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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Sep 1959, p. 17

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AV £mgrj RiCNAIi TTE 1l8OWuVH4 lwA1 PG SVITE Mr..dU M rn. Morley Brooks, Mn..snd Mms. Lloyd Riddick, 0 NOWONDER THEYSMILES M&s famffy hua a plan - a àm 1f. inrnce plan - to nfeguard itu future. Imme- dia. incorne for the family is provided i case the f ather ehould die prematur~eiy. Sbould the father live to re- *ient, h. toc receiveil a guanteed income. And the ddildren are assured of a col- lage education. These, and all *9 oenadvantages of be- fou a Sun Life policyholder, glw the. parenta a sense of .* uty and pea o f mid. Vu., thiafamily aime.; And l'm sure that 1 can 011 er ««othet right plan to suit ymr requnremens. Can i bc Sanner Pansant Rep»ueetitve $A -nos1 53 Down St. D.vwmaavlil BONlu E019 CANADAo 1 Mrs. James E. Richards,1 Picton; Ws. andi Mn.. J. Staple- ton visited Mr. and Mrs. 0. Cowan. Miss Kate Foster, Oshawa,l visibed Mina. T. Wilson and Mrs. E. Grady, Fair Day. Mfiss Ann Burgess, Port Hope, and Mrs. Marlon Kilpabrick, returned home by 'plane on Sunday fromn a moriths holiday lnx Scotlaxid and England where 'they visited the fcmmier'a rela- tives and fniends. Mr. and MrMn. Wallace Welsh, Wilsonville; Mr. Suttle Prib- chard, Millbrook; Mr. and Mrs. E. Bryson, Kimby, were supper guests of Mim. M. Sherwmn, Fuir Day. Mr. Cyril Knight and son Douglas, M&. andi Mrs. George Vines, Palmerston, visited Rev. end Mns. Basil E. Long and family last week. Mr. andi Mrs. Bruce Thomp-1 son, Cobourg, wcre guests of Mn. and Mrs. R. R. Waddell, Fair Day. Mr. Charles Webben who is the new Postmaster at Orono, started working in bhe Post Office last week. Mrs. Ma-di-on Hall, bier dau-: Igîter Mis. Fi'rank Androi- aid son Allan, returned te Tenante on Sundav after spending thel suminer ln Omono. MIn. and Mrs. Wm. Robiison visited ln Port Hope on Mon- day. Mm. and Mrs. Russell Rans- beri'y. Dorval, were weekend guests o! hem sister, Mrs. C. V. Wilson and Mr. Wilson. Mrs. T. Findlay, Thornhil: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cochrane andi son Raid; Mr. and Mrs. H. Luxton and famuly, ville, wcne supper guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Harry Mercer, Fair Day. Mr. andi Mms. Geo. Mitchell and f!amily, Oshawa, visitcd Mr. and Mirs. Wm. Mitchell on Sun- day. Mira. J. E. Richards tsaut Laurd*_ Losige, Minden, this week. Mrs. Gilbert Aildresi, Mins. Ken Adeaisund Miss Marilyn Quantrîll were joint hostessesl et a iiscellaneous shower Iorn Miss Gul Hasse, bride-elect, on 'o 4i 2o GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES " issued in amounts from $100 upwards for 1-8 yeara. " earn 53/2%/ interest, payable half- yearly by cheque. " authorized investment for ai) Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. VOUE MONEY DOUBLES ITSELF IN 13 YEARSI \.STERLING TRUSTS The Orono ficavoran and cdn. iMrsio Tyo LIMIT TUE NUNEER 0F ITS OUI Miss Jean Crydernian, Mr.; George Bitner, Oshawa, visit-- refieshment ed at E. Cryderman's. Jean isie moe d nkn Mr. andi Mmi. Ross. Cryder- AP>E .*mani ansichildren drinkingDe- 4ON-LIME de Cemetemy andi were tea guests witi Mr. and Mrs. Rus-' so-11Wright.Les n t O M ANGE Mr. andi Mrs. Rue Pascoe and e s n t b YE M EAM SODAdre visited Sunduy even- itrs EAM SODA ~ing wlth Mr. and Mrs. J. Dyemitrss À ~Oshawa. Lnnidns O! SEER M .Chilinads. LRc>y Ldand- IGER&e RyLag heir interests are 4GRALE maid were in Peterborough ~~ .on Fniday wiere they visibed i nterests. Mr. and Mis. 0. Lunn and ciudren. Mr. .end Mrs. Murray Vice vis- ied friends. Mr. and Mirs. Ron Killens o! Alterta, ut bic homeV o e Nc ef Mn. Wes Bryant, Oshuwa. is Lu s 1 believe the truc road £0 preeminent success In any lins sL'rn.s to MakeYourself mater of Bowman ville Citiz, weight witi a clock.