PAGE TWENTY - TEE CANADUAN STA~TESMAM, EOWMANVTLLE, ONTARTO TRURSDAY. SEPT l7th. 1958 DYKSTRA-Bill and Jos happy ta announco the of their son on Friday, Si at Memroial Hospital, Bq ville. A brother for Loi Gemaldine. GETTINS-Mr. and Mm. Gettins (nec Shirley Ell happy ta, announce the b: their daughtem on MV Septembor 14, at Port Hospital. A sister for Lee. MARTIN-Lloyd and Bett Wright) are happy toa an the arrivai af a son, Wright, on Monday, Sep ut Lachine Hospital, Mo Quebeo. A grandson o mnd Mrs. Gardon Martin POWELL-Mm. and Mms.1 Powell (nec Barbara 1% neli) wish ta announce th, * o! a daugbter, born Sepi fith, 7 1hz., 1012 ozs.,1 Bernadine. TRUSCOTT-Dm. and 1M N. Tmusoott (nec Nancy1 man) wish ta, announc bith of their son Geoffr * ton, 8 lbs., 6 ozs., Sepi 2rd:, 1959, at the Ottawa Hospital. A brother for C. Deaths DILLING-At 61 King St. E.,1 Bowmanville, on Wednesday, S9eptomber 9th, 1959, James Ed- ward Dilling, aged 63 years, husband ai the late -Maud Otten. Service was held at the Marris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvilie, on Fniday, Septomber Il at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 38-1 EVANS-At Memorial Hospital, BowmanviUlp, on Sunday, Sep- tember i3th, 1959, Hamiet Julia Evans, i hem 74th yeam, dear mnother ai Clifford Evans, 94 Queen St., Bowmanvile, and Arthur o.! Australia. Service was held at the Morris Funeral. Chapol, Bowmanvilie, an Tues- day, Septembor 15 at 2 o'clock. Jnterxnent Bowmanvilie Cerne- tory. 3- HOTTOT-Suddenly, by acci-1 dent on Hîghway 401, Clarke, on Sunday, Septembor l3th, »59, David Hottot, aged 21 Sears, 516 Palace St., Whitby, eloved son ai Mr. and Mms. Lea Hottot, Gaspe, Quobec. Rested at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, until to Pspeiac Queeeforservice and nterent.38-i NuRSng Home, Mamnwood Nursng HmeBowmanvilie, an Fridy, Sptemer lth,1959, RetaM. erslkedaugbter ai the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kers- lake. Rested at Nothcutt and Smith Funeral Homo, 53 Division St. Servioe was held en Sunday, September l3th at 3 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. -- 3- REID, Bertha M.-On Tuesday, Sept. 15, 1959, at ber hoitie, 46 Glen Stoewamt Crescent, Bertha M. Hallowell, In ber 86th year. 13eloved wife af the late Charles C. Reid and dean mother af Mrs. Wilfred Wood (Gladys>, Mrs.1 Kenneth Smith (Hazel). Rest- ing at the Halloweil Funeral Home, 2793 Danioth Avenue (Dawes Rd.) Service in the Chapel, Friday, 1 p.m. Inter-1 ment Lakeview Cemetery, New-1 tonville, Ont., appoximately 1 3:30 p.m. 38-1 THACZUK Ronald and K~aren .-Suddenly, by accident an Hfighwvay 401, Clarke, on Sun- day, September l3th, 1959, Ron- *ld Thaczukc, aged four months and Karen Tbaczuk, aged nine years, beloved children o.! Mn. and Mrs. G. Thaczuk, 586 Drew« Et., Oshawa. The children rested at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmianville, until Tuesday morning. Then at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Osha-1 wa, for service on Wednesday, Septemben l6th at 10:30 a.m. Interment Mount Lawn Cerne- tory, Oshawa. 38-1 Reception Mr. and Mrs. Ted Chant will be at homo ta thein friends on the occasion ai tlieim silver wedding annivomsary, Saturday, Soptember 1th, 1959, aitemnoon aud evening. 