PÂ~ TWRITT-SIX TEK CANADIA1~ STAT~MA14, HOWMAUVILLL OPftARm TI1U*~JJA Z, ~5FT 14W, 1151 Fi I iBt BROWN-Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Brawn, Newtanville, are happy ta announce the arrival af their daughter, Cynthia Louise, an Wednesday, September l6th at Memarial Hospital, Bowman- ville. A sister for Judith Diane. 39-1 Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Randie, Hampton, announce the engage- ment of their second daughter, Eunice Pearl, ta Mr. Ronald Fowler, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler, Bowmanville. The marriage to take place on Saturday, Octaber 24, 1959, at 2:30 o'clock, in Hampton United Church. 39-1* Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mutton wish to aninounce the engage- ment of their daughter Joan Elaine, to John Ernest Lunn, son of Mrs. Lunn and the late Ernest Lunn. The marriage wil take place on Saturday, October 24th, 1959, at 3 p.m., in St. John's Anglican Church, I Bowmanville. 39-1*1 HEINTZMAN piano and china cabinet. MArket 3-7227. 39-1 COOK steve: Dutch Haard stove. Phone MA 3-7216. 39-1 MEDIUM size Quebec heater. Phone MA 3-2865. 39-1 TWO-storey barn, 33' x 18'. Phane MA 3-5755. 39-1 SMALL crib and mattress. Tele- phone MA 3-5376. 3- TWO Quaker space heaters wlth fans. Phone CO 3-2506. 39-1 181 CAB31N trailer. 6 Waverley Rd., Phone MA 3-5738. 39-1* FEED wbeat for sale. Ca 3-2164. 39-1* CHESTERFIELD and matcbing chair. Good condition. Cheap. Phone MA 3-3435. 39-le OIL space beater and electric bench saw. Phono MA 3-2221. 39-1 ONE girl's winter coat, one car coat, one jumper. AU 14X. Tele- phane MA 3-3201. 39-1 Mm. and Mrs. Leslie H. AIL! BOX spring and mattress, dred of Orono, wish ta announce double bed and dresser, slightiy the engagement of thoir daught-1 usod. Phono MA 3-7265. 39-1 or Annie Doreen, ta Mr. Boyd Douglas Wood, son of Mr. and CHOICE tematoes. Pick tbern Mrs. Wesley R. Wood of Orono.i yourseif, $1 a bushel. Allin The marriage wiil take place in' Mackliii, CO 3-2684. 39-1 Orono United Churcb on Octob- WATER for sale. Delivered. or 24, 1959, at 2:30 o'cloc1 Phone Ciiff Pethick, COlfax à-l- qàq9fl The engagement Is announced of Edna Doreen Selby, daughtor of Mrs. Edna Selby and the late Mr. Carl Slby of Newcastle, ta Mr. Donald (Ray) Mc- Nevin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McNevin of Oshawa. The marriage is ta take place on Saturday, Octobor i7tb, 1959, at 3 o'clock in Newcastle Unit- ed Church. 39-1* Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Patter, Bowmanville, announce the on- g agement of their daughter Lorna Diane, ta Mr. Ian Cruick- shank, son of the late Dr. and Mms. Alex Cruickshank, Scot-! land. The marriage will take! place on Saturday, Octobr 17 at 3 o'clock in St. Faul's Church, Bowmianville. 39-1* Deaiths GRAH-AM-Suddenly at R.R. 3, Bowmanvîlle, on Thursday, September l7th, 1959, Robert James Graham, age 21 years, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Graham, 216 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville; dear broth- er of Harold, Thomas, John, Gwen, Joan and Lynda. Service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmianville, on Mon- day, September 21,,at 2 o'clock. Interment Bowmanville Cerne- tery. 39-1 LEWARS-At Memorial Has- pital, Bowmanville, on Wednes- day, Sept. 16, 1959, Minnie Lewars, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, i hr 9lst year, wife of the late David Lowars. Service was hold in the Morris Funeral Chapol, Bowmanville, on Sat- urday, September l9th, ai 2 o'clock. Interment Bowman- ville Cemotery. 