I -. ----"----~I - - -. - --~----~ - TBE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVEULE. ONTARJO THURSDAY, SEPT 24th, 1950 P~SPO RTopICSI By Frank Mohun MA 3-7234 JUVENILE BASEBALL After losing the first gaine, Bowmanville Olympias bounced back to defeat Ajax, 8-1 and 3-1, to take the best of three series. lI the rubber match, last Saturday, Jin Moorcraft came up with another fine pitching effort, backed up by a sensational game- saving catch by left-fielder Grant Wright. Rival moundsman, McCartney, fanned 18 Bowmanville batters, while holding the locals to three bits, two off the bat of Don Bagneil. Bagnell's second safety drove in the first run. Daring base-running by Moorcraft and Alex Wiseman gave the Olympias their actual winning margin without the benefit of a bit. Bowmanville will meet Napanee in the next round of O.B.A. play. i. i. . i. i SOCCER Is history about to repeat, in the Senior finals? There wifl be a new champion, with Maple Grove out of the running, but if Zion runs according to form, Courtice can dlaim the title right now. For three years now, Zion has reached the finals, but on the two previeus occasions they lost. Saturday night they got off on the wrong foot again, dropping the first game by a 2-1 count. A Zion win last night would force a third and deciding encounter this Saturday night, 6:00 p.m., in Courtice. i. t t t t ANYONE FOR HOCKEY? Last week, while writing our stery about the safety features at the Arena, this reporter was also thinking about the hockey situation in Bowmanville. Apart froin our ninor hockey set-up, nothing definite seems to be available as yet. A meeting of the Eastern Ontario Intermediate group, last nîght, in Fort Hope, should produce the facts concerning future hockey in this area. A report will appear ini next week's Statesman, regarding this meeting. At present, it appears that either Junior or Intermediate wUll be the main category, wbich will represent the town. The amount of meney whicb the B.O.C.'s lost last season points up the folly in baving another club of this type. No doubt with the new import ruling now in effect, the Combines would be stronger than ever. But with littie fan support aleng with the heavy expenses incurred by the long road trips we can only foresee financial ioss again. One thing would definitely help the situation-A compact league with very littie travel. Stili, the fans probably won't turn out until we have either a Bowman vifle-Orono club with na imports, or one largely bomebrew entry frein each place. But one thing for sure, the trips to Kingston and Napanee are out. I don't know what the situation is in the other towns, but in ail probability their financial outlook isn't toe rosy. If Cobourg, Port Hope, Lindsay, Lakefieid, Orono and Bowmanville could get together and form an Intermediate League, cornposed of local talent (the way it was a few years ago), expenses would be lower, the local players would be able to play and it is toi be hoped that the fans would be more interested. lI this regard, Bowmanville bas a great number of good players from which to forin a teain. However, this reporter doesn't know bow many homebrews of Intermediate calibre exist elsewhere. Along the line of local talent, the forming of a Junior "1C" tearn, using Bowrnanville players as a nucleus, has been mention- cd. lI this respect, former Arena Manager Bob Watt bas spent a great deai cf Urne, attempting ta lime up a league, where little travelling would be involved. To date, Cobourg and Brooklin appear to be interested, but once more nothing is definite as yet.I THE ""GOOD OLD DAYS" WEREN'T Bill Steven 50 GOOD '1here's hardly a day goes by that one person or another cornes on the used car lot. and makes some comment that car mianu- facturers don't make cars as wcll as they used to. Yen know the comments I mean: "Back in '32 they mnade a real car"; "Won't stand up like my oid '490"'"; "Neyer was a car that would go as far as an oid Model T". A few days ago I was reading in a magazine publishcd fer Car Dealers. They were comparing cars of the-past with the cnes made today. Thcrc's a difference ini quality and lasting ability alright ...but it's ail in favor of the car on the road today. Juveniles Win Over Ajax Advance in OBA Playoffs Bowmianville Olynmpias de- feated Ajax 