t- %rURSDAY. SEPT 24th, 1959 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOYWMAI4VILILE ONTARIO> PAGE FIE McGILL - DURLING Her veil was waist length and pink caught to a crown of seed Týall standards o! in and pearîs and she carîied a cas- White gladioli formed a loveiy cd frdrss aetting in St. Paul's Anglican caeo idrss Church at Bethany on Saturday Bridai attendants were Miss afternaan, when Rev. G. E. Carol Cackburn, Miss Doreen Meades performed the double- McArthur and Miss Audrey ring ceremony uniting in mar- Durling, sister of the bride. riage Wanda Grace Durling, The maid o! honor was weaîing daughter of Mi. and Mrs. a gown of ice blue sllk faille Morse Durlmng of Peterborough with bell style skirt and draped and Charles B. McGill, son of front, hand tucked cummer- Mr. and Mis. Bruce McGill, R. bund and large puff sleeves. R. 2 Bethany. The bridesmaids' gowns were <'ý.,Beverley Smith of Oshawa made in the same style in Amn- played the wedding music and erican beauty shade. Their accmpaiedhiswif, Ms.feather bats were trimmed Smith, cousin of tihe groom, ried bouqetso!s de ar singing "Oh Perfect Love" prior idbuetofrs. to the ceremony and "Oh Pro- Alan Bigelow, Fraserville, mise Me" during the signing of! was groomsman and ushers the register.1 were Robert Crowe and Phiip Griven in marriage by bier fa- Durling, brother of the bride. ther, the bride was lovely in For the reception beld in the her floor length gown of white Tovn Hall at Bethany, the silken embroidered mesh over1 bride's mother Was wearing nylon net and taffeta. It was dusky pink Chantilly lace over styled with sabrina neckline,, satin with waist length jacket. amail drop sleeves, and a very' Her matching color picture bati full skirt with upper tuer of, was of velvet, ir-egularly brim- embroideîed mesh over a very mcd with two rows o! ruffing1 full lower ruffle of nylon net. and her corsage was o! pink FREE! roses. The groom's mother chose a siim sheath of heaven- ly blue lace over taffeta with xnatching cuxnnerbund of slip- per satin and màtching jacket. Her hat and accessories were royal blue and she wore a cor-i sage of chrysanthemums. When leaving on the trip te Virgin.i for their honeymoon the bride was wearing a tur- quoise blue suit with beige ac- 1 cessories and corsage of white!. 'murns. On their return they will live n Bethany.i COLE - SPICER Ploor standards and baskets; of large white pom-pom 'mnums, together with two candelabraf formed a Iovely setting in. Trin- ity United Church, Bowman- vil-le, on Saturday, September 12tb, 1959, at 4 p.m. when Rev. Wim. K. Housiander united in marriage Marilyn Laureen £p'- cer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Spicer, and Mr. Allan Bruce Cole. Mr. Cole is the son of Mrs. Arthur Cole and the late Mr. Cole. Organist Mr. A. Collison ac- companied the soloist, Mrs. Sam Black, who sang "O Perfect Love" and "The Wedding Pray- er" Given in marriage by her fa- ther the bride wore a floor- length gown of white peau de soie. The graceful skirt, which extended into a cathedral. train,1 was trimmed with lace aPpli-J qres and had a tucked bipline.i The jewelled lace bodice was fashioned with a sabrina neck- line and long lily pointed sleeves. Her sboulder-length J French tulle illusionveil_was1 a 0»FREE! Wn.a DRAW McBRINE WEEKEND CASE Lady's or Geni's - Valued ai $25.00 Be sure fo'gei ypur FREE Draw Ticket wiih each purchase For this Special Weekend Festival we have REDUCED TEENAGE FLATS BOYS' SCAMPERS Reg. 4.95 $3.95 CHILDREN'S OXFORDSReg. to 4.95$3.49 WOMEN'S DRESS PUMPS Reg. to 9.95 $#5 ,9 5 WOMEN'S WEDGES Reg. to7.95 $3*95 WE HAVE. MANT OTHER NONEY-SAVINC SPECIALS LLOYD ELLIS SHOES 49 Ring Si. W. Be sure to drop in and look around during Festival of Values MA 3-5941 FESTIVALSPECIALS 3 DAYS ONLY AT THESE PRICES IT WILL PAY YOU TO, BUY FOR FUTURE USE. Inlroductory Offer of. . . 4o aoet, DAR WALLPAPER ForCloet, ec. 2rolîs, prepasted and Water Tray Regular Price $1.99 Enough for average sized closet - For only -- VALSPAR CLEAR GLOSS VARNISH Reg. $9.95 gail For $6.65 Reg. $2.88 qt.- For-- $1.95 VAL-DIL The oil of many uses; rust proof, paint, reinforcement, prime for cernent. stucco, brick, etc., seal for floors or bronzing liquid. Reg. $6.70 gai - For______ $4.50 Reg. $2.05 qt. - For______ $1.40 VALENTINES SATIN GUICK VARNISHR Reg. $7.60 gai. - For $5.10 Reg. $2.25 pt. - For- $1.55 VALSPAR 3Y FLOOR VARNISE Reg. $7.60 gai.- For ______ $5.10 Reg. $2.25 qt.