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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Sep 1959, p. 19

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-----y-.,- -- - - - -------w..----- - - TEUIMAYI SEPT 7tb, 19M8 THE CANADIAN STATEMUSq, BOWUMNVUILE. O!TA1UO PAGE NINrTEEN * h~~~~~~~~~strate as being just as bad as Med at the home of MEr. and * ' seoonded by Couneillor Hobbs!sokFi nyu ae.Te i he steady drinker when he be- Mirs. Eliner Down. Cou ncil rasses Approvai was also given f, eevr lesdwt h A cci ent epor Is larm 'ng'camesucha haard n th Mr.«nd rs. ober Bot-Mra.enRofbPlrteDBoth-i highway. well enjoyed a isingtp on A ~ o nst f$4.7mvdytefi n hyfe tcn Acc den Re ortIs lar inga osesonliurR ae onaymnt of $9olicoe dat icveboheoean Oshawai cou ts Couimoillor Ltacuchair=a rbtdegetda otesc csenha w sall ottie10of0.gin and Mr dJim avertof tePolice Coniiittee, ces.ftevn. Heha sal otl o inan ar an atnddth!conded by Councillor Pressoi hnaaanfryu ra Sa sC u t g icu t r iR p bout two thirds full. Told the wedding of her niece, Noreen0f $53 26.63). ep A. 0. Dafrymple, Agricultur; gust, it la a]armning t.o note that opplg machines when greas- tat the adcehai se it fy roe mAcut aonig a$3- bet oed that Fre Dpat-Se.-Tras il Represeritative for Durban many young people as weil as ing, ete., and when doing con-l abtegge r Hasdwa rned Members of Maple (}rove Cub'267.63 were passed by Bowman-guned by Councillor LathluW.J Wgt County in summarizing the re- older folk have loat fingers, had 51~> s rpreup iat onvinonlggt.H iws care pack held a successful bottie1 ville Town Council at te eme cout o!$47531 ep port from the Farm Accidenti broken linibs and in one case tuto sn rpreuP htcnito nti re drive on Saturday. Three trucks1 meeting held in the Councl ment__________of_$475.3 Survey Reporters stafrd that a fatal accident was reported. ment, ail wiil help lessen the could also resuit in confiscation~ were used. Those who donated1 Chamber of the Town Hall on paid. and this moton was car thhenfomatinr tattion'een In bokig a thereprtsbIso! imethesuferin duhof ieportseter tswa podfue o!thrr trckck d iaedondy eenin. Tis iclued îed.Charmanoishe emetry e obtained certainly was alarm- with the exception of one or tpe ry daim n d o ornot the aror ud b were Ed Holmes, Bert Snowden ail the committee accounts. cmite onio trok ' ing. He tated that al reporters two, t is obvious that al of P rge. sod, nd he roredaturnd ad Rber Barabli.to7I~M had not as yet sent in ail their 1 tem could have been pre- It la hoped that any reporters 9\Ter to the Province o! Ontar--Te e and Rober Barrball Councillor Ivan Hobbs, chair- que moved that payment report forma, but to date 27 vented, if a littie more care who have flot as yet sent in 10. ciation will hold their first macn e finaep comitee , $ac 378on.9b aefrcmtr accidents had been reported In ihad& been taken. I realize that their forma for the iast quar- 1 Following too ciosely and Iieeting on Wednesday, Sep- second, ed pty-Reefinac ac ons.- which loss o! tinie or medical' it is easier said than done, but, ter wiil send them in to the causing a rear *end accident tember 16 at 8 p.m. Mr. T. Mc--Boughcf mov80 ed a inne a- 'h oinakn for prvlo adpir a p- , bils had been incurred. being familiar with a mechine'Ontario Department of Agricul- cost $7.00, two 'demerits. The Guirk will be guest speaker. coumnt !7. hi a ased fro!pi pirThonte-~> Inomthe first o!quarene lyte th waervng s ety ruls, suc asture, Box 730, Bowmanville, as magistrate advised the accused A joint meeting of. the Cir- chairman o! the public proer amounting to $37,533.04 va from thefirst ofJune ta he servng saetyrulePlease as seno!s MapleieGt vot Uouteduptyscdemmits saCouncofllore Gromadnitby Councillornei Hobbubb se- foasts.onenen. e o se up s emerits hld omiteConilo 0 .conded by Deputy Reev end o Augst, te nuber ! fas. reember youcan-Church was hel on September Presson seconded. 