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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Sep 1959, p. 3

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~rirnuMDAY. SEPT 24th. 1959 THE CANADIAK STATESMAN. BOWMANVITJLE. ONTARIO PAGE THREN DUNCAN - GRIFFITH Rev. John Edward Griffith of Dunsford, Ontario, formerly m-inister cf Trnimty United Chunch, Bowmanvillc, officiat- ed ini Dunsford United Church et a worship service which in- corporated the ccrcmony ef n-arriagc for bis daughten, Miss Bona Mary Griffith and Mn. John Bruce Duncan,the son cf Mn. and Mns. E. F. Duncan of Bloomington, Iliinois. He was assisted by Rev. Norman J. Stanhope et Plymouth, Michi- hgan church was decoratd White shasta chrysanthe- munms1 and white gladioli as the bride was given away by her father. She was wearing a gown of champagne Peau de soie with e street-lengtb ski.rt, its fittcd bodice with deep V neckline and short sleeves. The skint was full with deep invcrted pleats. She wore a flat bow headband of the same materiai with a onal ye veil and carnied ai Small bouquet cf brown or-1 chids and white stephanotis. Her only attendant was her sister, Miss Gwyn Griffith, Who worc a dress cf identical znatenial and design in a deep- er complcmentary beige tone with a mnatcbing flot bow head- band and a bouquet cf white âhasta ehrysanthemums. The groomsman. was Mr. Walter Lagerquist of Detroit. and the ushers were Mr. Jim Blyth and Mx. Willard Pottin- ger. Following a reception at the parsonage, the couple left for a honeymoon. at the bnide's sum- mer cottage at Norla*nd, On- tario. They will reside ini To- ronto. 3 RICHARDSON - KITSON Before a background of glad- joli in St. Andrews Chapel, 1Fort Osborne Barracks, Winni- peg, Man., on Saturday, Sep- tember 5th.. at 1 p.m., Padre V. H. Johiison' united in mar- i rage Shirley Joan Kitson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Kitson, Bowinani~lle, and Lance Corporal Leslie John Richardson, Vernon, B.C. Mr. Richardson is the son of Mr. G. B. Richardson. Vernon. B.C., tand the late Mrs. Richardson. The bride, given in ma.rriage by her father, wore a floor- lcngth gown of nylon net over taffeta with a lace bodice. The bodice was dcsigned with lily 1point slecves andi rhinestone-i trirmced scalloped neckline. A lace pill-box biat with rhine- stone trim held her fjnger-tip veil and she carnied a bouquet of red roses. Refre sh Bvy the family carton of 6 big bottles Smith Beverages Limfiited Bowmanville AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR h l DRAPERY and Hat WITH Ab e6 c DRAPERY PLACED DURING THIS S PE C 1A L! FALI SKIRT LENGTHS Reg. to $3.50 yd. TO CLEAR $1-50 yd. Qoodllvuud #~M~ j The matron of honor, A Helen Larson, and the brides-, Wed in St. Andrew's, Winnipeg Miss Julie Wilson wore street length dresses. The matron of honor was in deep pink nylon and the .bidesnaids ini blue, flowered nylon over tafcta.! Tiey wore matching nose veils oeuiht to ribbon headpieces. The uatron of honor carried ai colonial bouquet of yeilowA car- nations and the bridesmaids carnied sunujiar bouquets of deep pinlc carnations. Little Susie Warshiek was flower girl in pale blue nylon, - with white lace and carricd a1 miniature colonial bouquet of deep pink carnations. mr. William Warshick of, Winniipeg was best man and the ushers were the brides cou- si, Mr. Glen Goodhand of To- ronjto, and Mr. Lawrie Borne of Winnipeg. The reception was hel4, at the Chatterbox bp-nquet roomn whcre the brides mother ne- ccivcd weaning a street-lengthi dress of autumin brown, beige hat -and accessonies and corsage of yellow roses. The grooms>k sister, Mrs. Ken Nistor, West Surmerland, B.C., assisted wearing a two-piccc dress of rose taffeta. beige accessonies and corsage of pink and white carnations. The bride donncd a tangerine two>-piecc dress, beige hat, black accessonies and corsage of yellow roses and white car- nations for the honeymoon trip hy C.P.A. to Victoria, B C 1where they plan to make their home. fararr h Pictured on ..... Prior to ber mrig h the Chapel steps following their bride was guest of honor at a marriage in St. Andrew's Chapel, Fort Osborne Barracks,ý miscellaneous showcr given by iWinpgMa.arLacCooalnd rs ei Jh Miss Patricia Wallis. Mrs. Helen ,àinnpeg, n.,hearie Lance CormrlSnhirs.y Leslie John Larson was also hostess for aàRcado.Tebiei h omrSilyJa isn midscellaneous shower. