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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Sep 1959, p. 20

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PAGM TwENTY a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 41 l.aits~- = bf * & TEE CAIiADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVTLLE. OTITAWT6 I ýTaxes and Handwriting FProrn The Virginla Gazette, questions Wiul1anisburg, Virginla. gresslvei An old Surnerlan vprverb say it's eq reads: cornes aiE "You maY have a lord; YOU ages. may have a king. But the man Oppone to fear 's your tax collector." hi-gh; poir This "fear" of tax colectng- ta pay 91 and allied grurnbllng, cuises, taxes. and thieasa-has been wlth us Whethe since even before the Suzner- acales pro ians. lng more First carne taxes of kind, flot lions of I money. They were paid as trib- our natior ute to a conquering leader. Soon, money th t4e idea of producing revenue stay ini U grew; Egyptian Pharoahs de- count. manded 20 per cent of ail farm The Ha produce. -and the In Greece they taxed doar- note thal ways, and in Rorne, said Gibbons: added ur "Taxes fell like hailatones." through il Romans knew poil, incarne, ex- When a cise and property taxes and ai- bly, it cou most anything else Imaginable, () A cc Including levies on togas and (2) Ai funerals. tax form Medieval taxes evolved from which cou c&urch tithes; follawed the ear- the revent lier pattern of tribute paynients. ificetion. In the Renaissance, peasants- Wrît then tenant farmners--paid levies Most df on their produce. dation po:i Tax en Deards proper lo<, Russiea taxed beards, and ample, ný France fireplaces. An English - close 1oop. Revolution was touched off i-n neglest th( 1318 when Wat Tyler killed a ers loopt tax collector. Later rebellions of t, i and were less violent; one Brittany Even n farmer in 1783 "beat" a tax on forms is, il Itorses by rlding bis cow to mar- confusion ket. larity in Anierican history is filied with numbers tax disturbances; refer back to of the pen the Stamnp Act wtiich spurred Since al the revolution. Constitution ira- corne tax: mers saw the need for taxes; es- of ail buç tablished a legal base. 'But the handwritt£ earliest attempt to entorce na- of national tional revenues - in 1794 - The oid touched off the. Whiskey Rebel- something lion. collectors. Most recent tax controversy to be afrai Greati Reduced P for Festival of b. on ail USED CA and JOHNSO OUTBO0AI in stock W. Invite you to drop in and lok this 3-day shopping spree. Palmer Motor CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH SIMCA DEALERS 20 King st. East Bowmauvlll, a the fairnesa of a pro- ed out careIully, legilIy and tax. "Pro-progressivçs" rect. cluitable s-nce. ikber in- Inci-dentally, Surneians' e taxeci bigher percent- ords date back ta 4000 B.C. taxes have Ïbeen w'th us a ,ents think the scales tao ti-me! int out thet it's possible Lper cent of earnings i-n er or not you thlnk tue 1HAYDON oper, you migbt be pay- than you bave ta. Mii- Thank->ffering service 'gi-tV' dallais pour itot be beici Sunday evening at rn's tneasury eech year; For parti-cuirs see Cor hat could just as Well Events. tbe family savings ac- Mis. Harold Gay, Miss Ev Gay, Oshawa, were Satit landwriting Foundation visitons with Mi. and Mrs e federal gavennent- Gairard and Mis. B. Hou-se tcountless dollars are andi family. Lnnecessarily to taxei Mr. endi Mis. Bert A& illegible handwîiting. Eddie and Le% ,Taranto, ataxpayer writes ilegi- and Mis. Bill Ashton, B ýuld mean: ville, were Sunday auj .ostiy misinterpretation. guests et Mi. and Mis. Ar wasteful retuin of the Read's. a and re-computetien Mi. and MiUs. Alfred Garr uid aise mean e tip ta wene Fr-day nigbt callersata ue office for final clar- and Mis. Cleni Rahm's. Mi. and Mis. Earl Thoma [tint Decrepanclen and famnily, Bowmanville, iscrepancies, the foun- and Mis. Donald Thomp ints out, corne frorn irn- Bowrnanviile, visited Mis. oping i-n letters. For