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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Oct 1959, p. 10

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PAGE TMN Lions Hear Ace CIL Salesman Tell Det ails of His Vocation T'he blrthdays cf three meni t>era, Carl Leslie, Sain Blacl, end Don Williams wene cele. breted at the. dinner meeting of the. Bowunanville Lions Club held et the. Lions Conimunity Centre on Monday evening. Rance Dligwes the lucky winner cf ithg $5 prize ln the apeclal drew. In introducing thse guest speaker Wally Braden pointed out that Hugh Campbell cf Can- adian Industries Lirnlted iias lied an enjoyable and eventful cereer. He has been a sailor, traveller, and salesman. Mr. Carnpbell was born and educated in Scotland, Mr. Bra- den stated. He. bld his fellow àneinhers that Mr. Camnpbell becane lnterested in.the Mer- chant Service and attended lhe Royal Technical College, where lie received his First Matels Certificat. for foreign trade, and his Master'a Certificate for home trade. He spent 14 years aI sea and served in both World War I end World War II. He was with the. Merchant Service frorn 1916 ta 1918, and served in the Roy- al Canadian Navy from, 1939 to 1945. In the latter service Hugh Campbell had the. rank of Lieutenant, - Commander R.C. >.R., and was awarded the Dis- tlnguisiied Service Cross. In 1934 Mn. Campbell joined C-I-L's Paints Division as a sales representative. He was appointed trade supervisor cf the division's tfade sales in To- ronto in 1945. Ten years later Mr. Campbell was appointed Manager cf Special Merchand-» ising Projecîs, Mr. Braden told the. Lions Club. Mr. Camnpbell as a mernber of the St. An- drew's Society, the. Marine Club, the Gaelic Society, and the Naval Officer's Association. FARN SERVICE DEAD, OL> and CRIPPLED FARX STOCK Removed Vree of Charge [rnmedlate 24-Hr. Service ASK TOUR OPERATOR FOR ZEniIh 66550 No TM 1Charge Niok Pecoui - Peterborough Sales and Merchandising "Sales and Merchandising" was the title cf Mn. Campbell's interesting eddress. Amy per- son, man or woman, even ser- vice clubs iiave ambitions for a certain goal, the speaker pcrnted out. He advised self as- sesarnent as an important first step, then witii detenuination and resolve any goal can be at- taine<t A Good voice ?i,. Caxnpbelî said tIsat a salesman shouid have a gaod voice. He should speak clearlv Rugh Campbell and loud enougi so liaI the person to wihom h. la talking cen iiear and understand. hum. Mr. Camnpbeil explained tiat if a Person spoke 10 minutes eloud every nigit for one year he could master the. art of speak- mg-. Courtesy Cornes Fhrst The acceptable qualities for a saiesman include courtesy first of all, he said. li. added, that salesmen should have four desires ini common as follows: to, be iked; to, be appreciated; to, be right; and -to be i.mpor- tant to somebody. Write it DOwn Initiative and imagination are also assets in a sa1esaný the speaker asserted. He em- phasized the. importance of re- Pèle-Type Structures mger Lastlng Fonces Here'is a great step Sward! At last ... clean, paintablê, lire-retardent poles and posta that lest 3 ta 5 Urnes longer, muse they are pressure-' treeted with "OSMOSE* wood preservatives . .. edin Canada since 1938. "AS FOR OSMOSE PRESSIJE-TREATED LUTMBERý, TOO. OSMOS Avaouable tbrough your local lumber dealer, or wîlt. OSOE PRESSURE TREATED WOOD PRODUCTS (ONTARIO> LIMITEO Bancroft, Ontlo. Telephone: 510 BERNINA, the compietely autornatile free arrn sewlng machine for '59 eliminates ail baud flnishing. Every part necessary for any sewing Job precision bulit rlght ln by Swiss Craftsinen. Everything tram zig-zag ta buttanholes, sewing on buttons, darnlng, mnending, te two and three-needle embroldering ln unlmited designs is done completely automaticaliy - Just Touch and Sew! Asic your NECCHI-BERNINA Dealer for a free home dem- onstration on the FIRST RATED BERNINA today! Lffetine Guarante. Bond! MODELS START AT $1 09.00 Necchi Sewing Machifie (Canada) Ltd.