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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Oct 1959, p. 13

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THURSDAY, OC. lst, 1959THE CANADIAN STAIT.SMAN, BOWMIANVULL& ONTARIO ~ETfIE2 IBHS FieId Day Resuits1 Following la a Eist of the re- SURSa of the Bowmanville High ,School annual f ield day re- Ssults on WVednesda>, September, 23rd. Junior Girls 75 yard dash- Bonnie Mutton, Marg Pickard, and a third place tie between Pat Austin and Karen Soren- son. Tisse of this race was il seconds. Intermediate Girls 75 yard dash--Sandra Chaskavich, Elva Reid and Helen Panas. Time 10.4 seconds. Senior Girls 100 yard dash-1 Virgie Brown, Betty Phillips, and Eleanor Pickard. Tisse 13.6 seconds. Running Broad Jump, Jun- ior Girls-Marg Pickard with a jump of 14 feet 91/ inches to win with rnnners-up Marjorie Stewart and Bonnie Mutton. r unning rad ump, Inter- late girsSandra Chaska- in 3h umýp. Runners-up Helen anas andt Elva Reid. Running Broad Jump, Senior Girîs--Aileen Dewith won this contest by jumping 14 feet nine inch jump. Runners-ups Vir- ginia Brown and Julia Allin. Standing Broad Jump, Jun- ior Girîs-Bonnie Mutton jump- ed seven feet lPi' inches to win, with runners-ups being Marg Pickard and Shirley Williams. Standing Broad Jump, Inter- mediate Girls-Wînner in this class was San dra Çhaskavich with a seven foot 414 inch jump, Conna Bragg and Jaro, Trejbal were runners-ups. Standing Broad Jump, Senior Girîs-Linda Mutton captured the senior girls' titie with a seven foot 4:V4 inch jump with runners-ups being Julia Aluin and Virgie Brown. High Jump, Junior Girls - Winner in this class, Karen Sor- enson jumped four feet, two in- ches ta defeat her nearest comn- petitors Marjorie Stewart and Shirley ighi Jumnp, Intermediate Girs-Sandra Chaskavich won the intermediate title with a four foot two inch jumP. Run- ners-ups were Donna Bracgg and Charlotte Austin. High Jump, Senior Girls - Beverly Smith jumped four feet three inches ta win the girls' senior high jumping- title. Run-1 ners-ups were jean Ormistoni and Aileen Dewith Soft BaUl Distance Throw, Junior Girls-Marg Pickard, Linda Westheuser and Given1 Farrow were winners in thisi class. The winning throw was Almost Over the Bar Inter mediate Girls' Ch ampio n .--S a n dra . Chask av i c h ýdid'tbrek the girls' high jump record with this mighty leap, but she came close at the B.H.S. Field Day on Wed- nesday. MEMORIAL ARENA Bowmanville Friday, Oct. 2 PUBLIC SKATING 8 - 10 p.n.L Admission Aduits 50c Children 35e Spectators - 10e Saturday, Oclober 3rd PUBLIC SKATINGC ADMISSION Aduits 50e - Children 35c - Spectators 1Oc CHILDEEN'S SKATING Wednesday, October 71h 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Cbildren---------------------------25e Aduits accompanying children - - - - 25e SThe Next Kinsmen SUPER CAR BINGO' in the PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE on Fviday, Oct. 16 8:30 p.m. sharp $5,550.00 IN PRIZES including 12 games for $50 cash each gaine 3 gaines for $150 cash each gaine $1,250.00 Special Snowball Jackpot .if won in 51 numbers 15 Tendersweet Hanis as Free Door Prizes and a BRAND NEW 1960 FORD Two-tone with wbl±iwiaIls Dosopen at 74lEE-bi. _______________________euplê w! g130 feet, seven inches. Soft Bail Distance Thro w,.DacnClse Intermediate Girls - SandraDacnClse sChaskavich, Beverly Gilkes and The Recreatioxi Departrnent's àKaren Ormiston were winners Ohildren's Dancing Classes wil h f the intermediate softball dis-, get underway on Wednesday, atance throw. The winnmng Vhrow October 7th and Saturday, Oc- was a distance of 137 feet three tober lOth at the Lions Coin- ,r inhes.munity Centre. d Softball Distance Throw Sen- The complete list of time a or Girls-Barb Hughes, Elea- will k.peali this column next hnor Pickard and Beverly Smith1 The Wednesday classes will rwere winners in the senior be under the direction of Miss, softball distance throw compe- Irenie Harvey, C.D.T.A., RM *tition. The winning throw was 1T., A.C.C.M.1 a distance of 142 feet il nches.; The Saturday morning class- Soft bail Speed Throw - In1 es wilI have a new instructress this event, girls paired up and x the person. of Mrs. Shirley *the winners