ex- Thompson. îeany people crîesy Mr. and Mis. Ray Vincent s in letters e. 1 end f; Marie, Oshawa, were Sur lose inae,,g andild. Oth- visitais et Mi. and Mis. the non-laoped strokes Rahm's. ýd l. Mi. and Mis. Malcolm -oie împortant on tex fond, Bobie and Barrie,1 camnes îîorn tue *mi' ing, and Mr. and Mrs W. B]- hurnidiy witte buin and famîly, Sunday. - and 7; 3 and 5. A slp aMi. and Mis. T. Tabb, On n canbe cotcal lec an Mis. Rd. McNeil ilms cen beostl in- Mis. Crossman an Thursda: oms eanpasoutnal un- Mrs. Cl-faord Reid and FE fimes, anci aout al! beth, Mrs. Alfred Gainard,m sin es te faimig s, reSaturday night callers et anl irtne.wi -g~ and Mis. Ciem Rahm's. il iportnce.Mr. and Mis. Chivers, Sir 1 Sumerians rey have andi Louise, Scarboraugh, in their fear o! tex and Mrs. George Bertrini But there's no neeci fam-i-iy, Taunton, were Sun id wben faims are fill- visiters et Mn. and Mis. M.1 tri-ms. Mi. and Mis. ClifferdE andi Elizabeth, Starkviile, w Satuiday Supper guestsaet and Mrs. Alfred Garrerd's Mi. and Mis Peter Si-n Swansea, spent the week( Mr adMis. Arthur Tre, >..csnd!F;Wim is.eD . arn MrsRusellAnderson,F rices 'opeSunday. M.adMis. Walter La' idgevistedMi. adMrs. Aver andVerlion, Pleai Point (alues A. Read and Ina-Be falu s sentSaturday evening w relatives et Peterboroughb. Mi. and Mis. John Bons farnily, Oshawa, have i into the Bertrini apertment. Mi. Ray Ashton returr IRS ~homne an Fr-day fromi Bai Mi. and Mis. Lloyd Asht Mr. and Mirs. Ross Asb- Glenn, Cheryl and Barbare - Mi. Ray Ashton caileci on M~ ýN ~Ernma Weiry, Mis. Brown' eanciMi. and Mis. Gordon V ry, Taranto, an Sundey. t D Mi. Kenneth Grahanm, H. Crossmaan, vis-ted Mi. Jo Grahami, Bawmanviiile, Sundc Who i-s Stil confined to, b.d. Raiiy service was weil tended Sunidey evenin-g: Hil reading Rena Graiham; W.ay raround duriug Blackburn read the stoi girls' choir pravided music; Ri Jackson gave the message. Sunday school will b. l% as usuel Suncey unorning Sales 10:30. S ales Mr. and Mis. clenu Rah FARGO Ali-son and Billvited wi Meville Jones et Omn- onSunday. MA 3-5487 Mis. A. MeNeil retur, home on Sunday baving spe -a few days with relatives Toronto. a L ATTENTION! 10-PIN BOWLERS WANTED TO JOIN LEAGUES NGW FGRNING AT EASTrWAY 10-PIN SNACK BAR LANES - BROADLOOM . *U- 4.4-- -4 - -- . -~ - ~-~ 'e ~ ~ ,,- C _ ->- Gs oman des-o -RE--ly - -tod'o alse Yo u oscmony ds llort SER ICEthegos epment lofrt Situated at Town Line ou Highway No. 2 6 Miles West of Bowmanville Fully Auiomatic A M F Pin Spoifers Underlaying Bail Reiurn PINDICÂTORS - TV LOUNGE FULLY AIR CONDITIONED FREE PARKING FOR '125 CARS Light weight bowls are available for ladies and studeuts - Free Instructions - Pom furthe infogmation clli: FRANK< HORNING RAudolph 8-1389 Oshawa, Ontario. Ap T= CANADLAIN STATEPEM. BOWMANVMLX, ONTAM 1959 maintenance of our standard I ~, ~ I IANand way of living. * I eeasvvan s I The question arises as to ~~**~*~ n~ jwhether we can go on atn I ~ more and more indef initelv By ewi Mniga oter hanthecutingdow ofwithout running into debt n 1 Lwcor-ga te ta h ctlg ono thus devaluing the purchasing I o-Arithmetic was rny pet aver- those wants or the building up power of the dollar? The econ- sion at school. I entireyare of the means of providing for ornist's ase eta us rec- wt themwie ita i hr at prices we can afford tion is NO. He would tell us Yes, wih h ymie: ftatodte Pay. In Soviet Russia they that weeare living beyond aur longMultplictio is exaton, have solved the problem by means, and that we must cut long Multiplcation is veation lnntng the wants in ac- down our wants according te Division I-s as bad; cordance with the Marxian doc- our ability and willingness to The Rule of Three doth puz- trine of "To every man accord- work and pay for thein. zie me, ing ta bis need." On the face o! And ractce rive me ad.i-t, that seems a simple solution. And Th vre r ight of ad. but its application under con- IHe-l've told yôu and ta]d 7:0w! iuelmd e rwy ditions of advanced