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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Sep 1959, p. 10

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PAGE TEif THE CANADIAY STATESMAN. EOWMANVILLN, ONTARJO rmm~nAv C"fleI' *a~L lamA -~ A &TLU, IUiJU E ~ WESLEY VILLE Past Rotary DitrctGovernori Prienedsoel fr -n T!lsFntoso ertra At Rotary tnt. Headquarters The potential of Rotai-y is un- Iimited, Maurice Rector, Toi-on- to, a former Governor of Rotary District 707, told the Bowman- ville Rotai-y Club luncheon ineeting, which was held at the PlYing Dutchrnan Motor Hotel Oni Priday Mi-. Rector urged outstanding Rotarians to go ahead and assume offices with added responsibilities in Rotai-y International. Out o! town guests present t the meeting in addition to the &pecial speaker were: Char-les Gardner, Detroit: George Slo - cum, Lance Beath, K. E. Mar- kie, and Allan Evans, ail of' Oshawa. Walter DeGeer, who is also Bt Past Governor of Rotar-y Dis- 00 3-2281 178Z trict 707, introduced the speak- er. Hie said that Mi'. Rector, a member of the Leaside Rotary Club, has a fine record o! achie- vement durin.g bis term of Dis- trict-Governor in 1955-56.Mr It was pointed out byMr DeGeer that during his own term of office as District-Gov- ernor he had found that among his finest experiences were his meetings with outstanding men, who had been both co-opera- tive end helpful to him. He spoke o! the particular assist- ance given him by Maurice Rec- toi-. He added that Mi-. Rector had excellent qualities o! lead- ership, and said that he espe- cially valued his friendship. Following his term as Gov- ernor of District 707 Mr. Rec- toi' became a Rotai-y Counéil- loi-, Mi-. DeGeer told his fellow members. He explained that a Gevernor visits ail the clubs in his own district and helps them in every way possible. A Ro- tary Councillor visits clubs in ather districts. He also con- ducts Rotary Institutes, in dif- ferent districts, Mi-. DeGeer stated. Mr. Rector is now a member of the Rotai-y Foundation De- velopment commnittee of Rotar-y International, and ia doing good woi'k in this capacity, Mr. De Geer asserted. Hie remai'ked as the luncheon meeting was in charge of the Information Com- 'mjttee of the Bowmanville Ro- tary Club, he believed it fitting that the subi ect of Mi-. Rector's addreiss was ta be "The Sacre- tariat of Rotar-y International". The members of the govern- ing body cf Rotar'y Internation- al the board, are elected by the member Rotai-y Clubs through- out the world, Mi-. Reotor sta r ted. The Rotary Internationali -Seci-etariat's service is of in-eal- t alable importance, hie 'aid. To Serve and Assist The function of the Secretar- iat îs te serve and assist the of- ficers and members o aIl] Ro- tai-y Clubs te achieve the ob- Ljects and ideals of Rotar-y, be expiained. It works *10 be of service in Rotan, organization, but does flot create programs. Founded Fifty Years Ago Mi-. Rector reminided the club members thal. Rotarv Was founded 50 years ago by pid-au tical and fairsighlted men. III 1910 the 16 R.otary Clubs then in existence joined in ani asso- ciation. and the first Secretar- iat was organized. The secretary*s office formed a headquarters th cou ph which the different clubs co uld learii of successful mnethods of other fRotai-y Clubs, and also to avoi mistakes which bail been p- fails to others. It seî'vecl as a clearing house for information, and made idea-s and literattire available t ail] Rotary Clubs, the speaker explained. Situated in Illinois Rie lauded the xvork done by George Means, the secretary- general, and claimed that the Secretariat now situated at Evanston, Illinois, is of im- ýmense assistance to Rotarians. Mi-. Rector mentioned ta the secretary-general bas des- cribed the Secretariat as a ser- vice station for the world. If serves as manager for Rotary International, under the con- trol of the president. MVr. Rec- toi- stated. lie added that it also serves the Rotai-y Founldation Development Committee ini se- cretarial duties. The Rotai-y International Se- cretariait at Evanston, Illinois, lias a staff of 170 people, hie said. There is