r, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVIILE. ONTA~Io 'I'~TT~flAV~ flC9' kG tft~ê -, --- -w~. SPOTOpICSt fBy Frank Mohun M4A 3-7234 BADMINTON JUST AROUND THE CORNER After picking my way through the 'franie-work of steel, outside the building, I found the inside of the Badminton Club to be a regular hive of activity. The noise of hammering, sawing and other jobs, practically made it impossible for a person to be heard. However, Club President Keith Siemon paused from his labour long enough to give this reporter a report on the activities present and future. The executive are hard at work making improvements to the interior. We understand that the dressing room floors are to be tiled and that the lounge wiil be redecorated. Several other Improvements have been planned, depending on the finances. Meanwhile, outside contractors are at work bolstering the walls to make the building safe. * Future activities include an opening dance on Saturday, October 3rd, and a round robin tournament the following week to kick-off the bird-chasing activities for the season. The facilities at the local club are the best in tbis area for badminton and social activities, also. Don't hesitate to drop around and see for yourself. t t 1t t it GOODYEAR HOCKEY The followîng teams have been drawn up for the 1959-601I season: HOS-John Fowler, Dan Girardi, «Jiggs" Cowling, Bill Brunt, "Buck" Cowle, Don Prout, "Hank" Lane, Jerry Marjerrison, Jim Richards, Jim Murphy, Maurice Richards. MATS-Harvey Rowe, John Ford, Terry Masters, Alex Alexand- er, "Archie" Crossey, Ted Fairey, Clint Ferguson, Bob Sheri- dan, Jay Olînski, Reg Willetts, John Osborne, John Lunn. OFFICE-Vince Vanstone, "Butch" Cole, "Barney" Woodward, Nelson Yeo, Don Masters, Bob Marjerrison, Bill Lyle, Frank Mohun, Peter Stacey, Jack Bond, George Sellers, Bob Leask. FAN BELTS-Curt Vanstone, George Heath, Lloyd Hamilton, "Gusty" West, "Mort" Richards, Bob Fairey, Bill Cole, Gary Cooper, Gord Sellers, Bob Johnson, Don Forder. It was decided that the league would commence on October l8th. Once more, a double-header will be played, Sun- day afternoon, starting at 1 o'clock. If anyone has been missed Who played last year, contact Don Masters or Jîm Coyle and you will be placed on a team. To add interest to the schedule, the third place team wiil be in the playoffs, instead of just the top two, as in the past several seasons. The schedule appears else- where on the sports page. t t t * t TOWN LEAGUE HOCKEY The Town League is slated bo gel underway two weeks from tonigimt (Oct. 151h) at 7:30 p.m. Anyone wishing to parîici- pale in the league, who wasn't on a team hast year, siould con- tact Jack Baker, wimo wasn't on a Ieam hast year, should contact Jack Baker, Clint Ferguson, Terry Masters, Murray Tigime or Jim Coyle, immediately. The new execubive has Murray Tigime as president with Paul Chant and Jim Coyle as vice-presidents, and Ted Dadson, secretary-treasurer. Fred Cole, afîer years of yeoman service, has stepped down, but wil assist the executive in an advisory capacity. t t t t t NEWCASTLE JUNIORS Newcastle bowed out of the Junior O.B.A. playoff picture last week, afber dropping a 9-7 decision to Merriton in lime third and deciding game. During thme season, the Newcastle club dis- played a fine brand of bail, and proved to be a real contender i the playoffs. However, Merriton will continue, while our eastern neigimbours wiil have b "1wait till nexî year." Bowmanville members of the team were: Bll Osborne, John Maso, Bob Abbott and Bob Osborne. t t t' t t JUVENILE PLAYOFFS HERE SATURDAY Bowmanville Olympias will be attempting to even up the best of Ihree Ontario semi-final series against Napanee, at the Vincent Massey ball park, Ibis Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Napanee took a 4-2 win in thme first game, but Ibis reporter doesn't tiink limaI Ihis team is as tough as Ajax. The locals dropped thme opening game of that series, and then bounced back ta bake lime next Iwo. We're looking for the Olympias bo repeat the same feat against Napanee. t t t t t SOCCER HaIs off to Courtice, Senior League Champions for this season. The new champs defeated ZMon, regular first place fin- ishers, in the first game, and earned lies in time next two encounters 10 pick up the four points necessary for a series' victory. t t t t t HOCKEY PICTURE Il appears biat the B.O.C.'s have reached thme end of the hockey