PAGETWETT-WO RE ANADAN TATANEOWANYfLE.ONT~O 'NTR~TIV ftPq Cdii.lOI CWL Picks Convenors For Bazcuar in October Au Intaresting report on th. Diocesan Convention of the Catholic Women's League held recently in Peterborough was gien by Ms. Stewart Chis- lb.n te petident, eat he meeting of h Bowmanvill* Catbolic Womnen's League held in St. Joseph*. Hall lutI week. Mm B. ert Bayne acted as se- oeetary for the meeting In th. absence of Un. Joseph Cudda- bee. A letter woe read from the Canadian Club of West Durhamn tellln,% of th. program of out- standing speakers acheduled to address the newly forrned club durlng the comme months. A communication wao ne- cevddealin« with supplies of relgiusChrstascards end ealendars now avallable. A letter from Mr. and Mii. Ken Noonan was read thanking the CWL for the ercellenrt catering et the Noonan-Leddy wedding. Mms George Young told th. meeting of the Wonien's Hospi- tai Auxillary Membership Tee« to b. held at th. Nurses, Resi- clence, Memorial Hospital, oni the foflOwing Priday aiternoon. Plans for thie Bazaar to be1 held early In October In St.1 Joseph's Hall by the Catholic Womnen's League, were discuss-i Bellevlng thatth1 4th end 15th Amendmenta 10 theb.US. Constitution gave women the ight 10, vote, Susan B. An- thony, one of the earliest American Championso! wom* *n's rights, voted in the presi. dential election of 1872. She was arrst.d end fined $100, but she refused to pay 1h. fine and wus never iorced 10 dg 2o. ted. Mn.. Stewart Chishoini and Mrs. George Young ere the Son- eral couvera for the event.' .Other convenors appoluted for th. Bazaar were: Tea, Mna jack Brown; Fame Work, Mrs. Dlck Leddy and Miss Me Bot- troUl, Aprons, Mis. G. W. Iqee; Knitted Ooods, Mrs. Martin Moflcy: DcliDraw, Misa Evelyn IIuges; Speclal Draw, Mrs Leo Goulah;, Country Store, lirs. John Sweep; Bake Sale and Turkey Draw, Mrs. Joseph Cuddahee and lins. James Pair- Candy, lirs. Glenholme Hughes. It wus decided te hold a euchre each month. 7be final euchre party o$! lb. season wl11 b. held in St. Joseph's Hall on Tuesday evenIng, October Mth Mrs. Martin Mjolloy was ap. pointed convenor. Arrangements for catering to the Canadian Order o! For- esters Banquet in th. Lions Commurdty Centre on Saturday evening, Septêruben -121h were ccmpleted. liii. Stewart Chis holi was. convenor for tbis event. AU menibers were particu. larly lnterested in th, Catholie Women's League Communion Breakfast te be held in St. Jas- éph's Parlsh Hall on Sunday morning, November 8th. Mrs. George Young was appointed catering convenon. It was decided io hold a Ca- tholic Womnen'a League Mem- bership Drive Tee on Sunday, November 151h from, 7 pa.. 1 9 o'clock. New Banner Dedicated at Tyrone LO.B.A. Tynone Unity L.O.B.A. 1244 officers and members were very pnlvlleged 10 have as their guests et th. regularnmll meeting held WednesdsyeveF- Ing, September 16, aI 8 p.m. R.W.P.G.M. Sister Spnoats, Pe- tenborovugh, Veny Woshipful Sister Youngman, Deputy Lec- tuner o! Peterborough sud Dis- trict Counly Lodge No. 5, along with the Worthy Mistresses and some membens froin Oshawa Queeu Mary, Pontypôci 1314, Goodwood 1090 sud Whltby Vi- mxy Ridge 639. Aller W.M. Sis. M. Gibbs b.d welcomed everyone sud cou- SAVE Up TO $#500 ON THE PURCHASE 0F -THE FINEST CAR MON"Y CAN BUY HERBE ARE TWG EXAMPLES: 1957 FORD) CUSTOM 300, VS, and radio. Very Iow mileage, red and white paint, spotiesa two- toue Interior. Sale Puice only ,$1,495.00 1953 PONTIAC DeLlUXE SEDAN. Two-tone paint, tlnted glass, extra dlean sud sharp. Sale Price $495.00 Many more attra<ttive buys- Se. Us Tday, and Save * Save *Save Low doivu payments sud easy convenlent ternis tan b. arranged. ART'SMCA MARKET 194 and 196 Church St., Bowrnanville MA 3-5064 'I I I ducted the budsiu, .W.P..M.. Sis. Sproats oonducted a very Émpressive Dedication for our new banner ussited by viait.