PAGE SIXTEN_ TH CNAIOMNTAM IMO! Ti .,, BuIk Tai Ads D1i ,BD Frank Plckforw Pive years. ago, as fanÀliar in the country as the rural mail box were the milk cans at the end of a farmer's lane. To- day, the milk can is as outdated as. the Model T Ford. Farniers now, ship, their mlk te the dairies in bulk, much as gaso- Uine i hpe te service ste- tion&Shippi= milk in bulk from tanks on the fai-m was fitroduced inte Canada froni the United States by farmers i the Oshawa area during the summer of 1953. By midsum- mer of 1955 same 300 dah-y fai-mers i Ontario were bullc tanks, and the trend has con- tinued. in Durhamn County, for PI z-R5 :8n)lSERVICE«>j UA3-88 BWMAN VILLEI i -~ - é Imembers havig flowei-s are B uI~. Iasked to brig them te the BLA U.LUUI.L nk M Ilk S oragé 1 'hurch on Saturday morning, the 26th. Ushers ta act were Rev. and Mirs. P. Bemeril and Inaxned. The caretaken was ask- Denis returned home Wednes- Jdtesee that the oPiureli pipes day night fram a monith's bol. I le taken doWn and cléaned iday in the West Indies. strict Far m ers eduting the week, as . nies may exeple piloTta 954ailnul 2 cos ad sippig nil evry The October meeting will be~ Winchester. Sympathy is ex- wes shipped to the dairies idayi cens. Our- hauler has'edawe ale hnusul eddte ntedaho i cens. Today, the milk cen lias twa routes and two trucks. Inheld.a14,eek tearliofthan u.Tslted limon the deth ahi virtually disappeared from rur- the fail of that year he changedOt.4,nsadath2ltTis otirnThsay al routes. ta bulk,usg one1 tanker, one jte lie held et the home of Mrs. Miss Dianne Wheeler, Cal- Larger Herds route and callecting every ath-I Fred cnn l t 8:15 ppe . aryilestaying with 1Mn. and Becuse, fxed coss pr er day. We lied ta change aver plheainuel turkey suppe is Mrs. Bob Wheelei- and attend- Budeeueigt fixed asta ar on go out af business. The anefo'Otbr ing high sohool here. closely reiatcd te the emaunt to overhead is greeter, and we're- Orders were taken for The Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cox, be 'hipedbulkhanlin isnet making any mare maoney, MissiOnia.rYMOnthiY, 1959-1960. Clevelend; Mrs. Edgar Brad.ley better adapted ta the dairyman butwcens ,,d te get away fi-rn Samples of Christmas oards will and Brad, Tam-pa, Florida, and milking e large herd. Canse-. lifigcn. e an hand next meeting and Mrs. Fred Babcack, Aurore, quentîy, many smell lai-mers Better Contrai eiders takeii. were Saturday guests of Mrs. have gone ouf of the dairying Stuart and Dalton Dan-el, inj Mss. F. Byers conducted two Geo. Crawford and Ms&. and business rather then meke the the saine area, dhanged to bulkt contest-a kitolien poem and Mrs. W. Pearce. required investmcent for neces-j production lest October. Theins "name tIe apple"l contest. Mrs. Mi-. end Mi-s. Grant Fergu- sary equipment. In Durhem lis a very lange operatian coin- William McHolni i-ed a poem, son, Ian and Mery, Tarante, County tIare le sf111 sanie milk plete witli new loefing b , "A Tested Recipe for a G<><>< visited the Roy Ferguson's and shipped ta the smallcr dairies1 milking perlai- and milk huse. W.A. Meeting". Mirs. Helen Mc- Lloyd Wrights Sundeay. in cens, but this milk cornes iThe 40-cen refrigeretian tank Hlou delighted ail with a live- Mi-. aind Mrs. J. A. Joînston from side-line herds where milk cost $2,300. They mulk an av- 1Y Piano solo. The meeting con- are spcfldilg e wihile with Mi-. prdcini nttemi i-eaeoj5 