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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Sep 1959, p. 5

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?HWDAY, SEPT 1?Um, 1050 TEE CANAD!AI< STAT~MAN. EOWMANVIU.E. ÔNTAMO Red Cross Prepares for Blood Clinic November 4 T'he regular monthly meetings ef the Bowmanville and District Branch of the Canadian Red Crosi Society was held Wednes- day evening Sept. 9th, in the Coundil Chamibers with MIr. D. bMarsden presiding. Plans were completed for a booth at Orono Fair to promote %iae Noveniber 4th Blood Donor Cinic and inform the many ru- rai residents of the urgent need for donors. Two members of the Canadian Red Cross Corps have kindly consented to look after this booth on Saturday and re- gister donors. The following people were appointed to the Blood Donor Committee: Registration of Donors, Mr. R. Cooper; Clinic Organizer, Mrs. W. Rudeil; Car Pool, Mr. W. W. Bagneil. These persons and other -x- ecut.tve members have set Sept. 16th for a chinic organization meeting. The need for blood is vSpecis i PERMAN ENT WAVES Wied by: MARGARET SMITH JOSIE DEMAINE MISS VIOLET ZACHANOWICD formerly of Miller'a Beauty Salon in now a niember of our staff. PROM MONDAY TO THURSDAY Reg. $10.00 For ___$ 7.95 Reg. $12.50 9 For -__9.95 x«g. $15.001.9 For 11.95___ àSPECIL COLD WAVE ai $6.95 Mr. Hurck will be bers on Tues., Wed. and Fr1. to do the steani and regular wavez Phone MA 3-5703 FOR APPODNTMENT Huyck's Hlairstyling Sfudio a7 Kimg st. W., Bowmsauflie Iurgent and you.r Bnancb wants Bowmanvilc to go over the topi in their quota. Registration) cards niay be obtained from your service club, local mer- chants or any Red Cross mem- ber. Get yours today! Your donation may save a loved one! The new Loan Cupboard, equipment, 2 beds and a wheei- chair, has arrived Prd is avail- able for anyone needing it. if your doctor bas ordered sick- a-oom equipment which you are unable ta purchase, don't besi- tate ta contact yaur Red Cross Loan Cupboard Chairman, Mrs. W. Cawker, Market 3-5794. In October, tne University of Toronto et the specific request of the Canadien Red Cross Sa- ciety, is holding a 4-day Hot-e Nursing Refresher Course. Your local branch hopes ta send a! graduate nurse ta this course ail expenses paid. The Red Cross pravidea an extensive home nursing service which i- cludes hospital volunteers and expenienced nursing heip in the home. Your Branch wishes tal provide Bowmanville with this excellent Home Ntasing Course and eventualiy a Home Nursing Service. However this cannot be accamplished without a will- ing volunteer instructor and your Branch feels sureter is someone in this area who wiil be anxious to take advan- tage cf this Refreshea- course and set uip a Home nursing course here. If you are interest- ed please contact Mr. D. Mars- den at Maraket 3-3882 or M.-s. Wm. Rudeil, Newcastle 3551.j Nesîlet on Station Recent visiters with Ma-s. George Fonder were Mn. and Mrs. R. Wall, Blackstock; Ma-. and Ma-s. S. Staples, Ma-. Bruce Sha-pe, Mn. and Ma-s. Stanley! Sherpe, Laune and Bruce, ail of Ida. Mf .anid Ma-s. Ronald Knight ofDetroit, Michigan, visited bis parents, Mr. and Mns. B. R. Knàgbt on the weekend. Ma-. and Mrs. Rupert Byers, Bowmanville, calied on Mn. and Ma-s. Bruce Heaslip. Friends wiii ibe glad ta know that Thos. Langfeld was able ta leave Sunnybrook Ho s- pial early lest week and is convalescing et home. Visitera with Mr. and Ma-s. Cecil Wilson were Miss Gwen Wilson, Toronto, and Mrs. H. Saffnelîs for the weekend. O n Sunday Ma-. Chas. Boyd', 2nd year Knox College student, Mn. and Ma-s. Maurice Pênnock,j Lindsay; Ma-s. Herb Shaw, Ma.! and Mrs. Jas. Stewart, and Donald Stewart, Peterbor-ough, and Ma-. and Mns. Herman Rod- Bowmanville and Dïirici Branch CANADIAN RED CRO.SS SOCIETY invites applications for University of Toronto