1w Council- Bo~ ndcr rientf ijurastwte ll be oý no percelve what the other 2nd wîth 20 ladies present, The lor A. H. Sturrock, moved thatie.Teead lsoflife had been reported ahegoing thinking or wh'at he object o! the meeting was ta public property accounts o! prior accounts included bills o involving farm people in Dur- i oigto do, warned Magis- plan projects for- the year and $9,5.51 be- paid. This was also $25,534 regarding the new Lorc p= on fAccidn tat oan, I -L L L - L an covte d f . ul-hear suggestions for spending crie.Elgin 5-chool end the $2,(0 FFipepeunfai rctid ns a nvolv- ate s.. o ..d . A ax oter.f ssul-money on hand. New acreens cAr ie - grant for the Bowmanviil onth hghaywrestllth ng a peace officer who was have been secured for the base- Amto mae by Deputy Public Library. main causes o! boss o! time or covce and remanded for ment windows and a Commit- Reeve Bough seconed y Injury. (Written by A. Kurb) Pre-senfence report by the pro- tee is at work te replace the Reeve W. David Higgon for In the 27 accidents reported, 1btion officer, waa placed on lights for the choir. It was de- payment of Dog Pound ac- Iie E io' aloaS4R 11 with at least two losing fingers s'gn resuled in a lady being zone within 50 feet of an inter- A 17 year old made restitu- on September 3th with al approved. On a motion oy In a power mower, three having !inied $10.00) and $2.00 costs. 'section the penalty was $12.00. tion of $48-00 for wilful dam- tickets for three settinga te be Councillor Keith Lathangue, Blackstock, Ont., fails about the farm, two fireï, An accident occured when an Failure te produce the owner- age of a 1958 Buick was also sold before this date.. Commit- Welfare Committee Chairinan, sept. 14, 1959. one the result o! a wind storm eastbound car could not swer- ship card e! a truck he w'ýs; given probation for the samne tees were namedarid it la hoped seconded by Councillor Presson. erS: and the rest being miscellan- ve because of a girl walking on driving, which he hiad borrow- period. ail wilb work to make it a suc- Relie! accounts of $1,012.29Derir eous accidents. 469 hours time the shoulder o! the road. P.C. ed, cost a Toronrto ma 1 20 A 52 year old Oshawa man ceas. For further particulars were passed. I have been lnstructed by th were 1b>*t and' the mnedical ex- Diamond investigated. He hed been apprehen-t--- - wis remancd- a week in cus- see Coming Events. The nieet- Board o! Work. a uLuunts directors o! the Cartwright(1 E penses reported to date, with' Aother womian paid a to'll ng to eut in andi out o! tr -7'.'I * " ad 1-1 u F t t s.oeýo. ~i- w" h a Bene-1iction. amounting to $10,433.65 were Agriculturiti Soiety to expres some still being unreported du e o $.0 oAniln to prdc and. failed to brin'g proof that. Fe is charged with contribut- Lunch vas served and a social ý approved on a motion by Depu- tu you their thanks for the Ex-j~3 ta the fact that the person in- her 70 riv flinge prodheethe ownersiiip card was lost îng to Juvenile Delinquency at time cnjoyed. 'ty-Reeve Brough, the chairman, ceilent co 1verage given to pJack (~W AV volved is stili hospitalized, at quest o! a police officer. Spe- to court. JzMçkman's Creek in the Town daetotal lfti ,0.0. Poerty eding at 60 M.P.H. cost $12.00 Overloads coat, $18.00, $23.00, o! Bownanvile. daag ttale $,22.0. and two dermerits. Improper $23.00, $38.00, $43.00 and $83.00 -______ Loo ing a the occi ranti piC- pasaing on a hili was worth for various weights. Driving a ft redin t heAi ntuv $270 plus thi-ce demerits. Be- truck Arith goods and no PCV T"_.)VIL the total reported, now reaches ing on the higbiway with a Lice.ise cost anotiher trucker ifE ONLY PREIM AT AP 1 49 accidents, seven fires, eiglit motor vehicle with four baIti $23.00. Mr. ani Ms AI Doboani accidents involving farm peo- i, niy ehnt n al A2 er bislironia isLe alw pie on the highway, nine in- pipe extension ta mtiffler, ne ve from Camp and working in D unsford. M IE volving peope about the barn horn andi with the hand brake the Tobacco Fieldis here, wa Mr. andi M"s. Bert Trm andi buildings, anti a vèry large not holding, brought a charge arrested on September- l4th1 spont Satu-dffiY at their cottage. number o! miscellaneous types of operating- an unsM e motor and charged with impaiîed dri- 'l-- ~u.