were declared de-!Fowler. Mrs. Fowler has lieen' pending upon the number Of teaching in Uxbridge for the epasses eaoh team could com- past five years, previous to rplete within one minute. I that she taught at the Ontario a Junior Girls-In first place Ladies' Coilege in Whitby. Mrs. - with a total of 57 passes 'a min- Fowler is a member of the Can- 9ute were Marg Pickard and adian Dance Teachers' Associa- Given Farrow. Second place tion. -was won by Shirley Williamns Choral Society tand Karen Sorenson, and third The Bowmanville Choral So- place was won by Eileencit o hrfalssonu- Hughes and Marjorie Stewart.cetgothrfalssinu- derway on, September i lth, un- Intermediate Girls-The for-dethdicioof r.H h mer record, 58 passes per min- Martin. ute in the intermediate girls' Anyone interested i joining softbail speed throw was tied the Choral Society is invited to by first place winners Helen attend the practices. The Cho,- sPanas and Sandra Chaskavich. rai Society meets every Mon- In second place was the teamn day in the Bowmanville Town of Pauline Labrecque and Marie Hall at 8:00 p.m. Cooney and i third place was the teani of Linda Rackham andi Minor Hockey Karen McArthur. Application forms for Minor Senior Girls-Cecile Park andi Hockey are now* available for Virgie Brown defeated the old! any boys interested in playing record cf 57 passes per minute hockey in the Recreation De- by two, setting a new record of partments Town Leagues. The 55 passes per minute li the foins have been distributed senior girls softball throw. In through the Public Schools and second place was the team *of are available at the Recreation Bard Vermeulen and Eleanor Office in the Lions Cosnmunity Pickard, and in third place was Centre, 26 Beech Ave. the team of Joan Davey and Ail application forms must Linda Mutton.' be returned to the Recreation Basketball Speed Throw-In Office no later thaxi Saturday, this event the girls teamed up October lOth. It is hoped that li threes, with winners being we will be able to get al declared. depending upon thel leagues sitarted by October numiber of passes each trio1 318t. could complete within a min- A minor hockey meeting will ute. be held for ail persons inter- Junior Girls--Judy Jeffery, ested li coaching or managing Sharon Lucas and Faye Rud- minor hockey teams, during the man won the junior girls com- week of October 12th. - petition by coaipleting 105 Reading And Discussion passes in one minute. In second The Reading and Discussion place was the Shirley Williams, group sponsored by the Recrea- Xarea Sorenson and Oheryl tion Department w111 hold their Syme teani and i third was first meeting next Wednesday, Marg Pickard, Given Farrow October 7th, at the Lions Coin- and Bonnie Mutton. Intermediate Girls - Lynda One Mile Open-AIJ winners Racham KaenMcArthur and in the one mile open race were of 130 passes completed lin a leading the field to completel minute ta defeat the old record the distance mun in five minutes, of 113 passes per minute in the 28 seconds. In second and third intermediate girls basketball place were Cliarlie Trimn and speed throw. In. second place Walter Gibson respectively. was the trio composed of Helen~ Running Broad Jusnp, Jun- Panas, Sandra Chaskavich and ior Boys-Ted Brown jumped Bey. Gilkes. And third place 16 feet two inches to defeat con- ,was won by the Pauline Labrec- testants in the junior boys que, Elva Reid and Marie broad junip class. Runners-ups Cooney trio. were Jini Finn and Bob Sleep. Senior Gils--The o4d record Running Broad Jump, Inter- of 93 passes per minute was miediate Boys-A jump of 18 smashed by Joan Davey, Bey. feet, six inches captured the li- MeRobbie., and Linda Mutton termediate boys runnig broad when they set the new record jump title for Alex Wiseman. of 105 passes per minute in the xI second place was Joe Both- senior girls basketball speed well and in third was John throw. In second place was the Hancock. trio of Lynda Morrison, Julia Running Broad Junip, Senior Allin and Ann Leddy. Third Boys--Gary MWlulough jump- place was won by the trio of ed a total of 20 feet 9%½ inches Bey. Smith, Virgie Brown and to win the senior boys running Ruth Goheen.. broad jump contest. In second Girls champions named. at place