also, a Rotary In- ternational Secretariat Office in Zurich, Switzerland, with 15 erhployees. Mi-. Rector remark- ed that the Secretariat Office for Great Britain and Trelanri la ]ocated In London, England. More Than 15 Languages lie spoke of the multiple Ian- guage proficiency of the staff of the Secretariýat. In Evanston there are more th-an 60 who speak 15 languýages plus En g-I lish. A language other th ani EngILsh la the mother tonguel of 27 members of the staff there. The well organized and efficient staff was commended by Maurice Rector. Money in 40 Countrles Nie told o! the foreign ex- change problemi Rotary has Rotary International bas money in batiks in 40 different coun- tries, hie explained. Dwight Pat- terson looks after the Eastern. Hemisphere and Latin Ameni- can clubs ai-e taken cane o! in this 'regard by a lea ding Rotai- !an, in Cuba, he explained. Mr'. Rector was emphatic 4-n his pi-aise cf Rolarv litera-ture. lie told. o! the valuable books. magazines. and pamphlets sent, out by the Rotai-y Internlational Secretariat in Evanston. lie spoke o! the vast mail handled by that office, and said thati there were more than 380,000 items of mail i-eceived there last year. The outgoing mail in the saine period amounted to 1,100,000 items. 500,000 On Mailing List The Secretariat has 500,000 people on its mnailing lis;t whicb includes club pnesidents, com-i mittee chairman and, district governors, Mir. Rector toid the' Bowmanville Rotarians. He des- c'ribed the Rotar-y Internation- ai Secretariat's print shop at Evanston, and the huge amount cf literature prepared. edited, reviewed. and kept up to date. The people who work for the Secretaniat are well eulucated, 1, highly motivated with a desii-e te serve the public. and dedici- ted to Rotary pî'itciplesý. tfl former District Governor se- ed. He mentioned the m-eeting j of the Rotai-y Ibternain i Foundation Development Cem rnittee hcld there recently when he and four otner memnbers were assistcd bx- the staff. At 1h enu-i-of -thr avUelbea t.ive address, Rex Walters, past president cf the Bownmanville Rotai-y Club. i-eferred Io bis ex- cellent record as a speaker on the principles of Rotai-y. He ex- pressed gratitude for the help given -hlmr by Mr. Rector t-wo jiears age when ha bad been section chairman of a Rotai-y Institute session in Whitby. R. P. Rickaby. lst vice-pi-e- sident cf the club. who presid- ed at the luncheon meeting in tlhe absence of the president, George Vice, aise expressed ap- )i-eciation o! the speech 'given by Mr-. Rector. littie people in Port Britain on Saturday when their make be- lieve car toppled over on them. Two boys were taken to Port Hope hospit-al for treatment. William Matyek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Metro Matyek. was able to return home after several stitches closed a wound on his head, but Wayne Clarke, son o! Mr-. and Mrs. Fred M~arke, re- mained in hospital for x-rays and observation. He also re- ceived a cut on the head. Congratulations ta Mrs. Kath- leen Tutt who celebrated her 80t.h birthday Iast Wednesday. She was entertained at the home of Mi'. and Mrs. Arnold Austini and honoured by the presence of al the members of the f amily, whose home hae been hers for weUl over thirty years. Ail her friends wish her rnany happy returns. The heavy frost o! the past week blackened some of the tomato and cucumber vines, but harvesting of the main crops is almost completed and farmers are preparing the ground for another year. Mrs. Green of the s;taff of the Arthur and Isabella Meighen Home in Toronto, visîted with the Toppin sisters this past weekend and Mrs. Cassie G- ver of Oshawa spent a few day0s with her sister, Mrs. L. Hold- away. for FAST, EFFICIENT HELPFUL SERVICE e IEIAL f SERVICE ALWAYS LOOK To UMPERIAL FOR TH1E BESI A. H. Sturrock & Sons Lim ited IPHONE IMA 3-5516 BOINMAN VILLE: are rYnly po orl peuple. wîitýh - mroney. à going New Officers Elected atl COF Meeting Maple Leaf Circle 143 of the Companions of the Forest held i-ts first meeting of the season on Thursdiay evenîng, Septem- ber 17th, ini the Union Hall, King Street. Worthy Chiel Compenion Rena Bathgate