THU tSDAY, SEPT 24th. 1959 4 -H Members Guests of Solina W.I. T7he September meeting of Solina Womens Institute was held in the hall on Thursday evening, September 10, with President Mrs. Tom Baker in the chair. The meeting opened JESTI VAL of VALUES ONTARIO PGTATGES 10 lbs. 3c 12-oz. 2. for 3-9c Speclals ln. . POTTED AND CUT 'NMu m s FREE DELIVERY FAI RWAY Food Market 44 King St. E. MA 3-5674 THE CAMADIAN STATESMAN. noWMA&NvnLL,ONTAU PAGE TrW]NTY-ONU with the singing of thei ode, repeating the Lord'a Prayer end the Mary Stewart CoUlect. Pianist for the eveiiing was Mrs. M. Vice. The treasuner, Helen Milison reponted a balance on hand of $229.23. The president announced that Mrs. W. Ashton and Mrs. E. Hockaday would be leaders for the next 4-H Club girls project "The Supper Club". The date for the fall bazaar was set.Th ladies will be guests cf New- tonville W.I. on September 23. Mrs. Ralph Davis, a district delegate, was appointed te at- tend the Convention in Toronto in November and present a re- port at a later meeting. Mrs. E. Taylor read a letter negarding a scholarship offered1 boys anid girls as a Summers Memorial. Mrs. Trudy Radovicl read an interesting letter fromn the English correspondent, Miss Clayton. The roll cail was well answered with a famous wom- an. Mrs. E. Vance, leadrc Group 4 on Citizenship, ten took charge and welcomed the 4-H Club girls te the meeting. Mrs. Roy Langmaid comment- ed on the motte "a faithful friend is a strong defence, ad ho that bath found ene, bth found a treasure". A peono friends concluded her cern- i ments. The 4-H Club girls, under the leadership o! Faye Vice and Marjonie Cryderman, had ar- ranged a display o! vegetables w'hich made an attractive pic- ture, giving everyone the de- sire for a tossed salad or other tasty dish. The girls record books were aise on display. Laura Bowman gave a coin- mentary on the projeet, "Dress- ing up home-grown vegetables". Jean Hancock played a pi- ano solo "Sweet Heur o! Pray- or" with variations. Peggy M.ill- son, winner o! the public speaking contests sponsored by the Canadian Legion, gave her speech "Our Canadian North- laýnd". It was extremely well' :4! k LAYER CAKES _______ DATE LOAVES each 45e each 30e CHERRY SQUARES doz. 50e RAISIN SQUARES doz. 50e COCOANUT SQUARES doz. 50e DATE SQUARES doz. 50c CHOP SUEY LOAVES ______ each 30e RAISIN LOAVES BRAN MUFFINS each 25e doz, 40e SEVERN'S BAKERY 53 King St. E. MA 3-5654 'I M 'al g'tien Lois Ashton favoured wihapiano solo, «Santa Lu- Mrx. Trudy Radovie gave the tallc of the evening on her Lhomeland, Germany. Among her remarks shle told niany of the custozm that differ from ours. The spectacular beauty of Catholiec clurches was describ- ed. The rmnging of tbe church, bells was very important. Most people are married with two ceremonies, one at a registry office and one at the church. Pictures were also shown. which. made ber remarks more vivid. Alma Langmaid expressed thanks to the 4-H Club girls, the leaders and Mrs. Radovie and ail who diad taken part on the program. Dianne Tink, o! the 4-H Club, called the leaders to the front where they were each present- ed witii a cup and saucer, in appreciation of their leader- ship, by Lois Ashton and Jean Hancock. Faye thanked the girls fittingly 'and told of the different lessons the girls had taken during the course. Mar- joric aise added her thanks to theml and to the mothers for the use of their kitchens. The meeting closed, with The Queen. Mrs. Vince and her group served a surnptuous lunch of sandwiches, pickles, cake and tea to