REFRESHER COURSE to be held OCTODER 201h m 23rd Volunteer Graduate Nurses who would teach and set Up Home Nursing Classes in Bowmanville for the Departinent of Volunteer Nursing Services of the Canadian Red Cross Society. Registration fée, travelling expenses, accommodation . provided by Bowmanville District Red Cross BrandI. and and Please contact Mr. D. Marsden, MArket 3-3882 or Mrs. Wm. Rudeil, Newcastle 3551, before October 2nd, 195'l9. mnan, Téorybto, visited the W! son's. Mr .and Mrs. Albert Lowic and Miss Eleanor-.of Peterboi ough were Sunday guests c the Grant Thompson's. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mcîntosl >Toronto, and Mr. Reid Thomp son of Ottawa were dinn4 guests of Mr. and Mrs. Erneç Herran at the manse on Sun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Herro: were guests at the Griffith Duncan wedding at Dunsfori Uniited Church on Sunda: Septemnber l3th. Congratulations to Mr. an, Mrs. John Buchan, (nee Bet Proutt) who were married ii Lindsay on Saturday, Sept. 5t] with. reception at the homeo the bride's parents Mr. ani Mrs. Ivan Proutt. While Mrs. George Wolfe ai tended the Press Conferenc in Ottawa this past week Gec rge and the two boys Briai and John stayed with Mr. an( Mrs. Harry McLaughlin. Miss Gayle Dowding, her fa ther Alfred Dowding and fri end Alfred Phiffer of Toronto visited Mrs. Horton and Mrs Dowding. Miss Gayle is leav ing for England where she wil spend a year i a secretaria position. Mr. an-d Mrs. EUi Mairs ar( visiting with several memiber of their family this week. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hyland ex. peet Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sut. ton and family home soon froni Edmonton. Harold has beer stationed to Egypt and wili b( Ieaving next month for a post. ing to duty there. Eileen and the children will be living ir Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. George Bow. ers visited her sister Mrs. 'W Drinkie in a Newcastle nurs. ing home on Sunday. Suniday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harris were Mr. and Mrs. J. Fisher and Mr. and Mhrs. G. Laveli of William, Point. The members of Nestletor Presbyterian Ladies' Aid mel Tuesdiay evening at the homE of Mrs. K. Giibank witýh spien. did attendance despite the very warm. weather. Following the opening hymr and prayer, Ma-s. Herron led the Devotional period. Busi- ness items from the minute were disposed of, blls paid and the treasurer's, report shows a balance ,of 500.00 or hand. A vote of thanks was tendered to Ted Lennard wh< has supplied the church with ibeautiful gladioli ail summer. The meeting met the allocation stili owing on theh Deaconess' home. The anniversary ser- vice is set for Sept. 27th andi it was decîded to, leave the ques- tion of a supper unýtil later. Members offered to tiake turns writing ta a distant menther and two, quiîts are ready for quiiting. Program items included har- monica music iby Mrs. C. Best. Reading, Mrs. H. .McLaughlin "Why save Your Best for Somce Day"; Reading, Mrs. GiIbank, 1I Do Not Know"; Reading, IMrs. Campbell, "The Master Is Comdng"; Reading, Ma-s. L. ïBeacook, "iPriendehip and My- self". The group Miss R. Pro. utît, Mrs. H. McLaughiin and Mrs. Gilbanic served a delie- lous lunch including ice creani and Mrs. L. Beacock extended the thanks of the ladies for the splendid meeting. In Oc- tober the meeting wiil be at Ma-s. Gist's home with. Mrs. L. Fitze and Mrs. G. Thompson assistants. Nestieton WlT. Meeting On Sept., 2nd, the Septem- ber meeting of Nestleton Wo- tnen's Institute was helci at the hiome of Mrs. Wilfred Bowles. Following the usual1 opening of tbc Ode and Mary Stewart Collect, the President welcom- ed the members, visitors and chïldnren. Miss R. Proutt read the minutes of the last meet- ing held in June. A letter from Miss E. Kidd advised that the Short Couir- )sration of fiower arranging vas scheduled, was accepted. 