THURSDAY, SEPT 24th, 1959 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVEL~ ~ITARTO PAON LUVUITEEIS Hos pifai Reports 5 Up fo End of Aug A Regional Hospital Meeting the board held at Memorial will be held in St. Joseph's Hospital here on Wednesday Hospital, Peterborough on evening, September l7th. Thursday evening, September Representatives of the nine 24t.h and ail members of the h<spitals in District 8 wiIl be Board of Directors of Mernor- present at the coming meeting il Hospital, Bowmanville arej in Peterborough. The hospitals requested to attend. This was in the district are Memorial announced at the meeting of 1 Hospital, Bowmanville, Port àtAIWys LOOK TO EMPERIAI roRi TE lEST 0% 1958 4,041, 1959 4,929; Averaget number of patients daily, 19581 43.9, 1959 53.6; Operations In- >ur p 1 68 utaietvsis 958 cluding emergencies, 1958 6, 692, 1959 716.1 It was pointed out that the! ju st reason there were 68 more op- erations in 1958 than therel Hope Hospital, Oshawa General were in 1959 was because as Hospital, Lindsay Hospital, Co. there were 888 more patients bourg General Hospital, Ajax days this year than in 1958,1 General Hospital, Port Perry there was not as niuch accom- I Hospital, Peterborough Civic modation for surgical patients. H«spital, and St. Joseph's Hos- Mir. Wilkins, wba attended pital, Peterborough. the American Hospital Conven- Present at the meeting of tion held in New York City in Memorial Hospital Board last June told the board the. opin-~ week were the chairman, Coun- ion had been expressed there. clar Ivan Hobbs, HarryV. that chronic patients should Cryderman, L. M. Dewell, be cared for in hospitals rather, Glenhoirne Hughes, James than homes. This tends to in_- Stutt, Han-y Jose, Mrs. Bruce crease the trend to a larger Mutton, Mrs. L. W. Dippel number of patient days, he sta- Mrs. Harold Gibson, Mrs. Leon ted. ard Hooey, Mrs. Lawrence Ma- son, Ray J. Diliing, the secre- tary-treasurer, &and Stanley Wil- TYRONE kins, the hospital administra- tor. Tyrone carno it rsne The ohairman of the build- Ms- and mmis. W. Hendo J ig cm.mtte, Harry V. Cry- (Mary Roy) with a china cab- derman, reported an a meeting mnet and TV lamp. held with the architect, B. Ka. hr wsafas ttnac m.nelast week. Several at the joint W.A. meeting in smnall changes in the plans for the Sunday School1 room. Pres- thle hospital addition, which ident Mis. A. Hamilton presid- were suggested by the Ontarno*ed and called on Mis. F. Jack-' Hospital Commission, were dis« son for the devotional "love cussed. Your Enemies'". Mrs. Bruce Mutton, president Mrs. Ralph Campbell, ber of the Women's Hospital Aux- gets aind children of Bow- iliary, gave the organization's manville, were given a wel- report and outlined the aux cre.Ms Cmbllognie iary's plans for the comiùng 1 a sehoolwhCh apbel O sh-ied year. Mrs. Wesley Cawker and aa ScO1whe spokeldnuso he Mrs. George Young will be the work she has been doing with auxiliary's delegates ta the Onl- handicapped ahildren. tario Hospital Convention ta be The church cupboaîd la now heki next month, Mirs. Mutton instaJIed in the hall. AU were told the hospital board. Mrs. pleased with the newly decor- Alan B. Sylvester bas again ated Sunday School roont. Mn.i been asked ta act as a hostess M. Yeo and L. Skinner at the convention, axre the leaders for 4-H Club Several members Of the for the w inter unit. Board of Directors of Memlorial Plans for supper fund can- Hospital, and soie representa- vass for October were arrang-1 tives Of the staff, wiUl alscA at- ed. AUi embers are asked tai tend the Ontaria Hospital Con- give their donations to their vention to be held in the Royal group secretary-treasurer. York Hotel on Monday, Tues- Mirs. L. Annis led inae sing- day and Wednesday, October sang. Ms-s. Perey Werry thank- 26th, 27th. and 28th.I ed Mrs. R. Campbell for hon i 1Accounts for the last three most intereeçing message and; Imonths amounted ta $22,821.12. ihoped we wOuld be able ta1 They included: August $6,103.- help ber out in the near future 19, July 6,429.27, and June with a donation. Meeting clos-I $10,293.66. The total for June ed with a lunch. was higher due ta the fact that Mr. and Mis. J. Gibbs and insurance premiums were pa.ld boYs spent the week-end with in that nianth and an oxygen Hamnilton friends, when there tent was purchased. Jack attended the reunion of, Front the first o! the year the 5th Field Ambulance, whichj to date the Budget shows $211,- was their 2tit anniversary. 092, incarne, and $200,954 ex- Douglas Joncs was called penditures. This allowed for a back ta work at "Uranda"', To- surplus O! $10,138. The actual ronto. income for this period was Mrs. V. E. Edwards, Welland, $237,289, and the actual expen- spent a. number of days with diture were $230,444. Tii er daughter, Mir. and Mrs. T. gave an actual surplus o! $6,- Scott, returning home with her 845 and the inventory bas been son Albert. increascd. Aduit patient days IMn. Fred Page spent thel hn the budget were 9,600, and weckend wi'th Mn. and Mis. actual aduit patient days were Floyd Robbins, East Beach. 