-Arthur Com Koest.ler. &Wsiatth thes project which wasi iReeve Brown Returns mmorge*«n ad tadlgof the meeting. W. H.i Mews I amand nd on o 1 1 Il V E f i h nii od that a committee b. net up ToClrk T p.C undl to funther suytx rposai! Editorand t e stulwhat eqwpment Editor -ouowig 'b' be &V*U&b1. for i.h F lo ig iiiness Te om teeJeA. Tuesday evening ln the 1.00-P w.. = l rheMcLaen and; Hall. ORONO: The. Clarke Coun- and thxe lack o! suitable equip- Q>, eto1nasrrc M:r. John Wilburt Piper bus- cil met on Tuesday, Sept. l' ment. It was deciled that i hbr eotdo h band of Katherine Henry, ini bis with ail members present. Couincil should consider the finance of the recent Carnival 8lat year, passed away at St.: Counciltora. welomeci b a c k purchase of funtixer grader n ttdtn hyhdcer Josphs ositl, Toenothex reeve, J. T. Brown, who equipe for snowploughing. ed $1,271.70. Expenditures a- Sept. l3th. Interment iWas in requested that H. E. Walkey, Ti consideration it f0 go be- mounited to $1.122.09 whlle re- Orone Cemetery on Tuesday deputy reeve, chair the mneet- fore the Departmnent of High- eu ri:h aeo ikt atternoon. ing. Mr. Brown at as a ,coun- way for approval. aeuemoun t he $1s3aleo icret- Guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. cil member for the meeting. The bld of J. A. Poynton emne omti o ot$,0 13.95 .ndrev Logan during the weekend were Mr. S. B. Rutherford, Orono Construction Co., Port Hope, enue r.esident D $1,33.9a.- Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Bell, Osh- Police Trustee, presented b oi was accepted to bulld theReid TepeietDnl tp awa, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hoy, Council a suggested list of na- bridge at a cost o! $9,605.20. les, welcom.ed a new member' Islington, Mr. and Mrs. Norman' mes to act on the Recreatio WTe bid of A.mico Metal Pro- b the Chamber of Commerce, Allin and daughter Sharon. 1 Cornmittee. These suggestions 1 ducts o! $3,239. waa accepted Leslie Aslett. 1Mr. Aslett ta ac- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gochrane: were eccepted with the addi- for a multiplate culvert for tive lni the 050110 Scout moya- and Mirs. I-arry Mercer attend- tien of two counicil members, lot 8 and 9. Concession 7. ment. ed Decoration Services at Rus. Savery and Ji. E. Walkey.t Tic Township received an A moio* was assed by A. Bethesda Cemetery. on Sunday The officers are te be appoint- amount of $1,580.25 as the Pro- McLaren and H. Duvail that and were supper guests cf Mr.' cd for one, two and tbree terms vince's share of the wlnter's the Cbamber send lettera to and Mrs. Ralph Virtue, Enn:ia- £0. add centinuity te the com- work. program. the. varieus places where books killen. mittee. Thc appointment cf the First and second reading was of tickets were sold te thank Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mi clcommittee was necessary in given to a by-law £0 prohibît thern for their co-operation. and., children visited Mr. and! order that tie Committee oeuld the dumping cf rubbish on lot R. C. Forrester asked If the Mrs. Victor Jordan, Oshawa, on, commiencé business. 