civilization you-there's only one womnax 7:0.offhe m e meo ! ec ndc and scientific progress i-s not se inf the world for me. mungcol pu meit asod simple, because wants have be-j She-Yes, but you haven't corne absolute needs for the said who she i-s. areyn With this apoiogy to the - IidA8~f ~reader I arn venturing inta the s. C* realm of econorniics, and if what I have to say is neot clear and convi-ncing, it may be explain- hton, ed by the probability that 1 arnTH Mi. ~talking in my sleep. selle- The best and brîefest defini- tion erecoiies that I have corne across is as follows: "The À DAC study of the supplyi-ng of mnan's -rardphysical needs and wants." It b Mr. i-s brie! and yet ail-inclusive. If economies were confined .pson solely to the supplying o! man'sI P O L L Mr. physical needs it wouid bel psonmuch simpler and mi-ght be a n W. lOOth DIESEL Temed a significant milepost In exact science like mathernatics, will Iho. pe o aturdaSetmbr2 for man's physical needs under-- ~ ~ ~ 1 tand Canadian Pacific's system-wide dieselization program was. certain conditions can be es- O e Lnday the delivery Sept. 10 of diesel locomotive No. 8023, a tirnateci and supplied. In Cen- at the Town Hall, from 9 a.rn. tili 6 p.m. Ron l,0O-horsepower road switcher, which was the lOOth tral Af rica, for instance, there and froni 7 tili 9 p.mi. El- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~î unto h fiin islpwrtg nosrieo h sne need for economics where El. nitof he eficentdiesl pwertoýg ino srvic onthethe naives live on banans and I Port C.P.R. Shown (inset) i-n the cab making a final inspec- other wild-growing vegetatien, For cars or reliahie baby-sitters 'owl- tion of the unit at the time of its delivery to Windsor build their own kralls o! rush- lack- Station, the railway's Montreal headquarters, are C.P.R. es, wear ne clothes and do net rnPresident N. R. Crump (right) and G. W. Miller, President need television sets for enter- for the Advance Pol ~ono tainment, which is provided for and of Montreal Locomotive Works, builders of the unit. them fiee in the forrn cf war- or for ay. Several directors and officers of both companies were dances i-n the open air. liza- on hand to witness the acquisition by the C.P.R. of its Economics originated in cold- nuu were olingDayWednesday, Sept. 30 Mr.100th diesel, which brings total dieselization of the 17,000- er countries when man found M.mile railway systema a step dloser to the 1961 target date that he could not live without D y working for bis physical needs. imnstby Mr. Crump i-n 1955. The Canadian Pacific acquired He needed a substantiel home C A L L and against the weather and some- nday thing more than wiid vegeta- M3 5 63 o M A-42 Ber- V'i i awa ta Toronto on Wednesday tion for hi-s sustenance. He had ______________________ i .I.LD.J.LJI evening where they were 1 te cultivate the soil, swse Rere Ral1a asosre among dinner guests cf Mi. and Ji-n season, breed' cattie and storeAr oinfvrcfteslYs X wee aly aywa oseve a 1Mrs. T. C. Smillie, Rio Vista.1 bis products for the winteî. Areliqoruindevr dnn of ue ale_________ Mi. Redron Sunday School with The occasion was a party hon- ofIqo ne iiglug 1. Albert Wood conducting the ouring missioniry-on-furlough, Thus man developed an elem- licnce for consumption wîth ger, service, and Mrs. J. Stanr, pi-an- Miss Margaret Scrinigeour of entary economy to provide for 'meals on lleensed premises? N :end ist. Marlene Wood read the Trinidad. Formerly a resident bis donestic needs. If the pro- N ion. Scripture lesson. Mis. R. P. of Llewellyn Hall, Oshawa, Mis cess had stopped there, al_________________________ win Dale told the story "The Red Scrimgeour received ber high might have been weli. But man and Jeep". John Davis and Tommy sehool education at O.C.V.I e became socially conscious and AeyuI aoro h ae- .I. b - Ar youIn fa our f thssal Prt Ogle received the offering. Pro- fore taking her colege degee had te forrn some sort of ader- of! iquor under