3-1, Saturday af- ternoon in Ajax to take the best of three O.B.A. series, two games to one. Ajax took the opening garne in Bowmanvllle 8-2, but the locals rebounded to win both games away froin home. Bowmanvile will' now meet Napanee in the next round. Running the bases like the Chicago White Sox, the Olym- pias scored ail three runs in the fifth, on but a single bit.. Grant ,Wright drew a base on bails to open the inning, but was forced at second, on Ray Cromn- bie's grounder to short, Jim Moorcraft walked, and Don Mixed Bowl MIXED BOWLING 1-24 DC Team No. 1-Elton Brock, Capt., Cordon Stringer, Doug Reynolds, Dorc Mutton, Mrs. J. Graham, Everett Winacott, Bubs Wright, Team No. 2-Joe Nowlan, Capt., Dot Bond, Em Stringer, Amy Winacott, Ron Mutton, Ruby Spicer, Chas. Wright. Team No. 3 - Art Spicer, Capt., Duke Brunt, Walter Run- die, Jean Evans, Fat Bartels, Kay Luxton. Team No. 4-Fat Yeo, Capt., Bud Edmondson, Bob Yoke, Ca- role Oke, Mary Nowlan, Doreen Charles. Team No. 5-Bob Mitchell, Capt., Hilda Brock, Don Brad- ley, Jessie Heenan, James Gra-1 Bagneli singled to score Croin- bie, with Moorcraft going te third. Catcher Hobbs, pickedr ]Bagneil off first, but Alex Wiseman drew the third passI cf the frame. Witb two out the catcher tbrew to second on the attempt- ed steal, but Moorcraft broke for the plate. beating the re- turn throw. Wiseman continued teo third, and wound up scoring the third run, when Hobbs's throw went astray. A single by Moore fellowed by Jankowskî's double gav'e Ajax their lene run in the bot- tom baîf of the înning. Moor- craft bore down te retire the next three batters, without a bail going eut cf the infield. With twe on and two eut, Wright pulled off a tremendous running grab on Hobbs' boom- ing -drive in the seventh, te save the gaine. Moorcraft scattered eight bits effectively te bold Ajrax te a single run for the second suc- cessive Urne. After allowing a pair cf safeties in the opening frame, McCartney pitched one bit bail over the remainder cf the contest, while fanning 18 batters. Bagneli was the oniy Bow- manville batter te get twe bits, while Moore collected a pair for the losers. I .Recreation Office at MA 9-3335, rfna .eaM S Ext. Ne. 6. Age limits for the varieus' bain M'sW Rudleleagues are as follows: Teain No. 6 - Bill Charles, Atoin League-under 10 as Capt., Arnold Sleep, Jack, of August lst, 1959 (inmum Brough, Ada Luxton, Marie: age seven). Yeo, Mrs. Don Bradley. Fee Wee League-under 12 as Team No. 7 - Jack Bond ef August lst, 1959. iCapt., Howard Bromeli, Essie Bantam League-under 14 as Cox, Cliff Evans, Ruth MVitchell, cf August lst, 1959. Mirs. Bob Yoke. Midget League-under 16 as Teain No. 8 - Cecil Mutton, cf August lst, 1959. Capt., Hap Palmer, Rick Gould,r Juvenile League-under 18 as Audrey Sleep, Carole Reynolds, of August lst, 1959 (if enough Betty Brough. interest is shown). Team No. 9 - James Cox, Gaines wil be played on Sat- Capt., Ken Luxton, Morley Et- urday morning 7:00 a.m. te cher, Emma Bromeil, Duane 12:15 p.m. and Monday 4:30 Palmer, Marie Curtin. p.m. te 8:30 p.m. Team No. 10-Fred Luxton, Registration For FaIl Activities Capt., Onie Etoher, Mary Wil- Registration for the Recrea- ccx, Leo Curtin, Mike Heenan, ton Department's Fali Activi- Dot Edrmondson. tics wili open next week. Any- one interested in attendîng any cf. the. Recreation Department's I L.....................-....... ~ "~' activities is aslked te register et the Recreation Office net later than October 9th. Listed below are the propos- season: By Douglas Rigg1 Monday - Choral Society - Tueday- AultSwimming DaningClsse wil e ude th diecionof-7 t 0pm B.T.S. Pool. Th erainDepartment's M.W anl n sitdb ensa Dancing Class Dancing Classes held their re- Mrs. R. Stovin. -3:30 to 8:30 p.m.-Location te gistration day last Wednesday, Det h rmnositr be set-Rearding and Discussion Septeraber 23rd at the Liens etonithe art y u ntr;-73 0p.m.-Lions Cen- Centre. classes will be broken into rdy-Autrtý 73 The afternoon classes wili be three sections as follews: B, riday3 pm.- A insAr tre.:3 under the direction of Miss ginners-7:00 te 7:45 'p.in., ABe1 Ct 9:30 p.m. - Lios Cetre. Irenie Harvey, C.D.T.A., R.M.T., vanced-7:45 te 8:35 p.ni. and ipm-in ete enTw A.C.C.M. The Saturday moring Recreational swimming 8:35 to:..LosCnte enTw clases illbe nde th ch 1000 .m.1 -8:30 te 11:45 p.rn. - Lions rcassesf wil.bShunder 10:00 p.mlbe ecss 1Centre.' recionofMrs Shrly Fwîe. t wll e ecesay te unmit Saturday-Dancing Classes- Aduit Swimming the nuinber cf registration te 9:00 ain. to 12:30 p.m.