trail. However, aI lime O.H.A. meeting hast week, Bow- manville, Port Hope and Cobourg indicabed a sbrong interest in time formation of a Junior "C" loop. Ib is expecbed timat Brooklin would also enter lime league, with a possibiliby that Oshawa Juveniles mighb also come in. A Junior "C" meeting was held hast night in Bowmanviiie. Furtimer deîails wîi appear in next week's Statesman. t t t t t1 JIM RICHARDS Congratulations are in order 10 Jim Richards, who won the~ E. F. Farrow Co. sprint trophy aI lthe Oshawa Siamrock Club. In open competition, Jim won the 100 yard dash Iwice, took a first and second in time 220, and grabbed second place in bath 440 races. Young Mr. Richards turned in a truly fine effort in compiling the greatest number of points in lime competition. Bowman ville i FALL ACI Choral Society Adult Swimming Dancing Class Reading and Discussion Children's Theatre Adult Art Teen Town Children's Crafts Minor Hockey Dancing Chass Senior Citizens Ladies Keep Fit Miss C. Osmond Miss L. Brooking Mrs. S. Fowler Club 15 Mr. Lucas Court ice Ties Zion to Win Darlington Soccer Crown Courtice won the senior soc- cer championship Saturday night on their home field, as the result of a 3-3 tie with Zion. The tie, along with a 2-2 stand- off last Wednesday night, and a first game win, gave Cour- tice four points in the best of three series and the champion- ship. In both tie games, the new champions took the lead, with Zion battling back to knot the count. Last Wednesday, Grant Herron and Grant Down scored against a single reply by AndY Matthews to give Courtice a 2-1 lead at the half. Matthews evened the count mid-way through the second session, and both clubs missed golden OP- Portunities to pull out a win, in the, final minute. Saturday night, Courtice again led 2-1 at haîf time and quickly ran the margin to 3-1 in the second haîf, as they broke away from a Zion at- tack. However, the losers came back to outplay Courtice for the balance of the contest, re- sulting in a pair of goals. Per- haps the break in the game came when Matthews hoisted a penalty shot over the cross- bar. Samn Thompson, Bruce Down and Br'ian Howcroft sh'ared the winners' tallies, whîle Dick Newis scored twice for Zion, and Matthews added the third., R eport on Summer Program Recreation Deparîment Playgrounds At the end of the season a free use of their equipment and Six playgrounds were again Tournament was held with Ron course. Due to the intercsti operated for seven weeks at the Richards being declared the shown by the children, a spe- following locations: Lions Cen- winner. Each child was requir- cial rate was set in order te tre, Franlin Park, Central ed te pass certain tests and enable the yaungsters to play School, Memorial Park, and those being successful were mr of h ebro h Vincent Massey. A combined presented with a Bar. A total of mogro . w ereaoe b eo the playground and waterfront thirteen tabs were presented crous e on Mondyt rniuse h programme was carried on at out of a total registration of coursn 0aM.o 1:00 morc the West Beach. Central was twenty-one boys and fourteen.the m8:a f e0 0.mfo closed afîer a period of five girls. hmLDRfEN'Sf 5c.AT-Ti weeks dùe 1telthe lack of chli- TENNIS - Instruction and was anoîerNewCactiv isin dren. supervision in the skills of tr oduedbyer Diartmeyn- The average weekly attend- playing, tennis were held twic tc thi pas sum er. pathend ance at the playgrounds was a week for both boys and girls children on th. e agouds 1881 with an average daily at- at the Lions Centre Tennis who ere nteested n mor tendance of 396. The season ac- Courts. Murray Walker and h we itrsdinme cumulative participation figure Terry Black acîed as instrue- advanced craf ts were brought was 3,30. he atenanc attorsfort-hse casss. achto the Lions Centre each Tues- was 3,30. he ttenanc attor fo thee casss. achday morning. The classes were the playgrounds was down child was required te pass under the direction of Verna slightly from last year, due te eight out of nine skiil tests be- Foran and Linda Brooking. The the increased interest shown in fore they were presented with children made such things as thme special interest groups and a tennis bar. A total of nine Balloon masks, murals, fringe the extremely hot summer. children were successful in pi ig pte anig ls A total of fifteen staff were pasng the tests. Twenty-foyr ter moulds, signs for Penny hired te operate the play- girls