16, Concession 2, ithc Town. aecretary would not send eut Sunday.1 J. T. Brown reported on his ship. The first and second read- letters te the varions organiz- M.Rov P.atton, Kingston, contact with the Department ing Us also given to a by-law atiQns to see if they would sun- vji,1Ied his father, Mnv1. Perc. of Highways in connection withlIprohibiting the dumping o! port the purchase of a resusci- patton last week.1j establishing a developm e n t rubbish on Township roads. tater. The Grona Chamber has Mrs. J. E. Richards visited road in the south ef the Town- Both by-laws carry a penalty atready allotted a surn ef $100 Mi1s. J.ohn Bigelow ini Portl. ship. He also recornmended of $300.00. for the purchase o! such a mna- Hm-l) 1Vu î'î eyening. that fuirtbh.r inve.4tigation bel A request to sub-divide pro. chine te be used anywhere in à1ri. and MUrs. D .Hoe started in. this matter.i perty inteVlae was ref- the area. 1rh u. and NMrs. Dean Ho1, Cavisi<herable di-cussion tv- erred- Io the Oro-io Police Trus- A brief outlne cf MacDon- son of Bowimanvi1le, attended olved around stiowplouý,ihinc tee for their opinion.- Times. alds Farmn was prcsented te the 1Decoration Sei-vices at Bethes- 1 - _ - meeting and the members were da Cemeter', on Sunday. ié askcd 40 give a hand in setting Rcv. 'andi Mrs. Basil E. Long- ( on de s ' up hefaim at the Orono Fair an aiY eund .,, ero o f C CT d e s grounds. The entire gopte 1EI ek EI otae tproceeded te thegrudan lasizt wee frm cotae at ommenced working on the Mx-s. Flore'nce Anne Rans- w aie rTruckTurchas berry (nee Herron> wife of Mr.W trT u k P ch s James Ransberry, passed away, in her 7th vear, after a short Nortrotectiono illness in Mvem-orial Hospital,for Twp Fi,, P ote tio Powrnanvîl le.- on Thursday,1 ED on Voyage te Mr. and Mrs. Septembr1t. hnrooCaber ofConOti. toa'wihtwWilfred Jackson Clifford and Funeral xvas on Saturdav if- TeO1oCabe fCi-a tsttlwih ould bel Marilyn who left Saturday, Ii'noon, [rom Orono UT.nited, merce on 'Plhursday, Sept. 3, at' about sixteen tons. Ibt Ssg et ,fô etr akth C plo wthtrn ent in th'their estuan et ing to ihe gested that a thousand gallon ewan, and aise te Mr. and Mrs. f.-v a çnilv E,1 Orongoffciarv noR suprant i iO 1fltruck would be suitable. Mr. Bruce Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. P-wr.~~~ fah ELogoicted stances gave spor aîfc' aDne Pound was cf the opinion Hurb Swaln whio leit !oilow-, atic w:îis assrsted by Rev. War- sing interest in the annual Or- -ein lirron of Toronto, a ne- <)oFl air. The miembers of bhe phew of the late Mrs. Ras Chaniber are supporting the ____________________________ __________ Fair in Orono by donabinga trophy for th.e besb play in the Drarna Festival and by spon-f SOLINA srn andi establishing a new orne say of Liquc Congratulations to 'Harold The secretary. Andy McGill,- Veilowlees who took first prize read a letter from Mis. E. H., C.N.E. in competition with 59 would provide n sculpturedi C A N TA K E contestants. At Orono Pair on trophy for the best play in the Saburd'ay, he, Pat Knox, Edgar Pair Draina Festival . The cosb i01 Werniy andI Lame Tink were in o! thc sculptured cedar award i the firsi group of prize win- would amounit to about $50.00 flans in the 4-H Club section. W. H. Carmarn and Archie Mc- Rally Day service will be Laren mcved that the Cham- 20 at 2:30 o'clock. motion was earried.I Mrs. Gordon Leask and Mrs. Andy McGill informed thef Frank Gilbert received news meeting that he had made on- but last week o! the passing O!, quiries in respect of obbaining their bnotber-in-law the late a tank truck which would be Harry Jardine in .*Kinigsto'n. suitable to provie f ire pro- Sympathy is extended te Mis. tection ln al ef the township. Jardine the former Louise An- He sbabed that he had contacted D O ES 11T LEA V E nis o! Solina, and also te hier Impenial OUl who would seli a son Don andl family., 2200 gallon truck for an a- Wedding belîs are ingingl mounit o! $1,500.00, This size Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hilîs and truck was thought by -the Or- Day service ut Bethesdâ on --- Sundiay and were teu guestso! eea asa amr Ifi~o Mr.S. Hifar. spent..svrldy tCmr . Thai feenagje ULdrinkiUg 1 