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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Sep 1959, p. 7

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----------ArsMN EWAN'LL.ONAO Af . beet your friends at the Bee- hive Rebekah Lodge Penny Sale, Sept. 251h. Mise Vivian Sadier spent a week at the Canadian Keswick Conference, MuAkoka. .Mr. Ernest Gardiner, Ingle- hart, is visitdng his ister, Miss Wlorcnce Gardiner, Church St. Mr. and Mrs. Orr Venning visited their cousin, Mr. Wii- fred Martin ini Oshawa Hospi- lal on Sunday. .Mrs. Harry V. Cryderman %w'h recently underwent an op- eration In Toronto returned home over the weekend. Mrs. D. M. Palmer and Mrs. Horace Porter, both of Oshawa, were weekend guests of Mrs. *rman Smith, Jackman Road. ,."Mr. Stuart Canriler, thc ed- hon o!ftits cclumn ilahaving1 a weil earned vacation at her, home here. She wiil rcturn next week. Mr&. Harry C. Ailin, Etobi-, eoke, Ontario, was in town Iast week asssting her fatheu,6 Mr. W. J. Berry, during the rush for school supplies. Ming Beverly Cowling re- tu.rned to the Universit.y cd Toronto on Tuesday to stati her third year ini Physical Eci. ucation and Health. Mr. H. F. Rogers. formerYy of Enniskilien, no* o! Calgary, Is visiting his cousin, Mr. J. R. Rogers and renewing many oI>d acquaintances in the ;vicinity.- Mrs. Ray Dilling, Mrs. Fred Goodman and Mrs. Jim Burns of Peterborough, left MaltÇ,n airport on Tuesday for a fr.w days holiday in New York. Mrs. Ralph Aines was a lupky wlnner on Sept. lOfli of a p<rt- able transistor radio, in the daily draw by the Industnial Acceptance Corp. at the CS.E. Mias Myrna Peterson, R. 3, Bowmanville and Mtiss lin- da Colwell, Horscy St., Bow- nianville, have eitered the Oshawa General Hospital as atudcnt nurses. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Orr Venùng wcre Mr. H. Coalter, Toronto; Mnr- and Mms Gordon Amnes, Lomidon, and Mn,. Ralph Wood and Eld- une, Bctcaygeon. Mr. Norman James leflt for ]Kingston on Tuesday, aftxom- panied by his parents, Mr. andf Mms Stuart R. James. Hie will enter Queens University in an Engineering Course. ?Wr. and Mrs. E. Passar* flew to Londo)n, England, lrom Mal- ton Airpont, Sept. lth. They Wll viSt relatives whonit they have not seen since conah4n to Canada 47 years ago. If you can sing and are in- terested ini enjoying y'ourself with your talent, donfIt forget that Bownianville CbSnal So- eiety practises every Moridey .vendng at thc town holI. Mr. and Mis. W. A. Layman et Bradentor4 Florida, wene guesta of Mrs. Herbert ILayman forea few deoys last w4%ek. They were surprised to fini sudi a wri cimat. in tis coamtry. 'Ming Commnander A. L. and ?J;s Ashton and Oattiie, Cen- ia, were dinvmer guesta with Mx.and Mrs. IL J. Babcock ln Saturday on flicir way hoine, after apending a week in Tfnton. It wouki be appreciated If the. parents of atudents who 1hAve left or are leaving for Ubniversity or other sdhools oexside this ara would let us ~fftve the information for our s"ext issue. Phone MA 3-3303. Thei current issue of the On- tario Gazette announces thec eraniti< o! letters patent of ancorporation tb Bowbrook In- vestments Liniited, o! Bow- 9manville and E. P. Marston Construction Co. Liited of Pont Hope. Miss n M. Holmnes, Eeth Ford o! Oshawa, Misses Anne and Jessie SItorrar and Mrs. Reveller and Mr. Stanley 0t- ton o! Toronto, Me. and Mrs. Glenn Polard, Streetgville, vis- if cd Mr. and Mrn. Wallace Hol- mies recently. Congratulations ta Miss Car- ol Plununer daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Orland Plunimen who received word that she is the recipient, o! a Dominion-Pro- vinicial Student Aid Bursary, Type A. Carol la attending Ton- onto Teacher's College. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ohanipe, Cleveland, Ohio, are visiting hen parents, Mn. and Mrs. Per- cy Hayward. Also visiting the Haywards were Miss Darlene West, Orono, Mms. Raye West, and Barry, Mn. Mibto Virtue, Tyrone and Mrs. M. Normoylc, Oshawa. Henrick H. Vain Der Gaest o! Oshawa, who has served as choirmaster o! Rehoiboth Chnis- t'Mi Reformed Church here for the Past two Ycars will assume his new duies on S'unday as organist and choirmaster o! Knox Presbyterian Oburch i n Midland. Mns. Chas. Rice, Miss E. St. ReMY, Toronto; Mr. Ross Rise, Peterborough; Mn. and Mrs. Jack Rice, Hampton; Mn. and Mns. Ken Smith, Safly and Ricky, Kingston, attendoed thec Rice-Cope wedding at River- side and visited Mr. and Mrs. Bud Rice recently. Mes. Glenholme Hughes bas netunned to Bowmianville from 'Montreal whcre she visited her aunt, Miss Madeleine de Bury. Her brothcr-i-law and sister, Dr. and Mrs. A. E. L. Darrica- des, Ohiuquiniata, MiUe, and their little daughter, Jeannie, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mr&. Hughes, a Ontario Street. Mr. W. F. Roger%, Caiga ry, Alta., who flew to New York rccently to visit his sister Mrs. C. Grace McCluskey, lanow visifing liane with his cousins,% Mn. Herb Rogers, Mr. and Mis. W. G. Morrlson. Mr. Rogers hopes to sec bis native village of Enniakillen before retunnng home. Miss Inglrid Conway le t tuila Prize Winning Nurses Lorelei Hetherington Evelyn Pasco. At thie Graduation Exercises, Sept. 2nd, for the Peterborough Civic Hospital School o! Nursing, two local girls were awarded prizes. Miss Lorelei Hetherington, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hetherington, won the prize for the highest standing in bedside nursing given by the Women's Auxiliary. Miss Evelyn Pascoe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Pascoe, Burketon, won the prize for the highest standing in Obstetrical Nursing given by the Service of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. wekfor London, Ontario, b f fructive force i our Canadieinj attend Western University to forests. In congratuilating Mn. get her degree ini Public Heal- Youngnian on his cxtremely thi and ta teach niursing. Miss informative article, he ackniow- Paf Coniway of the Ottawa Civ- ledged the compliment in his je School o! Nursing has been characteristic polite and agree- spending two weeks holidays! able manner by saymng, "Why with ber parents, Mr. and Mns. didn't you notice that was Uic Maurice Conway. Also visiting third article o! mine Sylva has last week was Mn. Jack Eggens published i the past yean?" of Royal i1tarir College, Kingston. fNearly 20 members o! Bow- nianvifle Rotary Club enjoyed 'Fniendshlp Day" as guests of Uic Oshawa Rotary Club on Mondiay when over 300 Rotar- ifins v'isited the host club. Thiose from here who could still bend after Uic unnssual car- wo&hing exercise on Saturday, took part lu a golf tourna- ment. Others went later for thc reception at Col. R. S. McLau- ghlin's estafe. An anibitious prognan de- signed to appeal to most aduits inteested lu the arts has been planned for thc fail season o! thc neading and discussi on group. It wiil be entitled "An Introduction ta fthc Hunani- fies" and conducted by E. J. P. Morley who last year <bld such a wonder!ul job with a siniiar group. For further in- formation contact the Recrea- tion Dept. office at the iÀons jConununity Centre. Aaîn if 1: Our pleasure to Uic th attention o! our read- crs to the most recent succes o! Mrs. Elsie Carruthers Lun- ney os a free-lance wniter. Mrs. Lunney's latest of!erhig is in thc field o!fanystery in fthc August issue o! Mayfair mag- azine. lt la enititled '"MTree Days at Bethaven" andniakes tas- ciating neading. If you are not a negule subscriber for fuis Imagazine you may have diffi- culfy ittaimdng on<e in Bow- nianville. lhe executive o!f *c Nome and School Association met on Wednesdîay evenirig at t he hiome o! the president, Mes. Raîpli Ares. Due to the late opcning date o! schools titis yean and field dey being h-.l-d the first Wednesdiay in Octoben, it wias decided to hold onily one Home and Sehool meeting for the fwo monts Cion usdy Octber1sf Tiismeeting wil be a "Get Acquainted Night"I for bofh feachens and parents -and will be held abt 8 o'clock i fhI Lons Centre, If Is hoped that niany will nake a note of this date and plan to attend. Kathy Hogarth 1 Wins Award forl Penmanship A high honour has been cap- tured by littie Kathy Hogarth, a granddaughfer of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hogarth, Hampton. She is a dauglifer o!fM. nd Me&s. Bruce A. Hogarth.,ItLin oîn Avenue, Pickering, formcrly of Hamipton. Competing with pupils, Grade 1 f0 Grade 13 from ail across Canada, littie Katkhy Hogarth, a Grade 1 pupil o! Churdi Street School, Pickering, won thc Award lin Pennianship at thic Canadian National Exhibi- tion. Tue presentation o! the award to Kathy was made af the Hoieraft Theatre in the! Quen Elizabeth Building by Mrs. Dunlop, wife o! Uic Min- ister o! Education. Liquor Plebisite (Continued from page one) and Poil Clerks. DRO's and Poil Clenka uarned for the vote: Deputy Returnlng 011cr Mm. Edna Anderson, Marilyn Coty, Marion Cnowe, Jean Firth, Pat Buek, Betty Depew, Elva Greenfield, C. Stire, Lucile Stunrock, Mabel Thiekson, A. T. Fletcher, Mes. E. Rundlc, Margaret Corden, Vi Cool.. Poli Clerke Mrn. Stanley Conden, Mn:. F. Smith, Marie Moses, Pat Joncs, Dôris Yourth, Ulva Lathangue, Rena Lathangue, Mrs. Myrl Dawson, Mrs. Bessie Abrams, Alice Haymnan, Mes. G. Fletch- er, Margaret Jcffery, Mm. Reta Parkin, Helen Conden. IMany Statesmen neaders wilU qq b. intenested in Uic followmng . anriouncenienjt in fticToronto r ie Globe and Mail about Mr. B o n Howe Martyn, an illustnious son (Continued from page one) o! Duxtani County. His father was believed te be Williamn Sa- was Uic late Dr. Harold Mar- very, 93-year-old f romi Newton- tyn, native o! Welcome dis- ville., trot in Hope Township and bis Jc edwsteofca mothr ws Mbel ickrdnaLstarter for thec racing heats. An- tive o! Shàw's School section, othersekrwsOtrohr now living in Strafford. To ner seak erviaseOtrohar- carr Hoe's elaionhP 1Lamb, Lindsay, who brouglit little dloser to home, he is a greetimgs from Prime Minister cousin o! Garnet Riekard, Eost of Ontario. Wanden o! tue United Counties Terwaanxcfgsqre o! Northumberland and Dur- Thdan ta eiion sartufare ham. Mr. Maefyin also bas the. cecmpt distictio o! ii ~Rhod graîîdstand entertainnient. One;i disincionof eng a hoe building was devoted exclusive- scholar. The despatch follows: lyte clicicens, another te serv- "Te Map.pntasm e o! _ing hot diniiers by fthc ladies o! Hoent an t asVfcMarketi- Grno Bowmanvilie Rotary dentmd Drecar o Maref-Club had its traditional tent ing has been announced by where tircd spectafors could Mr. E. J. Spe-ice. President ofi rest their weary bones on Canadian Food Products Ltd. chairs. The exhibits building IMr. Martyn, who has been as- held a widc variety of inside sociated with Lever Brothers "displays of cooking, fruit, dom- ,and, Harold P. Ritchie & Co.1 estîc science, school work, an Ijtd, will guide tue marketing apple display by the Newcastle and advertisÙing Programs o! Co-op and a blaod donor ap-, aIl divisions o! tue national peal !rom Uic Red Cross. food orgaization incluuding Implement dealers, car deal- Honey