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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Sep 1959, p. 24

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-F - - - ------ - -w---------------------------.- r - PAGE TwENTY-FOUR THE CANAIAN STATESMA. BOWMM<VILL. ONTAI AflU21~JJAX, ~.5rT ZIm, wa~ Ratepayers Air Grievances At First Meeting of Season' *(Cartinued from page one)1 Martyn, Jin Cayle, memibers of the council. Ini the absence of Mrs. Water Oke, Bob Mar- tyn acted as secretary for the meeting. A financial atatement was given by the treasurer,M. lannan. As it was the first generial meeting of the Bownanville Ratcpayers', Association heid since June, Mxr. Foran, the pre- aident, reported on what the executive had accomplished ini the interval. He, told the members Iliat the association's request ta have a mnember sit ini as an observer at the meetings of the Board of Works had been granted by Town Council. The lst vice- e det, NrmanHannan, lad ni resntat hemeetings of the board, lie said. Mr. Foran stated tha±t the Town Council had aiea given permission ta the Bowmanvflle Ratepayers' Association ta, naine a member for appointment ta the Arena Board subjeet ta ap- Proval af the persan namcd by the coundil. Nominate JIm COYle At an executive meeting lie lied proposed that Juin Coyle be n1amed, Mrz. Hannan stated. 1 This lad been seconded by Jaohn Mleschun. The members were asked if anyone would like ta make ottier nominations. None dld eo. Mr. Hennan and Mr. Meachin Ilien repeated the mo- tion tliey had previously made at an executive meeting, and fl was oarrned. Instructions were given ta have the secrctary write ta Bowntville Town Council tha.t James Coyle had been nommnat- cd ta, represent the Bowman- ville Ratepayers' A-ssocation on theArena Board. Dlacuu Doctor Shortage There was considerable dis- cussion regarding the shortage of doctors availîbie li the town during thc summer montbs and on weekends during the year. m=r. victor Jeffery drcw the attention of the meeting ta the prablein. She asked if anythiafg could be dane regarding the scarcity af doctors during the suminer and on weekends. Mrs. Jcffery asserted that she and ber hus- band lad been unabie to get a doctor anc Sunday evening. "lThat je a good question," Mr. Foran comrnended Mir. Jef- fery. He paintcd out that manyi people have been affccted by the shortage, and told of a oms in point'that; hed occurred that afternoon. A woman lied been seriously ill. and lie- ad helped the liusband telepixone In an at- tempt ta obtain medIcal atten- tion for her. Altcr same hours, they got in taucdli wth the doc-. tar on oall, and the husband was instructed ta take his wife ta the cmergency zoom at Mcm-j oriai Hospital ta await thc doc- tor, Mir. Foran stated. He describcd the situation' liere "a pitiable state", and add-, cd other towns lied been faccd' with this problein befare. 1 "Somethlng mare should be. done ta protcct heaitli on week- ends and during vacation per- iods," the president of the or- ganization remarked. A motion made by Mrs. Vic- toc Jeffery, that a letter be sent ta thc sccretary of the Bowman- ville Medical Association in- quiring if different arrange- ments could be made during thc summer months and on wcek- ends throughout thc year ta have more doctors available in Bowmanvilce, was carried.j Drainage Diteh Complaint 1%&. Hannan tald the meeting lic had approached thc superin-I tendent of thc Workcs ]>part-.j GAINSii r L ' Eâ'4'R ARE Instali New Officers of Court Venture L 1892 C.O.F. I 4 On Saturday, at the Lions Centre, officers of Court Venture L. Gwen Dennis, 1892 of the Canadian Order of Foresters were installed as follows: front Outer Guard; row, left to right: Sisters Helen Twining, D.D.H.C.R., Oshawa; Shirley Inner Guard; Brock, President; Edna Baker, Supporter; Elsie Prout, Past President; Joan Gibson, M[arie Manning, Eligh Marshall, Oshawa; back row, Helen Devitt, Sup- porter; Betty Westlake, Treasurer; Jean Devitt, Financial Treasurer; Bury Accident Victim Here Monday Afternoon The funcral service for Rob- ert James Grahamn, 21 year oid son ai Mx. and Mirs. Thomas W. Graham, 216 Liberty Street Northi, who lost bis life in a tragie mator accident last