presided, and Companion Hilda Humphrey gave an interesting report on the Court Cii-cie of the Ancient Order o! the Compan- ions of the For-est Convention which was held this month at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Companion Nina Clarke, nom- ination chairman, presided dur- ing the election o! officers for the coming year. The scrutin- eers were Companion Gladys Willetts, Companion Polly Tkatch and Companion Beryl Hughes. Officers elected were: Worthy Chief Companion Rena Bath- gate, Worthy Sub-Chief Com- panion Rose Bate; Secretary, Companion 4Iilda Humphrey; Treasurer, Companion Rita Par- km;, Right Guide, Companion Evelyn Beard; Left Guide, Com- panion Jean Linton;, Chaplain, Companion Jean Wood; Inner Guard. C ominpan i on Beryl Hughes, Outer Guard Compan- ion Henrietta Corden; Pianist, Coempsn" B. SmM4 ,Assstant Piatist, ConiWanion Martha Goudy; Audîtors, Companion Bieen Large, CompaM~on Polly Tkatch, Comparuon Rose Bate; Truste" ConPankon Nina Clarke, Compa.nion Annie Wright;,amd Conpenion Rena Bathgat. OBITUÀRY MIRS. ALBERT OKE Mirs. Albert Oke passed away suddenlY at Enniskillen on Sep- teitiber 6th, 1959. Deceased wajs bai-n 74 years aga in the Town- ship of Cartwright and moved to Darlin.gton Townshiip at the ege Of 13. On Deoember 2, 1914, she was inrried and she and her husband farmed on the 9th Concession of Dearlington until nane years ago when they mov- ed ta Ennisklllen. She was the only daughter of the late Mr'. and Mirs. David Ferguson. Mrs. Oke had enjoyed good health until the time of her death. The funeral service on Sept. Tura Old Furnilure - liaCash with STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MArket 3-3303 Ml from the Morris Funeal 1 Besides her husband, Mrs,, ChaPel, Bowm.nville, wu5 con-1 Oke is survived by one son and ducted by Rev. W. A. Logan'oeduhrCmonO , and largely attended by re- oeduheCmrnOe latives and frIends. Osh1awa, and Merle (Mrs. Clar- ence Avery), Burketon; also Pallbearers were L. Bradley,1 four grand-ch!Idren and foUr B. J. Johnson, A. Sharp, E. A.1 brothers. Harry Ferguson, Osý Werry, John Siemon and C. Pe- 1 awa. Fred of Bowmanvi'Iie, t.hick. 'Bert and Walter of Enniskillen. -'z To make bath yaur home and wardrobe sparkle CALL Cliffcrest Cleaners 71 KING ST. E. BOWMAN VILLE PHONE MA 3-7061 for PICK-UP AND DELIVERY LORNE McQUARRIE, Prop. _____________I I Bowmanville needs factories to ease the tax Ioad from the householder. Industry is flowing steadily into Whitby, Oshawa, Port Hope and Cobourg. Industries locate in towns with Iicensed outiets. Why does inclustry avoici Bowmanville, in spite of a ustry wants a Jusi what Pasi voies have shawn that the majority in ihis town believe that lounge and dinîny lounge licences will ho advanfageaus to Dawmanville. Many ai aur citizens do nal drink, but do they really wanita deny the privilege Io the majorify ai aur fowns- people and visiiors, mare af whom will came hors if yon mark X opposite the YES on your ballots. Was Bowmanville one of the Ontario communities 1959## Laws ta be changed?" The Drys sf aie Ihai Imeage drinking lu an the increase. Teenagers huy liquor front bootleggers, they cannai buy il ai auiharized stores and lounges. Legitimale oullets sîamp oui boollegging. Licensed promises are prohibiied front sellinq la teen- agers. Published by the Community Advancement Association Which is NOT backed by brewers or dlistillers CLENHOLNE HUGHES President, C.A.A. j TA G DAY TO BENEFIT UNICEF (The United Nations Children's Fund) FRIDAY andi SATURDAY OCT. 2nd andi OCT. 3 rd Sponsored by Bowmanville Business and Professional Women's Club *FGR ALL THE WORLD'S CHILDREN'D SAE * S URE ***CLEAN ANOTHER GOOD REASON FOR DEALING WITH.aSa. "The mani you like to cail"" high[y budgeted Industrial Commission? dInI progr essive town with good social standards. makes our standards different?' Prince Philip referred to when lie asked on JuIy 3, "When are these obsolete and old fashioned Liquor PAGE Tm - THE CAlqADIffl STATESBLffl, BO'Výý, ONTARIO TEIURSDAV- -qr.Plr qui6 ienik 1 n'hv envv r,*ch T>eopie' Thev 1 Lî 1 -iàî

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