was Bob Burgess and the field day were: Junior, Charlie Trini was the third Marg Pickard; run-ner-up, Bon- place wlnner. nie Mutton; itermediate, San- Hop Step and Jump, Junior dra Chaskavich; runners-up, Boys-A distance of 30 feet, Helen Panas and senior, Virgie 83/ inches from. the starting Brown; Runners-up, Bev, position gave David Kerr the Smith. junior boys hop, step and jump Foilowing are the winners title. Runners-ups were Ted in the Boy's competîtions: Brown -and Jerry FaIls. Junior Boys, 100 yard ah Hop, Step and Jump, Inter- Winner in the juniors 100 yard mediate Boys-John Twist de- heat was Jinft Flynn who coin- feated the intermediate boys in pleted the run in 12.3 seconds. the hop, step and jump compe- Runnex 5-ups were Bob Robin- tition by travelling a distance son and Bob MeManus. of 35 feet 714 inches froni the Intermediate Boys 100 yard starting position. Runners-ups dash-David Werry ran the 100 were Hans Strikwerda and Joe yards distance ta win the iter- Bothwell. mediate boys competition in 11.2 Hop Step and Jump, Senior seconds. Runners-ups were Boys-Gary Mkiullough. went Alex Wiseman and Bob Vance. a total of 42 feet to win the sen- Senior Boys 100 yard dash- ior boys hop step and jump Charlie Trim. ran the distance1 contest. In second place was li 10.9 seconds ta win the sen-! Wîlbert Lemon anid i third lors competition. Runnerq p was Clharlie Trim. iwere Gary McCulloughi---d 1 Higli Jumnp, Junior Boys - Robert RBurress.1 Bob SlQee jumpexd foure feet 440 yard dash, Seénior -Boys-- Pole Vault, Senior Boys - Gary MicCullougnr won the sen-, Wilbert Lemon cleared the bar lors 440 in one minute, three' at eight feet, seven inches ta point six seconds with runners- »wîn the senior boys pole vault ups being Charlie Triai and; competîtion. Bob Burgess and Bob Burgess. 1 Chaarlie Trim were the run- 880 yard dash, Junior Boys-! ners-ups. Talbot Thompson once again Shot Put, Junior Boys--A 32 led the juniors in the distance foot 4 U inch throw won the running, compieting the 880 in junior boys shot put titie for two minutes, 46.5 seconds. Run- Woody Perry. In second place ners-ups were Ted Brown and was Bob Sleep and li third was Bob McManus. Jini Finn. 880 yard dash, Intermediate' Shot Put, Intermediate Boys Boys-Once again David Wer- -Joe Bothwell tossed the lead ry led the field in intermediate baill37 feet, 33/ inches ta cap- runiiii.g competitions, going the ture the intermediate boys shot 880 in two minutes 31.7 seconds. put titie. Bill White placed se- Walter Gibson and Tom Simp- i cond and David Brent was son were the runners-ups. 1 third li the contest. 880 yard dash, Senior Boy's- Shot Put, Senior Boys--lob Gary McCullough once agaîn Hanna threw the iead bail a dis- topped the senior boys in dis- tance of 39 feet, two inches to tance running, completing the 'win the senior boys shot put 880 in two minutes 26 seconds. , titie. Bull Osborne placed sec- Runners-ups were Bob Burgess ond and Bill Allison. placed and Clharlie Trin. third in thie oontest munity Centre starting at 7:30 This coming year the Reading and Discussion Group proposed course is "An Introduction To The Humnanitie.s" and will be under the leadership of Mr. E. J. P. Morley. Anyone mnterested mn joining the groups is invited to, attend this meeting. Aduit Art Class The Adui-t Art Class will open their Fail season on Friday, Oc- tober i6th, at the Lions Com- munity Centre. The class is scheduled to start at 7:30 p.m. Mr. C. Wakefield has been en- gaged as the instructor for this year's classes. East Central Art Exhibition Because of numerous prob- lems on a local level the for- mer travelling show idea has been re-modelled. The new show will be a se- lective one in which. an indivi- dual will have an opportunity to submit two, paintixigs to a central location. It is ?'o be held in the McLaughlin Public Li- brary in Oshawa from October 26th to November 6th. Three judges wno are prom- inent in Canadian painting will select about 50 of the best paintings from ail entries sub- mitted. BEEF Reg. 35e lO-oz. bag rgI (Rec'reation 0k eviews ai, Douglas Rigg Champion Dog Foe Ann Page Creamy PEANUT BUTTER DISH (LOINS super-Sof CELLO SPONGES A&P Fancy Quality TOMATO JUICE Ouebss Point Sirloin Roast