39-1 THOMAS, Mabel-At Soldiers' Memorial' Hospital, Orillia, on Thursday, September 17, 1959, Mabel Argue, beloved wife af the late Clarence E. Thomas, loving mother of Margaret (Mrs. Thos. Houston) of Orillia; Kenneth of St. Catharines; loy- mng sister of Lala <Mrs. J. G. Hughes) of Orangeville, and Irene (Mrs. Nelson P. Chapin) of New York, in ber 77th year. Rested at the Mundeil Fun- oral Home, 79 West Street N., Orillia. Private service was held on Saturday, September 19, at 2 p.m., Interment St. An- drew's Cemetery, Orillia. 39-1 For Rent ___(Also see Page 27) TWO-bedroom apartment, $50 a month. MArket 3-3393. 39-1 LARGE room, gentleman. Board if desired. MArket 3-3186, 205 King East. 39-1* BED-sitting room, furnished. South part of town. MArket 3-5769. 39-1* THREE roams, modern, private entrance and bath at four corn- ers, Bowmanvilie. Apply Apt. 5, 23 Temperance. 34-tf NE WTON VILLE apartment, 3 rooms and bath. Private en- trance. Heavy wiring. Phone Clarke 5 r 03. 38-21 SELF-contained two - roomed apartment and bath. Immediate possession. Phone MA 3-500M. 39-2* APARTMENT, 4 large rooms over Stedman's Store. Lights and water. No tub. Reasonable rent. Possession Oct. 1. Apply L. C. Mason, Solicitor. 39-1w FOUR-rooni ground floor apart- ment. Privato ontrance and bath. Antonna installed. Use af washer and dryer. Phone MA 3-5797 after 5. 39-1 FIVE-roomed bungalow in cent- rai Bowmanville. Newiy dec- orated throughout with 4-piece bath, tile and hardwood floor- ing. Phone MArket 3-5485. 39-1 THREE-rqamed upstairs apart- ment with heat and water sup.. plied, separte hot water and fydro, sink, range and cup- boards in kitchen. Private bath, eprte entrance, an HigwaywNa.2. Inunediate pas-J 'q"16 Pho.. MA 3-2248. 1j WATERMELONS, squash and pumpkins. Apply Pat White, East of Stevens Old Mill. 39-1 SLAB wood and mixed wood, $12.00 cord. Delivered. Phone Newcastle 3776. 39-1 GIRL'S nylon snowsuit, quilted lining, size 12; fail coat, sîze 10. Telephone MA 3-3406. 39-1* LIGHT wood, in stove woad lengths, $10 per load. -Phone COlfax 3-2275. 38-tf ONE corn binder in gaod con- 1 dition. Phone RA 5-2283. 3- 'MIXED hardwood, 35 loads, 21j cords resawed. J. A. Carscad- den, Orono 35 r 9. 39-.3* HAIR dryer, two chairs, chromeg faotstools. Good condition. Tele-i phone MArket 3-3186. 39-1*j FOLDING cot with spring. filled mattress. Phone MArket 3-3927. 39-1 CEDAR trees for hedges; 12 gauge Remington auto-load shot- gun. Phone MA 3-3073. 39-2* MUSKRAT jacket in good con- dition, size 14. MA 3-5570. 39-1* CONTRACTORS in need of gravel, Phone 68 r 6, Black- stock. 39-.* GIRL'S coat, melon, size 14, like new; boy's suit, grey, size 10. CO 3-2342. 1 39-1 MASSEY-Harris 2-furrow trac- tor plow. Good condition. MA 3-3098. 39-1* FALL wheat for seed - Genessee. Phone COlfax 3-2722, A. L. Blanchard. 38-2* APPLES, eating and cooking, $1 per bushel. Phone COlfax 3-2338. 33-1f *BOY'S Harris Tweed jacket, size 14, excellent condition, *reasonable. MA 3-3200 aftem 5. ___________39-if GIRL'S figure skates, size 2; 1boy's skates, size 4; man's skates, size 7. Phono MArket 3-7264. 39-1* KEYS cut automaticafly, while Syou wait, at Masan & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King StE., Bowmnan- ville. 