-Loca- The Recreation Departrnent's approximateiy 130 swimmers. tien te be set. Children's Crafts Aduit Swimming Classes wîll If you are intercsted in a t. -9:30 te 11:30 a.m.-MemoriaI begin on Tuesday, October l3th tending these classes please get Park. at the B.T.S. Pool The classes in touch with the Recreation Most of the abeve activities Office at MA 3-3335, Ext. No. will get underway hine week of Il or Mir. "Bill" Bagneil, MA coe12h Leads 3-3585. Oshawa residents are Wornen's Keep Fit Class Courice Lea ased te contact Mrs. Ruth Sto- If any ladies are interested vin at RA 3-4458. i forming a.Keep Fit Class S cc r Fin iConsideration will be givenI either for rnornitig or vng iSoc er inal to hos memerswhqthev sesionpleisecontact the Re- Courtice pufled cff an upset previously registered, ihr- creation Office at MA 3-3335. in the first gaine of a best of sidents e! Bowmanvr ebvn There mnust be at least ten thre eres fo te enorpreference. ladies in each class. Mrs. L. Soccer Championsbip, downing Minor Hockey' Lucas bas kindly consented te Zion 2-1, Saturday night. Grant Application fox-ms fer miner act as instructor for these Down rammed home both of hockey piayers will be avail- classes. the winners' goals, within three able early next week. The Re- minutes, late in the first haîf. creation Departinent will aganYE V TO Andy Mvatthews narrowed operate three leagues, Atom, E V R O the max-gin mid-way thzough Pee Wee and Bantain. The the second haif, and xeally ap- Lions Club wiil again sponsor Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stinsan, plied the pressure for the equal- the Midget League. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Page izer, w'hich neyer came. Tbe The application forms will be and Mrs. Cee. Page attended two clubs clashed lest nigbt i available at the Recreation 0f-ý the Couch-Thorndyke nuptials Zion. Sbould the berne teain fice and wili also be distributEd on Saturday afternoon xi Te- bave won, a third and deciding through the Public Sehools. ronto.1 contest wili be played Saturday A fee cf One Dollar ($1.00) Sorry to report Mr-. Gordoni night at Ceurtice. wiil be charged each player in 1 Robinson is currently under~ Courtice tallied a pair cf the Miner Hockey Leagues1 doctor's care. A spedy recev- rnarkers li each half, te down again. This fee is necessary te ery te Cordon. Hampton 4-1, last Wednesday belp defray the addcd expenses Recent visitors te Algonquin night, taking Uic best of thrce an'd will aIse cover each play- Park and northern points were semi-final set, two gaines te er with insurance. the Howard Malcolms, Mr. and one, Grant Down once more At least 20 coaches and nman- Mr&s. Geo. Heaslip, the Maurice, came up with a two goal effort, 'agers are needed for the minor Nesbitts and Mr. Reg Ruskin. whilc Brian Ormiston and Br- hockey teams this season. If Mr. and Mrs. S. Cook, Doug an Howcraft each bagged sin- you are interested in heiping las and Jimmyy spexit the week- gles. Dick Denihertog accounted the youngsters learn the fun- end with Aunt En Henders. foc the lone 1iampton tally. damentals of hockey call the, Mr. and Mrs. Hrank Boon Sr. MEMORIAL ARENA Bowmanville Mon., Sept. 28 I PUBLIC SKATING 8 - 10 p.m. Admission Aduits 50e Children 35c Spectators - Dec CHILDREN'S SKATING Wednesday, Seplember 30 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Children..........................- 25e Aduits accompanying children . . . . 