- 3445 Park Ave., Montreal, Que. Higgon EIec fric, Ltd. 38 King St.E. Bowmanville 1 MA. 3-3305 liebility. Memories are ffable so it is wlse to write down evenything that ha& ta be done so that nothing will be over- looked, lie explained. He mse remarked that a persan who apologizes too much la not rt-. liable. Interaty aud Rouesty necessery spiritual qualities A Selesman must have the b. lief tiat hus product la tie beat, He muat have integrity and honesty with his own lime. Loyalty ta luis home, family, country, employer, and associa- tien is also a quelity of prisnery importan ,le speaker stated. Se]l!n rarvides benefits, Mn. Campbell clainxed. Salesmen are wise th allow their custom- ers ta rspeak, then tiey cen fit his needs ta wiet hhey sell. They will find it easier ta con- vince the custamer the benefits cf buying their product, the speaker said. He discussed aspects of mer- chandising. The appearance of a place of business has influ- ence with the public, he told the, audience. Spotlessly clean premises and wèll arranged dia- plays and equipinent add to e good -impression, Mr. Camnpbell explained. He asserted tiaI customers wii l ase tae ita aceount how a salesman is dressed..j Must Be Belleveable Advertislng must be believ- b eUl stated. It must also gain1 attention. He advised somethlng for the publie ta, look at and, understand. SA vote of thanks to Mr. Campbell. for his informative and practical address was moved by Robert Kent. MORRISH Sunday September 27th, wua another red letter day ln thie history of aur Church wiien once again we rejoiced ln the winual Thankoff er in g and Thankeglving Service held at 11.15 a.m. The Ohurch was fil- led ta capacity extra chairs were necessary ta accomiodate the overflow. Baskets of beautiful falU flowers were placed at the front of the. church; window sis were nicely decorated with fruit vegétables and spru- ce- nat too lavishly, but en- ough ta remind us of 1'The Gi. ver of al good gifts.» Organist Mrs. Helen Mclolrn had organiized a large choir of church memibers, aduits and juniors, of whicii we feit justly proud and appreciated luheir services. Our guest minister was thé Rev. Basil Long of Or- ono; Rev. A. W. Harding talc- ing over duties for our guest at the. United Church, Orono. Ushers for tbuis norning ser- vice were Mr. Morton Hender- son and Mr. Gerald Byers. The service was fully choral. the. choir giving tire. select- ions, '"Me Saviour I Know," "Blessed, Hour of Prayer," "Near to the Heart of God." Tlhe hymns were eppropiate for the occasion. T1he text chosen by our guest preaciier was taken front St. oh» 12. verse 35- Walk wvhile ye have the light, lest darkness corne upon you." God gives us tine for our activ- ities, we should take advan- tage of every opportunity for mprovement in ourseives, our ihurch, community andthe. ivorld we live in. The speakoer emphasized the young people to carry on from public school, .hrough the higiier grades. Education is eslly carried and only lihose witii deeper know- ledge, practical skill and learn- ing can expect to advance and reap the benefits of Whier ed- ucation. In conclusion Rey. Long stressed the point cf Wailking in the Light cf Godi and pray. ing for World Pence. The ser- vice closed with hymn 380 and th. Benediction. Church members from the Dther three churches in Wel- orne charge were well repre- ;nted, also lier. were friends rom Orono and Port Hope iho carne to share ini this ser- eice of joy and thanksgiving. A very successful Raily Ser- ice for Hope Sunday Schools vas held on Friday, Septem- )r 25th, at 7.30 p.rn. ini Wel- >me Church. Most cf the Sun- Lay Schools were weil repre- ýnted. So rnany chuldrer4 tea- iers and friends were pre- ent that it was difficult ta rid a vacant seat. Mr&. Murray Payne of Wes- yville presided. A hyrnn-sing ,as conducted by Mr. Lloyd .elogg of Welcome. Prayer 7as said by the Rev. A. W. larding, Bible reecling by Ro- er Harness. Perry Town Sun. ay Schooi choir gave a secred flection. The. offering wes ta- en up by two boys cf Wel- )me S.S. Mr. M. Payne gave a short Idress to the children. The trne for tlhis year ta be-Sun- ây School for ail and ail for anday Sciiool. Wesleyville S. .were