46-tf 40" DOUBLE aven Admirai electric stove; Findlay ail burn- em and druni; one 2-wbeel trail- er. Phono CO 3-2509. 39-1 WATER, bard and saft, deliver- ed. -Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phono MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805j 31-tf ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service ta electrical appliances, largo and small. Landor Hard- ware. Phono MA 3-5774. 43-tf THREE-pieco cbesterfield, suit- able for summer cottage or recreation roomn. Phono COliax 3-2637. 38-1 ONE lady's Legion Auxiliary unifonni witb extra skirt, ini good condition, size 40, $15.00. Phono MA 3-3297. 38-2 SAVE on luniber. direct from miii ta yau. Phillips Luinher Ca., Kinniaunt, Ontario. Phono 17 r 11. 13ti LENNOX oil furnace, now, 65,000 B.T.U.'s. Write Adver- tiser- 981, c/o The Canadjan Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. 39-1 INSULATION, blowIng method, with rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. F r ee estimates. Harry Lý Wade. Phono Clarke 2420. 39-tf GLADIOLI bulbs. Digging tume bargains direct frorn field, Sept. 28 - Oct 3, only. Dr. E. W. Sisson, 100 Liberty St. North. Phono MA 3-5604. 39-2. McINTOSH apples, fancy grade, 2" size, ideal for children, $1 pomrbushol, without container. Wilfrid Carruthers, 227 Scugog Street. 39-1* TWO stoves,ono cook stove with Silent-Glo où burners ad one Quaker 13" space heater wth fan. Bath igood condition. Phono COllai 3-223&. 8-1. 1 1ItiUls lior FANCY apples, McIntosh, Weal- thy, Blenheim, Pippin, $2.00 per bushel. Albert Pas, R.R. N., Orono. Phone Orano 2237. 39-1 DO your own floors and rugs- Rent a sander, floor polisher or rug cleaner (shampoo method) from Lander Hardware, 7 King St, E., Bowmanville. Phone 1 M 3-5774. 20-tf NEW built - in combination, stainless steel oven and par- celain top. Write Advertiser 982, c/o The Canadian States- man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- ville. 39-1* HEARING aid service. Testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgoni Electric Limited, 38 King St. E.,. Bowmanvilie. Telephone MA-i 3-3305. 7-tf 1 RUSSELL Lupins, Giant Pa- cific Delphiniums, Shasta Daisy, Giant Iris, Columbine, Helenîum, Bergmnont, etc., 3 for $1.00. Must be cleared by Saturday. Mrs., Abrams, MA 3-2843. 39-1 1 ONE 71,% h.p. Scott-Atwater outboard motor, new. One 15' Peterborough cedar boat, just refinished, A-1 condition. Bar- gain. Phone 2131 Newcastle. Jack Holmes. 34-tf USED Cockshutt 4-wheel spread- er, on rubber, very good con- dition; used overhead garage door, complete with hardware. Graham's Garage, R.R. 6 , B manville. Phone COlfax 3-2061.I 39-1 FORD tractor, John Deere culti- vator, Massey-Harris saw, two- wheel trailer 10' x 7'; Ford trac- tor bucket, 100 gallon gasian and punip, one waterpup Phone HA 5-9727, Oshawa. 39-1* ONE three-burner coal ail stove with oven, 1 sawing machine, 2 circular saws, 1 mandrel, 1 belt, 1 Acme kitchen stov,1 pigeon-hole desk, 1 librarytable, 1 large plant stand. Caîl Ham - ton COlfax 3-2111, or Blace- stock 91 r 2. 39-2f; GET the jump on old man wint- er! See us for Free Estimates on "Carhayes" Aiuminum Doors and Windows. You will be amazed how economical they are from Cowan Equipment Co., 1341 King St. E., Bowmanvllle, or Phone MA 3-5689. 39-1 SPECIALS: Chesterfield and daveno suites from $159. Space savers from $45. Kitchen suites from $49. 