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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Sep 1959, p. 27

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A The Kind You Dream About In Memoriam A"NERSON-In loving memor of a dear sister Lottie and auni who passed away Sept. 17, 195, ,Looking back with memonies Upon the path you trod, We blessed the hours we ha with you And leave the rest with Gai -Even remembened by siste Alberta, brathor-in-law Hug( rihece and nephew Ruth an, Karl. 39. CRAGO-In loving mornory c a dean husband and father, Wnr Eber Crago, who passed awaý Septemnber 2lst, 1951. Though his sinile is gone foreve And lus hand we cannot taucl Still we have so man, momonries Of the one we loved sa much family. 39-1l * NAULT-In loving mmor o! Vena Denauht who was take: suddenly, frani us, on Septembei 29th, 1958. September cames with sac regnet, It brinds back a day we wil nover farget. The caîl was sudden, the shoci sevene, To part with one we loved si dean. But God is good, Ho gave ui strength, To bear aur bitter cross, For Ho is the onhy one wh< knows How heavy was our loss. -Always romembered and miss- ed by Dave and Family. 39-1' GEBOERS-In loving memory of my darling husband Bert who died on March 8th, 1959. Fondhy loved and deeply mourned, Heart o! my heant, I miss you 50- Often, my darling, my tears will flow; Dimming your picture where'- er I go; 'Tis sad but true, I will abide Until some day we'Ill h side by side. -Mms. . Geboors. 39-1* HEARD-In loving memomy ai a dear husband and father, Wes- loy Heard, wha passed away .Sept. 29th, 1957. A beautiful mmory o! one s0 dear, We cheish still, with love sincere. -Sadly missed by wife Gwend- elime and son Gordon. 39-1* HIEARD-In, lovmng memory o! a doar father and grandfathen, Wesley Heard wha passed away September 29, 1957. ,A sulent thought, a secret tear, Keeps bis memamy ever dear, Turne takes away the edge o! Btgrief, Btmemory turns back every leaf. ,W'Lavingly remembered by Àgqvnne, Gerald and grand- lw-chidren. 39-1 Sept 17th 1948ý "VAN CAMP - m "Wifth a loveing memory you are ever near" "Wife Mary" 4'Daughters" - "Mabel, Helen, Wilma, Jessie" 39-1 Repafrs RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick-up and delivery. George's, 85 King St. E. Phono MA 3-5713. 29-t! GUARANTEED television and radio service, toaiah makes. Same day service. Television Service Co. PhoneoNIA 3-3883. 49-tf REPAIRS and rewinding, arm- atures turned, to ail makes o! -electric motons. Higgon Elec- tri, 38 King East, Phono MA 3-3305. 7-t! REPAIRS ta ail makes of sew- 1n¶q machines. Free pickup and dlvery. Laverty's Bangain Centre, 59 King W. Phono MA 3-7231.44-t! REPAIRS to ail rnakes o! re- frigerators, domestic and coin- inJercial; milkinig coolers. Hig- gon Electric Limited, 38 King ii: Z Phono MA 3-3305. 7-tf Auction Sales ry 35 Halstein clairy cattle, Dg s, Jong Brothers, 2 miles nortbeas 7. o! Bhackstock on Monday, Sept 28. Sale at 2 p.m. Terins cash Ted Jackson, auctioneer. 39-1 The Durharn Fammers' Sev. dl. enth Annual Fail Feeders Sal( er will ho held at the Durhanr o, County Sale Arena, Orano, or d Thursday, Oct. 29 at 1:30 1 Addness ail enquinies ta Jaci Reid. Phono 5 r 18, Orona. of 39-11' y$ Plan ta attend the langE furnitume sale at the Durhanr r County Sale Arena, Orono, ai h Friday evening, October 2nd, al L7:30 p.m. Bedrooin, living- room and kitchen fumniture, h. electnie washer, refrigerator and le many other items. 39-2 Auctian sale o! 30 Reg. and Grade Shorthorn cattle, accred- 'y lted, listed and vaccinated. Hogs, nL implemonts, ladders and appke ýr barrels, property o! Clanence ,d Tink, Lot 20, Con. 4, Darling- tan, 1 mile west o! Hampton, an il Thunsday, October 1 at 1:30 p.m. Torms cash. Ted Jack- kson, auctioneer. 