38-1 Wanted to Rent FOUR-raomed apantment or bouse. Phono MArket 3-5915. 38-1 flOUSE with ban, land not uiecossamy. Write Advertiser 979, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmnanville, Ont. 38-1' LARGE rout for gentleman, basemont prefenned. Roply ta Advertiser 978, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- snanvulle. 38-1' IROUSE or apartient urgently uieeded in Bowmanvilie, by gov- exnmnent employee wlth two school age children. Contact R. Stuart Johann, c/o Ontario Training Centre, Brampton, on Phone OL 1-1152 coileet. 38-1' LADY'S blue umbrella, Thurs- Clay noon, Sept. loth, (corner Church and George Streets>. IPhono MA 3.7246. 88-i EEGISTERED Holstein helfen, uiissing £rom pasture i Hamp- ton *.Za. Anyone having i.- ao*ts Phone MA 3-2177. 88-1! Articles for Scale GOOD cil stove. Phone COlfax 3-2447. 38.1' STANDING corn, gaod crop MA. 3-2292. 38-1% 381 COFFEE table, Ironer, Ilke new.] Gordon Phone MA 3-3090. 38-1 CRIB and mattress, $8. Phono EMA 3-3832. 38-1 WATER for sale. Delivered.1 iPhone Cli!. Pethlck, COlfax 3-2131. 36-tf USED Woods' home freezer, 15 c u. ft. Phone MA 3-3050 even-; ings. 38-11 KRYDNER walnut piano with bench. Good condition. MA 3-3736. 38-1' BOY'S sidewalk bicycle, good condition. Phone MA 3-3987. 38-1. >MIXED grain and clear aats for sale. Phone CO 3-2428. 38-1 HAIR dryers, chrome footstools,l good condition. MA 3-3186. 38-1* GILSON fumnacette with jacket, A-i condition. Phone COlfax 3-2504. 38-1 LIGHT wood, in stove woad lengths, $10 per load.. Phone COifax 3-2275. 38-tf CORN silage. Delivered to farmn. Apply Donald Eoyington at Stokely-VanCamp, Whitby.3_1 GERHIARD-Heintzman piano in excellent condition. Telophone Newcastle 2751, mornings. 38-1 KEYS cut automaticaily, wbile yau wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf FRESH apple cider and apples Xor sale. Bring containers for apples. D. G.- Kemp, Middlei Road. '38-1 WATER, bard and soit, deliven- ed. Prompt service. Robent H. Cale. Phone MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 31-tf SMALL bot water radiators, swing taps, enamelled sink, Coleman lantern, panel doors. MA 3-3186. 38-1' GIRL'S winter coat, reversible skirt and jumper, size 10. Al in A-i condition. Telephone MA 3-3681., 38-1 McCORMICIC power loader, aniy used a few hours. Wilfred Richardson, PontypoL Phone Bothany Il n 4. 38-1 ELECTRICAL Repals-Prornpt service to electnîcal -appliances, large ançI smail. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf PROPANE gas stove, 4-burner,' $60; one oul cook stovo, 2-burn" or, and 45-gai. drumn and stand, $30. Phono MA 3-2071. 38-1* INSULATION, blawing mothod, with rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. F r e e estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phono Clarke 2420. 39-tf LENNOX ail furnace, new, 65,000 B.T.U.'s. Write Adver- tiser 981, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manvilie. 38-1 DO your own faonrs and mugs-_ Rent a sander, fIoon polisher on rug cleanen (shampoo niethod) from Lander Hardware, 7 King St., E., Bowmaliville. Phone MA 3-5774. 204tf HEARING aid service. Testing service and complete stock o.! batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-3305. 7-tf ONE 71'ý h.p. Scott-Atwater outhoard motor, new. One 15' Peteriorough cedar boat, just nefinisbed, A-i condition. Bar- gain. Phone 2131 Newcastle. Jack Hoimos. 