TRURSDAY, OCT. lut, 1959 TEE CANADIAN STAT~MAN. DOWMANVILLK ONTARTO In Memoricim SEYMOUR-In loving memory of Our dear father, Samuel (Jae) Seymour, who passed away Oct. 2, 1958. There's a sad but swcet .remembrance, There's a memoryfn ad truc, .yfn n And a token of affection "father" And a heartache still for you. -Lovingly remembered by daughter Dorothy and son-i- law Arthur Mai-s. 40-10 SEYMOUR-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Samuel (Joe) Seymour, who p assed away October 2, 1958. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear; ...>nd memories linger every day #*membnyrance keeps him near. Ddly missed by hi. 'wife'l Kate, daughters Ethel, Jo-Anne and sons Frank and James. 40-1* SEYMOUR-In loving memneory of a dear father and grandfath- er, Joseph S. Seymour, who passed away October 2, 1958. Jesui must h ave a loveiy heaven For He chooses only the best. lie picked a very precious one When He calied you to rest, In tender silence he took you Because he needed you there. -Sov sadly missed by Doug, daughter Helen and grandchild- ren Judy, Dougie and Kenny. 40-1 Cards of Thanks We wish to thank Tyrone and Bethesda communities for their lovely gifts of a TV lamp and china cabinet. Bill and Mary Henderson. 40-1* We would like to express our appreciation for the support of our Tag Days, Sept. 18-19, with special thanks to Preston Trans- port for thei- generous dona- tion. Kinsmen Club of Bowmanville. 40-1 1 wouid like to thank ail my J-iends and relatives for thei- acts of kindness during my stay in hospitai. A special thanks to flr. K. Siemon and hospital staff who were so kirnd to me. Mrs. Don Bishop. 40-if. Wc would like te thank our neighbours, friends andi firemen for their belp, and especially Mi-. anti Mrs. Gordon Stringer who hooketi after oui- childi-en during the recent fi-e. Eldon and Leslie Brown. 40-1 * 1 wish te thank the doctors .anti nurses for thei- kindness 5and care whiie I was sick in .Meioiial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Thanka aise te the many fiiends and neighbours who sent gifts and cards. Cominq Events Dancing every Satürday night in Pontypool to the music of the Northern Rambiers. 39-3 A turkey supper w311 be serv- ed in Yelv. -ton Church Hall on Monday, Ocetober 12, commenc- ing at 4 o'clock. Admission 1.501 and 75 cents. 40-2 Hard-time dance In Tyrone Hall, Saturday' October 3rd. Clara Nesbitt's Music Makers. Gents 75c, ladies 50c. Prizes. Dances every two weeks. 40-1 * A euchre party will be held in St. Joseph's Hall, Liberty South, on Tuesday, October 6th at 8 p.m. Admission 50c. Good prizes and light lunch served. 40-1 Cathollc Women's League Is holding a bazaar and tea in St. Joseph's Hall, Liberty Street South on Saturday, October 10, fromn 2 p.m. Door prize of $5.00 donated by Scugog Cleaners. 40-2 Chartered bus trip to Buffalo for Thanksgiving weekend. Leave Saturday morning, Octob- er lth. Stay at the Statier- Hilton Hotel. For information Phone Mrs. H. T. Colmer, MA 3-3265. 40-1 Woodview Community Centre -Monster Bingo. Twenty games ....twenty dollars; five games-. thirty dllars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Door prizes. Next Monday. 