11,349, sa there were 1,749 Mr. and M1%&s. J. Holdstock more aduit patient days than and Mr. and Ms-s. F. Bleckett1 Were in the Budget. accom»anied Miss Arvila 1The hospital administratOr, Beckett and i. O. Beckett on ,Mr. Wilkins submitted bis ne- a trip to Owen Sound, Meaford, port for the last thiree months and Collingwood on Sunday.j as foulws Luck was with Tyrone. lasti June, July, August-Admis- week when a car suddcnly de-! sions, 1958 608, 1,959 609; Births, cîded ta, take off on ith- own 1958 116, 1959 135; Patient days, from the corner store. It ended up enmeshied hn Mr. R. McCul- lough's fence, having just miss-1 ed bis car by six iches. Fi!-; teen minutes later aU the chil- dren would have been out of school and then anything could have hapnd M.s.JGib 'O D S Mir. and Mrs. Bill Bradd, Or- illia, called on Tyrone friends at week. dit54 A pantry shower -,,as heldt last week at C. W. Woodleysj and Ms-r. and Ms-s. J. Woodley's * for Miss Helen Partner when * 30 attended. * Mir. O. Beckett, Mrs. L. Ail- drcad and Mr. C. W. Woodley' 'k attended the funjeral of Mr.ý Frank Woodley, Toronto, at i Port Perry last week. Ir&. and Mrs. Hans-y Collacotti and Joanne, Mr. and Mrs. Gar- don Yeo and family, Ms-s. Ain- nie Ratherly were recent sup-1 I M-r.- and- Mis. R. Vistue, Mn. C and Mrs. L. Moore, Paul and 'Grace, were Sundl.ay visitais of Tin Mr. and Mirs. Theo Down, Lake.- 1 9 'feMr. and Mis. A. Sytnyk and __________________ arnily, Witby, Mr. and NUs K. Acheson, Scas-bos-ough, Dar- lene and Debbie Grant. Osh- awa, were Sunday visitais of M1,r. and Ms-s. J. His. As-. and Mirs. A. Harvey, He- otties 3 9 C len and Autumn, visited ber' kinson, Auxrsa, visited Ms-r. and Mrs.J. Wodle andPat, Sn Mr. and Mv2s. A. Hamiilton or antanl noedapci t 29Cr ; ak;;onSy. 2 eand fan-iy eo re pini a ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ __ silo flig Mr. and Ms-s. James McQuinn and Valarie, Oshawa, Ms-. and jMis. F'rank Ball and Szne Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mis. C. H. McQluinn. IMr. and Mis. F. L. Byani visited Mr. and Mrî. A. Ten- nanit, Leskard. Mr .L. Byam, Mirs. W. Pas-k, IMrs F. Richards and Mis. J. Murdoch attended the funes-al o! their cousin, Mr. Jack Ed- warszof Oshawa. 0-. for of I p THURSDAY .FRIDAY-SATURDAY CURITY DIAPERS PLASTIC DRAPES Easy t. wash - Dry twice as fast - Sof t, Au assortment of embouaed Plastic Drapes highly absorbent - No hems - 21 x 40 Each panel 27 x 81, in floral prints Limited Supply Regular 4.95 do&._______$3.77 doz. 8 8C pair KNEE SOCKS ROMPERS Rayon and wool knee socks In popular red, brown, Cotton Broadcloth Rompers wlth tw. buttonsp uavyandbotte geenshads. ubiof a59c~* mbroidery trins with blue and maize bottonu. n a v y a n d b o t t e g e e n h a d s . S b s f a 9 e i n oS i z e s i a n d 2 35 Cpr. or 3 pr. $1,00 $1.-00 pair aF LAN N EL E TTE CUSHION SQUARES SLIPPER SGCKS iSpecial purchas. et drapery qur Boys' and Girls' Bmutable foi~ large enshion Fit ages 1 t 4 &5 e c o 99 pir2 PopuIar Sizes 70 x 90 and 80 x 90 3 for $100 Warehouse clearance of "Sierra" quality FACE CLOTES "Tex-made" Flannelette Blankets. A heavy NYLON MATS îf flannelette sheet that we have neyer been NlnRgMt apnbu Multi-coloured stripe face cloths able to offer before at this low a price and white - 20 x id - Eieg. 2.98 12 x 13 70 x90 $1.99 1 OC each $ 8 p r1AIS LADIES' DRIEFS PYJAAS 80 X90 0s - Laies' pRa refs etS- *LSpeclal purchase Ladies' Flannelette Ladi s' ayon Bri fs, n 3 - 1W . L*d4 qP CIi rpyjam as. Stock up at this low price 4 for $1.00 4J*I7pi $1.99 pair INFANTS CORDUROY OVERALLS Corduroy Overails with domed crotch, in turquoise, red, blue and maize. 12 to 24 months 7 pi LADIES' BLOUSES MAGICARE SHEETS Ladies' Sub-standard Blouses in a complete range of "'Tex-made" Magicare Sheets, individually wrapped in pliofilm. Need no ironing. Wrinkle resistant. sizes and Fali colours. Regular 1.98 line. Sizes 10 - 18 Shrinkage - Stabilized. Dry faster. In two popular Drip-Dry Quality. sizes, 81 x 100 and 72 x 100. One low price. $10each $2.98 each BOYS' and GIRLS' LINEN LONGS TEA TOWELLING Boys' and Girls' Poplin Longs, some with double Warehouse clearance of ail linen tea towelling. knees. Girls' in turquoise and red. Boys' in tan. Value up to 79c yd., in 16 to 22-inch width. Suzes 3 teo6X Cut in three-yard lengths $1600 Speciol 3 yards for $1,00 of STORE HOURS Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Sat. ___9: 15 Wednesday -__________ 9:151 Fridays 9.151 Bowman ville t. 5:30 t. 12:30 t. 9:00 THURSDAY, SEPT 24th, 1959 ME CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWILANVffJj& OMAM PACM UVZNTZM m