34-tf BATHTUB, white porcelain enamel, cast iran, 5 ft.; gas stove, 4-humner, gray and blue enamel, higli aven. Bath in good condition. Phono MArket 3-7289 or cali at 59 Ontario St. 38-1*~ SPECIALS: Chesterfield and daveno suites from $159. Space savons frout $45. Kitchen suites froni $49. 3-pioce bedroom suites froni $99. Trade-in ai- lowance. Used reinigemator, spring and mattress. Murphy Fumniture, King St. W.. Bow- manville. MA 3-3781. 38-1' 19-FOOT McGuiness aluminuni cabin trailer, wired for elec- trioitY with clearance ligbts, signal ?Lnd stop light connectons. Bottied roane 3-hurer range witb aven and light; electrie me- frigerator, studio couch, double bcd, sink, cupboards, fold-up table. Good tires, pulls easily. Quick sale, .$800. Vicor Mai- colm, Nestieton, 1%k miles east ai Caesawea,. Phone Blackstock. 31 r 21. 38-1~ _Aricles tor bale BIRD cage. Phone MA 3-5840.1 38-1' FEED wheat for sale, also table corn. COlfax 3-2164. 38-1' BABY carniage, goad condition, $15. Phone MA 3-2352. 38-1 ONE corn binder i good con- dition. Phone RA 5-2283. 38-2 ONE nearly new portable Sing- er sewing machine. Phone MA 3-3859. 38-1 FALL wheat for seed - Genessee. Phone, COlfax 3-2722, A. L. Blanchard. 38-2* SMALL ail burner cook stovo, white enamel, with drums; also baby crib. Phono MA 3-3959. 38-1* TWO fuel oil tanks, reasonable; twenty 'White Rock pullets. J. Hedge, Biackstoclc 40 r 22. 38.1* LARGE baby crib, natural wiood, spring-filled mattress, $20.00; goad condition. Phone MA 3-3071. 38-1 A WHITE enamel ail cook stove, A-1 condition. Oniy three years aid. Also 200 gallon ail tank. Appiy Advertiser 980, c/o The Canadian Statesman, F.O. Box 190. 38-1' GRADE FLEMISH BEAUTY Best for Prcserving PHONE 2571 INTERNATIONAL FARMALL CUB TRACTOI& wlth Mower and plough FARMALLt SUPER «'C" TRACTOR with 2-row Cultivator MASSEY-HARRIS 1122" TRACTOR MASSEY-HARRIS 113011 TRACTOR ALLIS-CHALMERS «ICI"TRACTOR JOHN DEERE 3-Furrow PLOW an Rubber JOHN DEERE SUB.SOILER 2-Funrow FLEURY PLOW 2-Furrow CASE PLOW 3-Point Hltch TRAML CULTIVATOR Y~ouRISSO DSTRIBUTR¶j FUll IL-GASOLIN MOTOIl01IL-GRLASL il, .:efi tw If you are interested lu a gaod freezer at the right price corne aud see ours. MRSH FROZEN e 'mWHOLE LAKE TROUT Speciai 45c Lb. * *. Articles for 5le ONE tractor spreader, No. il Massey-Harris, price $200. Tele- phone Blackstock 14 r 23. 38-1 SAVE on lumber. direct from miii to you. PhilUips Lurnber Co., Kinnount, Ontario. Phone 17 r Il. l3tf THREE-piece chesterfield, suit- able for sunuiier cottage or recreation rooni. Phone COlfax 3-2637. 38-1 ONF, lady's Legion Auxiliany uniform with extra skirt, in good condition, size 40, $15.00. Phono MA 3-3297. 38-2 DION forage harvester with corunase attacbment. Glenn JLarmer, Nestleton No. 2. Phono B iackstock 5 r 22. 38-1 CORN binder, gaod condition.' Sell cheap. Quantity af stove hardwood. J. A. Carscadden, Orono, Phone 35 r 9. 38-1* ONE Findlay ail space heater, i goad working order: one combination storm door, nearly new. Phono COlfax 3-2284. 38-1 ANYONE Wisbing good dry wood for firepiace, stove or furnaco, please contact W. H.1 Gibson, Newcastle. Phone New- castle 3861. 38-1 Help Wanted MAN for mink farm. Phono CO 3-2721. 38-1 CLERK for full time wark for store. Phono MA 3-5626. 