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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Sep 1959, p. 21

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?HUEDAYSEPT 17th, 19» TEE CANADIA3 8TATMAN. BOWMIVIILE. OUAEIO PAGE TwENT-oNqE Comnmg Events 11,SaturdaySeptemerl 9t. Jun Fisher's Orchestra. Admis- sion $1.00 per person. 38-1 Ladies' Guild of St. John's Church Poinsettia Tea and Bazaar in the Parish Hall, Fri- day, Dec. 4th, 2 - 5 p.m. 38-1 Watch for sunouncernent re- garding Skàting Club Registra- tion sud Sunday skating rates, ta appeur in next week's edition. ., ý% . .38-1 The Anniversary Services of Nestleton Presbyterian Church wiil be hcld on Sunday, Sept. 27 ut il a.m. and 7 p.m. Every- o ne welcomc. 38-1 ý$plina Women's Institute $~zaarwil be held in the hall, edeÊesday cvening, October 2lst at 8 p.m. Muny ncw ut- tractions sud lunch. 38-1 Euchre party will be hcld in St. Joseph's Hall, Liberty St. South on Tuesday, October 6, ut 8 p.m. Admission 50c. Good prizes sud liglit lunch served. 38-1 Ctholie Womcn's League is bolding a bazaar sud tea in St. Joscph's Hall, Liberty St. S., on Saturday, Oct. 10, from 2 p.m. Door prize of $5 donatcd by Scugog Cleancrs. 38-1 Bus trip, Saturduy, Sept. 26, te Peterborough, Young's Point and Bobcaygeon, bout trip on Stoney Lake included. Fr in- formation 'Phone Mrs. H .T Colmer, MA 3-3265. 38-1 Woodview Community Centre ..-Monstcr Bingo. Twcnty ganqp -twenty dollars; five gams -- tblrty dollars; $150 jackpot, sud two jackpots ut $250. Door ~ ie.Next Monday, 8 p.m., cd Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf Turkey Supper ut Maple Grove Church, Wedncsday, Sept. 30. Supper served ut 4:30, 5:45 and 7 o'clock. Alts $1.50, childrcn 12 and under, 75c. For tickets telephone Mrs. Harvey ]Brooks or MIrs. Howard Brad- ley. 38-1* The reopening services o! -lCendal United Church will be heid on Sunday, Sept. 20 ut 2:30 p.m. Rev. John Smith, Whitby, Chairmun of Oshawa Presbytery, will preach and a Mraie Choir from Audley will ming. 38-1 Prenutal Education Classes- 'The faîl series of prenutal class- es will start at the Lions centre, Bowmanville, at 2 p.m., Wed- miesday, September 23, 1959. For lurther infornmation telephone Northumberland-Durham Health nit, MArket 3-566. 31 Uaguewillholdtheir annual danc an trphypresentutioli et NwcatleComniunity Hall, Fridy, ctoer Znd. Bryce Brovn'sSevenuires orchestra wil beinattendance for round and suaredancing. Tickets are avilable from teum repre- sentutives. 38-3 Watch for the Beehive 'Re- bekah Lodge Penny Sale - Afterneon tea, 25e - Sale of home baking und candy, IVriday, September 25, 2:30, Lions Com.munity Centre. Door prizes every hour. Draw for Penny Sale Pnîzes, 8:00 p.m. Prizes on display from Sept. 18 t A. E. Coie's Plumbing. 38-2 The Women's Auxilîary of the Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville, wiIl be pleased to welcome any prospective mcm- bers ut a compiimentary mcm- bership tea, Friday, Sept. 18 from 3 - 4:30 p.m. Weather per- mitting it will be hield un hos- pital grounds; if not, in the &,uxiUiary Room. Do came and bring your friends. 38-1 THERE ÏW-EL BEA Meeting of the Ratepayers Association on Sunday, Sept. 201h ut 8 p.n. lu the Memorlal Park Club flouse 38-1 THERE IS STIILL TIE TO GET TOUR TICKETS FOR Banquet, Installation and Dance ai Lions Centre Saturday, Sept. 19 hi' Canadisu Order of Foresters, Ladies' sud Meuns Courts. Tickets avallabie froan -Officers of both Courts. 38-l* To the Ratepayers *of Darlington AMeeting nül be heldin the ,e~Hampton Town E September 26 - 8 p AGjE N DA: 1. New Changes tu Zonln.g iaw j ~5Ratepayens Consttuons K.INmination Committe. 