osady cluded with The National An. and Mss. Keith Joînston and dustry. "I cen't say we make niaie hmfaiyBelvl. Refrigereted bullc tanks in- rnaney," said Dalton Don-el, A dainty lunch vies senved MI-É. and Mrs. MerilJ Van staledon he armperit he butwelike the set-up. It duning the social hall bour by Camp end Marie were Sunday coaling of milk ta beiaw 40 gives us better contrai a ver the, aur. hostess and tea eommittee, Ldinn H unstero re. and s degrees tempereture within two calilng and it saves liandling Mrs. Frank Anderson and Mss.Lly utrPoteran haurs. This rapid caoling i-e- sa meny cens." Fied McConnel. A vote of brought Dale home fi-rn thel tards the development of bac- Not ail dairymen usig the thanks ta these ladies, alsa Mrs. hospital in the evening. teria mare effectively, resulting bulk mto, u na la a yr nd s cH ,was Mr. and Mrs. Leith Byers1 metîd. pt h loafng Bers Mis.MeHoni, visited Mi-. an-d Mss. Howard in a better quelity of milk. barn and milking parlai-. James proposed by Mrs. Fred Cai-nish Frnln acetrinSn "I don't know af one dis- T. Brawn, president aifIe Ho,- and carried in the usuel way. t iank ,Mnhstr nS triuto painga premijun for stein-Friesian Association and We have recently returnad MssRuhMday.Toono the better quelity milk." said A. owner of Browview Ferm, west fi-mare delightfui visit with Mi-. was a guet at teAlnGa O. Daîrymple, Agricultural Re- of Newcastle, was the first farm- and Mrs. Harold Caswell Of! weddin g in the UJnited Clîurch presentative, et Bowmanville. er in Durham County ta in- Springbrook Fam, Zion. Thebei-e Saturday and spent the1 Fermer Goes Along stale bulk tank. Browview peace and quiet af a Sunday weekend with Mi-. and Mrs.l Lare il panswhich Farm is stili without loafing barnn rorning walk through the Wallace Mai-low. have had efficient cen receiving orymlin ara-..fiisthenporteduSns e- Mrs. Robt Ford is spending a rooni aperations, have found that Milking an average Of 45aiytthpacflSnysie few days with friends in Buf- bringing in only part of their tcows a day, the milk is strein- fore the era af motai- treffic. lt fal. requirement by bulk has edded ed inta a large cen and pumped, is an indescribable sensation. Guests of Mi-. and Mrs. Carll ta the cost of handling rether froni the bei-n via a stainless t ail too rai-e in this age of per-, than reducing it. Such plants, steel pipe ta the mlk house and petuel hustie and bustie. Oui- heiefore, discourege cen ship- into e 4,400-lb. capecity tank. [hostess lad araned a small Business Directory mentin avo of ulk an theNotPratica failyreunon o wichsome ment h avr ai-ofukad theNo Pgiol twenty relatives frani Bowman- :leiy femerles ad t go Gerald Brown, son - f te1 ville, Part Hope, Newtanville' along. , wnei-, explained fIat a loafing~ and Zion came to enjay and c o n a y "We had no choice,' said bei-n and milking parlai- would, share in this happy get-toge- Ralph Lai-mer ai Blackstock, flot lie prectical1 for theni. With ther. A. buffet lunch was serv-1 RAY 5. DILLING who, in partnership with his pedigree bulîs and cows, many ed et ane a'clock. Supper was Certified Public Accountant ,i-other, Gien, miks an average ai themn for export to fhe Unit- sei-ved in the sanie ma nnen at 93 Church Street of 40 cows e day. "In 1956 1 ed States, it is necessary ta 6 p.m. and much enjoyed. MAi-ket 3-3861 aras on my own, milking about keep records, and wîth pros- _________________ - pective buyers visiting the larim Sunday Schaol was held et WMJ..COG S the animais must lie kept 11:00 arn. There was an aver- JWJ.HCOGN graomed. By stabling the cows age attendance. It was conduct- Chartered Accountant individuaily they cen lie groom- ed by Mrs. F. McConnell, as- Second Floor Western Tire cd and accurate records kept aofsistant superintendent. Rally New Library Building 'their production. Day Service will lie helci et Cor. King and Temperance Sts. Theovral rsutsof hag-Welcome Church on Fiiday. Phone MAi-ket 3-3612 and Auto Supply In rc veril reuls of chng- Sept. 25th at 7:30. Transporta- TALE, FRIEDLANDER, ing froni cen ta liulk mulk slip-tion suppîied by teachers. j - HUNTER&CO ping wouldisM fft i ai gtret- _____1__A__-__, C._- BICYCLES BOYS' and GIRLS' $34-95 Nylon - Reg. 69e STEERING WHEEL COVERS 41 50 ft. - Reg. $3.69 EXTENSION CORD m- $ . J-WAX AND CARNU POMIMES Reg. 1.75_____ ____ Special - $1 TIRE AnD AUTO SUPPLY LIMoITE, u5 King St. W. ASSOU ESTORE IP. A. Eoyd, Prop. t.t Lfl..flCÂfl m e S M1iUJ.iUUtor mani ta the famer:, but since the lai-mer la witîout choice if leI wishes ta stay in the dairy bus- iness, he makes the changes and finds le prefers tIe modern method ta the old.-Oshawe Tmes. MORRISH The regular manthly meeting of the W-A. vies heid on Wed- neaday, September l6th eat 8:15 pi.. at Mss. Helen McHohn's. CThere vicre 14 members pi-es- 9cnt and oe junior. President Mrs.IL McHol.m ture was read by Mrs. Marton H enderson and Lesson Thougîts and prayer given by Mrs. Frýank Anderson. TIis devotional ses-, sion closed, witýh lymn 360, fol- lowed by 364 repeatcd in uni- 1.39 The assistent seci-etai-y; Mrs. Rai-iy Beckett called the roill and i-ed the minutes af the Au-j guat meeting. These viere ap- prioved and aedopted as read. TIce first business ta lie discussedi ies Aaniversa-y and Thanks- giving Suaday on September 27th: one service only et 11:15 D amn.; guest minister tIe Rev. Long af Grena. Mi-. and Mrs. -3134 Dawson Beebe effered hospital- ity foi- our guest. Committee for decaratian of church for thisj eccaSion-Vlrrs. Helen MeRoini unw and Mrs. Han-y Beckett. Anyf Big Fil Savings. on USE DCARS NOW NOW ONLY RECONDITIONED ONL 19 USED CARS 19 COURTICE and BOWMANVI LLE LOTS SALESMEN HERE TO SERVE YOU FRON 8:00 A.N. TO 9:30 P.N. DAILY Corne i . . Look thern over and lest-drive the car of your choice . .. Then make us a reasonable offer! BUDGET TERNS ARRANGE» TO SUIT YOUR INCONE. ROY w. NICHOLS Oldsmobile and Chevrolol Cars DO WNAN VILLE Chevrolol Trucks Phone MA 3.3353 COURTICE Phone MA 3.3922 SOLINA Rally Day service wies vieil ettended on Sunday aftennoon. The Sunday School superin-ten- -dent, John Knox, conducted fhe service with everyone follovi- ing the printed orders ai ser- vice with the theme "Round the World Thy Childi-en Sing". Rev. Reed also spoke briefly. Lai-iy Broome read the scrip- ture passages and Mrs. Wes Huis pi-esented the story #$The Red Jeep". Additional program included irecitations by Beverley Pàscoe, Herbie Tink, Joan Westlake, Peggy und Janet Milison, a vocal solo, "Have Thine 0w-n Way" by Don Taylor, and a chorus by ten littie girls, Shir- ley Ramer, Nancy Knox, Shir- ley Westiake, Karen and Bren- de Yellowlees, Carol and Anne Hilîs. Kathy and Susen Vice, and Ellen Crydernian. The af- fering vies received by Giena Werrvr, Bnian Knox and Lai-y Broome. Mr-. and Mirs. Dan WatV n Toronto, Mi-. and Mr&a. Leanard 1 Bai-ton, Oshawae, and Ms. Keni Caverly, Hiampton, visited Mn. I and Mss. N. C. Wotten. Two, lovely baskets af flow- ers fi-rnfIhe Johnston -Vice wedding viere kindly left for the chai-ah service on Sunday. Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. Franeis Johnstan (former- ly Donna Vice) vile were mer- r'ed in Eidad Chai-ch, Saturdey af ternoon. ClurcI service and combla- ed Sundey Sclool vililibe et 10:30 o'clock next Sundey, Spptember 27. Mrs. H. E. Tink visited Mrs. Ida Wllcox et Peterborough. Mrs. Chas. Scholl of Char- lotte, North Carolina, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Roy Lang- maidý. Mr. and Msîs. Roy Lan7riaid, MVrs. Chas. Si-hall and Saliy L.angmaid, visited an Sunday .vith Mr. and Mrs. O. Luna and chiidi-en et Peter-borough. Mr. and Mi1ra. E. R. Taylor iverc Sundey tee gucats cf Mn. and Mm-. Bruce Taylor and sons. Phyllis Westlake spent the weekend with Mr. and l\'rs. Sid. Mlitchell of Bowmanville et a cottage et Lake St. Peter. Mi-. and Mss. Reg Land, Ca- thy and Stephen and Mrs. F. R. Cook, visited Sunday even- ing with Mr. end Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr., and laxnily. Mi-. and Mns. i-Icib Richards, .Ur. R. Harding, Bawmanville, Mi-. and Mrs. M. Pai-ker- and Roy Wrestlake, illbraok. visit- d Ms. ai-d Mrs. F-ank West- lake, Sr- Mis. Rae Pascoe and child- ren visited et Glen Glaspell's, raunton. Mi-. and Mrs. Claytan Rallett, Ken, Dale and Ted, of Sonya, ici-e Sundey guests af Ms. and unrs. Ralph Devis. Mi-. and Mrs. S. E. Werry rith M-s. Moffatt and Mi-. and VI-s. Chas. Wcrry, Oshawia, ind Mi-. J. A. Weri-y, Enniskil- en, cnjoyed e vi-sit with the q1foi-d's at Oakwaod and Wood- lie. Ms. and Mi-s. Tom Baker and amily and Mi-. J. Baker were ie Georgetown on Sundav on leoccasion of the silver ýwed- lng anniversery oi Mr-. and I-s. M. Baker. Mss. J. Baker emeiaed for a short visit. Their eany lniends here extend bcst ishes for man-- future anni-- ersaries ta Maurice and Eve- ya, an this happy occasio-n. Mrs. Orval Flewedi and Rich-- d, Clarernont, 'Àsited Ms. and I-s. L. Hardy and Stanley. Mr-. J. Kiveli and Pearl 1 ,ach viere Surnday guests et O r. and Mrs. Cal Myles et Or- no.I Mi-. and Mrs. Roy Runter, -and Valley, visited Ms. endi Er. Bruice »m,,tgâimery. . j Accauntants and Auditars Licensed Trustee i Bankruptcy 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa, Ontario B. L. Yale, C.A. P. Friediander, B. Com., C.P.A. MONTEITH - MONTEITH tRIEHL & CO. Chartered Accountants 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa j RA 5-3527 Bowinanville - Cali ZEnith 45750 Partners: Hon. J. W. Monteith, F. C. A. A. B. Monteith, B. Com., C.A. G. W. Riehi, C. A., R. I.A. (Licensed Trustee) 1 G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. LC h 1r op ra ctc G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointment SD en fal DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. te 6 pan. dally Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Roui-s: 9 a.m. to 6 p.n. daily Phone MA 3-5604 Closed Wednesdays and Sundays DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 1-ing St. E. - Bowmnanvifle Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephonc: Office MA 3-5459 L e ga1 STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON,' B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanville Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 BUSS