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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Sep 1959, p. 16

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r. PAGE SIXTEEJI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~W ffAI%*. AS'.ZLZLlI~.TLZEMAIN, UUwmAmnVIL.EONTAIU 'TR>M wr,,i Packed Ho uses Enjoy PIay Con fesf af Orono I - - Red Cross reeeuuru 'Jiuup vvit1,s ORONO - The Durhamn Cen-, Peterborough, for their play, tral Agnieultural Society spon- " <Courage Mr. Greene", direct- sored e festival of one-act plays e d by Eric Jelinston.,1 Friday and Saturday te capacityl The remaining tive groups houses ech evening in Orono from Orono, Tliornton's, Osh-I Town Hall. James Dean, Thron- awa and Peterboroughi rcceived to, was Uice djudicator and a-warcls ef $10. conunentcd on ech play. Mr. Dean conplimcnted Mrs. The first prize of $40 wcnt E. Samuel ef Orono, for organ- to Knox Theatre group, Peter- izing sucli a well run festival, borough, for its presentation of and he praised the back stage «IRisc and Shine', directed by crcws of each group on their Don Endicott. effiency. Thc second prize of $30 went fThc outstanding actress to St. Alban's Players, aiseof award went te Janet Stevenson, Oshawa Little Theatre Group, for her part as "Looka" in "The Brue" Z Honorable mentions went te Gladys Aslett, Orono and flsie Peck, Peterborough. This award was donated by Orono Rebekali Lodge and presented by Mrs. ~ E. Rainey. The outstandig actor award went te Peter MeCombe. Kuox ~.. Theatre greup, Peterboroughi ~%.for his part as "Henry Joncs ùi "Risc an~d. Shine". Honorable mentions went to James Pollard, Thornton Play- crs, Oshawa and Pat Monaghan, c. . Oshawa Little Theatre. TheI 1%award was donatcd and pres-< cnted by Madeline Tooley. The bcst director award wcnt te Eric Johuston, St. Albans A D O MP PlayerPeterborough. Ti ,,M. oter Livng!! Odd Feilows Ledgc and pres- cnted by William Riddell. fWRDRO Wter ys- The best play award wenfto 'Jtem egies us fresh, pure Knox Tlheatre group, Peter- wate wea arnd where we borough. This wes a sculptural i meed 11 ... adds te Ou co- trophy donafed by Orono venmSam= <> f e, Chamber of Commerce and ait. presented by President D. Sta- DUO n va- pIes te director D. Endicott. One booth at Orono abliaU *es to metiWdisplay to publicize the mol PIuanbe rDURO eler W SL Y ILE Red Cross workers June Ca for uil nrmoor DR er iteIL Rickard and Bruce Taylor1 for full i foldein r, g ThIe regular meeting eofflie many citizens as possible tV WaS, the p'. N y<«i Woman'sAssociation was held was arranged by the Bown et Uic home ef Mrs. Harold Best on Wednesday evening, mevr aifcoyrfeh Septmbe 9 ith 18wasies ments on a day when cveryone present. Thc business wsi was feeling flhceeet of ex- charge of Mrs. A. Austin, pre- treme heaf. sident. Arrangements for the fowl supper to b. held on flhc Mrs. Harold Barrowclough last Wednesday lu Septemnier accompanied her sister sud bro- wcre started with a committee ther and a cousin from Toronto meeting planned for thc follow- on a trip te Minden last Wed- ing Moniday nigît. Pictures nesday. which lied been taken of the Mn. and Mrs. Snell spent some dhurcI were shown se fIat a time a week ego vîsiting fIe choice nilght be made for St Lawrence seaway at Cern- prints to be used for various wall and were niuch impressed purposes for next year'a cen- with the magnitude ofthfe ec- tennial. ws i opihet Thc programme ws~ cmfsmnl pn- chet Mrs. R. Bs assisted Mrs. Mary ToppiinI sed UES&SF N R byl frs. H. Best, Berniece Best ing a few dy nTrno, PUR S S M M R! ndMrs. W. Asîby. Rev. A. . George Tufford and faniily took 1L11K'EED ?pu Harding was guest speaker and time off for a biet holiday dur- t6off DO0 N CA ?4A D J is account of experiences while ing the wcckend. on Uic mission fields et the There werc 44 at Sunday West were interesting and in- Schooî on Sunday morning, JACK BROUCE spiring tee, for eut of cemnion- with teachers present for ail place and offen trying circum- classes. Seripture was read by A"LUMBING and