T!UJI~SDAY, SEPT l7th, 1959 THE CANADIAN ~TATI~MAN flOWMAM~7iT.T.U n~m'anw~ Legion Brànch 178, Canadian Le- '~glon, held their first meeting <.of the Fall season on Thursday 'evening, Sept. 10, in the LegiDn Hlli. President Ed. Rundie pre- aidcd and welcomned ail mem- bers present. Treasurer Jack Rice read a statement of the recent Legion Carnival and Car Draw show- Ing that $2,730.50 had been rai- sed for Legion community- work i the next year. Alter much discussion by ex- ecutive. and general niember- shlp it was unanimous decision to drop sponsorship of the Bowmanville Juvenile Hockey team- for this coming season. Main reason being that expen- ' 4 NEW ¶EELEICTION Amnwlyv created delicate and feminine traditional pattern , ell luITo suiF TOUR DUDOIT 1847 7 OGERS _______BROSO SPECIAL! leflectlon" Pattern Grapefruit Spoon Reg. $1.50_____ __7 c SPECIAL ___ ___ Coffee -Spoon Reg. $1-M0 SPECIAL______49C MARR'S JEWELLERY 43 King W. MA 3-5463 Carnivalm-Car ses had steadily Increased over the past five years, to the point where members feit Uic local branch could flot afford Uic sponsorship. In lieu of this, it was an unanimous decision to support thec Bownianville Re- crea tien Dcpartment winter program for both boys and girls with a donation of $500. The Bowxnanville Branchj DUDLEY - CIOHON Baskets cf red gladioli form- ed a pretty setting in Wesley United Church, Prince Albert, Sask, on August 15, when Rev. H. A. Mutchmor performed the wedding ceremony which unit- ed Julie May, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cichon cf Prince Albert, and Constable John Clarke, R.C.M.P., son cf Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Dudley cf Bowmanviile, ,Ontario. The pews were gaily decorat- cd with white bows and yellow snapdragons as the bride enter- ed thc church on the arm of her father. She was charming i traditional long-slecved gown of imported yarn-dyed taffeta. The sprcading skirt and portrait neckline were beautifîed by deicately appliqued Swiss Gui- pure lace, a ruffled net under- skirt dramatized the bell silhou- ette and chapel train. Her headdress cf Swiss Guipure lace was an Elizabethan cap re-em- broidered with pearîs, from thià misted a filmy Illusion tulle chapel lcngth veil. Her bouquet cansisted o! gold rose petals made Into two "«glamour" roses. Her only jewdlery was sculptur- cd pearls and earings, a gilt cf the groom. Attendants Miss Jeanne Cichon cf Saska- toon attendcd as maid cf honor and Miss Lais Tabbutt cf Prine Albert and Miss Jane Dudley of Las Angeles,, California, as bridesmaids. They were ottir- cd ini identical blue-ice celanese1 acetate dome skirted cocktail1 length dresses, a backc redingote consisted e! a whirl of nylon1 ruffles, the bateau neckine in front feUl into a V at the back. Thcy carried nylon ruilled1 muffs accented with white and gold Shasta daisies. Shoes and hase were tinted blue, their edical Mirror Uemrotie m iand tgo s cloua tue dua a&Wycofsplain about A- Oldsters, 1k a lot of youngcr foiU, may develop neurotic SYMPtOma Which show up as re- peated complaints when nothing la PhYsicaflY Wrang.One day it'a, 9nigestion-the net day itra "backache»or perhaps just vague Pains ber. and there They secm always preccupied wkth the. body or a part cf the. body believed to b.eout cf kilter. The trouble Io verY iIkely borrowcd frein the pas! - chldhood fear, grcwing up anxieties, and aduit disap- POinttnents. The average oldster Who bas nothing more wrong ghan cao b. exPeced in later life vtrY often aceds a synmpathctie listeuxer and, abeve ai], something of interest tao cupy bis time rather than actuel treataient e! mind or. body. Answer, do moi neeessarily reffecI th opinion of ail doctors. The diag. no* and lreatnerno>' dieaje 1* th lunction 01 h. Patienils pet- rend PhYucs. mQuestion, directed 10 Scienco Edifots& P.O. Box 396, Madison Sq. S.., N. y. Io, N. y. Wi be lncorpomtcd inbthese col- Umm **en posibl. ado s . Prumnlpau.teum fo p'pskà airel.pcs Canadian Legion, wlf dono reproduction of an ail baiz cf Her Majesty The Que the Lord Elgin Public Sc when this new building Isq pleted oad officilly openec Carnival Chairman JimJ cent carnival and car d thanking ail members for1 part in erecting booths. cE rheaddresses plcture 'franie1 o! nylon tulle acccntedi scattered mother-of-pearl quins. Their cnly jewel wos cut crystal necklaces earrings, gift cf the