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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Sep 1959, p. 19

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TA1TRSDAY, SEPT 24th. LU~ TEE CANADIAP STATESMAN. EOWMANVILLE. ONTAEIO PAGE NINETEL~ Ambitious Program Drama HeId*1 Fest n. Ori By Frank Pickford committee, lias been held in OROO -Duram entaliconjunction with thie Oron.o fair. ORON - Drbai CenralFor the past four years the Agricultural Society presented; Orono Amateur Athletic Asso- a drama festival of seven one- ciation has sponsored a three- act plays in Orono town hall~ act play. This year was t9he Friday and Saturday nights. first Urne an attempt has ever There is nothing unusual about been madle to stage a draina a draina festival as such. What festival, including the engage- is remarkcable is that a villýge ment of a professional adjudi- with less than 900 population i cator. Before next year's fal could find support for such an fair roils around, Orono fullY arnbitious prograin, participate expects to have its own drain- with a play of their own, and atic society. pack the house both night.s. Sîigncnt Change Orono has neyer had an or- Th sted growth of thea- gnzddramatic society. For temnens ns ml imay ears a play competition, re-muide ands i s 50amal a ____________an________________ ing in other sinall communities ____________________ throughout Ontario), points up a significant change taklng SEE US TODAY moeet hl ulcsp Port of amateur theatricais in For-. the cities and larger towns is The Flnest Automobiles declining, in the smaller coi- For- munities public support is in- Fair and Square Deallng creasing. For- ,The percentage of those In- Low Down Payments and terested in amateur dramatics Easy Ternis. 1 ets sinaller as the cornnuni- Thousands agree, and so do ties get larger,"I said James we, It's none other than Dean, adjudicator at the. festi- Art's Car Market var.. Dean Is a prof essional 194 & 196 Church St. actor, teaches theatre, and is a B.wmanville MA 3-5064 director with the Play Crafts- _____________________ imen of Toronto. He attributes Freel Free! BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas at Vigor Oil SERVICE STATION Under New Management - Don Juard, Prop. Assisted by "Chick" Richards of Bowmanville "We Specialize in Personal Service" CORNER 0F MAN VERS ROAD AND FIPTB CONCESSION Phone MA 3-2919 Double Siamp Day Every Tuesday -Corne Out and See Our Display of Gifts- Complet. Lubrication at a Beasonabi. Price. ASIC ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PRICE ON TIRES. STOVE OIL AVAILABLE EN AN? QUANTIT AT THE STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDITS Dr Smitha, a graduate in dental surgegofIthie Unàwùrsf 1 Tmnto, ia Commandfing Offlur du AsCtham %ismwlins World War 1u«d Alipas WCanda in skoo<ng coemPet"mo ai Bùsl7. 9eSince 190M, rve hac! cLflerent phones your telephone or the. equ!pment that as they developed better and better cnes makes it work may require repairing -and not once dorememba caWlig nom day. But you can bc sure twiH be r, a repaian!"n Many other long-tine uem bave Ie think hard te remember whcaa (bey lest bad to have tbeir telephone fixcd. In (b" modem "Age of the. Repairman". sucb dependabiliy meens a great deaL Ofcoeurs%, lke any mechanial device, done quickly and elficiendy - .adyossU &ave nec r»par bi lI pay. When you stop to consider the pleàsure and convenience you enjoy with neyer an extra repair expense, yoti may well agre. (bat the valut you grt for your telephone dollar ins ruly unique. lEs IL6 TULUpmOns 0@MPAXNY OU ANADA - L Rut mia u a raies, iead Oet- itian of Civic Hospital, Peter- borough, wias guest speaker, tallcixg On thc Esseatials of' Diet. Miss Barnes discuscd Canada's Food Rules for goed he&lth; special eets containisig low calories, low fat, Iow Bo- diun, low cholesterol, -and for the control o! diabetic patients. Shei explained how the dieti- tian works ia conjunction with doctor's aidera ta control Uic paticnt's diet whule la hospital anid Prepares diet charts when thcy are ready ta return home. She also gave helpful hilats for thc homemaker wha must Prepare special meails for mein- bers o! Uic tasily, advising how ta Make Up attractive trinys usirig contrasts in calai, texture, etc. For those redluciag dicta, Miss Barnes wanncd ta avoid diet fads, ta always con- suit YOur doctor anid to remnein- ber that "It is flot the Urne we take et a n-eal, but the seconds that count."1 Mis. Haig Both.vedl, aLso