kShop in Bowmanvi*lle Thi1Ds OF Weekend Senior Champ Breaks Three. Records Durbamn County's Great Family Journal Ideal weather mnay' have been the contributing factor that sparked BH.S. athietes on Wednesday when they set eight new records during the annual. Field Day here. Gary McCullough of Newcastle was responsible for breaking three of the old marks, the high jump, running broad and hop, step and jump. He also came through with the Senior Championsbip. An excellent athiete in many sports, he is also a top student. Hi*gh School Athietles Shatter Eight Records Special - Dr. John This Friday e VOLUME 105 Ail To 28 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO,_THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th, 1959 Council Settie Here Sc hool FRONT PAGE EDITORIAL Time to End This Nonsensei For the second time witbin a year, this community's voters will go to the poils next Wednesday to vote for or against cocktail lounge and dining lounge liquor licences. If the wets win this time we shall be free of plebiscites on this topic for at least another three years when there could be a vote on beverage rooms. If they lose, 1we probably shall face a ballot with al three questions at that time. Surely, it is about time the provincial authorities ended this nonsensical method of handling the sale and distribution of alcobolic beverages. It may save the politicians a great deal of political em- barrassment to pass the buck to the citizens of* a community such as Bowman- ville, but we believe -the time bas come when there must be a uniform. policy which applies generally to ail parts of the province. The present system is bit and miss, discriminatory and ridiculous. Al it does is foster bad feelin g in otherwise peaceful coxnmunities, setting one haîf of the town against the other, with the costs for some unexplainable reason, being borne by the property owners of the com- munity and by private contributors to each side. We have been fortunate here in that the, bitterness engendered by such cam- paigns bas remained fairly well subdued, but it bas been there and will remain for Jnany montbs. The cost aspect is an important factor. The town must assume the entire cost of the el ection, sometbing over $2,000, although it bas no hope of gaining any- thing unless the votes are carried. In tbat event, we understand the community coffers receive a pittance rebate on gallonage dispensed and, of course, additional taxes might be received as licences are issued to new establishments. We cannot understand why the province which reaps rich barvests from tbe taxes on liquor and beer should not bear the full cost of these plebiscites. So far as the issue is concerned, we. find ourselves unable to get too excited about it and, frankly, refuse to be drawn into the argument from an editorial standpoint. Naturally, both sides, are entbusiastic for their cause, and in their propaganda bave presented what they believe are the most telling arguments tbey can find. We bave enough confi- dence in tbe intelligence and good sense of the electorate to know tbey will assess tbe situation and vote for, wbat tbey con- sider are the best interests of this com- munity. RateDavers' Air Grievrnce_ç 10e Per Copy NUMBER 39 Tonight Problem The eight municipal councils ini the Durham County District High School Board area will meet this evening in the Council Chamber at Bowmanville Town Hall to consider every aspect of the high. School building problem, and make a serious attempt to find a fair and feasible solution -to it. The seven councils that have accepted the invitation of the Bowmanville Town Council to attend the meeting here at 8 o'clock tonight are: Darlington, Clarke, Newcastle, Hope, Port Hope, Milbrook and Cavan. The Chairman of the Durham County District High School Board, A. H. Strike; the Secre- tary of the Board, Walter Reyn- olds, and the Chairman of the Building Committee, Clare Allin, have also accepted the invitation of Bowmanville Town Council to be present at the meeting. Representatives of the On- tario Department of Education will corne to Bowmanville to attend the meeting in the Council Chamber. The con- sultative committee of the Unit- ed Counties Council will also be present. Reeve W. David Higgon, who originated the plan for this meeting, told The Canadian Statesman on Wednesday: "I sincerely hope that the meeting tomorrow evening will corne to a workable solution of the prob- lem."1 He emphasized the im- portance of the educational as- pect. III hope that some consistent agreement between the mninci- palities wiil be reached. There is