39-.1* Mn. Walter Widdis, Lot 11, 0 Con. 3, Cavan Township, one 1mile south a! Millbrook, has Ssold bis farin and wiil soul by public miction on Satunday, 0October 3rd at 1 p.m., 12 Here- ford year-olds, milk cows, bal- ed hay, paultry, furniture, tools and saine machinery. For par- tîculars see bills. Torms cash. Jack Reid, auctianeer. 39-2 I Ihave neceived instructions Sfroin the executars o! the estate o! the late Eva Burfond ta sl y by public auction an Saturday, Septemben 26, at 1:30 p.m., at bier late residence, Mill Street, iNewcasthe: space beater, ehectrîc efigerator, washing machine, 21" Motorola TV, rangette, coin- bination radio and record play- or. All like new. Bedroom, living-room and kitchen furni- tume, dishes, glassware, etc. Terms cash. Na reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 38-2 The estate o! the late Mrs. Isaac Winter wil ho sold . by public auctian on Wodnesday, September 30, at 1:30 p.m. at ber late residence, Main Street, Orano. Bedmoom, living-room and kitchen furniture, new ail space heater, rangotte, ail drumns, etc. An 8-roorn ssahd brick bouse located at the above address wil ho offered for sale subi oct to a neserve bhd. Tenms an real estate madle knawn on day of sale. Ternis on fumniture cash. Jack Reid, auc. tioneer. 39-1* The undersigned auctioneer will soUl by public auction fori the estate o! the late Harold Allin, Lot 19, Concession 5, Darlington, on Saturday, Oct. 3, Farinail Super A tractar with 2-furrow plough (new); 1949 G.M.C. %k-ton truck, '53 Pontiac deluxe sedan, in wonderful con- dition; Hornet chain saw, horse rake, quantity o! stove wood, several 45-gallon drums, Massey Harris mowen, steel stone-boat, 1 rubber-tired wagon and box, barn scales, 2 logging chains, fonce wire, hanrow, scuffler, I dise, single plnugh, quantity o!f furniture, gardon tools. Many sinail articles. Sale at 1:30.I Tenins cash. Clif! Pethick, auc- tioneer. 39-2 Piano Tuning ARTHUR Collison., Telephone MArket 3-3900. 38-tf Nursing Home The South Haven Rost Home -Lîcensed accommodation avail- able for up or bed patients. Phono Newcastle 4441. 29-tf Personal HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goods) maied postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dopt. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham- ilton, Ont. 1-52 MI RURAL Women-What township do you livo in? Excellent eann- ing oppotunity for rural women ta seli Avon ta thoir neigh- bours. Choose your own sellingý tinie 50 that it won't intorfere with other duties. No obliga- tion ta inquire. Write today to Miss K. MacKean, 528 Gilmour Street, Peterborough, Ont. 39-1 ATTENTION! We manufacture daily necessities needod in every home, rich or poor, such as vitamins, tonics, cosmetics of high quality, culinary extracts, necessities for houso and farm. We offer you, if interested to success, a wonderful opportun- ity ta establish a profitable bus- iness of you,, owninyursr- roundings. High commission and bonus. Familex Dept. D. 1600 Delorimier Montroal, Que. SALES REPRESENTATIVE REQUIRED To enroil Motor Club Member- ships ln thîs Ioeaiity. The Ontarlo Automobile Association provîdes the finest in Motor Club benefits. Pleasant work that can be handled, either full or part-turne. Rush your naine and address for full information as terrltorles are being allotted now. You should have a car and be train 25 to 50, male or female. Write Sales Manager, Box 817, London, Canada. 3- EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER APPLY IN PERSON TO Personnel Manager The Goodyear Tire & Rubher Company of Canada Limiied 13OWMANVILLE 39-1 Brookdale - Kingsway Nurseries Office For Rent 'I (AIso. see Page 26) ýFARM house in vicinity of En- L. niskllen. Phone CO 3-2328. 39-1* THREE-roomed apartment, cent- *raily located. Phone MA 3-3562 after 5 p.m. 39-1 MODERIÇ 5-room apartment, heated and tiled floors. Apply Samuel Annis, 105 Kig St. E., Bowmanville. 