3-piece bedroom suites from $99. Trade-in al- lowance. Used refrigerator, spring and mattress. Murphy Furniture, King St. W, Bow- manville. MA 3-3781. 39-1w ANTENNAE Installed - Repaired Moved Sale - Towers - Sale 40' structure Installed with Crown rotor and ail-channel head. Reg. $150. Sale prico $115 LEN & LOU'S TV 31 Waverley Road MA 3-3942 33-tf GRADE FLEMISH BEAUTY PEAÀR S Best for Preserving, $1.00 bushel, without the container A. O. PARKER Newcasfle PHONE 257i 38-3 Pàiucies ior ate ATTENTION FARMEIRS! USED EQUIPMENT INTERNATIONAL PARMIALL CUB TRACTORg with Mower and Plough MASSEY-HARRIS "22"1 TRACTOR MASSEY-HARRIS "30" TRACTOR JOHN DEERE 3.Furrow PLOW on Rubber JOHN DEERE SUB-SOILEIR 2-Furrow MASSEY PLOW 2-Furrow CASE PLOW 3-Point Hitch TRAIL CULTIVATOR SPECIAL FINANCE TERMS Cowan Equipment Ca. 134 King St. E. MA 3-5689 39-1 Sewing Machine BARGAINS SAVE $30.00 AND RECEIVE Free Buttonholer DURING FESTIVAL 0F VALUES SEPT. 24, 25, 26 on any new Sewing Machine at LAVERTY'S BARGAIN CENTRE 59 RingSt. W. Bowmanviile MA 3-7231 Cars for Sale 1956 CHEV., good condition. Phone Newcastle 3776.. 39-1 2½-TON stake truck, A-i con- dition. Cranston Scott, MArket 3-3074. 39-1* 1951 MONARCH. Apply 9 Al- bert St., Robert Hornigold. Tele- phone MA 3-3606. 39-1 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months ta pay. For personal service at your home cali Oshawa RA 5-2802, collet. 2-tf BUYING OR SELLING SEE Ted Campin Motors RA 3-4494 - Res. RA 5-5574 607 King St. East (Just East of Wilson Rd.> OSHAWA 10-tf CARS FOR SALE 1955 DODGE 2-Dr., $400 down 1950 FORD, 2-Dr., $75 down 1949 STUDEBAKER 2-Dr. with overdrive, $75 down 1958 INTERNATIONAL %-TON TRUCK $200.00 down Cowan Equipment Co'. 134 King St. E. Bowmanvlllo ]Phone MA 3-5689 39-1 Pets for Sale KITTENS, very nice, given ta good home. Phone CO 3-2024. 39-1 Notices After September 30 Dr. E. L. Ewert's office will be located at 103 King St. E., formerly Mill- or's Hairdressing. 39-2 I, William G. Ellis, will not1 be responsible for any debts in-1 curred by my wife, effective September 14, 1959. 38-3 watea to .uuy RED CLO VER, tixnothy.Sb mit sample. Stewart'sq Seeds, Bowmanville. 37-if ALL kinds of live pouly wanted. Highest prices Pad M. Flatt, Bethany P.. 1. PhE 7 r 13 collect. 9-tf HIGHEST prices pald for used furniture, appliances, television, sewmng machines, etc. Aiso seil and exchange. 59 King St. W. Phone MA 3-7231. 42-tf HIGHEST prices pald for live poultry, goose feathers, feather ticks, scrap iran, rags, mnetals and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa. collect. 48-tf Lost BLACK and tan hound, 3 years old, taîl and slim. Frank De- rusha, Manvers Station. Beth- any 10 R 21. 39-1* IN the vicinity of Haydon, one Great Lakes Whirl-Away fish- ing pole, brown in color with clear plastic reel. Phone MA 3-7006. 39-1 '-Wanted to Rent APARTMENT or house. Phone MA 3-3786. 39-j* 'Work Wanted PLUMBING, heating eaves- troughing, free estimates. Har-1 vey Partner, Tyrone. COlfax 3-2281 ar Orono 1782. 37-tf FOR chimney work, new or repair or any brick, block or concrete work. P.O. Box 1083.1 Caîl L. Turner, Phone MA. 3-5820 or 3-5605. 30-tf WHITEWASHING and disin- fecting stables, etc. Free estim- ates, ail work guaranteed. Tele- phone Clarke 4721. Bert Tomp- kins, Newtonville.. 