-. ~ -r ~. PAGE ZIGEIT - T! CAADIN WATUMN, OWMNVUZ.OIRTAMlO THURSDAY. SEPT l7tb. il BY OOrYURR . Now that 1 amn honme, Imci- dentally preparing for another trip, I Mie to look back ta the meent day when 1 took t'e Dayliner from Regina to Sas Icatcoon. I was thrilled at thie Urne ta flnd that for miles we rocketed aiong lut the exten- ded verdant growth cf thie lower Qu'Appelle Valey. Fat, eleek cattie grazed on thie lush qraes and seemed alm'ost su-, W intelligent as they avoided e noxiaus areas that seemed no ternpting. covered with pra- trie sage. From, my wlndow 1 eould sec thie farine where beaste could boast an owner. They were quite different fromrny idea cf western homesteads. Thc houses were triman sd neat and ibesides ecdionc was a healthy kitchen garden. Thie barns w e r e disappointingly siail, but then I rcallzcd most of Uic catti. are sold for beef aiter they have fattened ail summer on thie range. Wild roses and pale plnk znorning glanies twiaed about the fences along Uic tracks and at anc stop I saw a sign that mntrigued me. It took up ail of the flat front ai Uic littie store and r e a d 'Vickery'a Gen. Store", Uic abbreviatlon mean- iug tAie store's stock consisted of everything £romn soda crack- ers ta higA rubber boots. Inaa "Gen" store on thie prairies, I arn tald, you can buy almost everything f rom corset stays ta pumpkm seeds. TAie red and gold sunset, low on tAie horizon, made me feel that old Sol intended floating night into the Dayliner for thie night. In Uic mountains, or in any cther part ai Canada 1 have visited so far, onc looks up ta thie setting sun. Not s0 on thie prairies. There Uic sun sems ta be laying tAc promis- cd pot of gold from thie end cf Uic rainbow right at one feet as it slips below Uic flat, tAin linc oi far-away pastures. I awakened next morning weil on my way to Uic west coast. Beside the tracks, motor- ists raccd along Uic Trans-Can- ada Highway every turne it came lu view. Where several cf Uiem Aad purchased thc sut- lers oi deer Uicy Aad strapped on top ai thcir cars. j could onfly gues. They were not an unconinon sight, nailed ta thie doorways af cabins that ding ta tAie railway right-oi-way. ln fact, I grcw.quite accuaton-, *e*eee*eeeeeeee*eeeeeeeeeêeeeeeê..1 TAKE with #tep *ztenaioz ,phones UT EASY th due J* 'r6èdeF-cM your to1.phonê basin... @fflo% ed to seeing bear or deer skias etretched on barne, or sheds, ln somne stage of belng cured. These either end Up on thie floor of thie natives buts or ln saine posAi den of the perpet- ual touriste, for thc inhabitants have a price on everything thcy own, it la said. Ater we passed Hinton, Alta., where Mountains af cut wood attestcd ta thie iact that here was the largest pulp and, paper il lun thewest, 1 not- iced thie wlld flowere had cha-. ged chai-acter. Where mauve and yellow lied PredOminated in tAie colour spectrum. of Uic prairies, now vivid orange and Uic rcd cf theie ndian Paint Brush and wild galardias pain- ted the acene with a bright splash. We had a haif-hour stop> et Jasper and, ase I wsta viuit this haven lu Uic heart ai the Mountains only on My retur». journeYe I strofled lu leisurely fashioti up thie main drag. I should neyer enter a ehap, or ask touriste where tAiey bought thc "eute little covered wa. gon", for it Io one aure way ai rurn$ng the rluk et misslng My trai. .I was waltlng for my change lu a fascinatn Jasper shop ainiPly jammed w 1th giits guaranteed ta capture a n y taurist, when I looked at my watch and realized I had Just two Minutes ta run twoblock4 and board the train before it puiled out ai the station. Clut- ching thie miniature cavered wagon, twelve scenic postcards and a souvenir brochure ai Jasper Park, I sprintcd 111<. a deer down that hot street, over