38-1' H-OUSEKEEPER for home, three aduits. Apply aitor 6 p.m. Phono MA 3-5607 38-1 EXPERIENCED apple pickers. Apply ta J. C. Alldread, 55 Lib- erty St. N., Bowmanviile. 38-1' APPLE pickers nequired, ex- perienced heip preferred. Apply ta Clame E. .Alin, MA 3-5074. 38-1 BUTCHER apprentice for local chain store. Must be interested in learning trade. Apply Bow-1 manvillo I.G.A. Store. 3- LICENSED mechanic. Apply in persan ta Mr. Fred Owen, Roy W. Nichais Garage, Courtice, or Phono MA 3-3922. 37-2 *MAN to manage bowling alleys in Newcastle. Applicants shauld state qualifications and saiary expected. Write or toiephone Ken Dean, Newcastle 2341. 38-1 CLERK-Typist for work at Courtice. Good wagos for the riglit persan. A steady job. Appiy Roy W. Nichais. Phono MA 3-3922 or RA 3-7242 for appointment. 38-1 GIRL for general housework in Toronto. Modemn home, al conveniences. Char kept. Must ho fond of cbiidren. Liberai wage refemences. Appiy Bres- li's, Bowmanville. 38-1 LADIES-Opportunity tao amn extra money selling everyday necessities (full~ or part time) ta your friends and neighbours. Apply Rawleigh Dept. 1-140-. GA2, 4005 Richelieu, Montreai. 38-1 EASY ta mako money by show- ing and taking orders for aur 250 weil-known and guaranteed products including daily ne- cessities and farn products. Any season is a selling season ir you are a good worker. Com- midssion and bonus. No risk. Familex Dept. C. 1600 Delor- imier, Montreal, Que. 38-1 IOPPORTUNITY KNOCKS Avon calling women to service in and around Bowrnanville ares, Experlence not necessany. W. train you. Representatives working only f hree days a week earn good incarne. Write for Interview, no obligation. Miss K. MacResu, 528 Gilmoun Street, Peterborough,' 38-1 FEMALE HELP 63 Temperance St., Bowrnanville for LIGHT FACTORY WORI< Permanent Employment 38-1 Counter Assistants for NURSERY SATES Men or Wornen required for weekends SPRIG AND FALL (Saine knowledge of nursery stock requlred) TWO young bred sows. MA 3-2690. 38-1l RIDE to -Ajax, leaving Bow- manville 7 o'clock. Leaving Ajax 4:30. Phone MA 3-3932. 38-1 DEAD and crippled farm stock, picked up promptly. Telephone COlfax 3-2721, Margwill Fur Fanm, Tyrone. 37-tf STUDENT wouid like ride from Southway Drive to O.C.V.I. every morning, arriving flot later than 8:40 a.m. Cail MA 3-7114. 38-1 Cars for Sale $75 CASH buys a '47 Pontiac coach. Phono CO 3-2357. 38-1- 1948 CHEV. w*th radio, 'heater, block heater. Týelephone COifax 3-2520. 38-1 1956 BUICK Century, auto- matic transmission, radio, etc. Low miloage. Phono MA 3-5402 or CO 3-2632. 38-1' 1956 VOLKSWAGEN, Ai. con- dition, custom radio. Owner leavig country. Phono MA 3-5043 after 6 p.m. 38-1* ALLSTATE-Aut-io Insurance. Save 20%. Six months ta pay. For personal service at youn home cail Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf BUYING OR SELLING SEE Ted Carniïn Motors RA 3-4494 - Res. RA 5-5574 607 Ring St. East <Just East of Wilson Rd.) OSHAWA CARS FOR SALE 1955 DODGE 2-Dr., $400 down 1950 FORD 2-Dr., $100 down 1949 STUDEBAKER 2-Dr. with overdrive. $100 down 1958 INTERNATIONAL I52-TON TRUCK $300.00 Down Work Wanted H-OUSEKEEPING from 9 ta 4. Phono MA 3-3491 anytimne. Alice Hopson. 37-2 RLUMBING, hoating eaves- tmoughing, free estirnates. Han- vey Partner, Tyrané. COlfax 3-2281 or Orono 1782. 