'rHUSDA. SET ~th. 959THE CANADIAN STAT&I DOLLS ANNUAI -3 DAYS - SEPT. 24 - 25 - 26 pen 8:30 a.m. each day Rooled Hair Dressed Jewellery Hi-Heels Sale Prices PýI Also on Stuffed Animais 6 Kin MA 3-3531 PAY US "po ILTY'S ig St. E. Bown anville AVISIT DURING Festival of Values TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F REDUCED PRICES on Farm Equipment' Paint Power Lawn Mowers Stoves - Deep Freezers other Appliances W. H. Brown Case Dealer MA 3.5497 %"LET GEORGE D( BA RGAI G ALO0 during DUNGAREES 9-o z. Reg. $3.95 ON SALE $99 31ENIS PARKAS Heavy Zipper Olive Green - Navy . Brown Ail Sizes Reg. $1.5.9i "im md - $.881 SPO Ail Col ReZ . H ON SALJ root halls with soi and water t.horoughly. Lands and Forests -e aedvlpc e technique tai make sure that shrubs and evergreens get a W eekcly Report good start. It is called contain- ergrown nursery stock. These shrubs and evergreens are planted in pots or cans as small CONE CROP HEAVY concern at Chief and DeputY specimens. When they grow b>' E. F. johnston, Timber Chief Ranger Heacicuarters. enough ta plant in your gar- ,Management Superviser With no rain recorded for il den they are lifted out of the 1days the forests were tinder pot ail roots intact, stilli n their The foes tree seed crop In dry and verv vuinerable to original growing soil. Yolu tah Lidsay District promises fire. simply dig a hole and plant. t eheavy in the area north of No. 7 Highway. The princi- As a precautionary mleasure Some you leave the containerý pie species wifl be white and extra t ire fighters were hired on andi it rots away. red pine and picking will be- ta bolster oui- regular fori.,t You cati plant these shrubs gin about September lst. Heavy ranger, fire fighting crews. any time with safety. Just re- crops4. of tree seed occur everv Daily detection flight.s were niember, as with ail nursery three ta five years with light alsa carried out by the Depart- stLock%. or otten fail crop years in ho- mertal "Beaver" nircraft. Doni't set themn out in poorly tween. To support an annual Four Fires Started By, liAUUiil Don't plant shruos and ever- seeding programme it is essen- Carelessness greens too close to wafls or tial to store during fat years agtrTw-anETalr odtis.Sthe out for the lban periods. RLhiTwemn . a loreoations. et othe outhae jThe target for the Lind:Žav v u proceeding to man hslattre et ote'lhv bushtre s1 approximately 2,UJO zi>sxgned detection tower on enotîgh room to develop hor- buhl.Cones will be received August lst, discovered one oif izotitally. at Chief Ranger Headquarters twýo fires burning along the, Don'tcow shrubs and ever- throughout the District on a right-o<-way of Highway 'j5. greens in the foundation plant- contract basis. Those interest- Quick action on the part of; îng. Space themn at least three ed in picking coites should se-' Ranger Taylor extinguished ;fret apart. At first, the space, cuea cotract frorn the De- this tire before it could spread imyapa agbtgaui ,uartnient of Lands and Fore-,-,s ino the nearby wooded area.. ly, as growth develops "hales iieauquarters at Minden, Hali- These tires had been startod will disappear. burton. Gooder .ýa or Ap.<'ey. by o.Mroiis throwing ih yDntpan ~ r spots. such cigar .ette butts out o 1icar ý as directly underneath over- 11W UL CN SIIK ow. hanging motfs where plants HOW MCH CA A SK K COws.are so sheltered they receixe SKUÀXK Twvo other tires were started ver-y littie ramn. b>' Gordon D. Buie, Fish and bycaelssbrripck n! Don't set roots in hales wnîcn Methuen and Harvey Town- are too smaîl. Holes should be -Wildlife Supervisor i ships, burning over an area Of deep enough and wide enough - We don't exactly know the; 20.25 acres before being ex- te accommodate roots in a* nat- ani.swer ta this question,, but a tinguished. Fires of this nature tirai spread out position. Scity family that recently took can be prevented by making Don't remove the burlap a summer cottage in this area certain that smoking materiali covering around the foot balis shuld hae afair ith great extinguishied and cary usi of"balled-and-burlapped" ev- pride that these people have drinks instead of lighting camp evergreen is set in the hole at had a family of skunks staying fires. the proper depth, loosen the under their cottage. They put The alertness