Dew and Picardy Caf- crs and other types o! commer- fee Shops, Industriai Food Scr- cial enterprises, including fer- vices, Hunft's and Womnan's Ba-' tilizer purveyors, were demon- kery."strafing flicir products on Uic Thor laan ttrctie, ua-infield.. Hundreds o! HoIsteins Thee s a atratie, lls-werc i evidence for thie Black trated informative and pockef 1 and White Show an annual fea- ized magazine cailed ",Sylva", turc of this fair, while in the whc spublislied six finies a enclosed corral, the heavy hzr year. The information if con- ses and other animais struffcdJ tains is designed for perusal by their sdu before thc fascinat- members o! the Dept. o! Lands Byshenconcdecewter and Forests o! Ontario and any was an added attraction duin in helping tay pnoertectd -the Saturday aftternoon when in elpng o rotct nd e-airplanes o! various types fend from waste, tue soils, wa- screamned oven the grounds, ne- ters, forests, fish and wildlife turning froan ftic air show at resources of titis land. Ini Uic the Canadian National ExhIba- July-August issue there was an tion. article by The Statesman's ver- Part o! the large prize 1sf sa4tile and popular columnnist will ho found on anotuer page Ed. Youngman. He dealt withI in this issue. The remainder Uic "Whikte Pine Killen" called I will published next week. "Ribes". Don't mistake "Rîies for "iiaies" as wc did, tliere ln a difference. Mn. Youngman explain6 thet this little pcst begirm as a tiny spore, !inally working its way along tbc whiite pine tracs eventuafly .dcstroying tue tnee by what la known as "w'hite blister rust". 'Ed describes i inimitable style how Uic foresters are fighting to eliniinate this dread disease mwhich ha: beone sucb a des- Coundi Moves (Continued froni page one) on- duty aftue Arena on Fnlay evenîngs from 7:30 t0 8:30, and again from 9:30 tc 10:15 pa.. The committi'- pointed cSocal & (Personalll Phione MA,3-3303 i fout that a policernanould en- cillor Hobbe sure the safety of tie younger ers' Associa Schildren during this busy ie, ber of the and also control trafflc. appointedb Councillor Keith Latha.ngue agemnent CG moved that the Police Depart- thec approval ment study the matter and re- was carried port to council whether or flot Preston has arrangements could be made to leave. Counc have a constable on duty at the a-190 absent. tinies requested. The motion Deputy1 was seconded by Councillor A. First, seco H. Sturrock, and carried. iixgs were g Ask for Arens Member appointing C A requcat from thec Bowman- ty Town CI ville Ratepayers' Association ond reading was forwarded to Uic Town to the Fire, Council by the Arena Manage- fllties menti< ment Conunttee asklng that a are flot moi member o! the association be first offensg permitted f0, be on tic Arena than $50 for Management Comniittee. Free Sali AUl members o! the' Town T7here wa -Ceuneil present supported a garding thec motion made by Couneflior 0. Canada this J. Presson, seconded by Coun- Hobbs, sec 5 pound bag regularly 98e 79c I.DA. Brand "Easi-Gloss" 1 lb. tin reg. 59C F LOORBwAÀX145c.,Ifor89Cj ORIENT g"'1 OBBLE D A TE 2-ounce bag 49c I.D.A. BRAND TO01L ET TISSUE Soft - in Pink, Yeliow or White 2 for 25c Ili Plastic Ramn Hat bc that the Ratepay. iation name a mcm- organization f0 be to the Arena Man- 5mmittee, subi ect to al o! the council. This ,d. Councillor Lloyd as two months sick icillor Ken Nicks was Clerk Appolnted =nd and third read- given to the By-law Clarence Oke Depu- lerk. First and sec- ks were also given earms By-law. Pen- Joncd in this By-law >re thon $25 for a se, and not more :r a second offense. Jk Vaccine Clubi as a discussion re- ýepolio situation in is season. Councillor conded by Deputy 