'everal thank you notes were ead by Secretary, and don.a- ion acknowledged. Bis pre- ented were to be paid. Twb members, who wlll be aving the comn-unity this .11, Mrs. Fred Bruce and Ma-s. .Watson, bath of Caesarea, ere presented with cups and ucers, and President thanked hem for the fine help they ad rendered and invited thein :attend meetings wben visit- g again in Nestleton. Both idies suitably replied for their tt and goad wishes. Following the Roil Cail "H7ow )Postpone Old Age" the col- :tion was taken, and Mrs. H. ne, Convenor of Health and me Economics took the chair )r the balance of the meet- 9. Ma-s. Kenneth Samielis ive the motta "Healtb is realth, let no one be a spend rift." Ma-s. H. Vine gave a âper on "Healtîh" and read- gs were given by Mrs. M. ierson, Mrs. Adelbert Bea- wk, Mrs. E. Herron, Mrs. F. ruce and Mrs. C. Wilson. As si was the Grandmother's Girl Gui By Victoria A. Frank Division Camp Advlsor -Since aur Girl Guide and Browmie camping seasan is over, we would like to give a Jbrief report of aur activities for the year. Oua- fia-st venture was a weekend camp on Mxr. Russel Osborne's f arm when the Ma- pie Grave Girl Guides, Guidera and several mothers enjoyed a weekend under canvas. The next, the two week camp at Doe Lake with Ma-s. Gwen- yth Thonipsan of Blackstock in charge. A most interesting write-up of this camp appear- -ed in the August 27th issue of the Canadian Statesman. This was followed by two one week camps et Pidgeon Lake. This was a new venture this year ini order ta accommo- date a mucli larger group of girls. Girls were present from Orono, Newtonviile, Newcastle, Hampton, Maple Grove, Port Penny, Oshawa and Bowman- ville, with Mrs. A. J. Frank cf Bowmanvilie in charge. This past weekend many of the Brownies from Dua-ham Di- vision enjo)yed a weekend camp at Camp Samac. 85 girls under il years of age were paesent from ail parts of the Division. For many it was their vea-y first taste af camping and they enjoyed every minute of it. Ab- sent ivere the Blackstock Browrdes who earlier in the year lied enjoyed a weekend at a cottage with Mrs. Roy Turner in charge. The Orono Fair kept many of the Orono Brownies at home, but they ail look forward ta a similar week- end next June, In closing may I express ap- preciatian ta the fathers who provided transportation, ta the mothers who donated food or were present as staff members, Meeting, Mrs. Vine presented dainty potted plants to several grandmothers- Mrs. J. For. dol- (eldest), Mrs. Watson (most recent grandchild), Mrs. ]Bowles (nearest birth da y>, Mrs. Davison (youngest, Mrs. Graham (farthest away). The usual social hour was enjoyed, with lunch served by Mrs. K. Sameils and group, asssting Mrs. Bowles. Mrs. Ad-. el'bert Bçacock tendered the vote of thanks. NEW IRFIECTION NEIP. GRAPEFRUIT SPOON Reg. $1.50 EACII____- _ 79c COFFEE SPOON Reg. $1.0 EACH____ _ A newly created délicate and feminine traditionall 49CI ?ERMS TO SUIT TOUR IUDGEY 1847 1847 ROGER MUR C BIE NSiROS PLT Mf f *MMDFRE HOOPERYS Jewel Iery & Gift Shop St. E. Bowmanvilie 4 de NewsI to the Guidera for their assist- ance, to the Boy Scouts, Good- year Tire and Rubber Co. On- tario Training Scnool for Boys, Camp Saxnac officiais, Board of Education, The Canadian1 Statesman, Mr. Bruce Staiker and Mr. Roy Nichois, and many others who in any way assisted in giving many girls a happy., Dr. L. B. Williams, Bowmian- ville. I Mr. and Ma-s. J. Burrows, Brougham, visited their son, J. A. and Mrs. Burrows on Sun-'j day. IMr. and Ma-s. Russell Gilbert, Bowmanville, Mr. Milton Sie- jmon, Mr. and Ma-s. Lloyd Slc- mon and Mr-. and Mrs. Alfred Garrard, Haydon, were Sunday' supper guests of Ma-s. Theron Mountjay. ýiMrs. Bobt. Burgess, Tyrone, was a visitor with ber, brotherj camp