wcek, was hcld in thc Marris Funerai Chapel, Division Street, on Monday aftcrnoon. Rev. Harold Turner, nunister ai St. Paui's United Chureh off iciated. A large nimber of beautiful floral tributes testific-d ta thc etecin in wbich the yaung min was hcid. The spaciaus Morris Funeral Chapel was iilled with relatives and Uic many friends who lad corne ta pay their last respects ta the popular young mani. Six uncles of thc deceased were Uic pilibearers, George Grahamn, James Colville, Wil- limGrahamn,,Kenneth Hammi, Robert Grahain and John Gra- ham. Cousins ai Rabert James Graham n d feilow members of Uic staff ai the Power Store, Harmony, acted as fiower bear- ers. In addition to lis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomias W. Grah-am, the young min is survivcd by Uiree brothers and threc sisters, Harold Grahamn, Bownianville, Thomas Grahami, Peterbomough, and John, Gwen, Joan and Lin- da at home. Foiiowing' the interment lI Bowmanviile Cemctcry, Mr. and Mirs. Thiomas W. Gralham reccivcd those wha had attend- cd~ the funeral et tea scrved in Uic Legion Hall by the Ladies Auxillary ta thc Canadiari Le- gion. The sad accident liappened on Thursday evlenmng, Septemnber 17th, at 11.30 a'clock. Robert James Graham was going west on No. 2 bighway when there wsa blow-out of the tire ai the 1952 Pontiac in which le was drivig. The car went out of control and Young bix. Gra- bain was thrown into thc ditch as it iefît the highwmy. Hc died instantly ai a frmctured skull. Dr. Charles J. Austin, Dur- hamn County Coroner, pronoune- cd the Young man dead at Uic scene of the accident an No, 2 highway Uiree tenths of a mile east of the Soiina Road. Con- stable Wes Reimer, OPP, in- vcstigmtcd thc accident. In February 1955 Robert James Gmraam was stmuck by a car on Liberty Street North and was severeiy injurcd. He spent severai montihs in Mcm- oriai Hospital, Bowmianviice, and Toronto Hospitais. Aithough left slightiy crippled lie found emnpioyment in the I.G.A. and Dominion Stores, Bowmanvillc. Later le joined Uic staff of thc new Power Store when if op- cned in Harm>ony two years ago. He was .born In Bowmanvilie and was cducated in Uic Public Sohools here and at Bowman. ville Higli Sehool. Legion Aux. to Provide Lunch for Blood Donors Members of thc Ladies' Aux- àlariy ta thc C-anadimn Legion votcd on Monday cvenin.g at the meeting beld in the Legion Ha-Il ta provide Uic refresh- ments at the Red Cross Blood Donors' Clinic ta be heid li Bowmanvillein xNovember. The sccretary, Commade Millie Bates, read a letter froin fthc Bow- manville and District Brandli af the Canadian Red Cross So- ciety requesfing Uic auxiliary ta, look mter the mci reshinents for the clinic. A motion ta acccpt Uic re- quest was made by Coinrade Violet Fletcher, secondcd by Commade Rita Parkin, and this was camied. Comrade Rose Overy, seconded by Coinrade Amy Tait, moved thit the aux- iliary pay the cost of Uic me- mentregarding a drainage ditch on the corner of Duke and Al- bert Streets. He said there is a large four foot hole between the road and the sidewalk and that people axe afraid of falling into the hole, or the open ditch. Despite his complaint to the Works Superintendent, nothinct has been done to cover the ditch and correct the liazard, M.r. Hennan asserted. The president, MT. Foran, ad- vised Mx. Hannan that the Works Superintendent needs authority from the chairman of the Roads and Streets Coin- mittee before taking action. De- puty-Reeve Jack Brougli is the inaz to cantaet, he said. If after a complaint the Deputy-Rceve does not have the situation im- proved, it could be brought up on the floor at thc next meet- ing of the Town Coun.cil, Mir. Focan said. MIr. 11annan thenked the ehairman for his advice and promised ta contact the Depu- ty-Reeve concerning the mat- ter. Asked by a miember, Mr. Bradley, if membership cards can be supplied by the execu- tive, the president pointed out: "We are not peddling member- shipe. This organizeaten is stiÇictly a voluntary effort. Any ratepayer lnterested in worlc- ing to improve Bowrnanville iii welcoene to jain. If such per- sons will miake theinseives lcnown to any member of the executive, al af wham have cards, thy can become mcm- bers," Mr. Foran