8 p.m., Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf Canadian Order of Foresters, Court Venture, L 1892, is hold-1 ing a bazaar and tea in Lions Centre at 2:30, Saturday, Oct. 3. Home baking, candy, tea cup reading, baby booth, etc., with draw at 3:30 p.m. 40-1 Enniskillen W.A. Turkey Sup- per will be held Wednesday, November 4. Supper served at 4:30, 6:00, and 7:15. Aduits $1.50. Children 12 and iander, 75c. Reserve your tickets now from W.A. members. They will not be available at the door. 40-11 The Darlingto)n Football League will hold their annual dance and trophy presentation at'Newcastle Community Hall, Friday, October 2nd. Bryce Brown's Sevenaires orchestra wiil be in attendance for round and square dancing. Tickets are available from team repre- sentatives. 38-31 Auction Sales Plan te attend the large furniture sale at the Durham County Sale Ai-ena, Orono, on Friday evening, October 2nd, at 7:30 p.m. Bedi-oni, living- roem anti kitehen furniture, eiectnic wa5her, refrigerator anti many other items. 39-2 J.vrs. J. £jeJong. 1 have neceiveti instructions 40,1 from Mi-. A. W. Piekarti, 143 King St. East, Bowmanvillc, te We wish te thank ail oui- sel by Public Auction on Sat- frientis anti neighbours Of urday, October 17, at 1:30 p.m., Tyrone Comniunity for the love- bedrooni, living-room anti kitch- ly gifts xve receiveti. A special en furnitune, electrie washer, thanks for the eommittee anti ganden teols, etc. Ternis cash. orchestra who help, make it such No nesenve. Jack Reidi, auction- an enjoyable evening. enr. 40-3* Gordion anti Barbai-a Millson.____ ___0____Mn. Walter Widdis, Lot 11, thak octrsCon. 3, Cavan Township, one 1wouid like te hn otr mile south cf Millbreok, bas anti staff cf Community Ros- solti bis fanm and -will seli by pital, Port Perry, for thein ulcacino audy efficient care, aise my appi-ecia- October 3rd at 1 pan., 12 Here- tien and grateful thanks te my ford year-eltis, nilk cows, bah- many visitors for kinti enquiries, cd bay, poultry, furnitune, toois gifts anti cards during my necent; anti some niachinei-y. For par- Richrd Dviso.1Iticulars sec bis. Terrniscash. Richrd Dv40o.1 Jack Reid, auctioneer. 39-2 We wish to express our sin- cere thanks and appreciation to relatives, neighbours and friends for cards, flowers and acts of kindness and sympathy at the time of the sudden death of a loving son and brother, Robert Graham. Specijal thanks to Rev. 1{arold Turner and Ladies' Aux- iiiary to the Canadian Legion. Mr. and Mrs. T.,Grahamn and family. 40-1 1 wish to express my thanks on behaît of my mother Mrs. Mabel Allen wvho is a patientI at Strathaven Rest Home to al ber friends and neighbors, Mrs. D. Childs and staff and relatives for so many gifts and cards on the occasion of her 86th birth- day, Sept. 27, also to her niece Mrs. Arthur Leadbeater of Enniskillen who served such a beautiful birthday dinner. Thanks again. Mr. and Mrs. Max Brown, <Daughter). 40-1 Rtepairs RADIO and television repairs. ]Prompt service. Pick-up and delivery. George's, 85 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-tf GUARANTEED television and radio service, to ail makes. Sanie day service. Televîsion Service'Co. Phono MA 3-3883. 49-tf IREPAIRS and rewindlng, arm-i atures turned, to ail makes of electric motors. Higgon Elec-1 trie, 38 King East, Phone MA1 REPAIRS to al makes of acw- iitfp machines. Free pickupand delivery. Laverty's Bai-gain Centre, 59 King W. Phono MA 3-7231. 44-tf REPAIRS to ail makes of re- trigera tors, domestie and Com- merial; milking coolers. 'Hig- ~nEiectric Limited, 38 King -~E. Phone MA 3-3805. 