- ing WXM.sesd Sister Young-. man. The quilt conmftee sold tickets following the meeting, R.W.P.G.M Sis. Sprots drew th. winnng tickets with the quilt going 10 Mra. Lesie As- ett, Orono. The bedspread was won by Misa Leona Mitdiell, PontypooL The penny sale supervdsed by Mrs. W. Vaneyk was qunte successdul and the evenlng clos- .d wllh a lovely'buffet supper convened*by Mrs. Peg Mlsoon and her committe.. Monday night Sept. 21, the Degree Team and severel mem- bers went to Pontypool and exeniplified th. Orangeý Degree when Pnide of Pontypool 1314 had four n.w members join th. order. Incentive Pay Cooking School Demonstrators Mis jane Grogm seventeen Ontario centres to be vislted by The Consunmera' A by C. J. Barris 'ar-'mothlngmaurl Acommission of 40 cents a 1gas cooking demonstration tour nionth out o! the dues o! every with a "ýcome t0 the fair", theme member hie signa up ta the --.presented by membens o! the profitable arrangement eIijoy-1 company's Betty Brighbt Home ed by John T. O'Brien, vice-. Service deparîment. president o! 1h. teaitens' un-! Miss Rosemary Ballagh aud ! on. That fact camne out lu testi- Mrs. Jane Grogan wlll direct mony before the- U.S. Senate a demnonstration on Tuesday, jwas a]so disclosed that t he un-. Town Hàll, Bownianville. ion spent about $5 million last I year on orgauizing campaigns.I Despite Ho!! a's generoityj with bis members' moueyi sHp it 1 A i extend bis union fan beyond tbe llie ucs.l h aeotruck driver field is having only BI e public protest th. attempt ta organize th. police lu New York ID city was called off before even VI f one poicp e si hdept hibe. -W i h D eligi !one pic p eman hi badg e.- VRN Drives to enlist reflnery work- The Membenship Tea held by ers o! the Standard 011 Com- the Woxnen's Hospital Auxiliary pany and th. 200,000 mail-order on Friday-aftecrnoon lu thie Aux- aud ware-house employees o!f liary's room et Memorial Roi- the Sears, Roebuck Company pitl, Bowmanvilie, was a suc- have flot succeeded. Nor bas the cessful and enjoyable function. campaigu la unionîze millions! !&s. Bruce Muttou, the presi- o! U.S. stale, county aud muni- ident, and Mrs. Aubrey Smith cipal governmeut employees. 1 were the hostesses for tb. a!- But thie Mn. O'Brien mention- teriioon. ed above bas niaI let his chie! The co-convenors for thie dawn. As an instance, bis deci- event wene Mrs. Jack Dancb, sion b onganize the office work- Mrs. Lloyd Ayne, and lirs. Clif! ens o! about 20 Chicago truck- Trewin. Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin, iug companies. Wlthoul bothi- 'the ecretary o! tbe organIza- ering to enlist tbe support o!f tion, was in charge o! identifi- the workens involved, he put cation tags. Mauve and yellow 1'infiationary picketsl" anouud name tags, the auxiliarys col- th. establishments. Such pick- ours, were pinned on the mem- ets do not indIcate that a stnike is lu progresa ou the premises; bhey indicabe simply that there are some non-union wonkersf with the particular compauy.'A.m Obligingly for Mr. O'Brien the Un M ogistri truc drierso! bis union Iben ne!used 10 Interchange frelght belween pickeled companiies; Witnb presumnably th. truckers would<Wîenb have been suspended by the A Pontypool man in Bow- union, and lait their owfl Jobs,i nvilll. Magistrat'. Court on If tbey had dune otbcrwise. Tuesday, Sept. 22ud, was con- Faced wlth the alternative of victed o! three lufringemeuts joiniug the union or havlug n flOtheb Unempîcyment Insurance jobs, the offiçe workena wero Aet. Hie was flned $10 ou each ail teamstens wllithn a lew days.j count, a total of! $30 and $4 O! course « Mr. O'Brien had costs, orn l defaulit 15 days in that special inceutive psy. That~ ja.l. 