- For $1.55 VALSPAIR EPOXY Reg. $7.60 - For $5.15 (American Size) The best there is for floors GGLD CROSS IIXTERIOR PAINT Also for 3 Days Only Reg. $7.15 gaL - For ___'.~ $4.95 - ALSO - MANY ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION WHICH ARE ALL GREAT- LY REDUCED FOR THIS OCCASION Wilh every purchase of $3.00 or over we will give away FREE soms useful 9W article worth from 50C Io $1.00. ABERNETHY Paint & Wallpaper" 33 King St. W. Bowmanville MA 3-3431 Reg. 4.95 to 5.95 $3.95 Oldest Man at the Fair Stili very active at 93 of Newtonville had g~ deligir Sept. l2th. He was kept bi rnany friends and acquaintan, as long a period as the fair1 caught to a crown encrusted with pearis and sequins and she carried a cascade bouquet o! wbite 'munis centred with red roses. Miss Bileen Spicer was ber sister's maid of honor and tbe bridesmnaids were Miss Audrey Spicer, sister of the bride, and- Miss Susan Grabam o! Peter- borough. Tbey were attiîed in identical strcet-lengt'h dresses o! Kelly green silk organza aver taffeta with round-necked I short-sleeved bodices. Matching green velvet sashes ending in waistline bows and streamers enbanced tbe design. To coin- jplete their ensembles the atten- dants wore long white gloves, rnatching green shoes and circu- Jar nose-lcngth veils held by peari and sequin trimmed cir- clets of the saine colour. They carricd cascades of white alias- ta 'mumis. Mr. Robert Marjerrison was besti man and tbc ushers were Mi. Roy Corden and iý. Rus- sel Lane. For tbc reception beld In Trinity Unitcd Church Sunday Scbool Room tbc bride's moth- ci chose a strcet-length green silk suit dress with brown bat and accessories an~d worc a cor- sage of talisman roses. To as- sist, the groom's mother wore a strect-lcngth peacock blue and grey figured shcatb, black bat and -accessories and corsage o! white roses. Before leaving on the wed- ding trip to Eastern Ontario, thej bride changed to a two-piece ensemble o! a white sbeath ap- pliqucd with orange topped by a matcbing full length orange duster, black and white acces- sorica and w'hite gardenia. cor- sage. On thei.r return Mi. and ,Mrs. Cole will reside ati16 King Street East. The bride is a graduate nurse on the staff of Memorial Hos- Ipital and received ber training Iat Peterborough Civic Hospital IMi. Cole is employed in the office of General Motoîs, Osh- awa, and is weil-known in bbc I district for bis ability on nu- t ierous basebali and hockeyI I teams. Prior to her manrage the bride was thc bonored gucst at 1 several prenuptial parties. Mis. V. Marjerrison was hostess for a miscellancous shower at ber home, 25 Flett Street. Mis. El- va Beckett, Mrs. Roy Webbei, Mis. Barbara Kennedy and Mis. Patricia Leavitt weîe co-bosti- esses for a miscellaneous show- ci held in the Sunday Sohool Room o! Trinity United Churoli. The gif t o! a silver cieam and sugar was prescnted ta the bride by thc staff o! Mernorial IHospital. and bier classmates at Peterborougb also made a pies- jentation. On September 2nd Mrs. Spi- cer was hostess for a trousseau tea in honour o! her daugliter. The groom was honored by Ipresentatiofts made at parties on three occasions. Following the wedding re-1 hearsal the bridai party wasl entertaîned at the groom's1 home.i WERRY - BL Ashwortih Unitcd Churcb, Ux- bridge, was tbc scene of an au- tumnu- wedding on Saturday, September 19, at 2:30 o'clock wbcn Elsie Christina Ball was united in marriage with Ron- ald John Werry. The bride is th nly daugbter o! Mr., and Mi s. Isaac James Bail, Ux- bridge R. R. 2, and the groom is tbe son o! Mi. and Mis. Han- old Werry, "'Werrroft" Ke- Idron. JThe Rev. Clifford Brown o! Laurel, Duffenin, was the offi- ciating clergyman, assisted by JRev. E. Barnard, minister a Ashwonth Churcli.A double- ring ccremony !ollowed the inuptial vows. The wedding music was play-î ed by Miss Elda Smockum, o! the teachi.ng staff o! Port Perry High Schoal, and the soloist was! M.Walter Keiny o! Uxbridge.1 The bride, given in marniage' by ber father. wore a floor- length gown of white Italian peau de soie with front panel appliqued with Alencon lace enhancing the full skirt. The fitted bodice was fasbioned witb thîce-quarter sleeves and rounded neckline accented w:thI matcbing lace. Her finger-tip veil o! tuile illusion feli from a tiara encrustcd with seed pearls and sequins, and she car-' ried- an arrangement o! rases can Beauty roses and f ern. The flower girl was a niece of the bride, ttiree