36-tf An ger Construction Ca. LTD. Chimneys Rebuilt and Repaired Brick - Concret. - Carpentry Phone Roy Anger MA 3-2273 33-tf Plastering Repairs QUICE SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 54 KInt St. F. MA 3-5030 16-tf Save Money ai Dave's Shoe Repair FAST, PROMPT SERVICE 26 Ontario St., Bowmanville CORNER KING and ONTARIO: 24-tf PLUMING - HEATING EAVESTROUGHING TONY BAARS, Mor-Sun, Powermatic, Morrison Webster-Atlas Dealer - Gaz - 011 66 King St. W. MA 3-7127 BOWMANBVILLE 20-tf OSHAWA TV TELE VISION AERIAL SALES INSTALLATION and REPAIES Phone Bowmanvilie MA 3-5919 ]BILL AND) BOB Oshawa RA 8-8180 LEASK 39-tf Piano and Theory PRIVATE lessons in piano and theory. Mrs. Ronald H. Scott, A.T.C.M., 98 Church St. MAý 3-7246. 38-tf Tenders Wcmted ONTARIO DFPAWT'-MENT 0F LANDS AND FOREF'ýTS COLD VAYSealed Tenders, clearly marked iz> ib"TENDER ON SURPLUS BUILDINGS" will be received by ihe District Forester, i.~v Department of Lands and Foresis, Lindsay * e. until 12:00 faon, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 91h, 1959 SSuESS -7/ DISTRIBO HFUIEL OIL-GSOLIN'ea MOOROI GFAE . .. a _____________________ i Buildings may be inspected upon request hi' arrangement ,àVetCCkfor &îe with the Superintendent, Presqu'île Provincial Park, Brighton, LivesOCk or S le Jor Foreman, Serpent Mounds Provincial Park, Keene, Ontari. 30 PIGS ready ta woan. Phono Clarke 3620. Mr. WiIlis Me.-j Tender fartsan sd conditions of sale rospecting aine Nair. 39-1 cottages and six other trame buildings at Presqu'île Provincial PUREBRED Shropshire ram, !Park, and one cottage and one other frame building at Serpent two years old. Bruce Taylor,IMoundi Provincial Park, mai' b. obtained fromn Depariment et CO 3-2695. 39-11 Landis ad Forests, Lindsay', or Park Office. VACCINATED Holstein helfers, Ipringors and mniik caws. Phono The highegt M ani tender sot Meesarli' aeepted. CO3201 9. 39-1 200 DeKALB Leghorns, layingD..WISN 50%7, and 100 Highlines. Must D.st&'Iet orot. ici]. Phone 3856, Newcastle. Ditrc -2str 38-tf 9- CoIning kvents Dancing every Saturday night in Pontypool to the music of the Narthern Ramblers. 39-3 Plan to attend our annual Fail Fair at Trinity United Church, Friday, Nov. 20 at 2 p.m. At- tractive gif t items. Bring your friends. 39-1l Real Estate for Sale INSUL brick 16' x 20' house. Must be moved. Phone MA 3-2591. 39-.2* COLONIAL white frame, 2- storey 8-roomed newly paint- ed house; forced air ail heat- ing. Good garage on land- scaped lot 132' x 135', Mill Shaw's Homo and School $14,500 with $4,000 down pay- Markot at Mrs. Werry's, Curve mont and balance lst mortgage Inn, Saturday, Sept. 26th, start- at 6%7t interest. Immediate pas- ing at 9 a.m. Fruits, vegotables session. Phono Newcastle 3766. and homo baking. 39-1l 39-1 Bus trip, Saturday, Sept. 26 Peter Kowal to Peterborough, Young's PointI and Bobcaygoon. Includes boat REAL ESTATE BROKER trip on Stoney Lake ta see the GENERAL ENSURANCE coloured beaves. For informa- 99 Ring St. E. Bowmanviiie tian PhoneMrs H. T. Calmer, Telophone MA 3-5868 fMA 3-3265. 39-.1 Box 817 galesman - J. A. Barton Woodview Community Centre MA 3-3098 -Monster Bing'o. Twenty games 7 roorn brick home on Queen -twenty dollars; five games- St. in very nice condition. Oul thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and ' etn,3pec ah aae two jackpots at $250. DoorjHeavy duty wiring. Priced ta prizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., seli at onîy $11,000.00. Terms, Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tfI available. Hayon han-oferig Srv- Low down payment for* top Hayon ban-oferig Smv-value home on 13/ acres. New, ice this Sund:,y, Sept. 27th at'modemn, first class workman- 7:30 p.m. Cu2st s-a-.