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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Sep 1959, p. 9

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q'UV <CANADfIAN SATESMIAN 1 flWMANVIL.ONTARIO TRURSDAY, SEPT 24th, leu ~-...-'-.----,- .. Cartwright Deals With Complaints Against Supt At the SepTembermeeting of i pay Ray Dillng for fifllng lu Cartwright Tonbp Couneil for hlm. held in Blackstock receritly the, It was decided at the sugges- tmeies exPresaed sYmPathy 1 tion of the Road Comimissionor ;ogrding Councillor Lawrence to lay an oil and oiip patch Malcln aIlinew. The. Town- on the road near the reeldence ehip Clerk, V. Malcolm, was in- of Mrs. MciKay, Cadnius, ta structed to send a card tô stop erosion. William Arm- Counicillor Malcolmn with their strong asked for a partial oP- best wiises for a speedy recov- enlng of bis sub-dlvision by the M1. installation of a culvert and en- A request made by M. Turn- trance to wiiat wilUl e thie new er on behalf f aithe Rowan's, road. Coundil granted a request Beach Association near Cao- frora Mr. and Mm. E. Downes, sarea asklng council ta pur- Nestleton, byv lnstructing the cbase some 20 hydro poles fromn clerk to assist In finding themn 'Uxbridge Hydra to lie used in a place to stay for the. coming reinforcing the breakwater. winter. Thiis request was granteli by General accounits and roads the counicil. voucher amounting ta $22.598 A complaint was also made were passed for paymeflt. The b? M.r. Turner. He informed:, Roads Commissioner presented the counicîl that J. Harrison's bis af $2 1,000 whic-h included dog was running at large again the J. D. Adams Company ac- ai-d frightening children. The counit for $19,200, the subsidiz- Township Clerk was instructed ed amount of the cost of the to write ta Mr. Harrison and new grader. The reason for give him, a final notice that the paying this amounit now, it was Inog-catcher wiil be notified the pointed out, Is so that the gov- next tinie the dog la allowed ernments subsidy for It should off a leash. be received this year. Counicillor Merrili Van Camp, The majorlty o! the, counicil seconded by Councillor Fred after they had investigated Trewin, moved that the, trea- agreed that there was no jus- surer be instructed ta mAke out tification ai the coruplaint made acheque to the Cartwright liv Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vine re- Agricultural Society for $606, garding the road approach made and to instruct the orgaiiization ta their lane. The approach is to pay Ivan Rohrer's account of 30 feet wide and well con- $562 for bis excellent work in structed, it was found by count- painting the Arena. This was cil, also that there is sufficieut carried. Council also authoriz- roomn for even the grader and ed the usual grant of $250 for the snowplow to turn there. Itl the Agricultural Society. 1 was decided ta have the road There was a brief discussion graded. regarding a road closed sign Cartwright Townshhp Coun- weet of Walter Wright's pro- CIl answerecl atiier complaints perty. The Road Superinten- made by the Vines agaiust the dlent stated such action hadRo-ad Superintendent as fol- been ordered at a previous lows: 1. The welder used for al council meeting as the resut, minor welding repairs is theý of information received from property of the Road Superin- M. Oster. tedent. 2. Practically ail tools The Township Clerk asked sdwraleh pit ro eouncîl ta decide ta whom the pryw3 eals bis ivte pr the sehorkithe sent sioceAh- pump which is used for pumnp. beenon vacaset in Onmo-ing water for the fair, and for ad bon on vaatione.eibOno-spraying. 4. The Road Superin- tionof epuy-ReveGibontendent gets many after hours' seconded by Counilor Trewin, oeils for inspection of roads, instructions were given to have.isriecls n al ead mthaheesn oV.leomdito ng breakdowns of municipal and_________________________t machinery, and the truck isý used for ail these purposes. 