certainly nothing.further the board can do. I do not know how shifts at Bowmanviile High School starting in Sep- tember, 1960, can be avoided," A. H. Strike, Chairman of the Durham County District High School Board stated yesterday. *'The archltects have said they will need three months te pre. pare the plans, therefore au building cannot start beforé frost has set in, constructiont cannot start before spring. It is conceivable that a high school could be-made ready for open- ing in January, 1961," he added. Merchants Are Ready for Big Shopping Spree Which Starts Today a mhuu1111111111Fawq5 1 --w a 1f o % aa% 114aa If% 111 verything isin rea1ness forI13ect ta iY1ake Ita 7 Boir e i i a wmanviile's mammotil shop-1 has almost made itr ee ping event "The Festival of t All that is neede o t u At-Fis eellg o &iO 1Values" this weekend. 1tebgFsia Eight records were broken Softbalî Speed Throw with 5 t F r t Me i g f Sa o!Mrhns r tgn hsjthe topigFstivlocf ausoe at he owmnvile ighScho asss pr mnut. erch-ant ar egngtuseto1foalpartfos of utmr __Field Day held yesterday in There js wideintrerest i te rigreatcoaera tiv wvnture foav l arts onf te a.W Sp a e ýthe High Scileol Grounds. Six Inter-Sehool Field Day to be The advisability of the allot- th-e practice of one mdll each formiation as to whether the rigutmrstton re haeevey o nfhidec htte recods erebrokn b bes, hld extWednsda Setem ment of one miii a year each were te continue, would be go- one miii a year each wold be thca n tpas e or hemseivesw ilb ap it hi ii renodstwerebord e re boset er , in thde guda.S te to the Industrial Commi'ssion ' ing about the matter the wrong continued te the Industrial that it a seetor shp in Boesw h ere thseatyfl v __ y irl. poherreordwa Otare raiin Shoo fr nd the Recreation Department 1way. He stated that lhe beîiev.. Conmmission and the Reç'eatUon Rmavle". whereooretailers are doing thei tied. Bo'ys, Concession Street East by Bowmranviile Town Coundil1 ed the association should ask Deparmeit. This was capried. Readssersf Thoelookthronwil ugh tost artiekecetinti GaryMcCllogh n th Se Bomanille Stdens foriwas questioned at the meetingi Town Council why one miii "This motion will start thetissuefThSatmnwlIcto rsreaifed ofthe Bowmanville Ratepay- 1 acil had been alio-tted te, the: bail rolling. We have other in- chant is presenting special at- manville your shopncnr ior Boys events set three new the Bowmanvil ,PrtHope: fa h e nt nt htams vr e- W reyut aeBw records s follows: High Jump and Cobourg High Schools wil otarakCu oseo eatnn hi yt u noaction yt h s such as free Iucky this weekend. Ifyuenyth 5 feet 712 inches; Running compete.Rcrato draws, etc. But, the biggest experiencean we recfi Broad Jump 20 feet 91. j A hein-nvl] -lgh .day evening. Nerman Hannan, year. "Why is this allotment I gives us a start," Mr. Foran re- fetroo otsopr vl etyu will, coreaaiin ches;HepStep andJump4 th Feli ay ylestc'da 1 sf vice-president cf the asso- given te the Industrial Commis- marked.. be the fantastic reductions i~ n o orefheeads feet1 inh. iGary McCullough won1 the Sen-, ciation, pointed eut 'the value sien when it is flot getting any Members of the egecutive cf prices w'hich are being offered meney. In he ntemedat Bos îr Bys hapioshi. w~hof a miii is grewing because1 industry for Bowmanville and 1 the BowmanviUle Ratepayers' a t this time of year, just when JoeBotwels wo ewrecBords C'orlieysTrim p a s nnr-p.ithe In teItrei htetown's assessmenit is in- industry is going te other towns Association present at the pres- the Christmas shopigsao OKYHPFL ar he u 3 ee 3 i-Inemdit By hapon rasn.all along the Uine?" Mr. Little ent atil the meeting were: Ed is openig er lcsnc r chs:an oT Vul fet~ ship was capturec1 bv Joe Boi.4- Mr. Hannan advised that a inquired. Foran, the president, Norman This has been one of the mest a-nd Mrs. San ie n inc. laie dam st aJu-vell. xith David 'erry as ithe letter be sent te Town Council' It was meved by Jim Coyle,1 Hannan, lst vice-peiet gratifying experiences prepar- Brenton Hughessno r -inch.Bys ecordaefs8 set a un- runner.