bride. Constable Jack Watermar, Rosthenn attended the groon best mon, while ushering guests ta their pews were C stable A. Haggenty o! Nipa and Constable D. Neilson Waskesiu. ate a n to chool :. Firth e re- raw, theur srni- bats with se- llery andJ ncf .a as the Con- minf of Reception For the reception following Uic cencmony the bridc's moth- er received wearing a white Renoir silk scrolled in Cobolt blue. The eased sheoth witi bateau neckline wos accented in bock with a flying ponel, witl accessaries o! white, and rose sweetheart rose corsage, while the groom's mother was enhanc- ed by a deeply carved dusky' rose silk shantung, with cowl collar and slender skirt, navy blue straw hat, chrysanthe- murns. Toast te thc bride wos pro- posed by Dr. J. R. Michoud,, tc which Uic groom ably respond. cd. Telegrams c! congratulations werc received froni Ottawa, Cobaug n. Coîborne, Ont.; Edmont'onTarante, and New yock and rcad by Constable Waterman. Honeymoon For a hancymoon trip to Waskcsiu and vanious points in Saskatchewan and Alberta, the bride donned a peoni white basket weove wool sheath with accessories o! vibrant mountain. berry red and white gardenia. Constable and Mrs. Dudley will reside at 5410 Fiftieth St., Lloydminster, Alberta.-Prince Albert Daily Herald.. NE WTON VILLE "he following pupflh are re- gistered ad beginnjers for Sept. 1959, Robert William MoLean, KathY Elliott, William Allan MacDonald, Lynda Suzann e Warrall, Brenclia Lynn Hender- son, Jili Danlene Donoghue, Judith Ann Stacey, Joseph Clarence Mark. Miss Drury cf Toronto spent a few days with her sister, Mnrs. Bi'nest Eley. Miss Lily Wonkman was in Memorial Hospital Bowman- ville, for a fcw days for a check-up. Mn. and Mrs. Willis Farrow spent Sunday wit'h Mr. and Mns. Roy Burley o! Oshawa. Mr. Robent Urny of Ottawa, was in Uic village for a couple cf days. Mr. and Mns. Keith Miles and fanily have moved to Od- essa. Mfrs. Adam Panas returned to Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville on Sunday. Mrs. Edith Johnstan was cal- ling on fniends la the village on Thursday. Mrs. Wm. Milligan retunned froni her trip to -CClgary on Wednesday. Karen andl Je!! Gilnier, child- ren of Mnr.and Mrs. jim Gil- mer cf Port Hope are staying with their gronjdnother, Mrs. Clinton Brown, while their mo- ther la ln the hospital. Mr. Keith Hansen o! Lind- say and Mn. Jim Dryden of Brooklin, teachers at Part Granby and McLeons are Ïboar- din-,g with Mrs. Roy Hall. Mrs. Willis Joncs and ber mother, Mrs. David Mcmriii and son Wallace o! Dortfordt spent Suncbay with Mr. andp SvEMT? So is Pepsi-Cola! For today's i3Pepsi goes with modemn ideos about slim good looks. Neyer heavy, neyer toc sweet, it refreshes without Miling. Put Pepsi on your shopping list. Buy it in the landy 6-bottie carton v SM1TH BEVERAGES LTD.. 124 Cbuircb St. Bowmanville. Ont. val night, end dlsniantling and cleaning o! grounds. Alse he recommended that letters of thanks be sent ta those who organized chiidren's parade, judges and others. Sports Officer Jack Knight congratulated the 4-man dort team which had won third place at the Provincial Dort Mrs. Bud Jones of Burlington. Recent visitors with MT. and Mrs. Arbdrew Reichrath were: Mr. Henry Reichrath and Mr. and Mrs. Wegman of Montreal: Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Adlams, Mr. and Mrs. Len Raurn and Mr. and Mrs. Hehn of Toronto. Miss Alice Nesbifttof Tor- onto is home on a week's holi. day. Mr. and Mrm. Arthur Nor. land of Sarnia spent the week- end with Mrs. Wm. Millgan and Berneice.. Wins'Award il Miss Hazel Webber doughter cf Mr. and Mrs. ]Roy Webber, Ontario Street, hasi been awarded th"A. H. Camp- bell Scholorship for post grad- uote study i nursing. Missi Webber, who graduated fnom Civic Hospital last yean and wos a staff member there for the past year, wili attend the Uni- versity of Toronto this fall for a one-yoar terni. Upon its com- pietion shie plans ta, return ta the staff f Civic Hospital, Peterborough. KEDRON ig te IL el unday Schco! was conduct- cd by Superintendent Albert Wood, June Davis wos pianist and Howard Farndalc, Aduit Clas teacher. Margaret Maid- man, and Johnny Ogle received the offering. The superinten- dents met on Monday evening ta Inake Sunday SehooL plans for the Auturnn sessions. Rafly Day,.will be cbserved next Sun- day in September 20th, when a special prograni wiIl be pre- sented