'The fine wa paid. The 40-cent bonus gIves hlm an ex- offeuses charged against the Ira $40 each month for each 100 rm were, 1. Not baving a bookc new members, or $400 for a for each eunployee, 2. XKeeping thousand new faces. And if b. the books of sevena-1 employees gels his sales record up toten flwho have 1.51 bis employ, aud thousand u.w unlonists, h5 lffling lia deliven unemploy- bonus Wil approach $1,000 a ment insurance records and ta week, . have books re-issued. The char- As Mr. O'Brien would prob- ges were laid by the Peterbor- ably be the final 10 agrec, lt's ough Office o! tb. Unemploy- bebler than wonking for a living.!nient Insurance Commission. William Ashton, Deputy Beauy CotestCracdown Game Ovenseer for Ontario was Eeauy Cntat Cackown the chie.! witnese egainst an Petereborough Examiner Oshawa mon charged wlth an The board o! govennors of offense agalnst lb, Game Pro- MeMaster Unversity bas de- tection Laws. Allen pleading claned its intention o! expel- 'Net Guilty' thxe acous.d admit- flng auy of the women under- te having had a pheasant in graduates o! eMstr l is possession, but insisted tAaI enter beauty contesta. j le had found Il dead beside a This will surprise a'nd disap-r lu inDanilugton Township. point those wbo rememben tt e claimed thal the bird had th. enigin o! beauty contesta'been killed by sonie car as, se- was iu classical mytlxology andi coi-ding ta bis assertion, il was that the wiuner of, the is badly skinned sud mangled. beut cntst Vnu. ec- h Conservation Officer Powell, eanapple from Paria foern surpassing comneliness.j NOTICE to Owners and Tenants Apparouîly, tmre conusuion'lbas arisen iu the minds of evral tenants who have recelvod assomsment notices receully, wilhlu 1he Town of Bowmauvillo. The lollowing excorpi froi 1he Asmommout -Act slalom 1h. roison why lh. notices have boom meul Notice of Assessm ent *46-(1) The. assesr or bIs assistant shall prior t. the eompletion of the asseasment roll for the municipality or wasrd, as the case may b., deliver in the. manner hereinater provlded bo every person naîned therein, except persons entered on the roil under Section 21, a notice (Forni 3) of the. suni or au=a for whlch such person bas been assessed sud such other particulan as ame mentloned in the. Form, and %hall enter I the roll opposite the me of the. person the date of delivery of the. notice and the entry shall b. prima ai. evidence of the delvery. E.S.O., M% c . 24, (1); 1952, c- 3, s. 1L"' 40 (1); I1N2&3, L» C. S. 0k., Assousor, Town of Bowmanvillls. il Heresy By C. J. Rarris Tt may be a case o! lockln¶ the barn door a bit laIe bu some medical men are question- ing tbe wisdom o! the federal- provincial scheme that is already Sartly in operation. The pa aibeen langely fashioned by polilîcians sud, b y sud large, doctons are quit. lnexpenienc.d lu the ways of politiciens sud governments. Wheu the plan was lu prepara- ton the medical !raternity seems bo ave felt thal lunthepublic finterest their ouly course was to hope for tue best. Now aI leasî some o! the fralernity's membens appear ta fean for the warst. Writlug In the