and egte osregi P air, and scenery for the Chul- grounds and special interest tered for tennis isrcin dren's Theatre. There was a groups. AU staff members re- CHILIIREN'S THEATRE - total registration of Ihirby-twoj ceived training at a one week The Children's Theatre was children in the class. Playground Leaders' Training under the direction of Verna MINOR BASEBALL - Two Course, prior to the opening of Foran and Murray Walker, and leagues were formed at the start playgrounds. The staff aiso met met every Wednesday afternoon of the suxnmer, but due toelthe twice before going on the play- at the Lions Centre. The group lack of interest in the Pee Wee grounds te discuss local pro- sbaged a playlet entitled "Land -Bantama series, it was dropped gramme policy. Weekly staff of Jesters" as part of thme play- after three weeks. A six teain meetings were held throughout ground Variety Night. A totalAbm eau paedo Tes the summer tb plan various Of twenby-eight children wr ay Wn ednuesdayedan Fuida programme and receive addi- registered in the group wîth mornings at Memorial Park. tional instruction and te report seventeen taking part in the The Cardinals were thme league on their weekly activities. play. winners, but hast out te the A total of 44 special events GOLF-This was a new acti- White Sox for thme league along 21 quickie special events vity introduced by the Depart-I championship. A total of 120 were held on the varlous play- ment and was very'successful. boys particîýpated In the Atom grounds te help add interest -i The grOUP met every Tuesday League. The league was under thme regular playground pro- morning at the Southview Golf lthe leadership of, Murray Walk- gramme. and Country Club under the er and Ray Crombie. SpelalIntres Grupg leadership of Bey. Cowling.I DAY CAMPWS--Three camps AReCHERInrst run Basic skills and golf eliquette were hiehd during the summer, ARCHRY-Istrutionwaswere taught. At the hast session two for boys and one for girls. held every Tuesday aflernoon a tournament was held with the The camps were under the for boys and Thursday afber- children and four boys and one ledrhpo I.Cwig noon for girls behind the Bow- girl won awards. There was a lerae rp DofiBeM.rCowland manville High Sehool. Classes total registration of twenty-one Murray Walker. A total of 80 open t0ebhlîdren ten te fifteen in time class. I %vould like t0eimhildren took part in the three years of age. Bey Cowling was 1 thank time Directors of the day camps. Parenb's Nighbs the instructor for these classes. Southview Golf Club for thme were held at ail three camps when the children presented short skits and demonstrated Olympias Drop -Opener ned tbroughou the eko r ctm. various ckimphehd lear- outs and one sleep out, I To Napanee 4 -2 Sat. Coombes who se kindly let us usehisprpery or urDay. Navanee took the first game Dunn led off the third with Camp. of a best of-three Ontario semi- a double 'for Napanee but a-p- PENNY FAIR - The Fifth final juvenile series by a 4-2 pêared te be stranded as the Annual Penny Fair was heldi next two batters popped te the at the Lions Centre on Thurs- score over Bowmanville Olymn- infieîd. However, a base On~ day, August 6th. Ail play- pias, Saturday afternoon in balls, Paul's single and a dou- grounds parîicipabed in thme Napanee. The second game W-11bI1 b be ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l plydhrea h Vnet Johnston plated a pair planning and operating of the Massey park, Saturday afler mresbkottecut events. Prior te the fair itself noon at 3 o'clock. If a thii-d NaPanee sîruck in the sev- was the Annual Costume Pa- game is necessary, lthe series entm, again after Iwo were out, rade. Ahi the playgrounds took will shift te Napanee again. te score thme winning and in- part in tbis. The theme for Ibis surance runs. Dunn walked, year's parade was "Holidays The Olympias grabbed a 2-0 Spafford singled and Richard- of thme Year", each playgroundt lead in the opening inning, but son doubled be centre, but was depicted a special day of the were blanked on two safeties nailed trying 1t0 stretch il into year. The winner of lthe event over time bqlance, by pitcher a tiree-bagger. was Lions Centre (Hallowe'en), Dunn. Lead-off baller, Don Both pitchers were outstand- Memorial Park (Thanksgiving), Bagnell, opened the game wilim ing, Dunn allowing four hîts, Vincent Massey (Valentine's a two-bagger 3nd scored as while loser, Jim Moorcraft gave Decy), Franklin (Easter), West John Twist followed with a up haîf a dozen safeties. In the Beach (Christmas) and Ontaeio single. Twist stele second, ad- sîrikeout departmenî. Durn (New Year's). Approximately vanced btethird and crossed thme bagged six, with Mooreraft 400-500 chîldren took part in plate on an infield ouI. whipping four. time parade and penny fair. !?ecreaf ion Departmenf rIVITrIES -1959 Mon. 8:00-10:00 Tues. 7:00-10:001 Place Town Hall 1B.T.S. Pool Fee $4.00 $2.501 Dates Sept. 14- Dec. 14 Oct. 13 Dec. 15 Wed. 3:30- 8:30 Lions Centre 75e per lesson Oct. 7-De.1 Wed. 7:30-10:00 Fr1. 