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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Oct 1959, p. 6

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PAGE SIX -~~~~~~~ TM ECANADUN ISTATESMMI, EOWVTU Vffl.UX OUTARIO TUSA.OT s15 Poultry Men Unhappy Over Deficiency Payments Started in Beef Cattie Poultry producers are unhap- a deficiency payment prograni, py about deficiency payments, and has.. set a quota of 4,000 egg quality, pricing and the dozen Grade A large eggs or marketing o! eggs and poultrY extra large per producer on meats, in that order according which the Board will make any ta the facts brought out in a payments that may came out recent hearing before the Agri- af the new program. This quan- cultural Enquiry Committee. tity af eggs can be produced The Ontlario Poultry Producers by a flock of approximately Association representing egg 450-500 hens. The brief com- and fowl producers in this prov- ments about the deficiency pay- ince, submitted a bnifta the ment programn states that 'the Enquiry Committee. Co-operat- prograrn as announced, in view ing with thc_ Association was of the encouragement it ap- the Poultry Industry Council, pears ta give to the establish- the Ontario Broiler Growers' ment of laying flocks ai less Association and the Ontario than 500 hens and the discour- Turkey Association. agement ai more efficient op- The bni emphasized the erations seenis likely ta do un- Poultry Producers Association' told mischief ta the poultry in- vieWVs on the ferlerai support dustry. For example recent re- programn recently announced at search would indicate that thel Ottawa. The A.grieultural Sta- optimum size of farm floý!k bilization Board is establishing 'i#roni every point ai view is- _______________________likely ta be in the order oi a g 1,500-2,000 bîrds. If quality and I TH FUNACEWTT! A effîciency are worthy goals, THE URNA E WI H A where is the 500-hen flock like- 10-YEAR WARRANTY 11 ly ta lead us?' FAIRBANKS- MORSE GOULD HEATING Phone 4331 Newcastle Budget Ternis Available at only 5% Interest The bnief hints that bank- nuptcy is going ta be the fate aif those large producers whoý have established the efficient flocks, and 'that the pouitry in- dustry, at anc feli biow, is i danger ai being set back 25 years'. Tom Robson, prcsident! ai the Ontario Poultry Produ-i cers Association, summed upl his organizatian's attitude on the felerai program by stating,I "The Gavernment sho uld have studied the pouitry industryý befone it decided on this dcii- ciency payment policy. the e suits ai which could well be ii sastrous." The brie! aiso stressed the' nced for maintenance af quai- ity in cggs- and poultry meats froi the producer ta the con- sumer. Research in pouitry breeding Js essential. according ta the bni, as well as adop.- tion ai grading techniques which will permit suner grad- ing. 'There is a need for re-ex- aminat;on ai t,-e grading sta- tion's place in marketing' says the bni, at the same time sta- ting that this is flot a criticistn ai the stations or their opera- tors. But the new federal pro- grami, which is linked ta gnad- ing stations in the mechanies o! its openation, wilI mean con- sidenable expansion ai facilities. 