39-4* ATTRACTIVE 3-room heated apartment, separate entrance and bath. Centrally located. *CO 3-2026. 39-1 tTHREE-bedrodm brick bouse with garage. Centrally located. Early possession. Apply Ad- vertiser 984, c/o The Canadian 1Statesman, F.O. Box 190, Bow- manvile. 39-1* BASEMENT apartment, large living room, 2 bedrooms, mod- ern kitchen, 4-piece bathroom, TV antenna. Heated. 'Hot wat- er; immaculate. WiUl suit four aduits. Immediato possession. CO 3-2204. 39-1 Help Wanted BUTCHER'S helper wanted. Write Advertiser 983, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanvîlle. 39-1 TICKET seller, female, forr Arena, part time; also reliablec part time assistant for thei manager. Apply at the Arenaa after 7 o'cîock, evenings. i 39-1 WANTED-Man for steady trav- el among consumons in Bow- manville. Permanent connec- tion with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustier co nsidered.c Write Rawleigh's, Dept. 1-140-s 131, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. É 39-1 t RAWLEIGH'S Specials, samples,h sales aids, quality line of 170e home and farm neods mayb answer your desire for langer n income. Full time or spare r time plans. Write today for t bookiot "Your Way To A BotterP Living".ý Rawleigh, Dept. 1-140- h FF 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. c 1 ~39-1y Personal WHY Feel Old? Ostrox Tonic Tablets help thousands of mon, women past 40 feol y(unger. Only 69c. At ahl druggists. CHESTERFIELDS and oddl chairs re-upholstened ta look' botter than now. Go where you get tho best for less. For free ostimatos, freepick-up and de- livery, call Mder;uUphoîster- kng, RA 8-6451, Oshawa. 33-16. Olympias Play ýFirst Game In Napanee After eonsiderable argu- ment it bas been declded that the Bowmanville Olympias will play the first gaine of the juvenile OBA. semi-finals ln Napanee on Saturday afternoon at 3:30 oclock. The Olympias eoinpleted Uieir series with Ajax last Saturday, de! eatlng them two gaines to one. The return gaine wlth Napanee will be played at Vincent Massey Park the foilowing Saturday, Ot 3, at 3 p. Steal Mowers From Garages1 Several lawn mowers and ati least one boat motar were stolen on Tuesday night from garages on Concession Street East. Bow- manville Police are investigat- ing the thefts. People are warned ta take eveny precaution ta safeguardi their poperty, and make certain they keep their garages locked.1 Counier Assistant s 1\A/eI<en,<4Store for NURSE'RY SALES Men or Wonien required for weekends SPRING AND FALL (Saine knowledge of nursery stock roquired). Apply: Mr. Smith - MA 3-3345 38-tf Wanted THREE or four drawer filing cabinet. Newcastle 4131. 39-1 SMJALL cider press. Phono CO 3-2135 or Newcastle 4131. 39-1 IF you have clean 6-quart bask- ets ta. seli, eaUl MArket 3-3246. 39-1* TRANSPORTATION to Toronto wanted or will provido saine. 1072J, Orono. 39-1 DEAD and crîppled faminstock, picked up promptly. Telephone COlfax 3-2721, Margwil Fur Farmn, Tyrone. 37-tf v v 1W a%,W- a % .f . W 8 Recéipts Stolen fIn Newcastle Cards of Thanks The family o! the late Anna Don Ouden oxtend their sincere thanks te neighbours and frlends for the acts o! kindness shown thein during thoir recent be- neavement. 39-1* We wish ta thank ail aur fniends, relatives and neighbours o! Newtonville and surround- ing district, for the lovely pro- sentatian they gave us. Spocial thanks ta the comniittee and orchestra for their extra wark. Thanking you again. Charles and, Gloria Gray. 39-1* Words are inadequate ta ex- press aur heartfelt thanks and appreciation to aur many fniends for enquinies and messages a! sympathy, offers o! transporta- tion, during my husband's stay in hospital, for flowers and cards, after his death. Special thanks ta those who so kindly took charge o! my duties at the station. Mrs. Roy Bone. 39-1! 