a low cobblestone fence, and arrived at thie tracks just as a sympathctlc conductor, who had beca wetching niy pro- gress, gave the signal ta tAie diesgl engineer ta get golng. I was almost as breathlese later in the afternoon as day clased down on thie exciting race thie train was havlng wlth thc Fraser River. My only compensation was thAt on My return, I would sec ail this glory by daylight, for Canad- ian National Railways officiais have been thoughtful encugh ta route their crack transcon- tinental train so tbait their passengers sec all the Mount- ain glory, cither going or com- ing, on their holiday joumeiy ta the west coisut. TYRONE The September meeting 6f the W.M.S. met at Uic home of Mis. Percy Werry with a splendid attendance. President Grace Smith opcned Uic meet- ing with a pocin "Outlook and Uplook". Devotioniai Ibe m e «God le ftic Spirit." Scrlpture wue taken by Mis. A. Hamnil- ton. Mrs. R. Wright -epoke an "'Mie Lord'a Prayer" and clos- cd with reading fic hynin, "Bwreathe on Me Breath of G-ad." M. A. Hoar played a Piano solo. Mrs. R. Glaepeli rlutroduced the rew Study Book on "Africa," a dainfty lundi was served on thec lawn. Saturday eveaiag quit* a large nuraber attended thc preseatatian lu hantour oi Mr. and Mrs. Gordk>n Milleon ne. Barbara Taylor. Mr. AlberctI, ils wus MC. and asked the young couple to, tihe platiorin. Betty Phuipe pinned a corsage on Barbara Savings, too, have a- way of growing AMd lut Dek.hS, Junior Dqms euAccount, ymS SaVmp lAccowt wlfl ow wlth reg ardpout. THE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMME RCE EowMANVIlLEB&RAncii --P. J,. HOOEY, Manager N~EWCASTLE BRANCH - J. C. PORTER Manager Todaoyls Youth 'Least -Understood' Young Orator Telis CNE Group .Waher T. ýPaÏpaby of OrMlia,î chasen Ontani's top high. echool lato.n 9 was guest speak- er Motàiia(Âuigt 31) et thc Yaung 4Caueda' Day Luncheon i ait the C4Canadien National Exhi- bition in Turoîjo. The -polsed:'17-ycr-old spoke ta aPi.e S0Q0guets: et thc CNE Dimectors' - -L u n c heon taih Ae QUceA--ElixabeAi Bulking on hie favorit.etiieme; -Youth as I Sec Thenm Tody- tii Future of This Group.". Cafllng -. ils generation the 'metan4lyzed dleast rnder- «tood" ai. ar4y lunAistcryi thc YounAf gPpeker Çaid 95 per cent g group .*are decent kids, Intelligent. and conoerned about th. iutute..We knçw better what we Weat than may adulte."' Walte, the winner of thie Sec-i ondarY Sehool prepered speech divisio athie 1959 Ontiario Pub- lie .Speà)drig Contest, told his audiene'. t-t:Living in the woe]d today pilesents a chai- lenge. To méet it we need an ed- ucatian ta teich us ta think ac- curately and- quiickly.» He paid tribute to Ontario Hy- dro and 'the Ontario Schoci Tru- stees' ýand Ratepayers' Associa- tion aseponsors, of thie public speaking cotes>L whieh he said Ie makingÉ a great contribution youth by helpng them ta develop their spe.ing, ability. "uT want a Lie that is signii- fIcant and magnificant- the tact that we axe restiess con- firme that. Above all we want frgedom .*. rom fear of wan. Referring to thie cag world wtiich youili will live in the fu.ture, Walter told hils list- eners "you can be sure we will continue to be chips off thie*Id, block." Introduced* by CNE President Harry Price as a "distingulshed young Canadjian,"' Walter was presented with a replica. cf tAie medal given to Earl Mountbat- ten when he officially opened the CNE this year. Don Sumnimervifle, mnember of the- Toronto Board of Contrai and a CNE Director thanked the ,speaker for hie addrese which he cafled "thought-pro. voking and informative."1 -A Grade 13- studeit, Walter spends bis vacation and aiter- school time sea technician, pro. gmm ,Dominion. Stores Président Adres5s - CNE Directors Freedom -from Inflation Greater Growth in 60's I 'Predic, Frfedm; frIn nflation and accelcratcd national expansion durlug tie -s*was predicted last week byî Thomas G. Mc- CorniecZ Pr"sldernt of Dominion Stores Llmlited. laI an address ta ]Pirectars ci UictheCanadi4n National. Exhitbition, Aie painted onÏt thit.