THUBSDAT, zSEPT 24th. 1959 THE CAMADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANV1LLE. ONTARIOPAE LVm Storks entertained the mnem- Henry Copeland at Oakwood. bers with pictures. Lion Frank Mr. and Jim Laverty, *rjeted a film taken at the Theresa and Colleen, accompan- .11 ionsc Club Convention, which ied by Mrs. Gladys Hale, ___________________________he attended, held this year in Greenville, Pennsylvania, and showed coloured sLides taken visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ire-th iy fWnso.LonBhEga UyS. or oe Goron gne, dilr ~~in the village and district. The land, Nowo, LO O D D O N O R GodnAneEiorPoe361 temembers. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beech, ________________________________________________________________________a-n nd Bonnie, visitedMrcii and Mrs. Stewnart RPrmnn. cu- Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Moore oÉ Streetsville were Sunday visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Allen and Miss Isobel Allen, North Street. Mr. Moore is the me icpal aoflthe Cooksvile High rMl- and Mrs. H. C. Dennis were in Osh.awa on Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. El- don Polard. The many friends of Mrs. Perey- Hare will be sorry ta learni that she is a patient in THE FURNACE WITH A 10-YEAR WARRANTY IFAIlRBAUn"S- MOR AS E GOULD HEATING Phone 4331 Newcastle Budget Terms Available at only 5% Interest fMemorial Hospital, Bowmian- jville, and will jain us in wish- ing her a speedy and complete recovery. Mr.Pan Mrs. Gardon Britton ofPntypool were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bernard and Erie. 7 Dr. and Mrs. W. H. MacDon- ald of Toronto and Mrs. Mar- janie Cunninghamn of Bowman- ville were Sunday visitons withý IMr. and, Mrs. H. S. Brittan. 1 Recent visitons with Mrs. Fred Couch, Mrs. Samis and Mr. L. 1Allun were Mr. and Mns. Ernie iWelch and Mn. and Mrs. Reg., of Toronto, Mr. He- ber Down of Bnooklin and Mrs. Hayes of Columbus. Mrs. E. C. Hoar visited with friends in Bowmanville on Tuesday. Mr. Ralph Murray spent last week visiting with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Murray in Foxboro. Mrs. George Smith spent a few days visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Glass in Kendal. MANVERS STATION Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hud- son. Toronto, were Thursday evening guests with Mn. and Mrs. Wilmot Horner. The Misses Viola Lee, Leone Lashmar, Madeline Boggs and Verna Porter spent the week- end at Niagara Falls. Harvest Home Service was held on Sunday evening, Sept. 13, at Trinity Anglican Church, with Rev. Geo. E. Meades in charge and their own choir assisted in the service af sang. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Derusha and Murray visited fiends in Uxbridge on Saturday. Several fromn here attended the 97th anniversary of "The White Church on the Hill" at Yelvertan on Sunday. From the display of flowers decor&t- ing the church, the frost must have missed that district. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron and faînily, Zian Line, have moved inta the apartment at Mervin Bowin's, formerly occupied by Bob Youngman. *1958 PLYMOUTH TUDOR 1957 PLYNUME SEDAN 1957 RANCHWAGON 1957 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1954 PONTIAC SEDAN 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 1949 Siudebaker Sedan- $99.00 CAR VETH MOTORS FORD - EDSEL DEALER Newcastle Phone 3251 OFFICIAL OPENING You and your fniends are cordially invited to attend the Officiai Opening of the NEW ADDITION to the HOME FOR SENIOR CITIZENS ini the United Counties of Northumberland and Durbain "Golden Plough Lodge' William St., Cobourg 'f59 at 2:00 p.m. Sirned on behaif of the Warden and Council IL SYMONS, Counties' Clerk Alter the Opening Ceremonies, It is hoped that everyone wil stay to tour the building. Light Refreshments will be Served. k r,, h~. Juniors Win and Lose fln OBA Semi-Finals 'Final Game Here Toda) NEWCASTLE - A basebail In Sunday's heartbreakjr game in the local park this af- twelfth inning defeat Kel ternoon starting at four oclock (Ted) Lane went 8 inningsc will decide whether the local the mound holding the Merl Junior B Merchants will get a ton team to one run but r- crack at the Ontario Junior B inta tough luck i the ni Championship or bang up their inning and was relieved spiked shoes for another season. Carleton. At the end of nine ii The local boys won over Mer- nings the. score stood at 3-a riton 3 to 1 here on Sunday af- forcing the game into extra ii ternoon and lost a heartbreak- nings. Bath teams went scori er 5 to 4 ini Merriton on Sunday less ini the 1Oth inning and eac in 12 innings. The winner of scored one in the llth mnakix this afternoon's game will meet it four ail. the winner Strathroy-Walker- Ith fal 2 ing.l ton.seris onSatuday fte- McCullough hi t a single ta stai faon, September 26th, in the off the inning but the n first game of the Ontario finals .he btes et oniei for the Provincial Champion- tdre I thr eot o ofithe 1 ship in the Junior "B" group-de. the irst M rnofbtheer2w ing. tefrtMertnbatr In the game here last Satur- srck out, the second walke day Lefty (Bob) Osborne pitch- and the third batter went ot ed a steady garne for the local on a layfo mndutain t.eT12t squad until the seventh when -ihtw e oti te1 he was forced by injurv to -iinn ng the next twa batters sir tire when hit in the wrist bv gled ta drive in the winnin a line drive. Eric Carleton went run. to the mound t.a complete the It should be a top-natoh garn game an.d held the visitors for in the local park this afternoo the 