Boneles ump Roast -ROASIS Bo.eless Rou. Steak or Roast Jane Parker - Chocolate Chip 29c The condttee hopes to en- teenagers and we hope to be courage all painters, both be- able to register two or three ginners and the more accom- teenagers from each existing plished to enter their works. To group. give everyone i the area whe- The purpose of the confer- ther li or out of a local art ence is to enable teenage iead- group a chance to have his ers and their counsellors in East works shown is the cOmiX»t- Central Ontario to become 'tee's desire. better acquainted, to share There is to be no limitation ideas and to discuss mutual as to size exceptà minimum ofi problems, of teenagers and 12 inches on the shortest side. their organizations. Accepted media will be oils, The Teenagers themselves watercolour, case in, gouache, have selected most of the top-. tempera or pastel. ics to be discussed at the con- Applcatin frms or toseference. Listed below are some interested in submitting paint-oftedsuin pe: ings for the exhibition can be 1. Conducting Successfui Bus- obtained from Miss Dora Pur- inmess Meetmgs don, Division Street. 2. The Problem of Authority and Discipline-In the home- At the conclusion of this In teen groups-Place of the years', exhibition the commnit- counsellor. tee may invite successful con- 3. Boy and Girl Relatîonships tributors to form the nucleus -Going Steady - Sex Educa- of a Zone Art Association. tion. Zone Teen Conlerence 4. How to Involve ail the Members-For the development A Zone Teen Conference has of the teen group - For per- been planned for the week-end sonal development of indivi- after Thanksgiving. That iS duals. Friday, October l6th ta Sunday, 5. 'reen Programmes. October i8th. The Conference We have also secured the ser- ia under the sponsorship of the vices of Dr. Valee, Professor of Society of Directors of Munici- Sociology, at MeMaster Univer- pal Recreation of Ontario, Eastsiy hwlbetknte Centrai District and the Corn- ssio iil Be ta ingltel munity Programmnes Branch of seionsion B o land GirsRela the Ontario Department of Edu- atilmnships ed aTso planoshow cation. The Conference will be afl nild"h en' held at Miners' Bay Lodge on Anyone interested li attend- Guli Lake in Haliburton. ing this Teen Conference is ask- Adui conselor ofteeageed to contact the Recreation groups in East Central Ontario Offcteron r bfreStudy and teenage leaders or poten- October Cldb tia-1 leaders are eligible toata- SaigCu tend. One aduit from each This is just a reminder that group must accomnpany thelthe Bowmanville Skating Club .4 i Fil/ff and VEGETAILE MARRESl Fresh, No. 1 Gr., California, Fis, Ripe. baad Seh.t.ed QualIt7 TOMATOES ipg9 Ontario Grown, Fancy Grade., lêe V FhW~ AM W"s APPLES Mcnoh %W 34b Co 6"ia259 California, No. 1 Grade, Suga,' Sweetlampe Olueben SEEDLESS GRAPES 2u .5c CaIiÉornia, No. 1 Gr., Vine Ripened, Salisse n.k, Jusbo Sias CANTALOUPES -'.25< 1 4 %« «49c a.0. J iv 3 1CVEU Oniof 617< MQ. iUs7AE Dakery Iteina BAKED 1U1 A&Ps OWN BAKERY »V MASTER o*K» Jane Parker PUE Us40bB-AVg lob APPLE PIE "39c STOCK UP YOUR FREEZER AqrI'MM LOW PRICE I Jane Parker Re aU.-SAVE ob SPANISH BAR CAKE "9 Jan@ Parker Reg. Phu 5-lAVE B% Cinnamon Breakfast RdlsPin33e "»neParkerRu ow Us-lAVE N RAISIN BREAD 2%'.àa-399 wl be holding their aimual registrations tis Friday, Octo- ber 2nd fromn 2 p.m. to 9 p.m at the Town Hall. There are stili openings for anyone interested ini joining the Sunday Skating group. The Sunday skating gets underway on O)ctober ilth at 3:00 pxni. Figure Skatingc starts on Oc- tober 27th and goes for approx- imately 22 weeks under the leadership of Club Professional, John Wilde. GiveBlood CALYOUR aeDCROSS FAST RELIEF FOR TIRED FEET F à m E E ZOOth ANIVMBARY sp» CL4LD! SAVE su A&P Okolse Quulty, New Paek PEACH ES Reg. tis ne - BAVElu 5 20-m"99C 5U.76 SAVE 76o A&P Fancy Quality APPLE SAUCE Bee 2timeUo-sAvE % 415-"~n49« eee of 24 t.,,. $2.94 SAVE SU A&P choice Qfty, New pack CutWax Beans feg. 2 tien U83 - BAVE "e $3.2.4 IsàBA&VE 72 l eI: Ri Suaper-Rlaght Qugality Meut Speclalf COOKI ES ALL PRICE m »MHUS G UARANTEED THROUGH 8ATrURDAY, OCTOBER SoedM vin TRURsDAY, OCT. Ist, 1959 -Pl 'AG£ THIRTEM t

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