by Mrs. Noble end as- sistants, during tie regular S. S. hour. Rev. Ronald Love, ln the pulpit for the church service spoke on "Sunday Observance" A vocal number by the male quartette, Grant Spencer, Mur- ray Mountjoy, William and Ronald Werry, was accompan- led by orgonist Mrs. R. E. Lee. The sacrament cf boptism will be conducted, next Sunday by the niinister. Columbus and Kedron Dou- bles Club dance has been or- ranged for Friday evening, Septernber 25, ln Harmony Church Hall. Any members cf the church are welcome. Please contact Mrs. W. Rosnok. Holstein breeders in the area were present at thc Black and White Show, held in connection with Port Perry Fair. Murray Mountjoy and Robert Flett wera among the exxhibitors this year. Robert Flett is ta be congratu- lated on winning the Premier Breedei's award. The ho-me cf Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mountjoy was tic scene of a party on Friday evening when members of the R. J. Luke famil.y and Mrs. Meredith Moffatt, Oshawa, entcrtained Werry cousins and a few friends ta mark the approach- ing niarriage of Ron-ald Werry an-d Elsie Ball. Following a planned programn presentation wa *s mode of an automatic elec- trie coffee-maker and other gifts. Mrs. Everson Norton, Markham, Mrs. Starr and El- eanor Mountjoy assisted in serving the guests. A cake, de- corated for Uic bride-to-be. centred the dining table, and was cut by thc feted guest. Mrs. Ross E. Lee assisted by Lyn Farrow, Port Credit, end Mrs. Alan Werry, Ennlskillen, entertained several couples at an evening dinner party on Wednesday at Cloverlea. During thc evenir.g a dlock was presented ta Ron Weirry and his bride-to-be te tangibly exxpress the good wishes of the group. Mi*. z.d Mrs. Harvey Pascoe, MIr. and Mrs. Grant Pascoe en- joyed a motor trip through Eastern Ontario last wcek. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Love, Neîl and Laura-MVae spent a few days at a cottage on Lake Cecebe. Mrs. P. Werrv was a guest ln Uic William Werry home ta gvett her newest great grand- hild, Eldon Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pascoe nd Ruth, Oshawa, wcre' Sot- urday guests of Mr. and Mns. [arvcy Pascoe. c ai e7 MARRIE!? 79 VEARS (St. Thomas Tixnes-Journal) Probably the longest married couple in the United States, nonagenarions Peter and Ce- lestia Peterson o! Fairview, Utah, recently celcbrated their 79th wedding annivcrsary. He is 97 and she is 96. They were rzr. rc'd in Ucah on Dec. 11, lat month. On behal! o! Pro-1 vincial Commxand he presented trophies (chrome ash trays with mounted Legion crest) to the four honoured members:1 Erie Stancer, Maxie Yourth, Cliff Anderson and Jimmy Nickerson. Congratulateocns darters! Spor-ts Officer aise reported that Legion sponsored Bantam Basebal! team had enjoyed a very siiccessful season but had been put eut by Napanee. President Ed. ]Rundle cern- mentcd on thc good Legion turnout for Warriors' Day at C.N.E. and cangratulated Uic memnbers o! Bowmanville Le- gion Pipe Bond on their show- mng and the honour they had $i,7.30.50 band won thfrd place ln band Chester W. Jensen. 'l competition. Entertainment Chairman Jus An impressive ceremony was Fair reported that memnber. conducted by Pres. Rundle, ship nionthly' dances wifl re. Past. Pres Ab. Mavin and Sgt.- sume Saturday, Sept. l9th, andi at-Arms, Jack Knight when will be held third Saturday of Comrade Dan Gabriel was in- each nionth. Members interest. itiated into membership of la- ed ini both Dart and Bowling cal branch. Also three trans- leagues are asked to enter na- fers were r eported, Julian mes on bulletin board or coà*/ are plump, ripe, juicy and free a Roman named Aristoxenus ha On Wednesdciy, Sept. 30, 1959 A successful affirmative vote wii mean: 1.A Hotel for Bowmanville 2. Industry for Bowmanville 3. $100,000 additional payroll 4. The money for this added payroll wii corne from outside the town 5. More taxes paid to the town Se sme le mark your halbis la peu or pencil with an 1 Are you in favour of the sale of iquor under a Y ES X dining lounge licence for consumption with meals on icensed premises? N O Are you in favour of the sais of liquor under Y ES X a lounge licence for consumption on licensed premises? NO 1.11bled hy fie.Coirnail dvaamen mlAuchims L wbU in 1107T iacked by lirevers or dizililer GLENHOLME UGHSo Presiden.t C.A.L I fl- ~-t--~-* r Draw Procqeds * d J~IIrA ()waas s proud of the lettuce ln ues of fresh fruits and veget. iri,,, ~-?