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Kitson, Bowmanvîlle, The Parts Department Of Ont. The groom is the son of Mr. G. B. Richardson of General Electric prescnted her Vernon, B.C., and the late Mrs. Richardson. with Cornflower crystal glass- ware and a wall dlock was the era oEe2mPoYee 1~ Exchange Vows in Trinity United' CARLINI - BARRETT standards of red roses form- ed the setting ini Our Lady ofi the Rosary, Niagara Falls, N.Y.,I on saturday, September l2th., at 12:00 noon when the Very Reverend Stanley Ornisby un- ited in mnarriage Margaret Joan: (Peggy) - Barrett, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. William Barrett, Bowmanville, and Mr. Carl Carlini, Buffalo, N.Y., ini a dou- ble-ring ceremnonY. Mr. Garlini is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Or- lando Carlin-i of Niagara Falls,' N.Y. Given in marriageby ber la- ther the bride worc a ballerina length gowin o l rane The short-sleeved oic f ;:, Alencon lace was fashone with a scalloped neekline, and à her finger-tip veil was caught to a tiara of sced pearls. Mauve iê orchids -and stephanotiS rested on the white Bible oarried by the bride. Miss Jean Jlckello, Niagara , Falls, ()ntaioi, as niaid of hon- aur, was ini oorniflower blueQ siflk organza designed witha cowl neckline and ballei;na length skirt. She wore a match- ing velvet bandeau studded with rhincstones and her bou- quet was of red roses. M4r. Tony Mi-gliazzo was best man and the ushers were Mr. W Dominie Carlini, a cousin of the unçle of the bride. For the reception an-d dinner at Angle Inn, Niagara Falls, N. Y., the bride's mothen hs beige French lace with copper- tone velvet hat and' matchung accessories. Her corsage was of yellow swcethcart roses. To assist, the groom's mother wore! «b% M* olive green lace with white fea- thered hat, brown eccessories and pink rose corsage. For the wedding trip to New M.adMs la rc oeaesonctig York City and Lake Placid the M.adMsAlnBueCl r hw utn bride donned a cocoa Wool their wedding cake following their marriage in Trinity sheath dress with avocado vel- United Church, Bowmanville, on Saturday. September 12,1 vet hat, rnatching accessonies 1959, at 4 o'clock. Mns. Cole, the former Marilyn Laureen1 and a green tintcd orchid cor-1 Spicer, is the daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Arthur H. Spîcer. sage. Followin~g thelir 'honeymoon 1lMr. Cole is the son of Mrs. Cole and the late Arthur Cole. Mn. and Mrs. Carlini wiIi reside' velogue with pictures in color, of a tour from Courtice to Leos Angeles and back, experienced by Mr. Eddie Warburton and 43y er-lbb awa family cf Courtice. Mîr. War- aleepit with hig hend gurned ta iburton's style of providing home the right aind ahi. aidle ai ida away frein home for a farnnily digqit lt.Watc holiday and the pictures chosen hd go qute lt.. WIio < to bring back, make the best 0tcoetah? of advertising material for the A. At this age the sleeping habits tourist industry. are fairly weIl fixed and the jMrs. Chas. Gneenham thank- year-old can roll over ta any ed INE. Warburton on behalf cf desired position et wilI. Try plac. the members. ing hlm on his stomnach before he IBusiness was deait with by goes te sleep. If this doesn't president Mes. K. Hopkins. Roil work, try to change the sleeping jcaîl, "one fornm cf politeness 1 position after hie is sound esleep. ,admire", was well answered. The head flattening won't harrn Emphasis was on the admira- his brain and will tend to correct C o d i tion of young people who show Itself ien' e. Answers do not necessarily aefledt ton Company ef Niagara Falls, the opinion of ail doctors. The diat. Ontario, where thc bride was nonis and treat ment of du-case is the dinrpat tPrudhommne Vo. nay puy mmrbtnyon oe.u' 28 Kng SL W.Ont., when a presentation was e p1 made. B.wmavtfl.Miss Shirley Smith and the staff ef the Accounting Dept. of MA 3-5551 the Norton Cornpany held a pr sonal showver for the bride-to- so~-wmAggiLLLL ~bein Naara Fa.O, 0 display of Bnetby's Art Pottery at a February meeting. Mrs. Chas. G-reenham w~as appointed delegate to Central Ontario W. 1. Area