39 Package of 3 All-Velour POWDER PUFFS Reeve Brough, nioved to have a publie centre set up in Bow- manville for free Salk Vaccine. Thit motion was carried unani- mously. WIII Form Cenictery Board A motion by Councillor A. H. Sturrock, chairman of the Cemetery Committee, that a board of management be adopt- ed for the cem-eteryý was second- ed by Councillor Presson. Two of the members of the proposed cemetery board are to be meni- bers of Bowmanvifle Town Council, and the board to be set up at the next meeing of council. $200235 lu flebentures After consideration of the new Lord Elgin School deben- tures o! $200,235 the Town Council gave autuhority to R. B. Reynolds, the Town Clerk, to obtain legal opinion on this nmotter. Councillor Sturrock, Hobbs. ouI 59C Regularly 29e -13 c I.D.A. Brand 100 ft. roll Reg. 31c WAX PAPER 2.8c, 2f or 55 C Under chin tics. In printed designs I-Ieafing Pad " rat Master" Electric Pad.3 9 Heatig PadWarm ayoneiderdown cover. Regulariy 4.95 39 fHot-V/a fer Baffle tha ilgv gserv$tice. 8 vle79c Vacuumn Baffle Two-toned e5nmee fiish. leg. 98e 7 9c Bathroom S cale Accularyi6954.95 I.DA. Brand Bath Size Pack of 6 A baby shower kif t that's reaiiy useful! CO D CR1 .D.A. Brand "Modernage" COL CRAMPENCILS DIAPER BAG SOA P Ail are HB (medium soft) Washabie quilted plastic with fuil top Pink, White Contains aoi and have eraser tip. Reg. 29e zipper, shouider strap and 2 bottie hoiders. Reg. n 2 c 18 2 for 29e 2 for 2.5c onyel5ue9 ___-._1.39 WHITE UNBREAKABLE N Y LON cO0N 3s One cuit one dres"lg, one bobby and two pocket combu 80C value ail 5 for 49c I.DA. BRAND NAPKINS, White 70'9 - Reg. lSc 16c 2 for 31c W. Deliver PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIAITY McG reg or, Your Local I.DA Drug Store '. -I » Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 -N4 seconded by CouncillorPr... son, made thie motion. If was nioved by Deputy Reeve Brough, seconded by Councillor Hobbs, that the. fi- nance teommittee be given pow- er f0 act when the debenture prîces are received. This was carried. Deputy Reeve Brough also moved that the account o! H. M. Brooks o! $19,563, for Arena renovation b. pald. A communication from W. M. Abernethy askmng whether or flot if would be necessary for him to build a road if he has a bouse built on some pro- perty owned by him, was re- ferred to the Planning Board. Correspondence front S. E. Olver concerning tule crossing Mearns Avenue was referred fo Uic Board of Works on a mo- tion byr Reeve W. David Hig. gon, scconded by Councillor qJJ4LL 1 6 to 2 6 atoail I.D. DRUG STORES L.D.A. BRAND - HESAVY GRADE MINERAL 0O1L Odourless and Tasteless I.DA. BRAND 1/4 GRAIN~ SACCHARIN TABLETS They dissolve fast because thcy're effervencent 500's - Reg. 55C 1000's - Reg. 79« A Trinity Unit ed Cburch Minister-Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. &thur Collisn, Mus. B., LKS.M 11:00 a.m. - "Miy Problem 1: Me" 12:10 p.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL A FRIZNDLY WELCOME TO ALL REHOBOTH CHRiSTIAN REFORMED CHURCH &ScogStreet, Bowmanvill. P4ORNINE SERVICE - 10:00 a.mL. Engiish EVENING SERVICE - 7:30 p.m .-I)utch SUNDAY SCHOOL &FTER MORNING SERVICE t1Back To God Hour"" Broadcaut CKli, Oshawa, at 3 p.m. .very Susd.y 3:30 adn. evezy Suaday, CFRB WANTED. EDES FOI BOWMANVI LLE CHORAL GROUP Practises held in Town Hall Mondays ai 8:00 p.m. HUGH MARTIN, Dfrector DOIWTHY PAYNE, Piaui A warm weicome .xtend.d te ail oid and new membems 1 - 16 oz. - Reg. 55a 43c -il Jeanette Brand BATH SALTS 1 Alex. -40 oz. - Reg. 1.10 87c 1 ""MAT. MPT 17114 U» TM C&WAZRM , BOWMANVMLLF, ONTAMO PAGE 9c 3-57921 39c 79c 1 Raérftwel Phone MA

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