stated. He asked that any ratepayer who bas a evance make a note of it ini wrltimg, ulgn the note, and give it toa aly member of the executive of the Baw- manviB.e Rat.epayers' Associa- tion._ý - frcslimenf s for thc donors, fruit juice, tea and biscuits. This motion was alsa cmrried. A con- venar will be appointcd af the next meeting of the auxiiiary, Uic president, Comradc Flor- ence Knigiht announccd. Comrade Ruby Palmer, the treasurer, presenhted the finan- ciii report. Coinrîde Mary Westover seconded by Commade V. Fletcher, moved that ail buis be pîid. Conmrade Ann Piper, Uic pist president, who is convenor of thc sympmthy comniittec, told Uic meeting af the thanks ex- pressed by Mr. and Mrs. Tho- mas W. Graham ta the aux- iliary for catemixig for the lunch semved after Uic funerai of their son, Robert James Graham, who died in a fmagic maotar ac- cident last week. The Bowmanville Ladies', Auxiliiry ta Uic Canadian Le-I gion wili citer for the Armis- tice Dinner ta be held tbis year by Branch 178 oif thc Canadian Legion on Safurday cvening, November 7th. The Goadyear I Dance will be held in fhe Le- gion Hall in November, if was announced. Plans were discussed for thc auxiliary's annua. Birthday Party ta le lcld on Octaber 19Ui, Uic third, Mondîy cvening oi -the month. A motion by Comrmde Thelma Lit tlc, second- cd by Loretta Giiigannon, ta bave a 'Pot Luck Suppcr' for Uic Birtbdmy Party was carried. Comrade Domothy Fair and Comrade Mary Wcstovcr wiil le in charge ai Uic entertain- ment for the event. If wms dccidcd ta bld a spe- ciai draw at Uic Birthday Par- ty, and Uic foiiowing members ofiered ta donîfe prizes: Com- rade Florence Knight, Coin rade- Mllie Bates, Canrade Ri- ta Pmrkin, Comradc Rena Bath- gîte, Comrade Rose Overy, Coinrade Anme Dillon, Commade Annie Wright, Commade Ann1 Piper, Coiade Eida Brawn, and Commrade Ruby Palmer. Foilowing Uic meeting a so- cial hour was cnjoycd, Conirade Margaret Permis was the win- ner of Uic draw. Coinrade Dor- othy Fair was in charge af the Bingo. A delicious lunch was, scrved by Camrade Jean Firth. Of ail knowledge the wisc anct gaad scek most ta know themselves. - Shakespeare. Melving a new truthla l add- mg a new sense.-Justus Lie- big. Marriage! Nothing cise de- mandasa much froin a man- Ibsen. Expenses Filed by Candidates Expenses an-c receipts of the three candidates for the Rid- ing of D'urham in the June 11th Provincial Election have been filed with the Returning Officer Lyail Lowery, Orono. The returna made by W. E. Supporter; Gladys Masterson, Chaplain; Noreen King, Dorothy Porter, Recording Secretary; Jean Vanstone, Mable Williams, Warden; Grace Blackburn, Conductor; Vice-President and Mona Adcock, Supporter. -Photo by Rdlider Bonnevile, Port Hope, thc Of- 1 candidate's personal expenses ficimi Agent for Alex Carru- werc $146-75. thers, the successful Conserva- The Officiai Agent for Roy tive candidate in Uic election, Armstrong, the CCF candidate, showed bis expenses in the showed receipts of $745. Ex- campîign were $1,285.70. The penses were $708.72. receipts were $485.70, and the candidates' personbai expenses Go esn ut ifre $800. odraosms,&fce Statmen ofelecion cx-give place ta better.-WilIim Statmen ofelecionex-Shakespeare. penses for E. R. Waodyard, the Th-e best of ail governinenta Libeiral candidate, filed by lis that which teaches us ta gov- Glenholme Hughes, Bowman- cmn ourseives.-Goethe. ville, the Officiai Agent,shw Nothing can be truly great e<i Receipts of $1,268.L5 x which is nat right.-Sarnuel penses wcre $1,414.90, andaUic Johinson. Announcement.. Mr. and Mrs. J. Pearson new owners of Rite Sinoke Shop announce that the business will now be known as PEARSONS SMOKE SHOP KING ST. W. - BOWMANVILLE ~~z:s: e 1ue ea---o..------ -1 ~-- F RE E DRAW DURING Festival of Values on every purchase of $1.00 or more you will receive chance on Free Draw for Lady's or Gent's TEMEX WATCH w AUTOMATI C Washer and Dryer FOR 1960 Special Prices THIS WEEK ONLY ON ALL MERCHANDISE for this of HIGGON ELECTRIC LIMITED Phone MA 3-3305 Bowmanville 38 King St. E M -, .-~ #. ~.t' , -, - *------. --*.- - - IluMl»OVANP «"MMM Meau meft" e. -Photo by Rehder 1

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