the 39 mnembers and 18 visitons present. Hampton H & S Holds First Fal Meeting. Hampton Home end School1 Association met in the new sohool Wednesday, Sept. 16,1 with fair attendance. The new executive was in charge: Mrs. Hughb Coutts, President; Mrs. Fred .Payne, Vice-President; Ij Mr. Jack Rice, 2nd Vîoe-pnesi-i dent; Mrs. Clarepice Yeo, Secre-t tary; Mr. Harold Balson, Assist-i ant Secretary; Mrs. Ben Kil-1 lens, Treasurer; Mrs. Jack1 Lyon, Membership; Mns. Genald1 Balson, Lunch; Mrs. Percy Dew-i eil, Pianist. Mrs. Jack Lyons, Mrs. Me-1 Neil and Mrs. Luke Were ap-3 pointed te arrange a Hallow- e'en Party for the school child- ren in the hall. The member- ship fee for this year is 50 ets. Mmr. Farrow gave a reading, "The Light in the Window"l.t M4rs. Keuning contributed a1 Duteh song whioh was mucht enjoyed. ,' Mrs. Hall's room won the at- tendance pnize. Mrs. Payne la n charge cf the October meet- ng with Mrs. Coutts and Mrs. YIcReelis helping. The principal frei Christian Reforin School wiul be the speaker.9 Meeting closed with God ' Save the Queen and a social c haîf heur. Four teachers are on the staff this- year: Mrs. Frank Gilbert of Sodina, principal, with 37 >upils, Grades 7 and 8; Miss Betty Kellar of Marysviiie with s] 45 pupils, Grades 5 and 6 - Mfrs. D. Hall of Hampton with 43 pupils, Grades 3 and 4, ail e teaching in the new school, and Cl Miss Joan Peel cf Coboconk, n whom we welceme es a new 01 teacher this year, at the old 1ý school, with 47 pupils includ- ti Ig 27 new beginners. Welcome tc Lthe other three teachers who f have returned to their duties P: igain thii year. b YOUm REXALL TLn> .L,,qI DRGOSTSAS.Bea eall sho peLAN7w5 Get this 5WÇ Package of /new Rexail Buffered Pain 4Relief FREE when you buy of these famous Rexali products SUPER PLENAMINS Sproido 9 vtamîins I ncluding 812, 1'2 Sminerais including iron, ond liver. HeIp maintain your resitance t infection wth one doiiy tablet. No a" e vitmin pfoduct gives you Ume for yow money. PAMILY mOTrnE OP 288 TABLETs...$13.95 5 MONTHS SUPPLY OF 144 TAsLETS...$ 7.95 10 WEEK SUPPLY OF NEWI REXALL BUFFER W PAIN RELIEF "PLi New Buffered Pain Relief tob- lets work fast ta relleve pain, and they'ro buff ered ta prevent adid irrittio>n-an't cause UPSET STOMACH. Tlsey gei into the blood strean quickly ta rolievo headoches, cold symptoms, regular mon- strual pain, mino, arfhritic and REXALI TRIPLE ACTION COUG, STRUPS STOP-COUG»H SYRUP Mis odvanced new cough syrup contis d.methorphan hydro- bromide-actuaily stops coughing by acting on the cougli contre reflex. 8 OUNCE BOTTILE ....$ý249 4 OUNCE BOTTLE .... $1.49 TRIPLE ACTION COUGH SYRUP FOm CIMEN 8 OUNCE BOTTLE...$1.49 3 OUNCE 8OTTLE ......... 894 TRIPLE ACTION COUCH SYRUP (ADULT) REXALL REXALL REXALL THUBISMA- SUPER COLD userez ,.ofhIng Cves fast relief BLT lice TNRU for frn ces ci.Coutoh, a mail e*Neocif relef of Mus- 11- relleves oamblineo of bgre. cular aches, heoarbu, belch. "~~ dlents-A.tihistafln% sprains and îgadnî.. H..CcdCiu exclive n-lien. isma-Rex Bloflavoeolds. Combat grodlus acuaiy cariess ~4.way action cold mseres qulddy nd effectively. -1- u9s. comfartagmedica- acts fast 1taseglirIlzê stoaod 11101% dom l4Rtj *0 " ta~acdlty, ansd the new couabinoto *OTTE OF 72 TAMMT...$3.49 umiiore Polas where el hurf. la of ingredienl, pçeedes longer bOTUE Of 30 TABIET...*1.79 esoullea quid or cowvenlent- Iosting relIef. PACKAGE OF 12 TASIEI... .... 984 1-oey loi for.6ONECTE...$.9 Sp«CL MnjN 2 OL SOTIM!..$1.49 1 UC OTE..28 UUCl ALT NO 6 CL SOTTLE..$2.98 4 OUNCE BOTrLE..$1.29 SmUler tablets for chudren- 2 OZ. TUBE (JEL..