noliday. Bert andi Mrs. Stevens on Wedi nesday of last week on the oc- casion of their 56th wedding anniversary and also his biath- M usic Fairday. Congratulations fa-om thela- M usc F irHampton friends. B rings'Can Can attended the marriage of bis To Dxie entto Mr. Norman Kennedy, and Genevieve, the gamin star cf ited Church. Oshawa, on La- the Jeck Paar show, stars inJ boa- Day. Miusic Fair's final Production, JMr. and Ma-s. Bruce Cevea-ly "Can-Can," September l4th ta and son Brent, Oshawa, visited September 26th, et the Dixie last week at the home of bis Plaza tent theatre-in-tlie-round. parents, Ma-. and Mrs. K. Ca- Music Fair once again extenda, veriy. its, seaslon tol bring fine Broad.- Sympatby as extended ta Ma-s. way ententainment ta, local au- Cliffoird Terril ini the deeth of diences, this time in the form ther mothea-, Ma-s. Ransberry Of of the Cole Porter bit. Newcastle, formenly of Mon- Genevieve (Pronounced Jan- treal. Ver-ev), known ta millions for A lovely basket of flowers ber regular appearences on the were placed in the churcb on Peaar. show for the past two1 Sunday by the Terrills in mem- years, was an immediate hi-t ory cf ber mother. upon ber arrivai in the United Sorr.y ta learn cf the passing States four years ago. The star, in Bowmanville of Miss Reta of night-clubs, stage and TV,; Kersiake who was a former a-e- she has aecorded her sangs1 sident of Hampton with ber fa-cm "Can-Can" on popular la- parents Mr. and Ma-s. Fred Ken- bel, and three other 'albums: slake, until recent years. She "Pixie fram Paris," "Fa-akiy was highly respected by ber Fr-encb," and "Genevieve" neighbors and fnienda here. The Tue "Can-Can" company, funerai service was beid an Icames ta, Music Fair directly Sunday aftea-noon at the North- from- record breaking appear- cutt and Smith Funeral Home, ances et the Theatre-in-the Bowmanville. Burial was in the Park, Centrai Park, New York Bowmanville cernetea-y. We ex- City. Appearing wîth Gene- tend sympathy ta ber relatives. vieve is David Atkinson, o-9 cratic and musical comedy star, with extensive Broadway Vamp" with Carai Chnanning, "Inside U.S.A." with Bea Lii-1 lie, and j'The Gr ir Pink ' Meet Sept. 18 Tesupporting cast includes Dick O'Neill and Erik Rhodes, jAt Ornii ia a membea- of the original cast af "Can-Can."J Hon. William Hamilton, Past- The Music Fair tent, with master Genea-al, will join Hon. free parking for ail cars, is la- Robert Macaulay, Ontario Min- cated at Dixie Plaza, Queen 1 ster of Energy Resources, and Elidabetb Wey an'd Dixie Road' Hon. G. H. Whitney, Manitobai South. MinLster cf Mines and Naturai "CanCan wil hae a woiResources, as speakers at the "CanCn"willhavea t oungProgressive Conserva- week a-un with evening per- tive Associatîon's conference formances, Monday through tob hl eime 8h Friday et 8:45 p.m., Saturday J îtli and 2Oth, at Fern Cottage at 9:00 p.xn. There wil be a Resort, On-ie, Ontario. special twilight performance at 5:00 p.m. an Saturday only. Tue Postmdstea- General will _______________ ad-dress the Saturday night ban- quet, whioh follows a day of panel discussions an Govern- LONi S UL ren Finance, Cana-da's a-oie in Defence, and the Newspaper's -"M.r. and Ma-s. Wm. Cara- and place" in politics. Baenda wea-e Sunday visitons cf 1 Tue Han. G. H. Whitney will Ma-. and Elmer Lee, En- 1 be Saturday's luncheon speak- Ifield. Ma-. end Mens. Robt. Cameron and family wea-e S'aturday even- ing visitars of Ma-. and Mrs. Wm.. Cea-a-. Ma-. and Ma-s. A. Campbell,ý 'Whitby, wea-e Seturday evening' guests and Mn. and Mirs. Glenn Pugsley and Duane, Oakville, were Sunday guesta of Mr. and Ma-s. Ryc Gibson and Sanda-a. Mn. -and Mns. John Evers, Rolland, and Ar. and Ma-a. Dick Evers and femily, Toronto, were Saturday supper guestsa of Ma-. and Ma-s. Walter Van-' eyk. Min. and Ma-s. Fr-ank Reynolds, Mn. and Ma-s. Joe Reynolds and son-, Lindsay, visite-d Mn. Rab- ert Sini Sunday afternon. 