'Cost already very high, will1 risc substantiaily, perhaps ta appraach idiculous levels.' As a corallarv ta this quaiity prograni, the producers request- R O f A L3OWMANMLLU ROYAL *MA 3-5589 THIS THURS. - SAT.,, OCTOBER 1 - 3 Malinee Saturday, 2 Two complete shows nt 7 and 9:15 NONDAYI WEDNESDAY, OCT. 5 - 7 "Holiday For Loyers" (Color) with CLIFTON WEBB, JANE WYMAN Extra - "Fabulous Las Vegas" color travelogue Complete shows at 7 and 9:10 a-@ à*U**M -aamana on aa a an a u ma*UaUan m a0 ab ed in the hearing that ail buy- ers af poultry meats and eggs for resale purposes should be registered and thein facilities inspected in an effort ta provide nualt LY C55@and mfll'. tafr the, Canada's Motor Vehicles Reach 4/2 Million Mark consumer. Total matar vehicles in use Pricing of eggs came under In Canada soared over the 4%½ fine in the bnief and the follow- million mark in 1958 - ane for ing discussion. The praducers.evr 37 rsn.Te15 pointed out ta the Comnutteeliedition af "Facts and Figures that egg prices throughout On- 1 af the Automotive Industry"' re- tario bear a constant relation- leased recently by the Canadian shpta Toronto pnices. But thelAtmbl hme fCm producers question whether the merce reveals that 3.6 million Toronto market h&ndies a large passenger cars and 1 million enaugh volume in open sale to trucks were registered last year. establish a price based on sup- Another 95,000 buses, motor- piy and demand, or whether the cycles. and miscellaneous types prices pubiished in Toronto are were in operatian. These veh- the resuit of the judgments afi ides travelled an estimated 38.7 a handiul of operators trading billion miles and consumed 3.3 a very smaîî quantity of eggs'. billion gallons of gasoline. The producers askcd for a study The dollar value of new of egg and poultry price deter- vehicles sold in Canada exceed- mination and reporting on the cd $1 billion for the fourth con- Toronto market, and a study ai secutive year. 376,723 new the pricing methads of chain passenger cars' were sold, valued stores. The bni called for study at $1,110,724,000 and the 68,046 into pouitry production and new commercial vehiicles sold credit extension polîcies af pri- were vaiued at $254,742,000. vate companies, a study of 180,369 cars and 24,675 trucks grading stations, fe4sibiiity of, wene scnapped last year, 41% of producer awned processing new units sold. plants ta handie surplus fovl, Other 1958 statistical high- and other reiated problcms. A lights contained in this authori- pnemium grade for- eggs was 1 tative and informative booklet also requested in the discussion are: following presentation of the- Production of cars in Canada brief. was 297,373 and trucks 59,045. The bni was read by Tom There were 5.6 million licens- Robson, president of the pou,- Edries try Producers Association, and Expenditures of new plants, iwas supported by representa- equipment and repain and tives fronq each of the co-p- maintenance amounted to $15.6 ating organizations. The« Enqui- ]million by the manufacturens. ry Committee, which has ne- An additional $197.2 millioni sumed its probe inito the markc-1 wa s spent by the automotive eting of farm products in On~- parts, petroleuni products and tario aften a summer breakb rubber industries. - Motor vehicle purchasers paid gan earig brefs rom he,$134.2 million in fedenal sales various fanm commodity group today. The Committeeohad ne- B sns " ceived submissions irom gn, B sn s urectory eral farm aorganizations in the ---______________ spring. Professor F. W. Jones, un a cy Dean oi the Business Admîmis- c o n a y tration Faculty at the Univer- sity of Western Ontario is chair- RAY J,. DH4LLING man of the Committee. Other Certificd Public Accountant memnbers of the committec arel 93 Church Street George McCague, newly ap-j MArket 3-3861 pointed Chairman ai the Ont. Farm Products Mvarketing I WM. J. B. COGGINS Board, Dr. Frank Palmer, for- Chartered Accountant mer Supenintendent ai the Second Floor Vineiand Hoticultural Station,. New Libnary Building Gardon Greer, president ai the Cor. King and Temperance Sts. Ontario Federation of Agnicu- PoeMA1t331 ture and member of the Minelkkt -31 Industry Board, and Gaordoni YALE, FRIEDLANDER, Hill, u)resident ai the Ontario HUNTER & CO. Farmers' Union.1 Accountants and Auditors Brownies & Guides Report By Donna