'4 TI CANADIAI TATESMAN, mOWMAXVnLLE, ONTARJO Rev. Frank Banister Gives Inspiring Message to W.M.S eadr lh. 27th Ann'aal Schoël for Leaders of the Bay of Quinte Branch of the. Woman's Mission- ary Society of the United Churcli of Canada was held froni Aug- ust l7th to 2lst at the Ontario Ladies College, Whitby. Mru. JA. Stewart of Arnprior, the Dean of thie School, along with Mrs. L. Elliot of Tweed, the receptionist, welcomed the more than 225 Delegates upon arrivai f romn the Presbyterials of Lindsay, Peter- boro, Rerrfrew, Kingston, Belle.- ville, Cobourg and Oshawa, Mirs. W. D. Grant of Hallo- way wus asisted by Mrs. B. Poff as pianist ini the conducting of the hymn singing. Mrs. F. W. K. Barris The BiIble Study Hour for wo- men was b.sed on the Gospel of St. Mark and presented by Mrs. F. W. K. Harris of Peterboro. She said "This gospel lias been called tihe memoirs of Peter the aim being to present vivid pictures of events fromn the bap- tigm te the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Bruce Barton wrote the wor- Id famous book called "The Man Nobody Knows" for when lie read about Jesus ho sai "some- dey, someone will write a book about this man Jesis and everv business man will read it anà send it to bis partners and his salesmen for it will tell t he story of tihe founder of modern business. He waited but no one St art Vitai Wampole's Extract -___ 1.50, 2.75 SeottVa Emulsion 1.00, 2.00 Paramettes 2.00, 3.50, 6.00 Meade 10D Cod Liver 0f11 1.00, 2.25 Aiphamettes 1.00, 1.85, 3.50 Cod Liver 011 --S9c, 1.50 Enden Silvikrin Shanipoo Shampoo 98e- 1.69 75e - 1.19 ForlfHay Fever 1 Dristan-1 Tabiets - 1.25, 2.50, 3.75 Dristali Spray,___-_1.251 Co-Pyronil -- - 2.25 9 Pyribenzamine - 65t, 2.30 1 Privine _____-95ec Hot Water Boffles 1.29 - 1.99 COWL 5j95 DRUG ROYA2 TRIS FRI. AND SAT 1Malines Saturdî "Sherif f of Fractu Comedy in with KENNETH MORE and Two complote showsa NON. TO WED.,à wrote the sbory so h. decided to chaplain and receivedi the dis. ed by Miss Isobel McTadden and ancient people rnovlng lito1 do it hiniself. Barton said "Only tlnguished honor of O.B.E. He listenlng delegates were very i20th Cenâury with amnaz atr.t1< magnetic men inspire lectures ta the Theelogical stu- lmpressedi by her flawleus En, speed, often withln one gent great enthusiasm and1 build dents at Queen's University and glioh. She carne by boat te B.C.1 tien,ý was presented by Mrs. G great organizations. he has servedi as Pfos, of Con- and thon by train to Toronto ar-, hemi, Mrs. McIndoo, Mrs. L*' Jesus was noe physical weak- ference. riving only last week. During Mrs. Wade, Moîrs. Dunsford. IIng fer ho pushed a. plane andj His message "The Great lm. the next two years ohe wiU et- Mmu. MeBride. swung an adze as he went about [perative", was chatlenging te aUl. tend the Umiverlty of Toronto Dr. Katherine Hoeebl his carpentering. He was a lover The com.mand of Jesus Chist ta for pont graduai. study as she Itr ahrn oknS of nature anid slept under the goeinte ail the world and tell is a graduate cf Tokyo Univer- o Rcut "pointîng ott stars. His muscles were se strong the good news of salvation lsas~ sity and bas taught Engliahl n extensive trairning, ýinanc1a1 s that when h. drove the money imperative todbay as wtien lie a Japanese High School. SIie will prýsreigadavc changers from the temple, no- walked the hilîs cf Galiée~. God be in residence et the United prsreigadavc body dared oppose him. He was wasi Christ reooecling the' Church W.M.