7.j Personal The undersigned auctioneer Iwili seil by public auction on JSaturday, Oct. 1th at 67 Temp- erance St., Bowmanviile, the househoid effects of Mrs. D. Greeness. Large quantity of dishes, large chest of drawers, large wardrobe, bed and dress- er, hand-carved table, 5 rock- ing chairs, kitehen table and chairs, extension table, 4 sinall tables, pots and pans. At this sale you will find a large assort- ment of antiques, dishes and furniture. No reserve. Terms cash. Sale at 1:30. Clilf Petli- ick, auctioneer. 40-2 The undersigned auctioneer wilh sell by public auction for' the estate of the late Harold Allin, Lot 19, Concession 5, Darlington, on Saturday, Oct. 3, Farmaîl Super A tractor with 2-furrow plcugh (new); 1949 G.M.C. %k-ton truck, '53 Pontiac deluxe sedan, in wonderful con- dition; Hoi-net chain saw, horse rake, quantity of stove wood, several 45-gallon drumis, Massey Rai-ris mower, steel stone-boat, 1 rubber-tired wagon and box, barn scales, 2 logging chains, fence wire, harrow, scuffler, disc, single piough, quantity of furniture, garden tools. Many smail articles. Sale at 1:30. Ternis cash. Cliff Petllick, auc- tioneer. 39-2 I have received instructions fromn Mr. Cyril Avery, Lot 20, Concession 1, Clarke Township, one concession south and two- miles east of Newcastle, ta sel by public auction on Wednes- day, October 14 at 1:30 p.m.: 20 mlkers and springers, 10 cows due to freshen in November and December! 18 spning calves, Hereford bull, 18 months; two brood sows with 22 pigs at foot. thi-ce bred scws, 10 Leicester brceding ewes, 1949 Chev. one- ton stake truck, farn machin- ci-y inc1lcing a Case 17-tooth tracter cultivator on rubber. Further particulars sec bills. Herd tested for Brucellosis. Ternis cash. Jackc Reid, auc- tioneer. 40-2 IIYGENIC supplies - (Rubber tdt ei gotis) maileti postpaid in plain WctdtoR n Isealed cnvelope with piice Ust. Six sanîples -25c, 24 samlleis TH{RZE-bcenoom house, foci Vil 00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, couple wit our ehildi-en, teen- ov.-Rubbr Co.. Bon $1, Hamn- a e November liot. aton. ont. 15 00 0l Notices After September 30 Dr. E. L. Ewert's office wili be located at 103 King St. E., formeriy Mill- er's Hairdressing. 39-2 I, William G. Ellis, will not be responsible for any debts in- curred by my wife, effective September 14, 1959. 38-3 Wiil the person holding lucky draw ticket No. 47 please cal at Pearson's Smoke Shop for their Timex Watch. 40-1* ATTENTION Service Clubs and Associations! Please clip this ad for future reference Canada'. Largest and Finest Entertainment .Booklnt Agency The J. Ian Reid Agency 125 Dupont Street TORONTO 'WA 3-2166 eurrently taking Fali and WJnter dates for "1KING GANAM AND HIS SONS 0F THE WEST" "1TOMMY COMMON"1 "*TOMMY HUNTER"I Plus many more exclusive Attractions 40-1 * Wanted to Buy RED CLOVER, timothy. Sub- Imit sampie. Stewart's Seeds, 'Bowmanville. 37-tf ALL kinds of live poultry wànted. Highest pnices paid. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phone 7 r 13 collect. 9-tf HIGHEST prices paid for used furniture, apliances, television, sewing machines, etc. Also seli and exchange. 59 King St. W. Phone MA 3-7231. 42-tf HIGHEST prices paid for live poultry, goose feathers, fea ther tikscrap imon, nags, inetals land raw fui-s. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa, collect. 48-tf * For Rent THMEE rooms in Tyrone. Phone CO 3-2645. 40-2 TWO-room heated apartment. Apply 101 Scugog St. 40-i TWO-bedroom apartment, cent- rai location. MA 3-3394. 