MeLaughlin, Patrol Leader BLACKSTOCK-Friday, Sep- tember 25th, the Girl Guides; and Brownies hcid their firsti mother and daughter banquet in the Rec-reatian Centre. Aiter Commissioner Hamil- ton welcomed ail, the National Anthem was sung and Mrs. Romeril led in prayer. Naw ail sat down ta a deliciaus supper o! turkey with ail the trimmings catcred ta by the Mothens' Aux- iliary and veny capabiy served by the Fathers' Auxiiiary. Mrs. Gilbert Manlow, chair- lady, asked Mrs. John Mappini ta toast the Girl Guide maya- ment after which Tawny Ovl, Ballingal responded. Elaine Mauntjoyr then proposed a toast ta the mothers andMn.Dg Mackie responded. I 'Licensed Trustýee 'n ankrupýtcy 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa, Ontario B. L. Yale, C.A. F. Friediander, B. Com., C.P.A. MONTEITH - MONTEIT!! RIEHL & CO. Chartered Accountants 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa RA 5-3527 Bowmanville - Cail ZEnith 45750 Partners Hon. J. W. Monteith, F. C. A. A. B. Monteith, B. Coni., C.A. G. W. Riehl, C. A., R.LI. A (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A.- R. F. Lîghtfoot, C.A. C h ir op r ac i c G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Ofc: Chiropractor 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointment D e n a Mns. Ernest Swain thanked DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. all the wankers who had made Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. this night a success. 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Office Hours: While the tables werc bcing 9 a.m. ta S8 p.m. daily cieared the Guides and Brown- lICiosed Saturday and Sunday ies sang some af their camp1 Office Phone - MA 3-5790 songs. Snowy Owl Baileycy on- House Phone - Newcastle 3551 ducted twa gaies which werc very much enjayed. DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Many Guides and Brownies, Office in his home rcceived service,~stars. Secre- 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanviile tany Mrs. Howard Farder pre- Office Hours: scnted finst year stars ta Guides 9 a.m. ta 6 part. daily Patricia Adamis, Janice Bycrs, Phone MA 3-5604 Margaret Carnaghan, Lynda Closed Wcdnesdays and Sufldays Kyte. Brenda Malcolmi, Glenna IC.FCAT ND.S MacLeod, Cheryl Mctcali, Mary 1R .F ATADDS Passant, Nancy Staniland and. Office Joan Suggitt. 23 '&-ing St. E. - Bowznanville Office Haurs: Second year service stars ta 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daiiy Carol Rai, Margaret Argue, 1 Clased saturday and Sunday Carol Blythe, Mary Bradburn,' Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 Marion Bradburn, Joan Brad-I kIUII A - 1iI i l-.IUUI n--UIIU.LMI-Wq1 Laughlin, Verna Harris, Sylvia t Specals omePerm nent 1Laurence, Laurel Mackie, El- aine Mouintjoy, Bannie Mount- jay and Alice Taylor. 98e Lustre Creme - 79e Crest 98e Mrs. Harold Kyte, treasurer, 1.29 Ipana Paste -__ 99c Tonette for Children $1.75 presentcd service stars ta the Bownies. Finst year, Marilyn V.!' Halo Shampoo - 1.29 Toni $2.00 Adamis, Sharon Archer, Doris Ashton, Gail Bonnetta, Lynda 1.29 Coigate Paste - 99e Ail New Quick _ $2.50 Butt, Donna Edgerton, Virginia Meekie, Bannie MacLead, Judy Mountiay and Betty Bradburn. Vacuum Geritol - Vitaniins and Arrid 'Second ycar, Manion Argue, Mineals1.3, 3.9, .49Nancy Dormell, Sharon Lanmer, Botties Mnri .5 .9 .9 Rail-on Joanne MacLeod, Judy Swain, 7eElizabeth Thaîpson, Sheila 7e One-A-Day Multiple 89e Toîchishin. Joan Watten and Vitamins 1.49, 2.75, 4.49.,8.75 Lamna Wright. Third yean, Pa- tricia Wotten, Denise Malcol:n, Lunch Mennen Shirley McCay, Nadia Schwartz, Kis Wampoles Extraet 1.50, 2.75 Spa and Manlene Tomchishin. 