1 wish ta express my sincere thanks ta the many kind folk who remembened me wîth get- welwishes, fruit, candy and flowens, their visits and on- quiries during Mpy weeks in Oshawa Genenal Hospital. Also may I add my appreciation ta aur good neighbours, friends and relatives who were 50 kind and helpful ta Mrs. Wright dur- ing my absence. Again, thanks. Harry Wright. 39-l* *We would like ta thank the nurses and staff o! the Oshawa, General Hospital, also aur spocial thanks ta Dr. Gill, Dr. Alan Rundle and Dr. Clark for the wonderful treatinont and caro given aur son Paul during his recont stay in Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. Our thanks also ta Dr. Keith Slemon o! Bow- nianville. Thanks ta aur many relatives and friends for thein thougbtfulness and kindness in providing transportation ta the riospital and the many gifts and cards Paul recehved. Thank you ail. Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Forsey and Paul. 39-l* 1 The tobacco farms in Durham County, believed to be the only two so fortunate in the prov- Ince, escaped the killing frosts last woek. Frank Bylsma's farm a', Oak Hill, north of Eli- zabethville, and Tom Danchuk's fanm, one mile south of Ken- dal survived. Their crops were flot touched, and priming is still being carried on in the fields. Two bad frosts last woek wene a disaster to tobacco growers throughout the prov- ince. Durham and Northumber- land cnops were seriously af- fected by the 10w temperaturos. It is estimated that .800,000 pounds of tobacco have been lost ini theso two counties due to the damago from bail earlier in the season and the killing frosts. It had been expected that the Ontanio tobacco cno*p this yean would amount ta approxiniate- ly 180,000,000 pound.s. Authoni- tios now considen the yield in the province bas boom reduced te 120 million pounds. The On- tario tobacco crop last yean was in the neighbounhood of 183 million pounds. The losses sustained in Dur- ham County and Northumber- land County wene 75 pen cent due ta frost and 25 per cent due ta bail. The lasses in the two caunties are believed ta be proportionato ta the anes suf- fened in the Delhi and Tilson- burg areas. The two farmin hbis district escaped fnost damage because bath are on very high land. Frost bits handest un low lying areas. Last week's frosts were the wonst the province has ex- perienced since the killing fnosts o! 1940. The loss this year from frost is the greatest even in dollars and cents be- cause in 1940 the tobac-co in- dustry was in its initial stages. and the'cnop that yean bad only been expected te ho about 401 million pounds. Some gnowens in Durhamn and Northumnberlan.d Counties had barvested a lange percentage! 'of their cnops befone the frasts stnuck. But others sustained large lasses. The ground tom- penatune at the Expenimental Farm in Delhi last week was 22 degnees, and tobacco farinons in tbis district believe the ground temponature bore was 26. North Wand lying East o! Beech Avenue, and High Street, Nonth o! Lowe Street and Loyers Lano, Easterly ta the Town Limits. South Ward No. 1-At on near Mn. Robent Kennett's House, 58 Queen Street (2 Booths); com- pnising that part of the South Ward lying North of Albert and Prince Streets, East b! Temp- enance Street and South a!, King Street. South Ward No. 2-At or near Mn. FrankCowey's Hause, 91 Duke Street (2 Bootbs): com- prising that part o! the Soutb. Ward lying South a! Albert and Prince Streets.1 Hardware Limited ~6King St.LE MA 3-5408 tnrougn STATESMAN C L A SS1FIE D S Phone MArket 3-3303 The Advance Poil for the Vote on the Dining Lounge Licence and the Lounge Licence will bol held this Saturday, September 26th in the Town Hall. The Advance Poîl will open at 9 a.m. and continue ta 6 p.m. It will also be open duning