on ste i Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer onl Lake. and family. Blacksbck visibed Mr. and Mms. Bruce Taylorma cornefosr u h m asa et Saturd'ay niglht witi Mr. and endsos wr Sunday tea 'ma seoshrm sars Mrs. Bruce Taylor and fanily. guests o r.adMrs. Bruce2.T a il oss heP vnc fw ad M.and Mns. E. R. Taylor MontgoSxery.2.T a ilcs tePo nefw ad ______ "Mr. aind Mrs. E. R. Taylor --_____ -visîted Mr. and Mis. Hemb Og- taxes from liquor for the care of dE FOR SATISFACTION deni, Oshawa. jMrn. Mima. N. Fice, Taun- mothers, law enforcemenf and Ihe IN HOME HEATING tnMr. and Mm. Frank West- lake Jr; Mr. and Mrs. Frank who commiffed crimes while inioxic Iust any furnace is not Westlake Sr., attended the fun- the answer. eral o! the lattaer's nephew, For the ultimata ln design Norman Wekit ut tic Turner 3. Thaitihe liquor inieresis are by-pas jand Porter Funerul Home inib avriigiei rdcada and efficiency Instail a Toronto. t defsn hi rdcada FAIRANKSMORS Mr.and Mrs. Frank West- FAIBA KS-ORE akeattended a corn roat at ai women. I HEATING UNIT N. Pice's, Taunton, Saturd'ay and Mrs. F. Westlake 4. Thai alcoholjim 1 orne of our grave Cal Colleet Jr. -and !anily visited ait Mn. C. WIO WM2$bOT: Au Bf'ELTIl CAF The cari -. t.that glea LUI AiCAI SAl -wmc Tay OUR itomatic kWASH waab that gives y» mlng, Wb. fin"s IBRICATION L CHANGE ka WASH SK TIRES and LTTERIES :ATION M Or, 0 0" VE UT ALONE YOU LN u Learn icrease - Ihat youx own son or daughier - 1a haif limes as much as if co11ects' in ernenfed alcoholics, homes for unwed Supkeep of prisons filled wiih people ýcated. ýsing the laws of our province in respect the same lime airning il increasingly 'st social problems. Il is responsible for: trations cidal attempis tilionalized children. resuli of absenieeisrn, poor workman- - this resuis in higher prices. days a year away from work - 6% , couniries of the world as Io the arnount OR'S TEMPTATIONS WHEN WE TLETS. places - the more kEN - for the liquor not in your best Dn Sept. :ens ittee 30 "VOTE NO" .ing Saturday for West Coast. Mr. and Uns. Fred Tomis iiDecoration Service at Nos- and Mr. and Mre. UoYd Sle- tieton United Church Cerne- mon, Enskilien; Mr. and Mrs. tery, was weil attended as us- Joe Wilson of Fenelon FaUs ual. Flowers were .lovely, but visited T&. and Mm. Ralph Wilfred Jackson's -familliar face Sadler arâ girls on Sunday. was mnissed from among thxe Ralph Sadler has just return- spectators. ed from Siwville, Quebec, The Rev. Harry Atkinson of where he judged' ponties at Oshawa was special speaker their fair for several <lays. Mr. and Mrs. GTandy, Mrs. Wilson anid Mms Wm. Plumbtree and ail of Albert Street United fam-ily were Sund&y eveming Church supplied special music caltersaet Vie Malcolmn's. for occasion. Our own Miss Mr.and Mrs. Edgar Emer- IAa Samieils was faithfully son and boys attended the on band to play organ. wedding ceremony of Miss fRev. and Mrs. Harry Atkin- Bonna Griffith and John Dun- son were Sunday supper guesta can i Dunsford on Sunday. at Mir and Mrs. Geo. Johns. September 1Mt," Rev. Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Don Stutt, officiated. Bommanville, visited her pea- Mr. and Mrs. Smell o! Lea- pie Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Em- mington called on Mr. and Mrs.' erson. Emersdn,- Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ener- Mis. Emerson spent a couple son and girls visited Mr.a dadys In Whitby recently visit- Mrs. Emnerson Sunday. ing relatives. Ledinj _Parai *LEh *ORi *CRI *ROC *GIN Mode and Doitled by. . SMFH DvEAGE *OWMANVI LLE Fer Boul -...MMRMMR lm r7 TM CANADI" STATESMAlq. BOWT&AlfVIL= ONTAMO PAGI SIVINTEM ým&v- SZPT 17th. lm

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