1.9 Aiphamettes 1.00, 1.85, 3.50 -12 The Guide Leaders also re- 1.975e -12 ceived badges, which were pre- Wampoie's sented by Badge Secmetany Mrs. Raid Vi-Cal-Fer - 1.95, 4.95 5-a Dalton Doreli. Sixth year ser- Raid -Dayvice stars wcre pesented ta * Tawny Owi Bailingai and Spray Scott's Emulsion 1.00, 2.00 Roll-on Lieutenant Marlow. Brown Owi Turner received hiem second 1.69 Phosphoiecithin -___ 1.75 89e class badge. Second year ser- ---- vice stars were given ta Cap- tain Thompson, Lieutenant Vlcks Cough Syrup - 69e Noxzenia Marlow and Tawny Owl Anm- Creamn - 33c, 99c, 1.25 strong. Brown Omri Turner is Vlcks Rub __ 64c, 1.09 ta rec-eive hien third yean service Vics Nse rop - 4e Nivea Creme 43e, 69c, 1.33 star. Vlcs Nse rap - 4e Hlnds Cream - 2 for 99e It was a picasure ta have at- 44~ tending, thc new Division Camp Vicks "Formula -VO 1.19 Jergens Lotion - 65c, 1.19 Advisor, Mns. Ewart Leask afi Sauina. Slides ai Bnownie and Vicks Caugh Draps 15e s Woodbury Lotion __ 69o Guide Camp lufe were showni by Lieutenants Gunten andf Hot Water Botiles - Guaranteed MFive very lucky Bmownics,« 1.29 - 199 2.4 - .98Patsy Wotten, Shirley McCoy, 1.29 - 199 2.4 - .98Mariene Tomchishin and Nadla Schwartz flew up and Denise Maclwho waiked up, were placed in their Guide Patrols. CO W LING'Sther Fairv Ring, followed bvf PHONE rmm WE FIT teGilGieintirhsé MA 3-56953 LJKUG T RETUSE shoe formation. This brought ai STORETRUSES nost successiul and enjoyablu lgans @@aman mUUUhniumanuLqu iUEUEIIEIE evening tg a close. L eg a STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers. Solicitors Notîa-ries Pblc1 W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. r Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-57Wl LAWRENCE C. MASON. B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanviile Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA 1. HODGINE' Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Temperance St. - Bowmanville ERICHARD LOVEKIN U.E., B.A., LL.B. Box 9, Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 Consultation by appointnient only. W. KAY LYCETT, 11A7 Barrister and Solicitor In the offices of I. R. Waddell, Q.C. Main Street, Oronu, Ontario Friday, 7 p.m. ta 10 p.m. Saturday. 9 a.m. to 5 pa. M ortg-ag e s SABlE HAMIILTON - ORO] Phone 1 r 16 Flrst Mortgage Funds Residences - .Farms Business Properties__ KEIIT! A. BILLETT, O.D. .Optometrist 141 King- St. E. - Bowmanvifle Office Hours: By appointment Telephone MArket 3-3252 Monday to Saturday 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Wednesdays: 9 ta 12 Thursday evenings and excise taxes. Tatal payrolls of Canadian automobile manufacturers was $129,718,693. Provincial governments cal- lected $350.6 million in gasoline tax revenues and $139.1 million in registration fees. Imports of mator vehicles totalled 113,377 including 104,195 cars and 9,182 trucks. Exporta were 13,409 cars and 3,025 trucks. Aiso available from the C.A. C.C. is a booklet giving 1959 pro- vincial licence fees as weil as safety requirementa and size and weight regulations for com- mercial vehicles. NE WTON VILLE Congratulations ta aur local bail teani, the Newtonville Ray- ais, who on Tuesday last won the championship ai the South Durham Rural League, when they deieated Newcastle 5-3 at Newtonville. This makes It three times in four years for the Rayais, We]- come having won the tnaphy last year. Mns. Victor Wagg ai Mark- ham is spending a few days with Mn. and Mrs. Sîd Bnown. Mn. and Mrs. Don Vik' spent Sunday with Mrs. John Vinkie ai Belleville. Mn. and Mrs. Laurence Gil-1 mer ai Ridgeway visited Mn.1 and Mns. Frank Gilmer aven the weekend. Mrs. Ralph Boughen has i-- proved the appearance ai heri home with a freshi coat ai paint. Mr. and Mrs. Munray porter and daughters Sandra and Don- na spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Fice ai Napance. Mrs. Wallace Boughen and hem sisten, Miss Ruth Gardon,, took advantage' ai the Bunley bus trip ta Santa Land and Huntsvile von Sunday. Mn. Robent MacMurchy af H1illsberg and Miss Canai Reic- rath ai Pont Hope, spent the! we ekend wîth Carol's grand- parents, Mn. and Mrs. Andrew Rcichrath. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kendell ai Toronto, spent the past wceki with Mns. Ralph Boughen. Mr. and Mns. Keith Stephen- son and daughtcrs, Debbie andj Jili ai C'iankson, spent the weekend wîth Mns. Gea. Owens. Mn. and Mms. Thais. Curry and daughter Dawn and Miss Canol MacMillan ai L'Amable and Mrs. Florence McGee af Torcon- ta, weme Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mns. Raymond Bruce.. ENFIELD (Intended for last weck) W.A. met in the schaalhausc ion an evenin.g meeting with a gabd attendance. Mrs. Gadirey Bowman conducted the devo- tionai. Mrs. Russell Gilbert ai Bawmanviile gave an intercst-. ing accaunt ai a recent tnip ta the West Coast. She ciosed hem taik on a thaughttui note b reminding the ladies that wvhile we cansider a rand map an es- sentiai for a journcy, that aur Bibles are mare necessary as a, guide on the iaunney o! lufe. 1 Mrs. Fred Griffin and Miss Lau- ra Fielder entcrtained» with piano duets. The north gnou p served lunch. Congratulations ta Miss Eve- lyn Pascac who won the prize for the highest standing inOb-1 stetnical Nursing w hen she graduatcd from P eterborough Civie Hospital neccntly.. Mn. and Mrs. W. Pascoe and Miss Mary Helen Bowman attended the graduation exercises. Mn. and Mms. Fred Samis and children were at Mn. Percy Pc- ters' Toronto. Mr. Nelson Rabbins, Miss Thelma Rabbins, Mr. Frank Cowiing, Hampton; Mn. Doug Courtice, Courtice, Mn. and Mrs. Harry McKeawn and famiiy, Whitby, wcre with the L. Coch- ranes. Mn. and Mns. Haniman, En- terprise, visited at E. Lees. Mrs. R. Griffin visited with Mn. and Mns. Phil Conlin, Sun- day. Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Prescatt attended the Burgess-Johnson wedding in Whitby Unitel Church, Saturday. Mn. and Miss Cliii Peters, Caesarea, visited at F. Gifiin's. Sympathy a! the camunt is extended ta Mrs. EdarI the sudden death ai her brother,I Mn. Elmer Gibson of Green- bank. Nesileton' Stationj Mr. and Mrs. El! Mairs are home after a two-week visit with theirfamilies in Bawman- ville, Erindale, Brampton, Bal- lantrae, Mount Albert, Good- wood and Uxbridge.t Mr. and Mrs. Tom Elliot (nee Elsie Gray) of Malton stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thompson and Mr. Gray of Southamipton at Nesbitts' dur- ing Lindsay Fair, where thtcy had their new cupboards on dis- play. Doug Davison returned to, Waterloo College for another year. 1The Normian, Ivan and Oliv~er! Rohrer families joined with the rest of the Rohrer familles from Western Ontarioala Oakville ta enjay a happy reunion over the weekend. Mrs. Gardon MeLean of LTx- bridge is visiting Miss Rose Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Langfeld are visiting frlends in Wood- stock. Mr. Sim Sandersn s in Port Perry Comniunity Hospital where friends trust he is feel-. ing better. Mr. Jas. McLeod returned from baspital in Port Perry last week, as did also Terry Prosser, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Prosser. Friends trust Mrs. Milton Fisher will soon be home aiso. Jourteen ladies from Honey- i dais Women's Institute jalned with the Nestieton branch ta enjoy a Short Course "Some-1 thing ta Wear" last Wednesday afternoon. The course held in the Presbyteriani Church was led by Miss Hill, a newly ap- pointed instructress in the De- partmnent of Agriculture. Miss Kidd was also in attendance and from these two able speak- ers the ladies learned much of materials, colours and their complimentar colours, and heipful inform ation an how ta be well