the eveniing from 7 to 9 o'clock. Anyone on the votons lists who expects ta hoe out of town on Wednosday, September 3th, the day of the Plebiscite on the two questions, is eligible ta vote in the Advance Pol. Poils Close at 8 P.M. Poils will open on Wednes- day, September 3th, for the vote at 9 a.m. and continue open until 8 o'clock i the evening. AUl times mentioned here are Daylight Saving Turne. Polling places on Wednesday, Soptember 3th, will ho as fol- lows: West Ward No. 1-At or near the Councîl Room, Town Hall, (l booth). Comprýsing sa much o! the West Ward as lies South cf Wellington Street, and Sec- ond Concession Lino, West cf Temperance Street. West Ward No. 2-At or near 1Mrs. S. Glanvilie's House, 95 IElgin Street N. (3 Booths); com- prising s0 much o! the West IWard as lies North of Welling- Ston Street and Second Conces- sion Lino, West of Temperance Street, Beech Avenue and High Street. North Ward No. 1-At or nean Mrs-. E. Preston's Houso, 48 iChurch Street (2 Booths); com- pnîsmng that part of tho North Ward lying South of Wellington Street, East of Temperance Street ta the Easterly Town Limits. North Ward No. 2-At or near Mr. Alex Mair's. House, 64 Wel- lington Street; compnising that part of the North Ward lying North of Wellington Street, East Skating Club' Thore is a mystery in New-g. castle this week-a most ex- in a n pensive one-involving a large ~g~s S m amount cf money missing fnam Toms' I.G.A. gnoceny and gen-Pr g i oral store. Wbile the total amount was It was announced at a meet- flot divulged, it included ail ing o! the Bowmanville Skating cash taken in during the week- Club held at the residonce of end operations. the President Ai! Sameils, on As sua. te bnk epoitSunday afternoon that John wAs supnepare on MdeodaWilde will again ho the 'club's was pepard on MondY1 professional for the coming soas- momning. Choques, cash and . on. Ho received a new con- bank book were placed inl the.'tract. It was also reported that usual place until Mx. Toms the contnact with the Arena could find turne ta visit the Board has been si gned. bank chortly after lunch. Friday, Octoben 2nd was When he wont ta the accus- selected as Registratiohn Day for tomed spot, evemything was membership for bath figure and thero but the largo quantity of Sunday skating. It will be held cash. in the Bowmanville Town Hall. Mn. omssai ho as n ~ It was docided that Sunday Mr.Tom sad h wa intheSkating will start on October basement making some adjust- Ilth and continue for 24 weeks. monts to the nofigenation sys- Skating will bo fnom 3 to 5 teM most O! the morning but o'clock on Sunday afternoons. Mrs. Toins was working in the Individual Sunday skating mem sanie ram wheno the money bership fee is $7.00 for the was hie.den, not knawing it was season. there. A few customers came Figure skating will start on and went as usual with no Bign Tuesday, October 27th and wil o! anything missing.I continue for 22 weeks. The fees The Ontario Provincial Police for figure skating wiil be the are investigating the theft, but 'samee as last yeam: Tot, $6.00; no word of an an-est was forth- 'Junior, $ 12.00, and Senior, $16. coming at press tinie on Wed- Family package for figure skat- niesday. ors ha $35.00. o! Temperance Street, South of Lowe Street and Lover's Lano, Easterly to the Town Limits. North Ward No. 3-At or near Mrs. Clarence Hall's House, 1091 Liberty Street North (2 Booths); campnising that part o! the RECREATION RooM EVERYONE WILL ENJOY THE EXTRA LIVING SPACE FOR A LIFETIME That wasted space in your basement can bo inox- ponsively and oasily con- verted int a cosy recrea- tion room, bodroom, don or playroom. Start now and have is ready for the cooler weather. Do It Yourself or Have Our Homne Ixnproveinent Division Look Af ton the Coniete job foi- You. BUDGET TERNS AVAILABLE WITH No -Down Payment ... Up To 3 Years To Pay OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. 