40-1 LARGE room, gentleman. Board if desired. MArket 3-3186. 205 King East. 40-1* THREE-roomned apartment, cent-' raily iocated. Phone MA 3-3562 after 5 p.m. 40-1il THREE unfurnished rooms, 170 King St. W. Phone MA 3-2167 before 10:.30 arn. 40-1* IN Newcastle, three rooms, heated, apartment, with mutual bath, centràlly located. New- castle 2651. 40-11 AVAILABLE November ist, five-room office, 2nd floor, main Street. S. R. James, 24 King East, Bowmanviile. 40-1 SHOP or office space, approx- imateiy 18' square, newiy dec- orated, near four corners. Apply Mr. Cox, Apartment 5, 23 Ter4p- erance. 40-tf UNFURNISHED .housekeepirig roon,, separate entranice, hot and coid running water, kitchen cupboards with sink. MArket 3-5786. 40-1* ATTRACTIVE 6-room apart- ment and bathroom, wired for stove, convenient to schools. Immediate possession, $50.00 monthiy. Dial CO 3-2377. 40-1 BASEMENT apantment, large living rooni, 2 bedrôoons, mod- ern kitchen, 4-piece bathicom,, TV antenna. Heated. Hot Wat- er; iminaculate. Will suit four aduits. Immediate possession. CO 3-2204. 40-11 STARK VILLE Mrs. Orme Falls spent Satur- day with Mrs. McCulloch, Orn eue. Mi-. anti Mrs. Carl Moore anti famiiy Ca-stleton, were guests lest week with Mr. andi Mrs. Jini Stark. Mr-. anti Mrs. Wilfred Wood, visiteti Mr. anti Mm. Llcw Hal- lowell. Mr. andi Mrs. Chai-lie Yule, Oshawa, visiteti Mn. Wm. Sa- very. The laffles cf Sbilob W.A. anc currently giving thought te theii- turkey supper planneti for Oct. 28 anti will have def- mnite details soon. Miss Betty Savery entertain- cd a number of young people at ber home Fnitay evcning. Mr. Bill Antiree, Oshawa, anti Mr. and Mi-.. Martin, Toi-ente, were recent visitons at Mr. M. Shutka's. Mi-. George Moore, Castîctan, spent a few'tisys recentiy at Mi-. Jini Stark's. Misses Helen andi Amy Car- son, Oshawva, spent the week- endi at honie. Miss Normna Hallowell, New- castle, Misses Cohleen Falls anti Gwen Stark, anti Mr. Maurice Halloweli, Toi-ente, and Mr-. anti Mrs. Bi-ian Casweil anti faniiy at Mi-. Llew Hallowell's during the weekend. Mr. and- Mrs. Morley Robin- son and family attendeti Lindi- say Fair, Saturday. MNiss Lintia Hately. Bownian- ville, spent the weekend witb Miss Marily-n Falls. Mn. and Mrs. Jim Stark anti Ted attendeti Roseneath Fair Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bei-t Trini were rec-ent dinner guebtà with Mn. andi Mrs. Raymonid Trnm, New. SOLINA N1 Commnunion service wll be held riext Sund:ay monning, Octoher 4, at 10:30 o'clock. Mr. Gordon Lcask Is progres- sing satisfactorlly following an operation in Mt. 5mnai Hospital 1in Toronto. His many fniends wl-h hlm a speedy recovery A gx'oup of W.I. ladies were guests cf Newtonville W.I. on Wednesday evening of last week. Several from, Solina attended Lindsay Fair last weekend. Mn. end Mrs. E. R. Taylor were pieasantiy surprised on Fridiay evening, September 25, on thei- 35th wedding anniver- sai-y and Mrs. Tayior's birth- day, when their childi-en and grandchildren honoured them at the home cf their son, Don- ald and f amily. They neceivcd corsages and a gift as weli as a n-icely cecorated cake fi-cm their sons Br-uce, wife Jean and sons Walter, Lawrence and Neil, Donald and wife Joycc and children, William and Val- crie and daughtcr Evelyn and husband Mev. R. Sherwin cf Bçlleville. Congratulations are extended fi-cm their friands for many future anndversaries. Mrs. H. E. Tink