É. Tr'ining'School. quired by candidates for the b no kiil-joy but the most popula~- world ta Himnself. Miss Nette frownlee. Dean cf plied by the W.MS. She poi dinner guest in Jerusalem. We send bocks. tractors and the Girl, ntroduced Miss Fra- ed out the increasirig import. 'lb. criticism which Pr>per food té those in need but what ncis Bonwick ofthie Board Of ce of the laity, both memb people made of bim was t hat he about the compassion Jesus had InlformTationi and Stewards'hip, andi adherents, and insisted t spent too much time witth pub- for the seuls of men, women andToronto, w'ho spoke on the Stu- j the rea1 frontier is the home, Reans and sinners (vory good children. We are on. Brother- dy Book subject- Africa and'sti , uies wr-w' fellews on the wbole) enjoying hood, ene World.. Today Russie also showed a film entitled "Ilsdio ole arie f oik- whn their society toc much. Was ho is only two heurs away by mis- sng net cry". Fdllowing a ques- gela they bave no dentist a failure? He picked Up twelve. sile time. There is only one great tioninaire on this film, a gkit other needs are as great. ( mon frein the bottom ranks Of eneugli te save our world- showing -w2at lias been done resoersibility through Chu business and forged them into Christ. He lu the only ene who and the wide comprehensive, and Auxiliary la té c-baller an organization that conquered fits AIL. A man cannot be cru. plans for future develOyxnent in young people andi téa ak then the werld. cified witfiout stretching his ar- Argola, was pr'esenited by Mrs.1 conider Gods work. High Guest Speaker ms out and Christ's arms werer Cowie, Mrs. Holmnes, Mrs. Milsi quirements ame uecessary Mrs. D. Meoffat cf Kingston lu- stretched out te include . thie and bMrs. Haywood andi Mrs. candidates miust measure up troduced the guest speaker Rev. whole wide world. Grassi. the best for a Gad who deser F. W. Banister of Chalmers Un- P&egrouping dur Missionary Aziother skit was Presenitedl the best. Pollowirig repatriat. ited Church, Kingston, formérly, Forces ivas the second- message On work in Nortiier Rhodesia- fromn China, Dr. Hockiu. of 'St. Paul's Bowmanville. Af- preserited by ,Dr. Bani.5ter, the, by Miss D. EdwariAsT of Linldsy, been on the staff cf the Tra ter a sericus illness, with plenty term being a militarybone as ho Mrs. Armstronig, Mrm. Bray. . ng S l< andc durin'g a yw of time te think of wh. <o recalled thle times wb~en in the 1shaw, .Mns. R. Stevens, Mns. R. furlough she visited India i lias spared him te renewed heal- army they were forced te ne- 1 Pund, Mrs. G. Coulter andi Mrs. Africa. Miss Bessie French th,. ho came te the decision tl',at tretit nd' a new stýnd taken, Ray Weldon. The advisory raie Montreal, Que., a ibeloved Ilie) God had a purpose for bis life,, th0,v regi-ouped thie forces. of9 missinaris findý them bear- .nsiîîr ldt.stre that God could use hlm and he He said "In coutitries where îng the ibruimt of criticism frorn travelling Canadians indicati hms been using him ever since t.here is an upsurge of nation- iboth w'hites and blacks, and gnaphically how taie laity pr Durîng the war ho served as alisrn, that such re-grouping they need help in bridginig the