1960 Council wlli be Ele EveryoeinluWeleonîe Came sud Dring a Nelgl, Daringion Ratepay Association Coming Events Annual Fail Turkey Supper on Nov. 5, St. John's Parish Hall. Sittings 5, 6 sud 7. Tickets $1.50. 38-1 The tea&!ers of Clarke Town- ship will hold their September meeting tic 2lst at thrce o'clock ut Sixth Line SchooL 38.1* St. John's Evenlng Branch, Bownianville, Rummnage Sale in tic Panish Hall, Friduy, October 16, 10 a.m. ta 4 p.m. 38-1 In Memoriani ANDERSON-In loving memory of a dear wife Anderson who passcd uway Sept. '17th, 1957. Just a thought of uweet remembrance, Just a mcmory fond and truc, Just a token o! affection And a heartache still for yau. Though your armlle is gene forever And your hand I cannot touch, Stil I have se many memories, Of the one I lovcd se much. -Sudly misscd sud ever re- memnbered by husbund Morlan .~ ANDERSON-In laving meniory of our mother Mrs. Moriand Anderson who passcd uway Sept. 17th, 1957. Farewell dear mother, thy woc is o'cr, i Those willing hands will tail ne' more. A loving mother, kind and truc, No onc on earth wel1 find like you. Now you who have a mother Cherish her with cure, For you'll neyer know thc heartaches Till you sec ber vacant chair. -Ever renicmbercd by' son James, daughter Jean, son-rn- law Eastni-an sud granddaughter Louise Steves. 38-1 BOUGHEN-In loving memory of my dear husband and fther Ralph T. Boughcu, who passed away September 12, 1957. -Aice Boughen sud familles, Newtonville. 38-1 COYLE--In lovlng memery of a dear wife, Elizabeth Coyle,I who pussed uway Sept. 16, 1954. Its a lonely house without ber And sudha been the way, For if e sud homne are nat the same Since she was callcd awuy. -Ever remembered by the Coyle Funiily. 38-1* IVES-In loving memory of our~ parents, Mother, who pussedî uway Sept. 15, 1949, andDad, Mardi 18, 1952.1 -Lovingly remembercd by the Faniily. 38-1 MOORE-In loving mnemory of Victor Moore who pussed uwuy Sept. l7th, 1956. God suw you gettlng weary T\en did whut be thought Nbest H. put bisarms around yeu, Vie, And whispered, «Cor nsd rest'l. -Art, Dad, Muni Morris and famuily. 38-1 SMITH-In memnory of Hry Smith, who died Sept. 19, 1955. -Ever remembered by bis wifc Birdie. 38-1 SMITH-In loving memory cf aur dear fther and grundfutber who passed away Sept. 19, 1955.' His memory Ia as dean teday As iu the heur ho passed away. -Aiways rcmembered by Bll Marjoanc aud grandchildren. 38-1' SMITHI-In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather who pusscd away, Sept. 19, 1955. O God what a wcight o! sorrow 1 Must we thc lonely cnes. beur.1 A lonely home, a sulent voice 1 And only bis va<èant chair. -From your loving son and daughter, Frank sud Kit and grandchildren. ,38-1 For Rent FURNISHED rooma. Telephene MýA 3-3971. 38-1 THREE rooms and bath. 28 Wellington St.- 38-1 APARTMENT, 3 roonis sud bath, gocd location. Telephone MA 3-3740. 38-1 LARGE room for gentleman. Board if dcsired. 205 Ring East, MA 3-3186. 37-2* THREE-roomed beatcd apart- ment on Ontario Street, $50.' Inmediate possession. Phone MA 3-2383. 38-1 ONE heated store sud spart- ment, King St. location. Apply Samuel Annis, 105 King St. E., Bowmanvilc. 38-1* THREE roonis, modern, private entrance and bath ut four corn- ers, Bownianville. Apply Apt. 5, 23 Tempersuce. 34-tf NEWTONVILLE apartment, 3 room ansd bath . Pivate eu- trance. HeavJr wàring. Phane Clarke à r 03. 38-2* UNFURNISHED housekeeping room, separate entrance, bot aud cold running wuter, kitchen cupboards withsink. MArket 3-5786. * 38-1. MODEEN seveu-room uemli-ds- tacbed bouse, good location. Fanly wlth 11gb Sehool age cblldren consldered, or adults only. Phono MA 3-5588. 