year o1l Barbara Ball, daughter of Mr. and Mis. James Bail, winsome as a miniature replica of the other attendants. The best man was Mr. Sidney MacDonald, Agricultural Re- presentative of Hastings Coun- ty, and ushers were Kenneth Hoskin of Oshawa, and Alan Bail, brother of the bride, of Uxbridge. At the reception held ini the Sunday School hall, the bride's mother received in a navy and. white ensemble, matchIng ac- cessories, with a corsage of ros- es. The groomn's mother assist- ed, wearing a pale toast crepe and satin dress, with muàm green velvet and feather hat and inatching gloxes, and rose corsage. Rev. C. Brown was toast-master. As they left for a wedding trip to the Maritime provinces, CapeBreton and Eastern States, the bride was wearing a printed silk shantung dress topped with three-quarter length coat of royal bluý lined with matching printed silk, and black acces- sories. On their return, the couple Plan to make their home at "Werrcroft", Kedron. Guests were present at the wedding from Niagara. St. Ca- tharines, Hamilton, Toronto, Orangeville, Oshawa, Stirling, 'Port Perry, Uxbridge and nei- ghbouring communities. SUTTON - HAM years of age, William Savery The boy's choir led the wed- htful time at Orono Fair on ding procession in the Chuîch )usy shaking hands with the o! St. Mary Magdalene, Napâ- nec, at the marriage of Miss ices he bas made over almost Barbara Warren Ham, daugh- has been in existence. ter of Mi. and Mrs. Kenneth Sheridan Ham of Napanee, to and hit bab chysanhe-Mr. Francis Burk Sutton, son an wie ay hrsnte o! Mz. Francis Sutton of Toron- mums.to,> and the late Mrs. Sutton, for- Attending tbe bride werc the merly o! Bowmanville.« The matron of honour, Mrs. James fully choral service was con- Brown, Hamiilton, and brides- ducted by Rev. W. L. Simmons, ma*ids, Miss Jeanine Werry, rector o! the churoh, assisted by Kedron and Miss Elva Stear- Rev. W. J. Robinson, rector of man of Uxbridge. They wore St. John's Çhurcb, Ottawa. identical white waltz-length Given in marriage by berý gowns with bouffant - skirts father, the bride wore a gown nipped in at the waist with of ivory satin, the scoop neck- wide cu'mmerbunds o! Ameri- line edged with satin !lowers ca.n Bcauty peau de soi, cross- and seed pearîs. The bodice was ed at the front and falling in1 styled wîth jiy-pointed sleeves graýceful panels at the back. and buttoned down the backl Each wore a matching coron- to the empire waistline, and the et studded with rosebuds and very full skirt fell !rom un- white button chrysanthemums. pressed pleats at the sides and Tbey carried cascades of Amei-J back into a cathedral. train. A full-length veli of Brusse ' ac feUl over her train, and she oe- ried a spray of chiffon roses and stephanotis circled with ivy. The maid of honor, Mis Ca-1 therine Hyndman of Edmonton, was attired in a bouffant dress of rose satin, the neckline curv- ing to a V ini the back trîmmed with a flat bow. A similar bowv was in ber hair, and she car- ried an arrangement of deep pink rosebuds, pale pink pinoc- chio chrysanthemums and ivy. The child bridesmaids. Miss Cathy Alkenbrack o! Napane, and Miss Nancy and Miss Eliza- beth Robinson of Ottawa, wore frocks of pale pink embroîder- ed nylon styled with round col- lars and puff sleeves, accented by deep rose velvet sashes and nosegays of deep and pale pink chrysanthemums. The little flower girl, Miss Betsy Alken- brack, wore a similar dress with a sash of pale pink velvet and carried a small basket of pink cbrysanthemums. Mr. Donald A. Crosbie of To- ronto was best man, and the ushers were Mr. Trevor Ham, brother of the bride, and Mr. Robert Rowland and M.r. Rob- ert Langdon, both of Toronto. When the destination Is de- sirable, expectation speeds our progress.-Mary Baker Eddy. t. Ladies' widem an's Wa for FESTIVAL SHOPPING SPREE NAVY BLAZERS-------------- 10.00 each MARTHA WASHINGTON HOUSE DRESSES Regular 5.98 - Sizes 14 to 24% Three Days ?nly - 4.95 each SWEATERS CLEARANCE Assortment of Short and Long Sleeve Pullovers Cardigans, ini Orlon, Ban Lon and Wools Regular to 9.95 Clearing 2.69 - 3.19 - 3.39 - 3.95 - 4.39 ALL MATÉRNITY TOPS, SLACKS and DRESSES Clearance '3Off Women's Half Size Dresses- Clearing 10.00 each Counter of Pyjamas, Gowns, Blouses FESTIVAL BARGAIN CLEARANCE Nylon Hose, regular to, 1.50 - Clearance 79e pr. Seamless Nylons - Festival Special 95e pair Clearing Lines in Skirts, Summer Coats, Dresses SHOP EARLY AND SAVE AUl Sales Final