$1.49 24 OUNCE Bonu1....79t BOnILE01:24 TASM T794 JURY &LOVELL Phone 'MA 3 -5778 Bowma nvillel By DoRPOTHY UARKRIt Almost as straiglit as the crow fies the two diesels spedi acroas the three provinces of Ontario, Manitoba and Saskat- chiewan. Behind tlcm, 1 sat in one o! the coaches watching thé theusands o! acres cf lush green bush and forest. Literal- ly hundreds o! lakes, the littie cnes chocolats brown, the big- ger cnes an ebony hue, made me Wonder %uýhy our Canadian scientists would ever worry about greenbeits and conser- vation areas. Sunely here was enough water te keep this part o! the old world frein drying up for many moons. Lîke al pneblems relating te man's relationship with nature and his needs such as coal, cil, gas and lumber, transportation bas always been a poser. The engineering bnains o! the coun- try are even now censidering a means o! piping waten frein the great lakes into the central, heavily populated regions cf Canada. Thene suburban muni- cipalities are facing a waten shortage more severe each yean as wells dry up. But it is not likely in the lifetime o! Most o! us that those stili, deep bushland waters wîll be dis- turbed by anything more com- mercial than an outhoard Me- ton on a fishing rod. 1 was amazed te hear a fol- low traveller remark that she wouldn't cane if she neyer saw another tree a!ter twe days o! travelling through this amaz- ing greenbelt. To me it was restful and at the same time exciting. Outsido my mobile ~'icture window at one point saw an eagle's nest atop a hydro tower. A few miles fan- thon on, there boside the tracks nestled a lone grave fenced with rickety wooden palings. It must have been painted white years ago, but now was just a dirty gray colon A single spindly cross, leaning at a pre- canieus angle, marks the last resting place o! someone who had been loved eneugli te have this little woodland shnine built te his or ber memory in the midst o! the alniost prime- val forest. At many o! the small stations as the train whizzod- by, red- brown Indian children played. rhey looked eut o! character in their modern jeans, T-shirts and loathor shees - the little girls wearing plastic hair bands. The white man lias made little dent in these forosts, but lie has evenlastingly influenced the tastes and habits of Canada's first citizens. Still if one leoked doeply into those woods, one ceuld spy a tepee here and there be- side a squatty old log cabin. Perhaps the Indians liad eroct- ed them, for the overflow o! 'hildren, for these northland natives are famous for the size of their families, yet we liard- ly evor spied a sign o! life near these primitive abodes. I came to the conclusion that the whole family goes fishing or berry picking.I How could one ever become ceneryWild flohwonebnil ocnred Wih suchwo nderul. iant hues abound in profusion, OBITUARY »M. ROY BONE The connunity was sadden- ed by the sudden passing cf SMr. Roy Bone in Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital on Saturday, Sept, 12. Alter an illness of sevoral months duration, Mr. Bone was taken te liospital on Frid.ay, Sept. 4, and alter x-rays were taken, it was found te be an ailment o! the kidneys which caused bis iflness. He was in his 58th year and was born at Victoria Harbeur. During his lifetinie le lîved in various sinaîl villages and towns throug.hout Ontario, cern- pleting bis schooling at Brech- in, where lie lived until h1s marriage to Elda Brown cf Coldwater in 1928. His careeer as a railroader on the CPR began when he was a boy o! 14 and continued