Outario Medical Association Review, Dr. M. J. G. Lynch o! Sudbury sys, *lW "Wnl Sudbury have felI sud said, sud stili feel sud say, that orgsnized mediclue sbeuld have given a fin no la govenument." The Sudbuny doclon recoguizes thal opposition la state bospital insurauce was confiued ta amal gnoups withiu the profession, 1but he feels that over the yeuns "lb.e henesy o! the eplinter ~r up ma wIl eqme fthe isbu prayer o! tue- majority." Docor-critics of stte boapital insursuce fear thal th. indivld- ual patient may bc penallzed by tbis inevitable couflict of inter- est: th. physicien acja lu the sole lutenest o!f the Individual patient; a state plan eau inter- fore with Ibis doctor-patient ne- lationsblp because It muatiIm- pose negulations thal apply ta people in the maen. or Inatance, a doctor's decision la put a patient lu bospital, un to cep a patient inubospital, becomes sub- ject to the aulbority o! a hos- Co lIicmmion, with th. ooi o! Cýfa fine t te bct wbo nejects that authority. Thene are other points o! oeltlclm but fromn the publi's Point O! f rw, as from th. doctor's, th. important question la wbethen divîding responal- bllity bctween th.esa te sud the doctor will not lower the stand- ards o! medical sud hospital Cam 3ma Vsemasi Eallagh FPive home econoista will alterate Mt the demojistrations wlhich bave been arranged th g omnsclubs and ohrhgroupa acros theprov-1 Ince. Cosafthef b tour will b. borne by The Consumera' Gas Coin- pany and proceeds froin ticket sales will bee.!il local club treasurles. È'ree reclpe bocks and prize draws will b. features o! the uxiIiary ribership htfui Tea bers o! the executive, and pink identification legs were given le the guests. The beauti!ulily appointed tea table was centred wlth mauve chrysanthemunis sud yellow manîgolde lu a silver bowl, aud lighted by tluyelow caudl.s linailver candlesticks. Mrs. George Young, the treas- uren, lins. Stanley Wilkins, wl!. o! thie hospitai edmlnlstrator, lira. Lawrence Mason. the lut vice-presidient, and Mns. Duncan Smith assisled lu serviug. Mis. Allan B. Sylvester aud lins. Tom Rehder wene in charge o! conducted tours o! Memonial Hospital. -até's Courti rA. Kurb) Orono, produced tb. pheasant lu court, mhe officiais had b.d the bird frozen when it wa« taken from the accused on Au- guat 22ud, The condition o! the pixeaseant poult was quit, dif- ferent fromn that disenlbed by the defeudant. The man was convloted andl fincd $50 sud $19.20 coets, on in default oe monthinluJail. Anlother man cbarged wlbh firing kbs rifle wlthout a hunt- iug Permit on September 121h lu Darlunglon, was aise convie- ted. Hie was fined $50 and $3 coula, on lu default, oue mouth. Newtonville WI. Hears Mrs.- C. Burley1 ON AIL Over 330 St udent s En rot! for Fait Term At Missionary Collège The Newtonviile W.1. met at the home of Miss Olive John- ston on Wednesday aiternoon,1 Sept. 16 witih an attendance of 15. PreâidantM Mr. C. Brown op- ened the meeting wlth the în- stitute Ode and the Lord'à Prayer in undlson. Mrs. M. Sem- Ja reed the minutes andl finan- cial report. Two minutes su:, ence was observed In memnory o! th. late Mrs. Cox. A large amount of corres- pondence collected during the summer holiday, was read and discusaed. Several busin eass malIers were attenided to. The guest speaker was Mir. C. Burley. Mrs. Burley is greatly interested In the his- tory of aur counity, and began by saying Ihat we should ap- preciate what bas been done in the past and carry on the work. Her subject wae a dis- cussion of lwo of the things which have been