o! Peterbarough, spoke on "Chuamn, Piose and Posture". "-Everyonc ean have charn, if they workI at it" said Mis. Bothwell.6"A ciiarxning persan is self-assured, has good manners, us pleasing, attractive, well-groomed and poised." With Mis. Glen Went- worth and Mis. Ross Davidson assistin1g 6s models, Mis. Bath- well dcmonstrated how ta sit an-d stand correctlY, haw ta en- ter and depart f rom a roorn grace!ufly; suggesting certain exercises ta improve posture, and hOw ta appfly cosinctics cf- fectively. "EvcrY weman should take the tinue for her own sake and that o! her faanily, ta make hersel! as attractive as pos- sible"o. The speakers were introdue- cd and thanked by Mrs. Harry Rylcy, who chaired Uic programn la Uic absence o! Mis. Mansel FinncY, group leader. Mis. Ger- vin Mulligan rcod a poemn on "Neighbors". Mis. Addison Scott presided for Uic business session. The roll cal was answercd by 4-My worst mistake la CookLng"l. Se-. crctary Mis. Ralph Preston read the minutes and dealt with thce corresPondexice wiiicii included I letters froin Mis. R. R. Bon-. steel, Bronte, a fariner mcem- ber; frorn Mr. Ed Yourngrnin, Pantypool,. with thanka for ea- tcring to the Durhami Club Banquet; frein Mrs. F. W. Rey- nokLd for flowers sent on the. occasion ,f their Diamond Wed- ding anniversary and froin Mrs. Walter Rowland for Swshlae1 box duninag iîlness. Copies of Fcderated News and Canadian Consumera' Association bulle- tins were distributed. An invi- tation was received rýd acccpt- cd ta attend a meq-g of the Morriahi Institut. 5ranch at Port Hope on Wednesday, ()c- tober 7th. Mis. Addison Scott and Mss. Harry Ryley were appointed as delegates to attend the. Inatitut. of closing of night clubs Christmas season. DON"T BEA VOTE NO Lodge, Miss Madeline Tooley,f and Orono Odd Fellows Lodge o A local hardware merchant 1 donated the programs. and theIProu to Live in Orono township council completely re-i modelled and. redecorated the. stage in the town hall. jRcnl the Village of Or- an open vote of conrifftulations InvittionAccet 1lon= payd host to a most suc- to Mrs. Samnuel an.d ler festi- :IV O 1 nviatio Aceptd ;cesoful fair. Ini conjunction with val conimittee for the splendid Invitations to participate the fair an equally suocessful entertainment -which their ef- were accepted by the. Thornion draina festival was heki. forts provided for the citizens Players. Knox Theatre Group, In connection wituh this fes- of Orono. I arn sure that every- o n oSt. Albans Players, Oshawa tivai. I sliouhId like to express one w'ho attended was impress- Little Theatre, Ail Saints Dra- e yteaaigaiuto the ~ ~ ~ n cagsta ar taig Group, and the. Peterbor- p by estvl aiati aontfo! pl ae s toa dearpetssin the'>h' <oiiiniiiyTheatre. Convention in Toronto in Nov- wpre-festlomrgnizte ation or place It was tii. fint turne hate efliber. Announcement was Wi. h oxitewss In 1933 the. Iaunching of the more than a four-play competi- maeo1h rnfro is aal epxsbe tion had been attempted and, Frances Lampnian, Home Econ- Another item must certainly Dominion Draina Festival gave th is ieaprfsinla-oiat, to Peel County and the: have impressed the audience. great impetus to the Little j udicator had lbeen engaged. i appointient of Miss Lilly-1 For many years to éome the Theatfre ete warana-But th. results justified the crop as replacement.j people of Orono will be grate- teyears beoetewr m- at anid entiiusiasrn of the Mrs. Addison Scott and Mrs ful to the Clarke Township tupler rmutscie s s g eople o! Orono. The. town hall, William Phillips were appoint- Council for the, new stage in the acos aad tthat W8.5 filled ta capacity both cd as a comrnittee ta look after Town Hall. The council is ta be towns ars aaaa nights., needed repairs to a cistern on com1mended for its foresaglit in time without a single proies- «th rpryo th Untdecsruigtesaead sional theatre group. "It makes me very happy ta the ropertyo! gethe Unttedrecanstcing po t sge and sec titis sort of thing happen- CucPasag-isctrnIagigpoer cran hc Many Changez ing," said Adjudicator Dean. was built by the W.I. ta assure will greatly facilitate theatri- Sinoe the war, Mr. Dean has "People are dolng tliings instead *a. water supply for the fire en- cal productions in the future. seen manvy changes talc. place. of merely watching, and ema gine in case o! fire ini that part May I state that a festival Now, Toronto, Ottawa, Moni- teur dramatics has onc big ad_. o! the village. Discussion of the suoh as the one we recently treal and other cities have their -Vantage over sports an m nc ned for better fire protection expcrienced in a well-equipped professional theatres which, ta- other organized activities-you resulted in Mrs. Vincent Jack- theatre makes a fellow proud gether with TV and radio, not can take an active part ea.i your son, Mrs. Raliph Preston~ and lie lives in Orono.