-up Ted B owý,n became te, ask if the one mil allot- am beofhexcuiead Tm Mstro,2dve-p-e-, ing for this big weekend. The and Mr&. ar Huhs chesin te Poe Valt.Junior Boyvs Champion, and the menis te, these two departments; seconded by Norman Hannan' sident; John Meachin, treasur- eoerte adgnine en- leave on Tuesda e h ceintePl al.Junior Boys runner-up was Jim are te be continued in the fu-'that the lette- be sent te Town er-n-i.Ni WloBbtiasm eert o man lle mr ora aaiesHce The record set for the Senior Finn. ture. Ed Feran, the president, Ceuncil with a request for in- (Continued on page 24) chants in working on the po School at Peterbruh Girls Basketball Speed Throw The Senior Girls Champion- agreed that due to the possibil- was 105 passes a midnute by ship was won by Virginiaiyofterise nvleo h n Joan Davey, Linda Mutton, and Brewn. with Beverley Smiîth miii it would be wise to write S e t t r h e h i a o ie A he e Basketball Speed Threw record vich won the Intermnediate, on this p~oint. tC for Intermediate Girls was set Girls Championship. and Helen' Why One Mill Ailotted? by Linda Rackham, Karen Me-. Panas was runner--up. Mr Sidney Little, a former May-Ou Atuand Donna Bragg. It is'Pickard was t.he winner of the' or ef Bowmanvile, suggested 130 passes per minute. Helen'Junior Girls Championship, and 1 Vile proposed letter inquiring if * - A. Linton Panas and Sandra Chaskavich Bennie Mutton was the run- evening, Septem- tied the Intermediate Girls ner-up. j--... b>er 25tfl, at 8 p.m., the citizens of Bowmanville will have ar cpportunity et hearing Dr. John A. Linton, General Secretary of the Canadian Temperance Fed- eration. He S ises Vice-Presi- dent of the Intercollegiate As. sociation for the study ef the alcohol' probiem. The meeting which is open te the public will be held in the Saivation Army Hall. Dr. John A. Linton was borr ,kaSaint John. N.B. After grad- ~tting from Teacher's College, f?ý and Acadia University, - (fremn which University he rreved an honorary Docter ef IDivinity at Sprîng Convocation, 1958) he took post-graduate work at Union Theelogicai Sein- in-rN, lu New York. Mere re- cently he studied at the Yale Soi oAlcohioi'Stud.les and ,&e Instîtute et Scientific Stu- Unes on the Alcohol Problem, '9.0oma Linda, Califernia. Considered as one et the lead- Ing authorities in Canada on the alcohol probiem, Dr. Linton is highly regarded in thc Church, hi Social Welfare -educational (Confued on paue neveu> Shortage of 'iThreatens G e The Local Association for the Bow-manvilie Grl Guides held their tii-st meeting of the fali season on Thurs. Sept. 17thi. Sonie very disturbing tacts were presented te the L. A. threugh a report sent te the meeting fi-cm the Division Cern- missioner, Mis. T. Battery. f The position et District Cern- missioner, which invelv6s the -supervision et the Local Guides and Brewnies, is vacant. Th e appeintment is fer a two year -period which expires on the last day et June. Mi-s. L. Lucas has for the past term been in office, but since her term has expired it is necessary te find -semeone willing to act as Dis- trict Commissiener. There has been, during the past \-ears, two Guide Compan- ies meeting in town. One at the Higil Scheol and one at Mem- Leaders 'uir Guides orial Park. In order te keep these cempanies runnirn srnootlv there nust lie txvc warranted full lime leaders anc ene assistant. As the situation stands now thiere are net enoughi leaders te cnnduct orle company. As a ïesult Guides cannot function in town and until the time that there are enoughi leaders volunteer for botil cornpanies there will he ne Guide meetings. Thie Brownie picture how- ever is just the opposite. There are four packs rctady te start next week. The leaders have requested that ail children, be- tween the ages ef eight and eleven. intereszted in~ Broxvnies register within the next twc weeks. On M.vonda-':, Sept. 28tlh the 2nd Pack wM rn eet at 4 p.m. * in the Green Room at the (Continuea on page seven) Ice F-or For Skai iMonday Sung Sure! Nigh After several deiays due to mechanical trouble, thle ice- t- -- ~making operations at Mmi-- !l Arena here are definitely ini ehigh gear. S There wil be publie skatingjt I' starting Monday anci fer fur- -- e iler details, consult thie arena radvertisement on the sports - page.I It is expected that the ai-ena I1 - wili have an overali coat ef ice hb' Thursday and certainly by-- - t Friday. L Over eager hockey and skat-t -ing enthusi-asts should keep ini _________ close contact with tue si.gns areund town whieh wil an- Wben this photo was taken, these students at Bow- the record at 9' 1',. They are, fromn left te rlght: Dianne neunce any changes.. manville High School were watching a close competitiori Macnab, Pat McQueen, Ami Balsorn, lauraine Cook, Barring furf-ber diLffiCItitS, in the pole vault for intermediate boys. David Kerr and 'Audrey Smale, X.athy Russel, Susie WI-àte, Anie Vau it now looks as thougil the fal and winter season should be in Intermediate Champion Joe Bothwell were pushing the Dyk and Pat GiUI. J fll swing in the near future. J crossbar up higher and higher until eventually Joe broke