9 Telephones To Serve You Downtown Showroom 84 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH-RA 8-1617 BOWMALNVILLE,-MA 3-2130 Main Office and Showroom COURTICE-RA 8-1611 AJAX-ZEnith 2-9600 0 DOWNTOWN OFFICE OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P,.I% lie..,., a a - ~. - Advance Poil Saturday For Ail Peo pieUnabie To, Vote on Wednesday OSHAWA WOOD. PRODUCTS You'II Have More Fun This-Winter With A DURING Jesti*,al o/ Values We Infroduce the 1960 models in Frigidaire Washers and Dryers ASO' Rogers-Magestic Television During these three days we invite you to drop into our showroomn and look over these new models, S Cet Your Price Maison & Date IIFor Tour ietc TEMIMAT, SEPT 24th. ion Bud Virtue, who operates a service station on King St. East, is the lucky angler who hauled i this big Northern Pike last week. Hie caught it east of Brighton in Weller's Bay on a 20-1b. test lino with a small Canadian wiggler. It weighed 111/2 pounds and was 37 inches long. He and Jack Brown'of Maple Grove Dairy pulled in three othor pike weighing between four and six pounds each. Bud's glass rod was broken during his battie with this one, ju st before sundown. OnIy Two Tobacco Farms Escape Injury from Frost 1 , à ýM.C-4»A]D14W STATZWA".. BOWMANVni.ýZ ONTAIUO PAGE TWMNTY-BEVMi Fire in Cabin iTh reatens FamiIy of Six A flooded spaoe heater thre. atened the lives of four child- ren and two aduits late Sat- urday night. Fortunetely, the aduits were stili aïwake or, ac- cording to, Fire Chief Walter Hackney, several lives prob.. ably would have been lost. The blaze occured in the cabin home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ste- phenson, behind Mickey Dili. ing's house on Duke St. When firemen arrived on the scene, the building was a mass of flames that were spreading to the othor cabins which. are joined togothor. The Stephen- son's lost almost aUl, of their household equipment and dlo- î hing before the blaze could be brought unider control. We understand assistance has been rendered iby the Red Cross, the Salvation Army and other welfare groups. Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson, Reta May 12, Cindy Lou 10, James 6 and Kay 3 stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sparrow, R.R. 3 un- tii Monday night when they moved ibaek into part of the building that was flot; damaged too extensively. Mr. Stephen- son is employed at Genoral Motors. Mr. Dilling had left for a holidaýy in the United States the night the fire occurred. Pot Luck Supper Opens B&P Season The 'Pot Luck' Supper held by the Bowmanvillo Business and Professional Women's Club at Memorial Park Club House on Wednesday evening, Septem.- ber 161h, was an enjoyable event. The president of the club, Miss Madlyn Wilcox, wel- comed the membors to the first gatherîng held by the club since the summer recess. She outlined the interesting plans for the organization during the coming season. Ail took part in tihe sing- song led by Mrs. Marion Jef- fery. Durin g the evening Misa Helen Nelles was the leader for charades and other games. Mrs. Elsie Holdstock was i charge of tihe program. It waýs decided Iliat the Bow- mýanville Business and Profes- sfonal Women's Club will hôld a Tag Day for UNICEF on Fni- day evening, October 2nd, and Saturday, Qetober 3rd. Mrs. Noreen Laird is the convenor. The reguilar dinner meetings of the club will be held on the first Tuesday of each month, it was announce-d. The dinner meetings will be held in St. Johns Parish Hall, and the ca- tering will be clone by t he Guildettes of St. John's Church. The next dinnor-meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 61hi at 6:30 p.m.

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