ch. She titled lier addness "Tc - -must corne befoe international- gaP. of Discovery" and told sonie( IUUUUUUUUMUUEMUm ism can corne, bringing ln thée Skit on Africa periences in work with juvi best each country hias té offer. A third skit on "Women in iles, beys' camps and senior ( Conmunisrn teaches there is ne Changing Africa" picturing an izens. Shie spoke cf the urgi Ow God. Maybe God wiIl use this - neeti for young people te iv Im n teaching ta purify the Christians this their life work which m ins Nrwingwitness t rue ade as i Business Directory has foundse chalenginga 1feel th-ata great spiritual Interest Packed Program Meads Tri-V-S- movernent is just ahead, said Dr. À Cc o n nia ncTe a bga wi u 85c, 1.65, 2.95, 4.25 Banister, saving the whole man, Y orsi-iip in tegalcvelv Col Poly-Vi-So- seul as well as body. Refering A .DLuN pl aeaalal o 1.10, 2.10, 3.60, 5.20 te the cerning cf Kruschev té C rAY J. DPubli conG ChapM.elae avilbiet tertifecoPubiceAccuntanaW.M.S.Delegaas byDr. Infuto- tis ontnen Besaii, Thi Il93Chuncli Street Mrs, S. L. Osborne, g, ci, Imao-our opportunity of sending hlm MArket 3-3861 host andi hostess. One eveni Liquid- 1.25, 2.25, 3.50 back more a\vare of our love for Dr. Osborne rendered musiý Drops 1.50. 2.30, 4.10 Jesus Christ andi fer aIl peoples WM. H I. COGGINS numbers on the Chapel Org Halbornge1.1, 210,3.4 of the worldr. Chantered Accountant andi gave an interiestingg însî Haioag .9 .0 .9 He referred ta Pakistan as an Second Floor itotebatflsandg A.D.C. Drops ----1.60, 2.85 Iexample of whene gocd-will is New Librany Building inows.the e alus ecrgl ________________ being built up by the peuring cf Cor. King and Temperance St. ien ooiTh anti he rerb money by thte Western counitries Phone MArket 3-3612 swlmunug pool were also ava 1.98 sire Lustre for tihe building of power pro- able té the delegates and jeets, improvements of agri- YALE, FRIEDLANDERMrreo r.E .Aao Halo Creme cultural mnethods, etc. While they HUNTER & CO.chreo s.EC.Ano, were a bit dutbious et first, tuiere Accountants and Auditona Mirs. B. H. Saper, PresidE 1.29 79c-89c-1.98 was the consciousness in, Pakîs- Licensed Trustee in Banknuptcy cf Confereuce Branch, Mrs. tan that what Christian ceuntr- 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 H. McKininey, Past Presidenit les were doing did net have te Oshawa, Ontario Conference Branch, Mns. Arn F ouhs Cods be doue. The greatest factor for B. L. Yale, C.A. ae, Mrs. Dunlk along with M: For Cuh od the spread o! Christianity is thie F. Eriedlandor, B. Com., C.P.A. Brownlee and her youngen gii dedicated life cf the missionar-- conducteti inslpinational worsl, Buckiey's Mixture 59e, 85o ies. MONTEXTII - MONTEITU services. AdIal Stevenson visitiet Afri- RIERL & CO. Ilhe final day brcught sple Pertussin - 75c, 1,25 ca to investigate the. statement Chantered Accountants diti ti nistrations of the wc that airistian utissioniaries were 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa o!f te various Study Gret CrupSru 4c 1oRA 5-3527 proving the value e! the Sdho> Croup Syru 49e, 75e stirring up strife and cantribu- Bowmanville - Cail ZEnith 45750 Tefloigwr nca Vicks Cugh Syup 63o ting to the unnost there.