37-tf FOR cbimney work, new or repair or any brick, block or concrete work. P.O. Box 1083. Caîl L. Turner, Phono MA 3-5820 or 3-5605. 30-tf WHITEWASHING and disin- footing stables, etc. Froc estim- ates, ail work guaranteed. Tele- phono Clarke 4721. Bort Tomp- kins, Newtonvilio. 36-t.! Anger Construction Co. LTD. Chineys Rebuit and Repalred Brick - Concrete - Carpentry Phone Roy Anger -MA 3-2273 33-tf *Save Money ai Dave's Shoe Repair FAST, PROMPT SERVICE 26 Ontario St., Bowmanvllle CORNER KING and ONTARIO 24-tf PLUMBING - EATING EAVESTROTJGHING TONY BAARS Mor-Sup, Powenmatlc, Morrison Webster-Atlas Dealer - Gas - Oil 66 Ring St. W. MA 3-7127 BOWMANVILLE 20-tf OSHAWA TV TELEVISION AERIAL SALES INSTALLATION and REPAIES Phone Bowmanvllg Oshawa MA 3-5522 RA 8-8180 BILL rANI) BOB LEASK 37-tf Livestock for Sale 150 WHITE Leghorns, also dressed chiokens. Average 5 lbs. Phone MfA 3-5250. .38-1 200 DeKALB Leghorns, laying 50%, and 100 Highlines. Must seIll Phono 3850, Newcastle. 38-tf 100 Calumbia Rock X New Harnps. puliets, 5 moniths aId, laying. W. Smith. Phone Wel- came 2439. 38-1' LEICESTERram, yarad Personail aiso Norh Cutry Cheviot ram lamhs. Apply Glenn Larrn- HIYGENIC supplies - (Ruhber or, Nestieton No. 2. 38-1 goods) maled postpald i n plain sealed envelope with pnice list. YORK-Landrace sows, also Six saniples 25c, 24 samples purebred Landrace boa; 8 Hal-I $1.00 Mail Order Dept. T-28, stein milkdng caws, blaodtost- rlov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Barn- cd. Harvey, Grahami, Black..f ilI1onOnt. 1-U2 stock 74 r 5, 38.-1t, COLONIAL white framne, 2- storey 8-roomed newly paint- ed house; forced air ail heat- ing. Good garage on land- scaped, lot 132' x 1351, Mill Street South, Newcastle. Price $14,500 with $4,000 down pay- ment and balance lst môrtgage at 6% interest. Iimediate pos- session. Phone Newcastle 3766. 38-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 130 acre farm, fairiy level, 115 workable; insul brick house, goocd barn, $4,000 down. $14,000 full pnice. 100 acre farrn, 85 workable, fairly level; stone house, 2 barns' drive shed, $7,500 ful price. $3,500 down. Annan & Cook REALTORS ]Phone Blaekstock 44 R 11 MARVIN NESB£T Nestleton 38-1 James Nixon REIAL ESTATE EROKERI 8 room solid brick, 4 bed- rooms, 1/ acre, furnace, hydro, bard and soft xvater, floor cov- erings, blinds, ctc. $2,000 down. 5 room frame bouse, bath, furnace, many extras. 5 room insul brick house, close to Bowmanville. 4 roorn cottage, heavy wiring, furniture, etc., $1,000 down. 65 acres with creek, near Bowmanville. 54 acres with fRventy thousand, Christmas trees, cr-_ak, cedar trees. Priced to sali. 20 acres, new buinga.low, good depth of coarse and fine gravel. 47 Queen St. Box r ' Bowmanvule MA 3-7,J2] 6 rom new brick bungalow on Jane Street, new gas fumn- ac, rôomy garage, finished ne- creation room n basenient. Easy terrns. 5 room brick bungalow, 2 extra building lots, landscaped, ail f umnace, garage, $10,000.00. Terms. 7 moom house on roomy lot, attached garage, 4 bedrooms, extra washroom in basement. Central location, $9,500.00. Easy terms. Brick building,.,near centre of town, suitable for ladge rooni. 