ýýker, Rev. ship, immaculate throughout.1 Eldoni Lin.; ,-ead, o-crt 'Ferry. Country setting. Private mort- Music by the chc'r and Miss gage. Act at once. ,Margot Rankine, soloist. Eývery- i Bungalow ta be buiit ta your one welcome. 39-1 specifications on a treed lot, centrally located. Act at once. There is still time ta get your 431/2 acre fanm, priced ta soul tickets for Tur-:ey Supper at fÀ Two houses, some orch-' Mapie Crove C.,lurch, Weclnes- ard, drive shed. Close 'ta iOwn. day, Sept. 30. For tickets tele- Terms. Act at once. 1 phono Mrs. Harvey Brooks or We require mare property for Mrs. Howard Bradley. Aduits waiting clients. We are able ta $1.50, chîldren 75c. No tickt sel your property for cash. sold at the door. 39-1*f 39-1 IThe Darlington Footballi Loague wili hold their annual1 Pe r dem dance and trophy presentation1 at Newcastle Community Hall, REAL ESTATE BRÔKER Friday, Octobor 2nd. Bryce 100 acres, 7 room bouse, Brown's Sevenaires orchestra1 large, barn, implement shed, will bo in attondance for round hien bouse, garage, productive and square dancing. Tickets farm. Nice stream. Price are available from tearn repre- $21,000.00. Easy terms. sentatives. 38-3 50 acres near Bowmanville, -. _____________ -buildings in good condition, Watch for the Beehive Re- garden soul. Pmiced very eas- bekah Lodge Penny Sale '- onable. Ternis. Aftemnoon tea, 25c - Sale of 50 acres - 7 room stone bouse, home baking and candy, Friday, barn 32 x 80, implement shed. September 25, 2:30 p.m., Lions Price only $9,500-00. Down, Community Centre. Door prizes $3,000.00. every boum. Draw for Penny 2, acres with small barn, Sale Prizes, 8:00 p.m. Prizes on, near Newcastle. Price $1,500.00. display fmom Sept. 18 at A. E. 4 acres with 4 room bouse, Cole's Plumbing. 38-2 near scbool and store. Prîce anly $3,500.00. Dr. John A. Linton will ad- 10 acres at Courtice, suitable dress a public meeting in the for raspberries and strawber- Salvation Army Hall, Friday, ries, close ta schooL Price September 25th at 8 o'clock. Dr. $8,000.00. Terins. Linton is a leading authomity 5 acres at Maple Grave. Priced on the alcohol problemn, being a at $300.00 per acre. Canadian delegate ta and ad- 2%, acres near Orono, nice dressing the World Conference soul. Price $1,200.00. on tbe alcohol problem which 1. $500.00 down for this 7-roomn met in Istanbul, Turkey, in insu1 brick< home - 3 beclrooms, 196 91bath,' furnace. One acre lot. - Price $6,500.00. 11,000.00 down for this two- srý0 semi-detached bouse. -TYRO E -DA CES Asking price $5,500.00. Starf Saturday, Oct. 3 wit h Hard Time Dance Clara Nesbitt's Music Makers PRIZES Gents, 75o - Ladies. 506 39~1e To the Ratepayers of Darlington A Meeting will be held ln the Hampton Town Hall Sepiember 26 - 8 p.m, AGENDA:. 1. New Changes ln Zonlng By- Iaw 2. Ratepayers Constitutions wili be read 3. Nomination Committee for 1960 Council wil b.E lected. Everyone ln Welcome ýCame and Bring a Neighbour Darlington Ratepayers Association 38-2 Real Estat e for Sale Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER This beautiful ranch bunga- low, bark brick, modern as ta- morrow, 3 large bedrooms, 2- car garage, huge lot, between Bowmanville and Oshawa, is offered for sale witb a reason- ably small down payment. Over 20 years te pay far it on a 5,%% rnortgage. Now is the ie te pick Up that bargain in a summer cot- tage. For downrigbt value this one cannot ho boaten. 