5. The Road Supeintendent e- Judge Ret ur ns civs oextra enerto for ay ofthe above except that his latest contract does al- Ten Children low hlm limne off to make up forexta tme ut n, ndtwo weeks vacation plus ail legal To Parents holidays. te prvdUOa Faniily Court Judge W. R. th truck on ail municipal bus- Phiilp, Peterboroug, presîding mes but reciuested hlm not taý In te Cmmunty allHam- us Iton hus tarinas saine fax- tan, at a Custody Hearing which pOLYerso liected. began last rnonth, regarding the cdidren taken froni Mrs. Ber- tha Whyte's care in August, an BROWN'S 1¶iuraday, September 1otii, dis- posed af the cases oi ail but 10 (Tntnded fSr last week) of the 35 children whose c'is- &olgtudrwy gi tady had not yet been decided. aSt week for anoter wyaTe On Thursday 14 children atwefoanhrye.Te were muade temporary wards o! saine teachers are with us this the Chldren's Aid Society for: year, M.r. R. Bowen, Principal, periods up ta six nionths. One and Mrs. M. Payne in the Jun- child was made a permanent ilor Room. Seven beginners are ward of thie Society at the re- in Grade 1-Eddie Ryhorchuk, quest afi its parents, who were Kathy Bridger, Joati Cail, jbath present at the Custody Susan Simipson, Judy Stephen- Ifearing. ~ son, Oiatton Cowlard and Ten of te eilidren were sent I'reddle Schaal. back ta their parents on Thurs- Mrs. R. Simpson and Mtrs. W. day. The cases af the reniain- Cail spent the, weekend with ing 10 children have been ad- the Brownes at Camp Samac. journed ta October 28th, when Mises Nanciy Simpson and Lin-i the court will hold anther ses- da Cail carried on very effici- flou. ently at home. At earlier sessions Judge Home and School Club heldý Philp fouud that the 93 chld- their first meeting on Septei-1 ion who had been taken f rom ber. 8th. are stillpet Whytehaven were neglected of empty chairs. Won't you try eblldren wîthin the meanlng o! ta MI one? the ChiId Wel!are Act, and 58 mrs. H. lroy la remalning of them were returned ta their at their cottage at Rice Lake parents, or made temporary for anotiier month i order that wards of the Children's Aid Sa- Mr. Mdllroy may lie close ta bis Miïss Donna Mcllroy is, 01etY.staYing with ber sister, Mrs. Air, Rail or Steamsh £ Russel Powell eud attending 1I nErWm 1 . achool. T 1 C K EL T S TO XVERYWHERE Consut JURY h LOVELL U5 Kin.g St. W. MA 3-5778 FMNEQU4LITT MONUMENTS AND MAEKERS STAFFORD BROS. Stafford 3Bros. Monumental Works $18 Dundan St. E., Wbitbv Phone Whltby MOhawk *8-3552 ý WAiERSOFTENEý JACK DIGUGI VLUMBING and EHEATING Division $treet South 2A -5615 BOWMANVILLE Clarke Takes No Action on Water Supply On Thursday evening Sept. 10 a Joint mneeting of the Clarke Township Council aud the Or- ana Police Tr'ustees along with Mr. Sharp. aud Mre. Campbell o! the Ontario Water Resources Comniission and Mr. Barber consulting engineer of Marshall,' Macklin and Monaghan, wvas held in the ToNvnship Hallwe a thaough discussion rvle around Municipal Water for the,, Village of Orono. M. Barber outlined the po-0 posed project as well as present- ing their recon-mendation fori financing the scherne. The costJ of developing a well capable ofi supplying the wliole of the Vil.. lage with water was estimated t $30,000.00. The cost of lay- I ng a distribution system com- plete with fire hydrants alan Division St., part of Cobbledick.1 IChurch and Sonierx'ille Drive Iwas estimated at a cost of $17-! 000.00. The total cost for this first phase was sel by the en- gineers at $47,000.00. To retire this debt it wasl recomnieuded that 5.2 mils lie aportioned toa ai praperties li the Village, and that a further 17.5 conta be charged on a per foot frontage liasis where water mains were laid. Users ai wa-J ter would also pay $15 a year service charge. Mr. Campbiell pointed &ut that the average home would pay aTound $40.00 a year ta retire the deit anid ta psy the services. Mmr. Sharpe of the Commis- sion outliued the procedure ta, lie iollowed if *ei Tonhlp wus to idllow tue requost of the Police Trustees ta have uni- cipal watem started I the Vil- lage. If was also pointed out that tue presence of sufficient wster ta supply the, whole of the Village could lie obtained in the south ai tue Village. The Trustees stated that they fet it was ln the lest interests to proceed witli the project a"d requested thie TownshiP COun-~ cil to support thie project andj to enter into an agreement with the Water Resources. Deputy Reeve W.alkey stated that coun- cil could take no action at this meeting but that they would consider it on September 18th when they would be holding a special meeting. On Wednestay *ig t, Sept. 16 the Coi»icil of the Townshi of Clarke met to discuss with their lawyer, Mr. E. R.Love- kin, the drafting of a new Building By-law for the Town-' ship. Many aspects of the liy- law were dlscussed and final draftlng of the new by-law is expected shortly. Acting-reeve H. E. Wall<ey asked council for their decision eoncerning the signing of t11ie agreement witii the Water Re- sources CoxmMsion enabling them to commence to have test drilUdng atarted to establish a water supply for the Village of Orono. Bath Cauncifor Dent and the L A LdI..IVU li acting-reeve spoke in support re nch DIA guasaELE Ils oi getting thie projeet underway1 Caunciflars Stone and Save ryi C mina to anadion Club reserved their declalou i th' thie resuit that no action could lie taken.