4:30- 6:00 Fr1. 7:30- 9:30 Every otimer Fn. 8:30-11:45 SaI, 9:30-11:30 Sat. and Mon. Sat. 9:00- 1:30 2nd Tues. Lions Centre Lions Centre Lions Centre Lions Centre Memorial Park Meniorial Arena Lions Centre Lions Centre $8.50 $15 per season Admission and Membership $1 .00 $1.00 per season 75e per lesson No Charge Oct. 7 - Mar. 2 Oct. 9 - De. 18 Oct. 16 - Dec. 18 Sept, il - June 24 Oct. 10 - Dec. 19 Oct. 31- Mar. 19 Oct. 10 - Dec. 19 Oct. 13.- May 9 I--- -- - - v A--w-&-z-O-PI lab -- I The Lecrestion Department will be pleased te make arrangements where possible. for aux a4tnaI activities dcsired If sufficlentmambersam are eut I t ~ -J At the conclusion of the pa- rade, ail events of the Pennyi Fair swung into action at thej rear of the Lions Centre. Somel of the events of the fair were as follows: Penny Toss, Applei Bobbing, Fish Pond, Fortunel Telling, House of Horrors, Kissing Booth, Shootîng Gai- lery, Dart Throw, The ' Bingo schedUled for thei Community Picnic was also, held at the time along with a, small fireworks display. LEGION PARADE - The children's Parade featured ati the Legion Carnivai was again organized by the Recreationi Department through its play- grounds. The playground super- visors accompanîed the child- ren throughout the parade and assisted the judg-es. WEST BEACH-David Minel was hired as lifeguard and swiniming instructor for the West Beach. A varlous pro- gramme of swimming and play- ground activities was carried on. David also assisted with swimming instruction in thel Learn to Swimt Classes and Redi Cross Beginners he]d at the B. T.S. pool. CLOSING PROGRAMME- The last week of the play- ground season was set aside as Tournament week. A full day of playground game and tourna- Iments was held at Memoriali Park. The day's events featur- ed such activities as bean bags,i tetherbail, volleyball, softball,1 tug-o-war, tin can cricket, bub-1 ble gum contest, freckle con-1 test and widest grin contest., The winners ini each eventl were awarded points and thei playground aecumulating the most points was the winner. The final standings for the week were as follows: Memorial Park 299, Franklin Park 295, Ontario St. 264, Lions Centre. i On Thursday, August 2Oth, a Variety Night, wvas held at the Town Hall. Each playground was responsible, for putting on at least two acts. (In prepara- tion for this each playground hei-d their own Talent Night and invited the parents to at- tend). Awards were presenta2d to winners in the various sum- 1mer activities. The Childrens Theatre presented their play. Volunteer leader crests were presented to the children who helped the playground supervis- ors the raost during the past summer. PLAYGROUND CRAFT CON- TEST-During the lýast two weeks of playgrounds. a Child- ren's Craft contest was held in co-operation with Ken's Boys'~ Wear. The contest was based oni two th-emes, the first week'ýs 1 theme was "Africa"' and featur-1 ed shields, spears, beads and' masks. The second contest was based on "North America In-- dians" and featured, such arti-- cles as Indian costumes, beads, drums, spears, an Indian village and bows and arrows. Prizes were dionated te the winner by Mr. Ken Nicks. SWIMMING - This year's swin-ming classes were enlarg- ed to accept swimmers from j Newcastle, Tyrone and Hanip-j ton along with the Bowman-1 ville swimimers. The Learn toij Swim and Red Cross Beginners" Classes were held Monday and Wednesday at the Boy's Train- ing School. The Red Cross Jun- iors held their lesson on Thurs- day at Cream of Barley pool. The Intermediate and Senior Classes were held at Cream of Barley Pool on Frîday. The swimomers were under the lead- ership of "Bill" Bagnelli, Ruth Stovin, and Alex Wisemanl. Many other miembers of thel swimming staff were made up of our sunlmer staff, when they had time. In the learn to swim class, 26 boys and 39 girls pass- ed their tests and wiIl advance into the Red Cross Beginners1 Class next year. Also a total of 46 learn to swim. students swam twenty feet or more. 470 were registered. In the Red Cross Beginners' J rest, a total of 74 children were successful in passing their test. In the Junior Red Cross Tests, a total of 37 children were suc- cessful in passing their test. The Statesman SoId Ai Following St ores: Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethany Johnson's Drug Sbore, Newcastle T. Enwrighî, Newcastle J. Brown, Newbonville Porter's Gen. Store, Newtonville C. Petimick, Enniskillen T. M. Siemon. Enniskillen F. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton Trull's Store, Courtice A. E. Ribey, Burketon Blyth's Gen. Store, Blackstock Keibh Bradley, Pontypool C. B. Tyrrell, Orono Wm. Turansky, Kendal llenderson's Book Store, Oshawa House That Jack Built R.R. 4, Oshawa - Bowmanville Rickaby's Ltd. - "Big 20" W. J. Berry Jack's Smoke Shop Rite's Smoke Simop Goheen's Handy Store Jury & Lovel Oke's Smoke Simop Thme Flying Dulcimman Wessels Store The Statesman Office Il 1959-60 First game commences at 1:00 o'clock. Second game commnen- ces at 2:00 o'clock. Octoher - 18-- se vs. Fan Belts - .Its vs. Office 25>-Rose vs. Mats Office vs. Fan Belts November - 1-Office vs. Hose Mats vs. Fan Belts 8-Mats vs. Office Hose vs. Fan Belts 15-Office vs. Fan Beits Hose vs. Mats 22-Fan Belts vs. Mats Office vs. Hose 29-Hose vs. Fan Beits Mats vs. Office December - 6-Hose vs. Mats Office vs. Fan Belts 13-Office vs. Hose Mats vs. Fan Belts 20-Mats vs. Office Rose vs. Fan Beits ,January - 3-Office vs. Fan Beits Hose vs. Mats 10-Fan Belts vs. Mats é Oifice vs. Hase. 17-Fan Beits vs. Rose Office vs. Mats 24-Mats vs. Rose Fan Beits vs. Office 31-Rose vs. Office Mats vs. Fan Beits A tten lion BASE LINE First place team receives a bye into a best of five fin series. Second and third place teant will play a sudden death gaine with the winner advancing into the finals. -a24NORe Co 3-2281'= 1'782 o o* BOWMANVILL. àIl WHICH WAY THE AUTO INDUSTRY? -, -~There's been a lot of talk re- cently about the auto industry ...workers laid off, people just aren't buying cars. The auto mak- ers are making cars too big, too long, too wide. . . more and more small foreign cars on the market 1'm not going to try to make any prediction about the car mark- et. Whether cars will get bigger or smaller, I don't know. But I Bill Steven can tell you one thing and that is that cars have been a good buy for the past few years . .. and they're likely to keep on being a good car for the money f or a good long time. You know, cars really change very littie from year to year ... that's why a good used car is such a good buy. When you buy a late model car, you can be sure of a machine that will not be out of style in a year or even three or four years. And when you buy f rom a reliable dealer you are doubly sure that you get good value for your money. Right now, we've got a good selection of cars on the lot . . . a model to suit your taste. They're ail in good shape ... the choice cars f rom, our trades on new car sales. And ail have been tuned up, ready and waiting to give you miles of driving satisfaction. Drop in today. Look them over. Try out the one that suits your fancy. Remember, you get more miles of trouble f ree driving and more economical driving when you drive a Robson Motors Used Car. VINL AS WE EXPECT THE 1960 MODELS IN THE VERY NEAR FUTURE ALL USED CARS ARE BEING SOLD AT Greatly Reduced Prices And Remgber ... it pays to buy from a certi- fied déaler, where ail late model cars are guaranteed. Li, PAGE TWELVE Goodyear Hockey League Schedule Anyone wishing to bowl in Men's Major 10-PIN LEAGUE please contact: GEORGE ELLIOTT, Manager Liberty BowI Ltd. Base Line, Bowmanville. New list of bowiers must be compiled for 1959-60 season. This lisi must be completed not later than Saturday, October 101h. 10-PIN BOWLERS . . . Make sure you are entenrd before this closing date. Liberty BowI Ltd. MA 3-5663 For further information Phono Doug. Rigg, Direclor of flecreation NqArkel 3-3335, Ext. No. 6 Atlvltv I nastructnw. ITime.I Mr. H. Martin Mr. W. Bagneil Mrs. R. Stovin Miss I. Harvey Mr. E. Morley Miss V. Foran Mr. M. Walker Mr. C. Wakefield Classes will be arranaed If there are enourh uflnee nht.v..4,. TRURSDAY. OCT. lst Iom 1- i ý Il# TEM CANADL« STATESMM, BOWMANVnX,& OlqTAPJO