EATINO stances corne fIe Uiings which WVanda Ford. Pdev. Hianding's Ohviole Street South wonk couf God's purposes. He sermon at morning service toid MAI 3-561S BOWM1ANVILLE was thanked by Bernicce Best. ef the wondertul gatcway te a Hot dogs and a cooling drink richer lite through prayer. DPYK! VAl Puices - Effective Thurs - Fui. Sat. ÎT RAîS PHONE tIETY l U PRODUCE ODS DEPARTNENT No. 1 TABLE >**eHOME BAKING SALE!!1 Ail Large Pies QNLY d4 CEACH VARIETIES CONSISTING OF Apple Pnmpkin 1Cherry Raisin Sirawherry Dlueherry Baspherry Chocolate Eclcairs and Cream Puifs LARGE SIZE ONLY EACH Potatoes ONLY 10 Lb. Sunkist Oranges Size 163 3Dozen $1I-oo IN OUR GRGCERY DEPAITMENT LIBBY'S "HOLE - KERNEL CORN 15 oz. 2ITn127c BRIÇGHT'S AkPPLE JUICE 3 Tin 39C FISHERMAN SOCKEYE SALMON I Tins 87c PI, S ign ing BIood Donors Fair which attracted mueh attention -was --the Red Cross obile blood donor clinie coming here Nov. 4th. Uniformed 'mpbel1 and Dorothy Verney, Toronto, welcome John to the booth and tell them why it is so, necessary, for as Lo donate blood for the Red Cross Blood Bank. The display nanville and District Branch of the Red Cross. Scientists Plan to Cut Costs of Farrowing Stcalis Ridgetewn scientists are fig- vest per sow," says Jack Un- uring out a way te eut higI derwood, swine researcler at' costs ef insulated fenrowing< Uic Western Ontario Agricul- bouses. tural School. They're trying te find ouf "We're going te have two' how smiall and cheep thcy cen crates and a farrowing stalil build a ferrowing crate or stali where you put the sow in and betore litter size and sew healtî shc caii feed und watcr as well,"1 le hurt. lie explains. "Then we have 8 "Insulated farrowing bouses pens in thc new barn et 3 dit- Varc expensive andi if we can ferent sizes. We're also trying farrow more sows unden one two pensî that we wilI partition roof we'11 b. able toe ut the 5sefthc pen is actually a stali while fIe sow tarrows; sIc van t move ýaround tee much until the baby pigs are two te SJIAW'S thirce days old when wc pul thc partition out. This leave- a Shaw's Honme anc Scheel As- pen for ber and a creép for t~e sociation held its finst social baby pigs. We're also testihg! event et Uic syeason on Friday out an English idea where tIe evcming when young and aid crate is circuler and tIe 50w etffthe community met et tIc lias te lie down with lier teets school for tIe annual cern roast. in one direction." Ample amounts et buttered~ "This will give us the ordin- cern, ooffec, deughnuts and ary peu with a rail, around if. chocolate milk were consumed If will give us a gated peu eround a roaing bonfire. The which will zuake a stali once arrangements Were hendled by sIc ferrows. If wii aise give, the lunch committee convcned us a pigloo type ot pen, a far- by Mrs. L. Ayrc, essisted by rowing stail and twro of crat," menibers et Uic executive. Spe- adds Underwood. ciel thenks goes te several in "In our old farrowing hanse thc comniunity whe hclped te which wasn't insu]ated, we lad meake tIe evening e success. 8 x 10 foot peus. A man ýhad te 'be aroupd every minute wheni thec sow was due to farrow and durxng farrowin.g." le sàys. "We hope te find a way to eut the labor 'around fthc farrowing house. With our farrowing crates, 'tje sows will be turned out ini the yard to cat and drink. With the stails the sows wilI et l nthe same pen witIh thc young pigs. We'il measure how znich work each one in- volves.Y The Ontario Departmnent of Agriculture researcher mention- cd. that the first litters would be in tlhc new building by Oc- tober. KENDAL Som~e o the friends of Miss Edith Cox attended a birthday partY given her lest Friday evenig at Charlie Ga,',s. 1%&. and Mrs., Ab Colon, Rog- er an~d lady friend of Hamilton, ivisited Mrs. Hattie Martineil. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Wright and family, Lornevile, were Sundbly guests with Mrs. Alva Swaznrick. who went home with them for a week's holiday. MM. A. Jackson, Mrs. Wm. Honey and Mary, have return- cd tô their home in Milliken. Mrs. Jackson's Kendal friends. I 7-~ LAST CHANCE TO $AVE$$$ 2 wlsh to Join ln congratulatn CJoli te Fort Williamn especia.. 