~ siOrciio Fair o! accidents. vehi&le. Penalty was $12.00 ving. P.C. D. Foulis o the 1S iidy ejoi he fn The total time loat by farm; plus the denerits. O.P.P. investigated a motor VO- weather andi succesaful fair. People due te the accidents re- ' A Peterborough man ran bidle accident et Tauniton at i Nu-nHaoelrer- ported, since the start o! the out o! gas on the highway. He 9.05 P.M. M ed toN-ewciatllstwe etr-T E O L O I I survey in Mai-ch was 475 days.: pulleti over te the shouier 1 The accused had renteda a hldtuNast ast e atrg The total medical expenditure andi fell asleep. He was check-1 1959 Chevrolet andi driven it to th, V7est lo, Banff. te date bas been $1,501.45, ed by the O.P.P. at 4.25 A.M. Taunton. He was eastbound,! MLsý. 1. Plum and Misa Lyness, wbile the total prcperty boss, ý He hati possession o! 10 pinta down a grade, which was a Torontoh spent a few days at now totals approximiately $80,-1 o! beer and a bottle o! Collins sharp hill, posseti a 4 foo t Mr-. Arthur McKay's. c 000. Mix. The passenger in the car square sign sdvisinig on con- Shiloh W.A. meeting was held One factor dues definitely w-as most helpful. He tolti pol- struction ahead andi maximum last wcek id the church. Mrs. corne out of the surve'v andi that ice the Collins mix bottie con- speeti 30 M.P.H. About two, Fisher, Newcas le, was gueat U i IEiD la that the summer months are taineti 10 ounces of gin. Pen- tenths o! a mile further on, speakri antd was greatly ap- IOOth AN IV R AR PECL4L S certainly the. dangerous time, alty $12.00. h le passeti a detour sign, con- prcr-iated. FROZ N F O As far as farm rnachinery js A local youth was charged struction sign and ran through Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hal-Ro.Badeg -b4.SAEm concerneti. In looking back wlth Careless driving and Be- a bariilcade and ra inte, a bai-n owell, Mouînt Forest, at Mvr. MRomB andR004 89< FEA TU RES over the past six montha, one ng a miner did obtain liquor damaging it about $50.00. Dam- Llovd Hallowell's.1-bpg notes that approxirnately $70,- back In June. 1-Te had plteadoti age to the car was s150.00. Mr-. ant isc. Paul Burdette Rom. jar 35Wb.-ksA8VE Fi ren)ortcd during t' etimonthus ot charg~es and the The soldior was advised to' anti Glern, Toronto, were din- McLarens eja35-VE4 000eb Aortho i endamage ywt asg iit hoth lift--d bis bic- return ta camp anti the înag- ner guests with Mr-. anti Mrs. CORN RELISH QuaIiyr3l verv little daînage en eot en," so that he miglit walk istrate pointeti eut the maxi- r -ie Falls, Sunda. pg7..AE4 f en e or te umrmns.H ap mu eltya 50 r6 Mr-. anti Mrs. Brian Caswelb Orange Poko.Repg7o-LAE4 eti from farin machiner o r 1esw- ots ea- uipnlyws$0 r6 ever, during June, July andi Au- peareti for sentence. The Care- months or bath. He fineti him j iwd Bet's eleville SunM . less driving Charge was dis- the minimumi $53.00. His lc-- BRsD sOSWesleyvîlie, Sun-of RE75c -~ m~d xhen the Chie! Con- ense w-as suspendeti for 6 mon- ddy. D R O aiSE EA B GSeg f 075A e cRpk 7 -BV FIN 0%e O ' îT '-l told the Magstrate tlis and hie was adviseti by Ma- £a M Y)NI NMFNTS Fqf th-it the boy had 'caî*sctinoa gistrate Baxter not te appear M O ES RADT810. tr-ouble during the past three in front of hlm again or he MA L GROVE 300OfEfSReg n8o4 1.59 l. 6ps O monls. The Magisti-ate coin- would net get the option o! a The chîltiren at,c back te f e.tn33-AE4 eti, "ecausecertan and by ail re-ports each GO LIQUID E ER E T32-oz -i«79 < ~ have been on foot this surn- An Oshawa Truck Driver j room iý filledtu t capacity. Tes- Bcottion Reg. 2 pkgs 69.