38-1w Personal %eur CHESTKPIELD>S sud odd chairs re-upbolstered t hoock ers betten than uew. Go wbcr ou get Uic bcst for less. Fer free estiniates, free pick-up sud de- livery, cail Modern Upholster- 38-2 bIg, RA 8&-Mi, Osaa. 33-10 Carda of Thanks I wish te thank ail the nurs- es and doctors-for the kindncss sud cale I had shown ta me while I was sick in the Me- morial Hospitid, Bowniviile. Mr. W. A. Boyden. 38-1 W. wish te tharik our friends sud nelghbours for their flow- ers, cards and ail acts of kind- ness during our recent bercave- ment. Eleonor and Cliss Terril sud family. 38-1 I would like ta express my' sincere appreciation ta the executive menibers, the direc- torsansd comniittce of Durham Central Agricultural Society for their wonderftil assistance ini making this year's Orono Fair an outstanding succcss. A special word of thanks must be ex- tended ta the organizutions sud individuals who helped with work, exhibits or made any other contribution. President A. L. Blanchard. Durham Central Agricultural Society. 38-1 Ca rda of Thanks I would like te thunk staff sud nurses of. Memniai Hos- pital, Bowmanville, aise Dr. Sylvester, neighbotzrs, friends sud relatives for their kinduess sud cards rcceived during my stay there. Luther. B. Nichais. Our sincere thauka to Dr. Hubbard sud nurses for their cure sud kindness te Chris. dur- ing his receut stay ut Memorial Hospital. Thanks aise ta Uic muny fnicnds sud neighbours who sent gifts and cards. Den sud Put Joncs. 38-1' We wish te express' aur asi- cere thanka te aur ncighbours sud friends and a speciai thsuks te thc Bowmanvilie sud Danl- ington Fine Brigades sud Clif! Pethick for thein help in con- nection with ourO recent fine which dcstroycd our barn and shed. Frankc and Mabel Pascue and Famuly. 38-1' Carda of Thcxnk b&. Albert Oke and fainily wish to extend their sincere ap- rrcaon to their relative, and neighbors for the many acts of klndness and sym- lathy at the ie of the passig of a loving wife and mother. A ~special thanks to Rev. W. Logan, aiso the ladies of the W.A. who served lunch. 38-1* The fanily of the late Mrs. Alfred Richards wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation ta friends and relatives for cards, flowers and acts of kind- ness during the lllness andl loss of a dear wife and mother. We especially would like ta thank Dr. A.-Sylvester, Mrs. J. Childs of Strathaven Rest Home and Staff of Memorial Hospital for their care and kindness during her illness. Alfred Richards and Faniily. 1 wish to express my sincere thanks to the many kind folk who remnembercd me with get- weil wishes, fruit, candy and flowers; their visits and en- quiries during my wceks in Oshawa General Hospital. Aiso, mnay I add my appreciation to our good ncighbours, friends and relatives that were so kind and hclpful ta Mrs. Alldread during my absence. In appreciation, Cecil Alldread. MUNICIPALITY TOWN 0F WHEREAS pursuant te Chapter 107, Paragnaph 5 aud 6 of the Deg Tax and ]Cive Stock Protection Act, R.S.O., 1950 and Anents thereto the Council of a Municipality may pas by-laws te licens. and control dogs running at large. And WHEREAS the spreud cf rabies iu the fox popu lation iu the U.nited Counties of Northumberland and Durham ha reached alarming propor- tions sud the. infection has sproad to other animais in the Counties. And WHEREAS te prctect the inhàbitants sud animais cf the Municipuiity of Bowmanviile against the spread 6f such infection Ceuncil deems it expèdient te pass this By-Law te provide for the licensing and requiring the registration of dogs and for imposing a license fee on the owners thereof, and generaliy for reguiating the ruuniug at large of animais ini the Municipality cf Bowrnville. NOW THEREFORE it is enacted asu of The. Corporation of the Town of Bowmanvile as folioÏws:. 