3-1 vidai-y. at four, don't miss it! Bowling Committee Makes Real Progress NEWCASTLE - Following ings the concrete floorv wceks of talk the Newcastle ken up and dug out ta Community Bowling Commit- oi twelve inches toa ah, tee have really started don for thc alley pits ta lx things. hast Wednesday after place. The art of wei naon about 15 strong men from sledge hammer seems the village assemrbled at the aid gone out af fashion as Martin Bowling Academy in the volunteens leanned Bowmanville where, by means very st ,rt speil with t af much brute strength, the ai- mer. Icys wene loaded on a Preston On Wednesday even: Transport and brought ta New- back-breaking job of taP castle wherc they wvere unîoad_ rubble and gra vel from cd into the basement of the was und entaken, and cammunity hall. This was no again the Committee wi job for weaklings as can be thank evenyane who seen by the assortment of heavy_ with a special vote of matenial scattered around the -to Harold and Bill Couc basemet flor. inaddition ta thein labo basmen flor.donatcd the use ai thei The thanks of the Committee truck, and ta Seldon Pai goes out ta each and every the loan of bis conveyi anc who took part in this op- chine without w'hich eration. Commencing the pre- afraid the men would vious Friday evening much canrying pails of rubble work and a lot of noise had the basement. been going on at the north end The men now have af thé basement as the old space ta the floor to fil stage was taken apart board cernent and are then re, by board. the contractons ta begin Monday and Tuesday even- the alîcys in place. 'Woman 's Association Wiees b Makes $10 Donationto BRSSARC Golden Plough Lodge LA R D NEWCASTLE- nie reguiar1 meeting af the Woman's Asso- fiation of the Newcastle United Church met ini the Sunday School hall on Thursday, Sep- tember 17th with eighteen members in attendance. The Devotianal service was conduoted by thc South East Group. Mrs. J. H. Jase read the scriptune lesson with commen- tary by Mrs. C. Carveth and the group repeated the Lards Prayer. Mvrs. Clarence Allun presided for the business part of the meeting and it was reported 2ï sick caîls had been made. Mrs. C. Cowan gave a complete re- port on the kitchen commit- tees work and plans wenç- made by the ladies ta purchase more j equipment. There wa.s consid-1 e rable discussion regarding thel time of the general meetinrsj and it was decided ta stant ~Lions B For Boy NEWtIASTLE - them at 2:30 p.m. beginning in Novemben, and continuing No. 1 GRADE until Eastertime. A motion af thanks was pass-0 ed ta Mrs. C. Cowan for ber donation of eighteen loveiy bud ___ vases for table decoration. Mrs. Garnet Rickard spokecon ta the ladies telling them of a 9_______________________ formed ta work for the Golden SERVE CHILLED - SERVE OFTEN ?lough Lodge ta, add a littie AYLMER FANCY more comforts to the eldenly people. The Golden Plough Lodge is the new name gîven r T - ta the Counties Nome faor thel renovated and a new additionAgdwihbsrcnl enit added. The group authorized a,________________________ nedollars ta thi CHILDREN LOVE IT IN SANDWICHES The meeting was brought ta TILLEY DELICIOUS a close with the serving of ne- freshments and a friendly chati and it was announced the next regular meeting would be held - )iscuss Draw NTE ESTOABNU ovling Alleys 0TE ESTOA OU he reFru-. wLion-q cn r it lar meeting ofth Newcastle dining-room aof the Queen's HO-j tel on Thursday evening with I lst vice-president Lion Frank Hoar presiding in the absence- Brownesaoft.he president w'ho was at- Hon r T eir tending a zone meeting in Lit- teBritain. flon r T eirFollowing the deliclous diii- I ner Lion Frank presided for a P ack Leaders business discussion in which the matter of the draw for a jNEWCASTLE - The fîrst $500 bond received prominence. meeting af the Newcastle There wil be 1000 tickets prin- i Brownie Pack was a veny sur- ted ta 'scll at $ 1.00 each ,nlhl prising and enjoyable anc. Se- the winning ticket to be drawn venteen of the aider Brawnies about Christmas time with a had gone on a camping week- $500 prize. end at Camp Samac the pre- The new community bowling j vious weekend and these alley was discussed at somei thoughtful littie girls wanted leiagth and the members decid- ta show their appreciation ta ed that in order ta hclp with their leaders for the auting. the financin.g of this pro- They presented Mrs. Rudeil, ject the club would con-; Mrs. Si.mpson, Mrs. Cail and duct another draw, similan hfiss Joan Young with a small ta thc above mentioned~ early gift. ini the ncw year with the pra-I Frances Hoar gave a very ceeds going to the Bowling nice reading and the girls serv- Committce. ed sandwiches, cookies and a It waM announced that the- loveiy cake unscribed with the, speaker at the next regular' words "Thank You' on the meeting ai the club would be icing. The girls then pnesented Mr. Cam Harris who wlll be a &mail program of singing and explaining in detail the work- dancing. Mrs. Rudeil and the ings af the Minute Man Resus-. Brawnie lea--s then respond- 1 citator. This wlll explain mare ed with a few words af thanks fully ta the members thie value and the regular meeting pro- aof such a machine ta the vil- ceeded. 1 lage. The local volunteer Fire Nine new Tweenies were Department suggested purchase welcomed unto the pack and ai of such a machine ta the haut couple ai reîay games were en- meeting of the club. iayed befare the meeting closed$ Followig the business meet- wath Tap& ing Lions Frank Hoar and Bill .~ I _ 1 - ,Tlewcastle cSocal anad £ersonai Wednesday, October 7., 1 1 1. %yvilyr, à C2 MNT 'w Mn-