dressed. A happy social hour and dainty lunch was en- jayed by ail in attendance.J Anniversany Services were held in the Presbyterian church on Sunday, Sept. 27th. Rev. Gerald Graham of Milibrook and Centrevi]le charge, and In- ten-Moderator ai Presbytery, was the guest minister. Mr. Herron was in attendance hav- ing supplied an the Millbrook circuit durîng the day and as- sisted the choir with a solo at the evening service. Mr. and Mrs. Nanman Invine, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. Mr. and Mrs. Albent Greig and Bill ai Toronto, were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip visited Mr. and Mns. Frank Mal- colm, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rod- man, Little BrItain, and Miss Gwen Wilson, Toronto, wene Anniversary guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson. 1WHAT OumES SAYt TICKETS FOR YOUNGSTERSr Brandon Sun.t Going ta work the other dayi we saw two youngster on bi-1 cycles just outside the Earl Ox-c ford School chasing each other( in circles on the highway. Thevr evidently enjoyed the gamet greatly, but even more, it seems. they enjayed the traffic jani they caused. This is not ta suggest that suchi or similar scenes occur ev ýday. But the fact remains thac many of the young bicy clrd. constitute a traffic haz- Local authorities mav be in- terested in a practice introduc- ed two years ago in the City of Oak Park, MiUchigan. Each chlld of reasonable age found jay- wallking, or riding a bicycle in a careless manner is issued a NONET LGRTGAGES RALPE S. JONES Barrister and Solicitor 65 Sinacoe St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 SUGAR SAVE lOc Red & White Homoginized PEANUT BUTTER' Fresh Pork Sale Loin Pork Roasts Rib End lb. 37,c Tenderloin End1 lb.47cl Swift's Prcmiunt Smoked - % Ml. sealed pkg. BACIK BACON - 55C Oriole Brand, Flavorful - piece or sliced BOLOGNA --Lb. 20c Swift's Prcmium Sliced - 6 oz. cello pack COOKED HAN 39c Swift's Prcmium Delicious - Sliccd or picce HEADCHEESE Lb35c -- Mitchell's - Fancy - 15 oz. tin APPLE SAUCE - 2 For 29c York - Choice, - 20 oz. tin PECACHES - - 2For 43c Blue Bonnet - 2c off pack Yellow Quik Bag - 1 lb. pkg. MARGARINE 2'or 61C Jet Spray - 14 oz.1 BON AMI bomb - 5c tISLARS5.!«LUI RED&WHUTE lI$8&107 violation ticket and instructed to show it to his parents who must sign it ta indicate thev are aware of the violation. Th e ticket is then returned ta the Department of Public Safety. The pragram has resulted in a considerable reduction of acci- dents involving children and many parents have conunended the idea. L I1SERVICE co] I M.3388 DWMANYULE Ff~\1 tV1 * Loi UYHI Extra Special! Pure Cane 5-1b. bag With $5.00 Order jar 16-oz. Ogilvie - English Pound Cake Cocoanut Delight C AKE RIXES 3Fe.'79c a m 73c m m 69C L'b. una 59C 2 Lb. lin 29c Libby's Tropical - 48 o&. tin FRUIT PUNCH 2 For 65C FEATURE Clean Sweep - 4-string ]BROOKS ---Ea.79c FEATURE Velvet Tip - 4-string BROOKS m a $.2 FEATURE Aunt Mary's - 24 oz. loaf -SLICED BREAD 18c First of the senason Florida - Seedless - Good size GRA PEFR UIT d4for 25c Ea. 39c Dirds Eye Frozen Foods Ocean Perch Fillets, 12 oz. pkg. -314' French Fries, 9 oz. pkg. - 3 for 49e A I ~. g. GRANULATED I d Rose - 60 bags TEA BAGS Extra - 12e off pack with English Chinaware - Giant pkg. DETERGENT FIY'lS CO0cO0A Crown Brand CORN SYRUP Ontario 10-1b. mesh bag No.1 ONIONS - I . 1 THERE'S A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVILLE - Wm. H. Tate MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove Groceteria KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET E ~KING ST. - EAST 0F TOW14 UNE ORONO - Cornish Marketeria 1 BLACKSTOCK Blyth'fs Market h Ký 1 ýNO 1 PAGE SIX -»e-- --ý THURSDAT, OCT. let IM

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