the proud wirneru of ie Banner for the second mie. Congratulations. The special speaker, Mr. T. Asbel cf Grefton wain- oduced by Rev. Wright of niton. There wes a short isines ess ion et the close cf. ich ail officers cf Hope Sun- ySchool RaUy Day renewe eir ledge et allegloa o tCAAD!ASTATUMy, fOWMANV1UZ, O!TAR!O'rtKIWAT oMr. 1l 1960 CHEVROLET CORVAIR These two views of the new compact Chevrolet Corvair show its excellent ail- around visibility, smooth styling and sleek appearance. The Corvair is only four feet three i.nches high and 15 feet long, yet it accommodates six people with ease. A light-weight air-cooled engine in the rear, independent four-wheel suspension system and unitized construction of frame -and body are innovations. Scheol wonk. Durlnig the after- noana quilt for the Bed Cross Iwas qullted by mnembers cf tie IW.A. Tis was a very pleosant aflernoon cornbindng work witii Ipleasure. Mrs. Harold CasweleofZion Was a wekend guest cf Mrs. Mnnie E. McHolm taking in the Ariniversary Service on Sunday. Hop. eBrbara Purdy, Port! FIPwith Terry and An» ai- so Mffs. Edith Brirnaconjie,: Bunker Hill, visited with M:rs. M. E. McHolin on Friday, Sept. 25th. Mrs. F. Ccrnisi, Miss Helen Whiite and Mr. Jack Cornisi were guests cf Mrs. M. J. Os- borne and Mrs. Haines on Sun.- day, September 27thi. ,here for the first time anywhere- elegance with economnyl THE, A LOVING TRIBUTE ta the lateMrm. JlMRaamberr I A friend of mine passed on to-day, I did not know her long, But, oh her heart was happy, her voiee was 11ke-& Sang. She was so klnd ta everyone, Sa lavable, and sweet, ta relatives, acquaintances and sfrangm, on the. street, She seemed ta live her life for God, by being good to otheru, and she considered ail the world, Her sisters and her brothers. MY heart Is filled with tears ta-day, Remembering her amile, and how ahe sought no glory, But she loved the rank and file, .And al 1 hope and pray la this, that ail who knew her nirn WiII -take up her example and will try to b. the. mane. -Charlotte Fordet SEE THE NMW... NASSET-FEEGRUUOIK i operation at the. Northumberland..I),jham PLGUGHING NATCH on Wednesday, Oct. 7th on the farm of Brman Schmid North-East of Newcastle SUD LANCÀAST ER MASSEY-FERGUSON DEALER ILI. 2 Nowcaull. Elewss mpaa -DoorS prt BSwan C.HEVROLET Here's new Îemn-briâht beauty, rom o spralwl in and sat tail in. New lean-muscled engine economny, new space and silence in the going. For fineness of features, for precis. craftsmanship - for ail the things that make a car good to own - tihe '60 Chevrolet stands clone in its'price fild.~ If ever a car stood out from the rest of the crop, it's this '60 Chevy. From its clean-thrusting grille to its dapper rear deck, its styling is as fresh as a new-minted coin. You'll be just as wide-eyed over what's inside - the re- laxing roominess, tasteful trim, hushed elegance, al É%THEREVOLUTIOIIARY ~ DY CHEVROLET comfortably cradled by Full Coil springs at ail four wheels. And yet, you'll find new economy of operation, new dependability, new longer life. Here, truly, is the nearest to perfection a low-priced car ever carne. Take to the road ini the sparkling new sixty Chevrolet. Heres the car created to conguer a whole new filId -. . .Ceneral M atois revolutionary compact Corvair. Here is a tataliy new way of going. From its Irunk-in-the-front ta the radicaliy new Turbo-Air rear engin, Corvair is ail new. And it's a newness that's designed ta bring you the riding coinfort and six-passenger luxury standards that Canadians look for, tagether with true compact-car handling and economy. See, drive and delight in th. revolutionary new Corvair aI your Chevrolet **WiTU THE ENGINE IN THE REAIR WlERE Il BELONB$ IN A COMPACT CARI ROY W. BOWMANVILLE~ NiCHOLS COURTICE ' resit rt, eta Fotr te r clean- pantabl, to FIRST RATED -no SUPE.RLATIVE "You tan own a brand new BERNINA for as littie as 2.00 per week! à ORNERA& MOTO»S Vluf im - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - m - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------- . 1

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