* Upon Partuers:Th oowgwe icar Viea CughSYmP 6. bis return to this continent ho Hon. J. W. Monteith, F. C. A. Mlission Circles, Mrs. R. Dav "Frmla44 -1.9 aid "Anyone who travels hInAi- A. B. Monteith, B. Com., C.A. C.G.I.T., Mrs. H. Griffin;E Vleks Frua4O 11 rica cati plairnly see tihat th G. W. Riehl, C. A., R. I . A. 'plonoa's, Mrs. 0. Bertrand-,M: foundrations fur reeligion, edu- <Llcensed Trustee) sion Band!, Mirs. Chas. Hadde cation andi medicine have been G. E. Trethewey, C.A. Baby Bandi, Mrs. G. S. Youn - Guaranteed st hedse msusiaiiaiisaain- R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. Auxiliary, Miss I. McFadden. The fruits of their laboui-6 are Ms .Hpisrpr p n c ltha mone Qian $800. worth 2.0 3.8preof cf thein pneaching that al! UALAA r a Ct c books had. been sold te the di - ~~men are equal in. the siglit cf _______________ gates diuring thei Scliool. Godi. And, O God, the grave 0. EDWIN MANN, D.C. A few well dhosen words1 stK>fles o thet1se Chit ia ffce Chiropractor the Dean, Mis. A. M. Stewo r sionari s that sawiiAfiaOfie brought this penied of spiriti. aregret sone."15 Elgin St., cor. cf Hcnsey St. edueation and refreshment té Home Mission SeoV'y Phono MA 3-5509 close. Plan naw te attend nie I N G 'IS Ms.. M. Loveys, Home Mis- Office Heurs: By Appointint year's'school for leaders- Au STORE TRUSSES new womnen's erganazations. SheDen a1 uo...........pwith a paque ea<*ngth~e nm DR. W. M. RUDELL. D.D.S. YELVEJLRTON cof seven women who met in Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 185as they were intenested in 40 King St. W. Bownianvlle The. Wilson familles attendx misos itl i he eI-Office Heurs: Ornoe fair on Sat., anti repo mIssU.LUion.Lteec they reeùrigteaul- 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily a splendid fair andtheii large iesofthe WnoMingAt ft ie c-Closed Saturday and Sunday crewd ever. womn wre et îîoecite Office Phone - MA 3-5790 Mn. andi Mrs. Floyd Stinso L âu eus# w dibly e nthe minisdter House Phono - Newcastle 3551 Dale anti Pamella enjoyed pay -b peet oladi pleasanit interlude this weel Bat tebepreenttalea lupr- DR. E. W. 816 SON, L.D.S., D.D.B. end from thein "This little p r., SEPT. 18 - 19 yen. That time lu in the past for10 Office in jhjs home goffl t. market etc." routine- todiay women are ondained t 0 Liberty St. S. - Bowmarnvifle they mnotored Ife Niagara FaI aya ..preeehi the gospel andi eau hain Office Heurs:an ditc. ày i pm.fu1l partnership with the mon O a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily ane istrct.n uito the church. Todiay we are deeply Phone MA 3-5604 No. 1 little Redi Scheol-hou c'ncered about oneiuess in te Closed Wednesdays and Sundayswasblee byte ac horne, in the ceanlmunitr and in ashî trng eed by th ic chiurch. DL C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.8. increase o! eight Grade Or Approciation Expressed Office i ortahr rred Jaw Mrs. Ray Weldcn of Lindsay 23 ý gSt.EF. - BawmnanviU. Puisy-p er eaSa iCaler expressedi appreciaitien te Mrs. 9 aiO Heurs: daly weanring ear-rings? That wi El TAVV M&WIWrvL oveys. "Haviing traverseti the Cnp.mqtliiv . d qtaîîy 1the fitir impression tranwni Restricted to aduits'18 years and over Admission - 65e Loges - 70e COMPlete shows at 7 and 9:15 SEPT. 24 - 25 - 26# THUERS., FRI., SAT. qo&&" a/ V al4! Shop and Save in Bowxanvile! Get your FREE COUPON &R WORTH 10e OFF the reguler admissio te "The QE[ADN Han ging TreeýI Available now froni your PçOivsI o(Valus