-John Ford only spoofth e aina- ie,-sa Tm. Mrs. Ross Carr appointed i The Orono News. teur talent, but c reate dissatis- t ettefrmn omt faction among thc public with tee and se. what could be donc. the efforts ta entertain by ama- ltrJ~T Mrs. Addison Sott wuN WT N VLL teur groups. A-DJ-iJIJI.I appolnted to interview the E T N IL Only in the srnaller centres Highway Dcpartnient officiais are the amateur players flour- Miss Joan Morton lias retura- and the. Evans Construction Co Miss Bertha Thompson spent ishing, groups sponsored by a ed froin a wcek's vacation in re creating a swimming pool ai the weekend with Mrs. Ernest church, the Women's Institutes,1 Bermuda, taking the trip by Pigeon Creek, west of the vil- Legge of Oshawa. junior~ farmers and similar or-I airpiane. She wvas accompanied lage, where a new bridge is Mrs. (Rev.) R. C. Whiite is ganizations. by Miss Anne Gardiner o! Pe- being built on 7A highwray. on the sick list. "(The people in the. sialler terboroughi. The attractive note books o! Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stapleton centres have not the easy avail- Oroe Challice left on Friday the members o! tihe local 4-H-1 and sons, Douglas and Howard, ability o! the professional the- to commen-ce teiiching ini the club on their last course Of spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. atre," said Mr. Dean. "In the public school at LoheaL<n- in "Dressing Up Home Grown Don Stapleton. sinaller centres, too, the. arrivai northern Ontario, about (00 Vegetables", were on display. Mr. and Mis. Don Vinklè and in recent years of immigrantsi miles north of Sault Ste. ivia- Lunch was served by Mis. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Best o! frorn Europe who have been rie. Ciavano, Mlrs. H. Ryley, Mrs. 1. Por>t Bn ain, have been on a brought Up on theatre,ha Faiswo has Palmier, Mis. W. Neals and Mrs.tordw hugteSaes been a factor la reviving inter- beMisat Oaw allswith o. ad G. Mulligaa. During the socialtordw thugteSat. est Uc iflenc o ties n ew- Ms (<rOtawoods, r.uaned Ixour "Happy Birthday" was Mr. and Mis. Sid Lancaster corners having a greater impacthoen -triy sung to Mrs. Ina Palmner. Mrs adduher orla pn h than la the. larger centres." hm nStra.Vicent Jackson cxprcssed the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Another factor tixat lias help- Mr. and Mrs. Douglus Bruce thenks of the members ta the Staniley Nichols of Port Carl- ed is the community spirit or and son Wayne o! Chiathiam, hostess group for their excel- ing. <togetherness" that is a part o! visited with her parents, Mr. lent program, and ta Mrs. Ca- Mir. and Mrs. C. J. Moase o! elife in a sinail town or village and Mrs. Leonard Driver, On vano for the. use o! her home. Lindsay, were Sunday visitors where everybody lcnows cvery- Thursday. body else. Miss Florence Werry, Hamp- The. people of Orono are typ- tan, Mr. aid Mis. Kenneth Ical. What they lackcd la mon- Sturman, Seagrave, were week- ey thcy made Up with enthus- end guests with Clarence Row- iasrn. When it was suggested an. tee that this ycar the agricul- been visitiiig with her sisterC ADN tural society should sponisor a and brother-in-law, Mr. and draina festival, includfing a pro- Mrs. Harold Sanderson, for the R m i a io i *A c fesinl dudcao, h twnpstto eesleton her re-R m n C t olc A c went ail out ta make the event turn ttip to Regina, Sask., on a success. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sander- Great Support son acconipanied her ta Malton "W. liad such wonderful sup- airport. SP EAKS OUT portfromeverbody 'le Cub aind Scout Mothers' prfrnevyodwe just Auiiary hel hi is e couldn't fail,"1 said Mis. Edivard.ed eifrtme- Samuel, convener of the f esti- ing of the Fait season et thc val committee. home o! Mis. Noci Wood on of thc Orono play called thern- present. The. secretary waa in- scives the Orono Players.Tey structed ta send out letters o! relearcd ii asenns l Ui invitation ta join the group ta and anywhere cisc new m1others in the district. they could find a place rent Plans were mnade to hbld a TEWK scenes, the. stage hands, th Community Auction sale which ______________ scene