visited he,-r siser Mrs. Mabel MeKessock, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Blair and Teiry, Brooklin, were Sunday guests cf Mrn. d'Mrs. Bruce Tink and faniily. Mrs. Lillian Frampton, Win- nipeg, anid Mrs. Chas. Carr- uthers, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langm-aid. Mr-. and Ivrs. Frank West- lakeJr., Phyllis, Joan and Shir- ley visited Mrs. F. R. Cook, Bowmanville. * Mrs. Ivan Ellicott and Mrs. e. Yeilowlees, P'eterborough, visited Mi-. and Mrs. E. Hock- aday and daughters. Mi-. and Mrs. Hilton Tink, Ebenezer, were Sunday tea guests cf Mr. andi Mrs. Harvey Crossman, Tauhton. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snowden and Bruce were Sunday vis- itors with Mr..and Mrs. 1.Hr dy and Stanley. Mi-. and Mrs. George Hami- lin, Oshawa, visited at George Knoxs, on Sunday. Ronnie Baker was successful in roping andi winning a Here- ford caif at Lindsay Fair when there were 14 contestants. Mantha Srnales, Oshawa, Miss Helen Baker, Mrs. Chai-e Stew- art and Gail, MacInally, Tonr- onto; Mr. Ormiston, Ebenezer visited Mr. an-d Mrs. Tom Ba- ker and famlhy and Mr-. J. Baker. Mi-. andi Mis. A. F. Aber- nethy cf Oakwood visited Mi-. and Mis. Don Taylor and chiid- ren. Mi-. and Mrs. Har-y Grooms, Toronto, visited the Werry's at Roselandvale. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yellowlees attended Lindsay Fair and were tea gucats cf Mr. andi Mrs. Roy Grilla at Valenii.I HAMPTON The Orono Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Wenny moveti last week into their new bouse, the fi-at te be complet-, e d in the new sub-division cast cf Church Street South. Mrs. John Armstrong return- cd home by plane on Saturday aftci' spending a montb with her son, Mn. and Mns. George Armistrong and eidren, Tim- mina. Mn. and Mrs. Reg Sutton at- tended the funeral cf ber cou- sin, Mi-s. E. Farrow, Oshawa. on Monday. Mr-. andi Mrs. Ed. Peck, Pitts- burg, Penn., visited Mr. andi Mrs. Chas. E. Miller. Mr. andi Mrs. Wm. Miller rie- turned, home on Monday fi-cm a bus trip ta the West Coast. Miss Louise Cowan, Toi-ento, lu vlsiting ber cousin. Mrs. Howard Linton. Miss Marilyn King, nurse-In- training at East Genenal Hospi- tal, Tcriofto, spent the week- end at hei- home. Mi-. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor attended the funeral cf the late Mi-. Don Vanderhoef in Roch- ester, N.Yý., and werc over, night guests of Mr. and Mrs.I 'Paul Snodgrass. Mr-. andi Mis. Renry Junker, Preston, Mr-. anti Mis. Fred Junker, Ancaster, attendedt1 he inar-iage cf Mi-. Gilbert Hunter cf Lakefield, te Miss Betty Jane Rath, In George Street United Church, Peter-borough, on Saturday arnd visited thei- cousin, Miss Alma Cutteil. Miss Nina Hodgson, Washing- and Raiph, Toi-ente, visited the Salters on Suntiay. Mi-. andi Mns. Walter Hewson anti son Warren, Milliken; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilbur .ancl fam- ily, Miss Maijonce Wilbun, Mis. Gec. Dunlop, Toronto, were aniong Sunday visitors andi cal- ici-s at W. G. Wilburs. Mrs. Richard MeNeil, Hay- don, wes a visiteor witb Mrs. Theron Mcuntjoy on Monday. Soi-iy ta know that Mr. J.i Salteri- lanot as well as usual. His many frfiends trust he may soon be improveti. The Women's Institute me- eting will be held on Monday evening, Oct. 5th, whcn Bow- manville Institute memberns will be oui' guests. Please note change cf date from Oct. 6th. AUl ladies welcome. Mr-. andi Mrs. D. Buebianan cf Kingsey Falls, Que., (nec Mary Clanke a fermer Hampton girl) calleti on her cousin Mrs. WiUl Wilbur anti Mr. Wihbur on Monday on their returni home from visiting their son near Toi-ente. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Uodgson visited Mrs. Glen Rodgson anti Mr. anti Mns. D. C. Hotigsen, Bowmanville on Suday- the occasion cf their great grandson's lst bintbtiay. Congratulations to Mrs. Perey Dewell who was the winner cf the new Connor washing ma- chine at the opening cf the new show room at Patidy's Mai-ket. A inumiber fi-om beeattend- ed Lindsay Fair. Several fi-cm Hampton at- Mrs. James Smales is'1 visit- tenciecithe speciai enui-en ser- ing ber sister Mis. Geo. Daviti- vice at Haydon on Sunday ev- son, ickeing.enîng when Rev. E. S. Lin- soPikeing.ewo hsbensteati cf Port Pari-y, a foi-mer visiting with relatives at Mill- seH ranitnd psrwa get iken the past week or two and spaker ani pi-eseneinaves-y retui-ned borne on Suntiay sg-e. aticalegngms Mn. Andy Query, Sniithei-s, aSmuenwlbcsivd B.C., Mr-. andi Mi-. Chai-les at the moiring cbunch service* Cowie, ýRegina anti Mis. L. C. next Suntiay at 9:30. Sunday Snowtien, Maphe Gi-ove, were Scbool at 10:45. Saturtiay visitons with the Sami _ _______ Dewells.I F/L and Mis. Reg. Kersey, L N 'TTT Ronnie, Ricky anti Robin, Ot- LONGS> J. tawa, were weekend visitons witb bis parents Mr. andi Mrs. Mr. andi Mrs. O. Smitlh, Glor- S. Kersey. Mi-. anti Mrs. Ken ia andi Bob, Dennis Francis, Pooler anti faniuly, Oshawa, 1 Bowmanvilie; Mr-. anti Mrs. were Sunday visitors. Jobnston Kitit, Mr. andi Mrs. Miss Maie Prcscott, Toronto, Ted Kitit, Rotiney anti Meti- spent the weekenti witihlber ody Goodwood, were Sunday parents. guests at the Smith home. Mrs. Mr. Andy Query, Smithers, Smith returning home after a, B.C., Mi-. anti Mis. Chai-les1 week's visit with ber ibrotheri Cowie, Regina; Mr-. John Baker and family. Solina, visiteti with Mi-. anti Mr. anti Mrs. Tom Turner Mrs. J. D. Hogarth. anti family, Toroente, visiteti Miss Lai-a Lee Smaies, Osh- their parents Mn. anti Mis. En- awa, spent a few deys with nest Harper, Saturday. ber grandparents, Mi-. and Mrs. Mi-. Stanley Fletcher, Toi-- James Smaies. ente, spent the weckenti with i-. anti Mns. Jerry Rice, bis parents, Mn. antiMi-s.- Windsor, (bride and groom cf Gordon Fletcher. recent date> sPent a few days Mr-. anti Mn. Evers, Holland; with Mr. anti Mrs.' Lorenzo Mn. and Mrs. Dick Evers, Di- Truil at their cottage at Will- anc anti Richard Jr., Toi-ento, iams Point. Mn. anti Mrs. Perey were Sa6tuiday aftei-noon guests 1 Clark, Oshawa, were guesta cf cf Mi-. Robent Sim anti Mr. andi the Truils at the cottage dur- Mrs. Wni. Sim, Oshawa, were ing the weekenti. Suntiay guests'cf Mr. Sim. Mn. anti Mrs. E. Prescott, Sev'ei-l attentiet Lind S a y Enfielti, at A. W. Prescott's. Pair anti neporteti a gooti time. Mr. anti Mrs. W. Hanrison Glati te report Mn.'James' and daughter. Coîborne, were Sowden is home much imprev- at the home cf ber parents, Mi. cd after his recent operation anti Mns. G. Adcock at the in Oshawa Hospital. weekend. Long Sauit Home anti Sebool Mr. andi Mis. Haroldi Salten Club have their firat meetingî were In Toi-ente at the week- cf the seasc9n on Oct. th witb» ceti owing te the tieath cf Mrs. the J. Johnstoi'i, W. Thiesber- Theophilus Salter. 