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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Sep 1959, p. 7

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PAGE SEVECN ?~1URSDAY, SEPT 24th, 195, THE CANADIAN SATESMAN, BOWMMIVILLE, OP~TAR!O t Mrs. W. A. Edger and Mrs. W. I J. Bagneil. Mr. Wes Davey re-I I mained for a visit with bis sis- I ý c a .(Î)lr o a r Peter H. Reynolds, son of i r nd Mrs. H. K. Reynolds, Phone MA 3-3303 RR. , Bowmanville, as com-1 L i menced bis studies at Victoria LE 1 College, University of Toronto. at he anaianStaesmn, asHe is taking an Honours B.A. Miss Virginia Brown, Cour- acourse. Peter was awarded the Stice, was a weekend guest of' received ber licence and joined' oe. etrAnas Highe Scher VMiss Ruth Gobeen. tbe sales staff of M. E. Leask ship for general proficiency by Meet your frîends at tbe Bee. Real Estate. .. j Victoria College. Ln hive Rebekab Lodge Penny t Mr. and Mrs.W.J rd, Mrs. A. Donoghue, Ln Sale, September 25th.! Orilîla, Ont., were recent guests 'Branch, bas been visitmng ber1 Miss Ruby Aldwortb, Toronto,' of their son and daugbter-in- grandchildren, Mrs. Carl Brunt, spent Sunday with relatives and law, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bradd, (Patsy), Mrs. Leslie Piper; friends in Bowmanville. iFEgin Street. <Betty), Mr. Bill Donoghue, Mr. Lyle McMahon, Queen lMr. Edward S. Colwell left Bowmanville Beach, and Mr. Street, is attending Teachers' Monday to enter his third year Albert Donoghue, Newtonville, College, Peterborough, Ontario. in Ge11e15 Arts at Victoria Col- and her son. Mr. Herrance Mr. nd Ms. Hrry keyleag niv eit of Toronto, Donoghue, Bowmanville Beach.! spent last weekend in Napanee y hwaaloagetfMran witb Mrs. Akey's motber, Mrs. Mrs. A. C. Hezzlewood, Tor- Ms ereDhig H. Windover. onte, spent thbe weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. Timmins,, Mr. L. B. Nichols is visiting ber brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mr. and Mrs. R. Shupak and with bis son and daugbter-in- Pearce, Ebenezer, and called family, Toronto; Mrs. R. Carr, law, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas on old friends in town. Belleville; Miss Hazel Barrie,f >Tchols in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Foley, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Walteri Mr. W. F. Rogers, Calgary, Mrs. Mina Colwell, Miss Molly Couch, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. 4lta., formerly of Enniskillen, Bennett, Mrs. Bert Colwell, Ed- Jack Holmes and Donny, New- ýf7ed on Mrs. H. H. Pye when ward and Irwin, spent the week- castle, and Mrs. R. Hawtborne, "o nvisiting relatives. end at a cottage, Twin Lakes. Bowmanville, VisiteciMir. and Mr. Don Welsh, son of Mr. Mr. Fred Vanstone, son of dringWter weekend. n ed Mis. Charles Welsh, Pros- Mr. and Mrs. Morley Vanstone, uigtewknd pect Street, is attendmng Pete-I returned to Kingston t his Mr. Frank Bottreli, Bowman- borough Teachers' Coîlege. week te commence second year ville's veteran pigeon fancier, Mr. Wayne L. Hooey, son of studies at Queen's University. bad a repeat of previous suc- Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hooey, left Another B.H.S. graduate at- cessful showings of his pigeons ]ast week toi start his first tending Peterborough Teachers' tioa xiinhis year MrteCnala a year at Osgood. Hall, Toronto. College is Miss Mary Ann Btil Eiedn. 96is aardr. Mis Seil Bown dugherHeavysege, daughter of Mr. and 1 6 ftel cirsts,922 secods, ofMis.Sian r.J Brown, gtrMrs. Bruce Heavysege, Liberty wnnng 19 furths, 29 feftns, o! M. an Mr. Jon Brwnsvret Noth.5 sixths, 2 sevenths and 3 spec- terborough Teaobers' College. