-- .- ..- -. - - - ~ r PACZ TWO THE CANADIA) STATESMAN, BOWMIANVILL, ONTAIUO THUBSDAY, SEPT 24tb, 1950 ACADIA WRITE A-BRIGHT NEW CHAPTER INTO CANADIAN INSURANCE HISTORYr"% now you can proteot ALL your possies sions with ONE'Iow with l new Chances are, many of your haùsehoîd possessions, your home, your car, are already protected by insurance. Then, you know the peace of mind this protection brings. But isn't it bothersome trying to budget for half-a-dozen-or-so pre- miums, faling due every sa cfen-sornetimes during awk- wardi, financially-strained periods of your year? 0f course it îs! But now, at last, with the introduction of the all-new Acadia A-Plus Plan, you can do something about it! ONE LOW PREMIUM PROTECTS ALL YOUR POSSESSIONS!1 First big plus of Acacia's revolutionary new A-Plus Plan. One premium guards your automobile, your home, your household effects and personal belongings against fire, theft and casualty. You simply naine the items you wish insured; îf you don't wish ail your possessions covered, your Acadia man-the man with the revolutionary new A-Plus Plan- will be glad to tailor a coverage package to your individual requirements -you'il stili have only one low premium ta, pay! TIIREE EASY WAYS TO PAYI 1. Two-month portion of prenilum down, the balance in 10 monthly payments, 2. quarterly, 3. semi-annually. Simply choose the one which best suits your budget. Ail three are designed with your convenience in mind. The second big plus in the ail-new Acadia A-Plus Plan! SPECIAL MONEY-SAVUNG AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CATEGORIESI Big plus number thre. in "hi grat Plun of I PLAN 1benefits. if you qualify for any one of several preferred classes of automobile drivers, under the A-Plus Plan you automaticaily become eligible for reduced rates. Your Acadia man wiil be happy ta explain the special classifications to you when you see hlm for your automobile coverage. BIGGEST PLUS 0F ALL! ACADIAS EXCLUSIV4E MORT. GAGE PAYMENT PROTECTION"II This attractive bonus is yours and goes into effect thxe minute you erîrol in the Plan. no matter what your coverage, complete or partial! Here's how it works: should you become totally disabled by acci. dent, or suifer an accidentai death, Acadia wiil pay off your mortgage. The cost? A surprise-this exclusive feature costs less than $10 a year for most householders. "ON-THE-SPOT" CLAIMS SETTLEMENT! A mighty ùn. portant plus-fifth big plus in Acadia's all-new A-Plus Plan. Once -your Acadia man insures you under the Plan, you can be sure that if you ever have a dlaim, you'll get dlaim service second to none. Neyer an annoying delay when it cornes to settling up-Acadia settles your claim on the spot! Any present Acadia policyholder will vouch for this. ACADIA'S A-PLUS PLAN US ALL-CANADIAN! This sixth big plus in Acadia's ail-new A-Plus Plan is well worth remember- ing. Acadia knows the insurance needs of Canadians; ha& protected Canadian possonssidm 1862. INSURANCE COMPANY-.EstabiIsh0d 1862 50 BSAY S'rtET. TORtONTO. CA&NADA FOR MORE INFORMATION# CALL YOUR LOCAL AGENT TODAYt STUART Re JAMES 24 King Stroet, Eaust Bownmanvillo aOntario Phone MA 3 m 5681 'j i