'ger anti T. Barnett faniriies on Mr. anti Mrs. A. L. Prescott Programme Cemmnittee. I anti Miss Marie Pnescott at- Mn. anti Mns. Bill Johnson, tentieti the Bur-gess-Johnson anti faniuiy were Si4nday visit- wedding anti neception at Whi- ci-s cf Mr. anti Mrs. J. Wotton, tby Unitedi Church on Satur- Burketon. day. Mis. E. Murphy, Tyrone, anti Mis. Lorenzo Truil, Mms. Aus- Mr. A. Murphy, anti Gar-y, j tin Barron anti Mrs. Lewis were Sunday supper guesta eti Trull accenipanieti Mr. andi Mn. anti Mrs. R. Murphy. Mis. Frenklin Trul cf Oshawa Mr. anti Mrs. E. Penwarden te PI)rt Perry on Fiiay even- were Fritiay evening visitons at ing where they attentiet a the D. Davey's anti werc Sun-' sbhower for Miss Maureen Bol-. day visitors at the Loi-ne Hui-' ton. son's, Milbrook. Miss Nina Hotigscu îeft on Mr. anti Mn.. Lock anti farn- Sunday mci-ning on ber return ily, Toi-ente, were Sunday vis- moer trip te Washington D.C. itors at the J. Johnston's. after a week's visit with ber Mr. anti Mis. Jini Pai-kinsoni parents Mn. and Mn.. R. J. Hoti- ant ifamily. Fenella, were Fi-., visitons anti Mr. anti Mi-., r.G . me Glenn Pugsby anti Duane, Oak- a ev. anioMn.. Ge. Emey ville, were Suntiay visitors cf Sunday evening caUlers at F ' 1Miss an tra yGibson sen Payne's anti W. G. Wiiburs. Missevnrngwith Mr. ant Tor nd vsit iAllan Parkcer Menti vnn wt r n Mi-.antiMrs. W. Carr ani Brenda. Toroto, visnton Miss LouiseI Goodmn onSunday. g~r. anti Mns. B. Killens anti He: "*Whei-o's my pencil?" four chiltiren attentiediPeo She: "Behinti your car." fai- on Saturday, He: "Corne, Mmre, I'm a buzy Mn. anti Mn. Hilton, Peters man. Wbich car?" ton, D.C., Mr. Rani-y Hoopen andi son. Mr. Owen Hooper, Salmon Airn, B.C., Miss Fhor- ence Werry, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson, Hampton, Mrs. - Kyle Squai-, Mi-. and Mrs. Dean Hodgson- Bowmanvilhe, Mrs. H. Fostcr, l'ort Hope, visiteti Mr. andi Mrs. D. G. Hooper. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell visited Mi-. and Mrs. Gea. Mit- chell anti childi-en, Oshawa, on Saturiday. Mr-. Jini Linton, Do.i Milis, was dinner guest of Mr. and Mns. Bruce Mereer on Sunday. Mis. E.Dent has returneti home fi-cm visiting ber sister, Mrs. Raymondi Armstrong, Mon- risburg. Mi-. anti Mrs. W. L. King spent Saturday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Windcver, Minden. Mrs. E. Page, Enniskillen, anti Mis. J. E. Richards are attend- ing a Spencer supper meeting in Toi-ente this, evening. Mi-. and Mis. 0. S. Cowan, Mr. and Mrs. Ciiff Cooper spent the weekend with Mi-. anti Mrs. Morley Brooks, Pic-. ton.1 Mi-, and Mrs. Roy Beatty, To- rente, visited bis aunt, Mrs. Howard Walsh on Sunday. M%- anti Mrs. Orville Chat- terton, Carol andi David, Patsy Jones visited Mr,. andi Mrs. Bil: Reid at their cottage, Clea Lake, on Sunday. Mr~. and Mrs. Albert Mitchell and chiltiren, spent tht week- endi at theii- cottage near Pr Legion Adds $386 to Total Carnival Net At the regular meeting cf Branch 178, Canadian Legion, on Thurstiay evening, a favor- able correction was matie. Trea- surer Jack Rice neported Car DMaw Chairman Jack M!11- ci- had received an adtiitional $386 on tickets solti naking a total cf $2,139,88 on the car. The grand total on car anti carnival new bping well ov'3r $3,000. This was welh receiv- cd by menibers present. President Ed. R1undie, assist- cd by lst Vice Frank Burns andI A/Sgt.