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Strike' ial awards. Congratulations. Miss Mary Mitchell, daughter and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. RoenigkHoea of Mrs. J. B. Mitchell, bas spent the weekend at the On- The Hoe indScbool Exec- entered the nurses, training class tario Hydro Power Develop- uitive in preparing for thecm at Western Hospital,* Toronto. ment, Cornwall, and thxe St. ing season bas appointe(icar Lawrence Seaway. men to be in charge of the Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Vice, Mart~- » Grade mothers at the four Pub- in Road, Bowmanville, are en- Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mcflonald, lic Schools. Representing Cent- joying tbemselves at the Martha Paul and Kathy, Belleville, and rai Scbool is Mrs. Don Marsden; Washington, Virginia Beach, Va. Rev. and Mrs. Stanley Snow- Vincent Massey Scbool, Mrs 5 Police Chie! andi Mr . Bernard den, Connie andi Beverley, Mill- John Hendry; Ontario Street R. Kitney were called tei Niagara brook, were Sunday guests o! School, Mrs. A. Lucas, and for Falls, Ont., on Sunday, due to Mr. andi Mrs. C. Johns. the new Lord Elgin Sehool, Mrs. the death of Mr. Kitney's fatb- A farewell party will be beld Norman Gibson. er. for Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Bell Miss Mary Lewis', daugbteri Miss Margaret Goheen, daugh-tand Betb on Saturday, Septemn- of Mrs. H. Lewis, wbo was a' ter of Mr: and Mrs. Garnet Go- ber 26, in Bowmanville Baptist miember o! the nurses' graduat- heen, returned to MeMaster Churcb, Nelson Street, at 7:45 ing Class of Hospital for Sick University, Hamilton, last Mon- p.m. Everyone welcome. Children, Toronto, last June,1 day. Mr. Alick Lyle and bis sis is at Victoria College, Univer-1 Mr. and Mrs. T. B. LeBeau, ter, Mis. F. C. Martyn, left iby sity of Toronto, where she bas Calgary, Alta., were guests o plane last Saturday from Mal- entereci a General Arts course. the later siterMrs M.E. ton for Los Angeles, Calif. Her brother, Mr. Hartley Lewis, Leas, Onari Stret, astTbeie they will visit Mrs. Mar- bas returned te the University week. tyn's daughter, Miss Ruth Mar- of bisotocore !secod y M1&. John Dippeli, son o!f r ITL Mr. Joof h c uour heeof Lindsay and is. L. W. Dippell, left re- Mr. Bil Kilgannon, Ernes- MrJonCdaeLdsy cently for Kitchener,. Ont - town, Ontario, visiteci bis uncle, bas been visiting bis son and. where he will attend W 'M. .M KlanoLiet daugbter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. College. Ryod Wtro Street, the George Dillings and Jsp udhe 7Popc other relatives. Mr. D. M. Kil- Street. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mrsa. mn Greengrass, gannon returned home witb birn Gerlach, Chicago, were also Long Branoh, spent last Satur- for a week's holiday. guests o! Mr. andi Mrs. Cudda- day witb ber parents, Mr. and hee, and later in the week Mr. Mra. Norman Brown, Waver- Jack Wes Davey, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Francis Gerlacb, ]y Rad. ackDavey and Susan, ail of Chicago, also visiteci Mr. and ~ Rad.Detroit, Micb., were weekend Mrs. Cuddahee bere. Weekend Mrs. Ralph Amies, formerly guests of tbe formers sisters, guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Cudda- ________________________________________ he were Mr. and Mrs. John Shaw, Markham, and theiri daughters, Sandra andi Lynn, j PLL Iand Miss Marie Kent, New castle.~ Trinty U ite Chuch Tbis yea.r Jack Brown, Queen Street, who is a B.H.S. student sbowed 19 o! his pigeons aï Minister-Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. the Canadiian National Exhbb itien and almost won an awairdý O)rganist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. B., L.R.S.M. for~ each ébird'. His wins were five firsts, tbree seconds, tbreel - thirds, two fourtils, four fi!ths andi one sixth, making a total 11:00 rn. -o! 18 prizes. This is Jack's se- cond year of exbibiting and he "If Jus! Doesn'i Happen" ine ow igr. Fankn his treli is extremely proud of Jack's record as be gave Jack 12:10 p.. -UNDAY SCHOOL j is first bird. Miss Muriel Stevens, dau- I ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross A FRENDY WLCOM TOALLStevens, Scugog St., bas re- A FRENDY W LCOM TOALLturniec from London, Eng., where