Convention. Maple Grove, Home Econom- les' short course, "When Food Makes a Difference" will be beld October 5th. Ail ladies wel- come. Thanks wene neceived for prizes given to school pupils. Mms. Stephen Doyle reported for Good Neighbor's Commit- tee. Mns. L. C. Snowden gave a few final bniefs f rom officers' conféece and read from Fed- enated News cf work donc by Associated. Countnywomen et the wonld for the united na- tions since 1949 when this As- sociation was granted consul- tative status. A lune from. Ethel Çhapman who, was attcnding A s s o c i atcd Countrywomen's meeting ini Edinburgh, Scotland ait time of writing, states that a resolution asked that a perman- e nt scholarship (international) wclfane be establisbed by A.C. W.W. ta be used both in send- ing tnained personnel te work in under-develaped countnies and to bring students fnom there to study here under agree- ment with their own govern- mnentS, te retunn te work ameong their own people whene hun- drcds cf millions cf people suf- fer from ait least seven direadi diseases, with no hope cf relief for the majonity. Octoben program will be ln charge cf Home Economics and Health Comnumittee, Mrs. Cecil Milîs convenen. A social haIt heur was cnjoyed while the group in charge served refresh- 1ments. Jim Firth NOT Ours Wins Boat The wonderful free draw pnize cf a Pontiac "'Laurentian'y and fully equippcd Peterbor- ough boat complete with 35 hp. Johnson Motor, given away free ait thc Natural Gas Centre at the Canadlian National Exhibi- tien was won by Mr. James Firth of Part Credit. As far as we have been able te lcarn, lie is no relation ta Jim Firth of Bowmanvillc. LAY Evening Aux. At Trinity HoId Meeting Triniity Evening Auxilary j were hostesses to the Alter- noon Auxiliary of the W.M.S.' on Tuesday evening, Sept. 15th in the S. -S. Roomi. President Jean MecMurter opened with a short prayer and then welcomed the visito rs. We held 'a short business meeting. Reports showed that during the summer the mem-' bers had made seventy home, calis, forty-six hospital cails and had read fifty-nine books., The corresponding secretary reported that she had sent eight: get well cards. five sympathy! cards and one baby congratula- tions card. Mrs. Aldread, vice-president; of the afternoon group then1 took over and presented the j worship service. Ethel MeKa- gue introduced the new Study Book "'Africa Disturbed', ini a novel and veny interesting n-anner. Miss Heathen Webbm rendcred a beautiful vocal soio "It Was Fer Me' accompanied by n-s. Ada Sadien. Alter the Benediction a social hall heur was enjoycd by ail and a tsW lunch senved by Group 1. FOR SATISFACTION IN HOME HEATING Just any turnace is fot the answer. For the ultirnate ln design and efficiency Instali a FAIRBANKS-MORSE HEATING UNIT Cail CollecI C0U LDB Newcastle 4331 il--- H V OU '.1 TH S NE The barber stopped ln the middle of cutting the mnan's hair.. stared out the window and then turned back to, his customer: "You know. Iooklng over women these days is like filling out an icorne tax forni." Customer: "How corne?" Barber: "lYou neyer know what to deduct." For the sake et amy gals that are listcning in I want te say ight here that the ladies have neyer looked better than they de these days . .. they're smart- ly dresscd and they keep their clothes young-leoking by dlean- ing them often and storing thcm properly when net in use. If you have any fabric pnoblems, incidentally, cal us. Ed Leslie ##FESTIVAL 0F VALUES"f THURSDAY - FIIDAY- SATURDAY -AWAY PLAN MARRI Reg. Price as high as $2.00 a pair - King Street West Bowma nvs lie DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY! SPECIAL! b for Three Days during THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY ON ALL CASH PURCHASES Soalso merchandise bought on Our CHRISTMAS A SMALL DEPOSIT WITH 13 WEEKS TO PAY BALANCE wiIl hold any article in aur sdore until Christmas COSTUME JEWELLERYI Large Selection of NGS AOc ~ mu pair ... 4 9 -C MARR'S JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP We invite yau toadrap in and pick Up onfl i ur fllustrated, Coloured Pre-Chrisimas Catalogues PAGE TEREB TE£ C.«ADIAlf STATESMAN. BOV;bLANVILLe ONTAIUO IIRMDAT, SEPT 24th, 1959 JL

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