25e PUBLIC SKATING 1Aduits 50c Friday, Octoher 2nd Saturday, Ocloher 3rd ADMISSION -Children 35e - Spectators 10e af ter spending a week each with claughters M.rs. Harvey; Malcolm and Mrs. Roy Werry' of Hull, Que., embarked at Montreai on Sunday evening on the "Seven Seas" for destina- tion Holland. Bon Voyage. Mrs. Bert Arnott spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McGill. The White Church on the' Summit enjoyed fine fall wea- ther. for the celebration of its 97th Anniversary. Both services' were wel.l attende<I to enjoyi splendid sermons by Rev. Lane in the morning and Rev Larke of Springvale in the evening. The kirk was tastefully decora- ted for the occasion with the fruits of field and forest, with baskets of tastefully decorated autumn posies plucked with some foresight before Jack Frost played havoc with out- door bloomers, banking the pul-r pit providing an adequate fore- ground for the Junior Choir which provided special rnusic for both services. In the rnorn- ing the duet of Lorraine Mc- Gili and Lloyd Wilson and ifi: the evening the quartet with Isabelle Wilson and Ray Rob- inson in addition, added con- siderable te the song service. Mr. and Mrs. Art Rowtn en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Howar McMullen on Sunday. Mrs. Ma-1 bie and Arne Rowan enjoyed a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jin McMullen of Lotus and Mrs. Fatterson of Lindsay. Congratulations we extend to Mr. and Mr&s. Frank Glasbergen on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary fall.ing on Sept. 27th. Mr. and Mrm.-Murray Mal- colmn are anticdpating a trip: this week to Detroit, Midi., ta' attend the wedding of a cousin there. Mr. and Mrs. Ro.ss Lockwood attended the wedding on Sat- urday cf bis brother and sister- in-law-to-be in Lindsay. Giad te hear that Mr. Albert Heasiip of Janetville was te, be released frein Lindsay bospital on Sunday. O.H.P. Meeting Messrs. Floyd Stinson, How- ard Malcolmn and Don Staples attended a further meeting cf Ontario Hog Producers In To- ronto on Wednesday te discuss Deficiency Fayments for hogs. Many preducers view with alarma the short-sighted policy rFR11 Name of the Federal governnient in adopting a policy of Deficiency Fayments cf such a discrimin- atory nature. For years governxnent agen- cies have been screaming "Spe- cialize or starve' and te thein mete eut sucli treatmnent -to& those trusting and industrious souis who have followed their ewn sage(,) advice is enough te raise more than one's eye- brows. It would appear li our hum- ble view that this prospective calamity bas been nurtured frein the inadvert.ant tuiscon- ception of what now constitutes a famlly farm. No longer can the famiiy fariner be consider- ed solely a sinaîl operator with a haif dozen beef or inilk cows, a couple of sows and their pigs, a few chiekens, etc. Many cf the more prog-res- sive family farmers have adept- ed improved technology, en- larged one or two phases of his fax-m enterprise te a profitable level and discarded other less1 Address profitable sidelines. To assume that 100 pigs and that alone can provide an adequate incorne for any farmer in today's cost price squeeze, is pure fiction. True many farmiers still sub- sist, we say this advisedly, on much less due te inany reasons, -poor infertile farins with ne additional outiet available, l.ack cf capital, physicai infirmity, age barrier, lack of adaptibility or very occasionally lack cf am- bition or just plain laziness. That any goverrent should sanction such a seheme is tu inany, incomprehensible. Wbert the same treatinent is accorded the large monopolistic corpora- tions is turne enough te penal. ize the larger, more pregres. sive and efficient fariner. In an essay on "Things 1 amn Thankful For," a little bo^y listed "My Classes," explaining, "'They kcep the boys frein fighting and the girls from, 1kissing me." 'CIIflDIIO TIRE) BOWMANVILLE SEP.I4th I5th I6th Bowman ville Skating Club JUk'DAY SKATING Individual Nemberships for Sunday Skating are now available. 24 SUNDAYS 0F SKATING FRON 3 TO 5 P.M. STARTING OCTOBER Il at the Bowmanvilîe Memorial Arena $7 for the Season Skate for only 14½c per hour Mernberships will be limited, so firsi corne firsi served. Join on Registration Day aitihe Town Hall, Friday, Ociober 2, 2 p.n. Io 9 p.rn. or f111 the application form below. Make cheque payable to The Bowrnanville Skaiing Club and positIo Box 457, Bowrnanville Bowmanviîîe Skating Club Box 457, Bowmanville Sunday Membership Fee, $7.00 Telephone No. _________ Membership Cards will be issued as soon as application accepted THURSDAY and FRIDAY Buy TIRES No'w and Save There will he NO INSTALLATION CHARGES on al. orders placed for passenger car tires loday and tomorrow FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Fri*day 99C AUTO SPOTLIGHTS GOLF CLUBS .Saturdav GARDEN SUPPLIES and 'AUTO .ACCESSO)RIES will ho featured ai Special Savingu Bargains Galore PAGE TWELVIC