she spent tbe last year taking a nursing course in ______________________________________ mid-wifery, and is now in Tor- ------onto wbere she is attending The United Cburch Training' Scheol forth oi- yer RtMOBUIH CHRISTIAN Miss Sheila Blann, o! Bright- on, En g, and who took the same nursing course as Muriel REFORMED CHURCH in London, bas corne to Can- ada witb ber and will continue Scugog Street, Bowmanvifle ber nursing career in Victoria Hospital at London, Ont. I ' - civic andi church groups, be was I the Canadian delegate to, and .Surdoy -Se t. 7thaddressed, the World Confer- SundaytheASept. PI7thm 'the aid of Canada's External A!fairs Department - the Church, Roman Catholic andi Protestant, he traveileci andi studied the problein o! alcobol in ten countries. Girl Guides (Continued from page one) Lions Centre. The lst pack will meet in the Scout Hall at the same time andi the 3rd Pack will meet at tbe Memorial Park at 4 p.m. On Tuesday, Sept. 29 the 5th Pack wil meet ia the Scout Hall at the Lions Centre at 4 p.m. The Brownie leaders for this year are Mrs. T. Ben- nett, Mrs. D. Sparrow. Mrs. A. iRussell, Mrs. M. Staut, Mrs. B. Welsh, Mrs. G. Miller, Mrs. E. Ewert, Mrs. B. Johnstoa, Mrs. Y. Edmondson. The treasurer reported that the money !rom Cookie Day bad been put ha the L.A. ac- count. it is ta be divided be- ýenthe Packs and Compan- p Local Vol Citizens te "1N P September 21, 1959 PEOPLE 0F BOWMANVILE: 1In the light of the pronouncements of the leaders of al churches, and the action of church couneils, and the undeniable evidence of scientific research, we would be remiss in our duty if we did flot add our voice of warning against the evils of an unrestrained liquor traffic. We feel that the present outiets i Bowmanville are sufficient for any moderate drinker, and any increase in liquor outlets would only invite inmderate drinking and its attendant evils. We know that unrestrained drinking seriously affects the morals of a community, and that drinking i public places is a constant temptation to our young people. The alarming increase of alcoholism in aur Province (80,000 alcoholics and increasing at the rate of 5,000 per year) should give cause for serious concern to ahl responsible citizens. In view of the foregoing reasons we call upon al people to rise above personal desires, and put the good of the community first. Sincerely yours, A. G. SCOTT H. A. TURNES G. E. LENO NORMAN COLES, Capt WK. K. HOUSLANDER, Ministers. Bowmanville, Ont.,-September 21, 1959 VOTERS 0F BOWMANVILLE: The chief object of education is to provide for a better citizenship.' In our High Schools al aur science and health text books stress the fact that alcohol hinders ta a greater or lesser extent the development of the brain and the body. It does flot seem reasonable to place alcohol in a more readily accessible place and then advise young people to stay away from it. Yours sincerely, L. W. DIPPELL Bowmanville High School Principal. FELLOW CITIZENS: On Sept. 30th we have the opportunity to vote on a very important matter which concerus every person residing in Bowmanville. To vote "'Yes" on either of these ballots would increase the number of liquor outlets i our town. This could only resuit i 1. Greater consumption of alcoholic beverages with ahi its attendant evils - more lawlessness, more drunk driving with resulting accidents, more prob- lem drinikers, more alcoholics. 2. Greater temptation to, ail of us, especially our young people. 