af the Depart- burlap from around the base tout food for the skunks and mental fire detection system jof the trunk and foid it back, described them as clean docile and the quick preventive action' then proceed to f ill in the hole. little fellows. However, tragedy. taken by aur fire fighting! Don't allow bare plants ta be strck!On ofthe stipe icrews fortunately kept thej exposed tai Sun, drying wind pussy cats"l pushed his front iacreage burned down ta a min-j any longer than necessarv foot into a tUn can at a nearhy iiium. Two fix-es have now been when planting. Cover roots fdurnp and the can lid sprung. extinguîshed and twro others are with wet burlap, or set plants out, securely fastening the can still being patrolled. in a pail of water.i to the skunk's paw. On discov-I Don't allow plant roots tai ering its plîght the cottagers~ corne in direct contact with successfully got their littlel LZA E HVL E cli mical fert.ilizers. wtri furred friend it a cardboard LZ B T VL E 1D tfax-get ta ae carton and transported him to ; very inexpensive c ilodty the front af their cottage with- On Wednesduayý the village' So use it- liberall- o out mishap. In getting hlm out gathered ta see Mrx. Clarence newlv set nursery stock. of the carton the skunk escaped Mercer's bouse being moved. Don't hesitate ta cali or and no oneî oresent had the The hydro gang were here ta write yaur local nurseryman courage ta grab him. look after their wires. The tel- or your Departient of Agri- Now things began ta happen! ephone gang was busy too. A culture if you need advice on Under the cottage went the! large floait from Cobourg back- thel planting and care of nur- victim of the can and each ed under the house whioh had sery stock. time he approached one of bis been jacked up beforehand and - -______ buddies be was given a patent took it to its new location. Both shower of "skunk". Suddenly, sections were moved before ail inviolable moral law-s of the noon with littie niishap. The skunk family seemed ta be kitcnien chimney was knocked brokeux and ail dozen or more off. The bulldozer and steam skunks under the cottage 'et shovel have made short work MA 3-3303 loose and "threw everything; of widening the road through they had". Offensive, obnox- Jihe village.fe lous, invidiaus, repulsive andj On Wednesday afternoon tihe odious are onlv a few words W.A. held their meeting at Mrs.WAI I ta best express conditions that? C. Beatty's home. A good turn- immediately develaped andotgtee.Ms .Te p U C madethecotage nteabl. A ened the meeting with. the us- Iast report the tenants had left ual procedure. Mrs. V. Peacock the cottage and so had the took the chapters and the mnin- skunks. ute.s were rend an.d approved. lIt was decided ta hold a fowlL FOREST PROTECTION supper in Noveinber. Two nuis- ~ by Wlte Kit, Fres Prtec- > oary monthlies are to ýe or- tion Superviser dered for the leaders. Next Las wek he ox-stfir liz-meeting at Mrs. R. Whites Oct. Las wek te fres tie h7-14,1 to plan the supper. LunchI ai-d hovered between a rating was served. ihd of high and extreme causing Ms uilWhiehi ui --1 ed hom-e from England -for a ) irMissesaY Dirlene and Berylt icersity of Toronto where they will take up their studies. Rally Day was held on Sun- J day combining church aind Sun- day School. Anniversary ser- IN S ~vices are expeced te Oct. 25. vstdwitih Misses Donna arir1 Ruth Merceir in theïr new R E apartelt in Toronto. we was Severe enough toi freeze is stiofiheworking Dhan e'scorn- munity. Mr. Beismaz, Oak i-U ished Saturday. They had con- siderable frost but were able ta ..........harvest a couple more kilns au- nuv ~ ~in certain parts of Canada n our tore urinq(around Calgary for example) M 1 ince u dra ~oryou can't plant shrubs in th e ince n dra forfaîl and expect them to sur- vive. But in this area fail plan- ting gives a head start for neutIT F yere are sente tipa on bond-UT F '.,errllcaTeliîîg evexrgreens that your nur- SUBURBAN COATS 100% Wool Al Sizes Re--. $16.95 ON SALE - Ail Colours -$8.88 Bo wman ville Surplus Store MA 3-3211 Bowmanville Citizens VOTE NO Committe. 91 King St. W. MEN'S WORiK FREE DR4 .Every cus orner rnaking a purchase in Ihese three days wiIl have free chaý $2.5-00 Merchandise v MON SALE 42 King Si. E. IIIUIRSDAY. SEPT '24th. ou 1