for neanly 40 years, ending at Agin- court as a section foreman. He was forced into retirernent in 1952 due te an injury te his back. In 1955 he, with bis wife and youngest daugliter, moved te Bunketon, where he assisted his wife in the position cf care-j taker agent on the CPR. The deceased leaves his wife, the fornmer Elda Brown, and thnee daughters, (Gladys) Mrs.l Jack Bell; (Marilyn) Mrs. Geo. Lawson and (Doris) Mrs. Geo. Wallen, both of Markham. Aise surviving are bis moblier, M±s. J. W. Bone, Hamilton; five bro- rihers, Cecil cf Scarborough, Wesley cf Gamebridge, Ted and Doug cf Toronto and Gordon of Hamilton; two sisters, <Minnie> Mrsn. Josephi Abel, Hamilton, (Eileen> Mms John Murphy, Dundas; and four grand child- ren. Funeral services wene held from the Dixon Funeral Home, Markhamn, et 2, Sept. 15, with interment at Grace Angli- can Cemetery, Markharn. Bey. Robt. Mackie o! Agincourt offi- ciated. .The pal bearers were four brothers, Wesley, Ted, Doug and Grdon, Mr. Jack Smith and Mir LelieArgus. Floral tri- bfiÙe were mute evidence of the esteem in whioh be was beld. Other parts of the body assist th spakrbut the banda speak IhreVe. Qitilian. Give me the hand that la honest and hearty, Free as the breeze and un- shackled by party.-James Montgomery. It is foolish te petition with empty hands.-John of Salis- bU2y. blending their blues and bright Kocins wvelcomed the teachers orange with the clean white e! te the meeting. She called upon the daisies that grow every-- the inspector Mr. T. I. Mie- *here, even in the crevices cf Ewen, wl» spoke to thé group. the rugged rocks. Bird watch- Mxr. W. Lycett then gave a ers with trained eyes could report on the Safety Workshop easily spot thes red on thes which lie attended ini Toronto. winga o! the blackbirds or spy Plans wers miade for future a duck flying frei n e watery meetings. nice field te another. While the lady ranted about "«trees, trees and more trees" another couple. whose home is New Officers almest in the heart o! the larg- est city in the world, revelled odu ~ iu e b in the vast distance their glance Isald b could caver. Thoy reckoned their tounist dollars well spentLin te for the pnivilege cf viewing in te this bit o! Canada in Its wild, Tlfrtmeino!hee- natural setting. Tefrtmeigo h « Most spectacular act nature son for the Bowmanville Lion- staged for us during the last ette Club was held Tuesday, evening before a Regina visiti Septeniber 15,. at the Liens Cen- was the sunsot. A long, thin tre. President Lionette folly pattern o! clouds resting on the Kent was in charge. prairie horizon turned frein a Each ILionette was given twe billowy white te a deep tur- tickets te seil for the Consuni- quoise. Then, as the sun sank, ers' Gas Ce. Cooking School te a vivid red line framed the tnee be held October 6 in the Town tops that stood out in black Hall. silhouette against a lemnon yel- Lionette Betty Lander who! low sky and blended into a is in charge o! the Lions La- midnight blue where a new dies' Dance, asked for help frein moon hung. Stili there are those the Lionettes in organizing this who misp those spectaculars o! dance. Novoniber 21st was set nature because they cannot see as the date. the forest for the trees. Lions President Glen Lan- ""FOA&MFLEX" WEATH ERSTRU P SETS Reg. 7.98 3-piece set-plastic fcam adhered te wood strip. 5 two 7' lengths on. 3' length.1 KITCHEN ic UNITS BAKERY SPECIALS KINGSDALE BISCUITS pkg. 29e HOME-MADE COOKIES _____ 2 doz. 39c McGREGOR HARDWARE m5 McN sir. W.LIMITED =Uki348 PRESTO NE FI PA My n ANTi-FFIEEZE