Merchanto An interesting report cf the Annual Meeting o! the Domin- ion Board was given by Mrs. W. F. Younig whc had been a dele- gate appointed te attend. Dominion Board President Mrs. E. E. Long, D. D., the President o! Dominion Board W.M.S. said "The Ohunch and the Mission are in total uniity in titrir endeavour to bring Jesus Christ te mankind, thus accept- ing God in Christ, reconciling the werld te Hlm. Lot us not be thinking ef what we are doinig, but of wlhat we have left un- dune. Net cf wBat we are giving but of w'hat we are witlhholding. Dr. Florence Muray and Ruth Saunders as nurses will be sen- ving in the new hospital built in Korea. A new Centre to as- sist uew Canadàans has been set up in Toronto. Few realize that one person in four living ln met- ne Toronito is a new Canadian. Site spoke of Isobel Milen on the border. cf the Bamboo Curtain niinistering te, the neede cf the 20,000 Chine refuge.. huddleti near Hong Kong. Thene are more thoan tern million Chinese living outaide Main China. Visitors Introduced A welcomed visiter at the luncheon heur was Miss Fler- once Fee who, after wonk lu iChina for severel years, thon at the Indian Reserve at Rtama is now at the AIl Poaple's Mission in Hamilton. rMiss Aiko Chuje o! Ngasakî, Japan who is a Scholarship Stu- d=it of W.M.S. wu suxtrvtw, LAWREI~NCE C. IUASUN, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanville Phonest Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA 1. HODGINI' l3arrister, Solicitor Notary Publie Temporance St. - Bowmanvilll. IL 91IIHARD LOVEKIN U.E., B.A.. LL.1D. Box 9, Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 Consltaton b appointment W. KAY LYCETT, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor In the offices of' P. R. Waddell, Q.C. Main Street, Ororio, Ontarlo Friday, 7 p.rn. te 10 pin. Saturday: 9 a.m. t. S5 pJn M o rfg a g e -s SADIZ IHAMILTON - 0OR Phone 1 r 16 FIist Montgage Funds Reuidences - Parinu Buslaoss Propertieà Op tO meîr y KEITH A. BILLET?, 0.D. aptometrist 141 91ng t.E.-Bowmaivill. OfficeJl~uis: By appointment Tepbone NMAriet 3-3253 Monday ta Saturday 0G4-. .te à P.M. Wedneadays: 9Ute il Thurrsday evealiig tn1s led )rrt ýst on, a ek- pig as lis se te an >ne eas it- his gP- ib- o! id Er- ir. tn- ff-1 eti. Apparently this gullable gull hati fallen fer somne fish- enman's "lin"- hoek bail andi sinken. The lie<k had obvieus. ly ettachei itselftot the guips lower mandible beak on what have you andtihe Julire was dlan«Ulng ornately from there. The lesson or moral we a&i dresa lie any ibrowbeaten bacit- elor contemplating the beck- ouing etiate o! mnatrimony dur- ing sunniy Septemnber, any d"pretity lttle thing'" lu bound fie lose some o! its appeal once you become firndy attachedti t it. M&r. anti Mn, W. H. Stinson entertainred Mr. andi Mms Ro- ibort Stinson o! Lotus, Mn1. and Mrs. Eddle Fowler of Bow- manvîlle. Another gathering of!the Boon clan at Malconia this week. On Sunday, Sept. 20, Yol- vertones White Church on the ilîl i adhedUled te celebrato its 97th Anniveraary witli or- iginal building inobact If slight- 'y ln need cf a coat cf peint. Gueot speaoker P*eveteMt Lane andi A. M.Lerke, immrutg andi evening. On $un., .vening, Velven. ton Unitedi Churoh Choir was ln attendrance at Manvere Uni- ted Church to assist ln the celèbratian e!t treir