1her on ber 90th birthday andI pleasant. 1¶iey aise enjoyed , ? ehope for centinuing good hlth beautiful flower dûuplays at V LI Mrs. Mary Luxon is spending toria but the trips thtoughi gpart of the wcek ln Port Hope. mniuntains caused various *, e A number from here enjoyed ings. It is recommended as -à 1 ottending Oreno Fair Saturday most enjoyable holiday. 1when they met many old friends Kendal United Church inttv- besides sccing thc exhibits, etc. !jor dccorating was nearingco A fine warm sunny afternoon' pletion last weekend and *added to thc pleasure. ladies and men in thc commu.-- Mr. and Mrs. Pred Whbite, ity arc iflvited to a cien-l Peterbero, spent Labor Day; job the latter part ef the week rwith Roy Mercer. ni preparation for service Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mavin Clay. and familY and Miss Audrey On Sunday thec Rev. John Woods. and N*. and Mrs. Geo. Smith etf Whitby, chafrnian of Panier and Janice were guests thec Presbytery, ie going to b. of Miss Helen Beyd. guest speaker at thc re-opening Kendal main street was Uic service in the church i wth the scene of considerable activity Audley Male Choir assisting. Monday when thec township '1lhe service is bemng held at equipment ditched thc forth 2:30 pan. instead ef the usual, Isie oftheli street from the cul- mnorning time. Sunday Sdiool vert et Turanskys down past is beîng withdrawn for thi, Milt Robinson's te allow thec Sunday. spring floods te get away. Ken- We were glad te learn t dal folks had aise petitioned ]Blake Alexander, who was op.' the council for a new sidewalk e rated on in Oshawa hospital from the corner across to the lest Wednesday, came through churah. This lias been ln very1 the operation alright and we bad condition for somne yearsj hope his condition will now and we hope it is next in line 1 prove. wý,I for fixing. JItI was quite faêclnating te Mrs. Neya Little and Alec* watch the turmoil in the sky rcturncd hast wcek from a three1 last Thursday noon as thec cold wcck's motor trip to thc west, front came through. The loiver coast and back. They found clouds came swiftly from the tIc boat tnp trom Port McNi- nonfli I . - __________________ <%WIFIA'f/ir 191</ SAVE WHEN YOD BU.. a. It's shrewd business te buy Buick Dow. Your Buick dealer must keep bis used car stocks Whl. To do this he is offering oue. standing trade-in prices that meain harM cash savings if yen trade riglit now! SAVE ON RUNNINO COSTS. . Gas cconoxny is an important featuze or 1959 Buicks-and thet's only part of the savmngs story. T7he big savings is inide pos- sible by Buick craftsmanship. This quality construiction Means more reliability. Iower service cs. S% you save again. SAVE WHEN YOD TRADE.., 1- Because Buick retains its prestige, it aies keepe ifs value. This year's advanced styling will stay fresh fer years te core- wiIl bning you a better price wben yo0mr ready te trade. Make sure of savinp inu the future by buying Buick esw. MOC&t U Em. ivej Styling is magnifioently modem. Interiors are spacious, luxurjous. And only Buick combines the swift smoothness of advanced trasisions... with the sparkling performance of "«Wildcat" VS engines. Your sense of taste, your sense of style, and your own good business sense tell you this is the time to get the SAVE N ýw I6eefinest deal evr... bysaving three ways on a brand-new Buick '591 B A-# ROBSON -PONTIAC BUICK 166 King St. E. MOTOR- S - VAUXHAIL CARS Bowmanvilie L mITED « GMC TRUCKS MA 3-3321 - 3-3322 SNOW TIME US NO TIMI 10 cOORDER Don't Let Winter Catch Yo u CoId! Fil your coal bin with FAMOUS, READING, ANTHRACITE THE WORLD'S FINEST BARD COAL - RED TRADEMARK WE ARE AS NEAR TO YOU AS YOUR TELEPHONE . JUST CALL MA 3-5410 FOR PROMPT DELIVERY STEPHEN FUELS Office at C.N.R. -Yards, Bowmanville 1 - PAGE suriTffl OIR ee,&WàvivAla C"PAPWBNMUOA" - --- hl 1959 a CZNM" mmons VAUM ORDER Now STOVE ýl NUT ý PEA

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