APHA 1. HODGINE' Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public remperance St. - Bowmanvllle' E. RICHARD LOVEKIN U.E., B.A., LL.B. Box 9, Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 Consultation by appitment only. W. KAY LVCETT, BA. Barrister and Solicitor In the offices of R. R. Waddell, Q.C. Main Street, Orono, Ontario Friday, 7 p.m. to 10 pa. Seturday: 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Morfgages iADJE HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First Mortgage Funds Residences - Farrns Business Properties Op fo m e fry KEITH A. BILLETT, O.D. Dptometrlst 41 King St. E. - BowTninviile )flice Hours: By appointment J Telephone MArket 3-3252 Mondey to Seturday S9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Wednesdeys: 9 te 12 Thursday evenings Wrigh &durng the weekend Iwere Mr-. Dave Rutledge, Ban- croft; Mm Pearl Wright and IDr. D. Billbey, Toronto, and tMr. B. Whitcott England. Mm .Ecj Darcy ana Mrs. ira Argue spent most of last week with Mr. and Mms. Cecil Hyde, Toronto. and the weekend with Mr-. Russel Spinks, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. H.ammell, Men-treal, are visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stani. land. Several from liane attended1 the concert of the Meassed Band of Central Comimand at the Ex- hibition grounds, Toronto, Sun. day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Tennant, Glenda and Bob visited lier par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey. Ginn et Windermere on Sun- day. M.r. Iseiah Irwin and Mr. and Mrs. Brighit Seagrave visitedi Mrs. Jas. Ginn on Sunday. Doris and Dennis Ashton spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodrnan, Scugog. Mr~. and Mrs. Leith Byers vis- ited Mii-. and Mrs. Hoard Franklin, Manchester, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ber-t Smith, To- i-eta, and Miss Marilyn Ar- cher, Whitby, spent the week- end with Mr. a-nd Mrs W. Ar- cher and Mr-. Dever. Mi-. and Mrs. Gordon Gi-a- haine, Ganianoque, and Mr-. Lloyd and Mrs. Chas. Smith, Wednes- d&Y and Thursday. Mi-. and Mrs. Chas. Sinith visited in Ottawa on Friday and Seturday. Mn. and Mrs. Ansan Taylor, Scerborough, spent Saturday night wîth his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor. Anglican W.A. Meeting The W.A. of the Anglican church met in the Parish Hall Thursday evening. The scrip- ture was read býy Mirs. J. Scott and the prayers and Litany led by the president. Plans -were made for euchre parties in Septembei' and October, also .for serving lunch et Mrs. Gea. Saunde'r's sale this month. A notice was read of the opening of the new Diocesan building in Taranto. A delegate ta the first board meeting an October lst ta lie appainted et next meeting. Next roil call ta be answe<red with an article for the bale and the No'vember roll with sanie- thing for the bazaar. The Deanery meeting is to lie held in Ajax on October 6th. Any members wishing ta at- tend contact Mrs. Arthur Bai- leY, Mirs. McArthur or Mi-s John Hamilton. October met- ing ta be held in the evening, Oct. 15. Canan Chaperlin adidressed the meething end expressed sor- row on the deaths of Mrs. Batenan and Mýr. Bane. A letter was read fi-arn Miss K. Allett, Toronto.