passed on to us, naniely, our schools andl the press. Sh. traced their devel- opmenit from their pioneer be- At the close of the program- me, thie hostess and her group served refreshments and the social hour was enjoyed by ail. Two prizes were( given, Mrs, Dennis had the lucky cup, and Mrs. Bunley was in the lucky chair, in Canada offers a Mul cour»e o! study iu Its elementary nid blgh school dîvisios lu confon- mnity with the accepted pro- vincial educational curriculum requirements. n addition a two- year liberai arts coliege cur- riculum la o!fered. Enrollment figures lu anl div- Isions neveal thet over 330 stu- dents have registered for the fali term whioh opened a lit. tle more tihau a week ago. President Percy W. Manuel of Oshawa Miasicnary College sounded a call for faculty aud atudenyi to apply themaelves "to the relentiess quest for trulh" so that freedcm might b. preserved lu an atlmospiiere o! intelligent enlighftment asat weekend ett he opening con- vocation o! 1h. Oshawa Mis- sionary College. He warned "the bcurrent emphasls upon purely mater- ialistic objectives "we view with conceru the sacrifice cf freedom upon lb. altar cf se- curity". He went on ta say that, "every limne we gan more secunity we seemto surrender a little more liberty." rofessor Manuel, déclared that there are two basid con- ceptionsa o! freedom. True f ree- dom 'that encourages us to do wbat we ought 10 do," and false freedom" that encourages us 10 believe that w. can do as we please." H. suggested thial it was inevitable that true freedom should impose cer- tain disciplines "while false !reedom will eventuailly en- slave us with the chais for- ged by our own -base selfish- ness."1 The college operated by the Seventh-dày Adventist Church THURSDAY and FRIDAY DURING IT 15 ILLEGAL TO PAY. DRIVERS ORDERS 'r' of THERE WILL BE NO INSTALLATION CHARGES PLACED FOR PASSENGER CAR TIRES To-day and To-morrow - September 24th and 25th ~' IIlhDIIfl TIRE) BOWMANVU LLE To Carry Voters to a Polling Place Section 169 of the Election Act states - (1) Every candidate who himself or by any oCher persan on his behaif and every other persan who, (a) hires or promises la pay or pays for a convoyance to carry a voter ta or near or from or on the way to or from a polling place; or (b) pays the travelling or ailier expenses of a voter in golng fo or refurnlng from a polling place, and every persan who for a valuable consideration provides or furnishes a conveyance knowing thafifi is fo be used fo carry a voter, other than the hirer, ta or near or from or on the way to or from a polling place, shall be guilfy of a corrupf practice and shall incur a penalty of $100.00, and, If a voter, shaîl le disgualified fram voting ai the election. THIE BOWMANVLLE VOTE NO COMMI1TEE DOES NOT ENGAGE IN CORRUPT PRACTICES UTS DRIVERS ARE ALL VOLUNTEERS Let's Keep Control of Liquor in Our Town VOTrE NO - On Wednesday FIUST BMEMORY Hamillton Spectaston. Have you ever tried 10 necan1 Zour final memory? Most o! tus, nave at some lime or other ani. have usually been astonished how absurd and trivial Itlai. THE BANEFUL MOON Corner Brook Western Star. The Ainecrican Institut. of Medical Cliniatology is trying 10 ascertain whether -tbe wea- ther affects human health and behavior. At its recent Philedelphia conference, a police inspector asserted that while Fniday night always produces an 'increase in crime, it's much wonse on Fri- day niglita when a full moon L .- 1 ' ' li 1 1 il 1 ýi PAM -rw]CN-rY-i: "M CAMADUN STATESIL«. BOWMANVnl& (MTAMO 1 TRUPMAY. SICPT 24CL M ý 1