3 bodroorns, living-roorn and kitchon, com- pletely furnisbed, hoavy wired, large lot, boat bouse and dock, water front lot on Rice Lake. Asking only $4,000.00 with $1,000.00 down. 13%, acres ctloice soul, 6 roamn- ed home, Newcastle, o nl1y $6,300.00. Restaurant, nico business, liv- ing quarters, bcautifully equîp_ ped. Must ho sald. Make us an offer. Service station, bungalow, gallonage 80,000. $1,000.00 down for this large,1 beautiful brick homo in Orono.j Town lot, 75 x .180, gaod rosi-1 dential section. as King st. W. lowumaaviI MAà-2453- 18 Scugog St. Bowmanvlle Phone MA 3-3644 Saiesman: G. Blyleven Phono MA 3-5300 39-1 De With Real Estate DAIRY FARM, 365 acres, 275 acres workable, stream, 2 bank barrns with steel stanchions, water bowls, cernent silo, etc.; 3 bouses. Main bouse with ail modemn conveniences. 7 cans milk quota, bulk couler, etc.1 Asking $35,000. Ternis arrang-' edDAIRY FARM, 200 Acres, 1401 acres workable, streani, L- sbaped bank barn, munning wat. or, drive shed, silo, etc.; 10 room- ed brick home wuth ail modemn conveniences. Asking price $25,000. Ternis arranged. 100 Acre fanm, 85 acres work- able, 100' x 40' bank barn, watcr bawls, drive shed, silo, etc.: 10- roomed stone bouse with al modern conveniences. Price, in-I * cluding machinery and crop, $18,000. Ternis. 200 Acre farm, 175 aceI workable, L-shaped bank barn, water bowls, steel stanchions, silo, drive shed, etc.; 9 Roomed brick borne with modern con- veniences. Has ta be soid ta close ostate. 185 Acre farm near Miii- brook, large stream, 35 acres wood, L-sbaped bank barn, wator bawls, steel stanchions, drive shed; 7-roomed brick, home with furnace, 4-piece bath, etc. Price $17,000 with $7,000 down. 64 Acres Christmas tree land witb 10,000 Christmas trees planted, 2 years old. Price and termas arranged. 5 Roomed home in Bornan- ville, with ail modern con- veniences, next ta school. At- tacbed garage, patio, etc. Price $10,000. 6 Roomed home in Bowman- ville with 4-piece bath, eioctmic water heater, modern kitchen, garage. Price and ternis armang- 6 Roomed home in excellent state of repair, all miodern con- veniences, modern firepiace, hamdwood and tile floors. Prîce $ 12,000 with low down pay- ment. 6 Roomed home with running water, 3-piece bath, heavy duty wirod. Asking $6,000 with $2,500 down. 5 Roomod homo wlth ail furn- ace, kitchen cupboards, running water, garage, etc. Down pay- mont $1,000. Price arranged. Contact John F. De With Realor and General Insurance !iowcaute Phono 8341 salesmeii: Denai mountJoy, Bowmanvifle MA 3-3950 no Davilson, Bouian Phone 21I r 39-1 Reail Estate for Sale J. Van Nest REAL ESTATE BROKIR 118 Éing E. MA 3-32»e Two modern brick bungalows, ail conveniences, well lacated. We have two properties suit- able for V.L.A., i mile north- east of Oshawa. Phono for par- ticulars. No. 2 Highway East of Nft- castie, aider 6 room, canyon. iences, $1,000 down p ym.3O Two business blocks, ce er of town. Good investmenï' We aiso have farms for your inspection. 