a lounge __________ ,ver- Sunday, October 4. Miss Scrùmgeour bas been what we now cail a pelitical licensed premises? * C. In keeping wîth the Sunday ;doing extension woîk i-n Tri-ni- ecenomy. He was net satisfied 1N iant School theme, Rev. R.H. Love dcci, and for several yeaîs bas wi-th bis baie needs, he devel -_______________________ used as bis therne, "1Yoûî Child- 'been principal of the large1 ope-d wants. erylrenNeedChrst" Mises unegirls' school of over 800 con- j t is the multiplication of setdb ith Davis andi Sharon Wilbuî sang nected with thbe W.M.S. work1 these wants that bas bedevi-lied iii duet, Mis. R. E. Lee, organ- 1o! the Uni-ted Church i-n Trîn- j ur pelitical ecenomy todey. Commuuity Advaucemeut Association and ist. ided. We cail it INFLATION. There __________________________ )ved Kedron Boy Scouts request Mr. and Mis. Murton Walter i-s no renedy for that condition 1e the co-operation cf ail, wîhen were guests on Saturday a!- mdthey coleet peper on Saturday, ternoon et the weclding and re- inff. Septernber 26, for their auturnn ception af Miss Betty Wood- ~IA IfI I E tis dive. house and Mr. Allen Shelsweil, U E~ Brownie and Guide mothers et St. pal's United Chiurch, FESI A VLE ton, met on Wednesdey evening et Brampton. ton, the home of Mis. Stanley Ogle. Kedron guests et -the weddi-ng' r and An organizetien meeting resuit- and recepti-on of Elsie Bail and i 1960 PiiILCO iTELE VISION %ùs cd i-n Mis. V. Ward being ap. Ronald Werry i-n Ashworth Un- nlee pointed president; Mrs. S. Ogle, îited Church, Uxbri-dge, on Set- Ver- secretery; and M%&s. Ray Scott, urday afterncon, inciuded Mi. treasurer. The next meeting and Mis. C. F. Werry, Mr. and o , n D i p u %rs. was planned for Wednesday Mis. Douglas Love, Mis. FIlot- ohn evening, November 18, et the cher Werry and Miss Wiima Be a 2-set family for the prie of oue!!! Iey, home oi Mis. Charles Thomnas. Weiry, Mr. and Mis. Bruce We service your old set FREE and install an aerial splitter box .. ALL Lieutenant and Mrs. Tait Car- Searle, the groornVa parents, WITHOUT CHARGE (parts excepted) when you buy a uew TV . et- tier of Baden, Gerrneny, were Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Weîiy, ThsofrepesN .1519. ble guests o! Mi. anrd Mis. Russel and the groorn's sister Jeanine,j hsofr xieIov 5 99 yne Down. Relatives and friends wiio was a bridai attendant. The, ry. vis-ted thern here priei ta their reception was 'held i-n the new F IIAREIP IC ev' departure for Camp Borden, Sunday Scbool hall wbeîe the F IIA R .P IC where Lieut Cartier will be an wedding supper was served by R F J E A fD ield lflstiuctor. ladies of the .Ashworth Worn- EF IE A MB TELE VISION et Sidney Trevail and Douglas an's Association. Guests were SASc/59 - Reg. $267.95 Pascoe have resurned studies et entertained during the evening Sale Price - $229.95 21" Mautel with legs hm, Ryeison Scihool of Technology, at the bride's honme, R. R. 2, Ux- F135 e.$19 itb Toronto, with residence et the bridge.F12/9-Rg$545 Reg. $289.95 nee Y.M.C.A. Mi. and Mis. Sidney Mac- Sale Price $425.95 Sale Price $279.50 Mrs. H. Pascoe, Mrs. M. Wal- Donald, Stirling, were week- 21" Narrow Console, with red ter, and Mis. H. Werry were end guests of Mi. -and Mis. Har-FR ID RE AN EW r se -Re 429 ent ameng guests of Mrs. Gordon old Werrv, foi-lowi-ng their re- F I DA R R NG SWap-aroun peaker -Rg. $.95 etPero, saao edy tuin from e honeyniaon i-n the RDP38c/59 - Reg. $322.95 Sale Price ----- - - $353.50 evening at e part and shower Maitimes.SaePie-- - - -$29 5 17Sen rPotbewt -honouring bride-te-be Miss Sae_____-------_26.9_1"______Prtblwt Donna Peters. Mirs. J. Guest, S bastnd-Rg$295 Mxwell Heights, was a ca. PRESIDENT'S HEALTU FRIGIDAIRE FREEZERSalebrassstnd- R-g- $259.55 Mises. adMs oadBon e okTr 20 cu. ft. - Reg. $599.95 Mr ad rs Hwad 3ow, ewYok imsSale Price -$3n9 (Al_ WithoutTrade) eread s Rtotbe epin AUd of-th u s t dig RGDAR RY E iupniANadFN Rdo

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