0O1 furnace. Ternis.f 105 acre fanm, 5 miles frolu Bowmanville. Implernent shed, bank barn, fulli une ai imple- ments and 40 head of! Jerseys, mnilk cLntract; 7 roam modemn bouse. May be purchased with or witbout stock. Terms. M. E. LEASK Real Estate Broker 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville MArket 345919 38-1 De With Real Esiate DAIRY FARM, 200 acres, 140 acres workable, L-shapod banl barn, buik cooler, silo, etc.; 10- roomod brick home with aI] modemn conveniences, bard- wood floors. Asking $25,000. Down $l0, 000. DAIRY FARM, 114 acres, 2 miles froni town, ahl workahle, 100' x 36' bank banii, buik cool- er, drive shed, etc.; 8 noorned brick homo with'runming watom, etc. Price $16,500 with $6,000 down. 185 Acre fan, near Mil.- brook, large streani, 35 acres wood, L-shapeci bank barn with water bowls, steel stanchions, drive shed, etc.: 7 roomeci brick home with fumnace, 4-piece bath, running watem. Price $17,000 with $7,000 down., 36 Acre fan, near Newton- ville, ah warkahle,, bauk barn with running watem, garage, etc.; 6 moomed home with al modemn convenieuces. Asklng $16,000. Tonms arranged. 250 Acre fariM, 50 acres Wood, flowing sprng 65' x 52' bauk barn with runlilng water, silo, drive shed, etc.; 8 roomed home with ail modern convenlonces, bardwood faonrs. Price $18,000 with $5,000 down.. 95 Acre famm, near Oshawa, with large barn, waterbowls, 2 silos, drive-shed, etc.; 7 ro=ned home, hydro throughout. Down $5,000 or trade for home in Oshawa. 5 Roorned home with ail fumu- ace, kitoben cupboards, munning water, garage, etc. Down pay- ment $1.000. Price anranged. 6 Roomed home with running water, 3-pic bath, heavy duty wired. =shg $6,000 wlth $2,500 down. 12 Roomed solid brick home I Newcastle whlch cauld ho converted into apartments. Gaod water supply, extra lot. Down payment $1,500. Pull pnice $8.000. ô Roomned bungalow wlth ail modern canveniences and at- tached garage, on No. 2 111gb- way. Asking $10,000. 6 Roomed home i New- castle with ail modern con- veniences, nice fIreplace, bard. wood and ti1e faonrs. Excellent state of! repair. Price $12,000. Ternis. Contact John F. De WiIh Realtor sa" General Inurance Newcastle phions 3341 salesmen: Donald IMountJor, Eowrnanvîlle MA 3-3950 EAu Davldson. BethanY Phono 21 ra REAL ESTATE BROXER 98 acres, 7 room bouse, large barn, implement shed, hen bouse, garage, vemy productive fanm. Nice streani. Pnice $21.000. Ternis. 15%k acres near Bowmanville, 7 rout brick bouse, bank barn, frontage on pavement. Price and down paymont veny reas- onable. 10 acres at Maple Grave wlth mixed bush. Price $300 per acre. 2 acres at Maple Grave. Price $1,800. Ternis. 44 acres facing two hlghways, goad pasture land, plenty ai water. Pnico only $100 per acre.l $500 down wiil buy this 7- noom, insul brick home, ail furnace, full basement, pressure system, bath. Asking pnice $6,500. 5 rout bungalow with garage, large lot. Asking pnice $6,900. Terns. lu9 scugog St. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-36f4 Salesman: G. Blyleven Phone MA 3-5300 38-i Pedwell Real Esfaie 200 acres, close bo Lindsay, 130 acres workahle, good pro- ductive sal, level, no atone, i- sul.hnick bouse, 6 rôoms, bank barn 40' x 100', $15,000, Terms. 100, acres close ta Oakwood, bouse newly emodelled, bank barn 40' x 60', cernent stabliug. $11,000. Small down payment. 100 acres close ta Newton- ville, 6 rout clapboard bouse, bot and cold water, bank barn, 12 acres orchard, $16,850; amali down paymnent.