~his garden that he watcred it ables usually are etod 3 VVI UL ...'LtersS ay daily wlth honey and wine. We cooking-whenever possible eat *use simpler juices for dressing these in their raw, freshx con. nowadays, but the crisp green dition. . * CRITICISM LEVIED AT fflGH SCHOOL BOARD leaves of lettuce stili are a de- Colorful Salado (Frm heEvein Gid, PrtHoe)liclaus foundation for most Sal- For special occasions there ls (rmTeEeigGiePotHp)ads.noingsvestlasasai * Councilor Ivan Hobbs of Bowmanville aimed a They're Related nt c arr etlersheme, d reprimand at the D)urham County Higli School Board at Wben wlld cabbage wau cu1-li=tingt palate at the same the meeting of the Bowmanvile Town Council on Tuesday tivated many centuries ago, it time. For summer olimming, of last week. developed ini so many ways that tee,ý they're just the thing. lieremrkd tat"Th Drha Corly HghSeholnow we can choose between Hearty Fare He rmared tat TheDurhm Cunt Hig Scoolsix different descendants. They There'a no uieed te feel that Board should have decided the location of the new schools, are cabbage, kale, brussels.sld rntsbtnileog and not asked the municipal councils to do so. It hs their sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli faladufor te' mbanfte al ecug job to decide the location and ours to approve the deben and kohIrabi. Thesd plants di.fre for ate gman f th fami turs" «Tat, h sid,"i wht he oad i fr" fer from one another, but they sters. Salads that Include a gen. ture". That, h sai, "s wat te Bard s fr". stili make fine vegetable and crous servîng of meat, fish, This criticism sounds reasonable and valid but Mr. salad dishes. 1 poultry, eggs or cheese should Hobbs forgets that the High School Board MUST HAVE Est Mmu Raw settie any argument on that A MAJORITY VOTE from the municipal councils for the Deelous and nutritiouu val- score. debentures. Such vote was not forthcoming. Further- more the Board did approve a location at Orono. It was then the row between municipalities started. Several ý-A ' I H ARD T I O E ,, solutions have since been offeréi.. But it has been im- possible to gain a majority vote. A eanny farmer was approaehed Bowmanvjlle Council is now initiating action in an by a stranger one day whe attempt to solve the probleni. We wish them luck. asked, "Pardon me sir, how Crtainly at the moment the whole situation is a mess. much Is that prize bull cf yours ~Ce worth?" The farmer thought for a moment and then replied: "WelI, SA LA B 1 EF Sthat depends If you're fromntthe Ancient Origla froin blemishes. Ontario fruits oepr tenJt cfInenailevenu The Word "Isalad" cornes from a.nd vegetables are pouring into*..orlsmteekii b theLatn wrd 1sa", eanngyour food market fresh from Sala Tim the gardens. Load your famil That fariner was really cautiaus up with summer sunshine by 0 maybe that's a gaod ictea Summertime is salaci time. serving lots cf fresh fruits and . . . make sure before you act The secret of perfect"salad lies vegetables today. -Yeu 1<11w. Well, there's one in serving them cold on chilled sure way of being sure about plates. They must appeal te Watch Tour Walst the best place te take your dry both the eye and the appetite. For those who have to watch cleaning - ask anyone and they'll Ontario fruits and vegetables their waistlincs, fresh fruits tell you te bring it teoaur place. are now at the height of their and vegetables should be on the The reason is that we do cur season and in bountiful supply. dally' diet the year round. There very best with every garment. cari tse Gardeni fresh salads are bath la only one way ta keep weight enjoyable and nutritious for alii'n une, that's by eating fewer SUPPOIRT BOY SCOUT PAPER DIRIV members cf your farnily. calories than the body uses up. T aeaSldSummertime is salad time-a C To ak aSaai good tume te deBvelop eating ]FRIDAT LIALEA. SEPT. 18 Salad making can be simple habits that will help ta win the if you choose ingredients with battie cf the bulge. care. No salad can be better than the things that go into it. Lettuce Long Pojisiar Select greens that are fresh, Lettuce has a long history cf - -oe crisp and dry: fresh fruits that popularity.'As early as 500) B.C,. W 1 TE[U]%SDAY, SEPT 17th, 1959 THE CANADMS STATESMAN. BowMANvn.Lr- ôxTAnm v%ýAfflm ýý IL 1 --2 à, -- 1