-At-Arnis Jim Fair, !ni- tiateti Com-atie E. George Top-' ple into branch niembership. Treasurer reported that La- dies' Auxiliary te the Canadiani Legion hati tonateti $50 te- wards Legien picnic expenses helti last June. Mtemberýs voteti donation cf $10 to Polie Coin- foi-ts Club cf Rivertiale Hospi- tal. Entertainment Chairman Jim Fair reported on a well attend- cd monthly dance last Saturday evening andi announeti that a Hallowe'en costume dance would be held for members on Satur- day, October 17th. Secretary Ron Richards ne- porteti on Legion Provincial Convention helti in Kitchener in August. This report was pi-inted in Statesman cf twa weeks ago. Comi-ade Belsey showeti movie film "Fishing Across Canada" sponsoreti by General Motors which was en- joyed by all. News tan. Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. Walter Stapleton (the for- mer Gail Haas) on thei- màr- niage Saturday, Septeniber 26, at Orono United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Staplet.on wili ive in thel- ncw house on Cobb Hill. Mi-. and Mrs. Chas Wood spent Saturday with Mr-. and Mrs. Fred Brooks, Oshawa. Mr. Robt. Morton, Mr-. and Mrs. Chas. Moi-ton and daugai- ters, Bethany, Mrs. E. Evans were supper guests of Mrs. John Morris on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hooper were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hodgson and son Davri, Bowvmanvilie, who was cele.. brating his first birthday. MrL. and Mrs. Austin Turner, Newcastle, Mrs. Wm. Cowan. attended the Hunter-Rath wed- ding in Peterborotigh on Satur- day.1 BGWNANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL REGISTRATIONS for AduIl Education Evening Classes Tuesday, Oci. 61h and Wednesday, Oci. 71h from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The following classes will be heid provided the registration is sufficient - minimum registration for any class is fifteen - Fee $5.00 per class. No refunds at the end of the term. Commercial Subjects Typing, Bookkeeping, Stenography Home Economics Sewing, Foods Industrial Arts---------- Woodworking English Basic, For Beginners Any Academic subject at intermediate or advanced level will be offered, provided the demand is suff icienit. WE NEED USED'CARS Just a Few Lef at BARGAIN PRICES 1956 PLYMOUTH SAVOY V-S SEDAN Power Flite, radio 1956 PLYMOUTH 6-cyl. SEDAN Radio. Like new, black and turquoise 1955 PLYMOUTH 6-cyl. SUBURBAN 2-Dr., radio. New green paint. 1954 FORD SEDAN 1953 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN 1952 OLDS. SEDAN, radio 1950 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, radio. Palmer Motor- Sales 20 E ,5487 IOSHAWA WOOD - PRODUCTS Second only to planning your home, or iocating the lot on which you wish te build . .. your most important step is te visit Oshawa Wood Products. Here yn'u will find courteous, expericnccd builders te hclp you with ail the niany complicaied processes involved in building . . . f ree assistance in planning, choice cf the bcst building matenials and we can show you how this can be accomplished on small monthly payments. OSHAWA WOOD PRODUOTS LTD. 9 Telep>iones To Serve You Downtown Showroom 94 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH-RA 8-1617 BOWMANVILLE-MA 3-2130 Main Office and Showroom COUR ICF-4A 8-1611 AJAX--ZEnith 2-9600 Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH! - FARGO SIMCA DEALERS King St. East Bowmanville MA 3-5. Ir 1 . 1p DOWNTOWN OFFICE OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P.ML THLMSDAT, OCT. lut 1959 PAGE rnmzm r TiM r-fflAD" STATESMAN. BOWMANVEULr4 ONTAM