-sato u Supertostgas-stio an snack bar on 35 Highway. Sutail down payrnent sud easy tenuts. Gas station and snack bar, Sheil servýice and car sales, on 35B Higbway close ta Lindsay, lutI year's gallonage 70,000. This Is a rare opporturnty, reasanable ternis. 9 rout bouse hi Orono, 3- plecee bath, ail ftrnace, caok sae, bardwood and ti1e faonrs. This must ho sold ta close an estate, $9,000., Terrns can ho arranged. 6 romwl ntenlzed bouse at Newcastle Beach, bot and coid watom, garage, large lot, $8.000, with $1.000 dawn for quick sale. 50 acres close to No. 2 Hiigh- way, ciaphoard bouse, hot gud coid water, bank barn 40' x 100'. Bargai for quick sale. Small down payment. New 4-maom cottage close la Orono. Veny scenia grouands. $4,500. Good termi. * Money ta boan. le C~. PEDWELL, BROKER Newcatle PhOa3856 88-1 J. Van Nesi REAL ESTA=E DROKER 118 King E MA 3-3230 Two modern brick bungalows, ail conveniences, weUl located. We have two properties suit- able for VJ.. 1 mile north- east af Oshawa. Phone for par- ticulars. No. 2 Highway East of New- castle, aider 6 roomn, conven- jences, $1,000 down payment. Two business blocks, centre of! town. Good investments. We also have farms for your inspection. 38-1 Peter Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURZANCE 99 Ring St. E. BowManvllle Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 Salesman - J. A. Barton MA 3-3098 Hurry For This One! fleautiful 5-rooni bungalow of modern design located on a good noad. Appraximately 1/4 acres of! choice garden land. Taxes. only $87.00. Priced to seli with low dowei payment. 7 room brick home located close ta hospital. This is an older type home in very good condition. Oul furnace. Pricedi to seil at only $11,000.00. Termsý available. N.H.A. bungalows. Built ta! your specifications, in a nice location. Enquire at office. $1,000.00 down will buy love- ly cottage at Cedar Crest Beach. Completely furnished. Only $4,000.00 full pnice. Buy now at fail price. 38-1 Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE B90KER Now is the tume to pick up tIhat bargain la a sunimer cot- tage. For downright value this one cannot be beaten. 3 bedrooms, living-noom and kitchen, coin- pietely furnished, heavy wired, large lot, boat bouse and doçk, water front lot on Rice Lake. Asking anly $4,000.00 with $1,000,00 down. 131/a acres choice soil, 6 room- ed- home, Newcastle, o nliy $6,900.00. Restaurant, niee business, liv-i ing quarters, beautifully equip- ped. Must be sold. Make us an offer. Service station, bungalow, gallonage 80,000.' $1,000.00 down for this large, beautiful .brick home ini Orono. Town lot, 75 x 180, good resi- dentiai section. 52 King St. W. Bowmanville MA 3--453 ARTHUR Collison. Telephone MArket 3-3900. 38-tf Nursing Home The South Hayen Rest Home -Licensed accommodation avail. able for up on bed patients. Phono Newcastle 4441. 29-tf Auction Sales Auction sale af furnitume at Pethick's Auction Shed, Ennis. killen, an Satumday, Sept. 19: 3-pioce chestonfield, combinatian stove, cook stove, beaten, kitch. on suite, rocking chairs, dresse ers, and many ather articles. Sale at 1:30 pan. Clii.! Pethick, auctianeer. 