1%U. Allen Baker, Bar-ry and Mchael, Cookstown, spent the weekend et Mr. Gordon Baker. Mr. Stanley Fletcher, Toron- to, spent the weekcnd with' his parents, Ma-. and Mns. Gordon Fletcber-. Sevea-al ettended Orano Fair' Saturday aftea-noan and report- ed a good tinie. Many attended thc Memonial i services et Betheada Cemetery Sunday efternoon. Miss Helen Partner, Oshawa, Ma-s. Sophie Kayacs and Mn. j Gabrilel Kayacs, visited fnienda in Hamilton Sundey aftennoon. .Several attended the presen: tation and dance in Tyrone Hall' Satua-day evening for Mr. .and Ma-s, Gordon Milison. HAMPTON Miss Louise Goodman hes a-e-: tua-ned aftea- spending two weeks i Toronto with her ais- ter-, Mrs. Allen Parker and Mn.. Pearker. Mn. Will Rogers, Calgary,: Mn. and Mra. Wm. Monnîson: and Mn. Herb Rogers, Bow- menville, wea-e Sunday guests of Ma-. and Ma-s. Sam Dewell.i Mr-. and Ma-s. Kurt Losch, To-- ronto, were recent visitons with her parents, Mn. and Ma-s. James Smales.. Misses Mnnie and Norab Hlorn and Ma-s. Lottie Poidge were guests of Ma-. and Ma-s. Garnet Johnston and famuly, K.irby, on Friday. Mr. and Mns. Kenneth Sm elis, Nestietan, weaere cIent ceilers on Mr-. and Ma-s. M. M'ountjoy. Mn. and Ma-s. Lorenzo Truil have a-eturned. home ,ef ter spendang sevenal weeks 'et thein' cottage et Williamn's Point. They enjoyed e holiday trip through the Para-y Sound district last! veek. Mn. and Ma-s. Wiifa-ed Green- Lway are halideying et their' cottage et Pidgeon Lake. Mr. and Ma-s. Hosken Smith spent Labor Day weekend et, 'Killenney Lodge" in Algon-'> uin Park and visited his bro- Ler, Mn. and Ma-s. Jack Smith, Bobcaygeon. Mr. and Mras. Merwin Mount- ly spent Fa-iday also Wana-ion's Day et the C.N.E. à Sunday visitors with the Sel- ;ers and attending the funenal )fReta Kea-siake, were Mn. and [rs. Hilton Peters and Ralph. [ns. H. E. Pnice, Ma-a. W. qohbs, The Jemiesons, Toron-I o. Mn. and Mrs. Keitb Peters, :awa, Miss Mary Peters, Ma-s. er. he Hon. Robert Macaulay, speaking on the topic of "En- ergy Resources", wlll be the luncheon speaker on Sunday. Moral and Ethicai Values in Polities will be the subject of an address by Walter Dinsdaie, M.P. (]Brandlon/Souris). No life is wasted unless It ends in sloth, dishonesty and cowardice. - Thomas Huxley. Solitude, the safeguard of mediocrity, is to genius the stern friend-Ralph Waido Eni- erson. BOWMANVILLE RECREATION DEPARTIM DANCING CLASS REGISTRATION WEDNESDATI, SEPTENER 23# 1959 4:00 - 7:00 p.n, Register for both Wednesday and Saturday Claue LIONS COM1WUNITY CENTRE 26 Beech Ave. Ballet a Tap THET ARE HEBEI 1960 Corne ini and look over our Large Sample Selection PRE-PASTED AND REGULAR OC and up 4 0 (Smgle Roll) A BERNE THY'S PAINT & WALLPAPER 33 King St. W. MA 3-5431 BOWMANVILLEC -M TrAG DY TO BENEFIT UNICEF (T'he United Nations Children's Fund) FRIDAY and SATURDAY OCT. 2nd and OCT. 3 rd Sponsored by BowmanvilIe Business and Professional Women's Club "'FOR ALL THE WORLD'S CHILDEWN Exhibition Specials Better meals build better families! I Now, modern applinces tale the work out of cooking, help you make better meals! Don't wait! Corne in today! Cash in on tremendous savings on ranges, refrigerators and freezers! 8.2 CU. PT. Refrigerator with full freezer LReg. $329.00 Special $229.00 WRINGER WASHER Heavy duty wringer 11-lb. dual-theryn tub Timer, Filter Reg. $199.00 Special, AUTOMATIC WASHER Four Types of Rinses R.g. $399.00 Special $244-00 AUl these appliances may be parchaaed- for as 11111e as $2.00 dowm and 36 montât le pay balance Cowan 134 King St. E. r V - Equipment Co. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5689 -t, a Baton Twhiling $149,00 and 7our trade 29 MMAT, SWT 17tl4 lm TIM CMADMN STATZIMAR. DOWMANVUý= OIRTARM WALLPAPERS.

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