-Tinies. TYRONE f Tnt.rntipc for last weel<) His Exeeilency, Francis La- caste, French Ambassador tu Canada and Dean of the Diplo- matie Corps in Ottawa, wil be the special speaker at the No- vember meeting of the Cana- dian Club of West Durham. Mm. and Mrs. M. McCliish j Au experienced diploniat, Cookstown, Mr. Angus Fudge who has had a most iuteresting o! Sudbury, were Saturday cameer, Ambassador L.acoste visitars of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest will address the local Canadian Deeley.Club here on "France 1959." Deeley.The meeting will start at 8:15 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell and on Tuesday evening, Novein- Don, Peterboro, Mr. and Mrs. ber 24th. Arnold Fitzgerald and family, Members of the club who en- Lakefield, were Saturday even- joyed the brillant speech *given ing visitars of Mr. aud Mrs. by Larry Henderson on candi- Arthur Harvey.1 tions in the USSR when lie Mr.' Oliver Beckett received spoke at the opening meeting word ai the passing of bis un- of the organization at the Lions cie, Frank Woodley of Taronta, Couinunity Centre last week, also a relative af C. U. Woodley.'wifl l e 1Iterested ta learn that the films taken by Mr. Hen- derson on his tour of Russia recently, wil l e exlbited in Toronto later this month. On September 24th and 25th Mr. Henderson wiil show his pictures in the Eaton Auditor- ium each evening starting at 8:15 o'clock. On September 26th he will show his pictures in the afternoon. Thtis presen- tation will commence at 2:30 o'clock. Canada's pulp exports to the United States currently are ln excess o! $200.000.000 a year. Americans visited Canadla in fewer numbers in 1959 than they did ln 1958 and reduced their spending by 5 percent, the expenditure- being $309,000,000. ONTARIO THE LIQUOR NOTICE 0F LICENCE HOLDING ACT v AN Municipality of the TOWN 0F Notice is hereby given thaf pursuant fo The EIec lion Acf, 1951 (Section 88) a poil will be opened on SATURDAYJ THE 2OT DAY 0F SEPTEMBER from 8 a.m. un fil 5 p.m. and from 6 p.m. un fil 8 plume (Standard Time) The polling place. for the Municipality of the Town of Bowman ville will be located at COUNCIL CHAMBERSP TOWN HALL for the purpose of receiving the votes of voters who expect to be' absent from the Municipality on the day fixed for polling. The ballot box will be og~ened and the votes counted at 8 p.m. of Wednesdlay, the 3Oth dlay of September at the said place. Dated at Bowmanville, this 26th day of August, 1959. ROBERT B. REYNOLDS, Returning Offier l~. i j' BOWMANVI LLE. qyf 6 1 PAGE NINU wit a oloai ii.topselectIon I..k k k m'eof the weekothe hit parade. C UL~ vImL eu> An enjoyablean msg coritest was held for two vocal Entertain at quartets. ohgup an The pplase o thewinners iii. Lions Meeting dctthe Pinntr Ai Spanish onion wspeet An» excellent prograni was ed to each member of the win. rang quartet, Jack Cole, Byron arranged by Fred Cole, enter- Vanhtone. Raiph Kelly and Bill talniment éhairinan for the din- Oliver. Lemons were received ner meeting of the Bowman- by the other four, Don Willilams, ville Liosz Club held at the Stuart James, Wally Bradeu., Lions Comanunity Centre on and George White. Dexterous skill es well au Monday evenIng. The two out fine singing was demonstrated of town guests present were liv Clarence Hoekifl, Ernest Jim Porter, Newcastle, anid A. Bradley, Samn Black and Bud Varcoe, Roseneath. Mr. Varcos MSes. They sang a SPeCIal was the fortunate winner of the ziumber to the tune of «Cc>mng speclal draw prize of $5. Thr~ough the Rye,' ehanging in The birthdays of three mem- tempo as they sang. bers of the Bcwnianville Lions The next dinner meetigof Club, Hamrr Cryderinan, How- the Bowmanvile Lions Club ard Jeffery, and Bruce Sermpîs, will lie held on Moriday even- were celebrated. Rossa taf ig September 28th at the a talented pianist. entertained'1 àS Centre. 1

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