1. (a) "Animal" shall mean auy dog or cat. (b) "Assesse" meaus the. Assessor cf Bowrmnville. -(c) "Cat» means any cat, maie or female. (d) «Clerk» means the Cierk cf Bowmanviile. (e) "Dog" meaus any dog, maie or feniale. -(f) "Dogcatcher" means the penson appoiuted under the provisions of this By-Luw as dogcatcher. (g) "License f.." shall mean and include "Dog Tux» as referred to in the Dog Tax and Liv. Stock Protection Act, R.S.O., 1950, Chapter 107. (h) "Owner" means any person who possesses or harbours a dog, sud "owns" aud "owners» have a correspoudiug meaning. (i) "Poundkeeper" shall mean the .person appoiutedl under the pro- visions of this By-Law as poundkeeper. (j) "Tax Collector" means the Tax Collecter of Bowmanvilie. (k) "Town" means the. Corporation cf The Mlunicipuaity cf Bowman- ville. 2. Every owner of a dog shall register, on or bef ore the lst day of January in each year, each dog owned hy him lu the Town cf Bow- mauville with the Cierk aud ut that tume pay te such clenk the license fee prescribed in Section Eight (1) cf this By-Law and the Clerk shall issue te such owner a receipt acknowiedging registration of the dog sud payment of the fe.. 3. Every person'who becomes the ewuer cf a dog on or after the lst day of Jauuary in each, year shahl register the manud pay the. iicense fee therefore as provided in Section 2 withlu fifteen days after becommng the owner of the said dog. 4. The. setting down by the Assessor lu the assessmeut ril then in the course cf preparation hy the Assesser cf the information as to the. number cf dogs owned by a person who is assessed as owner or tenant of sny land sud who is lu occupation thereof, in respect te every dog which he owns within the Town of Bowmauviile as provided by Section 16 (2) Columu 26 of The Assessment Act shahl b. deemed te he a registration cf such dog or doga hy the owner for the year foilowiug the. year in which sucii Assessment roll is being prepared as required hy Sections 2 sud 3'cf this By-Law. Provided however, that the failure cf the Assessor te set down sucii particulars as regards any dog shahl not relieve the owner thereof from register- ing such dog lu accordance with the provisions cf Section 2 sud 3 of this By-Law. L. A tag shall b. suppiied by the. Cierk or Assessor for eaceh dog wiiich is registered hereunder, sud the, Ôwner shall keep tii. tag sccureiy fixed on the dog at ail times durlug the. year sud until h. procures a tag for the followinig year. 4. The sid tag shal heur a seiai number sud the year for which it was lssued and a record shall be kept by the Cierk for the purpose of showing the name and addresa of the. owner and the . serial number cf the. tag. 7. No penson shaHl put upon or fix te a dog a tag unless thie saine wms issued for use upon sucb dog. S(1) The, amount cf the liccuse f.. hereluhefore referred to shah hoe aà fohiows:- For a maie dog, if oniy on. ta kept$ 2.00 For each addiionai maie dog -____ 2.00 For a femaie dog if oniy ene is kept 5.04) For each additional femal, dog 5.00 For a Kennel______________ 10.00 (2) Where the. certificate of a veterlnary surgeon la produced show. ing that a female dog bas been spayed, it shall b. licensed at the. sane rate as a maie dog. 9. The. amount payable for the license f.. shail b. collected by the. Tax Collecter. Repairs RADIO and televiuion repaira. Prompt service. Pick-up and delivery. eGeog',8 m t E. Phone M513. 