-food pnices. have al- ready gehiovçd. long-*tcrm ste- r1ultY gnd ,,yeven be in, for a te*, yercf decline. Mi-.- McCormacl's tatement was paýrt ai -a frecost ai boom ycars lu what Aie called "thc SSr#n Sixtie". Increaâe lu birtki rite- 'fic-- ccmlng aifage of th eW-arilme *sud 1past-war b*1bi es.icuple« fwith declining mcrtalt wlimake for thc greateet natural increase la YIpulatiann lu Cmnada's istory. adidition, *UichePresident ci Canada' lrgeet ,fod chalun id Ceciie. Piark . "ad an address, John Vaneyk DouglagIDclancy and -Jlm .Qmbzaes presented Gardon, Èâd Barbara with 4 Plàtom. RkcIér and Chrome Steç>atool. . Both- thoeiked the. comnmunity for tAie lcvely gifts, «Il sang "For TAiey are Joily gccd Fllows". Dancing was ciijoyed wltii Mrs. D. Davcy as pianist sud Henry Stinton viclinlut. Churlie %tewart ac- coinparncd lixuseli an 'the siar ad sang two numbers. Lunc wuegdoe The weather wes excellent Si Sundmy, wlth a splendid turrout for *» Decoatton Daor et Bethesda Ceanctery. TAie many' flawers were placcd on thec graves by laved once mnxd relatives. Rey. F. J. Jack- son spoke Met themenionlal service and bold Ails audience that we se curselves as pl- i ,ma on a weil trodden i-ced as members cf fthc communion cf Seints. We honour those who vjerc wortliy plgrins and ln decoratlng their graves we ame pledgiag curselves ta b. *ô'rthy ot iamhnd ta put Uic future la ouÉ éebt Collection Mr& and Mrs. Russell Philp Mra. L. Taylor, Peterborough, wcne Thuraday tea guesta ai Mr-. and bm Is. *- Phlp sand jean. Mr. and BM. Wesley Ras- kin, HranimWy R, v J. W. and' Mrs. Wilkinson, Dunbarton, were Sunay'W. guests. aiofMr. and Mm. A. Hille. Mrs. Maude 0ke Miss Mary Broonhel, Bonuàwne;Mr. and rs.ClifÔrdStapesOsAi- awa; Mr. snd lMrs. Allen Down and Elsie, -Xbenezer, werc Sun- day visitors ci bir. Everton White. Oongrgatulations to Mr. 7Fred Page who celIebrated Ails 87th birtiiday last weck. 32r. and Mn. W. Waite, Mr. and SIs.R. MD. Hodgkinson, Peter muidHam yAurore; Lin- de' Yeo, En4le;Stuart -Hocey.,.teSently vlsited Mr. and Mrs. J' Woodley snd C. W. Woodley. »-e. H. Skinner spent s fewr days with M%&n. snd Mrn. Lamne McCoy, Brooklii.. Mr. end Mrs. Norman Leach, Taunton, spent the weekend with Mr. 4id;'Mr4., ~Young- mon. Mr. sud Mn..Rov McLaugh. lin and ieunfiy' Nestletort vis- lted Mns. E. Murphy.' Mm L. Gocnuan, Bowmau- ville, vluited Mr. snd Mis. H. Skinner. Mr. and Nmi. T. tawson sud Mark, Serra, spent tAie week- end wli her parents, Mr. and MrS. J. IU*11, %&. and Mm. LSoe .Phae returnied home fflday evening. from, tlceïr trip-out West. Evcning Gràuip cf W.A. will be hcld Metthe home ai Mns. Loin. Ais, Thuréday, Sept. 24. MZr. and Mis. A. SraitA, Col- umnbus, vislted fr. 7. Scott. Mrn.d Mmr. E. Masters and chuldren vislted Mr. end Mrs. E. A. .Vlrta' '- Mm. R. J. Csasldy, -Mr. sud Mm 8. A. Cooper Toronto; 34r. J. T. Sleenun% MW issl1dm Sicommn and Mn. Wlfred Joa- es, Oshavra, woee gucets con Sunday of Mr. sud Mie. H. Breat. ,?