-a friend of the lete Msrs. Batemian- in which wes enclosed ten dollars as a memoriýal, ta Mrs. Bateian, ta be used et the Canon.'s discre- tien. Mrs. McArthur read an -item tram the Living MJessage and one from. the Telegram regard- ing the Primate af Canada. A singing con'test was great- lY enjoyed. After the closing exercîses, lunch was senved by group two.j Two miari-led men wenc dis- cusshg flheir jays and soi-rows. The tii-st ane remerked, "My wiue is very poctic. Yesterdey alie gat up et sunrise, wakened me and seid, 'Le, tIe moin." "Rul!" replied tIe second feliow, "mine vioke me up and said, 'Mjaw the lawn.' Au A N3g T 0UMMru North Nestieton Mr. John Lamneront, King- ston, visited Mr. end Mss. 1Grant Campblel for the week- Mi-. and Ms.Viatai-Malcolmn jbrother Norman Kerr- and Nan- cy Deinard in Peterboroughi on Satui-day. Mr. and Mss. Don Stutt and Mr. Frank Emerson visited their parents, Mi-. and Mss. Malcolm Emerson. 1Mi-. and Mrs. Wilfred Jack-~ I son, Clifford and Mal-yln i-e- turned home effer a 4,000 mile trip ta Saskatchewan visiting relatives. !Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hunting- ton and family have moved into Leonard Joblin's -place. jMr-. end MsIs. V. Malcolmi end lamily visitcd Ii-. and Mrs. Ralpl Malcolnm on Sunday i Peterborough. Mr-. and Mrs. Wilbur McCoy and family visited Mi-. end Mss. Chas. West et Werkworth. PONTYPOOL Oui- syrnpathy is extended ta Mss. Curtis McKay whosc bro- ther Passed ew.ay suddenly ini Peterborough on Saturdey. Commencing Oct. 4th churdli services wil libe Ield at 2:30 p.m. This will lie something new as ýservices were alwaysi held morning or~ evening. Suri- day School was resumed this week with a fair ettendance. The cold speil has made. a heavy dcmend for waod V'.' orders being langer tharin,-ýae supply. Local trucks have been dram- ing sewdust ta the Fort Erije race trecks. Several members ai Pride ai Pan typool L.O.B.A. visited Ty- rene recently for thc dedicetian of Vheii- new banner. Mr-. Ray Hinkie af Akr-on, Ohio, has commenced tegging Christmas trees on lis plots here. Msr. Elgin Budd of Simcoe was a business visitai- this weekend in the village. Mrs. Lily Richardson is vis- iting friends in Oshawa. Mr-. Arnold McNeil of Toi-en- ta is spendin.g lis holidays with lis parents here. SPECIALS FORi Festival of Values]I for furniture displayed in our window. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY Draw la he made ai 5 p.rn. Saturday SHEPPARD (& GILL LUMBER YE VERYTHING FOR BUILDERS"' Sol King Si. E. Reg. $1.25 SUN GLASSES Reg. $2.49 pr., or to Toronto tbis .wekgid Mr. BrueeFiskls to be hroqh' ly commended on the ýID eo; he has clone ef improving ba home and groundi. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Stevmfl, son wiUllie leaving in a short tinie for the Prairie Provinces. Mr. and Mrs. Hertwell La- very visited friends here Suzu day. Mr. and Mrs. Cailnano niskiflen were Sunday Vi5itO with Mr. and Mrs. Chas Neil. On a recent visit te fthe home of Mr-. Lou Williamson, I wau glad to find him recovered from a bad cold. This gentlen 10 one of our oldest citizefl. GEl THE PRESTIGE GINGER ALE GET WILSON'S Bowmazivillo MArks! 3-5715 $1.49 Many Other Car Accessories Speclals W-F r -W X ~ - including Fi-st Mortgeges arrenged Home Planning Blue Print Service Budget Plan for Honme. Improvements Accurate Estirnates given VISIT OUR MODERN SHOWROOM during CAR POLISH 2 Foar $1.99 THURS., FR1., SAT. - SEPT. 24, 25, 26 SAi adulis are inviied Io corne in and participale ini a M THE CANADIAN STATP-qMAN- MVIPAltblrd% FREE DRAW BowmanviBe MArkel 3-5715