2-f GUARATEMED televiision and radio service, to ail makres. Sanie day service. Television Service Co. Phone MA 3-3883. 49-tf REPAIRS and rewlnding, arm-j atures tw!ned, to ailmaes o electrie motors. Higgn lec- trie, 38 King East, Prone MA 3-3305. 7-tf REPAIRS to ail makes cf scw- ing machines. Free pickup and delivery.. Lavertys Bargain« Centre, 59 King W. Phone MA 3-7231. 44-tf REPAIRS to ail makes cf re- frigerators, domcstic and com- Imercial; milking coolers. Hig- gon Electi Limlted, 38 King St. E. Phono MA 3-3305. 7-tJ Soccer Here Tonight S Hooper's Jewcilery Senior I occer teum from Bowman- 3 ville wiil play an exhibition 1 game aguinst Uic Oshawa L Itulia teuni to-night. The gaine wiil be played ut Me- marial Park, starting ut 6:30 p.m. Wanted to Buy QUAKERoù heater, mediumi sE ît fan. Phone MArkct 3-3959. 38-1* PMD CLOVER, timothy. Sub- mait sample. Stewart's Seeds, Bowmanvlile. 37-tf AIL klnds of Uve poultry wanted. Hlghest price ad »LFIlatt, BethanyR..1. Pene 7 r13 colect 9-tf HIGEST prices paid for used fuirniture, aplaces, television scwing machmCes, etc. Aise se% and exchange. 59 King St. W. Phone MA 3-7231. 42-tf BIGES prices pffd for live Emultry1gom elftera, féather cks, s rbon, rags, metais and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa, colect. 48-tf Ail But Two Pass The firat Traffic Clinle of the fail season wus complet- cd last night ut the Council Chanibers Only two of the large greup failed te make thc grade. The next clinic will start Oct. flth. Aguin, police urge any who plan ta attend onc of these dinics - a nccessary po- cedure before a drivmig licence wlU be lssucd - to make application now. - 10. (1) Na animal shall mn at large within the Town cf Bowmanville sud the owner cf any animal runnlug at large shall b. guiity ef a breach ef this By-Law. (2) For the purpose cf this By-Law an animal shall be deemed te b. runniug at large when found lu a highway or other Public place sud net under the contrel cf any porson. Il. The Dogcatcher may seize aud impound any animal running at large ceutrary te the provisions cf paragraph 10 hereof. 12. Wiien the dogcatcher seizes an animal as hereinhef ere provided it shah hbe his duty te, deliver the smm.te the Peundkceper whose duty it shail b. t. provide suitable quartera, as may b. approved hy Ceuncil, lu which te keep in a humane manner ail the. animais that may b. brought te him by the Dogcatcher under the provisions cf this By-Law. The Poundkeeper shahl, lu a book te h. furished hum by the Cierk, keep an accurate account cf ail animais placed lu the. pouud, inciuding the date of rec.ipt, times cf. feeding sud watering, mauner cf final disposai, the methods of destruction of the saine, ainounts r.ceived by wmy of redemption fees, sud flues sud sales, aud the. names and addresses of the. purchasers cf dogisud any other particulans Ceuncil may deeni advisable. 13. Every animai caugiit by the. Dogcatciier under the provisions cf tliis By-Law and deiivered te the Poundkceper shall h. coufined hy the latter lu the Pound, for seventy-two (72) heurs sud at the end cf such peniod may, if not redeemed or sold as hereiuafter provided, h. destroyed hy the Poundkeeper sud the carcas shah b. disposed cf to the satisfaction cf the. Medical Officer cf Health for the United Counties of Northumberland sud Durham. 