&. edMms.M. A. Virtue and John, Mr. sud Mm. Doug- las Mller, Mrsb Elva Beckett, bir. ýdIiIto Virtue ettended thie Cole-Spicer W.dng Saturday, et Tnlnity United Church Bow- Manville. Mr. snd Mmr. C. W. Rahin, Weston, vlsited Ais brother Weaw nMd à"Mithm etd for Canada he hopéd that Canada will ab- sorb a'hikh level oa inmigration since thie contribution ai immi- grants'ta the national produc- tivity is .truly outstanding. There ls stili -large scope for increase lu tAe.Cana(Iian stand- ard of living and..se it climbs te match -that of tAie US8., food sales *w11l naturallUy, climb with it. "Ini he >only available study on thie subject figures show that Canadian level of per, capita food cçonsumption was, a few yeare, ago, only 61.3. per cent of that ofthtAe U.S.," Mr. McCor- miack oaid, -adding: "That we are g4lnlng* on eur neighbour lu certain.. respects. cmi be seen frai».the fact that our popula- tion aOver thie* past tCive years incréased at an average annual rate. ai2.7.per cent, compared ta 1.7 per.cent for the U.S,, and our grass national product 3.5 per cent comnpared ta 2.1 per cent." Pointing out that thc C.N.E. la a9 great- unifY~ing force in the Canadien -Way Wi life, and thej showcase ai 'a clearly and pat- eritly attainable goal ai risingi living' standards, Mr. McCor- mack belleved that; tAie forth-0j comiag Stewart Report would1 show that Canada has a highly1 efficient system oi food produc-j tion and distribution. "In fact1 If al thc unique problems ai. the Canadian econamy are tak- en into consideration, it is the most efficient in the world," Mr. McCormack states. "As a resuit af this efficiency the av- erage Canadian worker can buy more and better food for an hour's take-home ,pay than ever before lu hlstory." "In many ways conditions are more favourable for continued and accelerated expansion than they were 10 yeats ago," Mr. McCormack pointed out. "I believe we are entering a period ai relative freedom from infla- tion. It wouid seem that we are now at a point where thie classic financial contrais at least have a chance ta work." Inaa tribute ta Agriculture, Aie sald that a great deal oi tAie credit for stable food prices was due ta the aniazng imcrease in the productivity of agriculture. The primary producer, by ernploy. ing more and more mechaniza- tion has increased output per acre and per animal, and hase realized that greater volume at lower net profit can resuit in mare dollars. "As a resuit we, are seeing tAie graduai develop- ment ai thie super-farmn - a huge, highly mechanized, hfgAi- ly efficient and highly product- ive agriculturai unit, earning more xiet profit despltt com- paratively low prices., ducer and announcer, radie sta- tion CFOR lu Orifla. He alls public speaklug Ails favorite ht>i- by. As for thie future, Aie her*'t made Ails zmmd up yet betvmen engineering and law. How does spcaking te an en- male audience of CNE Dlrectôr and digtaries- includlng Dr4 William Dunlop, Ontario'e Mirt. ister af Education and John Yar. emko, Minister ai Transport 1% the provincial cabinet- compare with thc Ontario Hydro spemk. ing cantest finals earlier *tht year? UIt's a d!Ifferent atinosph«e. A littie tougher, I gues," reol- cd Walter with a gil. Tough or niot, Uic warm a plause ai Uic audience indlcatid thoit Walter wus far frai» belnp left speechles.. REFINED,.,PROVED FbR VOUR HEATING UNIT £sso ANOTHfER GOOD REASON FOR DEAUNG WITHUU ,,,The man you fife fa cafi" (~SSO)for FAST, EFFICIENT ss HELPFUL SERVICE ALWAYS ILOOK 7TO IMPEÏSAL FOR THE BEST A. H. Sturrock& Sons Limited PHONE MA 3.5516 BOWMANVMJL-là i N OW..e.eRIGHTNIO We a.YO U'Rm EA OR JDEEI BUTTER OFF WITH IL LET TRUC Right now your Chevrolet dealer is t.afldng the, kund cf demis that make Chevrolet trucks an even better buy than ever before. And Chevrolet trucks are the beui, truck iiqvetment you can make at any Urne. '1~eiruoerpaedpower, economy, eas of opera- tien and deep-dowa uofid construction lick every job you tacide ... yemr in, year out. Act fust Check with the-truck experte at your Chevrolet Dealer'. today. Youl bea great dealbetter off... In very way. *V isit y-our auth7orired Oaevrolet Dealer- ROY COURTICE w. C7.17WC «1 ) NIHOLS BOWMANVI LLE -- -'W - i ' 1 W.YM i - 1 m 1 1 -