising Officer on ihe 121h day ýof Sepfember. 1959, any voler whose name is omilîed from the lisi lfolie revised, or any person who has knowledge of the faci Ihal îhe name or names ofany olhsr voler or voders have been omilled, May so inform the Reîurning Officer in wriling, ulafing the names and addresses of the voter or volera as omilled. SCHEDULE Signagi will h beId for aIl Poling Subdivisions la the- Town of Dowrnanville helween th heurt sf 10 a.m. and 11:30 i.m. Stuandar'd Tino <heig thme hourt sf11 amn. and 12:30 p... Daylighl Saving Tino) on Saturday th. 121h day of September. 1959, and hetween the heurt ol 10 a..and 11:30 aïm., Standard Time (heing the hourisof11l a.rn. and 12:30 p.m.. Daylighi Saving Tino) en Friday, 1h 181h day si Sepember, 1959, la lihe Comacil Chanhor inlthe Towna Hall in lthe Town of Dowrnaavillee Lglulralionu ad Ievluing Offi -or Fred C. Richardson. DAME l"ii 22 d&y d Au Ui 99 M. A. MILLER Chimuaof 6lime cliom bar Priated by T"e Jams Pullhing Càm"" hIWbsL 8mal,- ot.d. E.Iumblg OflMe u u Clork le bvalagOfffce' R.B. Reynolds, ire cleaifeCO ISmwv0kt. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the lists'to be take notice that, every person otherwise qua 'lified to vote who, at the is and has been ordinarily resident in the Town 6f Bowmanvillle for a tion to the work done Io baud' ple at 'tce many large univer- Commwusm hlntth. backward satmestbroughout the. USSE la areas of tii. worM. L ne teld o keen. Science la the bigli road th. vast lechnlcal aid achémus te bard cei uccwâeua.Wblle a la these countfles cmred out auckm Ph7aiCI5 la Canada by thecPRusions. The. USS5 le would itirt at$4,000 or $5,000 grantlng industrial credits up a ~e,, andi hope te reecl $10, to one billion dollars a ,me l000 or $12.000; bis opposite Asia. mmber in the USSR alearta at $40,000 or $50,000 and can Mèner te Bum work UP te a $100,000. WM! we '"Syria rn.!! desert om- b. able te maintain leaderahip, try with cil Pipelines, in te. or equality, wltb lower pay ceivlng a hundred million dol. &cales and consequent short- lais ln aid front Russa. This cge cfsaelnutsai vital fields la a drop ln the billion dollar sucii as national defense?n bucket. Another 100 million in Tbet oftlthe IM being spent by the USSUon MrHedno.skef1. the Aien Dam ln Egypt" Mr.It.enrs po fth Henderson remided the aud: Itei""eta Bali lence that It wes the wfttdraw 84, nd hie probleme faed ai cfWestrn teracf a b y, the hme world. He suggest- for the building etflbhePA-lan c ht ra hnei h Dam tht r ge the SuezJectves cmn. only take placei éi sthre eas go a democracy If the people lead. HIg ps to ~They mst bewell advisedand uThe attitude of younc peo-- The. work cf organisation for - - PYLM vrmqmm*& *9c nexl decade la t. Interne tii. public on tbis continent on Its needs and ru~iiabUM«.lo h. sali la coalng. Sheuli esoemd te Vbaumge In thanklng Mir. Kenderoq, for his graphlc audresa, mms q rprsdst cf the cana. dinClub of West DUrbani, re. ferred ote .thoughj vk. lng Wnforuuion b. give the meeting. 8h. sali hatthe nimbers of 1h. Canadian Club Of West %'Durham shouli tes- pond to the challenge fading the p&iple of tis country. Followlng an int.roet 1 n g question period durlng wbicli the speclai ieaker deaIt wlth other vital tepica, lb. eetin closei wlth the. National An. the= f4 Alter the- meeting Mr. Bemi. derson was entertaineai by Mr. and Mia. Lawrence Goddard at their residence, King Street,

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