14. Where an animal bcarlng a tag ismued as herelubefor. provided lu this By-Law bas been impounded, the Pouudkeeper shahl, within Twelve (12) heurs deliver te, the Cierk, lu writiug, particulars cf the. registra- tion number on the said tag. 15. The Cierk. upon recelpt of the. particulars cf registration number on the said tag, as hereinhefere provided, shall within Twelve (12) heurs cf receîpt cf such notice, notify the owner cf the, animal as it may appear froinithe. records cf bis office. M6 The. Owner of any animal impounded under the provisions of this By-Law may rcdeem the samne Seventy-two (72) heurs after its delivery tote Poundkeeper by paying te the Poundkeeper, for use cf tii. municipality the sum cof Two Dollars ($2.00) for each day or part theref that the mid animal has been impeunded: provided further, that the said animai is a deg for which a Liceus. f.. has net been paid as provided in this By-Law, the Owner shahlu i addition te the payment hereinbefore provided psy te the Clerk the amount required for such licence sud thereupon shall h. issued with a tag by the, Clerk. 17. Any persan who is net a resident of - Bowmanville may purchase any animal impouuded under the provisions cf this By-Law hy paying tte Clerk, for the use cf the municipality, the sum cf Twe Dollars ($2.00) for euch day or part thereef that the mid animal bas been impeunded; previded further, that if the said animal is a dog for which a license fe. bas net been paid as provided lu this'By-Law, the person purchasing the. sald deg shahl, lu addition te the payment hereinhefore provided puy te tth. Clerk the. ameunt required for such liceuse sud thereupon shah b. issued a tag hy the. Clerk; provided, sud notwithstanding any other provisions cf this paragraph a sale hereunder shail net b. final sud the animal shall net b, deiivercd te the purchaser until after th-e expiration cf Seventy-two (72) heurs from the date cf impoundment. 18. Council shall by resoiutlen provide for the. ppoltment of à Dog- catcher sud a Poundkeeper (provided hewever, that %ci offices May b, held hy ene person if Council deoma it advisable) sud shail provide for the. terms cf such appolutment. 19. Council shahl by resolution approve the location sud construction ef the. Pound te h. used for the. detention of animais as provided by this By-Law sud as te tthe means cf disposai cf sncb animais aud without iimiting lu any way the discretion cf Council herelu, the Pound sud the method cf disposai cf the. animais shail b. such as are approved by the. Ontario Society for Provention cf Cruelty te Animais. 20. By-Law Number 923 cf the. Town of Bowmnanvlhle la hereby repealed. 21. Any person who contravenes the. provisions of this 1y-Law shahl, upon conviction, be hiable te a penalty of not more than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) exclusive of costs, snd .very such penalty shaH h.e recoverahi. under the. provisions cf the Summnary Convictions Act. READ a First snd Second Tme tuis 2nd day of Februmry, 1959. BEAD a Third time sud Flually passnd this 2nd day of F.hruary, 1959. W, Carruthers R. B. Reynolds 1Clerk 0F THE Q--4 for Sale SEED WHEAT Retlstered No. 1 snd Commereial No. 1 Genesee. FaIlWheai Trcated sud lBagged Ready to Sow Excellent sample GARNET RICKARD Phone MA 3-7150 0 37-2 SEE IRS TODAY For- The Finest Automobiles For- Fair snd Square Desllng For- Low down paymentusuad easy terms, Theusands agrec, aud so do we, lt's noue other than Art': Car Market 194 & 196 Church St. Dowmlanviile MA 3-5064 BY-LAW 1711 BOWMA NVI LLE A By-Law ta protect the. Inhabitants and Animais of the Municipality of the Town of Bowmanville against the infection from Rabies by providing for the licensing and registration of dogs and regulating the running at large of animais. [

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