designers, clectricianq, will be held early un October carpenters, painters all joined et St. Paul's Cliurdi Pariai i to help out wtiere they could. Hall ta aid la OUI> and Scout Thi. Orono Chainber of Coin- work. The. next meeting wül be mreconunissuoneci a Tooto held at thc home of Mr& RlO- This state ment w as mad sculpture, Gerd Unterniann,, to Unid Scott., maake thim a trophy worthy o! WOimen's Institut. being prescnted ta the best play. Following summer iiolidays R m h r e a td a Pries orbetatresat te members of the Warnen's R m h r e a td a aid director were picces o pot- hInstitute were entertaineda tery specially desugxied by lIer- Uic home o! Mxs. William Ca-' land Pottcry o! Brooklin andvano for their meetingonM .i donmated by Grena Rebekahi day cvening. n w P p n fe e h with his sister. Mms. G. W. Joncs. Mrs. Elsie Izzard o! Toronto, was a visitor at the Cox home. Mi. and M-.Cliaton Farrow and son Glen, spent Sunday with Miss Enina Thorne o! Cannington. Mr. and Mis. Wm. Stapleton spent a few days witli Mi. and Mrs. *Lenirox Vasey o! Port Me- nicol. Mi. Jirn Caswell and Mr. Tru- mani Henderson spent a couple o! days at Tory HMl, duck huxit- ing. Mi. Wm. Knox o! thc B.T.S., Bowmaxiville, 1%&s. John Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Morton, Gordon and Marilyn o! Orono, -were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mis. Fred Nesbitt., Mir. and Mis. Bud Joncs and son Douglas o! Burlngton, spent the weekend with Mi. and Mis. Willis Jones. Recent visitons with Mr. and Mis. Frank Ovens were Mir. and Mis. Bryan Noble o! Toronto and Mi. Douglas Payne o! Uic R.C.M.P. stationed at Kelowna, B.C. M%&. and Mis. Wilbert Han- cock o! Peterborough were guests at a dinner party Satur- day evening given by Mir. and Mis. Frank Gimer in honor o! Wilberts 78th birthday. Af tei only a sligiit illness Mrs. Chas. Reid, a long tiue resident o! Uiis community, but latterly living with her daugii- ter, Mrs. Kennetii Smithi <Ha- Cunty Cream Producer j!: ý'8 A100nnuaLs next mont,. 'T Wththssac o ALWAY& ac hs pc o a Mu TERdaeudpce wETHat u pae BUTTER ONTARIO CEAM PODECER81' MAEKETINS BOARD IrEPRESENtiNi 50000CRUM RDOUf 1 kLLEGER hbishop of Montreal A&GAINST THE AS$TE LE FT U N 0F LIQUOR 0 le upon his return from Jelegate in the election of a d demanded that the hours ;be enforced during the Quot.d from The Globe and Mail.. YES MAN FOR ON SEPT.' 30 Bowman ville -Citizen s VOTE NO Committee ,, 1,~ "Bat Cardinal Loger had a sharp answer for those who have accused hlm of hurting the oconomic M11f e 1.cil y and contributing la unemploymont. Ne said ho was preparod Io accepi the lact Ihat his stand on night clubs has ""lowored th. market of prostitution."" Then ho added:"... if thoso who voent their monoy foolishly had practised saving they could to-day provide a living for thoir families, establish and huild their homes, have their automo- biles and thus provide employment for many persans. Instead, they, spend Ihofr momoy on liquor and Ihus prevent the employmenl ai nunterous workers." The Globe and Mail The more drinking places- the mo re drinking- more money is wasted and diverted from legitimate business, Jote No for comfortable, pleasant homes- for a prosperous Bowmanville. THE LIQUOR INTERESTS zel) of Toronto, pasaed awey la lier sleep on Tuesday. The fun- cral service was held et the Niallowell Funeral Home on thc Danforth on lday. Inter. ment was la Lakeview cerne- tery, Newtonville, waih ey. . C. White la charge. Quite a large nuinbcr o! relatives and friends from the surrounding comniunity gathered at the graveside ta show tiieir respect and symipathy. Houer Bride and Groom A presentation was held In the Coxnmunity Hall Saturday' evcnung for Mr. and Mis. Charles Gray. A large number of relatives and friends attend- tQd. After an evening o! dancing ta thc music o!f arrow's orches- tra, assisted by Mis. John Stark and Mr. Clintan Farrow, the bride anid groom were lavited ta the platform by Mr. Lloyd Clysdlale. Mi Dorothy Staple. ton rcad thc address and they were presented with a platforrn rocker, a bookcasc and a card table. Gloria anid Charles thanked ail those presexit and invlted thein ta visit thein at their home la Bowinanville. Lunch was servcd ta close a very en- joyable cvening. "William says there là on!l, one thing wrong with the youngcr generatin-a lot of us don't belong ta it."1 Tft-OPMAY, SEPT 24th. tuae TIM MANADIAN STATT-SMALQ. BOIMANVUlà& ONTARIO PAGE NUqrr]M%

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