3. More money spent on liquor -and less on the things that count. Once again I would remind my fellow merchants that business doue in liquor outlets is "cash" business. Our "charge" accounts would increase. Only the liquor interests - producers, wholesalers and retailers - would benefit. To Vote "No" on these two questions would mean: 1. A cleaner, better, more prosperous tow*n, growing because it will be an attractive place in which to live. Urge Sept, You to 3Oth DEAR FRIENDS IN BOWMANVILLE s We will have an opportunity on September 30th to vote agaiut any more liquor outlets i our town. We now have a Brewers' warehouse, and a liquor store voted in, which can supply the moderate drinkers with ail the beverage alcohol they require. We know that more liquor outlets will result iu excessive driukig, which will cause broken homes, time lost from work, less money for clothing aud education and ultimately some alcoholics. Auy small revenue which our town can make, itill be used up several times by the increased coat of keepig law and order. A cocktail lounge or a dining liquor lounge is an expensiv'e place in which to indulge for a working man or woman, but it would greatly increase the revenue of the liquor interests. We have a good town, let us keep it that way. Let as pass ou a better heritirge to our childrei1, by votig No on bath questions, September 3th. Yours truly, GORDON C. MARTIN, Carpenter and Retired Farmer. FELLOW VOTERS:s Alcoholism as a disease is rapidly increasing as als. are traffic accidents attributable to alcohoL We already have, or will have, two liquor outiets In Bowmanville and bath were obtained by only a narrow margin of votes. Why should we have auy more? When we vote let us think af the welfare of aur citizens as a whole and also of the surroundings in which aur children will live and not vote self ishly thinking only of aur own pleasure or financial gain through the sale of liquor. Sincerely yours, H. FERGUSON, MB., Physician. Dear Fellow Citizeus of Bowmauvllle: I have a few thoughts which 1 would like ta express regarding the forthcoming vote for a dining lounge licence and a liquor lounge licence. This vote is a completely ueedless vote and expense t. the taxjpayers of Bowmanville at this time, resulting from the court action taken by the Community Advancement Association in upsetting the vote on two questions only in which they last because of irregularities. It is. my firm belief that there was not one vote changed or altered in auy way by the irregularities. If ayone had cause ta complain that the results of the vote might have been different it was the Citizens' Committee which hast out on the liquor store by only 23 votes and flot the Corn- munity Advancement Association whlch was 210 and 302 votes short on the dining'lounge and liquor lounge licences, respect- ively. The whole affair seems to me to be like someone who has lost a game complaiuing about the refereeiug or umpiring which did not affect the result af the game. While I arn not a complete abstainer, 1 do strongly support the stand of the Citizens' Committee in opposing further iquor outhets in the Town. A beer warehause and liquor store are more than adequate outlets. The Citizens' Committee is not condemning alcoholic beverages or persans who eall them- selves maderate drinkers, but it is condemning the establish- ment of further outiets which can only lead ta or perhaps' foster the excessive use of alcoholic beverages and the tragic prablems that develop in the home, the traffic accidents that resuit from toa much drinking,. the encouragement of aur youth ta take up the habit, the thirty in each hundred alcoholics that are introduced ta alcoholic beverages and the hours of wark that are hast (not the industry that is said ta be attracted ta the Town by the existence af dining lounge and liquor lounge licences). ITconsider That I have been pri-ilegtap s erve the These Letters Speak for Themselves Bo wman ville Citizens "VOTE NO" Committee 11AKVE*bI FESTIVAL 8 - HOLY COMMUNION 10 and 11-CHURCH SCHOOL 41-MORNING FRAYER I-EVENING PRAYER Preacher - Rev. Maurice P. Poole, B.A., B..D. of All Saints Church, Peterborough AU SainliCanlsrburyChoir Organist - Norman' W. Hurrle, A.R.C.O., A.R.C.M. -Sincerely yours, ALEX MeGREGOR, Retail Druggist. Yours sinoerely, ALAN SrRIKE,ý Barrister. TEM CANADUN StATESMAN. BOWMANVfflJt ONTAPM «r. eURSDAT, SEPT 24th, IM

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