-BAVE 10o am uft OF STAFFOR.D mer, the police in this ares w-as convicteti, being impaired. chers in the West Maple Grove jhave lied a quiet suinmer. He -was fi:ed a total of $53 .00 s chonol ar-e Mrs. J. Ford anti FACIAL TISSU E 2pg f4 59 S"I arn sorry ta bave te say anti had his license suspendeti Mrs. Brown, anti the saine tea- - Iis, but is true, the police here for 3 monthas. No accident was1 chers in the large school as Shirriff's Good Morning Reg. jar 310-BAVE 120 *,.fd are trying ta do more tiianthi inivolve in this case. He bati1 las year, Mr. . Molus, pi- M ARM ALADE120 a ZkddIw police in the i-est o! the coun- ibeen intercepted at tue Cream cipal; Mîrs. M. Blakely, Mrs. B. 19C SYRAWRR E i ies combined. Th-ev are try- of Barley after forcing the pol- Cole. Mrs. S. Bl.ack and Mrs. 0. Chocolt, or whit.aRg k 3éSV i Stafford Bros. iuig te improve tir riving ice cruiser te take the shoulti-1 Moffatt. r.F-n orM N R H A E MX22-xog 9 Reg. pJc BV b habitsj in order t r anti save e at Lamb's aide road. P.C. iMi-. adMs rn orM NA C A E M X2 10 ks6 lives. They operate s Traffic Diamonti tobd the court that Oshawa, spent the weekend at Monu entl W rks Cliniic. This hasn't even ibeen Ethe driver had dtifficulty get- the home of their daughter, Mrs. 38suggested in the other muni- ting the car parked. J.. Coliss.M0 Dunas t. . tblt, ipalities w-bei-e I hold court. The accused stated that lie Misses Pauline anti Jeanette P'hone, Whitby There is lots o! time for you wasn't as steatiy diinker, lad Labrecque spent Thursday MOhawil 8-3552 to get iquor bcgally when you just hati a few- that day. He evening- in Toi-onta, with frientis reac 21". ~w-as reprimandted ythea-e io Oshawa. 1--MATfAME Mi-. anti Mrs. Etigar Lebel, U E - iGf Messrs. Yvon Turcotte anti Yvon Gervais, ail o! Malartic, jQuebec, suent last week with U A E U~i Mi-. and Mrs. Rager Lebel anti Oshawa vWood Prod'cts ___________________________________________________ Mr. anti Mrs. Rai-iy WindsorJaePr. wei-e gtîests at the Smith-Hop-LAB SE kîns wedding in Lindqgy onBLE RR PI Saturtiay. Mrs. Gladys Hale and Mrs. Charbc3 Atis, Greenville, Pennsylvania, were ovei-night guests with Mi-. anti Mrs. Jim olCuSc Lvryanti fan-t ly on Tues- LEG -S'4 -1eteiOoo aro rta -4v attendeti the Court ice Country Il fIlf .K - - - - ~Coupl's Club coi-n anti wiener Irc *M roast on Saturtiay ex-ening were FISH STCK WHEATLEY BRAND 2 i0-ô pkgs 69e£IC I eUE M ~~~Mr. ai Mrs. Howard Bradley,STC SIeg 9-BV10 m ~~Mr. and Mrý;s. Jack Hurrie, Mi-.________________________ ______________ a" anti Mcs. Clifforti Swaibow, Mr-. h ed a ianti Mrs. HowardtiCryderman, ESqFRUITS S£ VECETAILESEX R ! C AL d bd i [Mr-. anti Mrs. Ron Brooks. Hbtn a.2tn 5-AE4 Toein charge wei-e Mr-. anti New Grog, Fancy Grade - 1Éxcellent for Eating aitn Ms. E]n'er Down, Mr-. antiMi-s. A PEA SOUP 32-ztn 9 But why wait longer than you need te? Look to Oshawa Wood Produets Loi-ne Penfounti. About 30 AP LE$301.09DWA copls wee p-esent at this New Crep, Cookers - Excellent for Pies fomep i o v n e t f n nc n e c n a r n e l w m n hl a -ej y b e e e t.,which was 4.kA plfe fo elp htomeuo your noewhn wla somethgotinhaningfo,îad build.n i- atiM a.PLES ed -b eobag 270 Yrk HNogn-8uiza.2$11edV 0 i n i h t h e b s f m t r a s a v a i l a b l e t o d a y ! r h , N3 9crd e2as a E A U B T E WHETHER TBA HOME. .. ADDITION . .. OR GARAGE -- H I EYlowQik ls9ý SEE US FIRST. 65cn5.nevrbd es EE YIert g ds 5 AGRN fotere ybcaheli sng, otmyha CalJfora1a No. 1 Grade - Lusclous - Heaping pint box CHERRY PIE FILLER20oli3c4 OS AW OO RO U TS seriousy ong, jusîta ma madi a OS A A W O R D C SLTDU. ondition caused by uiniiltatien et bladde discorforLTtT het' lb.lietaS 9 Telephones To Serve You tkeDoidi Kidaey Pâlla. Podda el snzlt f kidneys te.relie,* Ou. Own Oxford Park Bad Contains30 Kentucky Blue Dowutown Showroom Main Office and Showroom condition wblch May often cause 1ak * -b~ 5-l 84 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH-RA 8-1617 COURTICE-RA 8-1611 acemd ie eeig henyufe ^j~ 7 il Prices In This Ad Gaate huI BOWMANVILLE-MA 3-2130 Uter, rest better, work better. Get Lan rass S» .3e.ue,.Bet2b.,th II BOMNVLE-A3-10AJAX-ZEnith 2-9600 [-dd'à Kidney Pjflanov. Look for the DOWNTOWN OFFICE OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P.X biue box with the ced banîd at adl drug comuu. Y.u can depeod - D.ddm. s, j; -c -i

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