38-1 Auction sale ai farrn stock and impiements ai Mr. John Verhoag, Lot 20, Con. 14, Brock Township, twa miles nortb af Cannington, wbich was poste poned two weeks ago will ho heid on Monday, Sept. 21».190 head ai Holstein cattle, vac. T.B. and biood tested. FuliliUneofa powermachinemy. Plan ta attend this good Holstein sale. Farm sold. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Reg. Johnson and Ted Jackson, auctioneers. 38-1 1 Ihave eceivod Instructionis trom the executors ai the estate of! the late Eva Burford ta soll by pub¶lie auction on Saturday, September 26, at 1:30 p.m., at ber late resîdence, Mili Street, Newcastle: space heater, eleotrie reinigerator, washi-ng machine, 21" Motorola TV, angette, com- bination radio and record play- or. AUL like new. Bedroorn, living-rom and kitchon furni- ture, dishes, glassware, etc. Terms cash. No roserve. Jackc Reid, auctionoor. 38-2 Y bave received Instructions from, Mr. W. R. Douglas,. corn- er Qucen and Beaver Sts., New- castle, ta sel by public atbtion on Saturday, Sept. 19 at 1 p.m., bis househoid effeots including a wainut table in Empire design witb four matching chairs, three beds with spring-filled mattrcss- os, occasional chairs, Axutinster mugs, walnut bookoase, several walnut end tables, floor lumpsa.,~ Cyprus lamps, * dishes, glass. ware, draperies, etc. Tenma cash, no reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 37-2* 1 bave received Instructions frorn the executor af the estate of the late Wmi. Cowan, ta sel . by public auction on Wednes. day, Se t. 23 at bis late rosi- douce, North St., Newcastle, bis household effeots inoluding a Frigidaire me! nigeratar, wash- ing machine, vacuum cîcaner, sewlng mnachine, dining-roomn and bedroom furniture, mantel radio, a lange quantity af campenter tools and gardon tools. Terras cash - no reserve. Sale on carpenter tools ta commence proptly at 1:30 p.rn. Jack P4,auçtloneer. 88-1ý die .3 à W r 9R 0 r irvip McQUay and Kidd REALTORS Members ai Oshawa and I.Plstrlcl Real Estate Board Outstanding Dairy Farm Opportunty 250 acres located a n main highway w(th stately 10 rooni brick home with ail city con. venlences. Loafing barn, ing parlour, herd of! Registi' Holstein cows, farm mrachinery. Helth forces sale. Total pnice only $31,500. Bowvmanvllle Modern ranch style 3-bedroons brick bungalow. Extra large lot. Aluminum storms and screens. Only $13,900 with easy payments. Interest at 5%. Several more low prlced homes to choose from. Orono Beautiful 8 roomn home on large landscaped lot, 2 bath. rooms, ail furnace, den with built-in bookshelves. Priced to soul wil.h $2,500 down. Two more homes in Orono to choose from. WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3393 Bowmanvilie 38-1 Notices I, William G. Ellis, will not be responsible for any debts in. curred by my wif e, effective September 14, 1959. 38-3 Anyone wishing tickets for Football Dance at Newcastle on October 2 may pick them up at Hoopers, John Baker dr C. Campbeil. Tickets $1.00. 38-1 Any ladies wisbing to bowl Friday aftemnoons with the Aiternoon Ladies' League con- tact Shirley Davis, MA 3-3349 or Mamg. McDonald, MIA 3-3498. 38-1' Pets for Sale THOROUGHBRED toy Spaniel, 6 months, $50.00. Apply 57 Centre St. 38-1' ]Piano -and Theory PRIVATE lessons i piano and theory. Mrs. Ronald H. Scott, A.T.C.M., 98 Church St. MA 3-7246.' 38-ti - Il 1 ( à au-&I 1 TiM LMAT. IMM 17th, 19» TIM CANADIM , no 011TAM PAGE TWENTI -