39-1 McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Members of Oshawa and V!strid Real Estate Board 15 acres level gardon land, corner property, near Hamp- ton. $4,500 with $2,000 down. 50 acres witb 12 acres young orchard, 6 room bouse, running xvater, large hip-roof barn, spring-fed pond, near No. 2 Highway. $12,500 with $3,000 down. We have bouses in Bowman- ville, Newcastle and Orono. Sorne wilh down payments as iow as $1,000. Caîl WALTER FRANK r i77 Church St. MA 3-3393 Bowmaavîile 39-1 Leask Real Esiate Why pay rent when a low down payment and $50 manthly will buy a six-room home 0o1 Liberty St. S. Large lot, ail furnace, three bedrooms. $7,900 full price. Large, well-kept famnily home with four bedrooms. Centrally located on landscaped grounds. Priced to seil. New 2-storey, three bedroon brick bouse, on quiet residen- tial street. Freshly decorated and immaculate. Four-piece tiled bath, patio and many extras. Has ta be seen ta b. appreciated. We have plans in the office for N.H.A. houses, buiît to specifications. Low cash pay. ment and low monthly pay. ments. For information or appointmnent M. E. LEASK Real Estate Broker 65 Ontario St. Bowmanvlie MArket 3-5919 Sales Staff: Freddy L. Ames - MA 3-340t 39-1 200 acres, close to Lindsay, 130 acres workable, good pro. ductive soul, level, no stone, In- sui-brick house, 6 rooms, bankc barn 40' x 100', $15,000. Terms. 100 acres close ta Oakwood, flouse newly remodelled, bank barn 40' x 60', cement stabling. $11,000. Small down payment. 100 acres close ta Newton- ville, 6 room clapboàrd bouse, hot and cold water, bank barn 12 acres orchard, $16,850; sma down paymnent. Supertest gas station and snack bar on 35 Highway. Small down payment and easy terms. Gas station and snack bar, lSelservice and car sales, on ,35elighayclose to Lindsay. last year's gallonage 70,000. This is a rare opportunity, reasonable termns. 9 rooni house In Orono, à- piece bath, ail furnace, cook stove, hardwood and tile floors. This mnust be sold to close an estate, $9,000. Terms can b. arranged. 6 roorn winterized house at Newcastle Beach, bot and cold water, garage, large lot, $8,000, with $1,000 down for quick sale. 50 acres close ta Na. 2 High. way, clapboard bouse, bot and cold water, bank barn 40' x 100'. Bargain for quick sale. Small dawn paymnent. New 4-roomn cottage close te Orono. Very scenic grounda. $4,500. Good terms. Money ta boan. H. C. PEDWELL, BROKER Newcastle Phono 385 39-1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ]RATES ARTICLES FOR SALEC LIVESTOCE FOR SALE FOR RENT - RELP WARMT CARS FOR SALE LOST - rouwND TC. Cash Bat* ..4cpr Word with a minimum of $Oc Must h. pald hy date of Insertlcu Ul charged, an addltional 25o wilU h. add.d. A charge of 25c wllIb. mode o aUrpisdizected to this offloe NOTICES - commaO EVfhU AND CARDS 0F TRAHIS de a word with a minimum et 81.00 for 25 words or lest. efsIRM NAEET MARRIAGÎS . J>MfiM' $1.00 per Insertion I MMORIANS $1.00 plus 100 a lins la VeOM Di lyClasiUled ut 81.50 pu Inc? with caminim..ao ncWA Additional insertions ut 1Umrn rates. AR ClassIied Ad. muet b. hz Ibis office Dot latex than 12 o'clock noon, Wednondcay. Bond cash, utampa or monw.y orL.s and save monny. CUp tbis out for handyeh . OFFICE BOUMS Monda-y thxouqh Fzldmy 8:30 a... to 5 p... Saturday 8:30 mm. tb 12 Nome The Canadian 9tateunu Dial KArk.et 3-3303 tu 'IÀamiied Ad SeviS - - ~.ta ~ ~ .~ . . ~ -, , .-- - - - - - - A Deposit of $25.00 must accompany each tender. Deposit will b. returned on unsuccessful tenders.* AW4;,Nlehm fdw lz"lm a 117-JL--l AL- lm--- à ire il ý 1 i PA«M -rWMTY-= CAMADUN STATESIAAN, BOWUMNVUJý& OWrAMO peromTimov% A Ir &qlmmm mias- i--