Asuiven- ary. - Reason people do se mnuch! driving around nowada>v is l that it is cheaper te drive it than to park il. De, d i4 n. IrviR ukrz Deis anti Phyllis Wbty ,Mr. and Mro. Standry ty and Janet, Mr. and i.Fe King, Oshawa;' Mr, aM Uns. Clifford Swallow, Mns. Swal- low, Sr., Maple Grave, visited witb Mr. .r4 Mns.1Harold Ouim- iston. Mns. S. Hockaday, Mn. and. Mrs. Ernest Haekaday, Solina, were with Mn. aud Mrn. Les Cocimnransd boys. Mn. and Mrs. G. Bcwnian, Rolandi anti Miss Mary Helen attended the Bea - Thompson; wedding in Whitby Presbyter- ian Ctiurch, Saturday. Mnr.and Mis. Russell B.. andi Miss Margaret Boa, Hamilton, wene weekend guesta of the' G. Bowman's.1 Miss Elsie Samis spent ai week with Mn. anti Mis.Roy NieBols, Port Carling. Mr. anti Mrs. Neil Smith and childiren, Columbus. visi t e d with the F. Seamis'. Mr. and Mms. Harold Beani- isB anîd eiidren, Oshawa,' were with the W. Bowmai's. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cowling, WBitby, were withi Mrs. R. Gniffin. Miss Louis Harsym end j tions for another yeer. 7mer* MJm Laure Fielder have re- lu an incream ini attendamu turSd to tielr tomchng paS- tOU&year. To make balla your home and wordrob. sparkls CALL Clii fcrest Cleaners 71 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PEGNE NA 3-7061 for ?ICK-UP AND DLIVU LORNE McQUAIRRIE, Irop. BEST BUY - SAVE 4cLag Quaker Instant 0ats Large 3 c BEST BUY - SAVE 4c Brvo -Spa ghetti Sauce 14 o. i'tmC BESTBUY - SAVE 6ei Lipton Trea Bags 60g. oC BEST BUY - SAVE Oc - Eddy's White Swan 8 Ags7 - Toilet Tissue Wieo BEýST BUY - SAVE 4,c - Grem - in olonted4 r 1S 9 *Spic & Span Large39 BEST BUY - SAVE 1j6e - MWaple !Àte Liquid Detergent iz( off pack- 24o.tin -71C* 4Featuren Gem Margarine 4 Lb. 1kgs. 899 1Swift's Premiuni » Blue Brand -Beef "etr"-Coc yn Short Cut48 oz. tin' .PRIME RIB 6c Tomalo Juico - 2 Y«~ 49ç «"Feature" - Chocolate, WhiIte, .R c.t IL HoneY Spice- YeIlow 6 3 Betty Crocker - Family size pkg. Sweet - Pickled - Peamealed Ck qxs-3- 7 COTTAGE ROLLS - *i. 9-Fetr" MthU'cko Store Sliced - Rindlessu 18 re - oZ. p akg.à BREAKFAST BACON -1b.89 Jify.i Crt ix 33 Swift's Brookfield - Skinless 1 lb. pkg. UFeatureP - Gerber's SAUSAGE --- 45C Baby Foods 6 ro59j Swift's Premium 4 D.elicious varieties in each pack age "Feature» Lancia PLATTERPAK Pkg. 39c Spaghetti 2Lb.Pk.9 "FEATURE"29 Free O'cello Sponge . 5 oz, bottie LYSOL DISINFECTANT 83c . Nylns c ale, Ontario - Blue Concord Buy 2 pairs for $1.78G RPE Get 1 pair for 1< 6 qt. 51 Gauge aske'N 7 9 C 15 Denier3 Prs. $1e79 New Crop FRESHFROM HE OVNS 9Fancy quality - 3.1b. cello bait Kingsdale - Chocolat. Creams, Custard BradfoMsh -5 bpLy b25r Creans, Party Mix, Duplex Creans BrdodM sh-5i.pl g 3 pkgs. 85c PGTATGES - - 29c Marsh - Crsp . No. 1 staiki SUNBEAM BAKERY FEATURES C E LE RY *-2 r15 (White or Whole Wheat) F 1S Réefrigerator Bag Birds Eye Frai.. Foodi DINNER ROLLS Doz. 27c GREEN PEAS, 12 oz. pkg. -2 for 39e LEMONJELL ROLS Fa 35cKERNEL CORN, 2 lb. poly bag --- e LEMONJELL RGLS Es 35cBROCCOLI SPEARS, 10 oz. pkg. 29C TI RED& '1 PAGZ SIX HERE'S A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVIILE - Wm. H. Tate> MAPLE GROVE* Maple Grove Groceterla KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET KJNlG ST. - BAUT OP TOWN4 UNI ORONO - Cornish Marketerià BLACKSTOCK - Blyth'0s Mar4f TM VRSDAT, %»T l"b. lm '